Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P22 227C Tafsir Saba 38-42
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The speaker discusses the importance of building successful relationships with people with wealth and children, and the need to grow one's values and values to build successful relationships. They emphasize the importance of deeds in shaping one's life and the need for people to focus on their deeds. The speaker also discusses the benefits of giving, including helping others, and the importance of avoiding harm. They provide examples of successful giving, including helping a woman get a meal, and emphasize the need for people to not deny their actions.
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Are the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim
Surah Saba is a murky surah. And who were the people who were primarily being addressed in the Surah. It was the deniers it was those who rejected the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and they didn't just reject Him, they were opposing him. And for that opposition, they were bringing up different excuses, different justifications, different reasons. So as we see in these verses, all of their false excuses or their false accusations, they are being refuted. So one of the things that they claimed, as we can see an eye on number 35, the mushy keen, they said, national Axolotl and wialon were hola that we are more than the believers in terms of wealth and children, meaning we
have more money, and we have more children, meaning we are in the worldly sense much better off than the Prophet salallahu Salam than the believers. So we must be doing something right, and they must be doing something wrong. And we see that this understanding this false understanding is something that's very common, that many times a person thinks that if he is healthy, if he's got money, if he's got worldly success, then he must be doing the right thing. And it's amazing how if something goes wrong, something goes against our wishes. Like, for example, we fall ill we hurt ourselves, instantly. What is it that we think Allah must be very angry with me? Right? Or that this is a
punishment for the wrongs that I've done? Now? Yes, sins do have consequences. But remember that every bad thing that happens, all right, we should not think negatively about Allah subhanho wa taala, we should we should check ourselves because Allah does say in the Quran, that whatever you suffer, it's because of what your own hands have put forth. Right? This is minor punishment, so that we wake up, but we should never think wrong about Allah subhanaw taala that he hates me, or that he doesn't like me, we should check ourselves. Right? So we see that this false understanding is very common in people that if somebody's doing good in the worldly sense, they must be doing something
right. Allah must be very happy with them. And this is what the machine said about themselves also, that we are better off in terms of wealth in terms of families, we must be doing something right and these Muslims, they are wrong. So they're misunderstanding their misconception is clarified over here, that it is not because you are doing right, which is why you have wealth and children. It's because this is a loss distribution as clarified in IO 36 that in not be absolute of risk. Lima yesha were coded that Allah extends provision for whomever he wills and he restricts it, he gives it more to some and less to others. And sometimes, at a certain time, Allah subhanaw taala will give a
person a lot of money, and later on, he will restrict it, he will limit it. Right. It fluctuates. This fluctuates just like our health. It also fluctuates and what's the reason he may Usha it's Allah's will write, it's up to him, it's his decision this life is a test what I can act on Nursey lay on the moon but most people do not know. And then it is clarified that we're not unwelcome. We're not allowed to come it is neither your wealth nor is it your children bility at all which to caribou comer Indiana Zilpha that draws you closer to us meaning closer to Allah in rank. It's not your wealth. It's not your children because of what you draw closer to Allah. What is it that brings
you closer to Allah INLA min Armineh AMILO sila Han it's a man it's the one who believes and does righteous deeds. So in other words, what draws us closer to Allah is faith and righteous action
or the wealth and children of only this person can draw him closer to Allah because then wealth and children become a means of drawing even closer to Allah for Allah eCola home Jessa Auberry fie Bhima Emilio such people they shall have double reward why because of what they have done while home Phil hobo fatty I mean on and they will be in the upper chambers meeting in high lofty residences in paradise living in peace and security without any fear. Now, what is this is showing us that if we want to draw close to Allah, then we don't need to start accumulating money.
You understand? What is it that we have to accumulate the strength of Eman right we have to grow our iman and we have to grow our righteous deeds. That is what we need to work on.
If you think about it, when we look at the lives of the prophets, for example, or even the Sahaba we know that there are people who were given this honor off little the Allahu anhu, modeled on the Companions, isn't it? And the prophets are name was salam, right? They've been given this high honor this high status by Allah subhanaw taala, that Allah is pleased with them, they are pleased with Allah. Right. But if you think about it, when we look at the lives of the companions, do we see that they were very well off extremely wealthy? Or that they had happy family lives? Not necessarily. Look at eyeshadow below on her? Did she have children of her own?
