Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P10 107C Tafsir Al-Tawbah 66-67

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The speakers discuss the importance of avoiding excuses and apologizing for past mistakes, fixing mistakes, and not allowing oneself to waste time on small talk. They stress the need to avoid false accusations, avoid small talk, and focus on fixing mistakes. The speakers also emphasize the importance of control and not giving things to others. The segment emphasizes the benefits of spending money on religion, educating children, and returning to a sense of spirituality.

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			La Tarta de rue, Allah says do not make excuses that the rule is from earlier, what is the excuse?
And what is an excuse? An explanation for an action either to justify it or to or to save yourself
from trouble. Right? Like, for example, a person does something wrong and he presents an excuse in
order to justify his wrong action. Or he presents an excuse admitting that yes, I did this wrong,
but I did it because of this reason. So please don't punish me. All right. Now some excuses, they're
genuine, they're true. And other excuses they are. Or they're true.
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			Or they're true or not. And the fact is that a wrong action is a wrong action. A sin is a sin, and
nothing can make it right.
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			Right, nothing can make it right, it in itself is wrong. Which is why for a wrong action, we should
never present excuses. People who are successful in life, do they make excuses? No, they don't make
excuses. They know, I was supposed to do this, and I should have done it and no excuse can justify
it. I am wrong. I made a mistake. And I better get my act together and not repeat this mistake
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			Right. So people who are successful in life, they don't make excuses. Were people who take it easy,
who are very lenient with themselves, then they have an excuse for getting up late. They have an
excuse for showing up late, they have an excuse for anything, and everything. And they develop this
habit of not fulfilling their responsibilities and coming up with excuses. But if you truly ask
yourself, Is it acceptable? Could I have avoided this? The answer is yes, I could have. Like, for
example, you have a whole week to do an assignment. But you don't do it. And what happens you don't
submit it on time and you ask for an extension. But if you truly asked yourself in that entire week,
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			really, you didn't get even half an hour to sit down and do your work. entire week, you didn't have
even half an hour to do your work. What's the answer? I did have that time I could have made time.
Right? Recently, one of the tools he said that don't say that I don't have time, just say that I'm
very disorganized. To make time for what is important. I don't know how to manage my time. This is
why I don't find time to do what is important. So we try to put the blame on external factors. I
couldn't do my assignment because there were too many parties that I had to go to. I couldn't do my
work because my children were always with me. They were at home. So I didn't have time at all. Or I
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			cannot do this because you're now I have three children or now I have five children. And I'm getting
married in a week. And I am you know, I'm getting engaged next year. Really? Is it because of this
reason you stopped eating? Did you stop eating? No. You didn't stop eating? Did you stop taking a
shower? Because you didn't have time? Is it? Did you stop talking to people because you didn't have
time? Did you stop checking Facebook? Because you didn't have time? Did you stop tweeting because
you were too busy? No. You didn't stop that. So why is it that when we have to leave something, we
have to leave obedience to Allah subhanaw taala. For that, we don't have time for that we don't have
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			the energy. It's just an excuse. Always ask yourself when you're coming up with an excuse to allow
yourself to remain behind? Can I tell this to Allah subhanaw taala on the Day of Judgment. Can I
tell this to Allah? subhanaw taala on the Day of Judgment? Yeah, Allah Yes, I had the time to take a
shower for half an hour. I had the time to, you know, get ready and make my hair. You know, I spent
45 minutes I'm doing that. And yes, I had the time to, you know, vacuum and I had the time to do
everything. Honestly, I didn't find time even for 10 minutes to open up the Quran and read it.
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			I didn't find time for 10 minutes. Honestly, I didn't. Can you say that to Allah? subhanaw taala Is
it acceptable? No. Because Allah knows what we do. Right? Where we waste our time where we waste our
moments. So Allah says Polat artha do don't don't offer these excuses. Don't make up these excuses.
It's not acceptable. What you did was wrong. It is not acceptable. No matter what excuse you
present, no lack darter, the rule or the Phantom. Certainly you have disbelieved bother II
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			Manny come after your Eman.
