Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P14 134C Tafsir Al-Nahl 9-16
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The speakers discuss various aspects of Islam, including animals, money, and social media, as well as the importance of guidance and guidance in driving to the right way. They also discuss the benefits of drinking water, growing plants, and using Sub hang's plants and trees for food. The speakers emphasize the importance of finding natural resources and avoiding drastic changes to one's environment for personal growth and happiness. They also mention the use of lightweight devices and natural resources in driving health and wealth.
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So far in the Surah, we learned about many blessings. First of all the blessing of hedaya If you look at verse number two units Zylon Mala Iike He sends down the angels baru with the Rosh meaning with the revelation. So Revelation is a huge blessing guidance divine guidance is a huge blessing after that halacha sama worth you will Allah will help this home that we live in the sky the earth the roof above us the earth beneath us this home what is that a blessing of Allah then after that near Myrtle had the blessing of life colorful in Santa may not fit in Allah created the human being then after that the near Amma off a Nam off these animals that we take so much benefit from well,
Anoma halacha. And these animals in particular, what blessings do we receive from them? From these ayat, what did we learn?
I want the answers from the verses. So look at the eye. Well, Anoma Holika warmth. Okay, what else? Food Okay, what else?
My airfare? What is my airfare?
Many different kinds of benefits. Like for example, money, money, people who own animals, what do they do? They sell them, right? Or they slaughter them and they sell the meat, or they sell the dairy products, whatever it may be. It's a source of livelihood for many people. Okay. Besides that, woman had that going on. So after Manasa is what? Manhattan cologne food. Alright, then what other blessings are there in the NRL? Next is beauty. They're also cute to look at beautiful.
All right, Hina, to the Hoonah, where Hina does Rohan then after that, what the halo of Allah come, they are beasts of burden also, they carry your loads for you. So that you don't have to carry all those loads yourself. Because if you had to carry them yourselves, it would be extremely difficult for you very difficult. And these animals have been used as beasts of burden all over the earth, across the world, throughout history, even till today, they're used as beasts of burden in many areas. When it comes to construction, many times donkeys are being used to, you know, move the construction material from one place to the other. Likewise, when people are traveling, what do they
do? What is it that they put their loads on on these animals? We learn about Chiklis. I'm even Taymiyah that he was born in one and when he was five years old. That hours, they invaded his hometown. And the people in Iran they receive the news that the data are coming. So flee live. So everybody, they basically just packed up whatever they could, whatever was most precious, most valuable to them. They took it with themselves and they left the city and they headed towards Damascus for refuge. So to understand even Taymiyah his family was a family of scholars. His grandfather was a scholar, his father was a scholar, his uncle's were scholars, his cousins were
scholars, his brothers were scholars you're talking about every man of the family was basically a man of knowledge. And you can imagine people have knowledge, what is it that they like? Books. So this family when they were moving, they didn't take with them money, or you know, food or utensils and their furniture, what they took with them was books, so much was their love for books that that is all they had. They did not have any animals to ride on. They did not have any animals to pull the carts on which they had put their books. So basically, they put their books on their carts, all right. And they were pushing or pulling those carts themselves all the way to Damascus. And if you
walk from Heartland to Damascus, it would take approximately 200 hours. You can check on Google Maps.
Imagine how long it would take to walk from Tehran to Damascus and they walk and they took their books with them. And they were pushing themselves and imagine the difficulty of that journey. So Allah subhanaw taala has really given us a blessing in these animals, when they are a means of transport for us and also a means of, you know, carrying our burdens for us because imagine if every time we had to carry our stuff ourselves, how difficult it would be. Is there anyone who takes like the subway or the public transport regularly? MashAllah many of you. So, when you have your bags, how is it
hard, right and
especially when you have an extra bag someday that is extremely difficult in winter when you have to carry your jacket and have your gloves on and your everything on and in addition to that you have to carry a bag you feel like throwing your bag away
because you have to carry it from one bus stop to the other from your home to the bus stop. So at that time we realize the blessing off means of transportation
and notice the end of the year that is not have become not all over Rahim Allah is surely your Lord is shortly very affectionate unkind towards you. And this is a reason why he has provided you these animals so that they will carry their loads for you. You know, it's like when you're walking with your heavy bag and somebody says Come I'll give you a ride.