Did she know? But why is it then that if we come across somebody who doesn't have children of their own, we think that oh, she must have done something really wrong. It's as if she's being punished. We might not say it. But we think like that maybe a thought like that might come in our minds. Or, for example, if a person is having a difficult family life, maybe with their spouse, maybe with their parents, or maybe we find ourselves in a situation like that. We think that Allah is very far from that person, or that person is removed very far away from Allah, they are deprived of God's mercy. What does this ayah show us? That having money and children doesn't mean you're close to God?
Having worldly gifts, doesn't mean you are very close to Allah subhanaw taala that you are very righteous. Worldly success is not a symbol of righteousness. Right? What is a symbol of righteousness? What is a sign of righteousness? Amen. And almost Solea look at the CareOne salon for the longest time he did not have a child, isn't it? That his head was a white, right? And his voice was so weak that he made neither and huffy. Yeah, he did not have a child. So just because he did not have a child, does that mean that he was a bad person? Not at all. He was a prophet of Allah, Ibrahim and his son, he did not have children until he was very old. The Prophet salallahu, alayhi
wasallam all of his sons died in his life, isn't it when they were little, all of his sons died. So this is a misconception that many have that. If I am receiving worldly gifts in this life, Allah must be very happy with me. And if I'm not getting the worldly success that I want, Allah must be very angry with me. No, we need to stop looking at our physical appearance, and stop looking at the money that we're collecting. We need to start looking seriously at our deeds at the state of our fates, because that is what matters. Because no matter how much we collect, and we accumulate in this life, remember, it's worth near Allah subhanaw taala is lesser than what even the wing of a
mosquito is, and it's
a dead mosquito. Does it have any worse near you know, what about its wink? Does it have any worth near you know? So this is the reality of this life, no matter how much we accumulate, it's going to stay behind. What we're going to take with us is Eman and righteous deeds. And a person who leaves this world with iman and righteous deeds, then that person will find a man in the rural fat of Jannah then that person will find peace and security in the lofty residences of paradise. When Lavina and those people who yes owner they strive fie i attina in our verses in fee as an against their striving against our verses we learned earlier in the Surah about how some people their goal
is to lead people astray from the Way of Allah subhanaw taala as we can see earlier in is number 31 onwards. All right, that how there are people whose goal is to mislead others Alladhina Stuk, baru Alladhina Stollery Fu, right, macro lane, one Maha in the night and the day they're just plotting and planning in order to mislead people from the way of Allah and how is it that they do this? In number 34 Also, it is mentioned Well, not all of a sudden if you've created Midna didn't in the column with Rafa intervenor are still to be careful, they openly deny, right? And then they come up with such arguments that oh, we are better off in terms of wealth and children, we must be doing
something right you must be wrong. So all of this is basically striving effort. You know, they're putting in effort in order to refute the message of the Prophet and in order to mislead people from the right path. So such people who are striving to mislead people from the right path, more IG zine more RGZ ones who are causing failure, meaning ones who are trying to cause failure. Well, IG Zenas from ing ze and Rogers is one who's striving to make the other Arges
One who's trying to defeat another one who's trying to overcome another. So their goal they're striving in order to overcome in order to cause failure to Allah's idea, what kind of failure to Allah's ayat refuting them alright? Hola Iike Allah says such people fill either be in the punishment they shall be more humble rune, ones who are brought, meaning they will be brought to the punishment brought in order to remain the word maroon is a poor loaf. More about from the root letters, how Barbra hubba hubba is to be present. And a bar is to bring someone to go fetch them bring them you bring them why, so that they attend the gathering, or they're present at that
particular place. So this is a bar to go fact someone ring them in order to present them somewhere. Right. And my daughter is one who has been fetched one who has been brought, so hola EcoFin either be more Varun, they will be brought to the punishment always presented, never to be absent from it. So those people who neither believed themselves nor do they let others believe what's going to happen to them? This will be their fate. Hola. EcoFin either be more Barun in total InfoBar I have 14 to 16 Allah subhanaw taala says we're in alpha Jarrah. Luffy Jehane Yes, Loana her Yoma Dean, wha hoo manha Bihar a bean, they will never ever be absent from the punishment. All say further
clarification over here in Nairobi, indeed, my lord. Yep. So to risk a he extends provision, meaning he makes it abundant for who? Lima Yasha Oh, for whomever he wills, Min everybody from among His servants. It's his decision, he decides to make it abundant for some of his servants, way up with the ruler. And he restricts it for him, meaning it's his decision. He also gives provision in very limited quantity to some other servants. So basically, the division of provision is entirely in the hands of who, in the hands of Allah. So the one who has been given a lot should never become arrogant. And the one who has been given less, should also not feel depressed, or should not be less
of himself.
