Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P11 116B Tafsir Yunus 74-82

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The history and use of the New Jacksonville Memorial in informing people of the war is discussed, including the use of messengers to warn people of the war and the potential consequences of not wanting to admit to the war. The segment also touches on the importance of apologizing and acknowledging one's mistake, as well as the use of Phone-Max and the potential consequences of it. The segment also touches on the history of the Islam world, including the discovery of magic and the use of face masks to prevent false accusations, and the use of emotional tactics and fear to overcome fear and misunderstand. The segment ends with a brief advertisement for a CD on "wise" and a mention of a person named Hope.

AI: Summary ©

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			Lesson number 116 Surah Tunis inshallah we'll begin from ayah number 74. So Mbarara SNA. Then We
sent mimbar D after him Rasulullah. Messengers. In the previous verses we learned about the story of
Noah earlier Salam, very briefly, and the incident is mentioned in a lot of detail at other places
in the Quran. But over here, the main purpose for which it was mentioned, was to warn the people of
Makkah, who were denying the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and rejecting him and threatening him also.
So the example of new her listen, I was given that he also warned his people for a long time and he
challenged them also, that if you cannot tolerate my standing amongst you, my warning you then go
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			ahead and try to do something to harm me. But what happened at the end? Who is it that Allah
subhanaw taala gave victory to know how to sit on the one who was upon the truth? So Allah says here
that after new Herdade Salam, we sent heusler messengers, meaning many messengers were sent. So for
example, we learned earlier that who are his son was sent Salah hurry Salam was sent, Ibrahim alayhi
salam was sent. There were many messengers who came after new Hurley Salam Illa comi him to their
people, meaning to their respective nations they were sent and when they came for jell o home, so
they came to them with a unity with the peer proofs with peer evidences, but what was the reaction
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			of the people from a cannoli, you may know, but they did not believe they would not believe why be
Mathcad The Boo, because they denied be with Him meaning with the messenger min COVELO before
because they rejected him the first time. The first time they encountered him the first time they
met him, they refused him. They refused to believe in Him. What happened after that? They were never
able to believe afterwards. Why? Allah tells us that he can likewise not to borrow we said a seal
from Kabara Toba, Irene. I know colluvial Martha Dean on the hearts of the transgressors. People who
transgress people who crossed limits, what happens? Their hearts get sealed, and once they get
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			sealed, then what happens? No matter what sign they see, no matter what evidence they see, they're
not going to believe. So in the CYA, what do we see that Allah subhanaw taala sent many, many
messengers to their nations. But the majority of the people, did they listen to their prophets and
messengers. No, they didn't. What was the reason they rejected at first, and when they rejected,
they were never able to believe after that, because it became an ego problem, then it's like, if you
say no to someone once, then even if you kind of agree with them later on, you don't want to say yes
to them. You don't want to cooperate with them. If you disagree with someone in an argument in a
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			discussion, and then later on, you kind of understand what their point of view is. And it seems
logical to you. But still, you don't want to give up why? Because it becomes an ego problem. Like
you see, in a discussion in a healthy discussion where people are looking for a solution. What
happens? One person says something the other person says another thing and eventually they do come
to an agreement. But when there is a debate, then people are not debating in order to figure out
what is right and what is wrong. Why are they debating to prove themselves, right? And when a person
is trying to prove themselves right, then the other person cannot win at all. Right? Then there's no
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			winning. So this is exactly what happened over here. The people rejected the first time, and then
their ego came in in the middle. And then after that they were never able to believe, because then
he cannot borrow or now colluvial Marta Dean, notice how Allah subhanaw taala describes the people
more studying plural of Martin, who was Martin one who does I do other is to cross the limits. Those
who cross the limits? What does it mean? Those who cross the limits, who is at the crosses, limits
the one who wishes to fulfill his desires, right? So he doesn't want to observe any speed limits,
right? So for example, a person's having a lot of fun driving really fast. And then he sees a
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			warning sign. All right, speed limit sign, but he doesn't really care about that. He still crosses
that limit. Why? Because he's having too much fun, right? He's fulfilling his desires. So likewise,
when people they just want to fulfill their desires, then do they care about any limits? No. Do they
want to change? Do they want to adjust themselves? So for example, slow down, do they want to
change? No, they said this is
