Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P18 184C Tafsir Al-Nur 61-64
![Taimiyyah Zubair](https://artwork.muslimcentral.com/taimiyyah-zubair-150x150.jpg)
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The importance of privacy and respect for others' privacy is discussed, including the use of privacy rules and socializing with others. The speakers emphasize the need for healthy eating, avoiding hemorrhage, and commitment to a cause. They stress the importance of avoiding embarrassment, showing up in a meeting, and taking responsibility for one's actions. The speakers also emphasize the need for motivation and acceptance in face-to-face situations, as well as avoiding fearing and rectifying one's state.
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Laser parallel or maharajan laser, there is not either upon alarma the blind person, halogen, any sin, any constraint, how long is basically tightness, right it's constriction of a place and how it is understood in different ways. Sometimes it's used for sin because when a person has made a mistake then he feels constricted in his heart. How does not just sin but it also applies to restriction that is imposed on someone because of which they feel uncomfortable, they feel awkward. So on the blind person, there should not be any constraint any difficulty made for them they should not be made to feel uncomfortable. Wala and nor are the ology heritage there should be no heritage
for the origin either who is the arch artist from iron Rajim and Allah does a person was not able to walk properly so he limps as he walks. So two types of people are mentioned over here and these two they are generally categorized are those people with some disability. But this doesn't mean that other disabilities they are not included in this just two examples are mentioned over here. So it's talking about people with some disability. There should be no restriction, no awkwardness for them. One and nor ll mareel. The hemorrhage on the sick person also there should be no hemorrhage. Wallah and or Isla unfussy calm, nor should there be any hemorrhage for you. For what um that that Gulu you
eat nimbu ut come from your houses or beauty Abba econ, the houses of your father's Abba is a plural of up this includes father, as well as grandfather, you can eat from your house, you can eat from your father's house, LWT, Omaha TOCOM are the houses of your mother's plural of whom you can eat from your mother's house. Now notice how Father's house is mentioned separately mother's house is mentioned separately because in some situations this could be the case right where the two are separated. So you can eat from your house your parents house mother's house Father's house Oh booty Atlantic home or from the houses of your brothers Florida. Oh will you the house article or from the
house of your sister's floor love floor love the sister. Oh beauty our mommy calm or the houses of your paternal uncles plural love um oh beauty ematic home or the houses of your paternal aunts florala onma paternal aunt father sister. Oh, booty, a honeycomb are the houses of your maternal uncles, Flora love Hall. Oh, booty holiday come or the houses of your maternal aunts. Flora love holla. So, all of these people, all these relatives, there is no harm if you eat from their houses. There should be no constraint for you. Nor for a blind person or any person with some disability or for a person who is sick. No, you can sit together you can eat there is no harm. Or mad at which
Malak to whom you own morality who is key is plural of miftah.
Flora luff miftah. What is miftah? Key? Meaning those houses whose keys you have? What does it mean by this? Your own house? Okay. But BeautyCon was mentioned earlier. Is there any other house whose key you have? Sometimes you're given the keys temporarily? Right? Like for example, as a number how happened with you? Nobody's given keys of their house to you? Go ahead.
Okay, your sister has a key to your house. Okay. What else? Yes.
Okay, so for example, neighbors, right, they're in good terms, they trust each other. And they have given keys to each other's houses. Why? Because if one goes for the weekend, somewhere and something happens at home or something needs to be done, then inshallah the neighbor has the key, right? So if somebody has trusted you so much that they have given you the key to their house, or for example, a worker, right, that you've been hired to do something at somebody's house, and they've given you the key that okay, you can come and go as you will bring in the food or whatever you have to do. And then you can go but they've trusted you and they've given you the key. So when you open that house
and you go inside, and let's say there is some snack at a table. All right. Can you eat a little bit from it, there's no harm, but it doesn't mean that you open up the pantry and you're like, Okay, what kind of rice do they have? They have quinoa, okay, they have brown rice, okay, let me take this. Let me take this. Let me take this and fill up the grocery bag and go or I have the key to the house so I can eat from here. You can eat not do groceries. All right. So the houses whose keys that you have, or Saudi pecan Saudi workers who are good
Good friend. All right, so you go to your friend's house, and you should not feel awkward to eat there. You should not feel awkward to eat there. This, the color shouldn't be there, you see, what is the color of what is the color of it's pretense, right? That you're pretending to be very modest, and you want to eat the food that's on the table. There is no need to pretend like that. So you can eat from the house of your friend also. Now, what does this is telling us over here? You see the rule of estate, then? What does that teach us? respect other people's privacy? Right? But privacy? Does that mean that you never interact with each other? That you hardly get together? Is that what
it means? No. Because sometimes what we do is we go to the house and we close the door all the time the door is closed. That's not correct. What did Allah say, Oh, well, her phone right, you should be going about seeing one another. Not that as soon as you go home doors closed, doors closed, no access, right? Or, for example, a person become so hesitant because of this rule of estate than that they don't even go to their mother's house, they don't even go to their son's house, they don't even go to their sister's house or their brother's house. No, is then that rule does not mean you become antisocial. And you cut off from each other, this awkwardness has been removed, that you should eat
in each other's houses, there is no sin in that. And there should be no awkwardness, socialize with each other, eat together, and also include all people regardless of their disabilities. So for example, if there is a relative who happens to be blind, or who happens to have some other kind of disability or who happens to be sick. That doesn't mean we don't visit them. They don't visit us. We don't eat together. No. Because in some cultures, or in some places, unfortunately, this is quite common, that if a person is sick, don't even go near them. Don't even go near them don't even go visit their house. What does Allah tell us in this ayah there is no harm if you sit and eat with a
sick person also. Now, of course, there's different types of sicknesses, right? But if it's just an ordinary sickness, which is not contagious, there is no harm, then go sit with them and eat with them.