How good do you feel that Alhamdulillah I don't have to carry my burden myself not even myself right I don't have to carry myself on my feet, this car will take me. So the one who provides you a means of transport going from one place to the other. Really they want good for you. So, if we remember just this one your son of Allah, that he has provided us means of transport, whether it is in the form of animals or cars or other vehicles, whatever it may be, it is his Rafa it is his Rama. Well, hyena will be one of Al Hamra little Kabuga,
Xena, you ride on these animals, and they're also a source of beauty for you. They are a source of beauty for you, well look Kumala tarla moon, and he creates that what you do not know meaning there's so much other creation that you don't even know about. Or wildflower Kumala Tarnovo that he will create that what you don't know about right now.
You don't know about what Allah is going to make in the future? For what purpose?
For what purpose transport. Now, at the time of the Prophet saw a lot is that um, did people have any idea about cars or airplanes or trains? No. But in the future, it was that Allah subhanaw taala taught men how to fly, and how to go faster, and how to you know, make an engine so that a car will move and a bus will move and a train will move. So all of these means of transportation that are faster, better. They are also whose gift to us, Allah subhanaw taala. But we think oh, they're all manmade, what has God got to do with this? Of course, if he didn't give you the sense, you would never be able to do it. If he didn't give you the resources, the materials you would never be able
to put it together if he did not show you birds, you wouldn't have any idea about planes.
Because human beings, where did they learn from? How by observing what Allah has created, why Allah Allah He and upon Allah is us, though Seville the direction of the right way, meaning Allah, He has taken the responsibility to do what costs do Seville to direct to the right way. The word cost literally means it basically means to intend to do something and your direction, the direction in which you're going mean that's your goal, you want to get there. So, this is why the word cost is not just used for intention, but it is also used for the direction in which a person is headed. So on Allah is the responsibility to direct to a Seville meaning to the right way it is Allah who
guides to the Right Way. And the way that is right is that which ultimately leads to Allah subhanaw taala women hijack it, and from it meaning from all these ways that exist, there are jet also jet if from the root letters Jeem. Well, job job is to deviate. So jet it is one that is deviating, meaning if a person was to adopt that way, he would be deviated from the right course, from the right way of life. He would not end up at the right destination, he would not end up with the pleasure of Allah rather he would end up with the Wrath of Allah while sha Allah her there come at Moraine and if he will, he could have guided all of you. If Allah wanted, he could have forced guidance and everybody
but the fact is that guidance is not guaranteed for everyone. This life is a test. Allah has shown to us the right way, and also the wrong way. The truth has been made clear and the falsehood has been made clear. And then the choice has been left with people you choose what you do, but realize that there is only one way that leads to Allah subhanaw taala and there are many other wrong ways out there that will not lead
due to Allah rather they will lead you somewhere else.
Now what has this idea got to do with the previous if there is a lesson in the animals that we write in, in these journeys that we take? Has it ever happened with you that you sit on the wrong bus?
Why How How did that happen?
How did you end up sitting on the wrong bus?
So the stock numbers or the bus numbers they changed from last year. And many students did not know that the numbers have changed. So they sat on the same bus as they did last year. But when they sat on that same bus, they ended up at the wrong place. So why is it that a person ends up with the wrong bus?
Because he did not pay attention. He did not care to check whether that was the route or not. Like, for example, the person says, You know what, I'm just going to go to the bus stop, and I'm going to sit on any bus, it's going to take me somewhere, right? Gone, be do bad.
can't be that bad. I'll just sit on the bus, I'll end up somewhere. And wherever I end up, I'll just make my way back. But if you go and sit on a bus like that, how much time could you lose?
