Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P11 115E Tafsir Yunus 65-73
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The speakers discuss the importance of changing one's behavior and behavior to be the happiest people they can be. They stress the need to change one's behavior and use personal examples to illustrate how it can happen. The negative perception of Islam and the theory of happiness are discussed, as well as the use of light as a signal to get rest and the importance of knowing what to do when the day falls. The segment also touches on the negative consequences of people being too busy to pursue dreams and offers advice on how to handle them.
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When a Zune Kokkola home, and their words should not grieve you whose words, the profits of a lot of them is being addressed over here, the words of your opponents, they should not make you sad, don't bother about what they say, don't pay attention to it.
Because you see, when a person strives to please Allah, when a person strives to become friends with Allah, then it's natural, that people are going to be upset with him over one thing or another. They're going to criticize him. They're going to mock him, they're going to say something or the other that is going to hurt them. And even if you're not doing something actively, you know, to improve on your religion, still, do we not hear words from people that annoy us? Did you hear anything today that really bothered you? And you just felt like
whatever. Yeah.
The other day, and
then I started talking to the lady, and a few thing. She said, they speak really good English. I was like, thank you. And then I understood what she meant.
Not even stranger, sometimes people who are close to us, our own family members, do they ever say something that bothers you, that hurts you.
Or everybody in your family is really nice and really careful. Sometimes a person is very well, meaning they don't mean to hurt you. They're just asking you a question. But because of the state that you're in, you just get really, really annoyed.
They ask you a question. They say something and you get extremely angry, you get sad, you get upset. And if you get upset, then what will happen? How will the rest of your day go?
How will it go? How will you talk with them?
They'll be like, what happened? I just asked a question. And you're like, I don't want to snap at you. So please be quiet and go away. I'm just not in a good mood. Right? Why? Because you took to heart what they said.
So Allah subhanaw taala tells us Prophet Wallah, your zoom cocobolo home.
In this path, there are many difficulties, especially coming from people.
And we have to bear the difficulties of this life in order to reach great heights, near Allah subhanaw taala. And for that we have to rise above the words of people, we have to rise above the criticism of people. And remember that the words of people cannot harm us. So don't get offended by every little thing that you hear. Don't get annoyed by every little question and every little comment. Because if we take things to heart, then we can never be happy.
So lay your Zune Kokkola home the prophets have a lot of centum even would get hurt, he would feel sad. But Allah subhanaw taala is telling him Don't be sad, how can you not feel sad? How
that you don't take what people say to you to heart. I mean, don't feel it too much to say whatever and move on. Don't take it too seriously. Don't take everything personally. You know, like some people no matter what you say, they'll get offended.
You mean something good, and they'll get offended. You're like, I'm scared to talk to them. They're ready to attack me. They're ready to get offended. They're just waiting to be hurt. Why? It's their mentality. It's their psychology, right? It's the way they interpret things. So what do you have to change your disposition?
You have to change the way you understand what people have said to you. We have to change the way we interpret what we see what we hear. And if we change our disposition, really, we can be the happiest people we can be. But if we don't change it, and we take things personally, every little thing, then who's going to suffer? Who's going to suffer? We're going to suffer.
So the wali of Allah, what does he remember? Okay, this has been set that has been said, Allah knows, he has his angels recorded everything. Allah knows the truth, and he will call people to account. Yes, it grieves you. Yes, it makes you sad, but do something at that time to relieve yourself of that anger and that frustration and what is one of the best ways what is one of the best ways to seek refuge with Allah first of all, from the evil triathlon, or the bIllahi min ash shaytani R gene, start remembering the blessings of Allah. So if somebody has said something that has really annoyed you, like for example, your mother even is criticizing the way you're doing
something. So at that time, remember all the good things that your mother has said to you before? All the words of encouragement and all the good things you don't like women. We learned from a hadith that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam warned women.
He warned women that many women
We'll be in hellfire. Why, on account of ingratitude to their husbands, they're ungrateful to their husbands. How that there she is living in her parents house for such a long time. And then eventually, what happens, she finds a husband, and he treats her well. And then one day, the poor guy is not able to do something. And she says to him, I've never seen anything good from you, you're such a loser.
That's what it means. Basically, you're such a failure, such a loser, I'm not impressed. You've never done anything good. You've always hurt me. You've always abused me, you've always used me really.
