Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P17 170C Tafsir Al-Hajj 72-76
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The concept of "verses," which is the generation of people who believe in Islam, is not just a general rule, but specific to each individual. The transcript uses examples such as reciting the Prophet's words and the use of "has" in English to describe people who believe in Islam. The segment discusses the controversy surrounding the title of the Quran and the need for people to open it again, as well as the importance of flying and flying to catch fly. The segment also touches on the discovery of the creature called Malka and the power of Islam, including the discovery of the flying experience and the potential for humans to experience life events.
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What either just literally him a tuna by Hinata in what either and when to fly it is recited, I lay him on them, I have to know our verses on such people, those who associate partners with Allah, when Our Verses are recited to them, by United as clear evidences as clear proofs, remember schicke it's founded on ignorance, there's no reason behind it no Sovann behind it. And when they are given proofs for toe heed, in the form of if I asked our beginner there are evidences proofs, such evidence such clarification that will remove their doubts.
But when these proofs are brought to them, what happens 34 You would recognize you would see 34 from our own law firm, Redfearn modify, what does modify mean? Recognition, right to recognize something. So you would recognize fee would you Hillary in a CAFO in the faces of those who disbelieve would you is the plural of wedge. So on their faces, you will recognize Ullman cough, La Mancha disapproval, meaning as they hear the verses of Allah as they hear the Quran, they cannot hold their disapproval back it appears on their face. That rejection is visible on their face that anger is visible on their face. Has it ever happened with you that you are talking to someone explaining
something to them and they're not in agreement with you?
And you're explaining to them but on their face is a big no.
Or on their faces? I don't agree with you. Yeah, it happens right? That when a person rejects something outright, they cannot keep that rejection in it becomes visible on the face. So over here, the disbelievers are mentioned that when the Quran is recited before them, the Cofer is visible on their faces. mooncup in car is visible on their faces Mancha.
Why is disapproval called mancha over here? Why is Cooper called mancha over here mancha is basically a thing or an affair. That is disapproved. Right, which is why it's the opposite of model. maruf is a thing or an affair that is acceptable, and mancha is the opposite of that it's disapproved, it's considered bad, it's considered foul. Right? The moon card is also used for something that has become difficult, severe heart. All right. And here, one car gives the meaning of in car,
that when a person fails to know something, or he fails to recognize something, he's ignorant of it.
Remember, Ibrahim Ellison when the angels came to him in the form of guests. They were co manconi. Right? They were a people whom he did not recognize, right.
Now, when you don't recognize something, or when you find something hard, or when you disapprove of something, what appears on your forehead.
A big frown. This is too hard. What is this? I don't know. Right? So instantly your face it shows what you're feeling. This is too hard. I don't agree with this. I don't understand this. So mancha over here means disapproval, which is obvious by their frowning and their anger, and the redness on their face and the frustration that is visible on their face. 34 feet, would you Hillary gefallen Mancha, you see Moncure on their faces. It's not even on the tongue yet. That rejection is visible on the forehead. It's visible in the way that they have contracted their face or something. Daddy foofy would you hit Latina gefallen Mancha. And this would happen when the prophets of Allah Islam
will be reciting the Quran, he will be reciting even before he would end the recitation, people were would be showing disapproval on their faces.
Yes, and this is so difficult to see.
It's so difficult to see. And it's so difficult to keep talking when somebody's giving you these expressions. Right? You begin to doubt yourself. And if you are, you know, for example, reciting the Quran in front of your teacher and your teacher looks at you with disapproval on her face. What would you think I'm making a mistake? Right? So even though she's your teacher, and she's there to teach you instruct you, but when you see the disapproval on her face, you instantly question yourself, Am I doing it right? Now imagine if you are speaking before someone who doesn't agree with you. And you see disapproval on their face. Would you feel afraid?
Would you lose your confidence? Would you think to yourself, I better not embarrass myself I
And in the future. But look at the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he did not stop. He would continue to recite the Quran to people calling them to Allah, even though they showed disapproval by their faces.