You know, sometimes we don't go visit a sick person, even though there may be a relative saying that, Oh, when I go, I'll disturb them.
But the thing is that they need company, they need somebody to come and sit with them and talk to them. But sometimes, this is also because we have, you know, created such barriers between ourselves and other people, that people feel awkward even coming near us.
They feel awkward coming near us. Whereas we see that in our deen, what have we been taught that we should be social? We should meet one another, we should sit with one another. Not that all the time, my space, your space, my house, your house? I don't know. You don't know me? Mind your business. I mind my business. I respect my privacy. I respect your privacy, and therefore we never see each other. We never sit with one another. We never eat with one another. No. Allah says there should be no how much you should sit with one another. We see that many times people with disabilities are excluded from social gatherings. Right? Or that entire family is left out. Why? Because they say,
oh, it's going to be awkward for them. It's going to be awkward for everybody else. And sometimes people with disabilities even they choose not to come. Why? Because they have been made to feel so awkward. That they don't feel good. They feel embarrassed coming in front of other people. They feel embarrassed that because they have a disability, other people will feel awkward. No, they don't need to feel awkward. I don't know if you have seen that video clip about that comedian who stutters.
On that show what choice.
America's Got Talent,
just YouTube it okay, but only watch that clip, please. And don't start watching other clips. Okay, because there could be a lot of how on material in that. I just saw that yesterday. Actually, somebody showed it to me and I was amazed. I'm not going to ruin it for you. All right. But basically, here's a man who stutters. And he is a comedian.
Yes, a comedian stand up comedy, alrighty, standing up and making jokes, all right. And he's stuttering. But imagine he was only able to do that because he did not feel awkward about his disability. And the people who are with him were willing to listen to him also are not feeling awkward because of his disability. You understand that he has been allowed to come for this contest and then also go beyond it.
And when I saw
that I remembered mozarella husana He used to stutter. And Allah subhanaw taala chose him to be a prophet, right and go to fit our own. So over here we see that people with disabilities, they should not be excluded, they should be given opportunities also, they should be kept as part of the society, especially if they're related to you.
And so, there should be no hemorrhage meaning they should not feel constriction and the host also should not feel uncomfortable, such people should be included, they should be welcomed and not repelled because of their disability. Now, we see over here, that the people mentioned in this ayah who are they?
Who are they the relatives that are mentioned over here, father, mother, sister, brother, uncle, aunt, paternal and maternal Who are they your closest relatives, right? And this is a human need to interact with your closest relatives. So over here, we are told there is no sin, if you sit with them and eat with them lace on a comb do no harm, there is no blame on you. And that Kulu Jamia run out wash data that you eat together or separately, ash that is a plural off, shut down, which is a plural off shut eat.
Ash that is the plural of shutdown, which is the plural off shutdown eat? And what does that mean? Separately, individually, there is no harm. If all of you sit together at one table, or in one room and you eat there, or you sit separately. What does that mean that each person in their own house they're eating, or each individual is eating his own time? You understand because when their family gatherings, family gatherings, then what happens? People need to sit together and eat. Now we have gone into extremes either what we do is we don't have any family gatherings. Why? Because there's too many boys and too many girls, too many non Muharram issues. So no family gatherings. And because
of that even the uncles and aunts are not sitting together who are brothers and sisters of each other. The whole family doesn't come together because of extreme level of hijab, all right. Or we've gone to the other extreme, no observation of hijab, nothing at all men, women, everybody sitting together, one next to the other, no proper etiquette is being observed. No, we need to find that balance. Sometimes the gathering is such a small, everybody can sit in one room, perhaps the women who are it because there are men men on one side, women on the other side or the food is served in one place, men are sitting in one place women are sitting in the other place, right? So depending on
what the house is like or how many people there are, who there are, Allah says there is no harm on you if you sit together and eat or if you eat separately. Now, also, this means that laser Alikum Janardhan and Takuro Jumia and our statin, that it's not necessary that the entire family must eat together.
