Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P14 134B Tafsir Al-Nahl 1-8
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Are the Illumina ship on your agenda Smilla Rahmanir Rahim
at the end of circle,
what is one of the main lessons that we are being taught? Look at what you have. Appreciate what you have used, what you have, enjoy what you have. And what is that the blessings that Allah subhanaw taala has given because no person has been created absolutely poor. If he doesn't have one thing, certainly he has something else. And before spiritual hygiene we learned which Surah Surat Ibrahim and in Surat Ibrahim also we learned about the blessings of Allah subhanaw taala.
So to him, it emphasizes the blessing of iman SUTA hedges shows that the blessings that we have, they are temporary, so use them before they're lost, and use them to benefit yourself and take a lesson from the people of the past who had so many blessings, but they did not use them in the right way and what happened, nothing benefited them.
The next Surah which is Surah to natural
Surah Natl is actually also known as Surah to Neerim the surah of blessings, because it talks about many, many blessings of Allah subhanaw taala. Why, so that we begin to appreciate them. Because when we look at the blessings of Allah, we admire them, we appreciate them. This is what makes us grateful. This is what changes are we're thinking. Grateful people are positive people and positive people are happy people are successful people, content people. So sudo to neuron sudo to
lesson number 134 is number one, to 21. And what does natural mean?
The honeybee.
The honeybee is very small.
Sometimes they're big, but still they're small compared to you. The honeybee goes from flower to flower, collecting nectar. Right? strives so hard to produce something and what is that something honey? how beneficial is that honey? It's a cure for us. It's a source of great nutrients for us, for human beings. Human beings enjoy honey and other creatures also enjoy honey. So a little creature that faces so many hurdles, but it's focused on its mission to collect nectar, bring it to its hive. And what happens with this determination. It produces something beneficial, it uses the blessings that Allah has given it and at the end it has produced something that is useful. So in the
Surah, the B is mentioned and when we reach those verses Inshallah, we'll discuss the lessons that we can learn from the honeybee. But many, many blessings are mentioned in the Surah. But the surah is named after the B because in the attitude in the determination of the beat, there are many lessons for us. Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim. Amarula the Ummah, the Command of Allah has already come, Fela de estar de Loup. So do not be impatient for it, do not hasten for it.
Other This is past tense, when something has already arrived, it has already arrived. But in the IOE what is basically being said is that the Command of Allah is coming, it is going to come very soon. So don't be impatient. Why has the past tense been used at why past tense to show the certainty of the arrival of this under that don't doubt it, it's definitely coming. And it is so certain that it is as good as though it has already happened. It's like when somebody tells you to do something you're like, Okay done.
Is it done? What does it mean? That yes, for sure, I will do it. So consider it as though it is already done. At Amarula he the Command of Allah is certainly coming Falletta star julu Do not be impatient, it has a fixed time because Liko li agile in keytab. And because it is certain, you will know when it comes you will not miss it. Which command is this? This command this is basically referring to the punishment that the people of Macau were threatened with for their disbelief and time and again, they would come to the prophets of Allah Islam and say, so where's that punishment? Where's it you keep threatening us? Where is it? You keep telling us the Day of Judgment is coming.
Where is it? How come it hasn't come? Okay. So tell us when will it come? You say that the believers will eventually have the upper hand they will be
victorious, Allah will help those who believe in him. Where's that help? How come you're still suffering at our hands? Where's your victory? The believers on the other hand, they were being a little impatient. And they were saying, When can we get out of here? When can we stand up for ourselves and take revenge? Because you know, the muck of the muscles, we're not allowed to take revenge. And then we're not even allowed to go somewhere else unless the prophets are a lot of them allowed them to migrate. And When would he tell them to migrate when Allah subhanaw taala would tell. So, all the people are told, the Command of Allah is coming. It is certain. Yes, the
punishment will descend on those who disbelieve, yes, the Day of Judgment will certainly arrive. Yes, definitely. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will be told to migrate. Yes, the believers will be given victory, but for everything is a due time. So do not be impatient. Don't hasten concerning it. And remember Subhana who perfect is Allah Glorified is Allah wa Allah and He is exalted. I may usually cone above what they associate with Him. Allah is perfect. He doesn't have any weakness that is preventing him from fulfilling His promises. If he wants, he can fulfill his promises immediately. But Allah subhanaw taala has a plan for everything. For each thing is a
waiting period. For each thing. If you think about it in life, anything that happens, anything that you want to get your hands on, is there any waiting time? Is there? You put your food in the microwave, do you have to wait? Yes, sometimes one minute and you stand there staring at those 60 seconds going down, down, down, down, down, down. And you just want to open up the microwave door before even the one minute is over. But you have to wait. If you do that your food will not be warm.