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			My driving style, too bad. I don't care. Alright, Martha Dean, then no warning helps no warning
works. They get one ticket and another ticket and another ticket. That's a change, though. No,
sometimes people even lose their license. But still they go back to their own ways. They still don't
learn a lesson. Why? More 30? They don't care about any limits. And you wonder how far do they have
to go to just learn a lesson? But what happens? They never learn a lesson, because then he cannot
borrow earlier colluvial Martha Dean, you see, in order to believe what is necessary that a person
admits that yes, I was wrong. And what you were telling me is, right, right. And generally also in
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			life, there are many times when we realize that we have certain faults in us, right. And at that
occasion, what is necessary that we admit, we accept the advice of the other, and we apologize. But
when a person crosses limits, he doesn't even want to apologize, then saying a word that is as small
as sorry, also becomes very difficult, isn't it? It's hard difficult for people to say sorry, how
difficult is it? Is it difficult to pronounce? Is it like an Arabic word which you have to
pronounce? You know, from deep down your throat or something like that? No, all you need to do is
just say, sorry, you just have to say, Okay, you're right. I shouldn't do this, I should change. But
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			when a person wants to fulfill their desires, only they become self centered. They don't care about
the feelings of others. They don't care about who the other person is what they're saying, then they
can never apologize. They can never, ever change their ways. There's a short video about saying
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			And I want you to watch it, even though you've watched it before.
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			And please, I don't endorse and support him in every way. Okay. Likewise, there may be some things
in the video which are not 100% appropriate and correct. And you know that you take the good and you
have to leave the bad. There should always be a filter in Sharla
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			Hey, ankles, please. Oh, my God. I know. Right. I mean,
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			I don't know. I mean
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			it wasn't accident. Wasn't you did it on purpose. No, it was an accident. So you're sorry.
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			You're sorry?
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			Doesn't matter. You still have to apologize? Yes, you are.
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			Say you're sorry.
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			Say you're sorry. I mean it.
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			Danny Forget it. She doesn't have to know Yes, she does. know really?
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			Doesn't matter. I'm sorry. But this is not about you. I mean it is but it isn't Jane teller. You're
sorry. Now, you gotta hit that kid. Right in the mouth. Jane apologized. lappa slap a heart in the
face. And Paula. Okay.
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			I know it's not easy to say sorry. Would you have to do it? Just say you're sorry.
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			Say you're sorry.
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			I know. This is not easy. But just I'm going to do is make the sound. It's just the sound. push the
air out of your body. Through your face. Make it form it with your lips. And you just say sorry.
Come on. Sorry. Come on.
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			Sorry. You go.
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			Oh, sorry. It's okay. Thank you. That was really good, honey. Thank you. Thank you. I appreciate it.
I appreciate your listening.
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			Hey, excuse me. Excuse me. She should apologize. No. I then she says sorry.
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			She's on the phone. So she hit me.
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			I don't know. Whatever. It was her choice, but I'm not gonna do the ones but
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			Excuse me, could you get off the phone for a second?
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			What? Hold on a second. Rachel. Please don't hit on me right now. I'm trying to live my life. Oh,
I'm not hitting on you. You just walked into my little girl. Oh, I didn't mean to. I'm sure that's
true. But I was hoping that you come over and say you're sorry.
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			Just could you apologize for bumping into my little girl, please. It was an accident. I'm sure it
was but I really need you to say you're sorry. What is your problem?
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			Hold on a second, Rachel. Oh my God. Are you trying to tell me what to do? No, I'm not. But you just
bumped into my little girl. Can you just say you're sorry? Sorry. No, no excuse me. Excuse me, not
to me to her. Screw you. Right Rachel? So what are you
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			Are you the manager? I'm gonna help you. Okay, this woman who is shopping here just banged her leg
weighed in on my daughter. Oh,
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			well, that's nice of you to say that. But she won't say. See, I really need her to apologize. I need
her to apologize. Yes, I'm trying to teach my girls that you have to say you're sorry, even when
it's an accident.
