Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P12 118C Tafsir Hud 31-39

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The speakers discuss the struggles of women struggling with homework and the importance of learning from experiences and not just looking at one's behavior. They stress the need to remember and not just look at one's behavior, and emphasize the importance of guidance and acknowledging one's own actions. The speakers also touch on the negative impact of actions on one's behavior and the importance of protecting oneself and others from mistakes. They emphasize the need for people to make their own ship and not give up hope for change.

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			bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah Al Rahman Rahim
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			wala a kulula calm and he said I do not say to you that are in the Huzar in Allah, that I possess
the Hawza in of Allah Hawza in what are the treasures, basically know how they Salam is saying, you
know me or my people, I am not a liar. I am not pretending before you. I don't say that I own the
riches of this world. I don't say that I own the hodza in of Allah, wa ala and nor are Lemuel Haber.
I know the unseen, meaning I don't claim to be annoyed. All I'm limited in my knowledge was a coup
in the Moloch. Nor do I say that indeed, I am an angel, meaning I don't claim to be perfect. I am a
human being who has limited resources, who has limited knowledge, and who's also imperfect. I don't
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			claim that I'm an angel. Wala Kulu and I do not say little Lavina about those people who does dairy
Unicum does dairy is from the root letters. Ze raw. Yeah. Zadie and that means to despise to
belittle someone. So does dairy. It belittles what belittles are Unicom your eyes meaning in your
eyes, you view them to be very insignificant. Your eyes belittle these people? Who is he talking
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			The people whom you look down on, who is he talking about? The believers, the believers who are
poor, the believers who are weak, whom the mullah the disbelievers, they look down on and they said,
you send them away only then we'll come and sit with you. So know how they said, I'm sorry, I don't
say about these people about these believers whom you look down on, that lay you to whom Allah Who
Hira that Allah is never going to give them any good. In other words, I'm not a fortune teller. I
don't claim to know the unseen. I'm not here to pass judgments on people, that just because they're
poor, they will forever be losers, just because they don't have a high status in society. They will
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			never, ever achieve something great in their life. I don't say that these people whom you look down
on Allah will never give them any good. No, it's quite possible. Allah subhanaw taala will change
the course of their destiny, right now you'll look down on them tomorrow, they may be very great.
And do we see such examples? People who come from a very humble background, but what happens? Allah
subhanaw taala gives them authority and fame, and so much. Think about use of our SNM? Was he not
brought in Egypt as a slave? Did he not end up in the prison for so long? But then what happened? He
became the financial minister of Egypt. But what happens we just look down on people, oh, she is so
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			ugly, she's never gonna get married. This is what we think we assume about others. And we don't we
think about such things in the back of our heads. We think, oh, who could love her. She's so short,
who's ever going to appreciate her. She doesn't even know how to talk properly. She's never going to
make it to university. This person is struggling with their homework. They're never going to make it
through high school. We judge people a lot, we become very judgmental. We see someone not wearing
the hijab, and we just assume about them, or they must be so simple. They must be so disobedient. We
see somebody who is not praying for that. And we think oh my god, they never pray. They must be so
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			bad. We see someone going out somewhere with their family. And we think, Oh, they waste so much
money. They're so worldly. We're always passing judgments on people, aren't we? Assuming about
people? They're like this, they're like that they're like this, they're like that, based on what?
Just their appearance or just on the actions that they're committing right now. But Hormoz who knows
Allah subhanaw taala might give them a lot of play, or a lot of the a lot more and who, when he
stepped out of his house with the sword, looking for the Prophet saw a lot as a minority just kill
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			If we saw him at that time, what would we say?
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			Think about it. What would we say about him?
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			Like we say anything about Abu Jamal, or we say anything about Ebola, but didn't Allah subhanaw
taala give a model below I know a lot of head did his life completely change didn't change
completely. We say You know, I know I have a lot of experience. I've dealt with many people. I've
gone to many places. I know exactly how people are.
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			What on earth do you know?
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			And unfortunately, this comes with this assumption of righteousness, that the more people think
about themselves that they're very righteous, the more judgmental they become of others,
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			the more perfect they think they are. And they claim that they have a lot of knowledge. And
generally perfection is associated with who very righteous people. So know how to Salam he just
negates everything over your says, I don't say I own the riches of this world. I don't say I know
the knowledge of the Unseen. I don't say that I am perfect. I'm an angel. Nor do I say about the
people whom you will look down on that Allah is never going to give them any good. I don't claim
anything like that.
