Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P13 127E Tafsir Al-Rad 14-17

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The importance of calling upon someone for help is discussed, as it can be beneficial for health reasons. The concept of capacity rooms is emphasized, and the speaker emphasizes the importance of not calling upon someone to ask for help. The conversation then touches on the physical and spiritual aspects of water, including the process of removing impurities from metal and plastic materials. The speaker also emphasizes the benefits of embracing new challenges and opportunities to grow and benefit from them.

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			know who they are, what will help to him alone?
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			Is that what will help the supplication of truth? Meaning asking him calling upon him begging him is
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			That what does that want me to call? So Lahu for him, Dawa calling is ill health? It is right. In
other words, if a person is making Dora, and he's making dua to Allah, then yes, that is right. And
if he's making the art to someone else, then that is not healthy, that is not right.
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			It is correct, it is right, it is justified to ask him to beg him call upon Him. And it is how
convenient it will work.
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			Calling upon Allah subhanho data that will work why, because all power is his and everything belongs
to him. And if a person calls upon other than Allah, than when Ladino darunavir Dooney. Those who
call upon others besides Him, layers to G Boone, Allah whom be che, they do not respond to them with
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			When people make dua to other than Allah, that are their respondent. No, not at all. Who hears the
oz? Allah? Who answers them? Only him? Not other than Him?
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			It this is just like, if you are calling someone you want to call your mother, and you call her on
her mobile number? Well, you get through to her. Yeah, either she'll pick up or if she doesn't pick
up, she'll see your missed call, or, you know, she will get your message or something. You will get
through to her why? Because you're calling her on her cell phone number. But if you call on a wrong
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			we're just randomly you dial a number you say, You know what, I want to get to my mom?
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			Are you going to get her? Is it going to work? No. You will be told this number does not exist.
Right? Or sometimes it happens that you're calling somewhere. And the bell is ringing and ringing
and ringing. And what do you get? There was no answer. There was no answer why the other person
didn't pick up the phone.
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			So when a person is calling upon other than Allah, it's like calling on a wrong number.
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			Literally cycling on a wrong number. That call is not going to be successful. It's not going to
work. If you want your doors answered, then call upon Allah not other than Allah. Because those
besides Allah Allah is the G when Allah won't be che. They don't respond at all in their except,
meaning their example, calling upon others besides Allah is just like capacity Cafe he, like the
Basslet of his cafe. Bassett from Besa Besa is to stretch to spread out
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			the fame duel of guff what is scarf, the palm of your hand.
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			So a person making there are two other than Allah is like someone who is extending his palm out.
Okay, do that
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			open hand, just stretch it forward. Yeah. Okay. So a person doing that Ill
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			towards water.
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			Okay, towards water. So imagine this is a water bottle, okay? And I extend my hand out to the water
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			And I say, water come.
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			Come in my hand.
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			please. And I cry and I beg water. Please come, please come, is it gonna go?
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			Why? Because water doesn't even know I'm calling it.
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			Water cannot move itself. It cannot answer me. It cannot respond to me. So likewise, when a person
is calling out to others besides Allah, he's calling out to inanimate beings, beings that are weak,
incapable of hearing of responding of helping in any way.
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			It's a foolish act, to ask water to come to your mouth. It's like, you know, when children that just
sit before their food,
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			and you're like, the food is not gonna go in your mouth. You have to hold her fork and take the food
up in your mouth yourself.
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			So the example of such people is capacity cafe. Ilan Lea Bonhoeffer who said that the water can
reach his mouth. If you're just stretching your hand out, asking the water to reach your mouth, it's
not going to reach what do you have to do? What do you have to do? You have to grab that water
bottle with your hand and you have to take it to your mouth. You will have more power than water.
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			And this is what Allah is telling us. You
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			You are more capable than the beings whom you call upon.
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			You are better off yourself, you can help yourself more than they can help you. Because they cannot
even hear you. They cannot even move themselves.
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			Think about who's more capable you are water. You, you can move it. You can drink it, you can throw
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			You can talk to water all you want, you can sing to it, you can cry before you can share your
feelings. It doesn't care doesn't know.
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			It's a foolish act, right, which is why you're laughing. So likewise, when someone calls upon other
than Allah, then this is a very foolish act. Woman who have a belly, it's never going to reach it.