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			Ma'am, I understand that you bumped into this little girl and you did not apologize. But this is
stupid. I understand that. Ma'am. I just need you to tell the little girl that you're sorry. What do
you think you are talking to me like that? No, just please just say you're sorry. I did not mean to
bump into her. Yes, but you still need to say you're sorry. No.
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			Sorry, but I had to. Yeah, daddy. This isn't fair. I don't know. Girls. I don't know what to tell
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			You're under arrest for assault of a minor. I didn't mean to bump into. Hey, Officer, why don't have
to press charges. I just wanted to apologize. It's just she bumped into my daughter. I just need her
to say sorry. She wouldn't say sorry. You didn't say sorry. What's wrong with you? It was a *
accident. To all of you. You could sue us from jail. Okay. Let me go. You really don't have to do
that. I'm serious. Asshole. This is your fault.
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			Excuse me. I know. It's hard to say sorry. I didn't like it either. But my daddy showed me how you
just skill? Sorry.
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			Just make the word. Sorry. Go through your face. Just sorry. Please try.
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			I'm sorry.
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			It's okay. I know it was an accident.
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			I showed this video to my son. And he loves police officers. But when he saw this video, he started
crying. And he's like, I don't want the police officers to take her. I said you know what, Allah's
angels are even stronger than police officers.
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			They're even stronger. They're even more powerful.
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			And this is a reality. We heard other people and we think we'll just say sorry, to them one word
here there and we'll, you know, it will get over it. It's okay. People will forget it. This guy
didn't forget it. All right. And he made sure this woman said sorry to her daughter.
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			And you know, on the Day of Judgment, Allah subhanaw taala is going to give authority to the people
who were oppressed to the people who were hurt. It's in your hands. You forgive, or you don't
forgive, it's up to you.
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			So what is necessary that today, we say sorry,
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			today, we apologize. today. We try to control our desires, control ourselves,
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			and apologize wherever we need to. And it's about this little habit. Sorry. It's just about saying
one word. But it can mean a lot. It can go really far. It can really mend your relationship with
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			If you think about it was just about saying one word. Sorry, that was it.
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			But she didn't want to give up she didn't want to and look at where she ended up. I mean, I know
it's just a video but it's an example.
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			So Martha Dean, Allah subhanaw taala does not like them. Even people don't like them. Whenever we
realize a mistake has been made. Okay, who am I? I'm sorry.
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			I have faults, I have deficiencies. Only Allah subhanaw taala is perfect. Some of our ethna then we
sent mimbar the him after them Musa Wellmune Musa and her own enough their own to fit her own woman
and he and his mother. His establishment is cheaps his elite
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			after the messengers who were referred to in the above verse, Allah subhanaw taala sent Musa and how
rune as messengers to who to fit our own and his mother, his influential people.
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			Be it now with our,
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			with our miracles, what were the miracles that most artists and Umbra
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			amongst them are the staff as well as the glowing hand and many other miracles that Musa does and
I'm sure to fit around. But what was the reaction for that vote who, but they were arrogant they
behaved arrogantly so arrogantly that even though the truth was clear, they didn't want to accept
it. What is it stickball is basically to consider oneself superior to the other, to consider oneself
better than the other, that I am better, and they are less than me they are inferior.
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			So for their own and his people, how did they consider themselves superior? They just looked at the
fact that we are the Egyptians, we are more wealthy, fit our own set, I'm looking, I'm supposed to
be God or son of God, whatever his belief was right? And Musa and how often they're from the slave
nation from bunnies sloth you.
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			So fit our own and his people. They said, We are better than them.
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			We are better than them. Why should we listen? They should listen to us. Why should we listen to
them? First talk about who they were arrogant. What can coma moody mean? And they were a people who
were criminal. They were a criminal people. And you see, sometimes it is this pride, that
considering oneself to be superior to the other that prevents us from accepting the truth. Sometimes
it is someone who was much younger than us, who's telling us about what is right. Like, for example,
when children do something wrong, parents immediately demand that the children should apologize. But
there are times when parents also make mistakes. Right? And then the children did just look at them.