And when he would end the recitation, then they would begin with their words. During the recitation, they would show what their eyes after the recitation, they would start with their words. disapproving him. Yeah, Kaduna, Kaduna. They almost yes tuna they attack Bill Medina, those who yet Lunarlon him, Tina,
who are reciting on them Our Verses meaning the people who are reciting the Quran. These disbelievers would almost attack them, meaning they get so angry they cannot keep that anger to themselves. It's visible on the face and it's almost about to come out in a physical assault. Look at the word yes TONER Yes toner from seeing thaw well subtle
subtle be like over here Yes, toner Billa Rena be superb be he means that a person you just rushed against another. All right, sprang up and he literally assaulted him, attacked him, seized him violently with a raised hand.
Has it ever happened? You know, for instance, you might have seen on TV or maybe in real life, it may have happened. Somebody saying something and the other guy was so angry. They just get up in their anger with their hands raised up that How dare you say something like that? How could you do this? This is yes tonight. And if somebody advances towards you in this way, just imagine somebody who did is getting up and with their arms up hand up in the air as if they're ready to take you by your neck and strangle you. What would you do by hunkering away? Or you just be quiet? Yeka duniya stone I've been letting through gnarly him i attina What does it show? They're very angry. They're
not happy with the Quran. They don't like to hear the Quran. Allah says cool. Say fauna Bill calm. Should I inform you be Sheldon min Danica, with sharp meaning worse midvalley calm than that. Then what then what you're doing? You're so angry. You cannot keep that anger to yourself. You can't wait until the recite of the Quran would stop and you can't wait to assault him. You're ready to attack him you're ready to strangle him to take his life. Should I tell you something that is worse than that? And
it is the fire of *? War or the Hola Hola, Dena CAFO word to her. He has promised it who has promised it Allahu Allah has, who has he promised the spire to Allah the NACA follow those who reject those who disbelieve and that place this fire will be sold mostly what a terrible destination it is wretched it is as a destination.
We see that in Makkah. There were many times when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would recite the Quran to the people and they would become angry. And not just him even other companions, for instance, even was Rudra Alomar and he was one of the first people to recite the Quran publicly. And he recited to Rockman and when he was reciting people were clearly angry. You could the anger was visible on their faces. And over here it says yeah, Kaduna has to know they're about to assault. But in the case of even Mr. Rudra, Lauryn Hill, they actually assaulted him. They actually beat him up. They actually attacked him so that he could not recite the Quran anymore. He could not complete the
recitation of Surah Rahman Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Anhu you know, when the Hijra to Abyssinia happened, have a bucket of little wine who also went out to emigrate. He went along with Earth, Manuel dylanglen, who and other companions to go to Abyssinia. But there was a person coming from outside of Morocco an outsider, and he was also a nobleman. When he saw Abu Bakar leaving he asked him Where are you headed to he said, I can't live here anymore. I'm going away to Abyssinia to find refuge there. And that man said that a person like you have a backup, there is no way that you can leave Makkah you know, if people of Macedon give you protection, you have my protection, it would be a
huge embarrassment for all of us if a man like you was to leave Makkah. So this person he promised them a bucket of low honor that he would have his protection and he forced a bucket a little harder to come back into MCO with him. So we're gonna deliver and who returned. That man he spoke to the elders of coalition. They said that well, the worker can stay with if he wishes, but on one condition, he cannot recite the Quran or pray openly. He cannot do that. If he wants to do it. He can do it in his house. So buckle a little worn. He agreed. Fine, I won't pray in the home. I won't pray outside. I will pray only at home. So you know what he did? He extended a part of his house the
courtyard of his
House and he built a masjid in his house. And this is why the Scholars say that a bucket of little art who was the first one to make a masjid in his house, and what would he do? He would praise Allah over there. And when he would praise Allah, he would recite the Quran. And in this hadith I showed the learner she said that he was Bucha. He used to cry a lot. And when he would recite the Quran, powerful recitation, it would be so attractive that the women children, slaves passers by, they would just stop there staying that book a little no one who in all, just listening to the recitation, but obviously the Quraysh they got really angry with that. And they said to that man who
had given protection to bucket a blow on who that look. Now he's starting this in his house stop him. So that man came to bucket a little over noon, he said that look, guy, if you want my protection, you have to kind of cooperate, no bucket a little over and who said you don't want keep your protection with yourself, I don't need it. I'm not going to stop praying. I'm not going to stop reciting the Quran.