It's never going to reach his mouth. Wilma dua will Katharina elaphe Ebola and the supplication of
the disbelievers is not but an error, meaning it's lost. It doesn't get responded. It's futile. It
never reaches its goal. It's unsuccessful, it's wasted. You see when a believer when he calls upon
Allah than that there is always responded to how
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			how either the person is given exactly what he wants, or some evil is repelled from him or some
reward is kept for him in the hereafter. You know, something is done, his dua is always beneficial.
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			This is why the Roma have said that dua is an accepted act of worship. It's definitely accepted.
Because it's accepted in different ways. Right? So it's most of the job there are is most of the job
because Allah subhanaw taala himself says that he responds to, oh gee Buddha with a diary, either,
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			but those who call upon other than Allah, then they're there as are they ever answered? No, they're
wasted. Now, another way of understanding this is that a person is trying to take water in his farm.
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			open palm, open hand, if you take if you scoop up water in your open hand and you try to make it
reach your mouth, would it reach? No, it won't. So likewise, a person can try a lot, you know, going
after false gods, what is he going to get? Nothing.
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			What is he going to get? Nothing is going to reach him.
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			He can sacrifice he can spend his life he can bed for hours, nothing is going to reach him. This is
why beg Allah alone, well, Allah He has to do manifest somehow it will have and to Allah frustrates
everything, whoever that is in the heavens, and whoever that is in the earth. Thorin willingly walk
around and unwillingly. There are those who prostrate to Allah seeking His pleasure. They find
comfort, they find joy, they find peace inside the
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			and there are others who do such that just because they have to, they're being forced to, like the
moon, Africa and how do they pray? Go Salah lazily, they don't remember Allah in the prayer at all.
So everyone frustrates to Allah some willingly and some unwillingly, and if they don't prostrate at
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			like there are many people who refuse to do such that at all IBLEES refuse to obey Allah subhanaw
taala then remember that well Lila home and their shadows. If you don't put your body down in such
that, then definitely your shadow will bill or do we in the mornings will are Sol and also in the
afternoon will Alice Florida will shadow
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			and hoodoo
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			morning and Asan. afternoon, evening, meeting as a sunrises as a sunsets at that time. Shadows are
very long. Like I say shadows are very tall. But where are they on the ground?
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			Laying before Allah doing such the,
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			you know, an arrogant person is standing, I'm not going to bend. I'm not going to listen. But his
shadow is on the ground.
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			Shadow is on the ground. So everything is submissive before Allah. And if a person refuses, then
he's only harming himself or say, Mama but somehow it will or who is the Lord of the heavens and the
earth? Fold say Allah, Allah is the Lord of the heavens and the earth. Old say, if at the husbandman
Dhoni earlier. Then have you taken besides Allah Olia, protect protectors, friends, meaning when He
alone is the creator, the master the owner, then how can you be cool? How can you be calling upon
others besides Allah, and especially those who lie Yummly coonelly and fusi him nephron wala de la,
who do not possess even for themselves any benefit nor any harm if they're not able to benefit
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			themselves if they're not able to protect themselves from danger.
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			Then how can they help you? How can they protect you? You know, like the example of water that I
gave water needs you.
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			Right? For example, if you have a jug full of water, and you leave it on the table uncovered, can
the water cover itself?
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			It cannot, it needs you, you are stronger. So how can you ask water to help you, it cannot help you.
Likewise, every other being that is worship besides Allah, every being that is worship, besides
Allah is weak, it cannot benefit itself. It cannot protect itself. Only Allah is powerful, because
He is the Creator, and everyone besides him as well.
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			What is it, the creation and creation is weak.
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			So, you wouldn't want to ask someone for help if they don't have the means and the capability
themselves. Like if you see someone on the street who's like a person who doesn't have a home or
doesn't have food, you wouldn't ask them for food because obviously they don't have anything
themselves. They can't benefit themselves. If they can't bring themselves food, then how on earth
are they going to give you any food? Exactly. And if they have it, okay, that makes sense. You ask
them, but when they don't have it, then how can you ask them? They're weak? They're incapable. So
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			if at the husbandman Duni, Olia laemmli, coonelly unfussy him nephron well Baba, called say Halie,
Estherville arrma will proceed. Are the blind and the seeing the same? Or the same? completely
opposite, right? Likewise, um, or help us to illuminate when no darkness and light? Can they be the
same? Are they equal? No complete opposites? So how can you like I'm the creator with the creation?
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			How can you think that the creation can do what the Creator can do? No. How can you go to the
creation the way you should go to the Creator? How can you love the creation? The way you should
love the Creator? How can you beg the creation the way you should beg the Creator?