You understand? Because we give a lot of importance to money and worldly status. All right, we think somebody has worth if they have money, forget about somebody else. Isn't that how we view ourselves also, that if we have money in our pocket, we're feeling so confident. Right? And if we don't have money, let's say one day, you forget your lunch money, and you're at school and everybody's buying pizza, and you're the only one who doesn't have money for pizza, you don't know what to do, you're trying to hide? Why is it that we feel so bad for ourselves? Why? Because we think we will only have worth if we have money.
Right? I mean, it's one thing if you're feeling hungry at that time, and you're feeling shy to ask somebody else and you have no lunch, that's a different story. But if we're feeling less of ourselves, just because we have less money, this is not right. Our worth is not determined by the dunya that we have. Because no matter how much we try to get more money, we can only get as much as Allah subhanaw taala will allow. So never feel overconfident or under confident. Because you have more money or less money, never.
This is Allah's decision. And then Juana and factum, and whatever you spend minchie In of anything, for Who are you holy, for who, for whoever, then he, you leave for who he compensates it. The word usually for is very interesting. It's from Han amfa Right and if left is to send after to bring behind, meaning, one thing goes and another comes in its place at the money center was called Khalifa. Right? Because this is what human beings are on this planet Califa how that one generation after another in succession, one will go, the other will come. So for her you leave for who what does it mean? You spend something, it goes away from you. Your hands are empty right now. But don't
worry, Allah will fill it with something else. Right? When something goes, another will come and take its place. isn't at all. I mean, if you think about it, even if you have no money in your hand, for example, you've still got air
You get it? I mean, there is no vacuum there is nothing such as nothing. Because even if there's no thing, there's still something. And what is that something? Even if it's air, and if that air is not there, what's going to happen to a balloon, for example, it's gonna happen.
What's gonna happen? It's gonna shrink, it's gonna pop, isn't it? So if you think about it, Allah subhanaw taala has created this world in such an amazing way that if one thing goes another will definitely take its place. If you look at forests, you know, islands, any any place in this world, one creature or one species goes away? And what takes over? What takes over another, isn't it? It's amazing how if there was a shipwreck, maybe let's say 100 years ago, and now you go look at that ship. In the depths of the water, what will you find that it's basically covered in coral or sea life basically, isn't it? So we think that if something has gone from our hands now we've got
nothing left. No, it's not that your hands are empty now. Allah will put something else over there. He will give you something else in its place for Who are you who live whoo hoo. Yes.
Subhanallah right. One person leaves the world. One person dies and what happens? What happens another is born there was this quote I heard by a scholar I can't remember who it was. But he was saying how terrible our friends are the detriment the dinner, they only bring you benefit once they leave you. So you're only gaining something out of your money once you have to give it away? Yes.
That you have to part with it in order to get something else in its place. So we're gonna unfactored minchie in follow up for who? What, who and he is meaning ALLAH is Hyrule Rosicky in the best of the providers Allah's Athena is a plural off. But Isaac, who is the one who provides one who gives, right? So there are many who give in the sense that our parents, right, your parents give you maybe your friends give you maybe your grandparents give you right your aunts and uncles they give you lucky you if you have so many relatives, especially under either day, right? You get the risk from different people, isn't it? Allah subhanaw taala says that he is the best of the providers, meaning
of all those who can give? Allah is the One who is the best of them all? How? How is he the best of all those who can give?
