Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P11 115C Tafsir Yunus 57-58

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The speakers discuss the importance of guidance and guidance from the Lord, avoiding bad advice, finding one's own success in life, finding one's own happiness, reciting the Quran, and setting goals for the day. They stress the need for treatment for heart issues, anxiety, and respiratory infections, and the importance of finding one's own success in life and finding one's own happiness. The speakers also emphasize the importance of setting goals and sharing information on the internet to improve memory.

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			So Allah says here you have all mankind, for the outcome. Certainly it has come to you Marilla to
never become an admonition from your Lord. And advice and instruction has come to you from your
Lord. But it's not just Imola. It's not just an advice and instruction. It is also what she felt and
a cure Lima for sudo for that which is in the chests. It is a moment Allah. Secondly, it's Schiefer
Thirdly, what who then and guidance? Fourthly, voila, mutton and mercy? Lily? mean, it's a message
sent to a NAS Allah says, Yeah, are you a nurse? But at the end, who has mentioned the believers,
because the Quran Allah has sent to all people for their guidance and benefit? But who is it that
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			truly derives benefit? Guidance and mercy from this book? Who? Al macmini? Who then warahmatu,
little mini, four characteristics of the Quran are mentioned, first of all, Marilla what is more
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			What's the root?
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			Well, are you law world?
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			to advise someone? Have you ever been advised by anybody?
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			No, come on, there are people giving free advice all the time, whether you ask for it or not,
they're willing to advise you as if they have done masters in that, you know, issue that you're
dealing with.
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			So some people when they advise you, what happens? You're like, Thank you. No, thanks. Thanks. But
no, thanks. Right. Thank you for talking to me, but and you're like, yeah, maybe I'll try it. But
then what happens afterwards, their advice, it doesn't benefit you. Doesn't matter if it you. And
there are other people who don't advise you for a very long time, they just tell you one thing, two
things, and you take it to heart, like it just strikes you in your heart. It's like somebody just
punched you there and knocked you in your senses?
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			Doesn't it happen? What's the difference over there?
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			What's the difference?
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			One was effective, and the other was not effective. What made one effective and not the other? Yes.
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			Okay, so who gave the advice that makes a difference, if it's your, but someone you really look up
to you admire and they talk to you, they advise you in some manner, you take them very seriously.
And if it's a person that you do not like, and they start lecturing you, then you can't even recall
what they told you. Yes.
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			In how they spoke to you, and how they conveyed it to you, and how they advised you. So for example,
if someone is talking to you, but it's like, they're just going off at you, they're like yelling and
yelling at you, and you're just waiting for them to stop. You're scared, they're gonna hit you.
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			Alright, so you don't really pay attention to what they're saying.
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			And on the other hand, is a person who's talking to you, but in a tone that is effective, that you
feel as if yes, they are communicating with you. Yes.
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			Okay, so some people through their words, you can tell that they want the best for you. And other
people, you know that they're just pretending to be nice towards you. There's a difference, right?
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			Okay, one person is talking to you about relevant things, relevant examples. And yeah, it makes
sense to you. And the other person is talking about things that you can't even imagine in your head.
You're like, this is not realistic. What are you telling me to do? I can't do it. So there is a
difference, right? So what is Motorola? Motorola is such a device that is effective,
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			that is effective, what makes it effective? What makes it effective, the fact that first of all,
there's something good in it. I mean, what you're being told makes sense. It is something good,
you're being invited to claim, you're being invited to do that, which is going to benefit you. And
you're being told to avoid that which is going to harm you. Right? Like for example, if your head is
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			and one person tells you lie down, you have like severe sinus issues and your head is hurting and
one person tells you, You know what, just lie down, you're like, Are you crazy, if I lie down, my
head is going to hurt even more.
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			And another person tells you don't lie down, try to walk around a little bit, have some warranty,
maybe get some steam in. Don't watch this television right now because it's going to hurt your eyes
and aggravate your headache. So their advice, you're ready to accept it? Why? Because they're
telling you to do something that is good. And they're telling you to keep away from something that's
going to hurt you. That's going to aggravate your situation. So the Quran is Mo Illa. Why? Because
the Quran calls us to what? Right? And if it stops us from anything, why does it
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			tacos from it because it is short for us. It's logical, it makes sense. Anything good. I mean, in
the Quran, we learn whoever does a good deed, he will have 10 times it's like, that's memorable.
Right? And a person who does evil, you will have to see it. That's also Marilla. That kind of scares
you. Okay. Secondly, moreover, so what is my really effective advice that first of all?
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			Why does it affect you, because it calls you to hide stops you from shock. Secondly, it is done with
well wishing meaning through the words, you can see that yes, this person wants the best for me.