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			And sometimes the children even remind them that how come you didn't say sorry, but the mother or
the father says you don't talk like that with your mother. You don't say that to your father? Is
stickball. Right, pride. For stock bottle? They were proud. What can Okoma moody mean? Moody mean,
they were criminals. You see some people they're inclined towards crime. Why? Because they have the
ability to commit that they have the ability to hurt the other, they have the power to oppress. So
what happens is that they're inclined towards crime, even if they have the option of being good to
the other off talking to the other discussing the matter out and coming to a reasonable solution.
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			Instead, what will they do? They will commit crimes, like for example, killing someone right, and
finishing them off. So for example, for their own, he could have discussed had, you know, a decent
conversation with Musar descendant, but did he do that? No. Musar this time is showing him miracles.
And he's calling him a sahaya moosari Salah Salam is showing him miracles. And he says, Okay, come
compete with us, and we will show you our magic. All right. What happened? All the magicians
believed, but for their own, did he believe his whole plan turned against him? Did he believe
instead of believing that criminal mind, what did he do? He had all those magicians who had believed
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			killed, he had all of them killed? What can Okoma moody mean? So when someone is inclined towards
oppression, you're talking to them in a decent way. And they start using foul language towards you.
Right? You're trying to get along with them in order to do something and they're always breaking
your trust they're always doing something to hurt you. So is there is there any winning against such
a person? Is there any winning not at all what can will calm What do you mean? Such people will
justify themselves to the max and abuse their power to the max also follow Murgia whom will help who
then when the truth came min or India from us when the truth came to them from us all who they said
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			in there that indeed this is let's say home will be in shortly It is magic. That is clear meaning it
is clearly magic. It is on miracles as Musa claims it is actually magic, because you see if someone
is wearing glasses that are green, that he's going to see everything green. So likewise for their
own also had this bias against most artists and him his pride, His ego was preventing him from
accepting the reality. So instead of believing and Musar escena What did he say? He's just a
magician. Follow Musa Musa alayhis salam said at the Kowloon a little healthy. Are you saying to the
truth meaning about the truth? la magia accom when it came to you? Are you saying about the truth
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			when it has come to you? What was he saying? That this has magic? Meaning what are you saying this
is magic? A sacred heaven? Is this magic? Oh is sacred magic has this meaning what I'm showing to
you? Is this magic? Do you not know what magic is? You think this is Magic whenever you feel herself
alone, and the magician's will never be successful. Musa Hassan was very bold. He was very confident
he didn't tolerate such a comment from phenom
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			Round was calling the if the miracles magic and Musa was almost yelling at him using this as magic,
how is this magic? How dare you say this is magic? Don't you know that magicians can never be
successful? They can never succeed in their goals, they can never succeed in their purpose. Why are
you calling this magic? Because you see there is a clear difference. And which is why we see that
the expert magicians when they saw what Musa SNM had to show them instantly they realized this was
not magic. This was something far greater far above magic. So most artists are upset at the Colonial
Happyland merger or a session Heather Wallah, you flee who said hey rune, the magicians do not
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			Do we believe in this statement? magicians do not succeed? Is there anyone over here whoever had
this fear, or somebody has done magic on me, or somebody has affected our family with magic.
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			I'm sure every person at some point or another feels that I'm having this weird eight you know this
weird pain in my body and I cannot figure out any cause behind it. Everything's a mess in my life.
This is going wrong. That is going wrong. My mother What's wrong with her? I think somebody has been
magic on us. Somebody has done magic on our family. Somebody has done magic on this or that.
