Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P15 148D Tafsir Bani Israil 101-104
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The segment discusses various miracle scenarios and their potential outcomes, including a garden and river running in the sky, a dragon's wings, and the use of animals and people in various situations. The concept of "roigrs" is briefly discussed, along with the danger of "immaterial" and the importance of living on Earth as a means of achieving freedom. The speakers emphasize the importance of avoiding harmful behavior and the need for regular behavior behavior behavior. The segment also touches on "weird fevers" and the danger of "weird fevers" in the future.
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One awkward trainer and certainly We gave Musa Musa alayhis salam This is a 10 by unit disarm. What does this army nine, I attend? What are I at? Signs miracles, and these miracles were begun at evidence, like physical evidence plain to see open right before people's eyes, something that they couldn't deny, you know what is being visible clear. So by looking at these evidences we're clear
because the machine of macabre constantly demanding miracles if you chose this miracle will believe in you. You show us a garden in Makkah, you know with beautiful date palms and great wines and river running in the middle and will believe that you are a messenger, Allah subhanaw taala says that we gave miracles to Musa alayhis salam, not one, not two, not three, nine, so that he would show those miracles to fit our own and his people but did fit our own belief. No, because the one who wants to believe he doesn't need to see a miracle. He needs to know the hub. He needs to know the message. And that's sufficient for guidance. He doesn't need to see a miracle. Because you judge truth by
what it is. Not buy something else. What were these nine miracles that were given to Musa Arliss Anna, what do you think? At the top of the list would be what? First of all the stuff they're awful.
Okay, was it begin? Was it like a clear miracle? Of course it was. We'll start with some throws, it turns into a snake and then he threw it again. And it turned into a snake and what happened it consumed the snakes. The magic of the magician's Musar lesson and threw it in the water and the water parted.
Alright. Okay, so this was one miracle Second. Second miracle.
The glowing hand you handle by law. Musa sang was tall. Put it in your shirt. Jay big hill. Yeah, the Kofi J big. The Hodge Bay law. It came out glowing, man and shining hand means lady. So without any defect. Imagine shining glowing hand. It's not like it's on fire. It's burning or anything. It's glowing. This was a miracle.
Okay, what other miracle?
No, the total came afterwards. Okay, these were miracles or signs, evidence signs that were given to most artists and um, that happened at the hands of most artists and um, during his time, with who with the people of their own? Yes, good. So earlier we learned about first of all the years of famine. So that's the third miracle years of famine,
drought, lack of food and feed our own and his people will go to masala cinnamon say, Make dua to your Lord to remove this from us. If he will remove it from us, we will believe in you. Because they understood that this famine is because of you know our treatment of Musa then to fan. The fourth was to fan floods, storms, then Gerrard locusts, imagine locusts everywhere eating up, you know, their fields their crop. Then Kamal, what are Kamal? Lice?
Just imagine, it's basically the entire nation got infested with lice. And it wasn't just lice in their bodies, but you know, animals even they have their own kind of lice. What are they called? Ticks or fleas, right? And then you also have them in crop food. And this is the reason why you always need pesticides. So imagine the entire nation infested at every level people, animals, food, everything. And then each time something like this happened, they would go to musasa and say, Please make dua have this removed from us and we will believe Musa Lisanna would make dua it will be removed, but they wouldn't believe so then the next one would come. And what was the next one?
Lowfat there frogs. Imagine walking into your kitchen opening your closet and cupboard and frogs jumping out. In food in water everywhere frogs, frogs
are dumb blood, all the water turned into blood.
Can you imagine a lake or a river that is all blood?
When you see blood, what happens? I mean, just the color of blood itself is so distressing, isn't it? And if it's on your body again, it's so distressing. You want to get rid of it. What do you get rid of it with water, but you don't have any water? Everything's blood. And then the plague
Disease one after the other. So this is him breaking out there were clear evidence is clear proves the moose artisan was a messenger. Allah has fast Alberni Israa if you don't trust Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam go ask the Bani Israel go ask the children of Israel that your hood ask them in the Jha home when he came to them meaning when Musa listen and came to the Bani Israel he came to fit our own for color who fit our own, but for their own set to him in Nila alone, Luca Musa mas hoorah indeed, I think of you or Musa as MASU. What did Frauen say to Masada? Sam, I think you are Bewitched, you have been affected by magic. Someone has done magic on you.
So in other words, you're crazy.