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			You said you were believers, you said you believed in Allah and His messenger and the Last Day, but
if you truly believed you would not be making fun of the messenger. You would not be making fun of
the people who have gone out in Allah's way, you would not be making fun of the Quran. Later Arthur,
you are the co founder Tom burden Imani calm, you have committed kufr
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			it is not acceptable. Allah says if naffaa We pardon from our own farewell our food. If we pardon
I'm talking if I didn't mean come from a group among you, meaning a group of the hypocrites, even if
they are pardoned, meaning they're forgiven, nor are they we shall punish. Well, if I turn a group.
Why be unknown? Because indeed they can. Or they were Majidi mean criminals, meaning they have been
criminals. They have committed a serious crime, firstly, by their mockery, and secondly, by
belittling that. And thirdly, by lying about it and justifying it. They have been criminals. So what
do we see over here that Allah says, Even if a group of the Manasa teen is forgiven? Why would they
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			be forgiven? For they're confessing their mistake? And they repenting from it? They're changing
their ways. Okay. They might be forgiven, but certain one African ina Allah says no, they will
definitely be punished. Why? What's the reason? Because they have justified, they're wrong, and they
have persisted on it. You see, when a mistake of ours comes before us, meaning we see it, that is
actually an opportunity for us to realize we did something wrong. Don't do it again,
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			to realize that this was a mistake that happened now fix it,
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			fix it now. Like for example, if you see that in the garage, there's oil on the floor. What does
that mean?
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			What does that mean? If there's oil on the floor? What does that mean? That there's a problem?
Right? That it's leaking from the car, there is a problem. So that is telling us that something
needs to be done, the car needs to be looked into. If you just say, oh, whatever, it's only oil.
It's winter anyway, it'll freeze. What's the big deal? And you know what? It stained the concrete
anyway, what's the big deal? Spring come, we will hose it down. And hopefully it should get clean.
And by the way, you know, all garages are dirty anyway, what's the big deal? Right? If you ignore
it, the more you ignore it, what's going to happen, the problem is going to get worse, it's going to
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			get bigger and bigger.
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			But that leak is telling you there's a problem with the car. So fix it. And in the future, if your
floor is important to you, what should you do put something under the car to make sure the floor
doesn't get dirty again. Right? When we've made a mistake, and it comes before us, it's not
necessarily something evil.
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			It's not necessarily something evil, it's a chance for us to go back to Allah. When we commit a sin
and we see it, we've been made to realize it, it's an opportunity to get closer to Allah to return
to Allah to become better people. Because imagine if there was a problem in your body, and there was
no symptom for it, nothing to show you that there's a problem in your body. Would your health
improve? No, it would only worsen and worsen. And you wouldn't be able to tell what the problem is,
the doctors won't be able to identify it. If they cannot identify it. Can they heal it? Can they
cure it? No. Can you take the proper treatment for it? No. Diagnosis is so important. But some
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			people they don't want to be diagnosed even they're afraid to go to the doctor. Right? They're
afraid to get that test done. Because what if it's positive? What if I really have this problem? No,
no, I don't have it. Unfortunately, many Muslims there like that, especially when it comes to mental
illnesses, psychological illnesses. We don't want to admit that there is an issue. We think it's
only affairs it will be over. But the problem is, the more it is delayed, the worse it becomes. So
what do we see over here that Allah says if a group of you is forgiven, because they confess they
realize and they reform, the other group is definitely going to be punished? Why the unknown candle
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			would you mean because they have been criminals? Al Muna Fiona, the hypocrite men. Well, when I feel
caught and the hypocrite women bloom, some of them mumbled from others. They are from one another.
Notice over here
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			or alimony if you call one one half a god. Men and women are mentioned separately. What does that
show that it's not just the men who could be hypocrites, even women can be hypocrites, because they
too can sit in their gatherings and make fun of the religion of Allah. They too, can, in their
innocent conversations, or mark at the decrees of Allah, the decisions of Allah. And unfortunately,
especially the example that the sister mentioned, is very common amongst women, making fun of other
people's noses in their eyes and their skin color and their hair and whatever it may be. Women
unfortunately have this bad habit.