How much time could you lose? hours? literally hours. I remember once my kids, they were asking me when I'm on the bus, bus, bus bus. I'm like, Okay, I'll take you on the bus. And I know nothing about bus routes. So I just went to the bus stop. And like, you know what, whatever bus comes, we're gonna sit on it. We sat on the bus, I called my husband, like, we're going somewhere, I don't know where if we end up somewhere, I'm going to call you and you have to come get us. He's like, Okay, so we're going and I realized that we are headed to a place that is very, very, very far from our house, and also from my husband's workplace. So I'm like, this is not going to work, I better get
off somewhere. So we got off. And then a humbler, we got another bus just set somewhere and ended up somewhere else, and 100 Allah made our way home.
But that really made me think that you can't just go and sit on a random bus. This is not London, where you can go quickly from one place to the other because the subway or the train, or the buses are always going like every five minutes, this is Mississauga and the buses run very differently. So you really have to know where you're going. You really have to check your route before you leave.
So when you're traveling in this world, if you want to go from one place to the other, you better know the directions, you better know which exit you have to take and which stop you have to get off at which turn you have to make. Because if you don't know from before, you're going to get lost. So you cannot take this matter lightly. And if you take this matter lightly, you're gonna waste money, you're gonna waste time you're gonna waste your energy, something that could have been done in a few minutes, it's going to take you very long. So this is why it is important that in life also we don't do things randomly. Just because everybody's getting on one bus. You also go on the same bus. Just
because everybody is doing something we also do that no. Check the Quran. What is it that Allah subhanaw taala has said concerning this matter, is it okay? Is it not okay? Is it encouraged? Is it discouraged? What has Allah said about it? So while Allah He calls do severe in worldly matters, we're so particular we want to know the direction so much of the we have a GPS if not a GPS, we have our phones telling us
but when it comes to the matter of Dean, unfortunately, many people take this very lightly. It's not a matter that's taken seriously. But remember women hedger, there are many wrong ways out there. Che upon is out there calling people to misguidance any person who's going through this life without knowledge, then what's going to happen. chatline is going to mislead him. While Oh sha Allah her Delcom edge marine of Allah wanted he could have guided everybody. But that's not his way. He doesn't force guidance on you. You have to use your mind and figure out which way is right and which way is wrong. Who will levy he is the one who ends elemina sama ima who has sent down from the sky
water The Blessing of Water now he has sent water for you from the sky. Local men who shut up for you from it is shut up shut up as in a drink in the Arabic language the word Shabaab is used for a drink meaning something that is drunk. Okay, not alcohol but something that you drink, a beverage any kind of beverage over here, water
You can drink water.
Water is a blessing, the fact that we can drink it is a huge blessing. Because if a person does not drink water, then what's going to happen? His body is going to be dehydrated. So many things can go wrong in his system in his body. So realize this blessing of water without which life would be impossible. Women who Shadowrun and because of it meaning because of this water is what shatter
plants meaning when this waterfalls from the sky, it falls on land, then what happens shadow plants grow. And these plants that grow fee in it to see moon you pasture, meaning you take your animals for pasture your animals, they eat those plants that grass, and when they eat it, they produce milk for you, they grow and you have good meat to eat, they have energy and as a result you can travel on them you can put lots of load on them. So just this one water that you directly benefit from and you also indirectly benefit from it.
Directly you drink it indirectly your plants grow and plants where you eat those plants and your animals eat those plants and then you benefit from those animals also, young B to La come up to he causes to grow, let come for you meaning for your benefit been through it meaning through this water because of this water that falls from the sky this rain. What grows from the earth as Zara Zara crops,
crops as an wheat, corn, all of these grains that we eat rice, Zara was a tune and the olive. When the heel and the date palm, well are NAB and the great lines.
