Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P14 139D Tafsir Al-Nahl 101-109

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The transcript discusses the gradual and permanent change in people's behavior when they switch from an IRA to a new one, including the use of "naught" in the internet and "naught" in the internet. The transcript also touches on the use of the Quran in the context of Islam, its use as a source of guidance for those who want to achieve their goals, and the use of language in writing the Quran. The segment also discusses the history of Islam and its potential consequences, including the difficulty of achieving Islam and the use of falsehood to cover up mistakes. The segment also touches on the difficulties of achieving Islam, including rules and acceptance, and the use of words of goblins and "naught."

AI: Summary ©

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			What either but then I attend. And when we substitute an IRA McKenna, I attend in place of an IRA,
meaning an IRA is revealed, and another is revealed in its place. So the one that came later, it
replaced the one that came earlier. And what is this talking about pneus abrogation, remember that
the Quran was revealed over a period of how many years, two years, 23 years, and
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			religion was being revealed, law was being given, lives were being changed. And at the same time,
there was a lot of difficulty, a lot of, you know, opposition that the Muslims were facing. So Allah
subhanaw taala revealed certain commands gradually, not immediately, but gradually, because when
you're guiding someone, you know, from point A to point B, that transition better be gradual. Why
gradual, so that it is easy, and it is also a permanent change? Otherwise, what happens when you're
taken from one point to another, instantly? Immediately, then you flip, you turn back, that change
is too difficult for you, you know, it's like divers, when they go deep down in the water? How do
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			they go straight down? And when they're coming up straight up? No, they have to spend time, you
know, at different levels, different depths, why, so that their body can get used to the pressure?
Because the pressure changes, right? The deeper you go, the more pressure there is. So, likewise,
the commands were given gradually. Why? So that the believers could incorporate those changes in
their lives, the transition would be easier, and it would also be permanent. So this nurse this
abrogation, then which Sikkim had a big problem with it, and later on, we learned the Jews also had
issues with it, and the hypocrites also questioned it. And there are people today also who wonder
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			why put on was revealed in that manner.
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			So the people they said, What either but then I had a mechanic and Allah says that when we replace
when we substitute an IRA with another will Allah who are Allah will be my unison and Allah knows
best about what he's revealing, called who they say. Their objection is. They say, they criticize
that in nama into Moodle. You are a fabricator. Most of us are one who does if the raw fabrication.
They would say to the Prophet saw a lot of them you're making all of this up? You said something,
and then you're like, No, no, it's not going to work. So you changed it. You change your mind.
You're fabricating, you're just inventing this Quran. You have an idea and you come up with
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			something new and you say, Oh, the previous one is fabricated in Nama and Thomas. Allah says Bella
Thoreau whom lair and the Moon The problem is that most of them do not know. What do they not know
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			that this Quran is not the word of Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, it's the word of Allah. And they do
not know the wisdom behind this abrogation, the wisdom behind gradual revelation, they don't
understand. They don't know. Because if they knew they wouldn't say something like this about the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam all say tell them. Nasrallah who he brought it down who oho kudos
the pure Spirit. Who is this pure spirit? Angel Jibreel Why is he called a pure spirit because he's
far from sin. Far from disobedience. He never disobeyed Allah. Rohan called us he brought it down
Mira big from your Lord, meaning Allah sent it. Allah gave his speech to Gibreel and Gibreel brought
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			it down to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will help in truth meaning in reality for sure this
Quran is from Allah. And why is it that it has been revealed in this way gradually the use of beta
so that he may make firm he may stabilize use of beta is from that beat sir, but dabit savate firm
does beat is to make someone firm, make someone firm. So the reason why the Quran was revealed
gradually was to make firm who Alladhina amanu those people who believe
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			because, you know that the Quran was revealed. How, according to the situation that the Muslims were
facing, that whenever the Muslims were in a particular, you know, situation that we're facing a
problem they had a question they needed encouragement, they needed a reminder they needed a
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			Warning. They needed an answer. What happened? I asked were revealed to help them in that situation.
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			You understand? Like, for example, there were some companions who when they embrace the slum, their
families became very upset, and especially their parents. Like for example, Mozart we've been
remodeled Allahu Anhu. What happened to him when he became Muslim, his mother became very upset. To
the point that in some narrations, we learned that she basically went on a hunger strike, that I'm
not going to eat, I'm not going to drink, I'm not going to comb my hair, I'm not going to sit in the
shade until you renounce Islam.