Because he never leaves you empty handed.
He never leaves you without risk.
If you think about it, every moment of our lives, whether we are sleeping or we're awake, we are constantly consuming. We're constantly taking in,
isn't it? We're taking in what air for instance, our skin is taking in vitamin D. Right? There's so much of this that our body is absorbing information. Knowledge is also risk, isn't it? We're constantly consuming, consuming, taking taking, and who is the one who's constantly giving Allah subhanaw taala. Have you heard stories of maybe men who have their families, but they don't give the wife or the children even a single dollar? Maybe we've all heard of such stories, right? That the family doesn't know where the money comes from where it goes, he just takes his money and he uses it himself. It happens. People do that, even though they know it's their responsibility to provide for
their families, but they don't they refuse. They will go spend it on something else, but they will not spend on their families. Does that make them a good provider? Not at all. And sometimes what happens that for instance, parents they want to give but what can they give if they don't have? Right? They say that we would love to support you but we just don't have we don't have it. Allah subhanaw taala is the best of providers because He's the richest. He is the most generous and he is constantly giving constantly. Like in Hadith we learned that he had Billahi mil at that Allah's hands are full look at how much he has spent from the beginning of this creation. If you think about
it in your life, I mean personally you yourself how much money do you think you have spent since you were born? From your own hand? Maybe even as a child you bought something you purchase something? Right? How much have we spent, even though we might not be those who earn but we're constantly spending. We're constantly using taking it and who's giving us who's providing us Allah who will highroad was the pain so
In this ayah What is being said that Allah gives provision, this is his decision to some he gives more to others he gives less. And this is something that fluctuates based on Allah's wisdom, but one thing you can know and you can be sure about is that if you give anything, Allah will replace it, he will compensate it. Now this spending, what is it referring to any spending? Whether it is for worldly reasons, or of course for the sake of Allah subhanahu Atharva This is why the Prophet sallallahu sallam said that man nacoss had sada cartoon madman, charity does not in any way, decrease money. giving charity does not decrease wealth at all. I mean, apparently, it seems as if
money is being reduced, right, it's diminishing, you're running out of it.
But giving charity the Prophet sallallahu sallam said it doesn't reduce wealth. Why? Because Allah says, We're not unfactored Min che in for Who are you Fluffle you give it Allah who will give you more. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam also told us that Allah subhanaw taala says that all son of Adam spend and I will spend on you give so that you can be given, give meaning pass on what you have. So that you can take more? Because if you think about it, we have a limited capacity, isn't it? Like for example, your bag? Does it have a limited capacity?
It does your hands? Do they have a limited capacity? They do. Right? Your house? Does it have a limited capacity? It does. So if you want to bring new furniture in, can you fit the old and the new everything in one place? I mean, you could try but then it's more like a storage place and not really a house not really a living room. Right? In order to get more, what do you have to do?
What do you have to do?
Let go of what you already have. Because if you don't let go of it, you don't have space to take more.
But the thing is, we are very greedy.
We are very greedy. We don't want to let go of what we have. And we want to have more of what we don't have. Which is why sometimes we will have clothes that are never worn but they're still hanging in the closet. You know, recently I saw somewhere that at the beginning of the new year, hang all of your clothes in the closet backwards. All right backwards. And then whatever you wear, when you hang it back, hang it you know with the hanger straight, alright, by the end of the year, you will know what is it that you did not wear at all if you didn't wear it for the whole year. That means you don't need it. So give it away.
You understand? And really think about it how many things we have that we don't even use well we don't fight with them. And Allah says you give it then you'll get more
give it make space and then you will get more. So this is why we need to keep giving in order to keep receiving. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said to Bilello the loved one who unfuck billon or Bilal spend, spend, and do not fear poverty from the Owner of the Throne.