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			The reality is the fact is that Allah who are Allahu Allah best knows be mafi and foresee him with
that which is in them, meaning with that which is in their hearts. Allah knows the reality of the
people's hearts. He knows their intentions. He knows their desires. He knows what they like, what
they dislike what they seek, he knows them inside out. And if I were to pass judgments on people and
assume things about them in the either laminate floor, they mean indeed surely I would be of the
wrongdoers. I would be a wrongdoer. If I were to say anything like this.
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			So what's the lesson in this if for us,
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			no matter how much knowledge you may have, always remember, always remember what you have limited
knowledge, no matter what good you are doing. Always remember you're also very sinful.
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			No matter how many people you've dealt with, and how would you know people, never be judgmental
about them. Never, ever judge the intentions of people, the motives of people. Allah knows the
reality and he is the judge.
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			So leave this matter to him. Your job is what just to convey, just to pass on the message.
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			Kalu they said, Yeah, no, who? Oh, no. Khadija deltona in fact you have disputed with us. Jah delta
is from doodle, what is doodle
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			a debate where there's a lot of back and forth. They said, Oh, no, you will have argued with us,
fuck 30 Dalinar. And you have been frequent in disputing with us meaning stop enough. We don't want
to hear you anymore. We've had enough of what you have to say.
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			Didn't know how to some really debate with them?
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			Did he really argue with them?
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			Was that an argument? Think about it. They had certain objections. They had allegations and what was
he doing just responding?
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			When you think about it, somebody's you know, saying something to you, you have to respond. So he
responded. And he neither debated nor did he argue. He just responded to their objections. What did
the people say? When they were given? soundproof that made them quiet? They said, You know what?
Stop arguing.
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			It's like, as if they were trying to make him feel bad.
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			And this is very common, that sometimes a person is trying to say something good to the other. He's
not arguing. But what do people say Stop lecturing me?
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			Was that really a lecture? Was that an hour long lecture or 32nd? Advice?
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			Was that a five minute conversation or an hour and a half class? No. But what do people say? Stop
lecturing me. And as a result, the person who's speaking he feels bad immediately.
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			So this is exactly what they did for occulta Dalarna, and then they mocked at him, they said, Tina,
so go ahead and bring bring to us be my Terry Duna that which you threatened us with in quantum
Anasazi lane if you are of the truthful ones, meaning if you really truthful, that if we disbelieve,
then the punishment of Allah will come Okay, fine. Go ahead and bring it we don't want to believe we
disbelieve in you. we disbelieve in your message. We don't want to hear you anymore. Go ahead and
bring the punishment.
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			Color new Harley, Sam said in MA decom, indeed he will bring it to you. Be here with it. Allahu
Allah, who will bring it to you, Allah who will bring the punishment to you, meaning he will send it
to you in shatter if He wills not if I will. But if He wills
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			in other words, it's not up to me. I have been told to convey the message to you. And at the end of
the day, he will decide because he is the judge. He knows the intentions of people he judges people
for their actions, and he will also decide if and when percent the punishment
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			If it's not up to me, warmer and to be more dizzying, and you will not at all be able to cause
failure to him, meaning you cannot escape it, then when the punishment comes realize you will not be
able to escape it.
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			What do we learn from the answer of new la sala?
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			Firstly, he said to them, nothing is in my control. I don't claim to be annoyed all, I don't claim
to have absolute power. I'm only a person who's conveying the message to you, he said it. And now
this answer it shows he demonstrated it also, that the printing of punishment is not in my control.
It's up to Allah to decide. I'm only a servant. Now from all of these, I asked, What do we learn
about the prophets of Allah, who were the servants of Allah, they were human beings,
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			who didn't have any control over the punishment or reward of an individual who did not have any
authority to make judgments on people who didn't have any authority like that.
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			I was thinking that there's a hint of valid wishing
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			that if we were in a similar situation, we would just lash out on this other person and say, like,
you know, what, do whatever you want, and the punishment will come on you. But I see here that he
still had the hope that maybe they'll believe in the future. So yes, that he didn't lash out on
them. And he still kind of warned them, even when they were mocking at him, he still warned them
with the words woman and don't be more cheesin. It's up to Allah to bring it. But remember, that you
will not be able to escape them.
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			You will not be able to do anything to defend yourself at that time. And this shows that he was
really sincere to the people. When ego comes in, then what happens, then you can't do your work
properly. Like, you know, a little Dilawar. I know once in a battle, he was about to finish somebody
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			That man he spat at Ernie Lululemon. He spat at him. And I need a little more. No, he just stopped.