Whenever you feel frustrated, like this with your parents, or with your husband, and whoever started looking at your things and think about it, where did I get this from? And where did I get that from? Who gave me the money for this? Did I get it myself? Okay, even if I was working, who cooperated with me, so that I could work and I could make money and I could buy all this stuff for myself. There are so many good things that we receive from people, change your mentality change the way you think.
And you know what? Happy people are happy from inside.
They're happy from inside.
There's a TED Talk by Sam, something I don't remember his full name. But basically, this boy who died at the age of 17, he had a very serious disease, a genetic disease, which caused him to grow very old very quickly. Okay. And the title is Sam's
philosophy of happiness.
Sam's philosophy of happiness, please watch it. I'd love to show it to you here. But it's worth watching.
And I'm sure you can relate with this person. Because he's young, he was going to school. And he did so many things in his life. Why? Because he was happy from inside.
So layer hasn't gonna call home.
And if we start taking people's words to heart, we can never, ever be happy, every little word, every little text, every little message is going to bother us. And you know what? We're going to be left alone.
We're going to be left alone, we're not going to have any friends. Because every person home you know, there are times when they please you and there are times when they upset you. There is no person out there who's perfect. Who will always always treat you like a princess treat you like a queen. There's no one who's like that. Think about it. If you don't treat anybody like that. One day you treat your husband like he's a king and the other day you treat him like he's a nothing. One day you treat your parents like they're the best and another day you treat them as if they don't even exist. Right? So we do this because it's within human nature. No person is perfect. Every person
when we benefit from we also get hurt by them. So always look at the positive side, leave the negative, get over it, ignore it. Layer zuka Colome Let them say what they say. They market you they annoy you let them let the haters hate. And remember in Nellore is utterly legend era. Indeed all honor belongs to Allah. If somebody said something that annoyed us and we felt that we got humiliated because of what they said we it was so embarrassing.
So ask yourself, so what? Who am I?
They embarrassed me in public. So what? Who am I I'm only a person compare my size to the size of this earth? What am I mean, I think who am I? In these 20 million people who am I? I'm a nothing. I'm just a person. All honor belongs to who? Allah subhana wa Tada. And think about it. People say things which bother Allah subhanaw taala. Also, right? Allah subhanaw taala does not approve of those words that people say about him and tell me are they're not people saying that Allah has a son. Like almost all the time. Aren't they saying that? And this statement, it annoys Allah. He doesn't like the statement. He got so angry in South Korea, we learned together somewhere to yet
turn them into the skies. They would burst because Allah subhanaw taala gets so angry when people associate a child to him, but do we see all these things happen? Do we see the mountains crumbling and the sky? You know, bursting? Do we see that?
Allah subhanaw taala who deserves all honor? People say things that are not right about him. Aren't there people who insult God in general? Aren't there so many dirty jokes out there about God in general? Aren't there so many?
There's so many.
If people insult Allah subhanaw taala. Then whoever he is, they insult
Did us if they said something to hurt us to annoy us just remember in Nellore is utterly Lehi Jumeirah. Sometimes somebody has said something or somebody has done something to us because of which we feel our life has been messed up, our life got ruined.
Again remember in Mueller is utterly law he Jumeirah who has semi real Arlene, he is the hearing the knowing he has heard what people have said to you, and He knows how they've treated you what they've done to you, he knows. And he has a lot of reward for people who are patient for his sake. Allah unquestionably, in Manila, he indeed belongs to Allah Who manifest some allottee woman feel ugly, whoever that is in the heavens and whoever that is in the earth. Everyone in the skies in the earth belongs to
Allah, He is their Holic, their Creator, and he is their owner. He is their owner.
So what does it mean? Realize, Allah is all powerful over everybody. So no matter who someone is, no matter what they're saying to you, no matter how strong they are, and how powerful they are, always remember that Allah the greater is above them. So if he's your friend, what do you have to fear?
What do you have to fear? I remember this lady was telling me that she was the only sister of like three or four or five brothers. I don't know how many brothers but she was the only sister. And she was saying that when she was in school, obviously, she was very outgoing, very loud. And you can imagine such a girl, there will be many guys going after her in different ways. So she's like, anytime somebody would, you know, do something like to get my attention or like, you know, like, people, you know how guys behave sometimes around girls when they're seeking their attention? So she said, anytime I felt like that I would just call my brother or something. And that was it.
