Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P10 100B Tafsir Al-Anfal 41
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The speakers discuss the importance of respecting individual and community, creating a culture of passion and passionate pursuit of Islam. They stress the need to be careful with what comes to mind, and emphasize the importance of creating a culture of passion and passionate pursuit of Islam. The segment also touches on the negative impact of not following rules and not being true to oneself, and the importance of not giving charity to those in need.
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Just number 10, lesson number 100 sortal and file I am number 41 to 58.
What Lemuel and you all know, you should know this Anoma that indeed, whatever, that which Lenin tomb, you obtained as booty, men che in from anything for Anna than that indeed Lilla he for Allah who Musa who it's 1/5 Well, it was all and also for the messenger
at the beginning of the Surah Surah Al and fell, we learned about the dispute that occurred between the believers concerning the war booty, some demanded that they should receive a greater share of the booty because they believe that their efforts in the battle paid off their efforts were the main reason for the victory of the believers that day. And as a result, they demanded a greater share of the booty. And this is typical, that whenever there is wealth brought in, and people get to know that they have a share in that everyone's eyes, they fall on what they believe is more precious and valuable. And usually, it is at these times when fights break amongst people. We see the family
members, brothers and sisters, what happens with them, they're living perfectly fine, happily. But when the parents property is being distributed amongst the children, then that is when the brother is fighting against the sister and the sister is upset with her other sister. So these disputes are very natural. So don't think that the Sahaba were, you know, greedy people? No, don't think like that. It was something very normal, very natural. And we see that immediately, the attention of the believers was directed to something else, something more important, which was lessons to be learned from the battle that reflect on what happened. Reflect on how you got here. Don't just be concerned
about money. Now, think about all those factors that brought you to this point. What made you victorious? How were you successful today? It was because of Allah subhanaw taala does help. And after 40 verses we see then the ruling concerning the war booty is given. It's like imagine somebody's asking you about something, and you delay talking about it. Why? Because you want them to understand what is more important. It's like the two men in the prison when they went to use of medicine. I'm asking him about the interpretations of their dreams. Did he tell them the interpretation immediately? No. First he gave them Dawa. And then he told them about the
interpretation. Why? Because they were eagerly waiting to hear the interpretation. So he took advantage of that time, they were alert. They wanted to listen, they were focused. So he did Dawa to them. Likewise over here, the believers are anxiously waiting, okay, what do I get? What do I get? What do I get? And as you're listening to eat statement very carefully, Allah subhanaw taala is studying them what is more important for their faith, for their actions for their sincerity for their commitment. And then finally, Allah subhanaw taala gives the ruling concerning the war booty. And what is mentioned that know that indeed, whatever you obtain as booty Wennington from the NEMA
line noon meme and Le NEMA is basically used for booty we learned the word and file earlier. It's the same thing on file. The NEMA booty is what is acquired from the enemy after defeating them, their property, their money, or the arms that they have brought to the battlefield, whatever you get hold of their property and this was a custom in Arabia at the time. And obviously when you defeat someone they bring along with them, I mean, when you capture them, you also capture their valuables. So that falls in the hands of who of the victors. So Allah subhanaw taala gives a ruling concerning that that a NEMA one m two men che in first notice the statement men che in anything at all. This
shows that every part of the war booty Big or small, whether it is a big sword or a small needle, whether it is a piece of cloth or a shoe, anything at all, it is part of the booty, which means that whatever a person finds at the battlefield, what is he supposed to do? Hide it in his pocket, take it home secretly know what is he required to do handed over to the leader, whatever it may be, even if you think that it is very insignificant, it has to be handed over to the leader. Because remember that the booty becomes part of the public treasury and the public treasury. The public money doesn't belong to any one individual who has
To share in it, every person from the community, public money belongs to the public, not the person who works there. And if he has a share in it, it's because it is assigned to him by law. It doesn't mean that he can go and take it himself. This is why we learn that the slightest amount of piano concerning war booty is not tolerated at all. In the Quran, we learn Womack, can Alina be a hole it is not conceivable that a prophet of Allah would be treacherous would do Rihanna in the matter of the booty that he would take something for himself without you know informing other people or without right it's not his share, but he still takes it it is not conceivable that a prophet of
