Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P17 163B Tafsir Al-Anbiya 1-9

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of death and reminding oneself about natural and natural events in Islam. They stress the need for people to focus on their purpose and not be distracted by distractions. The discussion also touches on the concept of low, meaning everything distracted a person from their purpose is distracted, and the dangerous nature of shay una. The speakers emphasize the importance of protecting one's heart and not over expressing one's views.
AI: Transcript ©
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Surah Al Anbiya lesson number 163 is number one to 29

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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Surah Al Anbiya. Is a mucky Surah it was revealed before the prophets of Allah sort of migrated to Medina and an Obeah is a portal of Nabhi profit. So Ambia are the profits.

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In sort of Loja we learned about Musa artisan and Harun are they sell that as profits? What are the challenges that they faced, and in this will also, we will learn about many prophets of Allah subhanaw taala it will not Oberlin nasty he Sabu whom it Katara it has come near, it has drawn close, Lin NASCI for the people, what has come near what has approached who Sabol home, their reckoning their account, it's very near, it has come so close. But yet what is the state of people who are home and they are feel off Latin in heedlessness morally alone one to turn away, floral off more. One who deliberately leaves something and turns away from it. All people it could thought

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Oberlin NASCI a NAS refers to all people.

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Every person who comes to this world, one day, he is going to leave this world. One day his time is going to expire. It's going to run out. And when he dies, his hisab his questioning will begin.

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Because when a person goes in his grave, he's asked Monroe book Manabi yoke Medina, UK, he will be questioned, Who is your Lord? Who is your prophet? What was your religion hisab will begin. And based on that HERSA will be how that time will be spent which time between death and the day of judgment.

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You know, sometimes when you look at how long

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this earth has been there, and how long I mean, think about it, it can be there for millions and millions of years.

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Recently, I was reading the news about something happening in 2050. And I'm like, oh, it's not that far. But then I, I wonder if I will be alive at that time.

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When you think 2050 is not far, but then you really think you will live up to that day and you'll see it

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what is our ultimate end we're going to die. We're not here to stay. We're going in our graves, we will be questioned, this hisab is real. And every moment that we live, we are actually drawing closer and closer to our death.

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You know, just like we wait until our birthday, these many months love these many days left these many weeks left. With every passing day we're drawing closer to our death day. birthday was once it came in, it's over. We're already here now. We were born and now we're here. Now what's coming up is death day. That is what we should be worried about. But we spend celebrating our birthday forgetting that a Deaf Day is also coming. If kuthodaw belly Naseeha Sabu and when that death comes her sab comes to we will be questioned, what did you do? You were not sent to this world for play and amusement. You were sent for a reason. What did you do? A Katara belly nursing hisab home, all

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people their death is coming near the Day of Judgment is coming near. It's coming people will be questioned. But what is their sad state? What is their pathetic state? Well home vilaflor They are in heedlessness, what is Laughlin do not remember what is important to be heedless of it do not pay any attention to it. Why? Because they are busy enjoying themselves. They have forgotten this HRSA they have forgotten death. They have forgotten this major reality, while home feel a flat in Marathi alone turning away.

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In the previous surah. We learned about how when a person does not remember the Quran he forgets the Quran, then what happens he is not able to apply it and when he will not apply it on the day of judgment he will also be forgotten. So the one who turns away from the Quran, the one who is in Koffler, he's in serious danger, serious danger. This is just like a person has an exam coming up and they're just spending their time chilling. They don't even know what their book says are what the exam is about. Then hafla

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and this does not be fit a sane person. This does not fit a responsible person. Well

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homefield off Latin Morial balloon, they're turning away, what they should be most concerned about

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what they should be striving for more than anything, and that is their death, their hisab. It is that which they have forgotten. This hisab is definite, this resolve is unavoidable. And it is most difficult. It's unlike anything we have experienced in this life. Yet. It's unfortunate that majority of the people are in ruffler. They're turning away. Why? Because they're engrossed in their desires. May D him it does not come to them. What mid-victorian Any reminder, any reminder, whether it is Kony or shuttering

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because Allah subhanaw taala reminds us two different ways.

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One person dies at the age of 21, another person is killed, that other person, he falls ill, another person failed an exam miserably, and other person loses something.

