Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P17 170B Tafsir Al-Hajj 65-71
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The transcript discusses the use of Earth and its benefits, including the use of humans for their own benefit and the potential for human beings to thrive on the planet. The use of God is emphasized, along with the importance of showing gratitude towards Allah and not trying to be a success in life. The shift from different culture to Islam is discussed, along with the importance of connecting people with Islam and not trying to be a success in life. The speakers emphasize the importance of focusing on prayer and not trying to be a success in life.
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Are you bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim. Lesson number 171, Salah to hedge, iron number 65 to 78
lm Daraa Do you not see, an Allah has Sahaja calm, that indeed Allah has subjected to you, he has subjected for your sake, what Marfil or the whatever that is in the earth, the addresses to, to people, to human beings to us that do you not see, that indeed Allah has subjected everything in the earth for you, what does it mean by Sahara,
Sahara yourself through the screen, it gives us two meanings. First of all, it gives meaning of making something subdued, making something subjected. So, that it does not have any freewill, it does not have any choice it is just bought to service.
So, everything in the Earth has been put to service for whose sake For whose benefit for the benefit of human beings.
If you look at it in the entire planet, there are so many systems, so many laws you can say that Allah subhanaw taala has set and all of them are fixed. And amongst all of the Creation who has freewill who has choice. It's only us it's only human beings. And if you look at it, everything in reality, what is it benefiting human beings. So, Sahara, meaning he has subjected he has subdued for your benefit.
And secondly, Sahara also gives the meaning of that he has made it serviceable for you, that it's under your control, that you are able to use everything in the earth, you are able to do whatever you wish.
For example, if you look at it animals, from the biggest to the smallest, who has control over them, people, sometimes you see little children controlling huge camels or herd of cattle sometimes, how is it possible? Because Allah subhanaw taala has given this preference to human beings over the rest of the creation.
So do you not see that everything in the Earth has been subjected for your benefit, you are able to use it. Everything is benefiting you Marfil early and Marfil already includes everything, animals, whether they are of livestock or otherwise. Similarly, it includes the land itself, in the form of fields in the form of orchard, the plants that grow, everything is benefiting you. And it's not just that everything in the land is benefiting you, but also the sea while phulka and the ships that God it flows filled by hurry in the sea be angry at his command.
And obviously ships can only float on sea when Allah subhanaw taala has subjected the sea for your benefit as well. Because it's amazing how a ship can float it does not drown, but if you put a pin on water, it will drown immediately, it will not even float for a second. So who has placed the system who has created in this fashion? Allah subhanaw taala
so while foil Katagiri, fill Bahai be empty.
And the ships what do they carry,
they carry people as well as their loads.
William siku and he holds a summer, the sky and deck our little Earth, lest it should fall upon the earth.
The car from the root letters, well cough or you
walk are literally means to fall down. And it also gives meaning of when something occurs when something happens.
So he is the one who is holding the sky up from falling down on the earth. That when you see the sky when you see the clouds up in the sky, when you see the stars up in the sky, there's some system that Allah subhanaw taala has placed that despite the fact that anything that you put mid air, it's going to fall towards the Earth. The clouds don't fall, right.
Similarly, the stars they don't fall onto the earth, the sun does not fall onto the earth, the moon does not fall onto the earth, despite the fact that there is gravity. Still, Allah subhanaw taala has placed such a system that the ceiling that the roof that is above us, when we walk beneath it, we feel safe and secure.
And Takara I'll elaborate isn't any except by His permission. And when will that be on the Day of Judgment?
Yo, monopoly summer. On that day, what's going to happen? The sky is going to be rolled up
in the
Allah indeed Allah be nasty with all people whether believers or not with all people Allah subhanaw taala is little orphan surely one who is most affectionate and are Haman most Merciful.
But our office from the root letters are ah Hamza, Rafa. And what for is compassion, affection, kindness, and Rahim Rama, Mercy. So Allah is so affectionate, he is so kind and so merciful towards people. This is why he has made all of this for the benefit of human beings. This is why he has subjected the earth, and He has also subjected the sea for the benefit of human beings.
And it's out of His mercy and compassion, that he holds the sky up and does not let it fall down on people.
This is, what does it indicate
the Mercy of Allah, as well as the might and power of Allah,
that he is the one who has made everything in the heavens and the earth. And He is the one who has made everything in the earth subservient to who human beings. He is the one who has created everything for the benefit of human beings.