Allah would ever do this. Well my Yeah, hello, yep, DB Ma, hola yo multi Yama and whoever commits this kind of cheating, this kind of treachery, this kind of proceed, then he will have to bring it on the Day of Judgment. This is why we learned that once one of the battles a man was killed from the Muslims, he was killed a Muslim man and the people immediately started saying concerning him Shaheed Shaheed the Prophet sallallahu sallam said no, he is not a Shaheed I have seen him in the fire, because of one robe that he stole from the booty. One shawl, he stole from the booty and his martyrdom is not worth anything. Where is he now, hellfire, we learn that when a person dies in the
way of Allah before his blood even drops to the ground, what happens is sins are forgiven, that this is a sin that is not forgiven. Why? Because this is a sin not against Allah subhanaw taala alone, this is a sin against to the entire community. Because you had no right over that shawl, this belongs to somebody else and you took it without right. And this shows to us that when it comes to the wealth, that belongs to a Muslim organization that belongs to the community, then remember that no person can take it. Without right. No person can think they can take it it's not a big deal. It is a very, very big deal. Stealing from somebody's house is a sin. But stealing from the wealth of a
Muslim organization, whether it is a state or it is a masjid, or it is a small group of Muslims gathering together to learn about Islam and they have a fun stealing from any kind of Muslim organization. Remember, it is a very serious crime. It is one of those crimes that can take a person straight to hellfire that can cancel out many of his good deeds. This is why we have to be extremely careful that if we ever go to a masjid, remember that that Masjid belongs to who? Allah subhanaw taala. So we have to respect the walls, we have to respect the furniture, we have to respect the slippers off the washrooms we have to respect the windows and the doors and the paint on the walls
and everything. Everything. Because remember that if we destroy anything, like for example, if we chip a wall, remember that somebody has to pay for it in order to fix it. Who's going to pay for it? You're going to pay for it? Where's that money gonna come from? From the fund? Right? And who whose fund is that? Is it your money? No, it belongs to the entire community. So this is why chipping the wall of the masjid ruining the carpet of the masjid ruining the furniture of the Masjid. It's not like ruining your own furniture. It's not like destroying somebody else's property. It's like destroying the property of the entire community and the wealth that belongs to Allah azza wa jal.
This is why it is more sacred. And we have to be even more careful. And this is why if ever there is an accident, something like this happens that accidentally, you know, for example, you were having some water or some coffee and it falls on the ground and ruins the carpet than don't just say, oh, somebody will clean it. No, take this matter very seriously. Make sure you give some Sadako you make up for it. You go and speak to the organizers, and find out how you can make up for it. Because if we don't make up for it now, on the Day of Judgment, we will be held responsible. On the Day of Judgment, we will be held responsible. Think about it. If somebody comes to your house and ruins
your carpet brand new carpet like that. What would you do?
You just smile and say yeah, it's okay. No way you wouldn't tolerate that. Because you know how hard you worked to make all that money? How much you have to sacrifice your children had to sacrifice so that your husband could go to work
and make all that money. Buy that carpet have it installed and somebody just comes and ruins it. It hurts. We don't like it for our property. How can we like it for Allah subhanaw Donnas property? How can we like it for a masjid? where Allah has guests have to come and perform prayer? If we don't want somebody to ruin our guest room where we have to entertain our guests? How can we like that the best guestroom ever, which is the masjid we ruin that and we don't mind? How can we be okay with that? How can we have these double standards? How can we like something else for ourselves and something else for Allah subhanaw taala. This is not Iman. This is a very low level of iman. Because
perfection of Eman demands what? What does it demand from a believer that you like for others, what you like for yourself? Right, you treat others the way you want to be treated. So remember, when you go to a masjid, when you go to any Muslim organization, it is not the property of one individual. It is whose man it is the man the wealth of Allah subhanaw taala
it is the wealth of the community. So we have to respect it. And be careful with it more than we are careful with our own belongings, more than we are careful with our own property. So over here, loss of panel data says that wire Alemu a NEMA one m two min che in anything that you acquire as booty first step handed over handed over because it's not yours yet. It's not yours yet you have to deposit it. And once it is deposited, then the entire beauty is to be divided up into how many parts into five equal parts. five equal parts, right? And four of those parts are to be divided amongst who those people who participated in that battle, which battle, the battle that brought that victory
that brought this booty. So you understand four parts are to be divided amongst to the participants of that battle.