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Don't we hear these things all the time? Yes, a person who's perfectly healthy, they follow a person who's got a lot of money, they lose it, a person who's got a big reputation a big name. And now what happens there being humiliated and and insulted in public all over the news. We see this all the time, that how people lose their life, how people lose their fame, how people lose the glitz and glamour of this world. So quickly. These are all reminders.

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These are all reminders to us. Think about what you're doing. You know, for instance, you learn about these big names a person who was once upon a time, you know, running for President, for example. But then it's discovered that he was involved in some serious crimes. And now instead of running for elections, he's trying to defend himself in court. And he might be imprisoned for so many years, and he might be fined with a big fine. I mean, you hear about these things. This isn't, this is a reminder, think about yourself, are there any sins that we are committing? But Allah subhanaw taala has given us some respite right now? What do we think we stay in laferla we're just

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enjoying ourselves right now. You think the sins are not going to surface?

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You think we're not going to be questioned about what we're doing?

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mad at him in Vicodin, Vic. County reminders, meaning things that happen in this world, a natural disaster here a death here, a young couple shot, shot, literally, why? Because of their faith or over a parking dispute. I mean, these things, we hear them all the time.

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It's not strange news anymore. And these are all reminders. We may have big plans, great things we want to do when we're 50 When we're 60, when we're 40 When we're 30 when we graduate, but who knows we might never reach that we might never reach that age. So when we see a young person losing their life, this is a reminder for us. When we see someone famous losing their fame, this is a reminder for us. Allah subhanaw taala also reminds us through shattering through the Quran, you hear some verses of the Quran. You read some verses in the Quran, you hear Hadith, you learn about something of the deen that is a reminder that warns you about what you're doing. But Allah subhanaw taala says

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May T him mainly Quran Mira be him any reminder that comes to them from their Lord. And this reminder is more thus, what is most does have done that had other had the third is cone shaped lumea cone when something happens that did not exist before. It's new, new, a new reminder. Because you see if there is something that we are informed about, we know it and we are told about the same thing again. First time we heard we cried. Second time we heard Yes. You know, we felt a little movement inside. Third time we hear it we're like, okay, yeah, I know. The fourth time. Yeah, I know. Right? So when you hear something over and over and over again, what happens? You get

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desensitized, right? It doesn't affect you anymore. But here Allah's parents already says these reminders are more Deus new, completely new that they haven't heard before. warnings that they have not heard of before. New reminder and when you hear something that is new for you, you're coming to know of it for the first time ever. It shakes you it should move you. Allah says even such reminders when they come to them, what is their reaction in LA except esta Maru. Notice the word is tomorrow. They listen to it attentively meaning they understand what is being said.

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out there actions will homie Olara Woon and they keep playing.

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They keep playing in their lives, Larry lamb I in but it's like your children playing with their games with their toys. This is live, when someone is just entertaining themselves, they're enjoying themselves, they're wasting their time or they're not doing something that's really productive. They're just making use of their time doing something that is just bringing them pleasure at that moment. And that's it.

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This is a state of humanity. And humanity includes us also.

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We hear reminders, but nothing affects us or we get affected at that moment we cry at that moment, we made promises, but then we go back to our lives, we keep playing, we keep wasting our time. Basically what is being said over here is knowledge is there information is there. But the actions are not improved. The attitude has not changed.

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That focus on the life of the hereafter is not there. Why? Because people are in the love flow.

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And that is why they're not affected by the warnings. They're free fear does not increase. They continue to waste their time. They continue to spend hours just eating and having fun and talking and indulging Lehi at and kuruva home What is the reason for Afula? Law here Tom Kluber home law here, Lam her well Lo, what is low? Low is basically everything that diverts a person from their purpose.

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So for instance, when you turn your computer on, what is your objective? Do your assignment, right? You're supposed to type up a document that has 500 words. All right, that is your focus, that is your purpose. And you have an hour to do that, for example or two hours to do that. What is low, low is when something distracts you from your purpose.

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So for instance, a message pops up, you click it, you respond to it begins a conversation, which leads to a link which leads to a video which leads to an article. And the next thing you know, your assignment is not done and you're out of time.