If you're spending for Allah, Who is Allah, the owner of the great throne, he's the king, the king of all right? He's the owner of all so if you're giving something for his sake, why if you're in poverty,
he won't let you be poor. And it's amazing the Prophet sallallahu sallam was giving this advice to who the letter of the law and who and who was Beloved of the Lord who someone who inherited a lot of property from his father,
who was he?
He was a slave. Right, he was someone who had been set free by Abu Bakr at the lower end, who could at the lower end, who bought him and set him free. So even beyond what the low until the Prophet sallallahu Sallam told him spend, In another Hadith we learn the Prophet sallallahu sallam said to a smart little dilemma on how to spend and do not calculate, meaning do not keep counting what you have, or otherwise Allah who will also calculate in your case, meaning he will also give you in limited quantities, even ambassador to low iron, who he explained this part of the idea that anything you spend will be replaced by him and he's the best of providers. He said that he gives
without extravagance or stinginess,
meaning he's the best of providers because he gives you exactly what you need. He gives you exactly what you need. Has this ever happened with you? That you get exactly what you need? Not more, not less.
Any experience?
I was really sleepy one morning and I needed to grab a coffee before going to school. It's like coffee before school. Yeah.
I don't really check my bank card and stuff. So I asked for a small coffee. And I wasn't sure how much there was on my cart, but I knew there was like, around $1 Maybe. And then along the line, it turned out that I had enough for a coffee.
It's amazing, especially when you're buying coffee or something like that, and you realize you've got just enough. Hey, go ahead. So I've noticed myself, whenever I count my money, I always happen to somehow run out of it. But when I don't count, I don't know how much I have. So I don't spend on stuff. And I happen to have a lot more than I expected.
For commute, I have to use the PRESTO Card a lot. And the worst part about that is I never check how much money I actually have left in it. So there's a lot of times where I get stranded on the bus stop because there's not enough money on my card. But I'm the like I found so many times where I'm like, I keep thinking to myself, Okay, I have to fill it up this weekend, I have to fill it up. And like it's the last Friday before the weekend. And I'm worried that okay, I won't have enough money, but it turns out to be just enough or like just enough that I can get home to be able to fill it up for the rest of the week.
And definitely what's being encouraged over here is that spending on others is something that will bring us more risk from Allah subhanaw taala and he is the best two providers. I just remember last week one of the sisters giving a gift to another sister she doesn't know she but she just want to gift so after the next break, another sister came I was there so she gave him a gift back they said okay this is for you. This is why this is why I keep it this one since he but didn't see you. I just saw you now and I just gave them and when she's she's telling me I don't even give that much away but she got the back she said it's almost like a huge one. Yeah, I mean right away it's not even the
same times nothing right away Allah subhanaw taala will do it for you if you take it given the way of Allah subhanaw taala will not the same the difference way not maybe the gift, but inshallah Allah subhanaw taala give it to you. And then you receive from Allah what you are in need of right we keep holding on to things that we are not in need of others are in need up, but we don't give them out of fear that we will have less. But once you let go you give it you receive from the best provider what you need. Smilla Salam Alaikum I remember once one of my relatives, she's somehow she just often get offended by me. I don't know why. And then I thought about it. And then I said, I'll give her gift.
And I give her gift. And she was happy. And we are humble. Hamdulillah 15th day every day everybody given me the gift. I don't know Why didn't these 15 days.