So that human beings can thrive on the earth. They're the ones who can do whatever they wish on the earth, they have the freedom, they have the choice, they have the ability, because if you compare the human being with the other creatures,
the other creatures either, if they have too much power, if they have the ability, they don't have the brain. Like for example, if a cheetah can run very fast, does he have the brain like that of a human being? No. Yes, a human being cannot run as fast as a cheetah. However, the human being has a brain.
Similarly, if you look at it, and they're very smart creatures, extremely smart. However, it's their size that makes them so vulnerable.
So compared to all creatures, human being is the one on whom Allah has showed immense favor.
Immense favorite.
Why? Because Allah is OOF and he is Rahim
in total Bacala I remember 29 We learned who Elodie Hannah kala ko Merville OB gymea. It is He Who has created for you all of that which is on the earth. Everything that is on the earth has been created for whose benefit human beings
in total jatheon I remember 13 We learned was soccerloco Murphy summer where it were mirfield or the Jamia men who and he is subjected to you whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth all from him. So it's not just that whatever is on the earth is objective for human beings. But it's also whatever is in the heavens, whatever is in the skies, everything is functioning in order to benefit human beings. And he has also subjected the see
he has also subjected the water for the human beings. In tortilla scene I number 41 and 42 we learn what I have to learn him and now Herman leathery Yetta home Phil full Kelmarsh Hoon wahala Cannella who may Miss Li mejor Qaboun
and assigned for them is that we carry their forefathers in relationship and we created for them from the likes of it that which they're right.
So from a very early era, we see from the time of new Harley salon there have been ships that have been flowing across the seas benefiting Gu people so that they can travel from one place to the other and finally in this is also mentioned that he is the one who is holding the sky from falling onto the earth we're learning to look Saba is number nine I follow me hello Ilana Boehner ad him warmer Khalifa Homina sama he will help in Nisha Nassif behavioral herba oh no splitter I lay him kisser feminism
Do they not look at what is before them and what is behind them of the heaven and the earth. If we should well we could cause the earth to swallow them or we could let fall upon them fragments from the sky.
So this could have happened. But who is protecting human beings? Allah subhanaw taala. If you look at it within the earth, inside the earth, in outer space, there are so many things that are going on one accident, one thing goes haywire. And that's it. The entire human race will be wiped out entire human race. We have seen how the slightest movement within the plates of the earth just one earthquake how much of a disaster it can cause how much disaster
so imagine if part of the sky or what is in the sky would fall down upon the earth would human beings be able to survive? Not at all. So it's out
of Great Mercy of Allah subhanaw taala that he has not only provided us with everything, but he is also protecting us. He's also preserving us.
In total meno and I number 17, we learn what are called the Hala Kona fo PACOM Seberapa. Eco, well mechana annual healthy, healthy lean, and we have created above us seven layered heavens. And never have we been of our creation unaware that yes, there are seven heavens over there. But below, they're human beings and we're not unaware of them. We're not heedless towards them. We are protecting them, we are preserving them.
And in total mbi 32. We have learned earlier that what your alumnus summer sacrifice in my fools,
the sky has been created as a protected ceiling that it is protected from falling down.
Just think about it. If you ever walk under a ceiling that is about to collapse. You know, sometimes you're walking through and you see a ceiling tile, because it's been raining, there's so much water, it's about to fall down. How scary it is to standing underneath, just walking by from underneath even.
I remember once it was raining very heavily over here. And somewhere in the building, there was a ceiling tile, which was drenched with water literally. And I remember a piece of it had fallen down from the middle. And I was terrified. I was like if I move from here, if I go from here, Allahu Arlin. What might happen? What if this whole tile collapses? What if the entire tile comes down?
So just imagine we walk under the blue sky, huge clouds, heavy clouds go from above us. But still we have this feeling of security, that we are safe here. Yes, it's a huge ceiling up above us. But we never feel threatened for even a moment that something from above there could fall down upon us destroying us.
So this is a great mercy of Allah. This is a huge favor of Allah soprano upon us.
So we see that in this ayah, Allah subhanaw taala tells us that He has made the best arrangements for human beings on this earth, the best arrangements
that he has facilitated everything for us. So that we can do whatever we want. There is security, there is protection, there is provision, there is freedom, there are resources, there is ability,
he has given us everything so we can do whatever we want.