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			Their opposites? Completely different?
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			Um, Jarrah, Lula, he shall occur, or have the made for Allah partners, they have set for Allah
partners, about whom they think that Holika who are healthy who have created like his creation,
meaning or do they think that there are others besides Allah, who have also created something who
have the power to create whoever hand in the creation? Is there anyone who has a hand in the
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			Is there anyone besides Allah? No, only he is the creator. People can try to change, they can try to
begin they can try to end the process of creation. But if Allah does not allow, those changes can
never happen. Never. It's like, you know, people, they tried desperately, desperately, to cause a
fetus to go inside the womb of a mother. One attempt another attempt, so many attempts doesn't work.
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			And there are others who try to stop it. If Allah does not allow, it's never going to stop. So do
they think that there are others besides Allah who have a hand in the creation? And so further
Shabba Hello, hello correlations of the creation was made to the Shabbiha for them the shadow
meaning it was made to resemble each other. So basically, when things resemble each other, you're
not able to tell them apart, you get confused, what is what? So in other words, do they think that
there are other creators besides Allah, so they are confused? You know, this is Allah's creation,
and this is the creation of such and such God and this is a creation of such and such God. There's
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			nothing like that. Who is the Creator? Allah Cooley, Lao Holly poco. cliched say Allah is the
Creator of everything, every thing who's the Creator? Allah, no one but Allah. Wa Anwar ahead, and
he is one Aloha, the prevailing, the one who prevails over all before whom everyone is humble. So
think, reflect and realize that Allah is One. He alone is the Creator, He alone is the owner of
benefit and loss, then how can others besides him be worshipped? Don't you see the difference
between opposites? The difference between night and day, blind and seeing, then how can you liken
the creator with the creation? How can you resemble the perfect one with imperfect beings? There is
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			no resemblance there is no comparison. So what do we learn from this idea that the rights of Allah
should be given to him only? Don't give them to others? Because that is injustice that is not fair.
And what are the rights of Allah, that he alone should be worshipped?
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			He alone should deserve our ultimate love fear, he alone we must depend on hope from
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			revere and respect the respect that we must give to Allah not to be shared with anybody else.
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			And then I mean a summer email, he sent down water from the sky. Allah subhanaw taala sent down from
the sky, what water and what is that water called?
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			What is it called? Rain? Good. Now, what is the physical
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			water that falls from the sky that we call rain?
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			Is that mercy? Yes. Is it beneficial? Of course, is it a source of life? Yeah.
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			Now, Allah subhanaw taala has also sent another kind of rain
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			and what is that rain, intangible rain? That is a reign of Revelation, why knowledge that he has
sent the Quran that he has sent
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			and that is a source of spiritual life. That is the life of our hearts
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			so I'm Ximena sama Eema and
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			when he sent down water from the sky, what happened for salad?
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			Salad. So it
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			flowed it streamed it flooded, I will the attune valleys be orderly her according to their capacity
salad is from the roof terrace seen Yeah, learn sail sail literally means to flow. You know when
water is flowing, a stream you know streaming that is saying and the word st is also used for a
flood because when there's a flood than water is not just sitting in one place. It's constantly
flowing, it's constantly moving forward. And it's taking along with it everything that comes in its
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			Okay, same. So salad Oh, the atone oh there is a plural of wedding.
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			And what is wedding, the passage between mountains
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			the passage that is between mountains. Now when rain falls, what happens? water collects were in
pathways passages, whether those passages those pathways are narrow or they're wide, they're big,
they're deep or they're small, whether they're between mountains or between houses. Okay, so the
rain came down, and these valleys these ravines these passageways these gorges, what happened they
became filled with water and flowing with water, streams of water. Do you see that when rain falls
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			that how the water falls on your roof, the rainwater gets collected on the side and what happens it
falls down from there and then you see the waters flowing off on the side.
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			But then what happens if there's a lot of water than every gap is going to be filled with water so
for salad odia tune
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			because the rehab according to their measure according to their capacity, meaning if the valley or
if the passageway if the pathway is deep and wide, then how much water is it going to retain? A lot
how much water is going to go through a lot, but if that passage is narrow, small, tight, then how
much water will go through there? A little bit not that much. So for salad Odeon because the rehab.