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			Always read this idea whenever you have this fear. Whenever you flee who says rune
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			Sir Hello, the magicians they can never ever be successful and say this with the cream in the
morning in the evening. What are you feeling her sir Haroon, who is a magician, a dirty person, a
filthy person inside out a weak person, someone who's so cowardly that he cannot even come in front
of the other. Rather he will conspire behind him and use a pawn and evil forces and filthy things to
hurt someone. This is how cowardly a magician is. So always remember when you flee who said he
wound. But you might say that well, you know people do perform magic and they do end up hurting
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			don't they? They do. But how much can they hurt them only as much as Allah subhanaw taala allows?
There were people who even performed magic on the Prophet sallallahu Sallam they affected him with
magic even isn't at all. He was physically affected. But what happened? Were they successful? No.
Their magic was exposed. It was finished it was cancelled out how would the recitation of a few
students of the Quran this is how weak magic is for months and months for years and years. What
happens these evil sorcerers they do filthy things in order to attract the attention of sheltering
and then they try to convince them to do something for them and eventually they try to hurt somebody
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			but what happens that somebody has to recite his morning even under US I have the protection with
your pin and the whole plot of the magician is broken. What are you flicker sir Haroon? Kalu they
said meaning for our own and his people. And they said I'm gonna have you come to us. Little feet on
us so that you turn us away. Little fatahna what's the route?
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			Break it down this word Lee means for
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			you, right? Lamb fat is the route and then there is us. So what's the route?
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			Lamb fer?
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			ilta Fattah Al Taffy to Lt fat what is LT fat LT fat is basically what is healthy fats in Salah
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			you forgot already
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			what is is the fat the slaughter
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			law Hello La Quwata illa Allah
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			to look here in there. Now you remember yes or no? Okay. So it will defy this to turn one's you know
focus of vision away. So for example, in Salah we're supposed to be looking at a particular place.
So when you're standing you're supposed to be looking down at the place of your search that is
default is to shift from that.
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			Okay, meaning don't look over there but rather look elsewhere. This is empty fat. Have a bucket up
window and who we learn about him can Allah yell defeat of his Salah he would not look around, he
would not look away in Salah. So once he was standing in prayer, leading the people in prayer and
the Prophet saw a lot instead of getting behind him. Alright, and the people were clapping making so
much noise that go back and look back. The prophets of Allah Islam was behind you step back so that
he can come forward and lead the people in prayer. But he was just focused in prayer. All that noise
didn't distract him. They had to make
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			so much noise that eventually will have occurred to Lauren who turned back in order to look who it
was and what was going on. So anyway little fitness that you turn us away I'm not from what what
journal we found an ad up on it about Anna our forefathers fit our own and his people deceptive
Mozart ism Have you come to turn us away from the practices of our forefathers? Is this why you have
come? What Hakuna likoma And so that it is for you to meaning Musa and Harun al Kibriya grander
greatness, Power Authority, fill ugly in the earth. Is this what you want? You're telling us to let
the Bani Israel go. You're showing us all of these. Suppose that miracles and you're telling us that
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			you are the messengers of God? Why is it because you want to take our power away from us so that you
have the power? Basically you want to take over us defeat us this is what you want. They said woman,
Nola coma removed meaning we're never going to believe in you. We're never going to believe in the
two of you. Now was this a correct assumption on their part about Musa doesn't even have an artisan?
If there are people who want to take over your land? How do they come to come and do that? What do
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			what do they do? They go and invade. Right? If they're being oppressed in the land, what do they do?
They come out to the streets and they rebel.
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			Right? There's some kind of violence.
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			Musa and Harun or lady who was salam, they both come to the Court of Federal, without any weapons,
will say this, I was coming with a staff. And what are they saying? We have come to you to tell you
about who your Lord, the only one who deserves your worship, we have come to tell you that the bunny
is fine, they're oppressed, let them go home, set them free.
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			Woman gonna come every month meaning they said we're not going to believe in you will call of their
own and for their own said, Tony, bring me because Lisa had in our live every knowing magician,
bring me every sir hit every magician that is Arlene, who is the only one who's knowledgeable. So
basically, he made this announcement in his kingdom that every learned expert magician should come
to him. Why? Why did he do that? Because he wanted to fight the miracles of Masaya Sena with the
expert magicians that he had. You see, when Musala Salam he demonstrated the eye at the miracles for
their own got a little afraid. Imagine a staff turning into a huge snake coming towards you. I mean,
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			that would terrify you, right glowing hand and you cannot find any explanation for it. How was his
hand glowing? And then he picks up that snake and it turns back into a staff again, what's going on.