You're not using your mind. Because you're saying something that doesn't make sense. You're doing something that doesn't make sense. What did mozarella said? I'm sorry, that was so shocking. What did he say? There's one God. And secondly, let the bunnies right. Go. Don't oppress them. What's so crazy about the statement? What's so crazy about it? Nothing. But for our own, he just made an issue out of it. So he said in the law alone, Luca Musa masala someone's done magic on you. You're crazy. There's something wrong with your uncle. You know, like if someone's not behaving normally. What do people say? Maybe some gin has affected her. Or maybe someone's done magic on her. Really it
happens. You know, many times it happens to children if they're behaving like normal children sometimes and when teenagers are behaving like normal teenagers, their parents think that someone has done magic on them. They don't want to accept acknowledge the issues that their teenager is going through. And the thing somebody's done magic somebody isn't magic. So for around the same thing, he said Musa somebody's done magic on you. Paula Musa al salaam said must who can also be understood as one who magic has been taught? Magic has been done on your magic has been given to you mean magic has been taught to you. So what you're performing is basically all magic. Allah was
artisan um, said look, other alimta certainly you know, Manzella her hula, nun has sent these, these these iOttie by Hina. Sent meaning the frogs coming on you your water turning into blood, this plague one after the other, this flood and this drought and all these you know, frogs and locusts and one after the other, you know, you are aware that none has sent these upon you except Ragusa miletti WILL HAVE the Lord of the skies and the earth. And why has he sent these on you Basa it something to open your eyes as something that might wake you up. Beside it is a plural of bustling. And what is mostly your insight? You know, one is the vision of the eyes. And the other is a vision
of the heart. The vision of the eye, you see a child crying vision of the heart. He's got a dirty diaper, you understand that? You know why? Something is happening? What's the story behind it? What's the reality of it? You understand? Like for another example could be the vision of the eye is you see somebody mad? The vision of the heart is oh, they didn't like what I said to them. All right. This is basura. And bosina is basically what you're using your mind. You're thinking, because what happens sometimes we see somebody upset, but we don't think about why they're upset. We're like, Yeah, whatever their problem, they can be like that. No, think about it. Did you say something
to them that made them upset? Did you do something that made them upset? And when a person behaves like this, he Okay, they're upset. Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize really you didn't realize the way they were walking in the way they were talking to you. You didn't understand that they were upset. What does that show? What does that show that you don't use your mind?
And about the hypocrites? What do we learn live alone? They don't understand. They don't see. So
Allah subhanaw taala sent these signs as before it as something that would open the eyes of your heart. And something that would enable you to see the truth in mozzarella Sinha as something that would enable you to realize the truth about what mozzarella is and I'm just telling you, these are proofs these are evidences of his truthfulness. While it may not alone knock Musallam replied to your own. I think about you. Yeah, for their own or for their own, that you are mothballed or you are mothballed. You're destroyed you're headed to your own destruction. Sooner or later.
You're going to finish because look at all that has come upon you. One after the other. The frogs and the locusts and the lice and the, you know, water turning into blood and the floods and the drought. I mean, what's next? What's next? Logically, if you think about what's next, complete destruction. What are you headed towards open our own? Wake up, open your eyes. Look what you're doing to yourself. mothballed is basically from the word Cebu, sabara. And Cebu is when a wound gets infected. Just imagine a big wound. Or, for instance, somebody goes for surgery. And then what happens at big wound, it gets infected.
And a person has high fever. They're given antibiotics but not working. And the wound is just getting worse and worse and worse. What does that show? It's a big warning sign, isn't it? Which is why if you go through any procedure, even if it's very small, what do they tell you? If you have fever, don't wait for anything go straight to ER. Because it could be something very serious. Right? So this is what's the word is must bore is someone whose wound has gone bad, then they're going to die sooner or later, they're going to finish. Now look at the response of Musa Sinha
look at these two if fit our own says in Neela alone Luca Musa was hoorah Musa Alison themselves. Lakota alimta, Madonsela Hola, Illa. Busan Marathi will have BUZZA. In what in Nila Aluna kya. Farah Omus Bula. Who seems really confident here
who seems confident musante Silla he's not scared of her own. He's not fair on called him crazy. He calls him someone who has been taught magic or someone who magic has been done. And Musa Hassan responds to him. He says, No, I think you're gonna die very soon. You're headed to your own destruction. Look at what all has happened to you. Since I've gone for all that as the physical mineral out fit our own. He intended. He wanted a yes the physical home to drive them away. Mineral oil from the earth. Now look at this word. Yes, the Fiza
what's the root? For as I say, does that remind you of something? What was stuffed this right? To frighten someone? That's what Aidan was told that go and frightening and unsettled them move them from their place.
So first is any fallen is what that someone frightened me to the point that I left my place and I went somewhere else. I couldn't stay there anymore. You know, like if a person has a bad neighbor, really bad neighbor. So what happens they get really disturbed and when they get disturbed, they say I can't stay here anymore. I have to get up and leave. So this is what is meant by fuzzy Fulani. So for their own wanted to do this to the Bani Israel. He wanted to remove them from the earth. Had He frightened the Bani Israel? Of course, how he had enslaved them, he had tortured them abused them, you know, put them to extremely hard labor, killing their children, their boys especially enslaving
their women. He really wanted to finish the Bani Israel remove them from the earth unsettle them. You know, like a genocide literally. He wanted to finish them. This is the reason why he was killing their boys. And this happened twice. Around the time when masayoshi son was born.