But then what happens as the torrent increases, the rain keeps falling, the water keeps coming. Then
for Tamela sailu, then the sale sale meaning the flood, it carries Tamela from Hamel that water it
carries the burden form Robbia rising
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			Xzibit zabor. Dan is the form that comes at the surface of water. Especially when the water is
flowing with a lot of force and pressure and a lot of quantity. When you open up your tap a little
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			and the water is trickling down. Are there any air bubbles there? No any volume there? No. But if
you open it full pressure, or you know some daps are like that full pressure and what's going to
happen, the water is not going to be clear it's going to be like wipes
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			and you put your hand under and your hand is full of bubbles.
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			Right? So this is a bit now that water coming out from your tap is very nice and clean.
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			This is why those bubbles will also be very clear and clean. But you're talking about a flood over
here water that is going through streets between mountains. What kind of Xzibit is going to
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			a lot and also not that clean. And it's Robbia Robbia. From Robert. Well, rebar is also on the same
route, what does it mean to rise to grow? So this scum, this foam is rising,
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			meaning more pressure, more water, the torrent, it's very fierce. So there's so much foam rising at
the top, the foam is not at the bottom with the water, where's it on the surface? It will be on the
surface vitamin A sailu Zeba Robbia.
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			Now, this kind of form is also seen somewhere else, where is it seen one member and from that which
up do not really heat
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			up do not really they heat it you could do now well of them walked walked is to burn to heat up.
Remember Waku
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			Waku how NASA will hijack your fuel. So what kinda is to burn to heat up? So this form is also seen
on that which they heat up were funneled in the fire? Why do they eat this material up in the fire?
ibbity law in order to seek meaning in order to make heylia jewelry? Oh, Martha and or goods,
utensils? What is it talking about?
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			What is jewelry made from? What are utensils made from? Metals, right?
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			Whether it's gold or silver, or brass or aluminum, whatever it may be, but how is it made?
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			Have you ever seen the process of how gold is refined or how silver is purified? How it is heated to
the point that it becomes liquid?
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			It becomes liquid.
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			But you know that when gold is extracted when silver is extracted, it's not in a pure form. It's
mixed with mud, it's mixed with dirt, it's mixed with other metals. Not if it's mixed with other
metals, it's not pure. So what do they do? They burn it they heat it up so literally becomes liquid
and the other scrap that they don't need basically the impurities where do they come at the surface
and then what do they do? When the metal dries up when it cools down when it solidifies that just
scrape off the impurities even if there is a little bit of impurity, a little bit of impurity it
will just come to the surface
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			and what will happen it will be removed.
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			Now the word matar meme to iron it is basically something that is of use of benefit and it refers to
utensils over here.
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			So when they're burning it when they're heating it up, Allah says Abba DOMA flue, there is about
there's form that is very similar to it. You know, when there's large quantities of these metals
being heated up, literally, you know, when it's boiling, you will see the form, you will see the
form at the top. You know, when you're boiling, let's say pasta or something like that, what do you
see at the top form? Right? So some of them with Lou, garlic I have rebula Helcom. Well, bethlen
Dust is a lucky give the example of truth and falsehood. How is this an example of truth and
falsehood? There's water beneath form at the top, gold beneath and form impurities at the top. Allah
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			says for unmissable as for the form and what is the form the impurities?
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			What happens to it? Fan Habu so it goes away jufa What does that mean? One that is cast off. One
that is discarded.
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			Your fat is basically that which is useless. rubbish. Rubbish. You know when there's a lot of water
somewhere like a flood, okay. It carries in it everything.
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			Cars, garbage, pieces of wood, pieces of metal ring, there's everything. What happens as the water
reduces, it recedes, it subsides what happens? everything settles right. And whatever settles on the
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			of the water on the bank on the shore, that is called you fat.
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			You understand what it is now. pieces of wood rubbish garbage? No when you go to the beach. When you
go to the beach, what do you see on the site on the sand?
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			Garbage, plastic bags pieces of wood rubbish that's what you see. Why? Because the pure water the
torrent when it came with force, all that scum all that dirt just got left and the pure water
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			went its way. So for an Mozilla to fire the hub would you fire it is
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			The discarded what a million foreign nurse. But as for that which benefits the people, fam because
of ill. So it remains in the earth.
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			It has stability in the earth, what benefits people water, gold, silver, right? They are of use,
they have value, everything else is discarded, it is thrown away those impurities, you get rid of
them, because that guy already Billa who himself dusters Allah strike examples. So just
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			an idea of
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			fracking the mill workers put the now dried silver precipitate into an oven, along with chemicals
which prevents silver from burning off. Approximately four hours later, the silver and waste have
separated and melted.