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			Now imagine if a person is in that situation, on the one hand, you cannot leave Islam and on the
other hand, your parents are upset and the Quran tells us that we have to sand towards our parents.
So these Sahaba they were in a very difficult situation. So Allah subhanaw taala revealed that yes,
you have to do your son with your parents. However, if they tell you to do shit, then you will not
listen to them. But you will still be good towards them will Sahiba whomever dunya ma rufa live with
them in this world in a good way, treat them well. Which is why we learned the most or we wouldn't
remember he would go up to his mother and try to feed her and speak to her gently, lovingly.
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			So he will Murphy dunya ma roofer. So you see how whenever the Muslims were in a critical situation
in a problem in a difficulty, Allah subhanaw taala revealed those Ayat as an answer, and this method
of Revelation, you know, being in a particular situation, and then I had come this stabilize the
believers, this gave them firmness.
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			This is very similar to how if you are going through some difficulty in your life, and you open the
book of Allah and the verses you read, they're perfect for you in your situation. Do you forget
those? If no, you don't. You don't forget them from the entire two three pages, you will remember
that one?
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			Why? Because it helped you in your time of difficulty. That is what kept you firm, looser bit
Alladhina amanu it makes the believers firm. Well done and a guidance Well, Bush law and good news,
little Muslimeen for those who surrender for those who submit, meaning those who surrender
themselves to Allah, those who submit to Allah, those who obey then this Quran becomes a source of
guidance for them. And a good news for them. Well, according to Kerala, mu and certainly we know,
under homea coloane, that indeed, they say, over here, the Prophet saw a lot of animals being
comforted. But it's okay y'all are still Allah salAllahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah knows about what
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			your enemy say. And what is it that they say? They say, in NAMA, you're a Lima who Bashar that
indeed it is only a human being who teaches him.
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			Just imagine, the Prophet salallahu Salam who never spoke a lie, who was never accused of lying, who
was known as someone trustworthy. His reputation, good reputation was established and well known.
When he is delivering the Quran. What did the people say? In the mayor? Allahu Bashar.
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			You know, there's this guy who teaches him he's just making all of this up and he says, it's from
Allah. It's not from Allah, he's making all of this up. If you were in that situation, would you be
distressed? Have you ever been accused of lying?
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			Have you ever been accused of lying when you have not lied? But you are being accused that you spoke
a lie? And you know that you did not speak a lie, but others don't trust you.
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			Others don't trust you. How disheartening is that? How hurtful is that? But Allah subhanaw taala
conference Rasulullah Salallahu Salam, it's okay. We know what they say to you. Don't worry, don't
bother about them. We know that they say to you in the mail, you are LIMU Bashar
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			and the thing is that MCCA was a place where obviously Arabs living over there. But you know that
Morocco was also the center of Arabia in the sense that people from everywhere all over Arabia would
come to Makkah in order to perform
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			in order to perform Hajj.
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			the people of Makkah, they will travel a lot also.
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			Why? Because in Makkah, nothing grew. There was no food, nothing. And if you needed anything from
clothes to food, you would have to travel elsewhere in order to purchase. So the people of MCO will
travel to Rome, they will travel to Persia, they will travel to other parts of Arabia. And through
this what happened was that they would go and purchase slaves and also bring them into Makkah, so
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			So in Makkah, there were some Roman slaves, there were some Persian slaves, foreigners, basically.
You understand. And those people, even though there were slaves, they had their own religions. Like,
for example, the people who came from Rome as slaves, who were they? What was their religion,
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			So there was a Roman slave who followed Christianity that was his religion. And near the Mount sofa,
you know, he would work basically he would sell whatever his master would make himself. And the
Prophet saw a lot of Saddam, he was the kind of a person who would speak to everybody, wasn't he?
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			Especially those who were neglected in society, the prophets on a lot of them gave importance to
them. So you can imagine the prophets all of a sudden must have also spoken to this Roman slave,
giving him Dawa.
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			So the machine when they saw this, oh, he's speaking to this Roman slave, you know what this guy is
teaching Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam everything. And he's saying that it's all revelation from God,
it's not actually revelation, this Christian guy is teaching him all of this.
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			And there are people who claim the same thing today as well. They say the prophets Allah, Allah has
learned the stories of the Israelites of the previous prophets, from who, from Romans from
Christians, and then he just changed them slightly. And he presented them in a very eloquent way, in
a very poetic way. And he said, this was a revelation from God.
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			But if that was the case, then think about it.