If you think about it, all of them are so different Zetter crops they're very different from as they don't the olive which grows on the tree, olive trees and olive trees are amazing. They can be hundreds of years old, and an ideal date palms a completely different kind of a tree. And then what is more different than that is an up vines.
So so many different kinds of plants that are producing different kinds of produce for your benefit women can be some are odd and every kind of fruit.
every kind of fruit every kind of produce remember that some or all summer is not just used for fruit, it's used for the product of a process. So you're talking about produce, whether it is in the form of grain or vegetables or fruit, leaves, whatever it may be when coulis some are odd in the field, early color area, indeed in that is Charlie and I assign likoma yet have a column for people who reflect. So reflect on this. Think about it, reflect on this, that how it started from a seed. And that seed what you found in the fruit, that seed was put under the soil, and then water fell on it. And then that seed opened up in a chute came out of it. And that grew into a stem, which grew
bigger and stronger. And that grew leaves and that grew flowers. And then what happened there was fruit which grew bigger and bigger. And then eventually you were able to eat from it. You were able to use it. And then when you used it, what did you find in it seed? And then the processes repeated the phone call? Think about it. Don't just think oh, corn, oh, Apple, pink about the origin. Where did this come from? What process it went through so that you could get this ripe, juicy fruit. This year, something very interesting happened in our backyard, we thought we ought to grow some corn. So we were very excited corn. Okay, and we planted a few and watering it regularly. And 100 Laughters.
on Vine we saw corn growing on it. And it was so fascinating. So amazing. Subhanallah corn growing on it very small. And then we're waiting for it to get bigger and bigger and bigger. And one day we see that 100 Let's be enough, hopefully within a day or two, we can go in, take it off. So we went and we see there's no corn.
There's no corn, when it's ripe. It's not there. And there was a lot of mess in the yard and we thought this can only be the work of raccoons. But what amazed me was the fact that this corn has been there, you know, was in the yard for so many weeks. So many weeks now.
And I'm sure those raccoons came regularly
to see what they could find. But they did not touch the corn at all. When it was ready, that's when they took it.
They ate it, I don't have any anger against the raccoon, it was its risk. Alhamdulillah I'm glad that it from it. It's a form of sadaqa you know, when you have plants and trees that produce food, it's a form of charity for you know, the creatures of Allah subhanaw taala. So I don't have any anger against that raccoon. But it's amazing that how that creature was also waiting for the right time, waiting for the right time. The animals are much faster than us.
So in the field Adicolor Ayatollah Khomeini at a karoun reflect and think about where this food is coming from, don't take it for granted.
Have you ever gone berry picking?
How is it that experience, it's very nice. But at the same time, when you've spent almost an hour picking those berries, and you look at your basket, and you see it's not even half full,
it makes you value every single Berry, doesn't it? When you've hand picked each yourself, you value each and every single very otherwise, what happens, you know, big box and then half of it goes waste, who cares? You know, we can always get more. So you value the blessings, when you realize where they've come from how you got it.
I mean, when we grow something in our yard, then we value it much more. Or when you go pick it yourself, then you value it much more. But think about, you know so many, many berries and horns and so many other things that Allah subhanaw taala is giving us without even us having to do anything for them. Meaning we don't have to grow our own food. And people who do grow their own food, ask them how difficult it is.
When you see these plants grow, some of them do grow really well.