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			Somebody writes you an email, and there's like personal attacks on your mistakes and on your
character and on your past. And even if they're telling you to do something, you become very, you
know, defensive, you're like, No, I'm not gonna do this. I'm not going to do that. Who are they to
tell me? Right? Because you feel as if you're being attacked. But when a person reads the Quran,
yes, there's warning but there's also so much encouragement. Right? The names of Allah the
attributes of Allah that are mentioned, I mean, they fill our hearts with love for Allah subhanaw
taala even if there is fear, that fear is a good kind, right, a fear so that we can be careful to
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			that we can be closer to Allah subhana dawn. So the words of the Quran, the language of the Quran,
the instruction in the Quran, I mean, it shows that Allah subhanaw taala wants the best for us,
because if he did not want the best for us, and this Quran will be full of what negative things, you
know, promises of punishment, and no forgiveness and no acceptance of Toba. I mean, we just studied
through the Toba. And what did we see? Every group of people no matter what they've done, what is
mentioned here total, if they do tell them if they do tell them. So what does it show? Allah
subhanaw taala really wants the best for us. And when you feel that somebody wants the best for you,
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			then you take what they say to heart. Thirdly, it is more or less advice that is given in a manner
that is hard softening. I mean, it touches your heart. It touches your heart.
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			Like for example, in the Quran, there's a lot of encouragement to do so a lot of encouragement to do
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			And what do we read, that Allah does not waste the reward of those who do airson? Right. So when you
read that Allah does not waste the reward of those who do Ersan I mean, that manner, that style, it
really touches your heart. So no matter how difficult it is to do your sin, you're willing to do it.
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			then fourthly, Marilla is also such instruction, such advice in which there is both encouragement
and warning, encouragement and warning. So like in the Quran, you read about Jana, and immediately
after you read about hellfire, just a couple of verses ago, we learned about the people whose faces
will be bright. And the people whose faces will be full of gloom and darkness, right. So there is
both there's balance, you see both sides, it opens your mind because things are known by their
opposites. If somebody tells you, you know, drink water,
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			just drink it, you will feel good. It's good for you. You're like, but I'm not thirsty. I don't
enjoy drinking water. I like drinking juice and tea, but I don't enjoy drinking water. So they
encourage you, but if they keep encouraging and they keep asking you did you drink? Did you drink
it? You know, make sure you drink eight glasses. Even if your stomach is like exploding, make sure
you drink eight glasses. You're like Please stop it. I know you want that for me. But please don't
tell me but if they tell you the other side of not drinking water.
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			Then what happens? They don't need to remind you, you just do it yourself. So in the Quran, you see
this balance both sides are shown to us. Jana is explained now is explained.
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			Right? Our hearts are filled with fear and also with hope. So the Quran is Mo Allah, Allah says are
the jab at como ella Mila become a moment Allah has come to you from your Lord. So if the smaller
Allah has come, what should you do?
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			beautiful cover.
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			Very nice.
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			Not that heavy either. I think it look good on my shelf.
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			That's what we do with the Quran right? We go to the store and we compare the weight of the Quran
and the size of the Quran and the script and the beauty. That's what we do
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			is that what should be done with the Marilla what should be done?
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			What should be done? It should be used should be understood it should be applied for the jadco
morellato. Middle of become. No sometimes we really we are in need of advice, aren't we? There are
many times in our lives that
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			We are in need of advice. Should I study this? Or should I study that? Should I take this course? Or
should I take that course? Should I take five courses? Or should I take eight courses?
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			Should I do it this year? Should I do it next year? Or should I not do it at all? So, you think in
your head, but then you take the advice of others also, isn't it? We take the advice of others. So
the Quran is most of it is advice.
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			And if you don't take that advice, you're gonna hurt yourself. You know, like in school, you have
counselors, do you? What do those counselors do? What is their job?
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			What is their job? To give us advice about what?
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			What courses we should take? Right? You talk to them about your goals, what you want to do what you
want to study. So they tell you make sure you study this, and this and this. Are there any other
matters in which they advise you?
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			Any other matters? Yes.
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			If you're going through some difficulties in your school with certain people, or at home, even you
can speak to them about it. Right? But if let's say there is a student who says, Yeah, you know
what, I want to go to med school. And I don't really enjoy biology. So I'm not going to take any
biology courses in high school. I'm just going to stick to you know, math and accounting and English
and so on and so forth. And then when they are trying to apply to med school, they find out that
they are not eligible. So they like but nobody told me. Like, really, these counselors were there.
Why didn't you go every time they called you, you ignored them as if they knew nothing.
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			You treated them as if they knew nothing, every appointment that you had, you didn't show up? You
didn't even bother to make an appointment. Whose fault is it?
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			It's that person's fault, right? Because the moment Allah is there, the advice is there we go, here
we run after people. Please tell me what to do you tell me what to do. Can you advise me on this
matter? Where's the advice? Where's the instruction? In the Quran? Open the Quran read it reflected
a jab at Como Illa tomura become secondary Shiva. What is your
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			cure? What is the cure? That when you're suffering from an illness, you need something to fix you.
Right? There is an imbalance in your body. So you need a treatment to fix that. Whether that
imbalances in your blood sugar levels, or whatever it may be, there's an imbalance. So you need some
kind of treatment. Now tell me are our lives perfect? Hearts? My feels so good. My first blood is
basically the heart right? Is our heart perfect. It's perfectly balanced.
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			We don't hate somebody too much. And we're not jealous of anybody. And we just love everybody. And
we're just always truthful. Are there issues in our heart? Okay, can you say that? Yes, I had issues
five years ago, but today, you know, I'm perfectly fine. No. Do you ever become physically perfectly
fine? No, you get over a cold. And then you start having another issue. You deal with one issue. And
then there's some other issue. Right? So then what do you need? You say, Come on, I took a whole
antibiotic course for bronchitis last year. Why do I have bronchitis again? I mean, you have it. So
you have to take the medication again. Right? So then she found that is something that you are in
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			need of every time you fall ill
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			is that
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			every time you fall ill do you need Shiva. Even if you did that medication five years ago for the
same illness.
