Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P14 132B Tafsir Al-Hijr 1-6
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The speaker discusses the meaning behind the seven verses of the Quran and how they touch people. They explain that the Quran provides guidance on what is impossible and how "has been" can be used to make decisions based on what is impossible. They also discuss the regret of those who dis liked Islam and the importance of staying true to one's beliefs. The speaker emphasizes the need to stay true to one's beliefs and avoid wasting time. They stress the importance of finding one's priority and avoiding distraction from others. The speaker also discusses the negative impact of consuming too much food and the importance of living in a perfect life.
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Just number 14, lesson number 132 sort of two headed is number one to 50 sort of the hidden is a murky surah and a murky Surah means, especially now that we have covered the seven, the wild the seven long sorrows of the Quran after that a murky Surah means that the verses are very, very short. So 50 is okay. But the verses are short. And also remember that McKee sutras are such that the message is very clear. It's direct, it's to the point and mucky sorrows, they cover the basics of our religion, the heat coming of the Hereafter, proof of prophethood. So really, there isn't much the fsid it's about listening to the IET taking in their meaning, and really feeling the message
that Allah subhanaw taala is given to us through these beautiful verses. So as we go over these verses, don't think about how many are left and how many are covered. rather think about the meaning and take it to your heart. Feel it? Because the reason why the verses are short is so that they really touch us. They really have an impact on us because they're very direct. They're rhythmic.
So let's look at this beautiful solar solar hedger as I mentioned, you as a monkey sutra and the surah was revealed after sort of use of when the situation in Makkah, was very, very difficult for the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, the opposition had intensified. And this sort of contains 99 versus it has 99 If and Al hatred is the name of the area, where the people of the mood used to live. And as clear from the name of the surah. They will be mentioned in the Surah Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim, Ali flam rah la flamme, Ra DeLuca, Ayatollah Kitab these are the verses of the book reading the verses in this surah that a person is about to listen to, what are they? They are the verses of
the book which book the book that Allah has revealed? And which book is that what animal been, and the Quran that is clear, notice the word wha over here, which means and it seems as though the same thing is being repeated. The verses are part of the book and a Quran that is clear, so isn't the book Quran? Same thing? Yes, it is. Remember that in the Arabic language what and it's not always used to separate between two different things. Okay, it's not always used to separate between two different things. So for example, in the English language when we say apples and oranges, what does it mean? Apples are one thing oranges are something else okay. But in the Arabic language sometimes
what it is used for explanation also. So, these are the verses of the book, which is what book Quran, a Quran that is mu been the book meaning the book, which is Quran, and Quran, what is the quality of it, it is Moby. It is one that is clear. It is one that clarifies the truth, it clarifies the falsehood, it clarifies the permissible, and it also makes clear what is impermissible, it makes clear the commands that Allah subhanaw taala has given and it makes clear the realities of life, which are hidden from people or from which people are oblivious. So when a person reads the Quran, when a person learns the Quran, he comes across many things that were unknown to him before. Or he
comes across many realizations that he never felt before that he never understood before. So this Quran is a source of knowledge. It's a source of understanding. It's a source of guidance, that it helps put things in perspective. It gives a person the correct way of thinking, the correct way of understanding things. Because this Quran is more been, you know, it's like when you see something, when you hear something, you know, a light bulb literally goes on in your head, like you can see everything, everything makes sense. This is what Quran does. That there are so many things that don't make sense to a person so many questions that are unanswered, so many matters about what your
person is confused. But when a person learns the Quran, that this Quran makes clear so many things one after the other because this Quran is muy bien,
rubella, perhaps, maybe, possibly, many times at some point, the word Obama it is only you
At once in the Quran, and it gives the meaning of possibly. And when there is a possibility of something happening in the future, then obviously, it means that it may happen once. It may happen twice. It may happen three times it may happen many, many times. So, rule by Ma perhaps possibly meaning many times, it's possible that it may happen many times. What may happen that year what do he will wish he will want so bad, who will want so bad and living in a cathedral? Those who disbelieve what is it that they will wish for? Low? If only can Oh, there were mostly mean Muslims. A point in time will come when the disbelievers will wish that they had been Muslim. They will
regret their disbelief. They will regret their denial. They will wish that they had accepted Islam. They will wish that they had worshipped Allah alone, they will wish that they had submitted and surrender to Allah alone.