They grow really well. They produce a lot of fruit and vegetables, and others, they hardly grow anything. Why? Sometimes it's the lack of water, or maybe it's the lack of sunshine. And sometimes there's enough water and there's also enough sunshine but still that plant doesn't grow much if it grows, it doesn't produce much. So the revelation that is also what rain, Allah subhanaw taala sends it equally for everybody. Some benefit more from it, and as a result they produce more higher and others they choose to benefit less from it and as a result they produce less light. So in the V they're Nicola they've called me at the fuckin reflect and realize that the giver is who Allah
subhanaw taala he is the one who is bringing out all of his food for you without you having to do anything or without you have to pay him. No, nothing like that was so holla calm and he has subjected for you a Leila the night when the hara and the day was shumsa and the sun will come on and the moon one no Doom and the stars. All of them are Musa chhod ones subjected be angry at his command
sobre la cama lado and a hug the night and the day he has objected for you. Meaning in the night and the day there are so many benefits for you the night is dark, it is tranquil, it is peaceful, it is cooler, it has its own set of benefits for you, then the day is brighter, sometimes longer, warmer, and in that is also different kinds of benefits for you was shumsa will come on one new job and these huge, huge massive entities, the sun, the moon and the stars. Look at them. They are beyond your reach. They are beyond your control. There are so much more bigger than you but yet they are Musa Herat they're still serving you. They're controlled and compelled to serve you be unreal, he at
his command in the V Valley color as they call me or cologne indeed in that ashore designs for people who use reason. So all these massive creation in the sky, what are the indications of Allah's immense power and might, because we would never be able to power the sun, we would never be able to power the moon. We don't have the resources the means the ability to power the sun or the moon or the stars. But Allah subhanaw taala has subjected these huge creatures for our service. Think about when it comes to lighting, how expensive it can be and how much energy they take how much you have to look after.
them. But when it comes to the sun, when is it that we put the plug in for the sun? Never, we don't have to do that.
Oh, and Allah subhanaw taala says that he subjugated the night and day for us, and you explain how they're varying in length, if you think about it, they're varied. In the summer, your days are longer, because it's warmer outside, you can spend more time doing work, and you just enjoy the sunshine in the weather more. But in the winter, you have longer nights because it's colder during the day, and it's colder during the night. So you want to spend as much time inside as possible. So you think Subhanallah even though you know, the change, it seems you know, it's just because of the seasons, just that change is beneficial for us. Because you wouldn't want long days in the
wintertime, you want to go home as quickly as possible. You want to stay warm, you want to sleep, animals hibernate, right? It's the same thing for us, even how the you know, the length of the days and the nights are planned throughout the year is for our benefit. It's like a natural timetable that we've been given.
No, if you look at the different blessings that are mentioned over here, when it comes to the animals, I mean, we have some control over them. When it comes to rain and produce, we don't have much control over it, but at least you know we can plant the seeds and we can take care of the plants and eventually we have produced when it comes to the sun, the moon the stars, do we have any control over it? No. So, some blessings, Allah has given us some authority over them, others no authority, but all of these are serving us all of these are benefiting us one way or another woman, Allah calm and that which he has produced for you, which he has multiplied for your sake, meaning
Mother Earth, this is connected with the previous i in the previous I what was mentioned that all of these things are subjected. So, he has also subjected for you that which he has the little Allah can fill Earth which he has multiplied for you throughout the earth that that Allah is to create but also to spread to multiply. What is it that he has spread throughout the earth different other creatures plants animals that are more deadly fun Anwar no varying in their colors, mortality from different and when all its colors are one is a plural of loan.
And this is amazing that in one region, you'll find something of a particular color but you go to a different continent that same thing will be a different color. For example, mangoes in some parts of the world are ripe mango is a yellow Mango yellow. In other parts of the world, you have green and red mangoes, which are ripe, so mortally fun Alwan varying in their colors when it comes to animals.
You know, for example, black buffalo, they're not seen over here in Canada, at least I've never seen it not even in pictures. But in certain parts of the world, I mean, that's the animal the milk of what you drink different cows, different types of animals, different types of birds, when it comes to curls, for example, some parts of the world, what are they like black and gray, other parts of the world completely black
motor elephant, same creature just a slight difference, but in one region, the monkey will be brown in the other region the monkey will be orange, same family but different. Multinational when you look at mud soil, in some parts of the world, that same mud is red. In other parts it is brown, dark. In other parts it is light, mostly from Atlanta. In everything that Allah has created. There is variety, variety.