That fit our own he ordered that all the boys baby boys of the Bani Israel be killed. And then second time this happened again when Musa Islam came as a prophet in order to further control the Bani Swain and show them his dominance over them he ordered that all the boys of the Bani Israel be killed just imagine.
So he intended to finish them yes, the physical Middle Earth. But who was finished and who was removed from the earth fit our own himself for a little canal, but We drowned him Wilma Maher who and those who are with Him those who supported him, Jamia altogether, regardless of the huge numbers and regardless of their power, all of them were drowned all of them were finished.
Because literally the Bani Israel were scared. They were frightened so much by fear their own that they have to get up and leave they fled from Egypt. Then, at night they were told to leave so they left in order to save their lives. So for their own intended to yes the physical mineral out. However, what happened who got removed from the earth for our own pursued them? The sea was split. Bunny straw Ito crossed the sea safely and fit our own came after them for alcohol.
Now who will no matter who Jimmy?
What do we learn from this? What's the lesson in this? Your questions are coming your quizzes coming? I'm just preparing you for that. Okay. So what do we learn from this I
fit our own tried to finish Bani Israel who got finished around himself.
While you're here called macro, say Ellerbee, at least,
the evil plot does not encompass except its own people. When someone tries to harm the other, who is he harming in reality, himself.
He won't be able to harm others, he will harm himself first. For our own wanted to finish Bani Israel, he was finished. He wanted to end completely end their race and what happened for our own and his people. Their civilization wiped out, wiped out their buildings, their structure stand today, but the people are gone. Their children, their descendants don't even remain.
exactly the truth always prevails. And when the truth is clear, and a person doesn't accept no matter how much he's in denial of it, can he really deny it? How long can he avoid it? I mean, so many warning signs were given right? But like we learned earlier, such people will be blind on the Day of Judgment, he was literally blind towards all those warning signs. He closed his eyes, closed his ears, didn't want to see didn't want to accept didn't want to acknowledge that these were warning signs. And many times this happens, we're doing something wrong. We're given a warning sign. Something happens that serves as a warning, but we don't take a lesson. We pretend as if everything
is fine, and everything will be okay. But everything is not fine. And it doesn't remain Okay. Sooner or later we suffer the consequences of our own mistakes. You know, like once a person was caught committing theft. And he said that Oh, please, please let me go Please let me go. I've done this for the first time. I'll never do it again. Promise, promise? What was he told, not possible that you did this for the first time and now you're caught. It's got to be the second or third or fourth or fifth time. Because when a person does something wrong the first time Allah gives him a warning.
There is some warning. You know, either the voice of your heart tells you makes you feel horrible, makes you feel guilty, or through something else that happens you're taught that what you did was wrong, you better not do it again. But when a person ignores those warning signs, and he keeps indulging in that same wrong again and again and again then yes, Allah lets him do it. He extends the rope for him. But then what happens that person has got and once he's got that set, chances over
for our other as the physical mineral early, but what happened for a little canal who am Amara who Jumeirah wahconah And we said mimbar the after him meaning after fit our own fit our own was finished. Just imagine what a great relief that must have been for the Bani Israel. Their enemy for their own drowns in front of them. His people drowned in front of them by considerable Bukhara we learned what untung down the road you are watching you were looking on for our own was drowned. So afterwards when their enemy was finished, we're on Lombardini Bani Israel, the Bani Israel we're told was going to
live on the earth. You're free, your enemies gone. Now you have freedom on the earth, you have power on the earth you have authority. Because when there's somebody out there to hurt you to harm you to abuse you. You feel trapped. You feel so restricted, you're oppressed, you can't even breathe. But what happened that enemy was removed in the Bani Australian are told us now you will live on the earth.
A lot of the times if we have like a mutual person that we don't like, and we find out something bad happened to them, you sometimes feel you know, happy that this is punishment for what they did to me. But the bunny started were given that relief from all the punishment he had given them. They got to see their enemy right in front of them being punished.
And then after that, they're told you live on the earth, it's your chance to live for their own time is over his chance is finished. Now you live in true freedom. Oh squirrel. And out over here means earth in general, wherever you are. And if you take it more specifically than it refers to their homeland, because that's where they were headed to once they left Egypt. Right. And what is their homeland what was mentioned at the beginning of the surah Allah the baraka hollow, so that is the place where they were told to go who's going to vote for either jet or Hera. Then when the promise will come which promise the promise of the aqua jet now become law FIFA we will bring all of you
together in one gathering,
what does it mean by this?