But I love Allah Subhana Allah over there 70 Come on. My mother was told me this story, her and my father, they went to this event or a conference. And they both had enough for maybe that week. And they were they had my older brother, and he was a baby. So they both had $50 and the at the conference, they had the men and women separated. So when there was charity going on, and they both gave in charity, the same amount that they had. And then when they came out the booth discovered that didn't have money at all left and and then when they went home, they didn't have enough money for milk, my brother, so Pinilla, my mom went and she picked up the mail, and she found a check from
the sheriff's return. Yes. And subhanAllah like they're worrying because they gave him charity, both of them at the same time that they won't have enough for my brother's milk and Allah subhanaw taala I gave them the same day. This is amazing. You get it on that same day, over there
So this past Ramadan, we went for Umrah, and we were praying taraweeh and my mom recently had a root canal. So after a thigh it was really bothering her that she has something stuck in her tooth. And you know, she was asking for anything like sources she couldn't like take it out, right. And we were like after, I think it was a fourth Raka and we were like in the front outside Majan Abilene and everyone was passing by so many people passing by. And out of nowhere when my mom goes in such that she finds a toothpick right in front of her. Even though it's like such a small thing she found like, strategically she was in need of it. So let's find that out. And then same thing happened like
we were on a flight and we didn't have a pen and we had to fill out a form and then we found a pen like right on the floor. Like
I mean there are numerous examples if we reflect on our
Our lives really we will find numerous examples of how we receive from apparently nowhere, something that we were desperately in need of at that time at that place.
And no one would know of our need except for who? Allah subhanaw taala. Because sometimes you're not even able to express your need you yourself don't know what you are in need of. But Allah makes a way he sends you what you need at that time.
So, one day, we went to a charity event, and Subhanallah, we gave a lot of money, and we didn't have that much. But then we gave some and then the other day we went to a conference, we have a home based business. And as mama we got double with that, it was just surprising because it was pantalla he provides whoever you want. So it's even if you don't have, you should just get give, give, give, and ALLAH SubhanA, Allah will give you doubles, because it's really important. Exactly, because we excuse ourselves by telling ourselves that, you know, it's okay for me to not give because I don't have much to begin with. I don't make money, I don't get my own paycheck, my husband doesn't really
give me a lot of money, I have so many expenses, if I give, I'll have nothing left. And you know what, looking after yourself is also, you know, a responsibility that Allah Subhana Allah has given, you know, we come up with a whole list of justifications. But you know, this hadith that the prophets, Allah says, I'm selling, beloved, or the lover and who spend if he was encouraged to spend than what about us.
Allah gives you back, but he may not give it to you the way you expect him differently. For example, for me, I always go Friday to jump to the mosque near us. And I come here, this mosque, and after class, I go another mosque. So for me, while I decided any day that I'm going to the mosque, I get something for the mass. Maybe when I'm shopping, I buy something a little bit tissue, whatever doesn't matter. So for me, now I get a gift from Allah that I remember every time or tomorrow is Friday and Saturday. So what do you blend in? So I may check my house, or I may buy from the store? So for me every Friday and Saturday, I know I'm putting something for Africa, and that is the best
gift you can get. Exactly. I mean, if you think about it, if in this world, Allah subhanaw taala you live for who? He doesn't leave you empty handed, he doesn't deprive you, then what do you expect from Allah in the hereafter? Asami. So I've been for a few weeks. It's the story of a few weeks ago, where a whole week I was craving this one dish, and I was this one day, I was getting really late to go somewhere. So I'm like, You know what, I'm just gonna run to the restaurant, grab that thing, and then go. But once I got on the highway, literally, it was so busy that we were going on like a 25 those speed. So I decided to get off the next exit. When I did that, on the exit, the light was red.
And this man was standing basically begging, right. And I looked for my purse, I didn't find any money. So I had that food on hand. And I just gave it to him. And I was thinking afterwards that how Allah subhanaw taala made me get out of my house, to go through all of that, just to be at that point in time to give them and food. And maybe he prayed for it. I will never know. Right?
It just Allah gives to those who ask Him and also those who don't ask him
giving in the way of philosophy Donatella, we should be What a happy this is blessing of Allah subhanaw taala Allah has wanted to enable us to give her the ability or given the Tofik we can give them believe me, there's a lot of people they want to give them but they don't have the Tofik to give them. They might be deciding in the morning, I'll give them but if they commingle passing, they will go back and they don't give him so giving this as a great blessing. Allah subhanaw taala will be multiplied back gave it to us, but to give someone some things, we should be grateful for that and we should keep giving away so that well Allah subhanaw taala given the fact to give the ability,
we can give them the instant wage, it's a privilege to have the chance and the ability to give
by giving Allah Tada also takes away a lot of bad things are about to happen to us. I have an example of someone I know who she spent, there was a charity event for a masjid. And she went and she mashallah, she spent a lot the week right after she felt a pain in her chest. And hello, because of that she was able to get diagnosed with cancer. But what she was telling the story and she was there was a type that doesn't normally show itself. And it was already at a later stage. And so if she hadn't found out it would have completely taken over and she would have passed away from it. But because of her spending that weekend, that same week, she found out and she went to the doctor to
get it checked and Subhanallah she was able to get treatment for it. So it saved her in that sense as well. Definitely charity rebuilds evil, right. There's numerous benefits in this life and the next.
