Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P22 222A Translation Al-Ahzab 49-52

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The transcript describes a series of disconnected sentences and phrases, with no clear context or topic.

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00:00:03 --> 00:00:05
			Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu
00:00:09 --> 00:00:56
			Muhammad who want to sully our little Sunni Hill Karim, a maverick for Aruba bIllahi min ash
shaytani R rajim Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim are Beshara roughly Saudi were Sidley Emery. Well
hello, letter melissani of Coco the Robina xinerama. Lesson number 223. sorbitol reserve is number
49 to 52 translation here Are you her or a Lavina those who am a new they believed either when Naka
stone you all married a minute, the believing women summer then the locker to move on. You all
divorced them
00:00:57 --> 00:01:19
			men from Kabul before and that the sooner you will touch them firmer so not Lacan for you all or lay
Hiner upon them or do to them men from read that in a waiting period
00:01:20 --> 00:01:28
			that are the doona her you all count it for my dear Owen. So you will benefit them.
00:01:29 --> 00:01:38
			What end surgery Hoonah you all set them free? sarahan a setting free, Jamila one that is beautiful.
00:01:40 --> 00:02:07
			Yeah. Are you her? Oh, and the BU The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in indeed we Atlanta. We
have made lawful. We have made permissible Leca for you as well as your wives allottee those who
data you gave Oduro Hoonah there do compensations.
00:02:08 --> 00:02:12
			Would you do compensations or
00:02:13 --> 00:02:14
			bridal sums?
00:02:15 --> 00:02:30
			Warmer and what? Malaga it possessed yummy Nuka your right hand mimma from what affair? He has
returned. Allahu Allah or Lekha upon you.
00:02:32 --> 00:03:32
			Well Burnett and daughters are make of your paternal uncle. Were Burnett and daughters are Matic of
your paternal aunts. Were Burnett and daughters Holic of your maternal uncle. Were Burnett and
daughters holidayiq of your maternal aunts. allottee those who had Jonah they migrated Merica with
you, one rotten and a woman Minuten believing one who believes in if we're her but she gifted. She
gave NAFSA herself. Linda V for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in if a rider He intended
and EBU the profit on that, yes then key her he wishes to marry her Harley certain one that is
00:03:33 --> 00:03:40
			liquor for you men from dune other than meaning the believers
00:03:41 --> 00:04:11
			but in fact, our alumna we knew man that which Ferragni we made obligatory or lay him upon them fee
concerning as word to him their wives warmer and what Malaga it possessed a man whom their right
hands Lee kala so that not your corner it is our Laker upon you how would you any restriction
00:04:12 --> 00:04:21
			what can and is ever Allahu Allah with a foreign one who is most forgiving? Or a Hema one who is
most Merciful.
00:04:23 --> 00:04:25
			Dorji you may differ,
00:04:26 --> 00:04:28
			you may put aside
00:04:29 --> 00:04:57
			man, whoever the shirt you will mean Hoonah from them. What do we and you may bring close ileka to
yourself man whom the shirt you will woman and whoever even the leader you desired. maidment from
WHO? Or Zelda you temporarily separated. You temporarily set aside
00:04:58 --> 00:04:59
			fella sooner
00:05:00 --> 00:05:08
			I do not have any sin or Laker upon you that Lika that Edna is more suitable
00:05:10 --> 00:05:50
			is more closer and that the carver it cools or you know Hoonah their eyes, wala and not year huizen
de Greve were Lena and they are pleased Bhima with what? Data Hoonah you gave them coluna all of
them. Well Allah Who and Allah, year alone he knows ma what fee is in Kulu become your hearts. What
can and is ever Allahu Allah or Lehmann always all knowing halimun Always overbearing
00:05:51 --> 00:06:42
			law not your Hallo, it is permissible. It is lawful liquor for you a Nyssa the women men from Bardot
after wala and Nora and that the bad della, you take in exchange begin with them. Men from as word
wives, Willow even if our agenda it impressed you. Host Munna their beauty Illa except ma that which
Malekith it possessed you mean your right hand? What can and he is ever Allahu Allah, Allah upon
Kali every che in thing but Akiba one who is ever watchful let's listen to the recitation
00:06:45 --> 00:06:47
			yeah are you hilarious?
00:06:49 --> 00:06:50
			Either like
00:06:51 --> 00:06:52
			Mina de dum
00:06:55 --> 00:06:56
00:07:00 --> 00:07:01
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			the math to
00:07:11 --> 00:07:12
			the whole
00:07:14 --> 00:07:15
00:07:16 --> 00:07:18
			yeah you
00:07:24 --> 00:07:26
			can learn the
00:07:29 --> 00:07:30
			alert at
00:07:34 --> 00:07:35
			me no
00:07:38 --> 00:07:40
			one can see me Look at me
00:07:44 --> 00:07:44
			long while
00:07:46 --> 00:07:47
00:07:50 --> 00:07:50
00:07:55 --> 00:07:57
			do you get the job
00:08:00 --> 00:08:02
			Mina one more
00:08:03 --> 00:08:04
			minute and
00:08:07 --> 00:08:08
			maybe in
00:08:09 --> 00:08:10
00:08:13 --> 00:08:14
00:08:15 --> 00:08:16
			maybe you a
00:08:17 --> 00:08:17
00:08:19 --> 00:08:22
			luck do meaning
00:08:27 --> 00:08:33
			be in one Amen Michaela
00:08:36 --> 00:08:37
			Wonka and a lot
00:08:38 --> 00:08:39
			more often email
00:08:40 --> 00:08:41
			to Gmail
00:08:45 --> 00:08:49
			we later Tanisha
00:08:51 --> 00:08:52
			one man even
00:08:55 --> 00:08:55
00:08:57 --> 00:08:59
			then he can add in a
00:09:05 --> 00:09:06
00:09:14 --> 00:09:15
			all along we are
00:09:17 --> 00:09:21
			working on a lot more on Iman Haleema
00:09:22 --> 00:09:23
00:09:31 --> 00:09:33
			him mean as
00:09:34 --> 00:09:35
00:09:39 --> 00:09:40
			as watching
00:09:45 --> 00:09:47
			me you know what
00:09:49 --> 00:09:51
			you do? Welcome to iba