Everything would be taken care of.
Nobody would dare say anything to me. Do anything to me because I had brothers. And people knew I had brothers.
I had brothers so nobody, nobody there to hurt me.
Olia Allah, who do they have on their side? Allah soprano Turner.
Always remember whenever you feel weak, whenever you feel alone, whenever you feel threatened. Just remind yourself, this person was scaring me, Allah owns them.
And you know what, they can hurt me right now. But Allah subhanaw taala is not going to leave them.
That's like, you know, you get this confidence that you're not alone. Allah will protect you. And even if this person hurts you, Allah subhanaw taala allows them to hurt you now, what's going to happen in the hereafter? Are they going to continue like this forever this person? No.
The other day I read in the news that this man he raped and killed a baby girl of 11 months old.
Any I have read that and I was just shocked and this person is supposed to be executed.
And I don't know if he already got executed or he's supposed to within six months or something but the only person can do the most atrocious thing even to hurt others. But remember, Allah is above them. Allah is above them. Remember Allah in that Allah He man for some it woman fill ugly woman, a tibia or Levina. And those people do not follow which people Alladhina de Rouen him and dune in Lehi, those people who call upon others besides Allah, who do they call upon besides Allah Shadowcat partners meaning those whom they have associated with Allah as partners. What do they follow? Allah says, In yet the Verona they do not follow a law except a one the supposition.
They fear others, they love them, they adore them, they serve them, they worship them, but if you think about it, is it a fact? No. They associate partners with Allah. But these partners what do they own? Nothing. Who is the Owner of all Allah? subhanaw taala what power do these false partners up? Nothing. Were in whom? Illa who soon and they're only guessing. Yeah. How soon is from their letters hot Assad and here's his basically to estimate the quantity of fruit on a tree
estimate. So it's harvest time and what happens is this person, he goes in an orchard and he looks at a tree. Let's say it's an apple tree. And he says, Hmm, I think there's about 20 kilos of mangoes on this
eclipse does he have any way of proving it?
Have you ever seen some apples are heavy and other apples are light
Have you ever noticed that?
So if you just look at an apple, can you tell if it's heavy or light? Not necessarily. You can't tell. So if a person is looking at a tree and he says, I think there is about this many pounds, this many kilograms of fruit on this tree, what is that? A guess? It's as good as a lie. Right? So what inhome ilaya Russophone all these false gods on they rely upon? They're just guessing. So all you who believe in Allah
have trust upon Allah. He's real. How could you not have confidence in him? Who won lottery he is the one who journaler co who has made for you a Leila the night? Why is he made for you the night? Why didn't he just give us light? 24 hours?
Why did he make the night later school fee so that you obtain rest in it? You can get some rest in it that's going on from second to come to rest. Because you know what, when night falls, when it becomes dark outside? What happens automatically? What happens automatically, you just start feeling it's time to go to bed. Which is why when the days are much longer even if McConnell was at nine o'clock we feel fresh. We're like, Yeah, we have to do something. We wait for the night to happen. And when the night happens, we're like, oh my god, it's 930 it's 10 o'clock. It's so late. So why has he made the night latest goofy one Hara and the day he has made mobile slaw, one giving light
mobile sleep baths all throughout the photo to see mobster one that gives light. So, he has made the day in order to give light to us why so that we can see everything. Notice over here the night he has described it with what with what we can do in the night and what is that rest? And the day he has described it with what with its characteristic that it is one that enlightens why so that the other half we use our own mind and see that in the day when we can see everything what should we be doing? Sleeping
with the shutters down? Yeah, sleeping the day off.