That the Buddy is what you were told you live on the earth. And when the last promise will come, when the promise of the alcohol will come, then all of you will be brought together in one place. This is been understood in two ways. First of all, you will have on the earth for our own is gone, your chance to live. But then when the promise of the hereafter I'll Accra meaning the Day of Judgment, the hereafter when that will happen, then all of you people will be gathered in one place all of you people that Bani Israel and fit our own, you understand, all of mankind will be brought together and that is the reality of the Day of Judgment, each and every single person will be
brought. And you see this word Latif Latif is basically used for a mixed assembly, a large crowd in which many different types of people are present. It's like a mixed group, a mixed assembly.
You know, for example, if it's a small group of people, then you say, Okay, these are students of this class, or this is the such and such family. But when it's a huge crowd than what do you say it's the whole school, all the grades, all the classes.
So this is Luffy Luffy. If love is basically two layer to attach, you know one thing with the other. And when many things are attached, layered one on top of the other than it becomes huge in size, right? Bomb will ifif food that is left if it's used for food that has many ingredients,
many ingredients,
you know, some foods, they taste good, why? Because of their simplicity. It's one or two or three main ingredients and you can actually taste it and you enjoy it. But then sometimes you something that's full of everything. What do you test? Nothing. What do you test? What do you enjoy it? Nothing. It's like, you know, some people when they're cooking, they open up their cupboard, and they're like, Okay, I'll put this this this, this, this, this this. That makes all the seasonings, everything and it doesn't taste Pakistani. It doesn't taste Italian It doesn't taste this or doesn't taste that. What is it? I don't know.
And then you're wondering so many vegetables and meats and rice and everything together in one place. What is that a mush? I mean, you don't enjoy it. All right. I mean, to some extent, it's nice. You know, when certain ingredients different ingredients are brought together. They're good, but when everything is brought together, it's a big mess. So far we'll have fevers food with many ingredients, I'll faff Jannette and alfalfa. Same root gardens with intertwined growth meaning so many trees, so many plants that the branches are like intertwine, mixed into each other. So now imagine Lateef, what a huge gathering it is all types of people brought together in the hereafter.
All colors, all races, all ages, in all eras, everybody will be brought together.
And in this as a message that your time on Earth is limited. In our own his time was limited.
And you owe people who are now living your time is also limited you're not here forever so do something. Do something before your time expires. There is another meaning of this idea and that is that the money is regular told was cool or was cool. I'll go live on the earth, which earth your homeland philosophy for either Jawaharlal Astra when the second promise will come. Second promise indicates there was a first promise.
Remember at the beginning of the surah we learned that the Bani Israel we're told lots of Sedona fill all the medulla tiny wallet our lunar aloo one can be two times you will cause great facade on the earth.
And the first time was mentioned in those if that when the first promise came true then what happened We sent against you rebar the learner will Ibbotson cheerleading for Josue Kilala deal, right, they caused havoc, they destroyed you.
And then the second promise about it, some scholars say it was already fulfilled. And I mentioned to you what that would mean and others say that no, this is referring to an event that will happen later in time closer to the day of judgment. And that is why
and what is mentioned about the second promise of the two one the Bani Israel will cause great facade. They will cause great facade. What will happen at that time Allah says jitna become the FIFA we will bring all of you together
Together were in your homeland, from all corners of the earth from all parts of the earth, all of you will come together in one place in your home country.
You will leave every land and you will come here and then you will cause great facade.
Well, it's our lunar aloo, one Kabira. Now, in the Jewish history, diaspora is something that's well known, right? That how over time because you're one of the most ancient people how over time, Jerusalem or Palestine being the most disputed land, what has happened, that in order to save their lives, the Bani Israel have always tribes and groups of them have fled. Right? And this is the reason why there were Jews living in Medina I mean, if you think about why were Jews living in Medina at the time of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam doesn't make sense. Why were they there? Because ages ago, they had to leave their homeland in order to save their lives. In South Dakota, we learned
the Bani Israel. They said that locket origina Minh, Dr. Rena will Obernai in we were expelled from our homes and our children, we were evicted from our homeland. So this happened many times. That how they were forced to leave their homeland and due to this reason, they were found all over the earth. I mean, even Indian Jews.
Likewise, in Arabia, in every corner of the world in Africa, right, there's so many people all over the years who claim to be of Jewish descent.
So they're basically spread out all over the Earth. However, Allah subhanaw taala says over here that when the second promise will come, we will bring all of you together in one place, you will leave your land wherever you are settled temporarily and you will return where to your homeland and then what's going to happen Allah who are alone, but this is a promise that Allah has mentioned in the Quran. And we we see this today that how they have left their homes everywhere and where have they gone? This land right? So jitna become law FIFA this is something that's mentioned in the Quran even will listen to the recitation of these verses.
Lesson Benny is all in
the ball
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all Allah Darlington
join me
down the Bernie is on a spoon
TG be Khun Latif