You want cooked chicken? You want roast chicken, it's in the oven takes approximately an hour. Little more little less. After 15 minutes you say you know what? I'm too hungry. I cannot wait any more. Okay, go ahead, take it out, eat raw chicken and get sick.
Dishes, you unclean dishes you load your dishwasher. Do you have to wait? Yes. You write your test. You give an assignment? Are you going to get the results immediately? No. Even if it is a test that you take on your computer and you will get your results before you leave. Still. Is there a waiting time? Processing dot dot dot?
Even if it's just a few seconds, you have to wait. You want to download something? Do you have to wait? Yes. You want to upload something? Do you have to wait? Yes. You're turning your phone on? Do you have to wait? Yes, you're sick? Is there a waiting time before you get better? Yes. You're going from one place to the other? Is there a waiting time? Yes. This life demands what from us suburb
you will have to have sub because you're not in gender where things will happen instantly that you look at a bird and you have this feeling that I want to eat it and it comes roasted before you you're not in Jannah you're in dunya and in dunya for everything you have to wait, you have to wait so fella at the start julu.
But unfortunately shaytaan he makes his hasty haste is from shape on that when you're standing in front of that microwave waiting for those 30 seconds to be over. And you're like, Oh man, everything takes so long.
Those words of ingratitude. complaining, this is from who from Shavon Shavon makes us impatient. He makes us feel that it's taking too long. And in that process, what happens? He wastes our good deeds. We say something negative. We behave in a wrong way. And the good that we have done while us you know it's like if you take out that raw chicken and you eat it. You could literally die. I mean you could you could become really really really sick. extremely sick. So this is what happens when we become impatient. I'm making dua I'm making dua still, it's not happening still it's not happening. I want things to change already. How come this hasn't changed? Allah says in new Karim,
Allah says OG without a doubt. What about me? What about my daraz this hastiness is from shaitan so Allah says, atta Umrah, law, he found out the start, you know, it's coming, because everything in this life eventually comes to an end. Every class that begins and every book that you begin eventually comes to its conclusion.
So you have to wait SubhanaHu wata Allah, I'm usually cone and the fact is that in this life, there is no
situation that is permanent. No situation is permanent. While the microwave is reading, it's not going to run forever.
Food is cooking in the oven, it's not going to cook forever. You're waiting for somebody to come, you're not going to be waiting forever. Eventually every situation will and no situation is permanent, it will change, but how we react in that situation that remains permanent?
So instead of worrying about when Will Allah answer my drawers? When will the Promise of Allah come true? When will things change? What is necessary that we focus on what we are doing?
You know, when you're standing in front of microwave, you could be getting frustrated and angry. Or you could say, Okay, I have 50 seconds left. I can do something.
And really, if you do that, waiting time becomes much, much easier. At Amarula Hey, fella, the start you Subhana What are Allah I'm usually going and then we're speaking of maca, like I mentioned to you, they will come to the prophets of Allah. Listen again and again ask him so when is this Day of Judgment? When is the punishment? They're told? Don't worry. It's coming.
You won't miss it. Think about what you have to do right now. Eunice xinle Mala Ekata, baru, Allah He sends down the angels bid rule with the rule. The angels are bringing the rule, men Omri at his command, what is rule? Inspiration? Why? Why is why? Why is Revelation called rule
because revelation is the life of the heart. The Quran is the life of the heart. Gibreel was also called a rule. Why because he brought that which brings life to the heart. So the angels bring revelation when Omri he at his command, meaning only at Allah's orders are Lama Yeshua, to go, the one whom Allah wills, meaning that human messenger that Allah has chosen min everybody from His servants. So Allah sends revelation through the angels do who do a human Messenger, and only then the human messenger can convey. Only then he can convey the human messenger, the prophet is not someone who's going to tell you what's going to happen, what's gonna happen, what's gonna happen,
no, he can only inform you about something if Allah has given that information to him. So don't be hasty. If you've asked the Prophet salallahu, Salam number of times, when is the Day of Judgment? When is this going to happen? When is that going to happen? And he tells you he doesn't know. That's because he doesn't know.