Be wise in the Fidelia Can I add indeed in that are surely signs Leetonia smartphone for people who listen attentively, who pay attention to what is being said? who reflect who pay heed ALU they said it the whole Allahu Allah. Allah has a child Subhana who glorified a Z. What is he going to do with a child who Allah need us rich? He doesn't need a child, the Houma for Sama, what do you wanna fill out to Him belongs whatever is in the heavens, and whatever that is in the earth. He doesn't need a child. They see his story, and yet they associate partners with him. They ascribe weakness to him. He is the owner of all he doesn't need a child. He has all powers. What is he going to do with a
child who needs a child? Who needs a child? Someone who's weak, right? But Allah subhanaw taala is all perfect. In there in the comments Alton and behalf in not in the come with you mental fun and any proof behind that for this, you have no evidence for this. And so don also means authority. You have no authority to make this claim. Who do you think you are? To say that Allah has a child? What evidence do you have? What proof do you have? What authority do you have to say such a thing about Allah? A Taku? Luna? Are you saying Allah Allah He about Allah? May Allah Tala Moon would you do not know? Think about it about an ordinary person. Let's say there's a friend of yours. She came one day
to your house and some relative of yours, they saw your friend. And then once your friend goals, let's say your father returns and this relative of yours starts talking about your friend to your father, and says, you know, this friend of your daughter's she's from this country? And you're like, No.
She's like, well, isn't her skin like this? So she must be from that country? Like, No. Who's that she's from that country. You'd like people to just assume things and they start talking without any proof.
And they will just assume about others that oh, she must have been a refugee and she must have been this and she must have been the start describing them. You're like No, who said Who told you? What are you talking about?
If somebody starts describing your friend in that way, what will you think about this individual?
Wow, they're so knowledgeable.
Yeah. Are you gonna say, Wow, they're so observant. What are you going to say? Oh my god. How foolish could they be? Right? If somebody is talking about another without knowledge, instantly they fall in your eyes instantly.
And people talk about Allah subhanaw taala without knowledge and they think it's okay. And they speak with so much confidence called
We'll say in Alladhina if Toluna Allah Allah he'll cut it those people who fabricate lies about Allah lay you flee, how they will never be successful. They can never be successful. They're just getting respite right now. Allah subhanaw taala lets them live. So they keep lying. And they keep ascribing lies to Allah. But in the long run, they will never be successful. Mata on Fifth dunya for them as a brief enjoyment in this life in this world, what they're having right now what they're enjoying right now is just a matar temporary for dunya in the world. So my Elena Magiera home, then to us will be their return. When when they returned to Allah what will happen some money vehicle
formula they have a Shalida then we will make them test the severe punishment. Why be mad Can we ask for own because they used to disbelieve.
We usually measure the correctness of someone based on their worldly success. If they have everything they must be right. But what do we learn here? That if somebody is doing something wrong saying something wrong, and yet they have it all, it's just a respite? It's just a matar. Sooner or later this will end? Every one will return to Allah and that is where the real consequences will be? What do I lay him and recite to them never anew? The story of New Orleans, Suriname, the first people who committed ship were who the people of New Orleans salaam, it is said that between Adam or Sam, a new artist, Anna, there was a time of 1000 years, how long 1000 years, in a hadith we learn,
which is authenticated by Giovanni, he said, Adam or his salaam was a prophet who was spoken to directly by Allah. And there were between him and no 10 centuries.
10 centuries, how much is a century?
100 years, so 10 centuries would mean how many years? 1000 years. So there were 1000 years between Adam and Noah. And for these first 1000 years of human existence, there was no shit. And then gradually graduated was coming, but it wasn't being done. I mean, the way she is, you know, when it spreads. So, then Allah subhanaw taala sent new harness around to warn the people and you know, that know her lesson and he warned them, he did Dawa to them for almost 1000 years, right. But what was the response that he received? People were annoyed? They didn't want to listen to him? In truth, no, we learned that people would put their fingers in their ears.
Every time No, hey, listen, I will do that. Or they'll put fingers in your ears. They would cover themselves up with their clouds, like Oh, go away. We don't want to hear you. They would avoid him. They didn't want to listen to him. He would call them secretly privately one on one and you know in a public gathering also, he would call them in every way. But they didn't want to listen.