So we see that the Mushrikeen of Makkah, they could not even tolerate listening to the Quran. They hated to listen to the Quran. They could not tolerate watching someone pray salah they can handle it. And when is it that you cannot even hear certain words or you cannot even see someone doing something when when you hate it with all your heart. When you get super irritated by it. You know, for instance, somebody in your family, maybe they say certain words, you know, for instance, children, they start whining and that sound of whining. It just makes people angry. Just makes them furious. Right? So why is it that it makes them so furious, because they just hate it. They hate it
from all their heart, they abhor it. So they cannot tolerate even a minute of it. Even a second of it. Now imagine having that much hatred for the words of Allah.
so much hatred for the Quran.
And you might think that, well this happened then even happens today.
Do you know my mother, she told us about the story. And she also mentioned in one of her classes,
that she was very active in Pakistan and all women's affairs. So there was a conference about women's issues. And a huge discussion broke about and it was her turn to speak. So she basically opened up the Quran, and she said that look, but in the Quran, this is what it says. And she said, I opened up the Quran and all the people over there, they became so angry with me, they said, Please close it. And these are Muslims. This app, please close it. We don't want to listen to anything that is from the Quran. If you have something to say from yourself, please go ahead. But from the Quran, do not open that.
Do not open that we don't want to hear anything from the Quran. And she said she was forced to close the Quran in that conference. But she said that that is what gave her the motivation that no peran is for all
I'm going to do my best to take the Quran to everybody that gives her the motivation.
So this happens today also that you wish to recite the Quran you wish to open up the Quran. You mentioned something from the Quran, but people become angry. Try, be quiet. Don't say anything from the Quran closes Quran put this away, they cannot handle it. And this shows you the hatred that they have. And this hatred exists today as well. So we need to see how much love do we have for the Quran, that when people tell us to put it away?
How much love Do we have to open it up again and again, and to take it to others? While there are some people whose hearts are full of hatred for the Quran, is our heart full of love and respect for the Quran. This is what we need to see. This is what we need to be concerned about.
Allah says yeah, Are you a nurse or people booty by methylone An example is presented faster Marula. So listen to it attentively pay attention to it. Pay attention to it. What is this example? This example is about Shrek. Because the main reason why the Mushrikeen hated the Quran was that the Quran did not support idolatry. It did not support idolatry and the Mushrikeen obviously they love their idols. That's what their lives were about. It revolves around idolatry.
So, over here, the root of the problem schicke that is tackled, that Allah gives an example of shake of the reality of shake that think about it. What is it that you are clinging to? What is it that you're holding on to what is it that you are so defensive about shake
Is that what you care about? Well Sheikh listen and example is presented first time your ruler who pay attention to it listen attentively, think reflect in the Lavina indeed those who the Runa you call upon min doon Allah He besides Allah Taruna from dua, those whom you make dua to besides Allah those whom you worship besides Allah what ability do they have learn never yell look who they create Luba Ben or fly wallow, even if ag Tama Rue they gather up they unite together low for it meaning for this purpose
those that you worship besides Allah they cannot even make a single fly
even if all of them gather together and unitedly they try they put all their resources together their efforts everything together and they have tried to make a fly No, they will not be able to make a fly even
they do not have that power. They do not have that ability. And how weak are they that they fail before the fly? How what in and if yes, lube home it takes away from them who the fly yes Luba home from the root letters seen Lamba salad and salad is to take away so yes, load homos do Bab if the dough Bab the fly, it takes something away from them che and something and Cheyenne anything. Even something very very small. If the fly takes away from them. Can they get it back? Last not Yes. Turn Key do they recover it? They cannot get it back from the fly. They cannot take it back from the fly. Yes, then Keanu from the root letters known of that knuckle knuckle is to rescue something, save it,
recover it liberated. So what the fly has got what the fly has taken away from them, they can never take it back from the fly. Why? Because they cannot even catch the fly. They cannot even
kill the fly. You know recently I went to Pakistan when I my last trip. And of course and bucks on there's too many house flies. All right. If you leave your window open, you leave your door open to get some fresh air before the fresh air comes in. The flies are in. Alright. And so many flies everywhere. You wonder how do I get rid of them? So you go around with something like a newspaper old or something? And you look like a fool. All right, literally, you look like a fool trying to swat flies, because you try to swat it, you try to attack it with a huge newspaper roll. But before it hits, the fly is gone.