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			Why is it that the stories in some parts are so similar, and in other parts are actually giving
details that are not find elsewhere? Like for example, the story of use of Alison and the way it is
narrative in the Quran, from the beginning to the end, all in one place, the details that we find in
the Quran, you can't find them anywhere else. And the way the story is told, and we discussed that
earlier, that how the story is narrated in the Quran, it's amazing. This cannot be the product of a
human being.
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			Because a good story in order to write it, you need a lot of time you need a lot of review, it
cannot be done all in your head.
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			And the Prophet saw a lot of sudden was an own me he could not read and write. And it's not possible
that he just narrated the story. You know, just one fine day, no way in nama your limo Buchon they
say that a man teaches him. Allah says okay, if they say that, look at this, Lisa know the language
of ALLAH the the one who you will hear Dona Alaihe they refer to your headline as from ill health
and it has to deviate slightly so they refer to meaning the person about whom they say that this is
the guy who's teaching Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam the Quran. Well, what language does that man
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			He is a Jimmy, he is a foreigner will have that and this Quran isn't listening a language that is
RRB Arabic will be clear. Because this Roman guy, yes, he had been living in Morocco for a very long
time. And he had learned the Arabic language, but he was still in our Jimmy. One is our Jimmy and
the other is our Jimmy ihme iGEM is non Arab.
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			And our jam is someone who is not eloquent in his speech. He is not clear in his expression.
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			And are to me also refers to someone who is not originally arrow. Okay. But he has learned the
Arabic language. So because he has learned it as a second language, it's not that
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			I mean, his expression, his pronunciation is not that perfect. You understand what I'm talking
about? And Arab when he will speak Arabic when he will recite the Quran, what happens? It's clear,
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			but a non Arab what happens we're struggling with our hair and our ain and off and calf, isn't it?
We have to struggle so much to pronounce these hurdles correctly. And then sometimes, those people
who do learn the language when they're speaking the language, the sound so funny.
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			They sound funny, or they're making these mistakes. You know, it might be difficult for us to
understand someone who's learning Arabic. Think about it this way. People whose second language is
English majority of us here Alhamdulillah most of you I mean, you've gone to schools here you've
studied here. So English has become like your first language. But what happens to people who are
fresh off the boat in the country?
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			How is their language How is their expression? They may be speak
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			You better English than you in terms of grammar in terms of, you know accuracy and everything but
when they speak what happens? You have to force yourself to have a straight face.
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			Why do you think like that? Why do you feel like laughing? Because no matter how good their English
is, it sounds foreign. It's with an accent. You understand? Any language right? I mean, your parents
may have taught you your first language at home how to read it, how to write it, how to speak it but
when you go back home to the country where you're originally from and you try to speak in that
language people laugh at you
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			the What's wrong with you? How are you talking? Why because it's not your first language anymore.
You are an Argentine that language you are a foreigner.
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			So this Roman slave even though he had been living in Morocco for so long, his Arabic was not like
the Arabic you find in the Quran. Wasn't like that was so different.
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			And the Quran Yes, the content is a great deal in the Quran. But in addition to the content of the
Quran, what is it that's very, very impressive. What the language, the expression, the eloquence the
clarity, that is what is impressive, which is why we learned that certain points at the time when
the Quran was revealed when they heard the Quran like this one point he heard, so little cows are
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			three verses. And he says, You know what, I better stop my poetry. Once this Quran is here, anything
any speech, any poetry is going to sound like a total fail. So I better not humiliate myself by
saying any porch. This Quran has defeated everybody. So, this claim that some Christians taught the
prophets that a lot of small Quran is completely false.
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			The prophets of Allah Cena himself was also not a poet. You know, when you read the words of Hadith,
and you read the words of the Quran, you can tell you can tell what is the Quran and what is the
Hadith, you can easily tell, you know, sometimes you will find certain recordings of a hadith that
have been recited, recited like the Quran is recited. Why? Just so that a person can memorize them
easily. But even if a person doesn't know the meaning, he doesn't know Arabic, but he's just
familiar with the Quran in the sense that he's read it and he reads it regularly. They can tell this
is Quran and this is not Quran.
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			There is a clear difference.
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			So I really come I watched this video of a Japanese man. So the chef he read a verse of the Quran
and then he said like a regular saying, and the man he doesn't know Arabic at all. So he was told
Can you differentiate like which touches your heart most? And he said the Quran? He said the second
one just sounded like regular poetry.