You understand? It's not a must that the entire family come together at once and eat. There is no harm if sometimes children eat earlier parents eat later, there is no harm. However, it should not be a habit. Because when you eat together, you bond with each other also, right? In a hadith we learned that one some people complained to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that we eat but we don't feel satisfied. And he said that perhaps you eat separately. Eat together and mention the name of Allah and He will bless the food for you. Because when there is a group of people together, then there is also Baraka. When you share then less becomes more.
So there is no sin if you do that. Then Allah says for either the Haltung boo youth and when you do enter houses for suddenly more Allah and fusi calm then greet yourselves meaning when you do enter the houses whether your own or your brothers, sisters are your grandparents. What do you have to do? Say the salam before you enter? Salim or Allah and fisico now there is a context behind this ayah we learned that even our basketball below and who he said that when this IO was revealed, yeah, are you Alladhina amanu letter Kulu and wala combined a conveyor belt that oh, you will believe do not eat each other's wealth in wrong ways.
Meaning, if something is not yours, don't take it. If you didn't buy it, if it's not your property, then don't take it. So what happened the Muslim said that Allah has forbidden us to eat other people's stuff. So we should not eat other people's food.
You understand? So what happened? All of a sudden, people would feel awkward going to you know, their sister's house and eating something from there. So what happened and this clarification was revealed that if you go to your sister's house, there's food sitting at the table, there's no harm if you join in. There's no harm if you eat something, right? Even if you've been given to
used to somebody's house you go in their house to check. They're gone for the weekend, you go inside and check and there's food on the stove. They forgot it there. Now what do you do? You say, Oh, I can't eat it. I have to throw it away, but I can't eat it. No. If it's fine, take it home, eat it, there is no harm, or eat it there, there is absolutely no harm. You open up the refrigerator to make sure everything is fine. And you see there's yogurt, and it's going to expire the next day. Can you eat that? Of course you can. Can you take it? Yes, you can. All right. So remember that when you go to the houses of your relatives you can eat from there. Sometimes people feel awkward. Oh, my
brother's house, my sister in law will not feel happy. Why?
Or my son's house or my daughter's house, my son in law will not feel happy. No, this kind of awkwardness should not be there. Because we have a need to socialize and we have a need to eat when we sit together we eat so eat comfortably. There should be no how much don't feel awkward.
But to remember that whatever a person does, he should do that in an approved manner. Right? Meaning only take as much as is appropriate. So for example, if you go to your brother's house, you can open up the fridge and see if there is any juice.
Okay, but don't take the whole bottle and finish it. Right. Or if you want to have the whole thing ask him. You understand? Ask him first. Well, for instance, you're going to the fridge and you see a box of cheesecake you're like, ah, yeah, let's have it. You put it at the table. Everybody starts eating and you see your brother leaving? And he's like, What are you doing? I got this because I was going somewhere. Right? So he was gonna take that as a gift somewhere and you ate it up the whole thing? Or you took a nice piece from it. How was he meant to take that? So do use cents. All right, do that which is my roof do that which is acceptable. Now, for example, when it comes to the keys
that you've been given keys to somebody's house. So for instance, if there's a gardener, right there working in somebody's orchard, somebody's garden, all right, and there's a fruit tree or there's a tomato plant and the tomatoes are ripe, so he wants to taste one tomato, he can taste it, there is no harm, but he shouldn't pick all the ripe tomatoes and take a whole bag full home. All right, we can eat a little bit but it doesn't mean that we start doing our groceries over there. And one more thing that is mentioned over here is that when you do go then what should you say? Salah. Why? The here turn it is a greeting Minar in the Lair it is from Allah. This greeting we have been taught it
by who? By Allah subhanho wa Taala it started from Allah because Allah taught to Adam to say salam. Allah taught Adam to say Salah when Allah created Adam Rheinhessen and other one is Salam. You know, he came to his senses and Allah told Adam or listen and go to the angels and say salaam to them to other listen and went to the angels and he said, a sinner morning. So this greeting started from where? From Wu, Allah azza wa jal de Haytham entering the law, and it is mobile Rakatan. It is blessed by you button. Good. And what are the greetings that we use the words of greetings that we use sometimes many times in fact, hi. Okay. Hi. What does it mean?
What does it mean?
What's the meaning of high?
Doesn't mean anything. It just means Hi. Okay. We all say hello.
Hello. What does that mean? I don't know when I write the word hello, H E. L L. And then Oh.
I don't know. It reminds me of something else.
Hey, hey, what
it means any any word that you use to greet somebody, it can never be as good as a Salam or Aleikum because a Salam aleikum. First of all, it's from Allah. And secondly, it is mu Baraka, what is more Baraka with Baraka with blessing with goodness, and it is for you, but it is good, it is clean.