Now what is this Iommi? Is this ayah telling us about what the disbelievers will wish in this life or in the next, it couldn't be interested in both ways that you're what do they will wish when at present meaning in this life,
but we see quite the opposite, that there are Muslims who wish they were disbelievers. There are Muslims who wish they were not born in a Muslim household. There are people of Islam who wish they never knew Islam. This is how much they detest their faith, unfortunately. But Allah subhanaw taala tells us the opposite, that this believers will wish they were Muslim. When that in this life when they see this eventual success, the eventual victory of Islam right now things are difficult. But eventually when Allah will grant victory to His Prophet, when Allah will grant victory to his believers, then what will happen at that time, the disbelievers will wish they had not wasted their
lives opposing Islam, they will wish they had not wasted their money opposing the religion of Allah, because no matter how much they tried, no matter how much they spent, no matter how much they planned, all of their plans came to nothing. At the end, the religion of Allah prevailed. So they will wish at that time that they had simply accepted Islam.
And also they will wish in this life that they had been Muslim, when they see the peace and contentment that a believer lives with in his life that a believer has in his heart that they wish they had also experienced the joy of faith.
But there are many people who lived this life and not even once to the wish they had been Muslim. In fact, they're very happy with their disbelief. However, as soon as the angel of death appears before them, they will wish that they had been Muslim. So if in this life, they never have this wish, definitely in the FIRA definitely in the hereafter. They will wish not once, not twice, but many many times that they were Muslim at the time of death in the grave when they're questioned when they're questioned by the angels, and they will not be able to pass that test. Then what will happen? Every person will be shown their home in Jannah their destination in Jannah. And their
destination in hellfire. A believer will be shown His abode in Jannah and his aboard in hellfire if he had disbelieved.
He will be told if you hadn't believed, then this is where you would have gone and a disbeliever on the other hand will be shown his home and hellfire, but he will also be shown Jana and he will be told if only you had believed, then this is where you would have ended up. So at that time, a disbeliever imagined the regret that his heart will be filled with. He will wish that he had been Muslim that he wouldn't have to face Hellfire in Surah Al Anam is 31 Allah says Ocasio Alladhina cos there will be Luca Illa Hector Elijah Tomasa to block that and Kalia has serotina Allameh for Latina fee her that until when the Hour will come upon them unexpectedly they will say oh how great is our
regret over what we neglected concerning it, meaning they will wish that they had believed.
Likewise, we learn that when eventually on the Day of Judgment when people will be sent to paradise when people will be sent to hellfire. Then what will happen after some time a
last panel data will bring out from hellfire.
Every person who had even an atom's weight of faith in his heart.
Meaning if there is a person who had committed many crimes, many sins, but he still had some faith some belief in Allah, meaning that there is only one God.