Look at the colors of the leaves. Are they all the same? from tree to tree? They're very Yes, even human beings from different regions, different color, different appearance, different features, mortality from unwanted throughout the earth. You see this variety? So when there's so much variation in the creation of Allah subhanaw taala How can we expect that all people should be the same? They cannot be the same they cannot be identical. In Nephi Danica Ada likoma Lakonia, that karoun Indeed and that is surely a sign for people who remember who remember this, this fact that there is variety in the creation of Allah subhanaw taala another blessing near Matoba. The blessing
of the see well who Allah the and he is the one who Sahaba Hara, who has subjected the sea, the sea he has subjected for who for you. Just imagine the sea massive waves, so huge, so strong, so powerful, massive waves in the sea, dangerous creatures. But yet the sea is serving you how you can sail on it. You can swim in it, you can dive in it you
You can travel over it, you can take food out of it, you can dump your garbage in it,
under the Sahara here subject to the sea for you. So much other people are even thinking about making homes on the seabed.
So he has subjected the sea for you, Lita Kulu, Minh who so that you can eat from the sea is also serving you. You eat from it like, man, lamb, meat flesh, what kind of meat, body urine, body, what is buddy, buddy, blah, blah, blah well it means when something is, you know, moist,
and something has some wetness in it. It's moist, and something is moist. What does it mean? It is fresh. So for example, a leaf that is completely dry, that doesn't have any moisture in it. Would you call that a fresh leaf? No, it's dry. But I'll leave that is wet in the sense that when you cut it, there's going to be some moisture that comes out of it. What is that it's fresh a branch. What's the difference between a fresh one and a dry one the fresh one will be what it will have some moisture in it. So 30 is that which is fresh, moist. So you get meat from the sea, which is fresh. What does it mean? It's very tender, very tender, it's succulent. You can even eat it raw. And when
you cook it, it's soft. It's moist compared to other meats. Because if you think about seafood in general like for example fish, when you cook it, it has to be flaky. It comes apart so easily but unfortunately we overcook it so much so that becomes chewy and hard. Right? But what's the key you don't overcook it you cook it just a little bit steam it or bacon or boiler just for a few minutes and what will happen? It will be soft, moist, tender. Tender Lachman buddy Yan
what does the hurry do? And you extract you bring out from this see men who from it holier than ornaments. Plural off holy and holy is ornaments, jewelry, okay, that is worn, that is used for the purpose of decoration. So from the sea from these deep waters, you also extract ornaments, Dalbir sunnah you wear it, you wear them, you put them on yourself. Like for example, burls even coral, there's jewelry that's made from coral. Through persona, what are and you see a full curve, the ship's Mala, Rafi he plowing in it, cutting through it, meaning cutting through the sea. mawatha is a plural of Mafia meme ha Ra.
And basically this word means to cut to share while making lots of noise. Now when you see ships sailing on the sea, what are they doing basically cutting through the waters, which is why you see the water splitting behind the sailing ship. You know what I'm talking about? As the ship is sailing forward. What do you see behind it? As if the waters have been parted? They have been split.