He let that man go. And that means like, what happened? I spat on you and you just left me. And he
said that before you spat on me. I was doing what I was doing for the sake of Allah. After you spat
on me. I got angry for myself. My ego came in. So I was worried that I might do this for myself. In
my defense.
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			So what do we see here? Sincerity, ego, what does that do? It makes a person insincere.
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			What a Infocomm No, say he said an my No, sir, my advice is not going to benefit you. In a rush to,
even if I intend to is from you rather.
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			Even if I intend an Onsala con that I advise you, meaning, no matter how much I want to advise you
and no matter how much I try to advise you, none of this sincere advice is going to benefit you.
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			No words will affect you. No matter how much I wish that you listen, no matter how much I want the
best for you. No words of Mine will have any impact on you. In can Allah who if Allah you read the
annual welcome if Allah intends to let you go astray.
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			What is he saying over here, that if Allah does not open the doors of guidance for you, if Allah
does not open the doors of guidance for someone, then no matter what they hear, change will not
occur. Change will not happen.
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			Now, what if a person wants to be guided but Allah doesn't open the doors of guidance for them,
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			knew how they said and clarifies who want to become He is your Lord.
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			He is your Lord. And if he is so merciful, that He created you, perfect and whole and beautiful in
your body, and he has provided you for your life, everything that you need. Of course, he would also
want guidance for you.
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			The fact is that Allah subhanaw taala wants guidance for people. He certainly offers guidance to
people, but it is the actions of people their disinterest, their aversion, their own sins, that
cause the doors of guidance to be closed upon them.
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			Allah subhanaw taala who book home here's your Lord, come on if he guided you how you should eat,
how you should drink, how you should walk. Think about it. Did you go to any classes to learn how to
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			Did you enroll in any summer camp to learn how to eat? Yes, your mom dad may have assisted you may
have helped you a little bit. But could they have explained to you how you're supposed to walk?
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			To drive a car? Do you not need lessons? Or does it come through an intuition? You need to take
lessons right? But when it comes to operating your body, operating your hands, your legs, your
movement, do you need any lessons? Do you need any? No, who gave you this guidance? Who gave you
this knowledge? Who gave you this ability? Allah subhanaw taala. If he gave you this hidayah so that
you can live normally? Think about it? Would he not offer guidance to you so that you can live an
even better life in the hereafter? Compared to dunya and akhira? What is more important, the akhirah
if Allah guided you to a good life in this dunya would he not guide you to a good life in the ACA?
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			Of course he would. So why is it that some people no matter what they hear of guidance, it doesn't
affect them? Why? Because they have done something to have those doors closed upon them.
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			In cannula who you read to and you're welcome. Who are buco what la he told Jeroen and to Him you
shall be returned.
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			I'm your coluna thorough or do they say that he is fabricated? The people of New Harrison do they
say that? No, hey, listen, I'm fabricated all of this or this I can also be understood as a
parenthetical sentence so the listener who's listening to the prophets, Allah bodice and recite
these verses, he is being kind of reminded that the people say that Mohammed said a lot of them has
fabricated the story. Old say if the way to if I have invented it for Allah Islami, than on me is my
age salaam, Iran is from June, what does that mean? Crime? Meaning if I have invented it, and the
crime is mine? In other words, why do you care? If I am wrong, it's like, you know, if a person is
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			doing something wrong, and you stop them, and they don't listen to you, and they keep going, what do
you say? You know what? Leave them, they'll deal with it. They'll suffer themselves. So other
people, what are they told? Why do you care? Let them be if they're doing something wrong, let them
be forget them. So he's told to say over here that if you say that I have invented phylidia economy,
that on me is my Iran? And I will have to suffer for it. Why do you care? Then leave me to what I'm
doing. But also think about it, that will anybody on and I am absolved. mimma to the moon from that
which you commit to meaning the crimes that you commit? In other words, also look at your actions.
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			Aren't you doing Islam? Aren't you associating partners with Allah, which is a crime? Aren't you
looking down on people based on their material characteristics? And you are biased towards them? You
have this pride? Isn't that a kind of Islam?
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			Because you see, many times people will find faults and highlight the mistakes, the errors, the
deficiencies of people who take their religion seriously.
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			Like, you may have heard many times, yeah, I know people who wear hijab, how they speak and how they
lie and how they cheat and how they misbehave. Have you heard such comments? Yeah, I know, someone
who prays five times a day. And really, you should see the way they talk to their mother.