So eventually what will happen he will be taken out of hellfire. So at that time imagine the state of those who rejected God. Those who refuse to believe in Allah Alone, how much regret they will have, they will wish they had been Muslim, so that they would have also been taken out of hellfire. And then when finally everyone will be sent to their final destination, to live in there forever, and death will be brought in the form of an animal of a creature and it will be slaughtered. And the people of Ghana who will be told you will live here forever, and the people of hellfire will be told you will live here forever. Imagine the regret of those who disbelieved that they will remain in
* forever, never to come out here what do ladina Cafaro low can who mostly mean they will have so much regret they will wish that they had accepted Islam in total for con Allah subhanaw taala says I have 27 Well, my OG bizarrely more Allah your day he the day when the wrongdoer will bite on his own hands. Bite on his own hands, why? Out of regret and out of rage over himself? What was I thinking what was I doing? What a poor choice I made what a bad decision I made. And he will say, Yeah, les Tony award to me. Oh, I wish it the husk tumor of Lazuli Sevilla. Oh, I wish I had taken with the messenger away. Meeting I wish I had followed the messenger. I had listened to the messenger I had
responded to the call of the messenger. Yo what do Latina Cafaro loca knows me. So from the moment of death onwards, at the time of death, in the grave, on the Day of Judgment when people are being sent to Paradise, and such a person is destined to hellfire than in hellfire, when some are taken out of hellfire sun to Paradise, when death is slaughtered. At every step, every stage of Akira, the disbeliever will wish he had been a Muslim, he had surrender to Allah. The fact is that we as human beings have been granted just a few years, just a few years in this life, on this earth, Allah subhanaw taala is testing us that who is grateful, who believes and who is otherwise in my Shakeela
will in McAfee, Allah, the choice is ours. Time is limited. Time is limited. We're not living here forever. But the choice is ours. What do we do? How do we respond to Allah and His messenger? How is it that we deal with the people who are around us, but whatever we do, the consequences of it are eternal. And whatever we do in this life, once we move on to the next life, what we've done here can never be changed, our record can never be altered. So this really is the only chance we have and if we waste this life of ours, pursuing the desires of this world, pursuing the glitters of this world and neglect the akhirah, then the hereafter will be filled with regrets. But the sad part is that a
person cannot do anything about it. When he's moved on to the FL Allah says the home leave them
soon, they will regret soon they will wish but right now, leave them let them be. Leave them yet Kulu they eat way a tomato and they enjoy themselves. While you will hear him all ml and let them be diverted by false hope for sofa you're alone? Soon they will know. What is it that you say about a person this lever? Let's leave him Don't bother. When is it that you say this about them? When
basically when you know that they're not going to listen? They're not going to listen. It's like if a child is sleepy and hungry and exhausted and high on sugar, okay, and is misbehaving. Then what do people say just leave them.
There is no point disciplining your child at this time because whatever you say, is just going to bounce back. Why? Because they're not listening. They're tired, they're hungry high on sugar. So there's no point no point disciplining them no point advising them no point just let them be. So likewise, there are many people right now who will regret later, but in this life, they're busy
enjoying themselves as if they're intoxicated. They're intoxicated, they're enjoying themselves. They're busy in this rat race, literally running, running, racing forward, enjoying more duniya greedy for this world, one desire they fulfill and they move on to the next one, do they have time to think about death? When do they have time to think about others? When do they have time to think about God? They don't. So they'll home leave them or messenger, yet Kulu they eat? Meaning this is all that they want to do. They just want to eat different foods. They spend hours and days in just preparing food, eating food, making money to buy food, making money, so that they can try one
restaurant after the other as if their purpose of existence is to eat. Yet go. No. This is all that they're concerned about. When they wake up in the morning. What's their concern? Breakfast soon after that? What's their concern their tea? Soon after that? What's their concern? lunch soon after that again, snack, and then dinner and then snack. This is what their entire life revolves around. Yet. Kuhmo as if they're living for the purpose of eating. Any moment they have, you know, they have spare time. What is it that they want to do go out to eat? They're making money and where's a major portion of that money going in? Food? Whether it is the kitchen, or it is the stuff in the kitchen,
or the food that is purchased? Yep. going, Oh,
yep. Kulu. And it's embarrassing to really read this and hear this because if you think about it, many of us many women, majority of their time goes in what?
In what? Food, food, either preparing or feeding, or eating or wrapping up. The morning begins with the worship of the kitchen. And the day ends with the worship of the kitchen. Service to the kitchen. The weekend is spent in what eating different things going out to eat. hours are spent just eating. I don't mean that eating good food is haram. No, Allah is the One who has given us these good things to eat. He Himself tells us Kulu wash Rabu. Eat and drink. Coulomb and Malaga. Kanakam Halal unpa uban. He Himself tells us to Eat of the good things that he has produced. But a believer eats. Why? Because it's a need. He eats. Why? Because it's a physical need or because of the social
need. Like for example, having people over going out with others. Why? Because it's a social need. You have to socialize with people, you have friends, you have relatives.