All right.
Well, who will hadal was 18 He is the best of
Those who provide so this means whenever we want something What do we ask?
Well am I short or home and the day that He will gather them? Jimmy are on altogether. Some may Hakuna lil Mala ICA then He will say to the angels, or how old are you? Is it these people who a year come? You can oh yeah boo, don't they used to worship? Is it these people who used to worship you? This will happen when, on the Day of Judgment. Allah will ask the angels that these people did their worship you. If you notice over here, Allah subhanaw taala is not asking the criminals Did you worship the angels? Rather it is the angels who are being asked that did these people worship you? Now, remember that some were seeking they used to worship the angels they used to think that the
angels are Allah's daughters, now the biller and they had made some idols in the form of angels also. And if you see in various traditions, angels are worshipped right. And amongst Muslims also it is said that many times when Muslims will make dua, they will ask Allah through the vasila of Gibreel, for example, right? Or they will ask through the angels or when they're sacrificing an animal they will mention the name of God or something. This is also a form of schicke because every act of worship should exclusively be for who? For Allah subhanaw taala. So Allah will not ask the criminals that day. Rather, he will ask who the angels that did these people used to worship you? on
who the angels will say Subhana wa Exalted are you You are perfect or Allah, meaning you do not have any partner, no one deserves to be worshipped except you all glory is for who for you alone Unto Allah Yuna, you are our wali mean Dooney him besides them other than them, meaning these people who worshipped us
they're not our friends.
Our friend is Allah until Allah Yoona min Dooney him. So basically the angels will say that there are no bonds of association between us and these people Belka no rather they used to your boon algin they used to worship the gin, the gin as in the shell clean, a thorough home, most of them meaning most of these people be him with them, meaning with the gin shaitan Menon ones who believe meaning majority of these people actually believed in the shape on they follow Champon they worship Champon and this is true. Shelton has made idol worship attractive to people and the people who worship any idol. Alright, whether it is in the form of an angel or any any being besides Allah in reality, who
is it that they're obeying? Who is it that they're worshipping Champon and some people openly they worship the devil? They're devil worshippers. And then there are others who are worshipping others but in reality they're worshipping the devil in sort of Nyssa 117 also Allah says E the rumor mill Dooney he Illa Inessa what any other owner Illa shaitan Merida, they're only calling upon these female deities that they have made. And in reality they're only calling upon shelter I mean they're only worshipping shaitan Foley Yo mama so today meaning this day the day of judgment layer yum lico he will not have the power Babu calm some of you Liebling for others not find any benefits. Meaning
on the Day of Judgment, it will be said that today none of you can help another none of you has the power to benefit another water bottle nor any harm enough I'm one of the rock you can neither benefit each other. Nor can you harm each other.
No one will come to your aid one ulu and we shall say Levine Allah mu to those who did wrong and what is this one schicke what will be set to them? Lu Oh test either. Now the punishment of the fire allottee quantum be here to cut the bone which you used to deny all your life you were in denial of it. Today. You cannot deny it. And today, you cannot even defend yourself or try to rescue or try to get away from here. No one can come to your aid. We will listen to the recitation.
The nya sang guna fie
Be most bow
poly me
Marie birdie way up on the rollin one
show you
a Hawaii on
Oahu for your was et why oh my shoulder wound Jeremy
also the Hannukah
Dooney hem balca
l mal i am Nicobar more calmly bow
one elbow and only lady in our wallet
lady you know
letting equal to be had okay the moon