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			Workers pour them into bar shaped molds. The cylinder being heavier settles at the bottom, workers
skim off the waste floating on top.
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			In less than five minutes, the molten silver cools and hardens, enabling workers to extract what is
now a silver bar.
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			The mining company sells the bars to a refinery for so you saw what happened. The actual silver
settled at the bottom impurities at the top and even before it settled.
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			They were scraped off removed, why? They're useless. They're not needed.
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			Scrap it's waste, who wants waste, who wants useless things, nobody wants it.
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			This is the example of health and Bulkley. Now let's go over this example again, a few lessons.
First of all, you see rain falls down. And the valleys, the rivers, they collect water they carry
water according to their capacity. Each takes you know according to its capacity, Allah subhanaw
taala sends knowledge he has sent the Quran He has sent revelation. But each person will take from
it according to his or her capacity. Some take more, and other steak less the Quran has under 14
students. Some have all and some have for some have a few some have more each person takes from the
Quran, according to his own capacity. Likewise, some people retain more and others they retain less
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			different at the valleys. What do they represent the hearts and you see, according to its capacity,
it will retain.
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			Now what's the capacity of your heart, the desire that you have. Because when you have desire for
something, then really your capacity for it increases your capacity for it increases. And you know
what happens if block time, when you have desire for those services?
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			Then you have three and you know oily food first thing is not good for you. But what happens you're
like, Okay, I can have another it's okay, I can have another one. It's okay, I can have another one,
to the point that you have filled yourself so much that you can barely sit.
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			So you're reclining and you're standing and you're walking awkward. And you find it difficult to
stand in thought oh we How did you manage to stuff yourself with food? How desire
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			when you want something, your capacity for it increases. So when a person wants knowledge when a
person wants guidance, when a person wants Quran, when he wants a diet, then what happens, he's
never satisfied, he keeps asking Allah for more for more for more, and then that valley just keeps
filling up filling up with water filling up.
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			Now as that torrent as it increases when it flows, then form rises to the surface. The same happens
to the heart when a person gains knowledge. Then there are many doubts, confusions questions that
were buried somewhere in his heart. Now with that knowledge coming, what happens all of them, they
rise up to the surface, the surface themselves, they reveal themselves.
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			But remember that if a person keeps gaining knowledge with somebody, then what will happen? All
those questions, those doubts, they will get resolved one after the other because that garbage
that's coming to the surface will go off to the side and the water will be left clean.
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			But if a person stops,
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			then what will happen? If there's garbage somewhere and you pour a little bit of water or a little
bit of water is collected over there, then what will happen that place will become nice and clean.
No, it will become a breeding ground for more problems.
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			So what do we learn from this? You can never stop learning. You can never have enough off divine
knowledge. You're always in need of it. The more you gain it, the better it is for you. The more
problems and questions and doubts that you will have in your heart. They will keep getting resolved
until the water will become pure
00:30:00 --> 00:30:30
			And that faith will turn into your clean, it will be solidified, it will develop a lot of sincerity.
And you see, when you learn about the deen you realize the different problems that you have in your
heart you find out oh, I have problems with jealousy, I have issues with, you know, forgiving others
and I have maybe this kind of hypocrisy in me this problem in me. But if you keep learning, keep
striving, then what will happen? All these impurities, they will rise to the surface and they will
00:30:31 --> 00:30:32
00:30:33 --> 00:30:50
			they will be discarded. Sometimes what happens is that as we learn, we see our shortcomings, we see
our mistakes, and we say, You know what, I better stop learning. Because I am not able to fix myself
No, keep learning. Keep asking Allah and improvement will come.
00:30:52 --> 00:30:58
			Likewise, you see, at the end of the verse, What has mentioned that what is beneficial to people
that remains
00:31:00 --> 00:31:07
			that stays in the earth that lasts that will have stability.
00:31:08 --> 00:31:28
			Now, to be off that level. Like for example, gold in its raw form, or when it's mixed with
impurities, is it beneficial? No. But when it's extracted, when it's purified, then it is very
beneficial. You know, people have so many ways of extracting gold and silver from electronics,
00:31:29 --> 00:31:42
			literally electronics, because about 80% of silver is actually manufactured for or produced for
different for other reasons not for the purpose of jewelry, or other reasons as a metal.