But the goal of life the purpose of life is not food. Meaning it's not a major priority. Priority is not to eat priority is to spend time with family for example,
when a person eats good food, halal food, and he thanks Allah subhanaw taala for this is an act of worship. But when this becomes a major part of life, that he's obsessed with just food, she's obsessed with just different recipes. They're just obsessed with different cuisines obsessed meaning on the television is food on the computer is food in the notebook is food, then there is a problem. And we need to stop deceiving ourselves. We need to stop lying to ourselves. Really, if we think about it, calculate everyday how much time is spent on food, how much time you know, there were Allama who would just eat stale bread, because they didn't want to bother spending their time going
and finding fresh bread and then eating that no whatever they would find they would eat. There were scholars who would request her sisters to feed them that I'm writing I'm reading so you feed me.
I don't want to dirty my hands because then I won't be able to flip the pages I won't be able to hold the pen. I don't have even 1520 minutes to spare for eating. I'm going to keep reading and writing you feed me
because their goal in life was not to eat. They ate to fulfill their need.
Good food you can get from anywhere. perhaps better than what you can make yourself. Right. Anybody can do it. But when it comes to learning, nobody can learn for you. When it comes to everybody, no one can do a better for you. You can hire someone for example to cook food for you.
You can go to a restaurant
and purchase some food from there, even for five bucks. But you cannot go to a masjid and purchase five Salawat from there. You cannot go to any person and say, I'll give you $10 With you know this much Quran for me, no, you can't do that you have to do it yourself.
Eat to Live not live to eat. But if our main concern is satisfying our taste buds,
really, because of which, you know, we try one thing after the other one restaurant after the other. We there's more to life than just food.
We eat and we get worried about our health, about our weight. And then we spend more time burning off excess fat. What's the point over here? Wasting life? That alone? Yeah, Kulu Allah says leave them, let them eat one thing after the other. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, The believer drinks in one interesting and the disbeliever drinks in seven intestines. What does it mean? That a believer his goal is not to eat, eat, eat, which is why he will be satisfied with even little food. He doesn't overeat. He doesn't eat too much, because he knows what's going to happen after he will eat too much. But think about it. How much time do we spend on eating? And secondly, how much food
do we consume? How much food do we consume, and how much concern we have overall about our weight about our you know, body image. There's extremes either people overeat or they under eat. And both of these a big imbalance a believer eats in moderation. That home Yep, Kulu let them eat where tomato. And they enjoy themselves meaning in this dunya in this life, they use and enjoy the things of this world. One thing after the other, just like the people before them did, whether it is that they're enjoying their means of transportation, or they're enjoying their homes, or they're enjoying their furnishings or their clothes, whatever it may be. Yeah, tomato for them. Dunya is everything.
For them. This world is everything. So they want to have as much fun as possible when it comes to desire. No compromise. Why? Because dunya is everything you live only once. While you will hear him will Amel. You'll hear him from lamb Ha, wow. Low Level is distraction, anything that distracts you from your real purpose.
So what is distracting them? I'm an ML from Hamza meme. Lamb is a wish or a hope that a person has and he thinks that it will come true. Meaning it is possible that it will happen. It seems realistic. Like for example, a person at the age of 30 years old, they go to a bank and get a mortgage and buy a house. Okay. And they think that hopefully within 20 years, they will pay it off, if not 20 years, maybe 30 years. This is what a man. Okay? But if you think about it, if the income is $2,000 is only 3000 4000 5,050% of it is going in the mortgage, how is it possible that a person will be able to pay it off? How realistic is it? He thinks that? Yeah, it'll happen? It'll happen.