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			very disrespectful. I mean, people like to talk about these things, the faults of people who are
religious. But at the same time, they forget that there are many people sitting in jails, who are
not those who pray five times a day, who are not people who wear hijab. But if they want to
highlight any faults, any deficiencies, who will look at people who are religious, they have this
problem, this problem, this problem is a new lesson and says, Okay, if you have a problem with me,
you know what, you don't need to worry, because I will suffer for it. But at the same time, look at
your own self also, what kind of things are you doing? And always remember, whenever we point at the
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			mistakes of others, we're doing it why because we are forgetting our own mistakes. Because if we
looked at our own mistakes, we wouldn't dare. We would never dare to highlight the faults of others.
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			Never, never at all. Shaitan makes us forget our mistakes and remember the mistakes of others. Like
you know, if there's a relationship between two people, and one is upset with the other, what do
they generally say? I did this for them. I did this and this and this and you know how they treated
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			They mistreated me. They harmed me in this way in this way in this way and the list goes on and on.
You could talk to them for three four hours and they will just complain complain, complain. And if
you ask
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			The other person, that who will say the exact same thing about the other. So who's at fault? Both
are at fault. But what do we generally think we are perfect. Others have deficiencies and problems
within them. So knew her listen, I was told to remind people Mohamed said, a lot of them also is
told to remind people that Why are you concerned about me so much, think about what you're doing.
Look at your own self in the mirror, look at the kinds of actions that you are committing. And this
is important to remember, in every situation, in every relationship, whenever you get bothered and
irritated by the actions of somebody, whether they're your children, or your parents, or your
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			siblings, or your neighbors, or your co workers or your friends or whoever they are, something's
bothering you always ask yourself, I do this too. Don't I do it? Of course I do it. So why is it
that when they're doing it, it's such a problem. And when I do it, it's no big deal. I am justified,
but they're not. It doesn't mean that sin is okay. It doesn't mean that oppressing other people is
okay. It's not okay, whether you are doing it or somebody else is doing it. But the thing is, when
noticing the faults of others, don't forget yours. When noticing the imperfections of others, don't
forget that you are also imperfect. Always remember that you are also human being and you also
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			possess many imperfections. And the thing is that real change, real change, how does that happen?
When each individual thinks about changing himself, because remember, we are people, right? We
socialize, we interact with others, how we behave, it has an impact on other people. And it will
have an impact on how they will behave with us. If you yell at somebody raise your voice
automatically what's going to happen, their voice is also going to be raised. It's like you when
children are yelling, and you start yelling, also, it's going to become a war. But if they're
yelling, and you calm down, and you talk softly, you will be amazed even they will start talking
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			You will be amazed. Any person, you change yourself, they will also change. But what do we want?
They should change first, then I will change. But the problem is they haven't even realized it's a
mistake. You'll realize so you change when you will change. They will also do it. So he's told to
say if the right to failure is Rami, we're in a very omega to the moon. We're all here either know
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			and it was revealed to no early hustler. I know that indeed He lay your minimum Komik he will never
believe from your people. Meaning now, no one from your nation is going to believe in that except
Mankad airmen those who have already believed those who have already believed up to this point, yes,
they will remain believers. However, those who have not believed yet, give up hope.
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			Give up hope they're not going to change now they're not going to listen. Fella Tabitha is Bhima.
Can we have our loan? So do not be distressed by what they have been doing, fellas Tabitha is
Tabitha is from the letters ba Hamza, scene, FTS if the assets to be distressed. It's basically to
find something displeasing, upsetting and unbearable. And when you come across things that make you
upset, and it reaches the point where it's unbearable for you what happens? You're all smiles. How
are you?
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			Sad? Upset? angry, frustrated, disappointed? distressed. So this is MTS? No Harley Islamize. Told
fella Tabatha is Bhima. Can we have our loan? Now don't grieve over what these people have been
doing and what they're doing now? move on from them. Why move on from them? Because these people are
not going to believe now. Now the chapter has to be closed. Now we have to move on
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			this idea? What does it mean? What is new heartless and I'm being told to basically
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			now wait for the punishment. You've conveyed the message to the people for a very long time you've
done everything you could. Now they don't want to change. So their term is going to come to an end.
And now you don't be grieved. You don't be extremely sad. Why?
