Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P22 225B Tafsir Saba 1-4

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The Surah is a mix of Murder Sorrows and Madani Surahs, with a series of Sorrows and Madman. The importance of praise in the hereafter is discussed, including the success of Islam and the desire for people to praise Islam in the future. The use of words like Jelle do and Wilma do in English to explain actions and events is emphasized. The Day of Judgment is also discussed, including the recording of it as a preparation for the day and the importance of receiving a small amount of the gift.

AI: Summary ©

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			Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim surah. Csaba is a murky surah and it was revealed in the mid Mechon
era. The Surah has 54 verses a little over 800 words and a little over 1500 Who roof
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			sortsa it's a murky surah the sewer before it was with Surah Surah Al Azhar which is a Madani surah
and remember I mentioned to you that now there will be groups of sutras, right groups of mucky
sorrows that will begin and end with Madani Searles. So this means that if the previous hula was
another new solar, now there will be a series of sorrows which will all be murky, and they will end
with a Madani surah and that Madani surah is Sudeten Herat.
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			All right, so this is the fifth group of sutras. In the Quran. It begins from Surah. Csaba will
conclude with certain Herat, and it's a total of 16 sutras. All right.
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			Now suited Saba is a murky Surah Correct? What is the theme of murky sutras typically,
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			though hate as well as
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			laws in mucky sorrows.
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			See, for example, the command of hijab where was it in? Madani? Surah All right, the command to fast
in which surah is it? Surah Baqarah laws of inheritance are insalata Nyssa right. So when it comes
to rulings when it comes to laws, then remember they are in Madani sutras and always remember the
hadith of Aisha below Ana in which he said, The gist of the hadith is that of her statement is that
initially the people were taught, amen, they were taught about Allah about the Hereafter. And as a
result, what happened they were ready to accept the commands and had the first command been that do
not commit Zina. Do not drink alcohol, the people would have said, No, we will drink alcohol. No, we
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			will do this wrong action, because they wouldn't be willing to accept it. So in the murky sewers and
remember murky Surahs are those sutras which were revealed before the Hijra. And the prophets on a
lot of sudden remained in Makkah as a prophet for how many years? 13 years. So for 13 years, the
ground was being prepared. You understand it was being softened. The people were being prepared,
their hearts were being strengthened with faith. And then once the Prophet saw a lot of them did
hitch Allah to Medina, the muddy Solas what do they include? Laws commandments. All right. Why?
Because at that time, people were ready to accept them. So maki surahs, are generally faith related.
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			They talk about Imani yet, they talk about the different aspects of faith. They also talk about
morality, common, you know, moral issues that are widespread across different cultures across
different civilizations. All right. And in maki surahs, there is also a mention of previous nations,
because the stories of the previous nations and that includes the mention of the previous prophets
also in that is a lesson for who, for everybody. Right, this is also part of strengthening faith. So
Surah Saba, remember that since it's a murky surah? It talks about Eman so for example, belief in
Allah Alone in the towhead of Allah, likewise, belief in the hereafter. All right, likewise, belief
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			in the prophets and that includes the previous prophets also. So their stories are mentioned. And
this is what we will see in Surah Sabha. Now, Sabha is the name of a nation. All right, have a past
nation, and their example is given over here. All right, and this is why the surah is suburb. So
let's begin the surah Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim
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			Al hamdu lillahi all praise is for Allah. Al Hamdulillah Al, all ultimate perfect, complete praise
is for who Lila he is for Allah, meaning only Allah is deserving of it. Only Allah is worthy of it.