But will it actually happen? Is it really realistic? If he thought about it, really is it and you'll hear him it is distracting him from what is more important? Because if every month that person is just concerned about paying off that house that he cannot afford paying off the kind of lifestyle that he cannot afford, but just because he wants to fulfill his desires, then will he have the money to spend on good things on good causes? Will he have the money to spend for his Alfetta? No, you will hear him will. But what does the person say? You know what, if 15 years and 20 years and 30 years when I've paid this off, then I will go for Hajj. But what happens by the time that a person
is of that age, there's so many other problems, you'll hear him will
likewise, so many times in life, many people are deceived by this, that they have one goal set for themselves and they differ, you know, good until that goal is achieved. So for example, a woman says you know what, when I'm 20 years old, that I will start
at 20 She says you know what? When I get married then I will and then she says you know what? I have little children. I have this to do that to do delayed delayed delayed. You'll hear him will
it's distracted them. You'll hear him It has distracted them for Sophia Allah moon. Soon they are going to come to know
All, very soon they will find out. This is a threat.
You see, if there is some reality, and you close your eyes to it, it's not that the reality is going to change, sooner or later, you will have to face it.
The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, Allah hates every harsh person who eats excessively, and goes about in the market, making noise, who sleeps in the way just like a dead corpse, meaning wherever he wants on the couch, you know, anywhere, he passes the day like a donkey bent on its work.
Have you ever seen an animal working, working all day?
Working all day?
And likewise, there are many people who live, why, what's their purpose, just work, work, work, make money. They're spending so much of their time just making money. They're spending time away from their children, away from their spouse, they don't have time for themselves even. They're just chasing this dunya.
well informed of the affairs of this world, meaning he knows everything about what's going on in the world, who is playing and what team and who is acting and what movie and who is getting married to who and who is running for president in what country he knows about the affairs of this world, but completely unaware of the matters of the hereafter. completely unaware of the realities of the
this we need to think about ourselves. What do we like to do? Where does our time go? Just eating and sleeping and entertaining ourselves dressing up making our hair shopping, listening, watching? Is this all there were 24 hours goes in? Or is there something more meaningful that we take time out for even if it's a few minutes, even if it's a couple of hours? This life is short, it is precious. What am I lacking? I'm in Korea 10. And we have not destroyed any city meaning any community in LA except well or her and for it was Kitab on a decree that was Mara loom that was known Kitab gives the meaning of MK to that which is written meaning that which is decreed any community that was
destroyed that was punished. It was destroyed at what time at the time that was fixed for it. And this is true for individuals and for communities for nations. For each individual for each group of people. A time of expiry is fixed. It is fixed. Just because a person is breathing today, doesn't mean he will be breathing tomorrow. Just because a person is having fun today. It doesn't mean that he will be having fun five years from now. No, we are not here forever. And unfortunately we got deceived by this just because we're okay now tomorrow everything should be okay as well and the day after everything should be okay as well. And 10 years down the road everything should be perfect.
Also, the people of Macau are primarily being threatened over here that Allah the one who destroyed odd and some Mod before you will also bring your time to end you're not going to remain here forever. Every individual eventually dies. Every community eventually parishes every civilization every nation eventually declines. No one is here to stay forever. Man not this vehicle. It goes ahead from subaqua to go forward to go ahead. Mattis Bilco Minh omoton Any OMA no nation no community can advance meanie can go ahead of what Agila her its term woman as your own, nor will they remain thereafter. Yes definitely don't from Hamza Hora to defer meaning they cannot remain
after that term expires. For every nation for every individual is a time of expiry. They're not going before that and they're not remaining after that.
They're not remaining after that.
When the time to go comes, then a person does not have a choice.