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			Many times it happens that women go to salons and as they're getting their hair cut done. What are
they talking about? Who are they talking about? Who others, right? What does the hairdresser have to
do with this problem in your life? What does she have to do with, you know, the problem that you're
facing in life anyway? If you ever meet a hairdresser, or someone, they'll have the most interesting
stories, or the most interesting stories, why? Because people come to them and the event.
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			Right, they come to them and they share with them their family problems, or the problems are having
at their workplace, with their mother in law and their father in law and their daughter in law. It
doesn't matter what age group it is. Right? On Moon Africana, Wellmune Africa, it doesn't matter
what the gender is. It's the characteristic that we need to understand, so that we can avoid it. And
when African Wellmune Africa called, Allah says Barbu, memberhub, they are of each other, meaning
they have the same inclinations. They're like minded, they share the same characteristics. They have
the same manner is the same behavior, the same habits, the same deeds, the same thinking. It doesn't
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			matter whether they're men or women. They're the same. They're very similar. They belong to the same
tribe. They're not like the believers, even if they're relatives to believers, even if they're
related to them in blood. Still, they're not like the believers. They are far from them. They're
different from them. hypocrites are like one another. Barbara who mumbled across time, across, you
know, different tribes across different groups are very similar.
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			No matter which country, no matter which era, no matter what background, these characteristics are
common amongst the people of NIF elk. So sometimes we think all the hypocrites are the people who
used to live at the time of the Prophet sallallahu Salah no hypocrisy can even exist today. It can
even be present today, Elmo Nephi Cohen, one when I feel caught bow the human bow. This is why we
should worry for ourselves. And we should constantly be checking ourselves at the time of the
Prophet saw a lot isn't that nice? People could if they made a mistake, it would be seen. They could
identify it they could reform but at this time, who's going to tell us
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			who's going to tell us this is why it's necessary that we check ourselves constantly. And when I
feel Cornwall, Moon Africa bloom about what are their characteristics? First of all, yet Moodle
Annabel mancha they order that which is Mancha. What is mooncup.
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			That which is wrong?
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			Something that is known to be wrong. It's rejected. Rejected by what? By the shitty or by the fitrah
by the Ockel. Meaning any person who has some intelligence, right? What will he say? This is wrong?
This is not right. But the moon African, what do they do? Yep. Morona Ville Mancha. They order that
which is wrong.
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			morally wrong. ethically wrong religiously wrong. It's wrong in every way. But still, they will
command it. Still they will tell others to do it. Take the example of cheating in an exam, right?
Copying off somebody's assignment. Is it something wrong? Who says it's wrong?
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			Okay, you say it's wrong. But why do you say it's wrong? Who told you it's wrong? Why? Why is it
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			I want to do my assignment easily. I don't want to bother spending two hours if I can just copy
paste from somebody. Why not? Such a big class? 300 Who's gonna know she's from a different group
anyway? Who said it's wrong? Why is it wrong? What makes it wrong? So, so what if it's cheating?
Yeah. Okay, but why is that wrong?
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			Yes. Okay, who says it's wrong?
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			Okay, from the religion first of all, Allah His messenger. They tell us piano cheating is something
that is not right. Who else says it's wrong?
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			Okay, who else says it's wrong?
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			Your heart will tell you what's wrong. This is why you're hiding. Right? Would you ever copy paste
from somebody in the sight of in front of your group in charge? Just Just wait five minutes, I have
this One answer left to copy.
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			How would you do that? Why wouldn't you do that?
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			Because your hearts telling you it's something wrong. You don't do it. Right? If your mom finds out,
if your teacher finds out, if your good friend finds out, they'll tell you it's wrong. Uncle tells
you it's wrong. Your fitrah will tell you it's morally wrong religiously wrong. Likewise, bribe
speed money. You give this much money and you'll get your stuff very quickly. Who says it's wrong?