00:31:43 --> 00:32:12
			So, what people do is that from old electronics, they will extract gold chips, silver chips through
such complicated ways and procedures, they will soak that material in acid and they will soak it in
a different kind of acid for so many days. And they will rinse it and they will filter it and again
soak in such a long, lengthy process. But think about it when it's extracted, then it has value. But
when that gold is sitting somewhere in your keyboard,
00:32:13 --> 00:32:29
			or that silver is sitting somewhere in your keyboard, who cares it's junk, throw it. So to get from
that level of being average and useless to being beneficial. You see me you have to go through a lot
of hardship.
00:32:31 --> 00:32:45
			Gold is melted, heated and fires that literally it turns into liquid and for a person to be able to
benefit others. He goes through hardship. You said earlier said and wasn't he made to go through
difficulties in his life.
00:32:46 --> 00:32:51
			Musa alayhis salam he was told what fat and NACA Fotona and you know what fitna is
00:32:52 --> 00:32:57
			fitter is to burn gold or silver or metal like that in fire.
00:32:58 --> 00:33:03
			So literally, people are made to go through furnaces, literally.
00:33:04 --> 00:33:26
			Why, in order to be purified, Ibrahim relisten, Ed Boutella, or boo, Allah tested him. And when he
tested him, Ibrahim alayhis salam became pure and sincere for Allah. Sincerity cannot be developed.
Unless and until we go through hardship. Quality cannot come unless we go through hardship, you have
to go through the pain.
00:33:27 --> 00:33:32
			And when you go through that difficult part of your life, remember, it's training.
00:33:34 --> 00:33:55
			And you come out better than before, better than before much more valuable than before. And if you
haven't gone through the trials of life, then what's your value? What can you contribute? You can't.
So if you want to contribute, if you want to be beneficial, then be prepared to go through tests and
00:33:56 --> 00:33:58
			Make yourself useful.
00:33:59 --> 00:34:14
			And you see what is mentioned over here, my young Pharaoh Ness famco to fill out what benefits
people then that has stability, anything that you have, if you want it to last if you want it to
remain benefit people with it. So for example,
00:34:15 --> 00:34:23
			if you're afraid that you're going to forget the Quran that you're learning, the Quran that you've
memorized, what's the only way of making sure you remember it,
00:34:24 --> 00:34:34
			share it with somebody else. Share it with somebody else when you will share it with somebody else
it will stay with you. And if you stop sharing, it will leave you also.
00:34:37 --> 00:34:43
			And the poem was Oh Hawk, the Rough winds only come to raise you higher. Yes.
00:34:44 --> 00:34:54
			The Rough winds only come to raise you higher. It's difficult. Going in the Rough winds. It's
difficult to be exposed to heat and for Did you see that fire?
00:34:56 --> 00:35:00
			It's very painful. It's very hard, but unless you will
00:35:00 --> 00:35:03
			through those difficulties, you cannot improve.
00:35:04 --> 00:35:07
			You cannot have value.
00:35:08 --> 00:35:21
			So when tasks come in life, embrace them, don't ask for problems. Don't ask for them. But when they
do come embrace them. And remind yourself, this is my training.
00:35:22 --> 00:35:40
			Because who has it easy, you want to value you want to do something useful. You have to go through
the hardships of life. Nobody has it easy neither for this dunya nor for the alpha. And this is an
example of how combat will help it remains an Battlin it's like that scum
00:35:41 --> 00:35:50
			that is wiped off because it doesn't have any basis. And the Hulk has basis it has weighed heavy
silver will settle at the bottom
00:35:51 --> 00:36:10
			and the unneeded metals they will just stay at the top and discard it help as wait it will remain.
May Allah subhanaw taala give us the ability to really embrace the difficulties that come in our
life and benefit from them grow through them and benefit ourselves and other people recitation
00:36:12 --> 00:36:14
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00:36:19 --> 00:36:21
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00:36:22 --> 00:36:27
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00:37:10 --> 00:37:11
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00:37:13 --> 00:37:15
00:37:20 --> 00:37:20
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00:37:22 --> 00:37:25
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00:37:27 --> 00:37:31
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00:37:34 --> 00:37:35
00:37:36 --> 00:37:41
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00:37:42 --> 00:37:43
00:37:45 --> 00:37:47
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00:38:01 --> 00:38:02
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00:38:05 --> 00:38:09
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00:38:14 --> 00:38:17
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00:38:24 --> 00:38:25
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00:38:29 --> 00:38:29
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00:38:37 --> 00:38:37
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00:38:43 --> 00:38:45
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00:38:48 --> 00:38:51
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00:38:52 --> 00:38:53
			to great a ceremony