So all praise, all thanks is for who? Allah, the Exalted. What is hand what is praise Hound is to
mention the most perfect attributes of someone out of love and out of respect to describe them in
the most perfect in the most beautiful terms. Why would you do that with love with respect, and this
is such praise, which is true because you're describing their most perfect attributes. So I'll
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			hamdulillah All praise is due to Allah. Who is Allah, Allah, the the one who left who, for him
meaning he owns. Math is somehow wealthy, whatever that is in the skies, wonderful or the and
whatever that is in the earth. Everything that is in the skies and everything that is in the earth
belongs to who belongs to Allah, He is their owner, he is their Creator. And where are we we are on
the earth we are part of the earth. So he is the owner, the creator off you and I also there is no
Creator, but Him there is no owner, but him and this is why Alhamdulillah All praise is due to
Allah, whatever the Hindu and for him is all praise meaning he is worthy of all praise, when fill
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			out Hera in the hereafter also, well who will and He is Al Hakim, the all wise and Hobbes the
acquainted, he is the all wise meaning in his creation, in his actions, in his decrees every decree
of his it reflects his wisdom, every action of his reflects his wisdom, His perfect wisdom, in the
creation that he has created, when and how and what he has created. Even that also reflects his
wisdom, he is Al Hakim, and and Hubby, the Acquainted meaning the one who is fully aware of his
creation, and off their affairs also. And this is why Alhamdulillah Allah is deserving of all praise
now, and for always, in this world, and in the hereafter also, because in this world, all good is
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			from who, from Allah. And in this world, what appears to be evil also has some good in it. So no
matter what Allah decrees, no matter what he creates, no matter what he decides, he is still
deserving off praise. Even if the most terrible thing happens to us in our lives, remember, there
will still be good in it. And this is why Alhamdulillah and this is why we see the way of the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was that when something good happened Alhamdulillah and when
something that appeared to be bad happened, then Alhamdulillah Allah couldn't be Han all Praise to
Allah in every situation. So unhandled Allah, in this world, and also Alhamdulillah in the
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			Hereafter, in the Hereafter, meaning at the completion of this creation and its outcome, this world,
its people, its inhabitants, when they will come to an end, and when their results will be given
when our results will be given to us when each creation has reached its ultimate end, ultimate
destination, that Allah is worthy of praise, even then, even in the Hereafter, why for the planning,
and the execution of such a perfect plan. And this is why we see that the people of paradise they
will praise Allah in the hereafter into the Zoomer is 74. We learned that when the people of Ghana
will enter Jannah they will say Alhamdulillah he lady sada Kanawa, who all Praise to Allah who has
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			fulfilled his promise to us in total Arafa 43 Allah says that the people of Jana will say
Alhamdulillah he lady had dannelly Her that all Praise to Allah, the One who guided us to this
incident Fatima is 34 it has mentioned the people of Jana who will say Alhamdulillah he lady as
Habana has an All Praise and thanks to Allah who has taken away all grief from us. We don't even
know what grief is anymore. He has completely taken it away from us because that is what Jana is the
place where there is no grief. So in this world, and in the Hereafter, Allah is worthy of praise.
And we see that in this world what happens? Those who are not deserving of praise, even they get
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			praised, isn't it? Someone has committed a terrible crime. He's actually done something very wrong.
But still, there are people who will, you know, applaud him, they will thank Him, they will say his
name and they're so happy to have him. Right, even though the kinds of things you may be saying are
absolutely wrong. But so we see in this world that people who don't actually deserve praise, what
happens? They get praise, isn't it? So in this world, what do we see? Truth gets mixed with
falsehood, isn't it? Those who are deserving of praise don't get praised, and those who don't
deserve praise
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			They get praise I. But in the hereafter remember, truth will be truth reality will be reality. So
only those who are deserving of praise will be praised
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			and out of everyone who is the one who really truly deserves praise, IT is Allah The Exalted. This
is why we see in Surah Zoomer is 75 that what are all Mala? Iike have phenom in holder louche that
you will see the angels surrounding the throne. You sub beehoon are behind the lobby him they will
glorify the praises of their Lord will call the abena humble Hulk and it will be judged between the
creation how by the truth will Keela and it will be said meaning when all judgment is done, every
person is in his final destination. What will be said and hamdulillah here of Bilaal Amin all Praise
to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds So alhamdulillah all praise is for Allah. Allah de la hula for
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			summer YT wonderful earthy, the one who owns whatever that is in the skies and whatever that is in
the earth. One I will handle Phil akhira and he is deserving of praise in the hereafter also will
who will Hakeem a hobby he is the wise the Acquainted Jana mu he knows man that which yearly do it
goes in it penetrates fill early into the earth, the word end Jew from the root letters Wow lamb
dream will loot loot is to enter into a narrow place. So Allah knows whatever goes into the earth.
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			What goes into the earth what is absorbed by the earth? What makes its way through the soil even
water for example. And you see the word Jelle do has been used? Because where does water go in from?
Are there like holes and pipes and drains everywhere on the ground? No, they're not there aren't.
But it's amazing how through the fact sand and through the fact soil water will make its way through
those now as to fasces even water will make its way so Allah knows what goes into the earth. Whether
it is water or what else goes into the earth.