He only knows that which Allah has told him off. And what is it that the messengers convey? are the messengers sent to tell people what fortune they're going to get? And when they're going to die and how long they're going to live? Is this what the messengers came to tell? No. And the room messengers are Warner's, there will Warners. They're not soothsayers and fortune tellers. The messengers are Warner's so the role of Muhammad salallahu Salam is to warn what a know that indeed he led Illa Illa enter but the Cooney that there is no God worthy of worship, but I meaning Allah subhanaw taala for the wholeness of fear me meaning fear, Allah.
Because when the machine would come to the Prophet said, a lot of sentiment, ask, So when is it that you will be victorious? So when is the day of judgment coming? Who do you ask these questions from? Someone who knows the future? Why do you think that the prophet is here to tell you about the future? No, he's warning you. So instead of worrying about when the day of judgment is going to be, what is it that you should be worrying about the warning that the messenger has given you, make use of this time make use of this life, worship Allah before your life is taken away from you. We keep waiting when I turned 20 When this happens, then I will go and worship Allah, then I will do this
and this. Why wait, do it now.
Because when something is on its way it's coming. It's going to arrive at any time.
And if you keep delaying, if you keep waiting, you never know you might lose your chance completely. So stop worrying about when something will happen. Think about what you have to do now. Now. And this is the way of successful people. They don't wait for things to happen. They make use of what they have. They make use of the time that they have. You know, for example, in the month of Ramadan, every one of us I think experienced this at some level.
That if you have this target for yourself that I have to do my ISP has to do this many times and I have to certainly read this much Quran no matter what. When you have set
that goal, then what are you doing? Even when you're standing in front of the microwave waiting for those 60 seconds to be over? What are you doing on your phone? Reading your Quran
right in the car as you're waiting, what are you doing reading your Quran? Isn't this what we do in the month of Ramadan? Because we have set goals for ourselves so we want to achieve them.
And this should be our attitude in life also stop waiting. Don't wait to turn 15 Don't wait for the weekend. Don't wait for the evening. Don't wait for the morning.
Do it now. For the Cooney and the one who fears Allah, He will have this kind of attitude. Now remember that in this sort of many blessings are mentioned. And what's the first blessing which is mentioned through
Revelation, the neuroma the blessing off revelation. Another neuroma is mentioned. Hanukkah Samoa to Allah He has created the heavens and the earth will help in truth. Allah has created the heavens and the earth in truth in the right way for just gods for a purpose. Thorough He is exalted. I'm usually Kuhn above what they associate with Him.
This entire creation is whose allegiance is it aimless. No, it's for a purpose. So the situation that you're in is also for a purpose. It's not aimless, it's not for no reason. Himachal insana, he has created the human being man not fatten from a not far from his sperm drop. Think about your origin. What is it? A sperm drops so weak, but the same human being that comes from the sperm drop, when he turns into a human being a full able bodied human being? What is his way for either then suddenly who he is hustling or mobian a clear adversary a clear opponent hustling from hostile and customers to argue, in defense of one's claim. Like to believe that, you know, for example, a person
believes that he's right. And he defends his claim to the max like he doesn't give in. And someone who's not ready to give him what length they will go to argue. So the human being so weak, so miserable, Allah created him from something so small, and look at this human being. Once he has even a little bit of power, he begins to argue about Allah, he begins to reject the coming of Allah's promises, he doubts, the promises of Allah costly, Momo been, well, an aroma halacha and the grazing livestock halacha Allah has created it. So notice how first rule was mentioned. Then a semi worthwhile all these were mentioned. Then the human creation is mentioned. All of these are
blessings. And now the near mortal and around the blessing of a neuron, grazing livestock. What are anom those animals for the grazing livestock which are four legged?
So for example, cable cow, goat, sheep, all of these animals who has created them, Allah Ha ha ha, for who look home for you.
And also while Anoma halacha the grazing livestock he has created them. Let coffee hang on for you in these animals is diff. Diff from the root letters then for Hamza diff, is warmth, warm when you feel warm
when you're cold. Okay, what do you do?
Let's say your feet are really cold, what will you do?
You'll go put some socks on. So when you put those socks on what happens, your feet get warm. Another way of obtaining warmth is that you put your feet in front of a heater, for example. But what happens with that?
What happens with that sometimes it gets a little too hot. Right and your feet begin to sting. But with socks you get this warms which is very comfortable and cozy feeling. This is the
warmth, you know that is cozy, that is comfortable, it's not going to burn you. It's very comfortable. So from these animals, you obtain warmth, how do you obtain warmth because it is from the skin, the hair, the fur the wool on these animals, that you get your fancy woolen sweaters and your nice leather jackets and your nice blankets and beddings and carpets and whatever rugs and they are a source of warmth for you.