Exactly. It's so meaningful. It's so pure, may peace be on you. May you be safe. God's blessings be on your Assalamu alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
I mean, it depends. You could see why they come and on YouTube. And other scholars say that there's no harm in saying why they can ascend because as long as a person is alive, we hope that God's safety beyond them his his peace and blessings beyond them so that they're rightly guided alright. So for suddenly more or less than physical because the higher the manner in the lab mobile Rakata Eva Gallica up you know Hola Hola, como estas Allah clarify to you the vs Darla come dark loon so that you understand
And you see when it comes to Salam, the Prophet sallallahu sallam said that you cannot enter Jannah until you believe and you cannot believe until you love one another and what is the way of loving each other saying salaam to each other? Sometimes we're in such a rush that we don't even say Salaam. Or we don't even look at each other.
We don't even look at each other. We don't even acknowledge the presence of somebody look away completely ignore them. You know, it's amazing. We're sitting at a gathering in one room five people, six people, three people are talking amongst each other. One person has come it's as though they haven't even been seen. They have sad Salah are they concerned and then just carry on talking as if they don't exist? Is this respectful behavior?
But unfortunately, we do this a lot. We have a guest come in. We don't even greet them. We don't even sit with them. We don't even talk to them. Or we go to somebody's house has a guest and we completely ignore them. We're just constantly on our phone or we're doing our own business. This is something that's not okay. When we have asked somebody to give us their time or we are giving somebody our time, then be there. And it begins with salaam
that Allah says in the manual manana indeed the believers who are they they are Alladhina amanu biller he will also Lee they are those who believe in Allah and His messenger the true believers are only those who believe in Allah and His Messenger what either and when candle they were Maha with him with who with the messenger, Allah on Ahmadinejad, Marian, a matter an affair that is Jan Mira, what is jammer? It's from jammer. What does Gemert mean to collect? So Jan Mira collective meaning a matter that is of everybody's concern. It's a collective matter. It's a matter of common interest. It's ours, it's general, it concerns everyone. It is important. It's a task in which everyone is
required to be present. Everyone's participation is necessary, their attendance is necessary. You see, there's two kinds of things that we do one is a personal matter, personal business. All right, personal thing. So for example, you go somewhere, you go to the library, you go borrow a book, you read it a little bit, and then you go home. Alright, this was what your personal business, you can, whenever you wanted to you did what you wanted to you left whenever you want to do this is what your own personal business. But then there's some other things which are, I'm gonna jam here. You're not going there for your own self. You're going there for what a common cause that is shared between you
and other people. You're going for some work that you're going to do as a team, as a group, not just you but as a team. So when you're working somewhere in a group, what does Allah say that the true believers are those who love me and hug who who do not go away have the until yesterday, the new they seek permission from him from who from the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they do not leave except after taking permission. This is who this is the behavior of who. This is the etiquette of who? Who Alladhina amanu those people who truly have email, which means that if a person leaves without permission, they don't show up, or they leave early without permission. Then what does it
mean? Where's the deficiency? Where's the deficiency in what in their Eman? Isn't that a problem then?
Is that a problem? It is? So if we want to perfect our Eman? What is it that we need to fix? What is it that we need to fix our commitment? Commitment with what? Teamwork group work? You know, sometimes it happens that a group of people are assigned a project. What happens three people do the project and four people they're named as goes on the project. They haven't really done it.
This is Kiana. This is cheating. It's lying. Its betrayal. This is something that does not befit a true believer, a true believer, what does he do? When he is part of some collective effort? He does not go without permission. In the Levina Indeed, those people who yes, the no naka, who do seek permission from you. And over here, primarily the prophets of Allah, Islam is being addressed. Who do seek permission from you before leaving. Allah says Allah He can Medina is those people who you may know in a villa, he was truly who truly believe in Allah and His messenger, you know, at the Battle of Han duck. What were the Muslims doing before the enemy came, they were busy digging the
trench, and the trench was about two kilometers long, deep enough that nobody could
dare to go down into it? All right, wide enough that nobody would dare jump over it. All right, so it has to be pretty wide pretty deep pretty long. And the Sahaba were constantly working, digging, digging the trench, it took them about 10 days of nonstop work. And when they were digging the trench, first of all, they had very little food because they didn't have time to go outside of Medina, you know, Sansome, trade caravan somewhere, buy food, get your supplies, no, and even if they have their dates on their trees, they didn't have the time to go and get it. You understand? Overall, people were hungry, they were hungry, and there was a shortage of food from the very
beginning. Now what happened that as the Muslims were digging, there was a huge rock that some Sahaba were trying to break and they were not able to do it. So they asked the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that what should we do? We cannot break this rock. So the prophets Allah said him, he descended into the trench. He took a hammer or something or an axe or something, and he struck it when he struck it, that entire rock, it just crumbled into sand. But when he lifted his arm up, what happened his shirt or his upper garment, it was also lifted up. And Jabil de la Horne, who he saw the stomach of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that on his stomach. There were rocks tied to his