And what is our duty? What has he obligated us with? That we should thank him that we should worship Him. And why should we not worship and when he has provided us everything that we could ever desire? What on earth are calm, mean? Calimesa ultimo and he has given you everything that you could ask for.
So when his favorites are so huge, when his favorites are countless when there are so many, it is our duty, that we should be grateful to him.
It is our duty that we should worship him.
Just think about it. If someone has been shown great favors by their parents, like you know how some parents are very caring towards their children. They will pay for their tuition and university, they will buy them a car, they will cover their expenses, they will cover their gas, they will cover everything. And what do they want from children? Just be good towards us. Just smile at us. Don't show me this attitude. Don't show me this anger. And if that child shows anger, if that child does not even come and show his face to the parents, how ungrateful of him.
So imagine the favors that parents have done to a child? Yes, there are many. But they're nothing compared to the favors that Allah subhanaw taala has shown towards each and every single one of us, every single one of us.
So it's our obligation, that we thank him, that we use these blessings to please Him to do that with which he will be happy. Not that we use these blessings day and night only to upset him, only to make him more angry with us.
Or who Allah He and He is the one who are here come he gave you life He is the One who created you, you were nothing unknown, you had no existence, nobody no name nothing whatsoever, but He is the One who created you.
So may you may to come and then he will cause you that when after your life has come to an end. And then somebody you hate them, and then again he will give you life when on the Day of Judgment
in insana, but despite all of that the human being he is like a fool surely one who is extremely ungrateful. One who is very, very ungrateful.
Notice the word is grateful for all mobila Soccer for
result. One who is constantly ungrateful, repeatedly ungrateful.
And as we learned earlier, that piano towards anyone is bad however Fianna towards Allah subhanaw taala is worse.
Similarly in gratitude towards a human being Yes, it's bad, however, ingratitude to Allah subhanaw taala is worse, it's extreme. This is why intall in Santa Monica for why careful?
Because when the favors of Allah are so many, when the favors of Allah are so many there are countless therefore ingratitude shown to him is also extreme.
We learn in total Bacara I number 28 That caverta Corona Billahi How can you disbelieve in Allah? Well, Kontum um, whatton for a hair comb while you were dead, and He gave you life.
Just imagine, you were dead, and He gave you life. So how can you deny him? How can you be ungrateful to him?
If someone has saved your life, if someone has saved your life, in the sense that perhaps a person wasn't a very huge car accident, and the person came right on time taking them out of the car, what do you say? They saved my life?
How thankful are you to that person? How thankful Are you?
Similarly, for doctor has done a treatment on a patient, and it's been very successful. The patient is ever grateful to the doctor to that hospital, people will give huge donations to those hospitals. Why? Because they have received so much benefit.
So if someone has saved your life, you feel obligated to show gratitude to them.
Imagine Allah has created us He is the one who gave us life. If he did not give us life, we would not be alive. We would not know anything, we would not experience anything. We would not have anything. Allah is the One who gave us life. So how can you deny him? Gay for the Purana Billahi or quantum unwed and for a haircut?
And so may you meet a consumer your Hagen. So may Allah hito germ.
So Allah is the One who has given us everything. He is the one who has subjected the heavens and the earth for us. So what is our obligation that we should show gratitude to him? We should not be ungrateful to him. And we should use these things in order to please Him in order to thank him in order to do that with which he will be happy with.
Luckily, Oh Martin, for every nation, for every OMA the word OMA has you know has several meanings. Sometimes it gives a meaning of nation. Sometimes it gives meaning of religion. Sometimes it also gives meaning of leader.
Like we learned that in the Ibrahima Kana, Oma. And also Omar gives the meaning of
one more meaning, time period.
So four meanings of OMA
over here liquidly or Matin Omar gives the meaning of nation
meaning for every nation before the nation of Prophet salallahu Salam, including the Ummah of Muhammad, Salah doesn't
say so any amount that came and what is an omega? What is a nation? What is a community of people? How are they connected with one another? What is it that connects them together?
It's the religion how that they are the followers off a particular messenger of the same messenger.
So for example, Musar escena. His Ahmed was who Bani Israel. Why? Because they were the followers of moosari. Sinner.
All right.