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			So any person when they will hear the Quran, they will know that this is something special, because
its expression is also amazing. In the Levina. Indeed, those people who lie you may know Nabil
Atilla, who do not believe in the verses of Allah. Those who disbelieve who don't accept the Ayat of
Allah. Allah says Allah de him, Allah, Allah will not guide them, whether Homer Leben Aleem and for
them is a painful punishment. Because you see, once a person has made up his mind, I'm not going to
accept it. I'm not going to believe in it, then what is he going to do? He's going to come up with
one excuse after another. And that's exactly what the people of Makkah did. At one point, they said,
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			Oh, what kind of Quran is this? It talks about a fly and it talks about a mosquito, what is this?
And another point, they would say, Oh, what is this abrogation at one point, you say something and
another point, you say something else, and then they would come up with something like we will never
believe in it until we actually see you performing some miracles. And then they would say, Oh, we
cannot believe in you until we actually see the Quran written down, you know, it should be sent to
us in written form. And then they would say, Oh, you learn the Quran from so and so. one excuse
after the other. Why? Why? Because those who don't want to believe they are not guided to the truth,
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			who is guided to the truth, the one who wants to believe, and this is something very, very normal.
When you want to do something, you will find a way. You'll find a way you'll make a way. And when
you don't want to do something, even if it is right in front of your eyes.
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			It's right before you Will you do it? No, because your heart is not into it. You don't desire it.
You don't want it. So those who don't believe laity him Allah, Allah will not guide them to his
religion to the right way, and he will not guide them to Jannah in the hereafter either. Willa
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			Wouldn't a Lehman for them as a painful punishment in nama? Indeed not but yes, that will cut it. He
fabricates a lie, he invents falsehood.
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			The wish to kill accused the Prophet sallallahu Sallam of fabricating lies. Because when they said
that you are immortal, or that you are learning from this Roman guy, what were they saying? In other
words, that you're lying? Allah subhanaw taala says, you know who lies in them if you look at him,
only such people lie and invent falsehood, who Alladhina Allah you may know gonna be a Atilla those
who do not believe in the verses of Allah will lay Iike Homolka the bone and it is their who are
liars. The one who believes in Allah is the One who believes in the akhira he can never lie.
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			He will not lie, and the Prophet sallallahu sallam, they couldn't never have been expected that he
would utter a lie. Even his enemies appreciated his honesty. You know, what I find amazing is that
before the Hijra on the night of the Hajj, Allah, the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, he still had some
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			some things that his enemies had deposited with him for safekeeping. Imagine his enemies had given
to him, Can you please keep this for us? Can you please save this for us? We'll come back and take
it from you later. They don't believe in him. Yet they accepted his truthfulness, his honesty, they
acknowledge his trustworthiness. And yet they would say, or his line, amazing. his honesty was well
known. So those who accused the Prophet saw a lot of time of lying. Allah says such people are liars
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			Because who is it? Who can easily? You know say about others? Oh, she's a liar. And she's this and
she's this and accuse people of Sins of crimes who? The one who is guilty himself, the one who's
guilty himself, he knows he's doing something wrong. So in order to look all good, in order to look
all pious and all righteous, what do they do? They point fingers at others. Like, for example, if a
person has really bad o'clock in their family, and they don't want to acknowledge that they have bad
luck, what will they say? Oh, you know, my brother, he really really upsets me. And my mother, oh,
my God, she's like my enemy. And my sister, she's got some problem with me from the beginning.
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			Everybody hates me.
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			You see, the problem is our o'clock is bad. We don't want to acknowledge it. So who do we blame? Who
do we blame other people?
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			We blame other people for the wrong that we do ourselves. So what do we learn in this is that those
who accuse others of lying, they themselves are liars. They themselves are liars. It's like, you
know that famous expression that when you point one finger towards someone, you're actually pointing
how many towards yourself? Three.
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			You're pointing out the mistakes of others, whereas you don't realize that you yourself have so many
mistakes, you yourself commit the same crimes. Well, Hola, Iike Homolka the moon. They're the ones
who are liars. And we see this that the machete came. I mean, they were famous for their lies. They
were famous for their treachery and cheating. Think about the fact that the Prophet saw a lot of
sentiments on who they be, who breached it who violated it was in which the key
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			right? Well, we'll let it go home will carry the bone. And from this idea, we also learned that a
person who truly believes he cannot lie.
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			The person who believes will not utter lies. You know, the Prophet saw a lot of sun was asked that
kind of believer, commit Zina. And he said, yeah, it may happen. Can I believe or commit this crime?