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This was low, something that distracted you from your purpose. Allah says Lehi attend lair here is one that is distracted, what is distracted canouan their hearts. Their hearts are distracted by what? By this dunya by the pleasures of this world by this play and amusement layer here Tom coloboma, they're just busy having fun, and they have no time to reflect, they have no time to think. Because you see when you hear some news, and it scares you, makes you think it makes you wonder

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makes you reflect on yourself, then this should bring about a change in your life. Right? Like, for example, if you find out that a person was recently killed, and this individual was still a student, and this individual had recently gotten married, and this individual had a charity that he was working for. And he had collected a little bit of money. But now Subhanallah because he died, that charity has gained more than half a million dollars.

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Right? You wonder at such a young age, such a huge accomplishment?

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What should that make us realize that I need to do something with my life? Also, how did they have time for that charity? How, if they were a full time student recently married, how did they have time for this charity? Where did they get that time from?

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They must have made time for it right? So then you think, okay, I want to do the same thing. I want to do something good in my life, bring benefit to humanity, you know, affect people in a positive way. I want to do something and then you think okay, Inshallah, on this day at this time, I'm going to spend some time you know, working on this project that I've been delaying and procrastinating. But what happens when that time comes? Now hidden clue.

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You're too busy. You're too busy on Netflix. Right? You're too busy on your phone. You're too busy watching TV, you're too busy doing something else law here than coloboma, you're so busy that you can't even reflect on yourself. You can't even think about your death. You can't even work on self improvement law here. Tom Kulu boom, this is the problem. We are too distracted. This is why we don't produce anything in life.

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What Assad will Najwa and they conceal their private conversation who are living Allah will those who do all the machinery

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basically been mentioned how privately secretly they talk amongst themselves about who about the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And they say, Hal had an elaborate omit look, is he not just a man? Like you? He's just a human being just like you. So why do you really have to give him that much importance? He's just a human being like you. You don't really need to believe in Him. You don't really need to follow him. Why do you have to listen to everything? He says? After that tuna, Sera, would you approach magic? And what is magic? What are they referring to the Quran? Would you go to magic to listen to it were unknown too soon, while you see meaning while you are aware that he is a

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liar. They're talking about the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in their private conversations. Because you see him wish raccoon, they sat in their private gatherings discussing the matter of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, they were confused. Because what he said made sense to them. But at the same time, they didn't want to believe it. And when they didn't want to believe they have to come up with some excuse, some good reason to reject Him. So they would sit together, and they will talk about him. So over here, their private conversations are exposed. What do they say? How do they undermine the Prophet said a lot of some of them? How do they belittle him? Oh, he's just a human being. You

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don't need to listen to him. You don't need to follow him. So what if he says that?

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And by the way, whatever he's saying is all magic anyway? Why would you go and listen and get brainwashed.

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And you see someone who begins to focus on the AKA, what do people say about him? He's been brainwashed.

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He's been brainwashed any person who's passionate about their religion? Who wants to make a home in the era brainwashed.

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There was this woman politician who's like, oh, yeah, we should ban it because they've been brainwashed into wearing it. And we'll be freeing them that way.

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So many people believe that, for example of a woman and she's wearing her hijab, where a person is eating halal, or they're only making Halal money, or they've been brainwashed. So the machine would say similar things. Why would you go and listen to him to get brainwashed? Don't listen to him, ignore him. He's only a human being anyway. So what do we see over here? That, why is it that when people realize their hisab is coming near, they will be questioned, death is a reality, life is short. And they also get reminders which are new recently revealed or recently, they have come to know of it. Yet their actions don't change. They play on why their hearts are distracted, their

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hearts are occupied. Because the thing is that the heart cannot multitask. It cannot multitask. If you are passionate about one thing that is your focus, you can only focus on that. You can't have too many things occupying your heart at the same time.

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Right? This is why, like in the Hadith, we learned that Iman and HYAH right, Amen and Hyah, what are they? They're together, they're in the heart. When one goes, the other also follows because in the heart is being occupied by something else. You can either have Iman or you can have goof or an EVOC. Right, you can't have Iman and Cofer. So, when the heart is preoccupied with the love of this dunya when a person is pursuing the desires of this world, then how can you focus on the they cannot? How can a person do what Allah subhanaw taala has come in, they cannot.