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			Seeds even right, likewise dead bodies, right? They go into the earth eventually. And yet they do
also because whatever is put into the earth what happens I mentioned the earth Hmm. It absorbs it
comes close to it,
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			doesn't it? It comes close to it. So yeah, animal may yearly jufeel early. Wilma Yeah, who do you
mean her and whatever comes out of it, meaning whatever emerges from the earth, even Allah knows
about it, what emerges from the earth, what comes out of the earth? Plants, what else minerals are
extracted, right? So many things come out of the earth, some creatures, they go into the earth
because that's where they live, and then they come out of the earth in order to hunt in order to
find food. Wilma Yun Zhi Liu, and whatever comes down Meena sama II from the sky, whatever descends
from the sky, Allah knows about that also, whether it is rain or it is sunlight or it is any other
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			form of provision, or it is some angels, whatever is coming down from the sky, snowflakes, even
Allah knows about it. Warmer Jarold would you see her and whatever ascends there in whatever ascends
in it? Yeah, would you from Aurora rain or gene and route is gradual, step by step ascension, when
something goes up by degrees, all right. So whatever goes up into the sky, meaning above, whether it
is the angels ascending into the skies, or it is the deeds of a person which are ascending, or it is
do hours, whatever ascends into the sky, Allah knows about that also. So basically, there is no
place. There is no place high or low, except that ALLAH knows every movement, every activity that
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			goes on in there.
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			Whether it's the sky, or it is somewhere deep in the earth, anywhere, no matter what happens, it's
going in, going up coming down, whatever is happening, Allah has knowledge of it will who will
Rahimullah food, and he is the Merciful, the forgiving. Look at the names of Allah that are
mentioned over here. You see the ayah What does it show?
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			was perfect and complete knowledge and that shows his complete and perfect power, His greatness, his
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			and yet He is Forgiving, yet he is merciful. Yes, because He is Allah will who Allah he will have a
full, such a perfect Lord, Possessor of complete knowledge and perfect executor of his perfect
plans, then is he not deserving of praise? Does he not deserve Alhamdulillah? And what does this
mean for us? That isn't Allah worthy of being worshipped? Isn't he deserving of the fact that I
should surrender myself to him? I should worship him, I should adore him, I should rely on him.
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			Walk Allah and he said, Who Alladhina Cafaro those who disbelieve those who disbelieve they say, let
Dena sa the hour cannot come to us it will not come to us letter Tina Deena Hamza Taya to come. So
it will not come to us what will not come to us a PSA to the hour which our the final hour, the Day
of Judgment. So in their denial in their mockery, they say, impossible. It's not going to happen.
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			It's just stories made by the people.
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			It's not really true letter Tina SA. If you think about it, why do people deny the Hour because they
think it's not possible. Right? Whatever has been lost in history is lost, whatever has happened is
now over, it's gone. And when someone dies, there is no way that they will come back to life. When a
body has disintegrated completely, there is no way that it can be brought back to life. So
basically, denial of the Hereafter is a result of not knowing who Allah is. Because if a person knew
who Allah is, then believing in the hereafter will be very easy. Who is Allah, if He has knowledge
of everything that goes into the earth and everything that comes out of the earth, everything that
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			falls down from the sky, and everything that goes up into the sky, just think about how vast his
knowledge is, how vast his knowledge is? And how could he have that knowledge if he did not have the
ability. So his perfect knowledge proves his perfect ability also, he is the creator and we are the
created. So those who disbelieve they say, the IRA will not come to us. This is a result of denying
Allah subhanaw taala. Remember, belief in Allah and belief in the Hereafter they go hand in hand.
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			Only when a person believes in God, can they believe in the hereafter? Because believing in God
means someone made me someone owns me? He's going to question me, he's the one who's provided me and
I have to go back to him. And I have to go back to him when this necessitates the hereafter, right.
So both go hand in hand and this is the reason why right when the attributes of Allah subhanaw taala
are mentioned, what is being mentioned now the hereafter
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			say meaning respond to these people? Bella? Yes of course, meaning why not? Definitely the Hour will
come the day of judgment shall certainly occur Bella, the word Bella, what does it mean? You know,
generally we translated as
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			Yes, why not? Of course, etcetera, etcetera, right. The word Bella is basically for the purpose of
negating what is before it.
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			So, what is being negated over here? Latina sobre the claim of the disbelievers that Latina sa our
is not going to come so, Bella is negating that no way what you're saying is wrong.