Yeah, it may happen. I'm gonna be very committed that crime Yes, it may happen. Can a believer do
this this wrong? The bad may happen? Can a believer lie? No.
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			A believer does not lie. Who lies
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			the one African
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			those whose faith is not correct. whose faith whose heart is diseased? They're the ones who lie.
What will lie Iike Homolka the Moon? MAN Kafa BiLlahi. whoever disbelieves in Allah Membury the
Imani after his Iman, meaning after accepting Iman. He disbelieves. He says I'm a believer. But then
later on, he changed his mind. He's like, You know what, forget it. This Islam is too difficult.
Yes, I was a born Muslim. Yes, I was raised Muslim. But I changed my mind. No, it doesn't make sense
to me. Other things make more sense to me. So I'm going to accept those and follow those and leave
Islam doesn't happen. It happens some people do that.
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			Man Kaffir Avila him and birdie Imani. Whoever this believes in Allah after his Eman
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			except there is one exception made over here. The one who disbelieves or he shows disbelief. Why?
Because he was Oh Korea, he was forced to Korea from California to force someone to do something,
even though the dislike it. So the one who was compelled who was forced to express to say words of
gopher to commit an action of gopher he was forced he wasn't given a choice. We're called whoo hoo
while his heart is multiple in mumble Eman. It has contempt with a man beating in his heart. He is a
believer in his heart. He has no doubt. In his heart, he's a believer, but on the outward he is
forced to show Griffith
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			does this happen also? Yes, there are people who because of their Islam, they are persecuted to such
an extent that they're not given a choice. And if they want to stay alive, they have to say words of
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			My dad told me that when Islam was in Spain, long back ago,
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			then, like the Muslims, they and then the Christians are something they came to Spain. The Muslims
were persecuted to the point that they couldn't even pray.
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			So what they would do is they would walk and like look in front of them and act like they were like
just walking normally, but they would be praying with their eyes. And like they were forced to
actually disbelievers, even though they were believers.
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			Remember the story of our modern vinyasa, doula, where and how his parents were basically killed in
front of him and then he was being physically abused and tortured. And then they wouldn't let him
go. Until he said some words of disbelief.
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			Just imagine you're being beat. You're being physically abused, tortured, and your enemies are not
going to let you go until you say some words of disbelief until you say I believe in this idol or I
don't believe in Mohamed Salah ism, or he's a liar or there is no ALLAH. So he was basically forced
to say words like that, and he said them.
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			He said those words. Imagine a young kid he was not that old at that time, he was still young.
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			And imagine, in this situation, he said the words of God for just to save his life. But then he was
wondering, have I become a disbeliever?
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			So he went to the Prophet salallahu Salam and told him, the Prophet salallahu Salam asked him that
how do you find your heart? He said in my heart, I have no doubt. I believe in Allah I believe in
you. I have absolutely no doubt. So then these ayat were revealed. And basically he was told our
motto vinyasa, that is the man is acceptable. Because you were compelled to say something even
though you did not believe in that.
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			You have the man in your heart. So it's okay.
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			We learn about many, many instances. Have you heard of this? Fitna of Halal Quran, people who say
that the Quran is the creation of Allah and it's not his speech?
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			Okay, it's a very old debate that happened between some groups of Muslims. There were some people
who said that the Quran is not Allah speech, it is His creation. And you're like, Okay, what
difference does it make? The thing is that they were saying that the Quran is Allah speech because
they wanted to prove other things, okay. That they wanted to say that Allah does not speak, he does
not see, he does not hear, He does not love, he does not dislike he does not have mercy. He does not
have anger, he doesn't have any of these attributes. You understand? So they said Allah does not
speak well you say okay, then what about this Quran? Isn't this Allah speeches are not alright. It's
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			not his speech, it's his creation.
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			So they were basically coming up with this in order to deny Allah's attributes. Because once you
deny Allah's attributes, who are you essentially denying Allah right, and when you deny Him, then do
whatever you want.
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			Likewise, when you think that the Quran has creation, than the creation is subject to change,
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			like for example, a carrot, Allah's creation you can feel it you can chop it, you can cook it, you
can eat it, you can throw it you can do whatever you want with it. So if the Quran is treated like
that, that means you can change the verses and you can delete some and you can add some and you can
change the meaning. And this is where these deviations started from. So anyway, the group that
believed that Quran is creation, they wanted this belief to become widespread. So you know what they
did, they started teaching this belief to the Khalifa as children. So when those children came into
power, okay, they believe that the Quran is the creation and they force this belief on everybody.