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And the matter of the heart is so interesting. You see the prophets of Allah Edison when he was a child, and he was with his wetness how you miss idea until he was four years old. He was in the care of herding Masada in the desert. At one occasion, what happened was the prophets Allah sent a young boy he was playing with his friends. And Gibreel came in the form of a human being grabbed the prophets of Allah doesn't lay him down. God opened his chest, took his heart out and removed a black piece of flesh.

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And he said, this was the portion of shape on

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this was the portion of shaitan that has been removed from your heart, and the heart was washed with zamzam. It was placed back and unassailably low on who you would say that I could see as a young boy later on many years later, when he would see the Prophet sallallahu. He said, I've seen you know, as if the chest had been sealed together, you know, like, for example, when somebody has surgery.

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Right. So, the thing is that shaytaan he whispers, right, unless the USB suit fails to do it, and as he was present the solder, but that was fossa, it doesn't reach the heart immediately. All right. But when a person does not protect his heart, then what happens the West was up shaytaan reaches the heart even and then she thought

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On, takes over. What do we learn from Hadith that when a person sins, then the black mark appears on the heart. If he doesn't do Toba, that Mark is not washed away, it only grows, it spreads, it deepens, the heart becomes sick and sick. So much so that it loses and shaitan takes over. And when Shavon takes over the heart, then he rules over you. He has taken over you, he will run through your blood, you will control you, he will make space in your heart and then he will control you. And then later he had an collarbone and the heart is distracted. And that's it.

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Then even the most scary lecture will not affect the ayat that made Sahaba cry that made Sahaba sick literally made them sick out of the fear. Those same verses we hear them and they don't affect us. Why? Because the heart is busy thinking about what the TV show is busy thinking about something of this dunya it's busy thinking about some recipe that they want to try or shopping or some actor or something else law he had no clue.

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And if a person is so distracted, then the Quran will not affect them.

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So we have to protect guard our heart.

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Save it. This is the most precious thing that you have. This is what will protect you and save you.

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Well as someone that you will when a person doesn't want to believe that he comes up with excuse after excuse. Like the machine did. They call the prophets Allah lawless, who said he's only a human being. You don't need to listen to him. You don't need to give importance to what he says. It's magic. It's all brainwashing. Allah the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, Rob be Yarlung will Kohler the people were talking about him in private gatherings. Rob bdrm will call my lord knows the speech meaning whatever is said fist summit you will, whether it is said in the sky, or the earth, or who was summit will leave and he is the All Hearing the All Knowing amazing when you find out that

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somebody is saying something negative about you, and you have found out about it through a chain of transmitters. so and so said that so and so said that so and so said, I read here, say what the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, will not be yard and we'll call any word that is said My Lord knows about it. If that word is set in the sky, or the earth, whether somebody was in the plane when they said it for decided when they were sitting in a train, wherever they said it, Allah knows he is the hearing and the knowing, but rather Apollo they say Eduardo

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they say this ye this revelation, or these words that Mohamed Salah lot Islam is saying it is only other authors. It's only a mixture of false dreams, confused thoughts? Do you remember a falafel or lamb? So that use of

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the king was having dreams and they called it a lawsuit? A lawsuit is a plural of belief. And what is this? A bunch of, you know, dry grass or twigs. All right. And when you examine a bunch like that one is really thick and another is very thin. One is really dark and another is very dull, in color, different thickness, different lengths. There is no uniformity, is his random pieces of wood or random dry grass or whatever it is that has been, you know, put together in a bunch. There is no uniformity. This is loose,

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and alive is a floor love her. And what is that false meaningless dream?

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Have you ever had really wild dreams?