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			Are you going to take it again? Yes. Because that was then and now is now. So likewise, because
we're human beings, we're always having issues in our hearts. Sometimes our heart is full of love
for somebody and then turns into 100 and then turns into jealousy. And then we have issues. There's
always one thing or the other. So what do we need? Chifa? Because how can you live a miserable life?
Come on. It's like a person who's sick in their body.
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			They're sick in their body, they're aching, they're hurting, they're bleeding. They have infection.
And they're like, You know what, I don't like medications. I don't like going through treatment. Is
that a good way of living?
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			Is that a good way of living that your head is constantly hurting and you're not doing anything
about it? Your hands are aching for the past two years and you haven't done anything about it. Who's
to blame? You're to blame. And remember that disease if it's not cured, what happens? It girls it
spreads. So what do we need treatment? Right? So the Quran is shifa for that which is in the heart
for the
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			diseases of the heart for the doubts which are in the heart for the imbalance of the heart. Remember
that the diseases of the heart are basically two kinds, one Shibu hat and secondly Shahabad Shibu,
Hathor what delts and Shaohua what desires two kinds of diseases mainly. So doubts meaning Eman is
not at the level where it should be.
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			A man is not at the level where it should be a person is not certain that yes, this is really good
for me. Second, Nisha, however, desires, whether it is the desire for money because of which a
person is feeling jealous, or it is the desire for a particular person, because of which they have
an imbalance, so, they forget their prayers, and they forget Allah subhanaw taala and they're just
lost in that person. It's that desire to get attention, because which a person is constantly
concerned about their physical appearance before others, and they're spending hours and hours
decorating their body. It's Shaohua there's an imbalance, right? So there's two kinds of diseases
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			Shubho hot and Shaohua. And the Quran is a cure for both. The Quran is a cure for both how, if you
have doubt, the Quran does it. Remove your doubts? Yes, gives you proofs gives you evidence removes
your doubts. If you have desires that you're not able to control whether it is your sleep, do we
have sleep issues? Big time?
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			Do we have eating issues? Yes, extremes. Right? Do we have problems with anger? And jealousy? Yes.
So the Quran is a cure for all of that.
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			I was just thinking that when you're trying to have a medication or an antibiotic too much, your
body starts developing superbugs towards it. So you need more and more and more every time. So we
need to develop a superbug towards the Quran that will be more and more and we ask that you can't
ever have enough of it. Need a stronger dose, you need to spend more and more and more time with the
Quran. Spending a little bit of time five years ago is not sufficient. Spending a little bit of time
on the weekends is not enough. You see for any medication to affect you what is necessary. The first
of all, you take it, you take it because many people what they do is they go to the doctor doctor
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			gives a prescription they go get the prescription, and then what happens the medication just sits on
the counter. Like I did my job by buying this medication for 50 bucks. Did you go to the doctor?
Yes, I did. What happened? You know, they gave me a prescription. Did you take it? Not yet? So the
Quran is there, but do we use it? No. The advice is there? Do we benefit from it? Always.
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			Then, the second thing is that when you're using it, use it properly, consistently. You know, like
if there's a medication, you have to take a dose in the morning a dose in the evening, and there are
certain instructions that you're given to follow while taking that medication, you have to follow
them. And if you don't follow them, is it going to affect you? It's good has nothing.
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			It's good has nothing. Because if you have to take a medication, fasting first thing in the morning
without having had anything before it, and you're like, No, I can't do it like that. I'm going to
have my breakfast first, and then I'm going to take this medication, is it going to affect you know,
it's like you missed it completely. If you missed your morning dose, and you missed your evening
dose, you didn't take it consistently? Is it going to help you? It can make you more sick, it's not
going to help you, you're going to do something.
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			Exactly. It's a manual, and you have to follow all the instructions. Let me give you an example. You
ever bought anything from IKEA?
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			Okay, so then what happened? When you open the box, there was a whole, you know, setup instructions.
And you're like, whatever. I'm just gonna do it my way. So you start, and then you make you put a
table together and you're like, but why is it so wobbly? And how come I can't get this to work
properly and that to work properly? So then, what do you realize you should have followed the
instructions? Right? Likewise, it says, Use this crew, not this screw and you're like, whatever.
It's just a screw. And you take any screw? Is it gonna work? No, it's not going to work. Every step
is so essential, so important. You can't skip it. You cannot ignore it. Book will earn is she fair.
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			But she felt for whom for those who are willing to take it for those who are willing to use it for
those who are willing to apply it in the right way. For those who consistently benefit from it,
regularly benefit from it and in all the ways that you're supposed to. So for example, for a
particular disease, you're told take this oral medication and also apply this cream and you're like,
you know what, I'm going to buy the kit but I'm not going to take the oral medication. Are you going
to get better soon? No
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			Are you going to recover completely? Perhaps not. So likewise the Quran, some people think Shiva is
just reading with Yacine, everyday utility I seem, you'll be fine. You read this surah that sort of
every night, you'll never suffer from poverty, your heart will always be clean. But then what
happens? They're having issues with their mother in law, and they're having issues with their, you
know, daughter in law, and their husband lost their job. And they're like, come on, I've been
reciting the sutra for 10 years, every night. And I heard that if you recite this with every night,
you'll never suffer from poverty. What's going on? Some people think just reflecting the meanings.
