Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P22 225E Tafsir Saba 13-14

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The speakers discuss the history and use of "monster style" in Islam, including its use in decorative and decorative furniture, as well as its various uses, such as shaping culture. They also touch on the importance of "Gracia" in gratitude and its use in shaping behavior. The transcript describes the horrors of the death of the Galactica, including its behavior and its target, and discusses the punishment of the gym and limit on one task.

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			Yama Nana who now what would those Jen do they would make for him. Meaning for so a man early Salam
with what would that copper and with whatever resources that Allah subhanaw taala gave them may
Yeshua or whatever that he willed who will serve a man or his son unwanted? Meaning whatever you
wanted them to make, they would make it what would they make? Men have some examples are given here,
mohareb mahadi was a poor luff Michelob and what is Merab?
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			It's from how to how to Alba, how to base war All right. So Muhammad is understood as two things
firstly, a high edifice, so basically a huge fortress, right? Whether it is a residence or some
other use. And the reason why it's called a haram is because this is a place that is you have
trouble it is attacked in war, meaning when cities are, you know, under attack, what places are
targeted first.
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			What places what buildings, it's the important buildings right. So mahadi refers to high structures,
tall structures, all right fortresses. Secondly, Mahabharata refers to prayer chambers, prayer
places, so masajid why is this called muhabba? Because this is a place where who has fought against
the knifes and the shaitan. All right, so there will construct mohareb elevated chambers for
Sulaiman are in his Senate buildings.
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			And what am I feeling and also to my field statues plural of the word Tim Sal, Tim Silas from memes,
I lamb. All right. And Tim Sol is basically an imitation,
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			an imitation of what is real.
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			So for example,
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			the statue of a bird, right? The statue of a human being, all right, the statue of sculpture of
let's say, what else could it be?
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			You give me examples.
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			A goat, okay? A calf an animal, right? An animal, a person, a place, a mountain, a tree? Anything?
This is what a theme style is. The literal meaning of the word theme style is what an imitation of
something that's real, not imaginary. So we're not talking about a person with you know, 50 wings,
or, you know, a person with many eyes or many hands, that is not himself. Tim style is an imitation
of what actually exists, what is real, whether that is animate or inanimate, living or nonliving.
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			You understand? So even if it's a leaf,
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			what would that be? 10,000. All right. So the gene would also make for him, Timothy. Now, what kind
of tomato would they make? We don't know, we haven't been told. But what we do know is that silay
Monterrey Suriname came after which Prophet Musa de Sena. Right. And Musa SNM at his time, when the
people made the calf with gold. It took him style, if you think about it, it's it themselves. But
was that allowed? No. So much so that that calf that golden calf was burnt? All right, so today,
manna isn't on was on the same shirt here.
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			All right. So these Thomasine were then off what of nonliving things all right. And certainly these
Damasteel were not for the purpose of worship.
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			You understand? They were definitely not for the purpose of worship, because of a minor listener was
a prophet of Allah. Because some people they say look the jinn methanethiol for so they might not
listen um, so you know what, it's fine to make statues and idols and whatnot. No, that's not what
this means. What this means is that they would make it for decorative purposes.
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			All right, to my theme and also when he fan de fan is the plural of the word Jaffna or Jaffna Jean
fan known Tamar Buddha. And what does that mean? A big bowl. So the gin would also make huge bowls
that were killed Joab they were like reservoirs. Joab is the plural of jabya jabya from the root
letters Jean by Yeah, a lot of new words here new vocabulary. Alhamdulillah. Jean baya All right.
And jabya is basically a huge held a huge pool in which water is collected.
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			Water is collected so a dam a pool.
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			So the gym constructed for him. Big bolts that were literally the size of pools, reservoirs.
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			or the size of dam.
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			All right dams, water dams. So Cal Joab why
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			so much food was served? Imagine a pool full of food.
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			Just imagine a pool full of soup. All right, what we'll do then? And where was his food prepared in?
We'll do we'll do a clone of the word kid. What is breeder there is a cooking pot. So they would
also make other cooking pots. And these cooking pots were rasa yet ones that are stationary. Gracias
por la gracia. La Sia, this is used for mountains also right? One that is fixed in place. So why But
why were they fixed in place for two reasons. Firstly, they were too big to be moved to be put away.
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			You understand? Too big to be put away.
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			You know, for instance, if you have some kind of a, you know, some kind of a machine in your
kitchen. Some are really small. So you once you use them, you can put them away. But then there are
others, which are huge.
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			All right. Like, for example,
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			a microwave very good example. Do you use a microwave and then you put it away? In the cabinet?