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I assure you that everybody has them almost every day. Right that you were flying, and then you were swimming, and then you saw somebody and then they disappeared. And then you were eating something and it became so big. And then you said I don't know what happened. And then I don't know what happened. And you know, when you say I don't know what happened, I think it was like that means it was just a random dream. Why? Because whatever brewing in your head, or whatever's going on in your life, and you see that in a confused order

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in your dream. So this is her low,

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meaningless dream. All right. So decide that what the Prophet salallahu Salam is saying, in other words, the Quran, this is only, you know, a mixture of random thoughts. There is no organization there is no structure. You know, one idea talks about the day of judgment and suddenly the topic changes in the topic changes again, it begins with one thing and ends with something else and there's no coherence. At one point he says there's a day of judgment and at another point, he tells us we should worship only Allah randomness. You see, when you don't put your head into it. It appears as randomness but when you really reflect

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To under Quran and the verses on the words then you won't find any incoherence. You won't find the messages of the Quran to be random. So they'll call you a blazar. halaman They say just confused dreams, confused thoughts, disorderly, random disorganized information. And the people leave and say about the Quran, the same thing, right? Today also the same thing is about the Quran. Then they say, No, no, no, it's not randomness belif Torah who rather he has invented it, he's made it up. No, no, it's not a fabrication ball rather who was very, he's just a really good bullet. Because they couldn't ignore the beauty of the Quran right? of its words. They said it's poetry. And then they

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say, you know, what, if he's really a prophet, funny yet, Tina Biya and then he should bring us some miracle come out Odyssey alone, just as the first ones the former ones were sent a one one is a Florida a well, meaning they're referring to the past nations, the past prophets, how the previous prophets brought miracles. They said, You know what Muhammad said a lot of them should also show us a miracle. Like a glowing hand or stick turning into a snake or a making something out of clay and blowing life into it and curing someone who's blind or things like that. If you think about it, these people were they were saying about the prophets on a lot isn't it was Allahu Allah, because

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they could not make up their mind. At one point they're saying He's a magician, and another point No, he's something else. No, he's something else. They're confused. They called the profits and loss I'm confused. They themselves are confused. Allah says Matt. Kabila home in Korea Tin Man not laminate. It believed Avila home before them in Korea to any anytime. Meaning no people ever believed before them. On what? On seeing a miracle.

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They demand a miracle. They said if they see a miracle, they'll believe well look at the previous nations, when they were sent miracles did they believe? Take the example of from was he showing miracles? Was he many? But what happened? Did he believe? No, he didn't. Allah says Mammon at Avila Milka yet in Alekna that we destroyed. Because eventually that people was destroyed. Which people those who saw the miracle and didn't believe, for homeopathy known. So will they believe then? Meaning these Mushrikeen of maca? What are they saying? Are they trying to say that when they see the miracle they will believe? Well look at history. Look at history, no nation believe just because

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they saw a miracle never happened.

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Those who believed in their Messengers believed in them even before they saw the miracles.

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Because the Prophet sallallahu wasallam what miracle was he given? Think about it, the Quran, and he was also given the miracle of chakra karma, the spreading of the moon, right? But we see that there were people who believed in the Prophet sallallahu Sallam even before the revelation of the Quran was completed.

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In fact, they never learned the entire Quran. They died even before the Quran was fully revealed.

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They believed they didn't need a miracle to convince them that's not needed. For whom you will be known. So these people in which she keen of maca, they think they will believe warmer or Santa. They said he's only a human being no need to give importance to him. Allah says wama Allah Selena Pollack, we did not send before you Illa except regionalen, men plural of Raju, before you any messengers that were sent, who were there, they were men, they were human beings. No, he liked him, we did ye to them, we revealed to them.

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This is what sets them apart from the rest of the people. They were human beings. But they received revelation and this is why they were messengers and prophets. So old people of MCI if you don't believe in Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, if you don't believe us, then first Allah, Allah Vic, then go ahead and ask the people of the the people who have the message, the people who have the reminder in quantum Laterano, if you don't know yourselves, who are the analytics,

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the People of the Book, the Jews and the Christians, because the people of Makkah, remember that they had no scripture. There were Arabs and Arabs. After it's my ruler, listen, I'm no Prophets were sent to them right? And they had no scripture. On the other hand, the bundle is Surah II did they have prophets and messengers and scriptures? Many? So whenever it came to matters of the deen that the people of Morocco were ignorant of they would consult the People of the Book, they would go to the Jews, they would go to the Christians