So if in our own was affected, and likewise, the people present in the court, even they were
affected? Because this is the weakness of people, they see something amazing. And instantly, they're
like, Wow. Right? Instantly they fall for it. And this is a technique that people use for their
marketing purposes, right? They want to sell something, this is what they do. So anyway, for their
own he was worried now that my people have been affected by what Musa showed them. So I have to
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			counter that somehow. I have to show 20 people that even I can do this. This is not something too
great. Even I can do this. So he said Bring me every learned magician, not an ordinary magician,
expert magician, because I want to show the best magic that my magicians can produce so that it will
be better than what Musa show and people will go back and do you know their old ways and they won't
be affected by what Musar listen I'm sure that many more follow Mirja Sahara to then when the
magicians came call Allahu Musa Musa Arliss and I'm set to them uncool throw Matt and Tom will own
that which you are going to throw. And the details of this incident. There are mentioned sort of
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			that are off which we have learned earlier. And they're also going to be mentioned in more detail in
surah Taha and sort of Sherlock but over here when the magicians came they asked most artists and Um
Would you like to go first or should we go first and most artists and I'm told them I'll Kuma and
Tom MOLKO go ahead and throw what you want to throw meaning show your magic show what you've got.
Demonstrate your magic. So what did they do
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			for llama? Alko then when they threw What did they throw the magician's they threw their sticks and
their ropes musasa had one style
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			And these magicians brought what many sticks and many ropes, all right, and with their magic that
threw them and what happened with their magic, all those sticks and ropes turned into snakes. But
how big were those snakes compared to the snake of mozzarella Sinha? There were nothing because it
was only magic. Allah Musa when they were showing their magic Musala Salam said, Magic Thumb. What
you have come with be with it is a serum is magic. What you're showing is magic. It is not miracle.
What Musar is and I'm sure it was what a miracle. What these people were showing was magic. And he
said in Allah indeed Allah say you will clean who who? Soon he will you will be to who you will try
00:30:52 --> 00:31:08
			to what's the root bathla Lamb badly what is baffling falsehood, that which has no reality to it. So
you will play No, he will make it baffling, meaning you will expose its worthlessness that it's
nothing. It's just a trick. It's just a trick of the eyes.
00:31:09 --> 00:31:54
			Allah is going to expose its worthlessness. Allah is going to abolish it, he's going to break it,
Allah who will not I will, Allah will. And this is something that we must always remember also,
whenever you see, you know such things. So for example, a person feels like magic has been done on
them. And they see that and somebody also tells them that yes, this is all the effects of magic.
Then again, don't feel weak. Don't feel afraid what's going to happen now. Don't feel intimidated by
that magic. Always remember in Allaha say Ubuntu. Allah is going to show its worthlessness. Allah is
going to abolish it, he's going to break it. And remember the prophets of Allah medicine when the
00:31:54 --> 00:32:41
			Jews did magic on him. Gibreel came in and formed him, right? And the comb on which the spells were
pronounced that was also retrieved and what happened the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would untie every
knot and he would recite kung fu Allah had called the proper follow up and pull our liberal bananas.
Right. He would recite them and what happened that entire magic finished? Finished. So in Allah say
you will play to Allah is going to expose it. worthlessness in the Lucha Indeed, Allah, Leia
usefully who he does not reform, he does not amend he does not make great meaning he does not let it
be successful. What I'm gonna move ceding the work the craft of the characters, the Mischief Makers,
00:32:41 --> 00:33:28
			who are the magicians, what were they doing right now? facade, right, showing all of that magic,
fighting against the Prophet of Allah. That was facade. But their Amal, which was of magic, Musa
alayhis salam said, Allah will never make it right. Meaning Allah will not let it be successful,
Allah will not let it last. And this is something that we must remember, if we ever want to do
something, right, and we want it to work out well work out correctly, then what is necessary that we
avoid facade? Because if a person is doing facade, he's doing something wrong. And his intentions
are very good. Is he going to be successful in his efforts? No. So for example, sometimes we want to
00:33:28 --> 00:33:37
			correct bad behavior in children. We want to discipline them, or there's somebody who's an adult
also, and we want to correct them in what they're doing their bad behavior.