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			And at the same time Bella, right is also used for reproach right. So, the people are being
reproached for even thinking Latina SAR How could you think that Latina SAR
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			and thirdly, Bella also is affirmation in response to the question, so, they say Latina sa The
answer is yes, it will come. You say Hola. Hola. Says Bella.
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			You say No, Allah says Bella, yes, of course it will come will be wah wah over here is an awesome
All right, what a b by my Lord.
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			I swear by my Lord, let that Deanna come, surely it will definitely come to you.
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			And who will bring it about Ali Mileva, the Knower of the unseen, Allah is the Knower of the unseen,
Maya Rob is early middle age, he knows the matters of the unseen and he knows when the Hour will
come also, because you see, one of the strategies of the people of Morocco was how they will mock at
the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that anytime the hereafter would be mentioned, they would say, Okay,
bring it. Okay, when is it going to be? And the Prophet sallallahu Hassan would respond, Allah knows
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			so many times, you know, those who believe in afterlife, their question that Okay, so when is it
going to be? The fact is that none of us know when it's going to be who knows? Allah knows and who
is Allah? Allah mille Haim. The one who will bring about the hour is the one who knows it's time.
This is why in the Quran we learn in Allaha in the who are ill Massara. Indeed, Allah with Him ALONE
is the knowledge of the Hour.
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			And how vast is his knowledge early middle age nor of the unseen? How much does he know? And example
is given over here. Last not Yara zooboo. And who Yara zooboo is absent is too far. I'm who from
Him. The word yas who is from the root letters i n ze ba resume and resume is basically when
something is out of sight. When it slips you meaning you don't see it? You don't notice it? Why?
Because it's too far away?
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			Does this happen with us?
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			Does it happen with us all the time? Right? We can only see things which are right in front of us,
isn't it? You know, sometimes it's amazing. If we're not looking at something directly, we cannot
see it is an attempt by for example, if you have a piece of paper in front of you, right? And if
you're not looking at it, you won't see the words you have to really look at it to see the words.
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			So sometimes things are not even very far from you, but still, you miss it. Because of our limited
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			Allah subhanaw taala his knowledge is so vast, his buffer his vision is all encompassing such that
nothing is too far to be seen by him. Lie Jerez O'Brien who nothing is out of sight from him. Even
something as small as Miss odd with the rotten myth ALU wait for Coughlin. The return of an atom,
meaning something that is equal to the weight of an atom. How small would that thing be? Seriously?
How small would that thing be? I mean, atoms for us. What are they? They're like weightless? I mean,
yes, they definitely were something. But for us that wait is nothing. Right? Why? Because of their
tiny amount. They're small sites. Right? So layers one home is call me the rotten. We cannot even
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			see a thorough even if it be on our finger, right in front of our eyes, still we cannot see it. And
imagine if something is that small. It's not hidden from Allah. Whether it is for some are wealthy
in the skies, wonderful. Nor in the earth, meaning whether that Miss adalah is somewhere in the sky
floating somewhere or it is hidden somewhere in the Earth.
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			Even atoms,
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			even the tiniest of creatures, Allah subhanaw taala knows their exact location, their movement
Wallah Assad hoomins Alec nor is there anything smaller than that meaning even if something is
smaller than a the law and what this does is show that definitely there are things that are smaller
than atoms are there yes, there are what are they called?
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			Okay, electron neutron you know, I'm a little careful here because we have some physics experts
here. electrons, protons, neutrons, okay, whatever. Now, I too complicated for me. Anyway. So the
smallest of creatures even that cannot be seen by the naked eye.
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			Somewhere in the sky somewhere in the earth. Well, Akbar nor is it greater meaning bigger than
mythical with Aurora Illa except fee Kitab immobile it is recorded in a clear book. Which book is
this? The low Homer fools the Preserved Tablet? Remember that the first creation that Allah create
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			It was the pen. And when Allah created it, Allah instructed it to write the pen asked what and Allah
instructed the pen to write everything that was to happen until the day of judgment.
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			So literally every single detail off this universe,
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			even the movement of an atom, the movement of something smaller than an atom, it is recorded in the
Preserved Tablet. It's not just known by Allah, it's actually written, the record is there.
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			What does this show
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			that all of this detail, this precise knowledge, and not just knowledge of it, but the recording of
that knowledge, this must result in something, the hereafter is necessary, the Day of Judgment is
necessary. Otherwise, all of this recording, all of this detailed knowledge would be useless. Why
would this end up in nothing? No way. All of this is actually a preparation for what? For the day of
judgment, in laffy Kitab in Mubin. Have you ever seen court papers? Maybe movies you've seen, right?