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All right. So they're being told over here that okay? If you find it difficult to believe that a human being has been sent as a messenger, then go ahead and ask the Jews and the Christians, the prophets that were sent to them, who were there were the human beings or some other creation. What were the first Allahu Allah decree in quantum Letterland? And if you were to look into their books, what will you find out? Who were the prophets? Who were the human beings? Right? Now, this ayah teaches us something very important, which is that there is no harm in looking into the books of the Jews and the Christians. All right, to find an answer. If the Quran is silent about something, or

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the Quran even told us about something, then there is no harm in referring to what the Jews and Christians have to say about that matter, as long as it does not contradict the Quran, where it contradicts the Quran, we leave their version and we take the Quran, you understand, but where there is no contradiction, then there's no harm. So for instance, the story of most artists and I'm sorry, we got some detail in the Quran. All right. Now, if you look into the books of the Jews and the Christians, there is more information there is more detail. Go ahead. Read it. I mean, in the sense that get to know what it is, but where it contradicts the Quran, then you will leave it

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all right. This is the reason why when you read the books of the future you will find many Israel Ely yet what are Israeli yet nourishments that the Muslim scholars learned from who Jews and Christians So first Allah Allah decree and quantum lateral move, but if you know from the Quran and Sunnah something that there is no need to refer to the Jews and the Christians. All right. And also another very important thing we learned in this is that if you don't know about something, then what should you do? Ask those who know about it. But please don't choose to remain ignorant. When something is essential, it matters and you are ignorant, you don't know about it, then go ask the

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people have knowledge, but don't remain ignorant yourself. Find out refer to the people of knowledge. Well, knowledge are alone. Jessa then Allah says the prophets before we did not make them, empty, lifeless bodies just said, is used for a body.

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All right. It's basically used for parts of something that have been put together. So the profits before we're not just bodies that lie coluna Tom who did not eat food? No, they ate food. They were human beings they needed to eat.

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Well, not kind of clonidine, and they were not eternal either. Were the prophets eternal? If they were eternal, they would have been living today.

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So the fact that they ate and the fact that they died, what does that show? Who were the human beings? So Medan? Sadaqa. Now homall word we fulfilled for them the promise so they're gonna hum from soup. What is the truthfulness to be true to your word? So Allah subhanaw taala made a promise to the prophets. And what was that promise of victory of success? Did Allah fulfill that promise? Yes. So Masada canal Hummel Wada, we fulfilled the promise to the prophets for angina. Um, so we save them who the prophets of Allah, woman, Masha and whoever we will, and who is it that were saved? It was those who believed in the prophets and who was destroyed what Lachenal Masri Fein and

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we destroyed the transgressors. Because what happens is that in blind hatred in blind opposition, there is much transgression. When a person just hate someone because of who they are blindly, then what happens? Do they exceed bounds? Yes, then they pick up their gun and they shoot innocent people, because they just hate them, even if they don't know their first name. Right? Even if they've never harmed them, but they will just go and kill them. Why out of blind hatred, this is what is RAF transgression. And this should also make us think about ourselves, is there any person whom I just hate because I hate them? And that's it blindly without even thinking. And if there is,

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then remember that there will be a lot of strife on our part, is thrown off in words and actions and treatment, this will follow and this brings consequences. So what do we see here that the prophets that Allah sent were human beings, right? They delivered the messages to their people when their people did not believe that what happened? Allah save the prophets and those who believed in them and those who transgressed they were the ones who were destroyed by consoling Ibrahim Maya 1314 We learn for Oh ha la him Rob boom, lovely. Kandivali mean, Allah revealed to the prophets that we will destroy the economy. Well, I know Skeena Naka will order

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Remember them and we will surely cause you to dwell in the land after them. So in this discomfort for Rasulullah Salallahu Salam and also a wake up call for all of us, what are we doing?

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Allah's messages his reminders must not be ignored. The person must not be so busy and distracted by this dunya that he's not affected by the words of ALLAH and if that is the state that we need to wake up we'll listen to the recitation of these verses Bismillah Mern you're walking

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your dog learning

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more home feel or flirting more removed

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won't be the thing

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do to

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was semi

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a lot so I've

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been watching

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Dena be I

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Lee See you later as

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well, not

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for needy

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