stomach. Why would anybody tie rocks to their stomach? Have you ever been extremely hungry? And you just press your stomach? Why? To control that hunger? Right? So the prophets of Allah Islam had two rocks died to his stomach, Punjab middle to the one who saw that you know what he did? He said to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, may I please go home? He asked permission. May I please go home? I need to do something. He asked permission. And the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, Yes, you may. So Jabil went home quickly. He asked his wife, do we have any food? She said, All we've got is just one baby sheep. All right, and a bag of barley or something. And he said, Okay, he quickly slaughtered
the sheep. And she cooked the barley, she she grounded, and she turned it into dough, and she was going to make bread with it. He cooked the meat. And when it was almost ready, he went back. And he called the Prophet salallahu Salam and he said, you also live a little bit of food, please come and eat. And if you'd like you can bring one or two people with you. And he said it very quietly. Alright, so that nobody would hear. And the Prophet salallahu Salam asked him, What do you have? And he told him what he had. And then the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, well, people have the trench Come, let's go eat. 1000 people went to jab at his house and jabber a little while ago before he
left you know what happened, his wife said, Do not embarrass me before the prophets of Allah said and make sure you only call him. So when he came when 1000 people are following him, his wife goes, may Allah do such and such to you? You know, she started like getting angry at him. And then the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he, he asked the wife of Jabra to call her friend, she came, both of them started baking bread. And the Prophet said Alana sent him he himself will take a piece of bread, some meat, and he served all the people all the sahaba. And they all ate. And Jabra said that when they left, the food was exactly as it was before. exactly as it was before. And the prophets of
awesome advised the wife of Jabba that people are hungry, feed them.
Don't be stingy with food. He wanted that the food should only be for me. But people are hungry, so feed them.
Now the reason why I mentioned the story to you is the Jabra Lauren, who had a very noble intention, a very good reason to go to leave the trench and go somewhere else didn t. But even before he did that, what did he do? He asked the Prophet salallahu Salam, may I go, he didn't disappear. If he disappeared, what the Prophet said allows him notice, perhaps not why there is 1000 People working over there. Maybe he didn't notice, but jabber aligned with the fact that he asked the prophets of Allah salah, may I go, what does that show he had Iman. This is why Allah says that those people who do take permission, then there are those who believe in Allah and His messenger by either so when is
the Nuka they do take permission from you liberally shutting him for some of their affairs. If they ask permission, may I go there? May I be excused today? May I go for such and such cause? What is the profits or loss and I'm told, then then give permission, Lehman for whoever that you Wishman home from them. Meaning the prophets Allah, Allah Islam as a leader, he was given the choice if you want give permission, if you want do not give permission. Because you see, sometimes we're looking at the situation, you know, just with our own eyes, right? We feel like for example, in a group project, one person might feel oh, you know, what if I'm not there, no big deal because I've done my
part. So it's okay if I don't go right or I can do it later tonight.
and send it.
But you know what? If the group leader says, No, you have to come still, then we still have to come. Why? Because they're looking at the whole picture. And they know that if you don't show up, how are the rest of the people going to feel?
How are they going to feel that this is unfair? Right? They know that if you don't show up right now, and you make up your work later on, it's quite possible that you miss out on the details, because you weren't there in the meeting. You weren't there. So you missed out on some meetings, you're not going to get 100% out of it. So sometimes, what happens is that we're looking at the situation just from our point of view. And the person in charge, they tell us no, you don't have permission today. And then we get upset. But what is it that the prophets Allah, Sam has told fat? Then Lee mentioned to me No, it's up to the leader, he decides if he wants to give permission or
not, and we have to accept it. It's not a personal battle here. Because I'm gonna in German, remember, this is not a matter that benefits one person, who does it benefit the whole team, everybody, so everybody needs to be there was still fit Allahu Allah and seek forgiveness for them from Allah. When you do give permission to them, that they may go, you've allowed them, but you have to seek forgiveness for them. Why seek forgiveness for them?
When is it that we need to seek forgiveness
when a sin has been committed, when a mistake has been made, when we have missed out on a good opportunity.
So over here, we see the fact that they're not there in that collective effort in that collective work, the fact that they're missing, even if they're missing for five minutes, 10 minutes, 30 minutes. If they're not there, they're missing out on something valuable, and when they're missing out on something valuable than seek forgiveness for them. What does this show?
What does this show to us?
What does it teach us?
Avoid leaving why? Because leaving is a serious matter. Remember that when a group of people are working together than Allah's help is with them.
When people are working together, united, they're working as a team. Allah's help is with them, his Baraka is with them. And as long as they are honest with each other, Allah's help will be there. When even one person becomes dishonest with the team, then what happens? Allah's help is removed.
Allah's help is taken away when even one person is dishonest when even one person does Kiana.