sits on your head. You try to smack your head in order to catch the fly. The fly is gone and you just hit yourself. You cannot even catch the fly, let alone get back from the fly what it has taken away from you. Why can you not get it back from the fly? What it has taken away from you? Because what the fly takes? What is it? How does a fly eat? Do you remember? How does it fly? Eat
it excretes you know digestive liquids out on the food. All right that it's trying to eat because it doesn't have teeth. Alright, it doesn't have a mouth. It has like a straw. So through that straw through that pipe it excretes digestive liquids. And then you know that juice basically, it sucks it up. So it's already digested. When it goes in the stomach of the fly. It's already digestive. It's already changed. It's already altered. How can you get it back? You can never get it back from the fly. Even if it is something so small less than a drop of water you try to get back from the fly what it has stolen from you, you will fail borrow for valuable Walmart Tolu Barossa it is weak who
is weak a thought of the seeker the one who is seeking one moto noob and the one who is being sought for Lamba Tala what does it mean to seek followable Earl the seeker of knowledge so fall of the seeker and Matsu the one who is being sought. Who is seeking over here people what are they seeking? The fly or the what the fly has taken from them and who is the MK lube the fly itself? Right because that is also week what kind of fly do it lives only 30 days? An average lifespan of a house flies is 30 days. Borrow of autonomy while not true, and what can it take away from you something so small, only in liquid form. That's all it can take away from you
Now remember that this example is about who is about to idols or the beings that are worshipped besides Allah.
So, what do we see here? That barrowford Talabani can also be understood as the mushrik? The one who is doing shit? The one who is seeking other than Allah?
And who is the motto the idol or the being that is being worshipped besides Allah, both are weak. Because can the idol help? Cannot? No, it cannot. So both are weak, both are pathetic. And why would you go after someone who's weak to help you to fulfill your needs, the sorrowful Polywell motto, we can also understand this as Darfur, Tala Tala can be understood as the idol. Because if we understand that, what es Luba who must do bad if the flight takes something away from the idols, because before the idol is what is placed the food that is, you know, placed as an offering, right that is given as an offering to the idols to seek their pleasure to seek their approval. So the food
that is placed before the idol, the idol cannot even eat it. Right? But who will come and have a good snack? The fly, right? And if the fly take something away from there can the idle take it back? Therefore Kalibo well Mutlu, both are weak. This is the reality of Schick you have in our basket Lauren, who said the pursuer the toilet was the idol and the pursuit meaning the mclubbe is the fly both are weak. This is the reality of Shrek, those whom you invoke are so weak that they cannot create as much as a fly even nor can they recover from a fly what it steals from them.
So all people, what are you calling upon? What are you seeking? Who are you chasing? Do you realize what you're doing? This is why the next idea is Malcador Allah haka de man not although they have valued Allah Allah haka agree,
how come haka as his right are three of his value, what is other true value worth estimate, true worth of something. So they have not understood Allah, they have not given Allah, the hack that he deserves, they have not understood him the way they should understand him. They have not thought of him the way they should understand him. And this is why they call upon other than Allah. Because if we realized who Allah is, we would never ever seek others and Allah, we would never raise our hands before other than Allah seeking their help. In Allaha, indeed, Allah look away Yuna Aziz surely he is a wee powerful as He is Exalted in Might, they have underestimated him, they do not understand
his might, that he is the creator, the Supreme Creator, He is the perfect one. He is the most able one and those whom they are running after, how pathetic are they they cannot even make a fly and they cannot even get something back from the fly. And just in the context of flies, Allah subhanaw taala he is conical coalition, right? He is the Creator of all things how many flies is Allah created? We cannot even count because there are it has said over 120,000 species of flies. Some say over 200,000 species of flies. We don't even know how many different types of flies are there forget about the number of flights.
Allah has created not just one fly, but many.
And flies. How small are they? And they appear to be something so insignificant, but they're so intricate. Such an amazing creation literally amazing we think oh, what a been a nuisance bother you just get rid of all these flies. But when you study a housefly you are amazed at the system that Allah's proton has created within it. You know, just know we were discussing what you can never catch a fly, right? You can never swat it. Why? Because of the way that the fly flies,
because of the way that it flies,
and its vision.