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			Firstly, think about it know how Islam has been told by Allah subhanaw taala Don't be distressed
because Allah subhanaw taala knew that knew her listeners would be distressed. He wouldn't be
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			He said,
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			Why would he be sad? Shouldn't he be happy?
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			Think about it if someone has bothered you for nine days, and finally, they suffer their
consequences. Are you sad? Or are you happy?
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			You're happy. It's like if somebody has been tailgating you for 10 minutes, and then they're
speeding, and they're bothering you, and you're nervous. And then finally you see that they're
pulled over by the police. How will you feel from that Allah? Finally, but this is after how many
minutes? Just 10 minutes, you're happy that there are suffering?
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			No. holism was preaching for how long? Nine minutes?
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			How long? 950 years. Yet when he is told at the end of the Sturm that now your people are going to
be punished. He was going to be very sad.
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			The Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam, when he would think about this, that if my people don't believe
they will be punished, he would get extremely worried, extremely worried. This is one of the reasons
why he was told to pray in the night in order to calm down. Because otherwise he would be distressed
he would be very, very upset. What does it show? What does this teach us about the prophets of
Allah? What characteristics do they possess?
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			They were very well wishing they wanted the best for people. Good. What else do we learn about the
prophets of Allah?
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			They were very soft hearted, very soft hearted. You see, a person who doesn't have a soft heart? Do
they cry?
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			Easily? No. Not at all. Do they feel for others? No. But a person who has a soft heart. They hear
something sad, descriptive, and they start crying. They'll watch Lion King and they'll just start
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			And they will be sobbing.
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			Why soft heart and others are laughing at them. Come on. It's a cartoon. It's only a you know, a
lion that died. What's the big deal? Lions die all the time. So what but what's going to happen?
This person is going to be crying and crying and they might go and hide themselves in the washroom.
What is that as high? Not soft heartedness.
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			So the prophets of Allah, they were very, very soft hearted. And is there a difference between a
soft hearted person and a hard hearted person? Or you can say like a really tough person? Is there a
difference in how they deal with people?
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			How, what kind of differences there.
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			When a person is soft hearted, he's a lot more caring. He's a lot more forgiving. He deals with
people very nicely. And on the other hand, a hard hearted person. If he sees a little bit of
disobedience, he just lashes out on people. Even little children, babies, babies.
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			I remember once I saw this woman in a masjid, her baby was crying. She was so upset. She started
slapping the baby. And I was just shocked. I mean, okay, if it's a toddler, I can understand a
little bit maybe but a baby.
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			A baby. I mean, the crying of a baby makes you cry. Right? It makes you wonder what's wrong.
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			But she was so upset, so frustrated, she started going off on her little child. I was just praying
to Allah, Allah don't let anybody see her because she might be in a lot of trouble. And yeah, Allah
protect the child also. But anyway, you see the prophets of Allah or soft hearted? Why? Because if
they were not soft hearted, they wouldn't be able to convey the message to people. They wouldn't be
able to bear patiently the difficulties that came their way because ordinary people, what happens
with them, they get frustrated very quickly, and they just give up and they go away. Imagine in
Makkah, the Muslims were told don't retaliate.
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			don't retaliate, neither through words nor through actions. I mean, who can control themselves so
much? Someone who can always feel pity for the other.
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			So for lapped up there is Bhima can we have alone? Messengers are very soft hearted because if they
were not like that they wouldn't be able to convey the message.
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			While some are in full care and build the ship is snart solid known Iein Sana it is to build to
manufacture So build the ship be are you Nina under Our Eyes meaning our supervision Allah
supervision while he Anna and our inspiration revelation meaning according to the instructions that
we tell you, we give you
00:29:58 --> 00:30:00
			make the ship under
00:30:00 --> 00:30:17
			Our supervision meaning we will protect you, we're watching you, we're making sure you're safe. And
we're making sure that you're doing it all right. It's like if a person is making something for the
first time, what is he want? That somebody is watching him and making sure that he's doing it right
if he makes a mistake, he is informed.
00:30:18 --> 00:30:27
			So Allah subhanaw taala told me that it's time you make the ship we're watching you will make sure
you do it right. Well, why Hina? You don't know how to do it, we'll tell you how to do it.