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			And anyone who said the Quran is not creation it is actually Allah speech he would be
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			killed literally he would be killed.
00:30:03 --> 00:30:29
			So what happened that many scholars, they said things like, okay Quran is Allah's creation, they
just set it on the outward but in their heart they believe that the Quran is Allah speech. So for
example, some scholars, what they did was that they would go in front of the Khalifa. And they would
say, the Torah, the Injeel, the Quran, these are Allah's creation.
00:30:30 --> 00:30:39
			But when they said these, you see, they were counting on their fingers. When they said these, they
implied my fingers.
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			But the words they said showed to the Khalifa, that okay, this guy is with me, you understand? So
they said, these kinds of things used to protect themselves, just to save their lives to or lemma to
scholars, they stood firm, and they're like, No, we cannot prefer ourselves over the religion at
this time. This is where we have to strive. This is where we have to do jihad, the Sahaba went to
battle. And this is our battle, where we stand for the truth, and we don't swerve at all.
00:31:13 --> 00:31:26
			So there were two scholars who stood firm one of them he was killed. And the other one was in
Oklahoma, they've been humbled. He stood firm, he was persevere. He was tortured, he was abused. He
was in prison, beaten up publicly humiliated, whatever, but he did not give up.
00:31:28 --> 00:31:29
			Why wasn't he killed?
00:31:30 --> 00:32:10
			Because even humble was not an ordinary scholar. If he would be killed, the Muslims of that time
would basically rebel against the Khalifa. Okay, he was like a big ship, you know, someone whom you
don't touch. And this is the reason why the Khalifa wanted to make sure that he conforms with what I
tell him because if he will listen to me, then everybody will follow him. But at the same time, he
didn't have the position of killing him. And in fact, actually the Khalifa, at whose time he was
called Imam Muhammad, even humble. You know, the debate happened, whatever my mother was sent into
prison, and the next morning he was supposed to be executed. But the Khalifa died in the nighttime,
00:32:11 --> 00:32:33
			he died a sudden death and that the Khalifa who came after him, he held different beliefs. So Allah
subhanaw taala, also saved him. So anyway, long story short, what do we learn that there are certain
moments in which a person is compelled, compelled to do something to say something that contradicts
his faith?
00:32:34 --> 00:32:42
			He's not given an option. And if he holds on to his faith at that time, it would cause a lot of
problems for him.
00:32:44 --> 00:33:21
			It would create a lot of difficulties for him. Now in this situation, you have two ways. One is that
you face the difficulties. Even if you're killed, you face the difficulties and we see examples of
that armadillo in Hamburg and other companion we learn about him that he was caught by the people of
Messiah lemma, even Kedah. And you know, Musa Musa Lama al Qaeda Musa lemma, the liar who claimed to
be a prophet. So when that so Javi was caught, he asked him was I asked him, do you justify the
Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam as a messenger of Allah? He said, Yes. He said, Do you testify that I am
the messenger of allies that can't hear you? What do you say?
00:33:23 --> 00:33:40
			That basically was ridiculing him that you say you're a prophet? I don't even hear those words.
They're so strange that I don't even hear them. Say them. I got so offended that he kept asking him
this question and every time he would say, I don't hear you, he would cut a limb of his body.
00:33:42 --> 00:33:46
			He would cut a limb of his body he basically chopped him chopped him chopped him to death.
00:33:48 --> 00:34:37
			So this is one way that if you have the strength, you face the difficulties you don't leave the
house. But there are some other people who don't have that much strength. They're human beings, they
feel really weak in the situation. So they say words of gopher on the outward but on the inside they
have complete faith 100% Faith, no doubt. So that is what is mentioned over here. In lemon okra were
called boo Mothma. In non Bill Eman his heart is firm is filled meaning he has no doubt it secure
and faith. Well I can but man who shall have will coffee solder on the one who opens up his just for
goof shadow has to open. So he opens up his chest to go for meaning he willingly embraces it. You
00:34:37 --> 00:34:47
			open your chest for something meaning you make room for it in your heart. When you make room for
something in your heart, it means you have welcomed it you have accepted it. You have made it a part
of you.
00:34:48 --> 00:34:59
			So the one who willingly accept scuffle Allah says far lay him then upon them. Audible min Allah
anger from Allah wa ala Hamada. When our Lehmann for them is a great
00:35:00 --> 00:35:01
			to tremendous punishment.