He does not have a choice. So living in this life when a person is busy with his worldly success alone. That does not make the akhira go away. This reality will definitely come to pass. But right now they're enjoying themselves. And when anyone advises them, they say you're crazy. We'll call you and they say yeah
You have Oh ALLAH the the one who knows Zilla aleja Vic on home the vicar was sent down. They can meaning the Quran because the Quran is a reminder. So all you on home, the reminder has been revealed in Nicola Majnoon indeed you're surely mad. You're crazy. What are you talking about? You claim to be a prophet of God. You claim that after we die, we will be resurrected. You say that we should defer our enjoyment dilla hereafter you're crazy. You gotta be kidding. In McCullough Majnoon, the people of Makkah called the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mad,
fit around called Musa alayhis salam, mad insalata sharara i a 27 we learn in the Rasulullah community Aucilla la comme la Majnoon, the messenger that has been sent to you or people He's crazy. He's saying that there's one God, he's saying that we will be resurrected. He's saying that this life is not everything. So this life should not be our priority. The fact is that anyone who talks about the affair, any person who makes the hereafter his priority, any person who makes the dunya his means and not his goal, then what happens? He's called crazy. He is called crazy, by who by the people who love this dunya.
Because they cannot understand how you cannot eat, from sunrise to sunset, they cannot understand. They think you have to be crazy to stay away from food and your desires for so long. They cannot understand why you cover yourself. When nobody is going to say anything to you, if you take that covering off. When you look so strange when you look so different. When times have changed. When fashion is different. Back in the day, a long time ago, women wore long robes and why are you still living in medieval times, they cannot understand. So the say you're crazy.
They cannot understand how a person can sacrifice now for the alcohol, how a person can keep away from alcohol, and from illegitimate * and how a person can keep away from money. When it's coming so freely from banks, they cannot understand. So they say you're crazy. What's wrong with you? Why don't you have fun? Why don't you take my Veazey I remember reading somewhere that a successful person is one who is ambitious, and is able to sacrifice their current times to be able to attain success in the future. And it's the same for a person who believes they're willing to sacrifice this current world so that they're able to achieve success in the hereafter. Exactly. But people say
you're crazy. There's something wrong with you. How could you believe in this? How could you still believe in God, when evolution is a fact? You still believe that there's some afterlife? What physical proof do you have this? They cannot understand how a person can believe. But you know what, just because someone calls you crazy. That doesn't mean you're actually crazy.
That doesn't mean you're actually crazy. It's like the people called Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with them. And he said, I'm not with them. I'm Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
So people can call you what they want, they can call Islam what they want. They can describe the Quran, however they want. But that doesn't mean that that description is true, that the label they give you. It's true. I can totally relate to that, because I had this bed and it wasn't very comfortable. So it was easy for me to wake up and Fudger when I slept on it, and I have another bed but it's really, really comfortable. And like it's impossible to wake up. But if I sleep on it, so what I do is like I sleep in a sleeping bag on the floor in my room, and my relatives, they heard about this, and they're like, are you crazy? Why do you do that? They like accused me and of being
crazy. And I told them the story of profitability. So I'm like, sleeping on that mat, comfortable mat and like almost missing Fajr or something like that. So and he like sacrifice his comfort for his prayer. And they still they're like, that was the olden times that you're living like Now why would you do that?
So anyone who makes it Dean his priority, our first priority, you know, whether in a small way or a big way, whether it's a small decision or a big decision when people find out. They're shocked,
has suddenly gone. A year ago I went to Pakistan for my aunt's wedding, and I wear a scarf no matter where I am. And even though they were telling me that it was going to be girl boy separate. I knew that when the groom was going to come sit by
The bride, every guy would come to the girl section. So I kept my scarf on. And I have over 50 cousins that were there. And I have 12 aunts and three uncles, and they were all against me wearing scarf. And they were like, No, you shouldn't do that and do that. And the thing was that my mom and my sister, they couldn't come. So my dad was there. My dad, he doesn't really care about scarf and everything. So he didn't support me. And my mom and my sister weren't there to back me up. So I was all alone there. And I had one cousin, who was with me, and he said that, you know, what, if she wants to wear a scarf she can, and that what she's doing is right. So just by him doing that,
because I was actually considering, like, what if I just take it off for the Monday just take it off, right? But when I told my cousin that he was like, No, you shouldn't, because you know that the guys will be there. And it just by that support, I was able to spy on her.