So similarly, the Omar have recited sooner.
So luckily, Oh Martin for every Amma to whom a prophet to whom a messenger was sent.
Jalna we made meaning we appointed man second, a ritual, a religious right away of worship, sacred law.
What does the word Mensa mean? We have done this word earlier many times.
It's basically used for a way of worship. It's used for ritual, religious ceremony.
And the word is particularly used for those rituals that are pertaining to Hajj
and within the rituals of Hajj even specifically, this word is used for the behalf for slaughter for sacrifice.
So luckily Omar gingerol namun second, over here mon SEC gives the meaning of law, sacred law, rituals, ways of worship, and in particular also slaughter that
Every nation was obligated to offer sacrifice for who allows a predator.
And we see this even in the ummah of Adam La Silla, the first OMA because his two sons, what did they do?
They offered sacrifice for Allah subhanaw taala.
It is said that one of them, he had slaughtered an animal whose sacrifice was accepted and the other one had offered some crop. And that was not accepted. So luckily Omar and your honor, man second home NASCI Gu, they are the ones who performed it. NASA was actually Nancy Kona plural of the word Nasik. And Nasik is isn't Ferrell. So who is Nasik? One who performs the Musoke one who performs the ritual, one who observes the act of worship, one who offer sacrifice. So for every nation, was a sacred law, every nation was obligated to offer sacrifice to Allah subhanaw taala and whom Nasik who they were to worship Allah subhanaw taala according to it,
they were to worship Allah subhanaw taala according to the month suck, that they were taught, what does it show to us that every nation was taught how to worship Allah subhanaw taala
every nation
and remember that the main religion that was brought by all the messengers was the same, and which one is that the religion of Islam meaning all the messengers thought, go hate. Their occluder was the same, the belief was the same. However, the practices they varied, the practices they varied. So for example, the practices that were given to the owner of mozzarella salaam are different from the practices that have been given to us, isn't it?
So whom NAS eco, they are to perform it, meaning they were to perform the rituals that they were given, they weren't allowed to invent their own ways. Every Ummah was commanded as to what they should do. And they were obligated to observe only that
fella you as your own *. So let them not contend with you let them not dispute with you, Phil Emery concerning the matter which matter,
the matter of sacred law, the matter of performing rituals, the matter of offering sacrifice,
and you know, as your own Nikka is from the root letters known, they are in Missouri. What does Nizar literally mean to build something, and then Munez era is to build something to one another. So it's like a tug of war. So Manasa is what dispute an argument, a fight, in which both parties are pulling the Hulk towards themselves, they're claiming themselves to be truthful, to be the ones on that which is right.
So if I lay you in as your own neck, I feel now who does they refer to? That they should not argue with you concerning the matter of religion? They refers to the followers of other religions, or the people who are still observing their religion brought by previous messengers.
So for example, the hood, the Masada, they should not argue with you concerning the matter of religion.
And the command is being given to who to the followers of other religions. However, indirectly, this is a command being given to to us that we should not dispute with them concerning the matters of religion.
What does it mean by this, that don't dispute with them concerning the ways of worship? You see, every OMA as Allah subhanaw taala has mentioned over here was given their own way of worship. Now what happens? When you tell people that we believe in Ibrahim and Islam we believe in other Alisson and we believe in Musa al Islam? We believe that the Torah was sent we believe that the injeel was sent. We believe in all the prophets of Allah.
People may question you then how come your ways of worship are different?
If you claim to be believers of Musa if you claim to be believers in a star listener, then how come your ways of worship are different from the followers of Masada, sunnah, and the followers of praise our listener.
And this objection was also raised at the time of the Prophet sort of autism.
Where the Jews they asked him, that if you claim to be believer in most artists and and then how come your ways of worship your practices are slightly different than ours? In some cases, slightly different in other cases, extremely different very, very different.
Like for example, if you just compare the dietary laws, the restrictions that we have been given
They are more lenient compared to the restrictions that were imposed on who the Jews aren't there. So they're different.
Similarly, when it comes to the way of worship, praying the Salah, it's different, isn't it? They do pray, the Jews do pray the Muslims also pray. However the method is different. The times are different, the words are different, there is a huge difference.
Similarly, when it comes to the Qibla, the Jews they were following they were facing the beta muchness. And the Muslims, eventually they faced what the Kaaba. So these differences are there.