00:35:03 --> 00:35:32
			So basically this is apostasy has been mentioned that those who leave the religion of Allah, who
prefer coffin over iman than for them are serious consequences in the Accra, Allah is angry with
them and for them will be a great punishment. Why? That he can that is the unknown because indeed
they is the hub boo they preferred al higher to duniya the life of this world are they on the
00:35:33 --> 00:35:55
			They by accepting comfort, what are they doing, preferring the worldly life over the akhirah one
Hola, hola, como Catherine. And Allah does not guide the disbelieving people. So they left Islam and
adopted COFA for the sake of this world, for the sake of worldly benefits.
00:35:56 --> 00:35:59
			Because they find a lot of restrictions in Islam.
00:36:01 --> 00:36:41
			They find Islam to be too difficult, you can't eat this. You can't date you can't, you know, have
fun and you can't drink. There is too many rules, too many do's and don'ts. They don't like it. So
they say we want to be free. We want to live a free life. We want to live however we want because
you only live once. So what happens they say you know what? Forget this Islam. I have embraced
cover. You know, I don't accept Islam anymore. I'm in this free country in this free world. And I
can believe whatever I want. I can live however I want. Okay, Allah has given you that ability. Go
ahead and do it. But for how long?
00:36:43 --> 00:36:54
			For how many years? Aren't you going to die when you are right? Each and every one of us is going to
leave this dunya eventually, someday or another we're going to leave? We're not here forever.
00:36:55 --> 00:37:07
			So anyone who leaves Islam, why would he leave Islam for the sake of worldly enjoyment, for the sake
of worldly benefit for the sake of being accepted by people?
00:37:08 --> 00:37:52
			You remember cargo van medical DeLorean we learned about him and sort of the Toba that how when he
was facing the boycott from the Muslims, he received a letter from the Romans. And what did that
letter say? That we have heard that your friend has abandoned you. You don't need to be treated like
this. Basically, don't put up with it. Come to us. Come to us. Join us and we will honor you. You'll
get whatever you want. It was basically an offer of what go for. leave Islam except for come to us
and you'll get everything you want prefer this worldly life? What if God told you lower and hoodoo
to that letter, frame it and keep it hide it? What did he do? What did he do immediately? He threw
00:37:52 --> 00:38:09
			it in a burning oven. He didn't even take a second look at it. He threw it away. He burnt it. Not
even just through it he burned to so that he couldn't see it again. Because he knew that gopher for
a few days means putting your akhira at stake.
00:38:11 --> 00:38:30
			And the one who prefers worldly life, worldly freedom, worldly enjoyment than that is a very, very
bad choice. A very pathetic move. Why? Because yes, for some years for some days you will enjoy but
eventually in the long run. Punishment.
00:38:32 --> 00:39:06
			Allah Iike those are the ones who are Nadine Oktober Allahu Akbar, Allah Kulu be him Allah has set a
seal upon their hearts was summary him and their hearing were Abu Salim and their vision, what will
our ecohome law feed on and those are the ones who are heedless. This is so scary. That when a
person leaves Islam, then his heart his hearing his vision, it's as though it is sealed. What does
it mean? It's sealed, his eyes don't work anymore. So even though he may see the truth, he doesn't
get it.
00:39:08 --> 00:39:51
			His hearing is sealed. So even if he hears the most convincing proofs, he doesn't accept them. His
heart is sealed. So even though the most touching and the most effective warning is presented to
him, it doesn't melt his heart. It doesn't bring any fear into his heart heart is sealed, eyes are
sealed hearing is sealed. So in other words, no matter how the truth is presented, they just don't
get it. Why? Because of off you know, they have become often will often is who's someone who's
hatless, someone who's just busy having fun, too much fun. He's too happy. So even though you call
him 50 times they will not listen. Has it ever happened that you're talking to a child the child is
00:39:51 --> 00:39:57
			playing and you call them once and you call them again and you call them again? But it's as though
you don't exist.
00:39:58 --> 00:40:00
			It's as though you have not even
00:40:00 --> 00:40:12
			I've spoken to them why they're too busy having fun, they're too busy playing. So likewise, when a
person turns to duniya, then remember in total are off, we learned that the example of such a person
is like that of a dog,
00:40:13 --> 00:40:35
			that in Dimulai, Li yell has out the truck, who the * has, he's just enjoying his life, he's
having fun. If you attack him, he'll just stick his tongue out, if you leave him, he will stick his
tongue up, meaning nothing makes a difference to him. Nothing makes a difference to him. And this is
a sad reality of the person who makes his desire his God.