And at the same time as the ships are sailing, they're noisy. They can be very loud. Manuel Rafi he cutting through the waters while he Tabatha woman fugly. Why are they cutting through the water so that you can have sea travel, you can travel from one part to the other over water. And so that when you travel, you can seek Minh family, you can get some of his bounty that you could not find in the place that you were in, you had to go from that place to another place across the sea in order to seek that funnel. If you think about it, because of sea travel,
there's been a lot of exploration. Right? There's been migration, I mean, people have managed to move from one continent to another. So many places have been inhabited. So many continents have been inhabited. Why? How did that become possible through sea travel? Likewise, when people travel from one part of the world to the other over the water, then there's trade and business which is possible, right? And you can go from one place to the other and learn something over there. Like remember how he was traveling on the ship, to go from one place to the other and he was carrying with him. He had with him all that money. He must have been going for the purpose of oil, because
that's what that man's life was about. So when he tapped the home in fugly, you can seek Allah's Bounty. Because remember when you're in your hometown, when you're staying in your city, yes, there's a lot that you can find. There's a lot that you can get. But the world is not just your city. There is more in the world that Allah soprano data has created that you can benefit from. So in this is an encouragement, goal. Travel
Oh, see what Allah has made benefit from the various things that Allah has placed in different places go seek URL, go get food, go trade. This is you know seeking Allah's blessings when he tapped a woman fugly. Why Allah Allah conditio Quran so that you can be grateful, you can be grateful this blessing he gave you so that you feel grateful that Hamdulillah we managed to go from one place to the other. And these days, it's amazing that you could sit on an airplane, you're on one continent, you sit on the airplane, by the end of the day,
you're in another continent completely. And it brings about so much sugar in your heart when you can see your loved ones that quickly. So easily will unlock on touch karoun So realize these blessings and be grateful. Notice how in these I add at the end of every aisle what has been mentioned
the fact got on your pillow pollun Right, yet the karoun And then finally, the schoolrooms chakra. So what comes first the fog could reflect then what comes next, use your uncle use your sense, then what comes next remember to that code and then what sugar
gratitude cannot come except with reflection except with reflection and remembrance that you remember those blessings also and then you will be grateful. Well, I look awful over the last year and he has cast into the earth row as the plural of Rasiah. Otherwise, see, what is it used for firmly rooted, deeply rooted, firmly set mountains, fill all the in the earth. So he has placed in the earth firmly set mountains. Why unto me that become lest it shift with you to me that for me, Mia doll made made is too sweet sway, to shift from one place to the other. So in other words, if these mountains were not there, this earth that you live on would be constantly moving. And that
would make life impossible for you. It would make anything difficult for you, you would be injured head to toe,
you would have no homes, you would have nothing that you had produced, why? Because the Earth is constantly shifting moving, how traumatized we would be life is possible here why? Because this ground is stable, this earth is stable.
And at the same time well unhealed on and also rivers, meaning he has placed mountains and he has also made rivers that carry fresh water running through your lands, carrying fresh water for you and in that fresh water that you can drink you can irrigate your lands with there's also fish that you can eat. And there's also many other things that you can extract from the water will unhide on and if you think about it, mountains are tall and rivers deep
was so bulan and ways roads meaning natural pathways that he has made for you that he has spread for you through the Earth, la la quinta dune so that you can be guided meaning from one place to the other.
Why Allah and landmarks Florida for some people when they're traveling from one place to the other? What is it that the take is a guide the river? If not that some natural ways? If not that Then Allah met some other landmarks. What are landmarks like for example, a mountain a mountain range, a valley, a lake, even springs aren't they are Klamath. They're natural landmarks. I remember as a child, we will traveled to this one place in the hills quite regularly that's close to where I used to live. And I remember really well how when you would reach a certain point, then you would see a spring over here. And then a natural small waterfall on this side and a waterfall on that side. And
a whole lot of trees here. These things they serve as natural landmarks are there Matt will be nudged me. And also with the stars homea the dune they receive guidance, meaning you have these alignments when you're traveling through forests or very fertile lands. But when you're traveling through the desert, then which river is going to be an Allama and which Lake is going to be an Allameh nothing because in the desert, what do you see? Nothing except for the sand and the sky. That's all you see.
So in places like this, Allah subhanaw taala has not abandoned us know. There is also stars in the night sky by which people can find their way
will listen to the recitation of these verses.
law he also do some really warming
fee to see
days to move
me go
What's Up for all of
our Shem cell
one nodule Momo cells
in FE
in FE
Wahoo Safar all the holly Colome in hula
rijo mean
what is still free
was off
to me that he
was so bold
we're being