You know, when you look at a fly, what do you see? Its eyes, they're big, and sometimes they're quite scary. Huge. You know, it's as if they're so big that they can see everywhere, you know, front side back everywhere. Above, which is why if you try to attack it from the side and goes away somewhere else, if you try to attack it from the front goes somewhere else. And the way it flies is also amazing. It's so complicated that I tried reading an article about it, but I couldn't understand it. So I cannot explain it to you either. So complicated. But just one thing that is sufficient for us to know is that it's amazing how it flies. You know the fact that you
cannot catch it. That just tells us that it's very flight is amazing. Mercado de la Hakka Kadri you know, an average garbage can average garbage can if you leave it outside or if you leave it you know somewhere in the open it is capable of producing over 1000 New flies every week.
Every week 1000 New flies. And if everyone besides Allah, those that are worshipped besides Allah they got together they put their resources together, all their laboratories, everything together in attempts to make one fly. They couldn't make it. They couldn't make it we cannot even understand how it flies. How it eats we're just discovering portions of its life. And Allah is the one who creates not just one but many many
there are some amazing facts about flies which I'd like to share with you but first of all, let's listen to the recitation
of the wonderful guitar God feel really
wonderful Katha G feel really I'm really your human see goes
in along
with me Wally
meiomi to come
oh luckily
worthy oh no because in
the FBI What are
a long way from obeying
deli food
in Kaffee
god I'm longing to see ya I'm gonna
a newness ZIL beanie so on
one more morning I mean I mean no sleep well either
you do
yoga guardon is foreigner be less lenient loan
be shut
down Allah
we Yeah
Sturmey olan in
101 as normal normal though babble che
The Goonies OOMing bows on
Has it ever happened with you that you are extremely sick? And your mother is with you and you say mom do something? I don't want to be sick. And what does she say? I can't do anything. I'm making dua for you. I can take you to the doctors but I cannot take the pain away. Right. And even when you go to the doctor hoping that they'll take the pain away, they'll fix you. They cannot. They're over Taalib Walmart lube. anyone whom we put our trust.
Stay in, they are weak. They cannot help us. They cannot take our troubles away. Only Allah can help us and only he can take our troubles away.
Everyone else besides Allah, weak little fatale will will material they're so weak that they cannot even catch a fly. They cannot even take something away from the fly. So just watch this video
flies love to feast on putrefying decaying flesh with a side of dog poo
there's good reason to swat a fly off your food
every time one lands on a new food source it regurgitates a special digestive liquid to tenderize the meal and lick up the juice
that means bacteria from its last stop, just landed in your potato salad.
Flies can eat anything from filthy garbage to filet mignon.
But their offspring may have even more voracious appetites.
fly larvae looked disgusting, but they act as nature's recyclers breaking down dead animals
after just a few days of gorging, the maggots retreat into a pupa.
The End stage of a lifecycle that goes from egg to adult in as little as a week
if only human teenagers grew up that quickly.
Anyway, that's the end of the video. So you remember the caterpillar, right? Caterpillar what happens to it, eats and eats and eats and then goes into a cocoon, and then a beautiful butterfly comes out of it. Right? Well, a fly works in the same way. Its lifecycle is very similar. That a fly lays an egg from the egg comes out maggots and then those maggots what do they do? They eat and eat and eat until they go into pupa. And then what happens the outer skin, it hardens, it darkens and eventually what comes out of it a clever fly right now a fly.
Each female fly can lay up to 500 eggs over a three to four day period. Imagine 500 eggs, the maggots they emerge from the egg. in warm weather they can come out of the egg within eight to 20 hours. So within one day, literally, the egg is laid and what comes out of the egg maggot and then the maggot what does it do? It eats and eats and then turns into larva and then within four to 13 days it can come out it can emerge as a fly. Right? And does fly it beats its wings 200 times a second
200 times a second. This fly beats its wings that's three times faster than a hummingbird. You thought hummingbird was fast, a house flies even faster. And a flies average speed in flight is four and a half miles per hour. Average speed.
Now to make this more realistic, a fly can travel 300 times the length of its body in one second. So in one second, a fly can travel How much 300 times the length of its body. And a jet traveling at the speed of sound only traveled 100 times its length.
Just imagine
flies smell with their antenna, right and a fly has 4000 lenses in each eye
4000 lenses and each eye.