So when one person leaves, then they're affecting the whole team. And you see when one person leaves, even though they took permission before leaving, the fact is that they're affecting under jammer, the whole work is going to be affected, right? Think about it in an organization. If the person sitting at the reception, they don't show up? What's going to happen, even though they took permission. Now the whole day they're gone, even though they took permission for their leave. But all day The phone is ringing ringing ringing ringing, is it not going to affect the business? Is it not going to affect the other employees, it's going to affect everybody, everybody's work is going
to be affected because even when one person is missing, then the whole team suffers. The whole team suffers. Each and every individual is important.
And also remember that when one person leaves, even though he has taken permission, then is he not setting a trend? Is he not setting a trend? He is setting a trend right? That okay, I left it permission. Why don't you go and take permission, you also miss out, you also skip you also leave you also leave Okay, everybody leaves and the whole work is going to collapse isn't going to collapse in well. So the believers are who, when they're committed to a cause. They are committed to a cause. It doesn't matter what's going on. It doesn't matter what's going on. Our commitment is our commitment. And we have to we must be true to it. Because if we are not true to it, then we're not
just harming ourselves, we're actually harming the whole cause. We're actually harming the entire team's effort.
I'm just going to give you an example over here and this is not for the purpose of showing off or anything. It's just an example so that inshallah perhaps there should be encouragement for you to
this Friday. I had a class Friday evening, I had to go to Hamilton for a lecture.
Saturday morning yesterday I had a class one
I got home, I had some relatives that arrived from the airport.
staying at my house.
Yesterday evening, I had electricity topical.
This morning, again, I have class. When I go from here again, I have a lecture in the evening.
And my relatives are at my house, they're staying with me.
Tomorrow morning, sometime they will leave. Tuesday morning, I have a two hour long class.
If I wanted, I could have stayed home today, it would have been much easier for me.
Because I'm standing here with hardly any sleep.
But this is a commitment that I made. And the lectures also I committed to them before the guests arrived, before their plan was made. It's a commitment I made. And I have to be true to it. Because it is not fair to the team. It is not fair to you, it is not fair to the people who have been working on this, that they suffer just because of my own personal issue.
My guests coming in that is my personal issue. Isn't it's all. But my coming here, that is what I'm gonna jam here. And this takes priority over everything else. It takes priority over my sleep, it takes priority over my breakfast, it takes priority over everything else. This is a commitment. And we have to be true to it.
We have to be true to it. Because if we're not, then we're harming other people. And this is why was the fiddler whom
you know, everybody needs to think about themselves as students or as group and charges, whoever, whatever we are doing here. Remember, we're not coming here to make money? Are we? Are we coming here to make money? Do you get paid for coming here?
And if anybody works here, even how much money are they going to make? If you work somewhere else, perhaps if you're working at Tim Hortons on Sunday morning, we'll be making more money. Right? So when we come here, we come here for the book of Allah, we come here so that we can assist one another in understanding the book of Allah. And each and every individual they're coming here is important. And when we skip, when we come in late or we leave early, or when we just not show up at all or the morning off, we say, I'm sorry, I can't make it. How about this morning, I sent a message to the class that you know what, I can't make it. I need to sleep.
Would that be fair to you? Know, I mean, of course there are certain situations in which your circumstances do not allow you if I'm sick, I cannot come. Right. But if it's something here, something there a little bit here and there. That's something that we can inshallah manage. You know, when this whole thing came up this extremely busy weekend, literally, I was having like an anxiety attack. I felt like my heart was gonna pop out. I don't know if you understand. But when you have guests coming over. That means you have to clean the house, you have to cook you have do everything.
And I wasn't off this past weekend and I'm not going to be off this coming week. So I was literally having an anxiety attack. I messaged my mom like Mom, should I cancel the lectures, should I do something? And she said no.
because there's something that when the flyers were made calls were booked How could I cancel? Is that fair?
It's not fair. She said don't cancel. I did not cancel. And literally I was praying salah the other day and I felt like my heart was gonna pop out and like the Allah you helped me. And literally, you know, when you were praying and you put your hand on your chest, and I literally pressed my heart, like y'all know calm my heart, calm my fears.
Because this is the deen of Allah. This is the kalam of Allah, you have to be just with it.
When if it's these difficulties are coming from Allah. We do our best to Allah will help. He will assist but we have to try. You know, the Sahaba when they were digging the trench, they were hungry, they were cold, they were exhausted. They were so nervous. Allah says in the Quran, when the hearts were reaching up to the throats.
They were that nervous. And you know what the Sahaba were saying? They were singing. They were singing poetry. And they were saying Allahumma Lola anthem today now. Oh Allah if it wasn't for you, we would not have been guided while Selena while at Assad duck. We would not have prayed we would not have given in charity. This Deen yes these hardships are coming upon us because of the deal. But ya Allah we love the team. We don't mind that the we don't mind that. We don't mind any hardship that comes with it, because it's all part of the package.