00:33:38 --> 00:33:40
			What approach do we use? Typically,
00:33:42 --> 00:34:03
			we get angry, we show anger, even if it's our parents, even if it's our siblings, or even if it's
someone who's older than us, much older grandparents, right? And they're saying something that's
really bothering us. And we want to show them this is not how you talk to me. This is not how you
keep pointing out my mistakes. So we yell at them or we show anger to them. Is it going to work out?
00:34:05 --> 00:34:24
			No. Because the other person, they're not going to listen to you. Especially when you become angry
with them. They're not going to listen to you. They're gonna get offended, they're gonna get hurt.
Children are gonna get afraid behind you, they will go back to their own ways, right? So in the
Lucha lair, you slicker. I'm an l move CDN.
00:34:25 --> 00:34:59
			If we want to do anything, right, we better avoid facade, whether it's in the form of lies.
Sometimes people use emotional blackmail, right? To make the other person listen to them. But does
it work? It works for some time, but in the long run, everything comes to an end where your HIPAA
law will help publicly matiee You have to, he will prove true, he will expose the truth who Allah
Allah will. Allah is going to expose the truth
00:35:00 --> 00:35:02
			If you have Kulla will help
00:35:03 --> 00:35:09
			you hepco is to prove the truthfulness of something to establish it
00:35:10 --> 00:36:07
			to make it clear that yes, this is right. So your HIPAA law will help the truth and who was upon the
truth Musar Lisanna what was the truth? The magic of the magicians are the miracles of Musa Sinha,
what was the truth? The miracles off Musa Anna Sena so when you hit Paula who will help her? Allah
is going to expose the truth and establish it how be Kalamata he with his words meaning with his
command his decision while Oh carry * moody Moon even if the criminals dislike it, he will cause
truth to prevail, even if people don't like it. And did that happen? Yes, Iran tried so hard, so
hard to somehow defeat the miracles of mozzarella Sena he had all the expert magicians come and he
00:36:07 --> 00:36:56
			promised them great rewards even he gave them great incentives do your best the best that you can do
perform over here. He gave him the best of incentives even but what happened? Allah subhanaw taala
established the truth if you think about it, the entire plot of Finneran turned against him because
the magicians what happened this all the staff of Musa Islam turning into a big stake swallowing all
of their magic immediately they fell down into steps they said I'm Allah we believe we will be Musa
who we believe in the Lord of Musa in our own right they instantly believe now the entire plot of
their own failed one oh can you help me anymore? He hated that but still Allah subhanaw taala cause
00:36:56 --> 00:37:01
			this plan to fail well okay hello moody Moon recitation of these
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			you mean
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			moving in common? Ghana cannot
00:37:25 --> 00:37:45
			be 31st bestech bow can
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00:37:55 --> 00:37:57
			help for me now you
00:37:58 --> 00:38:00
			all know
00:38:04 --> 00:38:09
			Moby all Musa
00:38:18 --> 00:38:19
			as is shown
00:38:37 --> 00:38:40
			What's up Hakuna Coleman Ricky berry
00:38:43 --> 00:38:45
			what Hakuna Allah kumin ki berry
00:38:50 --> 00:38:53
			Nola Kuma meaning
00:38:55 --> 00:38:56
00:38:57 --> 00:39:03
			Tony be cool Lisa. Eileen
00:39:07 --> 00:39:09
			how not to Paul
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			but I'm
00:39:26 --> 00:39:28
			Paula Musa magic to
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			be hysys
00:39:32 --> 00:39:34
			law has a built
00:39:35 --> 00:39:36
00:39:40 --> 00:39:49
			CD, while you have for long run how Bobby Kelly mathy will carry more JD