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			If you're reflecting on the meaning, studying the meaning of the Quran, that's good. But is it
enough? No, remember, the Quran has many rights. You believe in it, you recite it, you understand
it, you apply it, you convey it. And if you're not doing all of these, you cannot benefit from the
Quran fully.
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			You'll get partial benefit. And you know that sometimes when you get partial benefit from something,
it does more harm than good. So a person might say, You know what, since I've started studying the
Quran, you know, I'm just having so many issues,
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			you need to do something else as well that you're not paying attention to. It is Schufa on the
matters. So do
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			one more thing. Math is so do what is in the chest, mainly the heart, right? Because this entire
chest what's in the center of it? What is it protecting? I mean, think about how the heart is so
perfectly protected from everywhere. Right? But besides the heart, what else is there in the chest?
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			On your right, and on your left? Inside your ribs? What is it your lungs? And what do you do with
your lungs? You breathe?
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			Now, when you breathe, what happens when you breathe properly?
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			When you breathe, good air clean air and you do your breathing exercise? What does it do?
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			Hmm, does it calm you down? It does calm you down. What else? When you breathe in properly, oxygen
is taken in. Now what's going to happen it's going to enter your bloodstream and it's going to
freshen you up. Right? There's so many other benefits. You all know off. When you recite the Quran,
like recite it, like in touch with class, imagine your teacher sitting in front of you and to
standing you recite. And if you don't see the sod property like trying. And if you don't see the Eat
properly, like try again. And if you don't do the mud properly, then try again. And if you stop at
every word that I try again, read the whole eye on one breath, stop at the right place. Do not have
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			to use your lungs like crazy, don't you? You do. But then the more you struggled to recite the
Quran, it heals you. It has a physical effect also benefit. So she felt when the map was sawed off.
It's a cure at so many levels in so many ways. So all people it has come to you benefit from it.
It's a guidance with our Ramadan and a mercy mean for the believers called se before we lay because
of this fuddle of Allah, this grace, this favor, what favor this Quran that Allah has given you.
That is not just something that you should beautify your voices with but you should benefit from it
heal yourself with it. Because of this fumble of Allah will be Rama de and His mercy. What Rama what
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			mercy, this Quran. But it's not just a scripture that tells you right and wrong. But it benefits
you, it heals you, makes you a better person, because of this grace and this mercy for be there,
Erica Leo, for who because of that they should be happy, they should rejoice. And if you're happy
about something, you can't just possess a copy and put it away. If you're happy about having
something like you're happy about your phone that you just got, then what happens? What happens? You
leave it in the kitchen and you forget about it. You put it in your pocket and it's there in your
pocket for the whole day. What happens if you're really happy about having something even when you
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			don't need it? You pull it out? Right? Even if you don't even if there's no message or anything you
still open it? Why? Because you're happy about having it so you're constantly pulled towards it.
This Quran you should be happy about.
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			And imagine if we refer to the Quran, the way we refer to our phone, and the way we refer to Google.
Just imagine for the Danika Lea for who who are higher on it is better manage my own than all that
the people gather.
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			What is it that we collect? What do we gather?
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			stuff, things.
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			isn't it? Views
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			That's what we like to gather. So something tangible or intangible something in the social media
world or the real world that we're living in whatever it may be, whatever we like to gather, why do
we gather? Why do we collect things?
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			Why do we collect things? And some people go to the point of hoarding to the point that they're
buried in their own things, but they're not willing to give them up? Why is it that people gather
collect things? What's the psychology behind that?
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			It's a source of comfort. Because you like it, you want to have more of it, when you have more of it
when you have it before you it makes you happy? Yes.
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			Okay, it's like a distracts you from your problems in life. Okay.
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			Attachments. Okay. Same thing. You like it, your Yeah.
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			You think you need it?
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			You think you need it, it's to have that sense of security.
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			You have, let's say, doo doo recovers for your blanket. Okay. And you find a new one, and you get
it. And then you see another new one, and you get it. And then you see another new one, and you get
it. And now you have like six or seven? And the two that you had initially, you don't hardly ever
use them? Hardly, because they're faded. They've got a stain on it. You don't like the pattern
anymore? But still, we don't give it away. Why? What if I need it? What if I need it? You know, it's
good to have a variety. You know, if you're bored of blue collar, you can have pink and if you're
bored of purple, you can have green, it's good to have a variety, right? So we collect things to
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			have the sense of security, I have it, I'll be fine. And if I don't have it, I'm not going to be
fine. But these things, the things of this world that we gather, do they really give us a sense of
security. If we think that they are securing us, they're making us happy, we're actually deceiving
ourselves. Because more than happiness, they bring us stress. And they bring us problems, and they
bring us misery how now you have six duvet covers, and you're like, my closet, linen closet is not
big enough.
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			It's about time we move into a bigger house.
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			What is my father going to get it?