And we'd love the day. You don't for example, your baby, you love your baby, even though it's so hard to give birth and to look after the baby, but you love your baby to the core.
Because you own it. Dean also there's some people who own it the Sahaba they did not complain. They rejoiced and the prophets of Allah as and when he would see the condition of the Sahaba call tired, weak, hungry, exhausted, he would say Allahu Mala Ayesha Ilari shall fulfill lil Ansari, one who heard Oh Allah, there is no life except the life in the hereafter in Jana. So Allah please forgive them or hygiene and the unsought forgive us. They were encouraging each other motivating one another. And this is something that we need to do. The fact that we come the fact that we show up this is a cause of motivation for one another, isn't it? Because think about it, if 10 People even
are missing, what is it going to do to the rest of the group? Aren't they going to feel discouraged? Do people are missing, they're going to feel discouraged. When we stand back from fulfilling our obligations, we are affecting the entire team, the entire team the entire cause. This is why the believers, Allah says they take permission before they leave. And if they do leave after permission, the messenger salatu salam installed was the fiddler home seek forgiveness for them. Allah from Allah. In the love of photo Rahim Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
Just think about it. If this course that you're taking if this was at a university,
would you take it this casually?
I'm not saying you do. But the times when we think about skipping class, would we do that at university? No. Those of us were working over here. If we were working the way we work here at Tim Hortons even would we have our job? No, we will be fired. Don't come tomorrow, isn't it? So if we come one day, we leave two days in the middle. Third day we don't show up and like this one excuse after I have guests today. Oh, I have to do this today. I have to do that today. Sorry. When it comes to your personal life that stays at home. When you come to work. You come to work. I remember a friend told me that she used to work at this hotel. And she was told when she was being given her
training that leave your problems at home when you come here.
Leave your problems at home. I mean, this is a little harsh. But basically what she was told is when you're standing at the front desk and people are coming in to make their bookings don't stress out in front of them. You have to have a smile on your face. And you have to be helpful. Yes, you're stressed out you have problems but leave them at home. Because Umbrian jammer is now off concern. Let the GRU do not make dua Rasul the dua of the messenger the call of the messenger meaning when the messenger Salallahu Salam calls you to something,
don't make that bein a car between yourselves Gurdwara II borrow the convertible, like the call of some of you to others. When the messenger calls you don't treat that as an ordinary person calling you. When an ordinary person calls you. What can you do? Ignore the call? Right? delay in responding, you can do that right? But when the messenger calls you don't behave like that, that call is not ordinary. What does it mean if he calls you you must respond. There are over here is also understood as address. Meaning when you address him, when you call him meaning when you address him don't address him the way you address each other. So when we address each other, how do we
address each other? We take each other's names, right? So for example, the Sahaba would say yeah, Buck, Yama, your Earth man. But when you're calling the prophets of Allah Islam do not say yeah, Mohamed do not say yeah, Abell Qasim, what should you say? Ya Rasool allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam observed the etiquette the other of that must be shown to the leader.
Show respect to the messenger SallAllahu Sallam when you call him also thirdly, dua over here is understood as dua, meaning supplication, the DUA that the prophets of Allah is Allah makes because you see at the end of the previous it said seek forgiveness. So when he seeks forgiveness when he makes the offer you don't take it as if an ordinary person is making the offer you because his dua is going to be accepted. Remember the prophets that allows him at one occasion he saw a man eating with his left hand he told him eat with your right hand. He said, I cannot. And the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, May you never and that man was never able to take his right hand up to his
He was never able to do that.
Likewise, we learned the prophets of Allah and made dua for a boyhood idol below our new for even our bestel dillow and before they're in for their fifth and these two people they're known for their knowledge they're known for their understanding of the deen so his daraz are accepted. Do
Don't take them casually, or the Yarlung Allah Allah knows a Lavina those people who yet a Salah Luna mencoba who slipped among you. Yet the salah Luna seen lamb lamb Sal is to pull out to draw out and the Salone is Scrooge huffy here to leave secretly, what does the salon mean?
to sneak out to leave secretly so Allah knows those people among you who leave secretly Lee while they're taking shelter Liwa from the root letters lamb well dal and leeward is basically to take shelter, right to take each other as a barrier, to take each other as a barrier to hide behind one another. You understand? So for example, a group of people, 50 people, 100 people, and somebody from the back, what does he do? Just quietly sneakily, he just goes to the side and slip out. This is really why they're taking people as a shelter. And then he had the salah Luna slip away, quietly, secretly sneak out. What does Allah say? He knows, he sees.