Or in TV? How are they boxes and boxes? Right, full of papers, isn't it? What do they have recorded
in them?
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			What do they have recorded in them? Maybe testimonies? Right, maybe, you know, some other proofs,
bank statements, whatnot records, you know, of 2030 years, maybe? How much paperwork is that? You
know, think about it. And this is just a fraction of somebody's life? Isn't it just a fraction of
maybe a business? Look at all the records? And why are those records maintained? Why are they kept?
Because they're supposed to be a court case? Justice is meant to be established. Right? So Allah
subhanaw taala has every detail of this creation recorded. The Day of Judgment is not an ordinary
day. We have many misconceptions about the Day of Judgment, we think, well, it's Okay, nevermind,
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			you know, I said that I did that it's okay forgotten, written in the book forgotten who's going to
check who's gonna read all of this detail. Never ever be fooled by the volume of this data. Because
for Allah subhanaw taala, all this volume, all this knowledge is very little, it is not difficult
for him to know about all of this. In Luffy, Kitab, immobile everything is written in a clear
record. Did you raise your hand?
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			This lesson, I'm Ali Khan, I was listening to the lecture the unshare, he was saying this man, once
he was counting how long he leaving the dunya and then he was counting. It was 21,000 day, and he
was crying out of that and he gets really sick because he said, 21,000, they I disobey Allah, and he
was crying, he was counting his sin SubhanAllah.
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			So all of this knowledge is not difficult for Allah. Allah fie Kitabi, moonbeam Lea, Jizya so that
he may recompense meaning the hour is necessary. So the previous ayah What does it prove? It's not
difficult for Allah to bring about the hour. It's not difficult for Allah to question his creation,
to judge His creation, the records are there, the information is there. And why is it necessary, Lea
Jizya, so that he may reward who Alladhina amanu those who believe what AMILO Solly had and those
who do righteous deeds, those who believe and do righteous deeds, Allah will reward them. Allah Iike
those law home for them for such people is mafia don't forgiveness. What is an Karim and a noble
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			provision? How generous is Allah? That even though these people who believe in do righteous deeds,
yes, they're not perfect, they will still commit sins.
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			But Allah will forgive them because of their Eman and because of their MO Salah. So for them is
forgiveness and for them is also respond Kareem a provision that is Kareem, Kareem, what does Kareem
mean, noble and generous? Now how will this reword this provision meeting agenda? How will it be
Kareem? How will it be noble? Firstly, because it will be in generous amounts. Has it ever happened
that somebody serves you something and it's very small, it's a very small portion, right?
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			According to give you a gift, and it's a very tiny gift,
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			and you kind of feel embarrassed by the size of that portion, right? That it's only one bite of a
cake. Like, seriously, it's embarrassing. What did you think of me that you gave me only one bite?
You understand what I mean? It's not really honorable. It's not really respectful to give someone
something small.
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			You understand. And small is not just in size, but also in its value. And its quality. Because
sometimes things may be very small but extremely valuable, right? Because they have a big price
ticket, for example. All right. So respond Kareem because it will be in generous amounts. Limitless
endless. And secondly, respond, Kareem. Why? Because the recipients will be honored by receiving it.
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			They will be honored just by receiving it.
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			Have you ever felt burdened on receiving a gift
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			that you receive it but you feel awkward you feel uncomfortable? But there are other times when
someone gives you something and you only feel more respected? Why? It's the way in which it is
given? Isn't it? It's It's the gift also, but it's also the way in which it is given. Sometimes what
happens is that somebody's giving you something but they're really showing that they're doing you a
favor, isn't it? Then it's like I really don't want this gift. How do I refuse it? How do I say no
because I feel burdened even receiving it.
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			Because it's as if something is expected of me in return the people of Jannah who will not be made
to feel like this. It will be free. It will be a gift and it's quantity in its quality it will be
honorable, there will be no showing of favor upon them. They will only increase in their honor by
receiving this risk from Allah.
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			Press presentation
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			Alhamdulillah Allah subhana wa Do you feel only one on one hand do feel
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			well will ward and Hakimullah hobby
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			ojo mean
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			zero meanness.
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			JioFi. Wha wha haimo waffle. We're all
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			13 years
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			old Bella Biel Tian
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			Yi lie on
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			follow the.
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			Lea, Jessie and Melina.
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