Of course, the Sharia tells us it's wrong. Right. But who else says it's wrong? The government says
it's wrong, which is why if you're caught, he will be in a lot of trouble. Right? So it's not just
religious laws, but even worldly laws, secular laws that will tell you this is something that is
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			But unfortunately, the monastic because his focus is his personal benefit. He doesn't see what is
right what is wrong, He permits for himself anything that will bring him benefit, whether it is
lying, or it is cheating, or it is bribe, or it is making fun of others, or it is disobeying Allah
and His messenger and in any capacity in any way. You will to do it yet Morona will mancha they
promote disobedience to Allah subhanaw taala. And how is it that people order that which is wrong?
How? By teaching wrong things? Yes, into some extent, this is also happening, wrong things are being
taught. But generally, how is it promoted? Yes, they do it themselves. And when they do it
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			themselves and others, they follow them. Right? They follow them. Like for example, if a mother is
listening to music,
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			she is listening to music. And her child says, Mom, this is music. And she says it's okay, better.
It's nice. Enjoy it. So basically, what is she telling her child? It's okay to do it. Yeah, yeah,
Dad said it's wrong. It's wrong. But we'll listen to it when dad's not around.
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			Yet, and we're gonna build one. Right? I mean, the child sees my mom was doing this in the moment
that entered.
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			Change, the moment this person came in, changed. So what is he learning from this piano? All right.
So yeah, Morona will mooncup Sometimes directly and sometimes indirectly, sometimes directly, and
other times indirectly and Hona. Yet Morona will mancora And secondly, when home marital, marital,
and they forbid that which is, right, Maura wolf Martin off is one that which is recognized to be
right, accepted by people.
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			Everybody knows it. Right? Everybody believes it's right. The religious law, the secular law, I
mean, the Ockel, the Sharia, the fitrah. Every person will say this is something good, do it. But
what did the moon African say? Don't do it. Why? Because then you will suffer. Like, for example,
spending on others who are in need, is that Marvel? Spending on the needy? Is it something good? Who
said it's good?
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			Allah says it's good. The messenger SallAllahu sallam said it's good, right? Likewise, any person
who has a little bit of reason? What will he say? This is a good, good thing you're doing. Right?
But we see that the Manasa team, what did they say it's a little more African I number seven, homo
Ladino, your coluna Latin vehicle or laminar in the Rasulillah, he had a and Fabu. They're the ones
who said do not spend on those who are with the Prophet salallahu salam until they go away. That's
horrible. So for these people who come and do Hijra to Medina and live here for some time, don't
give them anything. Because when they'll get hungry, and they'll have nothing to wear, no money,
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			nothing at all, what they will do, they will go back home. So don't spend on them. Don't feed them,
don't support them. Me and home early tomorrow, good things, they stopped from them. And also
another way, just like wrong is ordered directly and indirectly good is stopped from directly and
indirectly. How is it that a person indirectly stops others from doing good? By laughing at them?
Making fun of them. If you're doing something good, and somebody starts laughing at you, what will
happen? You will lose your confidence completely. You won't be able to do it again. And it happens
with many children sometimes
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			as they are saying something, and what happens, everybody starts laughing at them, and then they
will never say it again they begin to stutter in their speech. Right? Then they have delayed speech,
they have speech issues, they have confidence issues. Why? Because they were laughed at. And
unfortunately sometimes you'll see videos on YouTube that are like this, a little child reciting the
Quran as soon as he's done. Everybody's laughing. Oh, how cute how cute and the poor child was like,
What did I do? And the whole confidence is shattered. The whole confidence is shattered for a child
is being asked again and again. It's and videos are made and shared with the whole world. Imagine
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			when this child grows up and sees 20,000 people saw me saying this 50,000 People saw me saying this
and my dad was laughing at me. My mom was laughing at me.
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			This child will have the confidence to recite the Quran again, in front of others. Will you have the
confidence to give the other hand again in front of others? It's very important that we control our
laughter especially when it comes to laughing at others. Yes, you find something very cute. And it
naturally brings a smile on your face naturally makes you you know, giggle. But please control it.
Because it might discourage someone so young, how gnarled my roof wire could be Luna ADEA. Home
another quantity is what Another characteristic is Yakubu Luna ADEA. Home yummy. Luna is from pub.