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			When is he going to understand that we need a bigger space? Why doesn't he understand?
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			This is not fair. Why is Reba haram? Why can I just live on my own? When am I going to get married
and have my own place?
00:27:36 --> 00:27:40
			Where are all those good Islamic guys? How come I'm not getting married?
00:27:41 --> 00:27:46
			I'm 19 already not receive a single proposal what's going on with that ugly?
00:27:47 --> 00:27:52
			Do I not dress nicely, I think I need to go shopping, I need to learn how to do makeup.
00:27:53 --> 00:28:30
			I need to make more friends I need to socialize, you see where it started from having extra linens
that you don't need. And it made you worried about a dozen problems. Right. And then when you have
your new duvet cover on your bed and your nephew comes over and he's running about running around
the house with ketchup hands, to keep away, keep away, keep away and you yell at him. And you're
stressed out just gonna touch my bed, he's gonna touch my carpets and touch my wall, it's gonna ruin
it. The things of this world, no matter how many we have, they bring us a set of problems with them.
00:28:31 --> 00:28:42
			They can never be the source of happiness, they can be the source of stress, but not happiness and
so much stress that you don't know what to do with all these things that you've been hoarding.
00:28:43 --> 00:28:56
			Right? What does Allah say the Quran, who are hiring and managing it is better than all that people
can collect. So please ask yourself, how much of the Quran have I collected in my heart?
00:28:57 --> 00:29:00
			How much of the Quran have I collected in my heart?
00:29:01 --> 00:29:09
			Because if I have this Quran with me, it will be with me no matter what situation I'm in, because
it's in my heart.
00:29:10 --> 00:29:47
			Right? There were scholars of the past who would be jailed for years and years, but they weren't
depressed. Why? Because they had the Quran with them. They weren't allowed to read or write even.
But they were happy. Why? Because they had the Quran in their heart. When a person goes to the
grave, what is it that's going to benefit and what is it that's going to shield him his recitation
of the Quran is going to shield him from the punishment of of the grave. On the Day of Judgment when
there is no shade, except the shade that Allah subhanaw taala provides to people, some people who
recite Surah Al Baqarah Surah earlier in one day will be given shade under what as the Rowan, two
00:29:47 --> 00:29:49
			clouds or two shades.
00:29:50 --> 00:29:53
			Imagine it will provide them shade on the Day of Judgment.
00:29:55 --> 00:30:00
			When a person arrives at Paradise, the gates are opened. He enters he used to
00:30:00 --> 00:30:21
			Will it cut up or duck? Read and crime read and keep going higher and higher the way you used to
recite the Quran in your worldly life? Who will hire me my GMAT is better than all that people
gather. So let's ask ourselves, what are my goals? When it comes to the Quran? What do I want to
take from the Quran?
00:30:23 --> 00:30:25
			Is that just that I want to know the meaning?
00:30:27 --> 00:30:31
			Or is it just that I want to know a few soldiers that I can recite in my salah? And that's
00:30:33 --> 00:30:42
			What's my goal when it comes to the Quran? How much of this Quran do I want to gather? How much of
this Quran do I want to collect?
00:30:43 --> 00:30:52
			Because if a person has this treasure that He's the richest, really, he is the richest. He will be
the happiest
00:30:53 --> 00:31:02
			he will be the most content because Allah be decree lagging that my inner core loop and what's the
best form of the curve Allah? The Quran?
00:31:03 --> 00:31:10
			May Allah subhanaw taala make all of us all the little Quran a handle Quran
00:31:11 --> 00:31:25
			not just people who think there are no Quran because I read Quran every weekend. But people who are
truly adult Quran because they have a good strong relationship with the Quran that is consistent
presentation. What is
00:31:26 --> 00:31:30
			B Ohnaka help own mo will
00:31:31 --> 00:31:33
			be me.
00:31:35 --> 00:31:37
			I have one
00:31:40 --> 00:31:40
00:31:41 --> 00:31:46
			be more GZ was
00:31:48 --> 00:31:55
			cool enough see you Matt Murphy on lean after that being well as
00:32:03 --> 00:32:05
			well only been
00:32:06 --> 00:32:08
			been up for a while one home
00:32:15 --> 00:32:16
00:32:19 --> 00:32:20
			Santa Fe one
00:32:26 --> 00:32:27
			the law he helped
00:32:36 --> 00:32:40
			who are Yoshi? Why you need to La he took down?
00:32:44 --> 00:32:44
00:32:46 --> 00:32:47
00:32:53 --> 00:32:54
			want to
00:32:55 --> 00:32:57
			be Kimochi?
00:32:59 --> 00:33:02
			Lima voodoo, who the
00:33:03 --> 00:33:03
			one who
00:33:05 --> 00:33:05
00:33:07 --> 00:33:15
			me will be fumbling. He won't be mad at me for the
00:33:16 --> 00:33:18
			401 for you.
00:33:25 --> 00:34:05
			I asked you a question. Do you know why people collect things? Why people hoard things? Have you
ever seen that TV show hoarders? No, seriously, you guys don't watch TV. Okay, hard to believe. But
any video, any video clip that talks about or that shows people who hoard who collect too many
things, and then they're unable to deal with all that stuff. And many people they're disgusted by
it, they are repulsed by it. They look down on people who collect things which are beyond their
ability to manage. And people think that their lives must be really messed up, which is why they are
living this way.