So Allah subhanaw taala tells us over here, that when this objection is raised, do not argue with them over this matter. Why? Because every Ummah was given their own way of worship.
The Jews, they were given their own way of worship, and now the Ummah of Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam has been given its own way of worship.
So these differences are there. And they are so because Allah subhanaw taala kept them. And remember that Allah is the lawmaker. He can give whatever laws to whichever people, it's up to him. He is the lawmaker.
So he legislator different laws. And there is a great wisdom behind that. What's that wisdom,
that the circumstances at that time were different compared to the circumstances that people are in today.
If you look at it, the time before Muhammad Sallallahu sallam was completely different. And after Mohamed Salah ism, the times have changed the way that people live, that way has changed before people were isolated. People were living in their own areas in their own countries. But after Islam came and the Muslim empire it spread from Arabia abroad, all the way almost to Europe, Spain was also included. So with that, the world became like a global community. So you can see that after the time of the Prophet sallallaahu Salam, the circumstances that are on the earth have drastically changed. And before they were completely different. Therefore there's a huge difference between the
commands that were given to previous nations compared to the commands that are given to the Nation of Muhammad Sallallahu sallam.
And there are many other wisdoms as well. So Allah has kept this difference. He is a lawmaker, it's up to him. And he gave different laws to different nations. And we are not to argue about it. If people do raise this objection that you claim to be believers in all of these prophets, that how come your ways are different? What's the answer? Allah gave different laws to them? He has given different laws to us. And then we see that these differences are also a huge test. All right, for people that do we get caught up over these differences? Or do we still focus on the main purpose? You know, for instance, when when a person becomes serious about the deen about the religion, many
times we make this mistake of focusing too much on the perfect the most right method of prayer. So we will argue with people about No, no, you don't do cooler like this, you do it like this, and you don't have to do like this and you do like this. And in that argument, you forget to pray even. So, this is what we need to see are my efforts over these issues? Or my efforts are working towards calling people to Salah? Am I just concerned about making everybody you know, a Sunni or a sheary? Or Salafi or this or that or? Or is my concern that everybody should become more obedient to Allah subhanaw taala? What is my goal? Am I too caught up in the differences? Or am I focused on the main
goal, what is my main goal? Another very important lesson that is given in this ayah is that our main focus in whatever we are doing is to connect people with Allah subhanaw taala. connect people with Allah emphasize on the importance of prayer, the importance of sincerity, not just the sight issues.
I was listening to this lecture by Yasaka he wants and he was explaining how a non Muslim friend of his and him they used to travel to school together. And one of them one day his friend asked him what was the benefit of hijab, and throughout the entire few weeks that they were together, every day shift would give him a new wisdom behind the hijab, and then above and the covering and why it was actually beneficial. And by the end of the few weeks, they were together, he had convinced him of the benefit of hijab, but he realized afterwards that so what if the man who approves the hijab even if like, but he hasn't actually connected him to Islam and the one who was the one who
commanded the the order hijab in the first place?
Exactly. When if people are convinced about her job, or they're really, they really appreciate the fact that Muslims pray five times a day, or they really appreciate that the men are responsible to take care of their families. Okay, well and good, their opinions can also change. Right? They can change. But if they're not convinced that our lives should be dedicated to Allah subhanaw taala should be lived in submission to the One who created us if they don't understand this idea. If they don't accept this concept, then whatever, they're convinced of everything else, it doesn't matter. Because what will take us to Jana is what our belief in Allah, that is what will take people to
general right? Because you find many people who are, you can say, sympathetic towards Islam in the sense that they have good supposition, or they teach Islam or they have a lot of knowledge about Islam, and they portray a good image of Islam when they're teaching but they don't accept Islam. That's not going to get them anywhere. Look at Abu Talib, a perfect example of this. I will tell him would say that I know that the religion off my nephew is the best religion. He would say that and he offered the profits on a lot isn't 100% support. It's amazing how much support Embleton have gave to the profits on a lot of them so much so that when Bucha Helen has people they came and they said
that if you don't handle Mohamed Salah loss him to us, if you don't destroy him, then we will disown you. You have nothing to do with us. So this had never happened in Arab history, that an entire tribe, a noble tribe, is considered like an outcast. So nobody would, you know, buy and sell. Nobody would, you know, socialize with them. Nothing like that and the bundle Hashem they had to leave Makkah, and live outside of Makkah in shared with olive, and this boycott was in place for two to three years. And who was with the prophets of Allah is in Winchester will be thought of Bhutan live himself. He offered the prophets on a lot of some full support. But because he did not have Islam
here, that support is not going to help him that much. It's not going to get him into agenda. So our focus should be what the rule is, Rob big. call people to Allah.