00:30:29 --> 00:31:16
			Now what do we see here? Allah subhanaw taala commanded new Hollis and M to build the ship. After
how many years 950 years of the belief. Now you make something to protect yourself and don't worry
about the people anymore. And Allah subhanaw taala said, I will guide you I will teach you I will
protect you. Allah subhanaw taala he taught many of his prophets great skills. So for example, it is
said that knew how to summon was the first one to ever make a ship because of this word. Well, why
Hina our inspiration Allah subhanaw taala inspired know how to listen and he sent what he teaching
him how to make the ship. Because before that people had no concept of travel over water. Because
00:31:16 --> 00:32:01
			remember, this was only 10 generations after Adam or the Santa, perhaps the people never needed to
this was a very early community. Likewise, we see about Idris or Islam that he was the person who
was taught how to write, use the pen before that writing using the pen was unknown. Likewise, the
welder is Allah subhanaw taala taught him how to use iron, how to make different things from iron
chainmail and different things armor before that people didn't know how to do this stuff. So they
man our listener, copper, all of us as mentioned in the Quran. So Allah subhanaw taala taught His
prophets many things, the chattery are a machinery as well as a manconi L machinery, the knowledge
00:32:01 --> 00:32:40
			of the shed era as to how they were to worship Allah and also worldly knowledge that they needed in
order to live a better life in order to be more productive. Like for example, the prophets of Allah,
we learn about them, they insulted Hadith, that Allah subhanaw taala give them where he by YNet and
also he sent down Hadith. He also sent down iron meaning Allah subhanaw taala also gave iron to
people and the prophets of Allah they were one of the first men to use that iron in order to make
things that were useful for people so anyway, while snarl full Kirby Are you Nina will work in
00:32:41 --> 00:33:12
			one more thing I want you to notice over here know how to s&m work for 950 years. And Allah subhanaw
taala is telling him you make the ship. Now make the ship the ship was not sent from the sky. God
Allah subhanaw taala have done that, of course, going via code sample. But Allah subhanaw taala told
New Halina, you will have to make the ship yourself, you will have to do the work yourself. Why?
00:33:13 --> 00:33:26
			Why was he taught how to build it? Why was it important for new Haile salam to build the ship? Is
there any difference between making something yourself and just receiving it? Is there any
difference? What difference?
00:33:28 --> 00:33:30
			Okay, you value it a lot more what else?
00:33:31 --> 00:34:03
			You know it inside and out. You know it, how it works, how it operates. Now imagine if the ship came
down from the skies and know how to sound was wondering, okay, where's the door? Okay, okay, this
way. Okay, now, how do you do this? And how do you do that, and so many mistakes, so many errors.
And even if he was stopped, this is where the door is. This is how you operate the ship. This is how
it's supposed to be work. I mean, there would still be a little bit of confusion.
00:34:05 --> 00:34:10
			So remember, when you make something yourself, even though it's very hard, it's always better.
00:34:11 --> 00:34:39
			Because you know it better? It's like if you are doing an assignment, and you look for the answers
yourself as opposed to just copying off somebody's assignment quickly. Is there a difference? Yes,
you've gone through the pages, you've read your notes, you look for the answers, you know your juice
inside out by them, you know, the assignment questions even. And if you just copy pasted quickly, in
five minutes and 10 minutes, how much do you know? Hardly.
00:34:41 --> 00:34:59
			And Allah subhanaw taala told no hurry Salam Well, I do hardly believe in Medina Allah who do not
address me to help me from Qatar to address do not address me concerning those people who have done
Zoom meeting this nation of yours. In other words, don't make any plea. Any request for these people
00:35:00 --> 00:35:27
			I should give them more time or I should not punish them because in the humble raccoon, indeed they
shall be drowned. They will be drowned they shall be punished because their time is up. So basically
no halozyme was told, This is it. Now you make the ship and you worry about yourself. And the people
who have not believed don't expect them to believe and don't even make any dua for them. Don't even
make any dua for them, because indeed, they will be drowned
00:35:28 --> 00:36:13
			while snarl folk and know how this interview started working on making the ship. So he was building
the ship. What could Lemma and each time mama I lay him alone, the mother, the elite, the chiefs of
the nation, they Murali he they passed by him, Manuel from the root letters mean rah rah to pass by.
So each time the chiefs of his people, they passed by him, man call me from his nation, suddenly
Dolman who remarked on him. They're like, they made fun of him. Oh, you're a carpenter? No. So you
are trying to invent something? Yeah, you must be a genius. Before you said, you were a prophet. And
now you are a carpenter. And what is the thing that you're making? Oh, it's supposed to float on
00:36:13 --> 00:36:14
			water, where's the water?
00:36:15 --> 00:36:22
			So they're marked on him. And you know what, many people who have a lot of potential in them.
They're marked that.