Perhaps somebody will never find out. Perhaps they will think you were there for the entire time but you left early Allah knows, familia. So he should be afraid, who Alladhina you Holly Funan, Umbria. He, those people who oppose his command whose command the command of the messenger the command of the leader. If the messenger has said everybody has to be at the trench than everybody has to be at the trench, nobody can leave and if someone slips away, someone sneaks out that ALLAH knows and those who oppose the command of the messenger, they should fear and to sleep at home fitna, lest a fitna should hit them, a trial should strike them. A trial should strike them. What does it mean by
this, that when they slip away without permission, they go, they leave their work, without telling without seeking permission, they go away. It's quite possible that as they step out a fitna befalls them a punishment from Allah befalls them, a trial befalls them.
You see, this is a matter that is not between us and other people. This is a matter that is between us and Allah or zoologia. Because when we make a commitment with a team, for the cause of Allah, we are making the commitment with Allah, the Sahaba at Barrett of the Diwan, under the tree when they were giving the bearer to the prophets of Allah Salah what happened Allah said, in NEMA, you obey your own Allah, they were actually making the bearer with Allah.
They were making the promise the pledge with Allah because it was for the cause of Allah.
So any small commitment even which has to do with the deen, remember, this is a commitment with Allah, not with the person we're dealing with. So when we are not fulfilling our duty, we are cheating who
we are betraying who? Allah. This is why Allah says they should fear less to fitna should befall them. Oh, you see ba whom are either on a limb or a painful punishment should strike them.
You know, once a man he went to the masjid, he was traveling, and he went to see a Sahabi The other man was pronounced. And that man said, Okay, I'm gonna go. That's how he said the Prophet sallallahu Sallam has said that when the that is on grounds, you have to stay for Salah don't leave. He said, No, no, I'm going to go. So he went, he disobeyed the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he left he went. And that's how he was so afraid for him that something's going to happen to that man. And it did happen. He heard that that man fell from his camel and broke his leg, broke his leg. And it can happen. You know, sometimes we leave class early without permission without notification we go. And
then what happens? We sit in the car, and we're stuck in the traffic stuck in the traffic sitting here? 15 minutes, half an hour? What was the point of leaving early?
Oh, where are they gonna leave a painful punishment from Allah? May Allah protect us. Now what we see here is that the believers, they would never behave like this. It was the moon African, who would sneak out hiding behind people, people who would be sitting in the front, then when I 15 at the back, what would they do? Hide behind the people and just escape whenever they would get a chance. When a person does this, he thinks he's being so smart. But Allah reveals this foolish act. By the year Allahu Allah knows. Now what's the main lesson of this ayah community collective work? This is a matter that is between us and Allah. And we better take this seriously. And if we don't
take this seriously, then there will be consequences. Allah says Allah, unquestionably, in Allah He indeed it is for Allah, what is for Allah maphis Somehow it will or whatever that is in the skies and the earth, anything in the sky, anything in the earth it belongs to Allah, because he is the owner. He is the Creator. He is the master father
Dr. Alonzo, he knows Matt that which unto Him you are I lay him on it. He knows what you are upon. Meaning he knows where you stand, where each and every one of us stands. Because sometimes we keep telling ourselves No, I'm very committed. I'm very good. I always do my work, but what do we learn here, Allah knows where our shortcomings are, he knows so we should fear him, instead of making sure that our reputation is perfect in front of other people, we should be concerned about rectifying our reputation before Allah subhanaw taala Khodiyar Allah MoMA and tomar la way oh my god, Runa la he and the day that they will return to Him. Allah will know at that time also, he knows now what we're
doing. And he will know then when we will face him for you in a beautiful home, then he will inform them be ma me lieu of what they did. Allah will inform people of what they did, will allow militia in Parliament, Allah is Knowing of everything. So fear Him and rectify your state, because he sees he knows, and he will judge. So each and every one of us needs to analyze ourselves in the light of this surah of light. You see, it's harder to know, right? It's enlightenment. The way to think about the light of our heart, the state of our heart Eman and then our actions also
and rectify our state, the inner state and the outer state because he knows he sees what we think what we feel in our hearts and what we do in our actions. So this is sort of new. What is new light, it's the opposite of darkness, darkness is internal and external. Light is also internal and external. What is Iman Iman is light, what is good for darkness, what is neufeldt Darkness? What is it that prevents a person from light? Darkness NIF ALC? And what is Nefab? Why is there hypocrisy, it's because of desires, desires, that Oh, I feel like having a cup of tea right now. Right desires, uncontrollable desires that a person is just pursuing them, like a Saurabh is pursuing them. Or it's
ignorance and awareness and we see two examples that were given in the soda one of Saurabh and the other off the water, the depths of the water. So what's the solution? Rise Above rise, get out of that, get enlightened with knowledge and then act upon it. Whatever commands Allah has revealed in the Surah they are for armor, but only when a person embraces them in his heart accepts them in his heart that will lead to biller era then what will happen actions will also change may Allah subhanaw taala enlighten our hearts enlighten our lives and keep us away from darkness as we listen to the recitation ladies
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