If you think about it all across the world from the most ancient mantle today, the skins of these animals are used for the purpose of obtaining war.
Some people they're completely dependent on these animals
In the sense that their skins are used as mats, their skins are used as beddings as blankets as jackets, and even for their tents.
I remember once learning in middle school in social studies about how the First Nations people, they would use every single part of the animals. So they would use the fur to make coats and well, they would even use the bones of the animals as utensils. So they would literally use everything if
and if not just coats but even hats.
So comfy her death on. And if you think about these animals from them, you also get meat, then you have that meat or that protein, and that strengthen your body to resist the cold, right? Because if you have no flesh, no, you know such things on your body, then obviously in the cold imagine how you would be. So the comprehensive on?
And have you ever noticed that? You know, for example, when you're holding a baby, that baby is warm, and you also get one?
Has it ever happened with you, anybody? Or let's say you're sitting next to a person
and because they are warm blooded, and you are warm blooded, if you were sitting alone, you'd be cold. But when you're sitting next to someone, then what happens? You got warmth, these animals are such that you can have a very close physical contact with them. You're sitting with them, you reclining against them. Yes, people do that. Okay, then likewise, these animals are sometimes the same quarters as those living so for example, the person is living somewhere in the same room, he will have his goat, for instance, and with the breathing of that goat even the air would be warm. Yes, you're like God in the same room. Yes. Nice and warm, like comfy her diff on
and not just warmth, woman airfare many other men airfare many other benefits many other uses. woman had that cologne and from them you eat also. I mean, amazing animals. You get your clothes from them, you get your food from them, you get your furniture from them, and moneta Farah other benefits also, maybe even the dung of these animals, it's used as fuel.
Yes. And the dung of these animals is even used as construction material. Yes. So manera for these uses are endless. I mean, they can be sold for trade. The milk can be sold for money. So many things women could own you eat from these animals, you get meat. What else do you get from these animals? Milk and from that milk? You have your cheese and your yogurt and your different different things?
I mean, dairy, how much do we rely on it? How much do we use it when men have that cologne. And the beautiful thing is that these animals are very easy to deal with. They're very submissive in their nature. Imagine if they were like lions, or even dogs were even cats. Have you ever dealt with cats? They can be sometimes very moody.
But imagine if a goat behaved like a cat how difficult that would be to get some milk from it. But there are submissive What are comfy Headjam L on and for you in these animals is Jamal beauty.
Meaning they're even good to look at. Aren't they cute creatures? They are
Jamal, they're cute, Jamal, they're beautiful. And especially there is beauty when you look at them Hina to the Hoonah. We're here at the salon at the time when you bring them in and when you send them out to the homeowner from rawa row to rest in the evening. So in the evening, when you bring these animals back into their barns, and when these animals are coming back with their bellies full. How many of you have seen a car recently or a goat recently?
Very few people this is why sadly, we cannot enjoy these verses, please go to the farm. Go out somewhere just go to Milton even and you'll see beautiful animals it's not far. But go for the sake of understanding the Quran better. You have only a few days left before the winter comes in. So go for the sake of Allah. Really. Because there's beauty in seeing these animals grazing and especially in the evening as they're coming back. And for a farmer. It's really a very beautiful feeling when he sees his animals return bellies full utter is full. And he knows that he's got money coming in.
But it's not just money coming in. It's such a beautiful view. So beautiful, because the animals are all happy Hanaa to the Hoonah well Hina sort of honed that sort of wholeness from seen raw her
and seen our house
Suru is to go away to let the animals go in order to graze. Have you ever seen a picture, a video clip of, you know, for example, a barn and the doors are open and all the sheep are just running out, hungry, happy to be let out that they can go eat. I mean, look at the beautiful vast field with the open sky. And these lovely creatures that we get our food and milk from. We thank Allah for the milk, maybe. But do we thank Allah for these animals. Welcome Gemma alone, just to look at even they're so beautiful Hanaa to the horn, our Hanaa the sort of home. Notice how the evening is mentioned first when you bring them in that is mentioned first. Because for a farmer that is more
beautiful. When he's letting them out in the morning, there's fear. What if they don't come back, but when all of them come back, and they're all full happy, then that is even more beautiful. These animals their food for you money for you. Warms for you. But they're also means of transportation for you what that means was all a con. That means from Hamlet they carry all your burdens your loads, Isla Bella into a land meaning they carry your loads your baggage, you burden them with your baggage and these animals are carrying them without any complaint. So much so that people have to fight for animal rights. Okay You because You abused them because they're so humble. They don't even
you know answer back. They're carrying your burdens Isla Bella them to a land LaMotta Kuno you're not barely Lee he wants to reach it. Inlet except meaning, if you had to carry this burden yourself, you would not be able to reach your destination. Because people before what is it that they used for transportation? These animals? So for example, the camel that would use it for transportation and a camel you can loaded with so much stuff. And the poor camel with wok and imagine if a person has to carry out that sack full of grain on his back from one part of China to another would he be able to do that? No. Imagine from Makkah, all the way to LA if if a person had to carry a sack of rice for
himself, could he do that? No.