The remaining one part the 1/5. Where does that go? That is mentioned in the ayah. The 1/5 It belongs to who for anelli Lehi, who Musa who? It's 1/5 belongs to Allah subhanaw taala. So four parts go to the soldiers, one part, Allah subhanaw taala decides how it is to be distributed. How is that to be distributed? Now that 1/5 is going to be divided into five parts. So you understand that 1/5 is going to be divided further into five parts. Okay, and who are those five parts going to be given to those that are mentioned over here? First of all, Leila, he will the Rasul they belong to who Allah and the messenger, a share 1/5 For who? Allah and His messenger. What does this mean? This
has been understood in a number of ways. And we see that the variety of different opinions only shows to us the broad category that this is that how it can be spent in a number of ways. When the Prophet said a lot of time was alive, it was to be given to him. That was his share, because he was the leader. And this was a custom. This was a custom in Arabia, that the leader, the commander, he also has a share, because obviously he's not just sitting there. He's leading the people. He's not sitting at home while the people are fighting know the prophets of Allah isn't was amongst them. All right. And besides, if you think about it, the prophets of Allah sent him full time, what was he
doing, going on trade caravans? Was he doing that? Did he have a business? He had that before he became a prophet. But once prophethood became a part of his life, then what happened? He had to spend all of his time on that. And besides being the leader, there were so many people who depended on him.
And this is why money had to be given to him because that money would also go on who on the Muslim community. You know, once the prophets of Allah sent him he said to the Companions, that whoever has food for two people, then he should take three from the philosopher from the people of the masjid because these are people who don't have homes. So you take them with you and feed them in your house with yourself. So whoever has food for two extra people, he should take three US harbor sofa, whoever has food for four people he should take five or six. So one night the profits
A lot of Salon. You know how many people he brought with him home? He himself brought 10 people home with him. Have you ever hosted 10 people in your house? Men? Have you? Have you ever prepared food for 10 men in your house? Have you ever gone grocery shopping to have, you know a dinner party for men in your house Denman?
Is that a little bit of food? Is that a little bit of money? It's quite a lot. Right? So the prophets have a lot of Satnam when he received money from the booty, remember that it was being spent on who anyway, it was going to be spent on the Muslims. Because the prophets of Allah, Saddam was the most generous of people. He was the most generous of people and if people needed help, who would they go to Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam because they knew about his generosity. So this is why 1/5 is given to the Prophet salallahu Salam. After the Prophet sallallahu Sallam passed away. The ruler Matt said that it had to be given to the Khalifa, the leader who would be leading the Muslims,
after the death of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and others said that no this share is for Allah subhanaw taala because Allah has share and the share of the profits of a lot of them is basically the same and it has to be spent on good noble charitable causes. And also for example, the reconstruction of the car but the maintenance of the car because the karma is the house of Allah or it Masjid. So for anelli, Lehi, who Musa who was the Rasul so 1/5 of that is to be given to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. The second share is to be given to while he will CORBA and for the near relatives, the close relatives whose relatives, your relatives, my relatives, know, the relatives of
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
You might say why? Because the relatives of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam who were they, but who? Hashem the Quraysh and what was forbidden for them? What were they not allowed to receive? sadaqa charity.