What is caused me to hold back to hold something with you. And Jacobi Luna idea home is basically
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			that they hold the claws their fists, they close their hands. So for example, you're holding
something in your hand. How will you hold it with your palm open? How will you hold it with all your
fingers clasp together? Right? And you're holding that thing in your hand? This is public? All
right. Like for example your pen. Okay, if you hold it in all five. Try it right now. Hold on all
five. This is pubbed. Will you drop it easily? If somebody wants to take it away from you? Can they
take it easily? No, they can't. Jacobi Luna idea on their claws, their hands meaning the money that
they've got. They hold on to it tightly with tight fists. Meeting they don't spend easily they're
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			very, very, very stingy, saving every penny.
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			But don't they spend on themselves? Yes, they do. When it comes to spending on themselves, their
wedding parties, their clothes, their bags, their shoes, their worldly education, their house? Yeah,
of course, we'll spend freely entire paycheck will go all the savings will go. But when it comes to
spending on the dean, is it 55 or 50?
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			Is it 5595? Or is it 55? Only every cent is precious. Jacobi Luna idea how they become very, very
stingy. Think about it. When is it? When is the last time that we spend something in the way of
Allah? For the sake of Allah? You know, we we keep telling ourselves Yes, yes, I give sadaqa expand
in the way of Allah, I do that. But really ask yourself, when is it that you spent for the deen of
Allah, for the religion of Allah? Not for any personal benefit? Sometimes we give sadaqa we give a
donation. Why? Because we're sick.
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			Right? So we want that, hopefully, because of our Sadako we should heal quickly, we should get
better quickly. Or we're going to have our exam. So we give some other courses that we have good
exams, we are having family problems, or we give a donation. Or because we're getting an Islamic
education. So yes, we have to spend on that cause, yes, we have to buy a book because we need to
study it. These are also good you're spending in the way of Allah.
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			But there's, you know, a pressure, a reason for which you're doing that. When is it that you gave
money in the way of Allah purely to promote the religion of Allah? That yes, this is a good cause.
People will learn they will benefit this will educate children. This will educate women, men, this
will make them aware of this serious issue. Okay, I'm going to purchase this so that I can give to
to somebody so that they can learn. When is the last time we did it. And if we're really honest with
ourselves, perhaps it was back in the time of Ramadan. And that was also so that it Ramadan, we can
get more good deeds. Yes, I was important you should expect from Allah that he should reward you.
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			But even when we give in the way of Allah, we expect worldly return.
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			Whether it's in the form of problems being solved or it's in the form of health or it's in the form
of a
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			You know, finding a good spouse or having children, whatever it may be, we want some worldly benefit
in return.
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			A quality of the believer is that the religion is a personal matter for him.
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			So, if there is a cause, a religious cause he thinks that it's his personal cause. So he will spend
on it the way he would spend on himself. He would spend on it the way he would spend to promote his
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			to promote himself.
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			Yuck, beluga. aidea home, they keep their hands closed, tight, Nestle law, they have forgotten Allah
for NESEA home. So Allah has also forgotten them.
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			Nestle Allah from Miss Yan, to forget, what does it mean by this? They have forgotten Allah. They
don't remember Allah. Not in the morning, not in the evening. Not in Salah. Not after salah. Not
when they're eating, after eating, putting their new clothes on, stepping out of the house coming
back home, sitting in the car, going to the mall.
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			Anytime they don't remember ALLAH, think about it from the Sunnah. How much of the Corolla do we
learn for everything, even for going up the stairs? And for going down the stairs? All right, even
when it's windy, and it's rainy, all right, we find some Viken for every single occasion. Correct,
some thicker? If nothing Subhan Allah if nothing Alhamdulillah right. But how much is it that we
remember Allah? How much is it that we remember to say Bismillah before doing something, anything
that is important? How much is it that we remember to say that there are when entering the masjid
when leaving the Masjid. NUS Allah. Then when African don't remember Allah,
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			from their mouths, the words of complain, do count.
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			They do joke their mark, they do talk to other people. But when it comes to remembering Allah, no
Nestle law, they have forgotten Allah.