Your life would be impossible without these animals. So what Allah comida Bella dilemna Ko rubelli Li Illa Bishop kill unforce if you had to carry these loads yourself, it would be with shipping and first ship difficulty and for us to yourselves to your souls. Meaning with immense difficulty you will die carrying those loads. But these animals they carry them for you. In not a book on Laura overhanging indeed your Lord is surely affectionate and merciful.
You doubt Allah's mercy.
How dare you doubt His mercy?
Look at these animals that he has created for you food, transportation, warmth, money, all in one. Your car is a means of transportation. But does it give you money? Or does it take your money?
eats your money like anything? You fill the tank with gas at the beginning of the weekend. At the end, you're like where did it go? And then when you have to fill it again, you're wondering how much money can I feed this car and forget about the gas think about the insurance and everything else that you have to pay for. But a poor animal what does it eat the grass that is growing in your property?
That's it and it's giving you milk it's giving you money. It's giving you so much comfort in your life. But that Middle Earth color Camila Bella DeLanda Kunal ballylee illogical unforce in our book, I'm Laura over Rahim. Your life is made easy through these animals put out fires, kindness, you know when you see someone in difficulty and you're kind towards them to ease their situation. Allah subhanaw taala has made our lives easy by giving us these creatures while hailer and the horses many he has created those also will be all and the mules, you know would be lawless mule.
You know what mules are. Okay, well Hamid and the donkeys. So horse big, belong in the middle
and Hamid donkey, shortest of all of them. So all these animals, Allah has created little Kabuga so that you can ride them horse riding,
and even donkeys are ridden, and mules are also ridden little Kabuga, but not just for riding with Xena. They're also means of beauty. I mean, you feel good when you're sitting on a horse. You feel good. I remember a donkey you've never ridden a donkey, but sitting on a horse makes you feel good
and the
Horse when you're sitting on it, you get to ride it you get to go from one place to the other. It's transportation, but it's also means of beauty and horses so graceful, such elegant creatures so elegant. But it's not just elegance. It's also usefulness, way a local Mariela Thurlow
and he creates that which you don't even know about. These are just a few creatures that you use that are around you that you're dependent on, so you know them so sometimes yes, you remember to thank Allah. But you know what, there's so much more that Allah has created deep in the oceans. Far in the forests in the mountains that you don't even know about. Does he need your gratitude?
Does he need you to praise him? No way.
Because there are so many creatures who not even a single human eye sees.
Not even a single human eye perceives those creatures deep in the darks of the ocean. Allah is in no need of our praise our gratitude he has created so much that we don't even know about but for your own good for our own good. Let's thank Allah for the blessings that are visible to us and invisible to us Malhotra Minho, one Avataan
to think about the blessings that we use, but also think about where they've come from.
Things don't come from the grocery store, only they got there from somewhere. Allah subhanaw taala created so many systems and means so that we could have blessings and Alhamdulillah for all of those blessings.
Salaam aleikum.
I was just thinking about all the things that you just listed about all the animals that the favorites that Allah you know, put it into their heart for us to use make it use. Yeah. And the first thing that came to my mind is all the listings that you listed there also, like I don't know those of you who've seen cows and goats and camels and horses when you see them when they still look thankful to you they're not it's above all that things that you use them still they look so yes, they're so loyal.
They're so grateful they become so happy if you give them a branch or or a leaf to munch on I mean even a cat if you feed it how happy it is. But Allah subhanaw taala He gives us so much more than we give to others how happy can we be
so let's be happy yes there are problems in life Life is not easy the tub remember him let's listen to the recitation of these verses
this man love you man you're here he
saw the hand
Yunus zero
below him in Umbreon
only nine D
double kala was
born bobbin help data
hauler in
Moby Mubi one
follow up on the Kumasi.
Moon our
all Isla Bella
goon all the
in Baku.
will be long
Azim Wale coloboma