I was just thinking even yesterday in Saudi Arabia with Islam story, he looked at the bigger picture, right? He backed up a little bit and he's like, okay, my focus is the Athleta and meeting Allah. So I think that's what we need to focus on as well. Yes. The thing is that when a person makes the sacrifices for the sake of the dunya, people will be very supportive. They will be so supportive, right? That, oh, she's not sleeping enough. She's sleeping on the floor so that she can get up in the night and study for exams. You know, these are just a few years, it'll pass when she graduates everything will be good toolkit. Overall, there's so much support from the family, from
the community from the friends when a person is making the sacrifices for the dunya but when it comes to the matters of the Quran, I say it's okay Allah is Allah full Rahim. Don't take it too hard on yourself in the kind of a genome. You're losing it. Can you to calm down a little bit relax a little bit. Slowly come the sister was sharing the story about a wedding. And it made me realize I remember when I went to a wedding, a cousin in Pakistan, he has two sisters. And one of them doesn't wear hijab and the other one she had just started to and what you were saying the other sister who doesn't wear hijab, she, you know, they had all gone to the parlor gotten their hair done makeup,
and the younger sister had just started wearing hijab. And literally, we were all getting ready to leave like to the hall and the other sisters literally. She started yelling at the younger sister, like, you know why? Because the younger sister was insisting on wearing the hijab. She's like, why, you know, Allah will forgive you, you know, it's okay. No, she was yelling at her and the youngest just started crying and everyone, our whole family was there. And basically, and I feel blessed because I grew up in a family where wearing hijab was just a matter of course, like everyone did it. But for those people that are like struggling against everyone that they're the only ones in their
family doing it, it was so hard just to see her she was started crying, because nobody was supporting her, like, me and my mother were there. But we were the only ones that were hijab, and everyone else was basically just watching. Finally, the elder sisters just gave up and like ran away. And they were those people that struggle, they get more, you know, agile because of the struggle. And yes, and you see doing things a linear way seems very easy. But when you want to do everything, the halal way, the right way, then the journey is longer. It is harder, more tests. And that is also why people say you're crazy.
I remember I left school early, and my mom was going to a wedding. So he went into a salon and she got her hair done. And the lady who did her hair was non Muslim. So when my mom was done, she put her hijab on she was ready to leave. And the lady was like, What are you doing? You just got it done? And my mom's like, Yeah, but I have to still cover myself. And she's like, Okay, what about the men and my mom's like, it's segregated. She just couldn't understand that. Yeah. And they almost feel like you've ruined their work.
Right? But I mean, you got to do what you got to do.
So anytime you feel like somebody thinks you're crazy, you know, sometimes they don't say it, but they have that look on their face, like what's wrong with you? As if they are looking down on you and they cannot understand why you're doing what you're doing. Why you're saying what you're saying. And they treat you as if you are crazy. They treat you as if you are crazy. They start avoiding you. They're looking at you strange, that change the topic. They don't take any interest in what you have to say. You're like a nobody in that gathering. When people treat you as if you were crazy. Then keep telling yourself I'm not crazy 100 Law. I'm not crazy and at that time, tell yourself I better
not become crazy. I better not go mad by showing anger. Okay, they can call you mad but please don't become mad.
They can say in the Kanima Junoon but follow the way of the prophets you know most artists have it's amazing how he's humiliated by frown But he doesn't lose his cool.
Musa Sam does not lose
This is cool. Muhammad salallahu Salam he's humiliated persecuted in public. But he doesn't lose his dignity by coming down to the level of people. We listen to the recitation of these
Bismillah your Walkman you're
early for
mall DeLuca kita
Mubi Obama to leadin
mostly me know
down why you're
getting in
myrtus people mean much in agile
work all
the crew in Mecca Medina.