If Connolly called me he when he said to his people Yeah, call me all my people. In Canada, if it is coupled are Eleiko very big on you. Meaning you can't take this anymore. What Mikami my MACOM? What a pity and my third key to be ayatullah with the Ayat of Allah do things that I do and you can't bear it anymore. What two things are there? First of all, McCombe what is my composition? The place of standing in the position of Prophethood that Allah has given me are my standing amongst you, warning you reminding you teaching you you can't bear that anymore? You can't bear me. You don't want to see me anymore. What does Katie and the fact that I remind you, I remind you of the Ayat of
Allah. You don't want to know me you don't want to hear me you want to get rid of me basically. Then feral Allah hito Acle to then upon Allah I rely meaning I don't fear you
I don't fear you for a Jimmy who I'm gonna come so go ahead and gather your a Jimmy Rue gather collect what should you gather I'm going to call your matter meaning how you're going to finish me how you're going to hurt me how you're going to kill me whatever you want to do. Go ahead get together and plan something for engineer who I'm gonna call Marshall aka Coleman also your partner's Meaning seek the help of you know these gods of yours. Go ahead seek their help Therma then lay a con American your matter should not be our lay come upon you Aluma obscurity Luma is from the letters Lane me me command was also use for a cloud. Now when it's very cloudy, what happens? What
happens it becomes gloomy and dark. Right? So when things are dark, they're unclear. So what gives meaning of secrecy obscurity, meaning, don't keep it as a secret plan. rather keep it open. Go ahead, publicly oppose me publicly try to come up with something to hurt me. Go ahead. Don't hide it from me. Because you see it
Many people what they do is when they're trying to hurt someone, they try to make a secret plan. And if they do it openly, What message are they giving to the person, we don't have any fear of you. We can do whatever we want to. So he says, So Malaya can Amukamara they come home from Makalu Ilya and then when you've made all this plan, go ahead and open to carry it out a layer to meet meaning on me what are two loony and don't give me any respite? Basically new heart Islam is challenging them. You want to get rid of me, you're sick and tired of me. You don't want to hear me anymore. Go ahead. Make a plan to get rid of me and seek the help of your idols. And don't even you know, do it
secretly? Do it openly. Do it with full confidence without any fear. And don't give me any respite. Don't delay, do it. Go ahead and hurt me.
What does it show the confidence of this prophet how confident he was because only a person was 100% Confident can give such a challenge. If a person has even the slightest doubt, he cannot give such a challenge. He said for intoa. Latham and if you turn away from Sol to Cummins engine, if you don't listen to me, then you know what, I'm not asking you for any reward anyway. It's like you're trying to sell something to someone and they don't buy it. So are you going to lose something? Yeah, of course, you're gonna lose the profit, you're gonna lose the commission. Right? So you want to make sure that you find a buyer. You want to make sure that you know you find somebody to buy that off of
you. But he says over here, if you turn away, I'm not asking you for anything anyway. Meaning I have nothing to lose. If you don't listen, I have nothing to lose in Algeria. Illa Allah Allah my reward is only about Allah. Meaning what can you give me anyway? I don't need anything from you. were omitted to an iOS commanded an akuna minal muslimeen, that I should be of those who surrender to Allah. So if I'm warning you, if I'm reminding you, and you want to get rid of me, you're annoyed, super annoyed. Remember, I'm not doing this to call you to myself. I'm doing this in submission to Allah. So what happened for caribou so they denied him for a J now, but Allah saved him? Well, my
mom will feel full key and whoever was with him in the ship what your allow him and we made them who the people who denied new Hyundai Santa holla if color if as a Florida Califa successors those who come in generations, meaning it was the people who believed the new harness and and were very few it said there were about 80 people, can you imagine? 900 years only 80 people. So only those were saved and the rest of the people destroyed in the great flood.
And these 80 people whom Allah say they became the successors of the earth mean the rest of humanity came from their children. This is why new hairless and M is also known as Adam authentic. Whoa, rockin Alladhina Kedah will be a Tina and we cause to drown those people who denied our fumbles. Oh, look, okay, for Kona people wondering, how is the consequence of those people who were warned? How was your consequence? Did their money help them? Did their things help them? Nothing. So new Harlesden was a first messenger ad the murderer Sam was the first prophet, a new artist and I was the first messenger and if he was opposed in this way, what does that mean that every messenger who
would come after him would face something very similar. So after the story of new halozyme, many other stories are mentioned which inshallah we will learn in our next lesson. And what is the primary lesson in all of this, that the person who is calling others to Allah, he should be confident? And this confidence begins from what Amen in Allah and when a person will have Eman and Allah He better rely on him. He better take him as his friend. He better take him as a support. Only then he will be successful. esthetician
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