So that they love Allah, they fear Him, they recognize him.
They long to earn his pleasure, connect people with Allah, this should be our goal. Not connect people with certain personalities or individuals or groups know with Allah, whether in Arabic. And the third main important thing we learned this idea is that the prophets of the Lord is on them what he brought, what he was upon, that is literally
that is the right way because in Nicola Allah who the Messiah came into the scene, what do we learn? Yeah, scene. While Quran Al Hakim in the colonial mousseline. Our last little thing was talking the way of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that is the right way. And any other way. Is that the right way? No, it's not. So if a person wishes to be guided, if a person wishes to be successful, then there must be on the way that the messengers of Allah Who are you a Salam brought. What in Jeddah, Luca and if they dispute with you from the word je dal juggler, what does juggle mean juggle to Hubble Hubble is rope. And it's basically to twist it to twist a rope. Have you ever seen a rope?
Take a good look at it next time you see it? What is it? It's basically strands, right to many strands, a whole bunch of them that are twisted together. Right? So this action of twisting all these strands together. This is called jodel to hobble. All right? And now you see that, you know, all those trends are almost like intertwined. And when there's an argument, this is what happens that one's hand is there and the foot is there, the nose is here, you know, people that just get tangled up with each other. It's just a big mess. You don't know what starts where it ends where, right? Like for example, if there's a huge fight between a couple and you try to figure out where
did all of this start, you cannot even figure out because it's just a big mess. He said she said he did this and she did that she doesn't respect me and he doesn't love me and I have this incident to prove that he doesn't care for me and I have this incident to prove that she doesn't respect me you know, like it's just a big mess. So this is Japan. So if they argue with you if they fight with you, over what over the matters of religion over the differences in religion, meaning despite your efforts to avoid any argument still, they keep going on and on. Then what should your answer be? What should your response be? For golden say Allahu Akbar Allahu Allah knows best be METAR Malone
have that which you do. So what are you doing? Allah knows your act.
Since Allah is Aware of your activities, so don't try to convince me that what you're doing is right, that what you're doing is justified. Be concerned of the fact that Allah knows what you're doing what you're doing, is that acceptable to Allah?
Because many times what we're doing any action that we're doing, why is it that we become so defensive about it before other people? Why? Because we want to prove to them that what we're doing is right, right. Like for example, if one person's way off, Salah is slightly different from the way that the other person prays, right? All of a sudden, what happens after Cena, Sister, this is not according to sunnah.
And the other says, Well, this is how my parents taught me. And you know what, we just follow the scholars. So whatever I'm doing, this is what I was taught. I'm not making this up. But no, no, no, no, this is against the Sunnah. There is a Hadith in Bukhari that says such and such and such. All right, and there, an argument comes up. Now, what is it that we need to remember, Allah knows what I am doing? And Allah knows what they are doing. This doesn't mean we don't care about what is right and what is wrong, that has its importance. But when it comes to arguing about these matters, check your intention. Why are we arguing? Is it just because I want to prove myself right? And I want to
prove the other person wrong? Why are we doing this? Allah knows what we're doing and Allah knows what others are doing. So our concern should be what I am doing, is that acceptable to Allah? Or am I doing it just to be more acceptable to people? What's my concern? Allah who are Allah will be matter. malewane Allah knows what you do. Hola. Hola, como Bina come, Allah who will judge between you yomo piano on the Day of Judgment, FEMA concerning all that which confirm you were fee in it the telephone you use to defer all the differences that you have, Allah will judge between them on the Day of Judgment, Allah has sent the truth. But even though the truth is clear, some people remain
firm on their false ways. So you try to tell them you try to tell them they argue with you, when they argue with you, remind them of Allah and remind them that Allah will judge, Alam farlam. Do you not know and Allah that indeed, Allah, yar la mo he knows maphis Sama, you will old whatever that is in the sky and the earth. If Allah knows, everything that is in the sky on the earth, every bird and every feather, and every grain of sand and every leaf, Allah knows about that, does he not know about the differences that you have with people? He knows,
in a valley, Kofi kitab. Indeed, that is in the book, what is in the book, everything, everything that exists, every word that is said, every action that is done, everything is recorded in the great record. What is this great record? Low Mark fool's. Remember that Allah subhanaw taala, the first thing that he created was the pen. And he told the pen octobe, right. The pen said, What should I write? Allah subhanaw taala instructed the pen to write everything that was to happen.