Now, if there is a Muslim, in an Islamic state, who is needy, who is needy, whether it is that they have loans to pay off or their basic necessities have to be provided for if they are needy? Where would they get that money from? From the public treasury, but which section of it the sadaqa the charity, okay, now, if the family of the Prophet salallahu Salam, his relatives, the bundle Hashem, if they were needy, could they receive from that charity? Could they receive from the cat? No, the cat and sada caught they fulfill the needs of the Messiah keen, and the folklore. But if those Messiah Kenan Fukumura, happened to be from the family of the prophets of Allah, and remember, they
cannot have any share of that cat and sadaqa. So they have to be given a share from somewhere. So their share comes from where the war booty. You might wonder, what's the reason? What's the hikma behind this? Why was the family of the prophets of Allah sort of not to be given a share from charity? There are many reasons many wisdoms but what makes more sense to me is that imagine if they could receive sadaqa
then what would happen? If anybody wanted to give sadaqa? Who would they give it to? The family of the prophets of Allah and the other needy people? They wouldn't be given anything. Right? Because think about it. If anyone is Sayed, today, how much pride they take in that, right? People think shaking hands with the Sayed was so great. I remember somebody was telling me that so and so person, he's a Sayed, and he's directly related to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he's coming in town and I'm gonna go shake their hand. I'm like, what? Yeah, I'm gonna go shake their hand. So a whole group of people went and they were literally fighting to shake their hands with them. So Allah Arland
whether he was really a relative, the prophets of Allah wisdom or not, because many people lie about it. Okay. However, we see this in the Muslims that if someone is from the family of the Prophet salallahu, salam, a lot of respect is shown and that is good. That is very good that you show respect to the family of the prophets of Allah Salam, but if they could receive charity, believe me, nobody would be given charity.
So this is we see one of the wisdom behind not giving them charity there are other reasons as well. So we see that if they are in need, their share comes from where the war booty well you will Korba so two shares so far. The third share is for who Walia, Tana And the orphans who are the orphans, orphaned children, orphaned children.
Because if you think about it, someone went to battle faster way and they have left by
Ain't children at home, they lose their father. They don't even have a share in the booty. Is that fair? No. So the orphans will be given a share from the booty, not just the orphans, who have become orphans because their fathers died in the battle, but even otherwise, so orphans, then while Messiah keen and the needy, wildness Seville, and the travelers, because the traveler, he may be wealthy and perfectly fine at home, but while he's traveling, he may have some need because of which he needs money. So who will support him there? The public treasury, from midsection, the booty. Now considering these five shares which ones first for Allah and His Messenger, second for the relative,
the prophets of Allah, Islam, third, for the orphans, fourth for the needy, and fifth for the travelers, what does this show to you what comes to your mind
the importance on spending, on the orphans, on the needy, and the travelers, the share of Allah and His Messenger The share of the relatives understandable, very logical, but the share of the needy, the orphans, the travelers remember, they also have a share from Zakat and Sadaqah. But even a section of the booty is allotted to who these needy people. And this shows to us how important it is to spend on these individuals. But we see that these days, such people are completely neglected. In fact, we don't even know if there is an orphan. Really, we don't even know who an orphan is. And if there is an orphan in the community, people think that all their relatives should support them. It's
not just the responsibility of the relatives to support their orphan children. It's also the responsibility of the entire community to support them. Imagine a share of the booty is allotted to the orphans and the needy and the travelers. Allah mentions in condom if you all am Anton Billa you all believed in Allah. If you truly believe in Allah, woman and Zellner either over dinner, and that which we sent down on our servant, meaning if you truly believe in that which we sent down on our servant, when yo ml for con on the day of the criterion, what is the day of the criterion Yoma the day when Ill tackled John Moran, the two groups met in the call from Lucky alarm off yet. Luckily a
means to meet ill the call the two met who two met a German German duo of jammer the two groups met. So what is this day of criterion one the two groups met? What day is this? The day of the Battle of but why is the battle of other called young one for Han the day of the criterion, because it is this battle, which clearly distinguished between truth and falsehood. Those who were upon the Hulk and those who were upon the battle, the victory that Allah subhanaw taala gave to the Muslims despite their few numbers, and the horrible defeat that the machine suffered, and all of their great leaders killed in the battle amongst them Abuja Hill and soon after the battle, but it is said that a week