00:34:06 --> 00:34:53
			I watched this short clip. And I found out that the reason why people collect things they hoard they
don't even get rid of garbage is because there's always this hole in their life, which they're
trying to fill up with stuff. There's always something in their life which is missing. They have
been hurt, or they have lost a loved one or they have failed in something or they had high hopes
which they were never able to fulfill. And as a result of that, what happens is that they start
filling their house or their space with stuff and they think that perhaps one day these things are
going to help them or perhaps one day they will be able to sell these things and make a lot of money
00:34:53 --> 00:34:59
			or they might need those things. So which is why even plastic bottles they don't throw away and
their house
00:35:00 --> 00:35:45
			As will be filled up literally with trash, they're not able to find the things that they need. And
which is why they will go and buy more. And it happens in every class of people, even the elite,
people who are very well off, even they're sometimes hoard a lot. There was a short video clip about
this woman who lived in a very upper class area. And her house was basically full of shoes. It was
full, literally full of shoes. Why? Because she would work, make money and go shop shop, and then
work some more, make more money, and then shop shop shop. And then again, work more make money and
the cycle, it just continued.
00:35:46 --> 00:36:29
			Now, this is an extreme example, right? But this extreme example is also not rare. It's becoming
quite common. It's like a disease that is spreading amongst people of wealthy countries, right? That
they have a lot of stuff, and they want more, and they're not satisfied. In fact, that stuff, it
makes them isolated, it makes them antisocial. They don't mingle much with people. Because
obviously, if you make friends with people, that means that you have to go over or have them over.
And they don't want to do that. So they don't make much friendships, right. They don't socialize
much. And they live isolated, guilty lives, and they're not confident anymore. Alright, it's like as
00:36:29 --> 00:36:36
			if they're living a double life, that this is an extreme example, but like I said to you earlier,
this is becoming quite common.
00:36:37 --> 00:37:22
			We see that people love to collect things. They have a little bit and they want even more, they're
not satisfied. Why? Because like it was mentioned that there's always a whole there's always
something missing. Right? That we want to make up with tangible things. There's always a loss of
loved ones some grief, you know, some failure in life because of which people do this. Now, what's
the answer? What does Allah subhanaw taala? Tell us in these if that what is the best thing that
people could collect? What is it, it is the Quran? Because that emptiness in life, you know what
that means? We need to turn to Allah, that emptiness, that dissatisfaction, despite having
00:37:22 --> 00:38:10
			everything, what does it mean? That we need a greater purpose in life, we need some source, but
through which through whom we will be able to overcome our weaknesses, some source of relief, that
will calm our fears, some source of relief that will come our sadness, our distress, that will make
up for it that will bring this true satisfaction in our hearts true happiness in our lives. And can
it ever be achieved by things of this world? Never, never, no matter how much of the things of this
world we collect, whether it is shoes, or bags, or clothes, or plastic bottles, or coins or
whatever, it may be something useless, something valuable? Is it really going to give a sense of
00:38:10 --> 00:38:45
			satisfaction? Deep in the heart? Never. It's only going to become a source of burden, and regret and
guilt, isn't it? So it's going to turn into trash? It's going to become a burden. Think about it.
When we look after our things. So for example, you spend half a day cleaning up, let's say your
closet or your laundry room, right? Half a day. How do you feel after you've done everything? How do
you feel? What's the state of your back? And what's the state of your hands? And what's the state of
your mind? How do you feel?
00:38:47 --> 00:39:34
			You feel useless? Right? It doesn't bring you satisfaction. But spending a quarter of the day with
the Quran will bring you what some sort of satisfaction, even five minutes of recitation? What do
they bring you? Much more satisfaction, isn't it? So? So this is why ALLAH says who will hire on
mimma Yeji Marone. The Quran is the best of what people can gather best of what people can collect,
because collecting the Quran, it is a means of joy and happiness and collecting the things of this
world. What is it they become a source of torture, a source of embarrassment and absolute
dissatisfaction? Torture? How is it torture? Because the things are in front of you, but you don't
00:39:34 --> 00:40:00
			have the physical strength to deal with them. Because what happens with age, people lose their
physical strength, right? They have all those things, but they can't manage them. They cannot manage
them. They cannot use them. They cannot sell them. They are deteriorating and their physical
strength, but there's so many things in front of them that they have to do. So what happens these
things become a source of torture, embarrassment, that when people come in or
00:40:00 --> 00:40:38
			Even when your own relatives come in sometimes your own mother or your father or your son, what do
they do? They look down on their relatives who collect things. Why do you have so many things? Why
do you have all of this garbage here? Right? What we collect becomes trash, garbage, the things of
this world. But the Quran on the other hand, what is it going to be? It is going to intercede for a
person on the Day of Judgment. Tell me is our furniture going to intercede for us on the Day of
Judgment? Our money that's sitting in the bank account, is that going to intercede for us on the Day
of Judgment? What is going to intercede the Quran, the things of this world will remain behind,
00:40:38 --> 00:41:15
			they're not going with us in the grave. We think that they make us happy. But that's only a
deception. They don't actually make us happy. Think about it, people get more money. And what
happens soon after that, they become very miserable, right? The famous story of this man who won a
lottery and he basically made a lot of money. And then what happened many years down they asked him
because his life was a total mess. They were interviewing him and he said that I wish I had not
taken that check. I wish I had not taken all that money because it messed me up. It messed my
children up it destroyed my family, it destroyed my life.