So what we're doing right now, what we're doing right now sitting here, looking at something, or reading something, or writing something, or listening to something or saying something, whatever we're doing this entire activity that we're involved in. This was also written from before. It's all written in Metallica fake it out. Everything is recorded. This doesn't mean that our actions are forced on us. No, this is a choice that we're making. But Allah's knowledge is not limited to the past. Allah also knows about the future. So anything that has to happen in the future also, Allah knows about it. So in the valley, Kofi Kitab, in the valley, Kerala, La Jolla city, you might
wonder, but then how is that possible? How does Allah know about the future? How could Allah have everything recorded from before? Don't worry, indeed, that is easy for Allah. Because when you think about Allah, don't think of him as an ordinary being. He is the Holic. The biggest difference between Allah and us is the fact that Allah is the Creator and we are the creation.
He is the creator and we are the creation there is a huge difference between the two huge difference of night and day. We think about it a pen. A pen is something that man has made, right? Is there a difference between a pen and a human being?
The pen that you're using? Is there any difference between the pen and you? What difference is there? You hit the pen, it's not gonna cry. somebody hits you here gonna scream. Right? You throw the pen away. The pen isn't going to feel anything. But if somebody throws you away, here, we're going to feel it. All right. You put the pen in a pencil case, zip it up. Put the pencil
As a way, if somebody puts you in a bag and zips it up and puts you away, would you feel it? Of course you will. So you see there is a huge difference between us even and the things that we put together. Huge difference. So how can we compare Allah subhanaw taala to us? How can we think well how is this possible for Allah? Don't think like that in the valley Kerala Allah hiya See, that is easy for Allah. Nothing is difficult for him. Whatever he wants, he can do. He knows everything that was is and will be. So be assured whenever there's an argument, whenever there's something hurtful, whenever there's something disturbing, don't worry, just take reassurance in the fact that Allah
knows, and he let it happen. And if he let it happen, there's some wisdom in it. There's some good in it, and I trust a less decision. I trust us decree in Nevada, Karla Llahi, yes, either way, Abu Duna and they worship men don't Allah He besides Allah. Allah is the One who is the creator. Yet people worship besides Allah, other beings, other things, creation that is like them, or creation that is even weaker than them. They worship it.
And when they're worshiping that creation, or when they're worshiping other than Allah, who gave them that permission, nobody gave them that permission. Allah says, Man that which lum Unizin, he did not send down before it meaning for that chick. So bonnet, any authority, any evidence, Allah never allowed us that we can, you know, declare others as God and worship them. We don't have that choice. We don't have that freedom. And besides, what proof do we have? That something is a god other than Allah? What's the evidence, there is no evidence for it. Wama and that which laser is not long for them be with it or anyone any knowledge, meaning this ship that they're doing, they're
doing this without any real, this ship, associating partners with Allah. This whole idea is based on ignorance. There is no proof behind it. There is no knowledge behind it. There is no evidence behind it. It's based on pure ignorance, woman, aluminium and mislead. And for the wrongdoers, there will be no helper wama and not look wildly mean for the wrongdoers and who are the wrongdoers here, who is the volume, the one who associates partners with Allah, for such a person, there is no Nestle's, there is no helper, no one will come and help them on the Day of Judgment.
So in other words, the person who does shake who associates partners with Allah who worships someone besides Allah, then this person is committing a huge mistake. Why? Because first of all, he's doing something that has no basis. He's doing something that has no proof that is not founded on knowledge. It's founded on pure ignorance. And this action is going to lead them to greater problems. Because when you ask a weak creation like yourself or something that is even weaker than you to help you how can you be helped, you cannot be helped in this world, they're disappointed and the greatest disappointment will be on the Day of Judgment. When Allah Allah Allah Mina Mina said
when no one will come to aid, when no one will come to help.