after the Battle of Verdun, a Gula passed away. I will have helped himself did not go to the battle. He hired people and sent them he himself did not go. But it is said that he was so shocked by the defeat of the majestic King, that within a week he passed away, he died. He was also old by then. But despite that, that shock that grief caused him to die, a very terrible death. So anyway, we see that the battle of butter clearly distinguished between truth and falsehood. So Allah subhanaw taala says if you truly believe in Allah, and if you truly believe in that which Allah sent to his messenger, the day when the two armies met the day of the criterion, then you must observe the
rulings concerning the booty that Allah subhanaw taala is giving you the question is what is it that Allah subhanaw taala sent down in the prophet or sent down on the day of the Battle of brother, his help his angels? Right, this Akina, the Nussle, the fat, all of this came from Allah. So in other words, what is being mentioned is if you believe in Allah, and if you believe that this victory was from Allah, then you better observe this, because many times it happens, that we want something terribly wanted and what do we do? We make dua we veg Allah. And then once we have it, that we do whatever we want to, we forget about the rules that Allah subhanaw taala has given. We just follow
our desires. For example, somebody desperately wants to get married. They're hunting for a spouse, and then what happens after many dogs
As many as to follow as many meetings, eventually what happens they find someone special, and they think that this is the right person, and then they decide to get married, and they're getting married preparations are being made. But as the preparations are being made for the wedding day, and when people think about the music and about free mixing, and the think about all this extra stuff, what do they say? Come on. It's only once it's okay. On the bride that day, no big deal. I want to make my family happy. It's okay. Think about it. You found that person. You're getting married today because of who? Allah subhanaw taala Allah give you this blessed day, this happy day he allowed for
this union to take place. And who are you forgetting today? Allah subhanaw taala that you're wondering if you can exempt yourself from performing prayer, because your makeup cost $250 Or your makeup cost $500 or $1,000 and alo Arlo how much and you don't want to wash it off just to do will do just to pray salah.
Unfortunately, this is very common amongst Muslims. And this is very, very sad. Allah gave you this blessing. And today you're forgetting Him. So what do we learn from this idea that when Allah has given you victory, when Allah has granted you success, then if you truly believe in Allah, and if you truly believe that you have this today because of his health, then you better follow the rules that Allah is giving you that you don't say it's only one day, you don't say that you just want to have fun. Don't forget Allah when you're happy. Because many times we remember ALLAH, when we're sad, when we're in difficulty, and the moment everything's good and happy, we forget Allah subhana
wa Tada. Well, Allah who are now Coonley che encoded and Allah is over everything competent, he is capable, meaning it's because of his mudra that you were victorious. And if you forget him today, and you forget his rulings today, you think he can not change your situation in the future? Of course he can. You think every two individuals who meet who have an amazing wedding, you think they'll stay together forever? No. We've all come across situations where two people get married, and their wedding party was a best wedding party you've ever gone to. But then what do you find out within a year within three years philos finished.
So don't forget Allah, when you're happy. Don't forget Allah when Allah makes you successful when Allah makes you see a good day, because remember Allah because of his mudra you came here today you got here today. And remember that your situation can always change in the future if you turn your back to Allah. So don't just use Allah to get to victory to become successful, and then forget him. Because there's something that Allah mentioned in the Quran, that when we put a person in difficulty that he called upon us sitting and lying down, he calls upon us, and as soon as that difficulty is removed, he turns away. He turns away as if he never called upon us as if he never made Dora. So
remember what Allahu Allah couldn't be che in caddied.
Now, you see, there's only one I mentioned about the war booty. Only one I
imagined. The suit is called Al and vile luar booty, the surah began with the mention of the booty, and then no mention at all. And then finally after 40 versus how many verses one idea that tells you about the ruling of the booty? What does it show
that the booty is really not your main focus?
It should really not be the main reason why you're doing something for Allah subhanaw taala. What is more important to Allah is what your sincerity and your dedication, the lessons that you can learn from this experience money. Yeah, it comes and goes, Yeah, you use it. And it finishes. It's not that important. The matter is serious. However, you shouldn't be preoccupied with it that you forget about everything else. Because unfortunately when money comes before us, and we forget everything else, when we start enjoying ourselves, then we forget everything.
Let's listen to the recitation
wanting to
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show Homosassa who was only worried in
Keene, you have any savvy in
Deena young woman for Bonnie Ullman topology
while long wanna really shame