00:41:16 --> 00:41:30
			But the Quran, who are Hiram in my Yajima own, not telling me the Quran is really the best of what
people can gather. How is it that we should gather the Quran? What does it mean by gathering jammer
of the Quran?
00:41:31 --> 00:41:42
			And he any idea? Doesn't mean you collect lots of copies. Old and New as artwork. Yeah. What does it
mean gathering the Quran? Yes.
00:41:43 --> 00:42:27
			Okay, collecting knowledge of the Quran. Okay, so what is the knowledge of the Quran? First of all,
it's very verses. All right, good. So first of all, gathering the knowledge of the Quran means the
very verses of the Quran gathering those meaning memorizing them, collecting them in the heart.
Because you know, you might have, let's say, the best clothes to wear. All right, but what happens
sometimes is that you have so many clothes that they don't fit in your closet. So then what happens
is that we have to put them in suitcases or in boxes, extra clothes, and then we put them in the
basement or somewhere, you know, under the bed or somewhere really awkward in the house. So what
00:42:27 --> 00:42:35
			happens when you want to wear something? Then you're like, where's it? Where's it? Where's it? Is it
in that bag? Is it in that box? Is it in that closet is in that room?
00:42:36 --> 00:42:48
			It's so difficult to access? jewelry, gold jewelry? What happens? Women wonder when they have to go
to a wedding? Which bank? Is it? In? Which locker? Is it in?
00:42:49 --> 00:43:04
			Where's it I don't remember? And then they go and check it so difficult to access it when you want
it. You can't have it. It's so difficult to go get it. But the Quran, the verses of the Quran if
they're in your heart,
00:43:05 --> 00:43:42
			when do you have access to them? Even in your sleep? Really, even in your sleep? And even in the
state of Mazhar? You know what that means? When a person is about to die? There are people who are
at the verge of dying, they're in that extreme agony. They're unconscious, they're neither awake,
nor are they completely dead. So what happens is that they start saying things many times and some
people what do they start saying what did they start reciting the ayat of the Quran? Why? Because
they're in the heart, they're preserved in the heart, who a hiring manager my own.
00:43:43 --> 00:43:45
			It is the best of what people can collect.
00:43:46 --> 00:43:47
00:43:48 --> 00:44:21
			I remember when my teacher mentioned that the scholars of the past they were so happy even though
they had lost every thing of this world, they were present. But they were happy because they had the
Quran in their heart so nobody could strip them off that knowledge. Because what's in your heart,
nobody can pull that away. Nobody can steal that from you. Nobody can * it away from you.
Alright, what's outside what's external? You have to put in so much effort to preserve it to save it
from the people. But what's in the heart? It is yours. It is your treasure.
00:44:22 --> 00:44:52
			There's a quote where in the Mona Lisa and he said, the benefits of memorizing the Quran when you
recite something 10 times you understand something that you didn't understand when you've recited it
nine times. So it's just expands your brain into a complete new understanding of the ground. Yes. So
we'll play it on my edge marijuana. So first of all, it's very versus and secondly, its knowledge
its understanding also. So what are your goals with regards to collecting the Quran? How much of the
Quran Do you wish to collect?
00:44:53 --> 00:44:59
			If I were to ask you, here's your Visa card. Okay, yours and gosh
00:45:00 --> 00:45:00
00:45:01 --> 00:45:05
			as much as you want, it's yours. You're never going to be charged for it. You're never going to see
any bill.
00:45:06 --> 00:45:11
			What would be your shopping goals? What would be your shopping goals? Tell me honestly.
00:45:12 --> 00:45:13
			Buy More shoes,
00:45:15 --> 00:45:16
			buy jewelry,
00:45:17 --> 00:45:23
			buy more clothes. What else? Books, Mashallah.
00:45:24 --> 00:45:27
			What else? Travel,
00:45:28 --> 00:45:29
			maybe a new computer
00:45:31 --> 00:45:58
			or a gadget or something. So, I mean, if we know that we can get something, we immediately start
setting goals for ourselves. When somebody tells you Let's go shopping. When your mom tells you
Let's go shopping or buy you some clothes, we already know what you want a dress a shirt, what color
what fabric, what style, you know what you want in your head before you go. Alright, so likewise,
when it comes to the matter of the Quran, what are your goals? Write them down? How much of the
Quran Do you want to collect?
00:46:00 --> 00:46:05
			And it's up to you. How much ever you collect is going to go with you it's going to stay with you
00:46:06 --> 00:46:21
			On the Day of Judgment, the Quran is going to come and intercede and say that oh Allah this person,
I used to keep him awake during the night we didn't used to recite me. And during the day also, I
used to keep him occupied. So please forgive him. Please make him enter Demna
00:46:23 --> 00:46:38
			is your kitchen gonna say that? Is your closet gonna say that? Are your shoes gonna say that? Oh
Allah, she used to wear me. And you know, her feet would hurt and her back would ache but still
choose to wear me just to look beautiful to please, please forgive her? Really?