Would you do that? Or in the cupboard? Well, you don't do that. It just sits on the countertop?
Correct. So why does it sit there because it's too big to move, it doesn't make sense that every
time you use it, you put it away once you're done.
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			Alright, so these cooking pots were so big, that they were just fixed in one place. Secondly, they
were fixed in one place. Why? Because they were always being used.
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			Always in use. Always. Like for example, you may have that favorite cup of yours, which is never
makes it back to the cupboard. Why? Because you drink your chai in your tea in it right? When you're
done. It goes into the dishwasher. Next morning, when the dishwasher is clean, you take it out of
the dishwasher, you make your tea in it, and you put it back in the sink. And then when the
dishwasher is loaded, it goes into the dishwasher. So the poor cup never makes it to the cupboard.
Why? Because it's always in use. So much so that even if you find it dirty, you'll wash it, and
you'll use it and you want to take something else out. Right? So it's always in use. This was how
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			those pots were food was always been cooked. What is the message over here?
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			What is the message over here?
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			Yes, the size of his kingdom. Right? The wealth that Allah subhanaw taala endowed him with the
generosity of Solomon earned his Salam, right, and the number of soldiers of troops amongst the
people, the birds and the jinn that he had, who had to be fed multiple times a day. And so food had
to be be prepared in such large quantities. And literally large quantities, that these bowls in
which the food was served. These bowls were like pools. And these Kaduri Rasiah, they were
humongous. And we see that in different parts of the world. Like for example, in India, there are
places where food is, you know, part of certain festivals. So, literally people will empty out bags
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			and bags of rice and flour and lentils. And then to cook it, they will actually get down into it.
And they will mix it with their legs. And then they will cook it and then people will eat out of it.
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			They will the cooking thoughts are like rooms. They're literally like rooms. Go ahead. Salam Alaikum
I was thinking about the technology, Allah subhanaw taala. He gave it to Sulaiman Ali Salam and the
audience further, until now we don't have it. Subhanallah yes, that touch control over the wind. And
then I know.
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			And then on top of that Jean net service, and so much is being made and produced and served on a
daily basis. This was the financial situation. All right at that time. Just look at how much Allah
subhanaw taala gave him. Go ahead. Salam Alaikum. I also see the hikma Salah manual Islam and his
presence in his kingdom. There wasn't separate places where the food was hooked, but it was one
place where he could be present. And it was because it's been a day he they worked in front of him
right under his watch and the unity of his kingdom as well. Yes. Very true. Because every person
could go back to his family and eat there, but the food is being prepared in one place. I'm not
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			saying that it was mixed by feet. Okay, don't get me wrong. It's just an example of what I gave you
that even today, food is prepared in large, huge quantities. All right. And with all of these
blessings, they were told EREMA Lu
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			All of you do Elijah Wood or people of the old family of the woods chakra in gratefulness, work in
gratitude. Now with all this that Allah has given you do something to express your gratitude,
exercise gratitude, do something. And what Colleano Minerva do a Shaco very few of my servants are
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			Very few servants of Allah are grateful majority of us, how are we? We become ungrateful. You see
over here for sugar, it has been said airmen who do it do sugar
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			what do we do we say sugar, sometimes, right we say meaning words of sugar. Sugar is to be felt.
Remember emote? Right and then it has to be said, what was that extent, and then it has to be shown.
It has to be done. Exercise, meaning do something out of gratitude. Don't just sit there but do
something to show that you're grateful. So airmen who Allah will the chakra work on the luminary
body a chakra? So what do we see over here that for gratitude, something has to be done, actions are
needed. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam what would he do out of gratitude, even though
his sins were forgiven, past and future, but still, he would stand and pray until both his feet or
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			legs would swell? And when he was asked, Why do you do that? You would say should I not be a
grateful servant? We really take blessings for granted.
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			And we think gratitude is not necessary. The prophets are the best example for us. They were given
the best. And they also did the best. So what did the prophets do with the special unique
extraordinary blessings that Allah gave them? They showed gratitude for them rather than when
turbina we decreed our lady on him and Malta the death when Allah decreed death for say, a man or a
sinner, because no matter who a person is, ultimately they have to die. Right? in a coma Yuto.
Indeed you are going to die Allah subhanaw taala said this to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam. So So lay man and he said, I'm also he was to die. And when Allah decreed death for him, at
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			that time, so a man on Islam, we learned that he was leaning on his staff on his stick.