00:36:24 --> 00:36:29
			Because what happens is that they're doing something that people are unfamiliar with,
00:36:30 --> 00:36:47
			that nobody has done before them. It's a new thing. It's a new strategy. It's a new way. And people
think that if it's new, it's different. It's not going to work. So they market them, they laugh at
them was it ever happened with anybody, you're doing something different, and people started making
fun of you.
00:36:48 --> 00:36:57
			Maybe you're cooking something in your house from a different cuisine that your family is not used
to. And as you're preparing the food, people are like, seriously, this is what you're doing.
00:36:58 --> 00:37:07
			Like for example, burgers, typically, many people think that when you're making a burger, you have
to put a lot of onion and garlic and ginger and lots of spices in them.
00:37:08 --> 00:37:10
			And that is how you make them.
00:37:11 --> 00:37:53
			And then you put a whole lot of things on them. And that's how you eat them. But there is another
way, which is that you don't put anything in the burger all you put it just a little bit of salt and
pepper. And then you flavor it with salad and with condiments, and so on and so forth. Now, if
you're used to having really spicy burgers, and somebody offers you a plain burger, which barely has
enough salt and pepper, you're probably going to laugh at them. Like seriously. You're going to give
this to me. You're going to feed this to me this bland food. I'm not sick. I'm not at the hospital.
I need real food. But I'm gonna tell you that no, no, try it. Use this on top, use this on top, use
00:37:53 --> 00:38:36
			this with the burger and then have it and then if you listen to them like oh, okay, that makes
sense. That was nice. So typically what happens whenever we see something different? When we see
someone doing something that's not the norm. We immediately look down and then we think you know
what, don't even bother. You're such a loser. You're always trying new things, because you want to
be different. And you think you're a genius. You're not a genius. Just do what everybody does. But
if you think about all the people of the past who have done something great, even contemporary,
who've done something great. Did they do something that was different? Did that? Yes. Yes. They
00:38:36 --> 00:38:57
			always did something that was different. They thought outside the box. But were they laughed at?
Yes. Were they discouraged? Of course, they were discouraged a lot. But what happened? They stayed
firm. They weren't affected by the ridicule, and loss panels are to give them success.
00:38:58 --> 00:39:25
			The original physicists and scientists like Galileo, Newton and all of them. They were actually
persecuted by the Catholic Church. Because it's like, Wait, how is it possible that the Earth is not
the center of the universe, like they were prosecuted, they were their works were destroyed. They
were put in jail. For all the new discoveries that they made, even though they weren't Christian
themselves. Current church called them like, maniacs crazy, like, despite all the discoveries they
made, yes.
00:39:27 --> 00:39:59
			Last week, a group of students from Indonesia came and visited our school for outstanding students
something project. And one of the students they won like three different huge science competitions
in the States. And the project was so interesting, because when they were working on it in school,
back in Indonesia, like nobody thought what he was doing, he was trying to make some sort of a new
type of generator, and nobody thought that it would work. Nobody was believing in what he was trying
to do. And he's like 17 or 18, and he sold it to a company and
00:40:00 --> 00:40:37
			He won, I think he won a bronze and two silvers in a competition in the States. something different,
something new, be creative. I remember the other day, there's this Facebook page called the Muslim
show, and they make cartoons on various topics. And they had a cartoon out. And it was showing a
man, an old man. And he was making much of brick by brick right by himself with no help whatsoever.
And they were, as each scene grew, they were like more people gathering, what is this man doing?
He's never going to be able to achieve that. And you know, they were denouncing him. And at the end,
he wanted the top and then he put the crest on the top. And then everyone's like, how did he achieve
00:40:37 --> 00:41:12
			that? And then another man came in, he's like, I'll tell you how we achieve that. He was deaf. He
was actually deaf. So because he couldn't hear all of those insults and tones and whatever he
achieved, what the building the masjid so it was like, I was pretty surprised when I read that I was
like, Okay, that makes sense. And that's what you have to do. become deaf to the criticism of
others, whatever they say to you just ignore it and keep doing your work. No. halozyme is being
marketed over and over again. Could never notice the word couldn't lemme each time, Murali he met a
woman called me Sofia woman who,
00:41:13 --> 00:41:53
			even with elbows, I remember when my mother she decided that because there are courses, elder
courses that are designed for just one year in which students, they take the classes six days a
week. So that was the initial plan that one year go through the entire Quran. And people were like,
impossible. You're going to teach them the whole Quran in one year. So she said, You know what, I'm
going to do it. And the first year 100, about 50 or 60 people enrolled, if I'm not mistaken, and
they all graduated, and people were like, oh, so it worked. But the criticism and people saying that
we know how to teach Quran and we know how people learn, you cannot do this in one year, it is not
00:41:53 --> 00:41:54
00:41:55 --> 00:42:40
			But the thing is that if you strongly believe in something, do it don't have this fear of failure.