A fly is truly an amazing creature. It is amazing.
And even though they become a nuisance, what are they? Like we learned in this video
recyclers? Right.
They take care of the waste that we leave on this earth. The flies do or their maggots do, whatever. So really, this fly which appears to be so small, even this creature is so intricate. Those besides Allah cannot make a fly
Even they cannot even make something close to a fly.
Similar to a fly.
We came up with a jacket we came up with the plane we came up with so many different things but compared to a fly, what do they look like? What a bad fail, right? I mean just if you compare a jet that travels at the speed of sound to a fly, what winds a fly winds?
Malka, hola haka de they don't understand Allah they don't give him his due appraisal. They don't appraise Allah with true appraisal they have not estimated him correctly. They have underestimated him. Especially when they say that Allah has partners.
Or when they doubt Allah has power when they think Allah won't do this, Allah cannot do this. No, he can do whatever he wants. Malcador Allah haka de in Hola, hola kawaii Yuna Aziz intuitive Zoomer is 67 Allah says we're Malcador Allah ha ha Kadri. While Urdu Jamia and Kubla to yarmulke Yama was similar to moto yet to be a meanie. Today we do not recognize the mind and power of Allah. But if we reflect a little bit on the creation of Allah, perhaps we would understand. But on the day of judgment, people will come to know the power the might of Allah, when the earth in its entirety will be in his grasp, and the heavens will be folded in his right hand. And Allah will say at that time,
Lehmann and Michael Young, To whom does the kingship does the authority belong to today?
Allah who your stuffy Allah selects Allah chooses Minella Mala Ekati from among the angels Roussillon messengers Rasul florala Rasul. Meeting only Allah decides who to select from his angels as messengers, angels as messengers. Why?
Why, to deliver the message to human Prophet, right? Like, for example, Allah subhanaw taala sent a group of angels as messengers do, Ibrahim alayhis salam to give him the good news of the birth of his son and also to inform him about the punishment that was about to come on the people of Lutheran escena. Right? So Allah can choose any angel that he wants to be His messenger. And so it's fatwood Iowan, we learned Alhamdulillah he felt way too similar what you will all Jerilyn Mala Ekati rule Sulan Allah has made the angels Roussillon as messengers to execute His commands to deliver his messages. So from the angels, Allah selects, Wamena nurse and also among the people, because you see
them wish to King of Makkah that a big problem. They said, why Mohamed Salah Salem? How come he has been selected as a prophet? Why not? Some other great men from Makkah, or some other great men from thought if someone who is wealthy someone who has power, someone who has many sons, you know, all of their standards of greatness, right? So whoever met those standards that said, Why not that person? Why not this person? What does Allah say it is his decision? It is his choice. Some people may object why an arrow prophet?
Why a profit from moko? Why not somewhere else? Well, you know what, this is not a decision that we make. This is a decision that only Allah makes. And who are we to question Allah's decision anyway?
In Allah has Sameer embassy indeed Allah is Hearing and seeing, he hears what people say he is he is what they do. He knows his creation, and He knows who is most deserving of this position of this role of being the Messenger of Allah. Ya Allah ma he knows my Boehner ad him that which is before them was a hole for him and that which is behind them, what l Allah He told Gerald Moore and to Allah, all matters shall return. Allah knows the creation. Allah knows what is before every creature and what is behind every creature, meaning he knows all the circumstances of every single creature of his, so does he not know who to choose as a messenger and who not to choose? Allah knows. He
knows who is most deserving now jamoma bina ID him he knows what is before them in front of them. What does it mean? Meaning what the people are doing? What they are going to do. And when my call phone dial, which is behind the meaning when they're gone, what will happen behind them,
understand when they're gone, what will happen behind them. So for example, right now, what is before us, but we're doing what we're about to do, what we do in our lives, and once we go will live continue behind us. Yes. So what's going to happen after we go Allah knows about that also.
So in other words, Allah knows what's happening in our lives, and Allah knows what will continue after our lives. He knows us beyond us. He knows us in the sense that he knows what is in our world and he knows what will be after we are out of the picture. He has full knowledge he has complete knowledge. What Allah He told Gerald UMO and all matters shall be returned to Allah. recitation.
A law well spuffy Amina mela you got you also know I mean
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