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			And remember, so they mannerisms habit was that whenever he would instruct the jinn, for example, to
do something, he would stand there watching to make sure that they're doing their work because they
would work beignet. He, under his watch. So he's standing there watching them. And Allah subhanaw
taala decreed that such a man and his son should die in that state. All right, and he was leaning on
his staff. Now he was standing or sitting, Allah knows, alright, because you can lean on your staff
when you're standing and you can also lean on it when you're sitting. What happened? He died in that
state and the gym, they were working. And they kept working, kept working for so long, because they
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			didn't want to dissipate so they might not listen because what was the consequence? No, they'll come
in our adversary. Right? So they kept working until what happened? How is it that they found out he
had passed away? Allah says ma not the law whom it informed them nothing informed them nothing
proved to them same route that lamb lamb d'Alene, nothing proved to them Allah Moti about his death.
They did not know about his death in that except that battle or the UK creature of the earth. They
found out about his death through what a creature of the earth which creature is this a termite and
this creature, what did it do? That Kulu it was eating it ate up Minnesota who? His staff, Mensa,
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			more vocabulary. The word Mensa, is from their letters known seen Hamza. All right. And a staff is
called Mensa because it is Yun. So Bihar nussey is to differ, right? So with the staff what has done
you will repel or drive away things that you don't want, you move them out of your way.
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			So this is a mentor. So when the termite ate up his staff what happened?
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			When it was hollow from inside, it could no longer bear the weight of Sulaiman or his center. All
right. And when he fell Fela Mahara so when he fell, the Bayona till Jinu debate, Janet, it became
clear to to Elgin new to the gin alo that if cannot they were Yala Munna live if they knew the
unseen May Allah be Sue they would not have remained Phil either Bill Mohini in the humiliating
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			What is the humiliating punishment for the jinn? What was it that they were just working and working
and working? This was humiliation for them. All right. This was the one way in which they were
controlled, because you see anyone who has freedom and ability, who can fly here go there to be
controlled, to be trapped to be assigned to one task. This is literally torture,
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			isn't it? Why do you think people are jailed as punishment?
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			Why? Because that itself is a punishment, being confined to one place is a punishment. So for the
gym, this was a form of punishment. All right. So they realized at that time, that they didn't have
knowledge of the Unseen. All right, because many people, they have this misconception that the jinn
have knowledge of the Unseen. All right, they know what I'm thinking, they know who's going where,
what's going on. They're not Jin don't know everything.
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			They only know what they can hear what they can see, what they can learn about through some means.
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			All right, and had they known the unseen, then they would have known about the death of Sulaiman
artisan. And the moment he passed away, isn't it's the fact that they did not find out until so
long, what does it prove? They don't know, knowledge of the Unseen.
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			So neither people nor gin have knowledge of the Unseen. And this is why never ask a human being or
even a gene about knowledge of the Unseen. You understand? Because sometimes what happens is that
people think or say what has been done on them. So they go to somebody and they say, who's dancing
around me? So the person says, Okay, sit wait here, what's your mother's name? Okay, stand up, we
have to measure you. And then they ask them some random questions. And then they wait and then a
gene tells them that so and so person has done to hit on them. How did the gene know? You
understand? This is believing that gene have knowledge of the Unseen they don't have knowledge of
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			the Unseen
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			All right, who is animal vape? Only Allah subhanho wa taala. Now this ayah What does it show to us?
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			So a man and his sunnah look at the technology literally, that Allah subhanaw taala blessed him with
the power, the wealth, the authority, that Allah subhanaw taala blessed him with. But after all, who
was he? A human being, and he died.
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			Every human being no matter what ranks he achieves, no matter how high he goes, remember,
ultimately, he is going to die. Because eternal glory is only for who? Allah subhanho wa Taala not
for the creation, the sunrises and the sunsets.
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			So this is why a person must never be deceived by their present state of, you know, success or
glory, because it is going to turn into a sunset it is going to decline, it is going to go down.
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			And then we also see over here today, Monterey, Santa, he had passed away and he was in that one
position for so long, and the termite it ate the stick. Right? But it didn't affect the body of
Sulaiman or a sinner.
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			All right. And this is the honor that Allah has given to the Prophets that even the earth it does
not consume the bodies of the prophets All right, this is something that we learned from the Hadith
also that the Earth has been forbidden from consuming the bodies of the prophets of Allah
presentation yeah Amen.
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			Can Joab
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			Your Man Oh?
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			That you call
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			the shots to?
00:19:11 --> 00:19:13
			De la.
00:19:32 --> 00:19:43
			Bill moody Subhanak along will be handled eyeshadow La ilaha illa Anta, a stuffy look over to Blake
a Cinnamoroll econ rahmatullahi wa barakato.