00:46:40 --> 00:47:01
			Are our clothes gonna say all along? This person used to wash me and you know, iron me and take so
much care of me? And where are we so carefully, please forgive them? Yeah. Are they going to come to
things of this world? Are they going to come and intercede? No, the Quran will. So how much of the
Quran do we want to take with us?
00:47:02 --> 00:47:31
			How much of the Quran do we want to take with us? Somebody recently, they were asked that. What are
your memorization goals? How is it going? They're like, either I'm going to do it or I'm going to
die trying. Either I'm going to end up memorizing the entire Quran or I'm gonna die while I'm still
trying to memorize the Quran. We're settled with having memorized only a few sutras that we
memorized in childhood. But Is that sufficient?
00:47:32 --> 00:48:14
			Really, is it sufficient? Don't we need to learn more Quran so we can recite it in our salah? In
Fudger? You know, the prophets of Allah said I'm used to recite almost 100 verses in budget, almost
100 verses in budget? And how is it that we can do that if we only know a couple soldiers? How can
we do it? We think you know only some people who are very, very committed, they can memorize the
Quran. And they've got smart brains. They're just different. This is why they can do it. You know,
I'm different. I'm okay with the fact that I'm not going to memorize any part of the Quran. I'm not
saying go leave everything, enroll yourself in a health program and just memorize the entire Quran.
00:48:15 --> 00:48:26
			But have some goals, the month of Ramadan is coming at least have a goal of memorizing one more
Surah we think only smart people can memorize the Quran. But actually, memorizing the Quran is what
makes you smart.
00:48:28 --> 00:49:04
			It really makes you smart. Because it increases your capacity to memorize things faster. understand
and remember particular details I mean, think about the detail in the Quran, when it comes to
customer sukoon when it comes to the right kind of Maha bridge, right? All that that we drilled in
requires a lot of detail and attention. So if you get used to paying so much attention, right, then
obviously, it's going to become second nature. So memorizing the Quran is actually what makes people
smarter. So any goals, any goals? What goals? Tell me?
00:49:05 --> 00:49:12
			What goals do you have when it comes to the memorization of the Quran? Collecting the Quran? Yes.
00:49:13 --> 00:49:26
			Alhamdulillah so she has joined once a week, Quran health class, right once a week. It's not every
single day, it's not full time. Are you doing anything else in your life? Or is it just that one
fighter class that you do?
00:49:27 --> 00:49:45
			You have summer school, high school, university. Okay. So that means you're busy. Okay. Anybody
else? Any other goals? With regards to the Quran? Yeah. Alhamdulillah Very good. There are parts of
the Quran that perhaps we memorized once upon a time.
00:49:47 --> 00:49:59
			In our childhood, when our mom or our dad were put on teacher made us memorize certain portions of
the Quran. But then what happened? We grew up and other things became more important and we kind of
forgot those sorts
00:50:00 --> 00:50:31
			So now we kind of know them, but don't really know them that well. So is that really gathering the
Quran? Or is it gathering it and losing it? It's losing it right? So then what is necessary that
whatever we memorized in the past review it. So she's saying that she's started reviewing her 30
adjusts how that you wrote on the calendar, you know, for each day, which Surah she was going to
review. So one surah a day or half a surah a day, depending on the length of the surah. And
depending on the time that you have, but take time out for this.
00:50:33 --> 00:51:02
			And then review it in the salah. Because again, remember, this Peron is going to go with us,
everything else is going to stay behind. Don't people gain so many worldly degrees, don't they?
Where are those certificates and those documents? Where do they stay here? Don't people read so many
books where did this day here. But the Quran if a person has given its help and collected the Quran,
it will go along with him
00:51:04 --> 00:51:29
			to my masters, and we go into so much detail for that stuff. And I was just thinking just if we do
that about Quran, and I know a couple of months ago, there was a Facebook group started on for
memorizing the Quran. And what they did was every day they memorize one, I have Surah Baqarah. And
it was a bunch of them. There was like 100 people and everybody would encourage everybody else. So
like that, I think almost all of the people they have at least half of tobacco memorized by now.
00:51:30 --> 00:52:16
			So one eye or a day. Is it possible? Okay, so the dakara is kind of difficult because the eye Arthur
long. I mean, I had to Dane is a page long, right? But if we start from the 30 of Jews, even one is
a day is it possible? It is possible, right? So do something, get together, set some goals for Quran
memorization? And check each other question one another and make sure everybody is doing something
or the other? Yes. While I'm at work, I know a lot of workplaces. They have most, a lot of websites
blocked. But I found out that at my workplace in some other workplaces, the website grooveshark.com.
It's available and most people use it as a music playlist just in the background while they're
00:52:16 --> 00:52:51
			working. That website also has every suit of the Quran available. And you have the option of having
it looped. You can have the option of choosing which students to have repeated. And a humbler. I was
there was a suta that someone else mentioned that I had memorized when I was younger, and I didn't
have it. I had forgotten some of it. So just for hours on end, it would be on loop and you can
recite it while you're doing your work. And it just thought, yeah, it's mindless work right in which
you don't really have to pay much attention. So if you do work and you have a computer, try it
because I can