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			They have completely forgotten Allah. So as a result for NESEA home, so he has also forgotten them.
Does this mean that Allah forgets? Doesn't Allah know about everything in the Quran? Don't we learn
liable? Robbie will answer. My Lord does not make an error, nor does he forget. So what does it mean
by this fun ESEA? Home? Meaning he deals with them in the same way? Like someone who has forgotten
has? Now if someone has forgotten someone completely? Do they call them? Do they call them? If
you've forgotten about, let's say a relative of yours? You forgot that you had this cousin?
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			What is it that you will not do towards them? Will you ever call them? No? Will you send a gift for
them? No. If you go to their city to visit some relatives, will you take something for them? No. And
then you remember oh my god, I forgot about her existence completely. Right? They become who are
nobody to you? If you've forgotten someone, that means they don't have anything to do with you.
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			Nestle Lucha fantasy and home. What does it mean that Allah has forgotten them? Meaning he doesn't
show any mercy to them.
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			He doesn't give them any trophies to learn something beneficial to do something good. He doesn't
ease their hardships for them. He doesn't provide guidance to them. Allah is not a part of their
lives in the sense that they have forgotten Allah, they've eliminated Allah from their lives. So
Allah subhanaw taala also doesn't have any interest in such people. Nestle Lucha Fantasea home, who
is it? Whom Allah Who remembers Fedco Rooney at corkum You remember me, and I will remember you. But
the person who has forgotten that Allah doesn't pay attention to Allah and Allah also doesn't have
any interest in him. Neither in this world, nor in the hereafter. You know, many times we wonder
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			that in hellfire people will suffer for eternity. Oh, I can't understand how, how is it they will
burn for eternity and they will suffer and they will scream and they will cry on and on and on. They
will never die nor will they live. meaning they'll constantly be in agony.
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			And then we wonder ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada is of our man.
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			Do you ever wonder about this?
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			That how is it that people can suffer and Hellfire for eternity? Why won't Allah show any mercy to
them, finish them completely make them die.
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			just eliminate them from their existence completely. Why will this suffer? How can they?
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			Because in the Quran we learn will kill a Leo, woman and circle. Today we will forget you, meaning
we will abandon you and ignore your screams and your cries and your pleas and you're begging. We
will ignore you completely. Come and see Tom later Iommi. Come, Heather. Just as you forgot this
meeting of yours this Day of yours. You forgot the Day of Judgment. You ignored it. You lived as
though you were never going to die. You lived as though there was no hellfire. You lived as though
there was no accounting. So today, you will be treated like someone who's forgotten in a dungeon.
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			He can scream at the top of his voice. He can be tortured in the most horrendous way. But are his
pleas heard? No. Is the respondent No.
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			So who is it that will be abandoned by Allah? The one who forgets a lot today?
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			The one who forgets a lot today. And remember, if there is a person who abandons you, if a person
who forgets you, it's okay. It's not a big deal. Because there will always be somebody or the other
who will hear you. But if Allah abandons a servant, Well, II don't come. If he leaves you to
yourself, if he abandons you, then who can help you? Don't we learn about the people of * that
they will not find any nosleep any helper, any Wali, any protector? Why? Because they forgot Allah
and Allah who will abandon them.
00:31:45 --> 00:32:05
			And that's Allah Fennessy whom Allah says in the Luna Fatima indeed the hypocrites who will firstly
Khun they are defiantly disobedient. Another characteristic that they are disobedient constant every
time they cross limits. When it comes to having fun joking, they cross the limits.
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			When it comes to performing any action, they cross the limits.
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			You know, like, if you're talking to somebody and they're, they start making fun of you, they're
like, Hey, stop there. And they tease you a little bit more.
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			And they tease you a little bit more. And they, you know, make fun of your look. So they make fun of
your education or they make fun of your parents and then they start talking about your spouse or
your children. What happens? What do you say? You're getting out of hand, you're crossing your
limits. All right, you're going too far. Stop right here.
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			So what does one Afric do? He goes too far. fasci cone. There are those who crossed limits.