Just do it doesn't work out doesn't work out. But if it works out, cool. Why should we be deprived
of that just out of this fear? So we as narrow folk welcome them Mr. Lee Miller, Omen Komiza human
who color he said interests her woman, if you make fun of us, you laugh at us today. For Inanna
Salman Khan, then one day, indeed, we are going to make fun of you come out this huddle just as you
make fun of us meaning. Let's see, time will tell. Let's see who will have the last laugh. Our time
will come when you will see your foolishness and we will get to laugh at you. This doesn't mean that
00:42:40 --> 00:43:25
			the Prophet of Allah would actually laugh at the people who were being punished by Allah. This just
means that we'll see who really is wrong over here. Whether I am wrong or you are wrong, we'll see
who was really foolish. I am foolish or you're being foolish. For Siva tharla Munna soon you will
know my dear they're born who it is that will come to him what will come to him or that was a
punishment, you will see that will humiliate him. Let's see who the punishment comes upon. The
punishment that will humiliate him were Hindu or Lee, and it will descend on him either McKean and
everlasting punishment and enduring punishment. Your hello is from the letters Harlem love, hello,
00:43:25 --> 00:44:02
			hello is basically to untie the knot to open something up and basically was used for a traveler when
he reached his destination, what would he do, he would unpack his things, he would untie the knot
and take all of his stuff out. And that basically meant Okay, now he's here, and now he's going to
stay for some time. Because if you're just in transit, do you unpack? No, you don't. If you just
stop for a few minutes somewhere, or maybe a couple of hours even you don't take everything out of
your car. But when you've reached your destination, and you're going to stay there for some time,
then what do you do? You take everything out. So you're Hindu or lay here or double McKean, meaning
00:44:03 --> 00:44:06
			on whom will be enduring punishment descend.
00:44:07 --> 00:44:23
			Let's see who's going to suffer now in this world than that suffering, that punishment will mark the
beginning of an everlasting punishment. Because remember that any person when he dies, that marks
the beginning of his afterlife.
00:44:25 --> 00:44:35
			If there's reward for him, his reward will begin from the moment of death onwards, and if there is
punishment for him in the hereafter. That punishment begins from the moment of death onwards.
00:44:37 --> 00:44:39
			That's listen to the recitation of these verses.
00:44:40 --> 00:44:41
00:44:45 --> 00:44:46
00:44:49 --> 00:44:49
			you wanna
00:45:00 --> 00:45:00
00:45:03 --> 00:45:05
00:45:09 --> 00:45:12
			long for your all along
00:45:17 --> 00:45:21
			foreseen in knee
00:45:23 --> 00:45:23
00:45:26 --> 00:45:26
00:45:31 --> 00:45:33
			taggi Dan and Dena
00:45:36 --> 00:45:38
			Dena Magi don't
00:45:42 --> 00:45:47
			Dominus for the 18 all
00:45:51 --> 00:45:52
			be here
00:46:00 --> 00:46:05
			to be more GZ one
00:46:08 --> 00:46:11
			C two
00:46:13 --> 00:46:17
			four hello in law who you read do
00:46:18 --> 00:46:19
00:46:20 --> 00:46:21
00:46:23 --> 00:46:24
			to jail
00:46:32 --> 00:46:34
			in his try to move
00:46:36 --> 00:46:39
			me buddy
00:46:46 --> 00:46:48
			we're all here he learned moving
00:46:51 --> 00:46:52
			you mean
00:46:53 --> 00:46:54
00:47:01 --> 00:47:02
00:47:03 --> 00:47:04
00:47:06 --> 00:47:09
			manasota to better is been
00:47:13 --> 00:47:16
			was now uniform to carry out you will need
00:47:18 --> 00:47:21
			to hop and anything levena One
00:47:25 --> 00:47:25
00:47:29 --> 00:47:31
			what else now we're for Calico
00:47:39 --> 00:47:40
00:47:46 --> 00:47:57
			calming calm gamma does home for sofa alone me Dr
00:47:59 --> 00:47:59
00:48:04 --> 00:48:07