00:40:36 --> 00:40:46
			He's just following his desires, he's so lost in them, so consumed by them, that nothing affects
him. Nothing can melt him, nothing can change him,
00:40:47 --> 00:41:00
			though, are Allah who are going to be him, their hearts are sealed. And this is why such people,
they keep going deeper and deeper and deeper in their cover. It's a very slippery slope, deep in
cover, very difficult to come out of that.
00:41:01 --> 00:41:24
			Just the other day I was watching this video, this atheist, and he's talking about how there will be
amazing scenes that you can see your mountains and clouds and everything. And the people who believe
in God. They say, Well, how did this come about? Where is God? How can you deny God? He was
basically mocking at those people who believe in God,
00:41:25 --> 00:41:38
			that you still think that all of this beauty has been created by a god? How is that possible? He was
mocking. So really, the same beautiful trees when a believer sees them, his heart, it softens.
00:41:39 --> 00:41:55
			The same mountains, the same clouds when a believer looks at them, his heart is filled with all he
cannot say anything but you know the words of praise for Allah subhanaw taala. And the same thing is
seen by someone who rejects Allah.
00:41:56 --> 00:41:57
			And his heart doesn't move.
00:41:59 --> 00:42:30
			His eyes don't weep. It doesn't make any difference to him. It doesn't affect him. Why? Because the
heart is sealed. Hearing a sealed vision is sealed. And such people they're off alone, lead Jarama
Don't be impressed by these people and their confidence and their arrogance. Don't be impressed by
them. Have no doubt lead drama, Assuredly, under whom indeed they fill in the hereafter whom on hos
Iran, they will be the losers.
00:42:31 --> 00:42:53
			They will be the losers. Because sometimes, you know, for example, you come across big professors,
researchers, people who are so influential. And you're like, wow, they know a lot of stuff. They
have a lot of knowledge and experience. And if they say there is no God, and what is my knowledge
compared to theirs? No, you feel intimidated by them.
00:42:54 --> 00:43:34
			You're sitting in a classroom, and there's a debate going on between people who believe in God and
people who are atheists. And all of a sudden you feel like, you're such a loser. When it comes to
debate. You feel like there's no basis for your faith, your faith seems so hollow because they have
been ripping you apart every argument every evidence you present, they've ripped you apart. Because
sometimes they can be very ferocious, right? In these debates, so don't be impressed by them. Don't
feel afraid of them. Leard Jarama assuredly, unknown Phil harati who will harass you they will be
absolute losers in the hereafter.
00:43:35 --> 00:43:43
			Absolute losers, because when they will, I mean, come on the Day of Judgment. What can they deny
them? What can they deny?
00:43:45 --> 00:43:58
			They can't deny anymore and someone who's been lying to themselves all their lives, someone who's
been believing in something false all their life in the afternoon when they come. Their failure is
evident human costs, you know, they will be losers.
00:43:59 --> 00:44:03
			And this is reason why people say that it's always safer to believe.
00:44:04 --> 00:44:05
			Why is it safer to believe?
00:44:07 --> 00:44:17
			How? Because if you believe, okay, and yes, there is an afterlife, then you'll be okay.
00:44:18 --> 00:44:21
			But if you don't believe and there is an afterlife, then
00:44:23 --> 00:45:00
			then what's going to happen? You've lost. Not that our belief should be like that, though. It's
safer to believe. But just for the sake of argument, it's safer to believe when a believer has Iman
in the afternoon when a believer has a man and Allah subhanaw taala he believes with conviction. He
again, he doesn't have any doubt. But just for the sake of argument, there is nothing to lose if you
believe there is nothing to lose. In fact, there is only something to gain because religion, it will
only make you a better person. Because you have some limits that you observe. Your actions are not
dictated by your desires. But there
00:45:00 --> 00:45:18
			dictated by some system some law. And this is why you will be a more dignified person. You know
what, when you deal with others, and when you are doing anything in life, there is going to be a
difference between how you do things and how others do things. Have you ever noticed something that
atheists generally they become very aggressive in their arguments?
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			And very harsh.
00:45:22 --> 00:45:35
			It's like, they're angry people inside. They're very angry. You just mentioned the word God and they
started rolling their eyes and their face goes red, and they start huffing and puffing, why?
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			Why do they behave like that? And if you look at, you know, even for example, a Christian who has
some belief in God, how is he? He's much more calm and composed, isn't he?