Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P09 095C Tafsir Al-Araf 157-158
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The speaker discusses the importance of learning from the mother and father, as well as the teacher's teacher's teacher's teacher's teacher's teacher's teacher's teacher's teacher's teacher's teacher's. They also emphasize the importance of learning to speak a language and maintaining healthy relationships with people. The negative impact of certain things on people's lives, such as drinking alcohol, is discussed, along with the importance of protecting the people from evil influence of the Prophet sallama. The speaker offers guidance and support for those who believe in the Prophet's words, emphasizing the importance of following laws and restrictions on animals and following the Prophet's words.
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There are those who are Levina those people who yet to be Runa they follow a Rasulullah, the messenger which messenger an Obeah the Prophet, Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam was Rasul and a NaVi one of the differences that the scholars have given between Rasul and Nabi is that Rasul is the one who brings a new message. And Nabhi is the one who reinforces the message of the previous prophet. So we see that Muhammad Sallallahu sallam was Rasul and Nabil, because while he brought in new Sharia, he also reinforced the teachings of the previous prophets. Isn't that so? He reinforced the teachings of the previous prophets because he was the last of the prophets. So those who follow the
messenger, the prophet, which Prophet al or me, the unlettered prophet, Allah be the one who Yeji Duna, who they find him, meaning the people find this profit, Mark Toobin written, are in the home with them, where Fedora in the total will injeel and the Injeel, meaning his name, and his description, they find it written in their scriptures, he is mentioned by name, and his description is given in the Torah and the Injeel. For example, in Isaiah 29, verse 12, is said, and the book is delivered to him, that is not learned.
What's one of the descriptions, that is not learned, saying, read this, I pray thee and he said, I am not learned. Is this a correct description of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he has, like when you read this, you think yeah, of course is Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, because unlettered he was Omi. And secondly, when the angel came to him, What did he say? What was the first revelation? It Quran? And what did the Prophet sallallahu Sallam say, man, and because I am not someone who reads I cannot read, I have not learned. So anywhere, the description that is given in the Torah injeel and also in the Quran, is which one, I'll omit.
Or me who is or me, it's from the root letter is Hamza mean meme? What word comes from there?
All right, only is mother owe me is someone who has learned whatever he has learned from his mother, your mother is your first teacher. And Mother's over here, please realize that you are your child's first teacher, he will learn from you, first and foremost before he will learn from anyone else. Even if a mother dies, right after the birth of the child or she goes away, she leaves the child, the child has already learned from the mother Where were in the womb.
Because the words of the mother the nature of the mother, her behavior, it definitely has an effect on the child. Right? So only someone who has learned only from the Mother, the first teacher is the mother. All right. Now some people they learn from the mother. And then when they're three years old, when they're four years old, where do they go to school, and when they go to school, they learn from other people. They get formal education. That's the system we have today. Back then people had a different system, which was that as people grew older, they would send their children to different different teachers. Okay, whether that teacher is teaching them some craft, or some handiwork or
some knowledge, some information, how to read how to write, how to speak a language, all of those things. Anyone who instructs you is who who, your teacher, so only as someone who has not had any formal training.
Who is he? Someone who has not had any formal training, he is unlettered.
Now, you might say, Isn't that something quite sad that someone has not learned anything? They're uneducated, basically? Isn't it? Like if someone is being introduced? Right. And it is that, oh, they never went to school.
Or, for example, some people because they're being homeschooled, they feel embarrassed when they tell their friends. I am homeschooled. Some people, some people are very happy about or proud about it. And other people who don't like to be in that system, they get embarrassed. So if somebody was introduced in this way, that this person never went to school, they never went to college. They never went to university. Would you give any importance to them?
Or would you feel sorry for them?
Would you feel sorry for them or no? Come on, man respond. Would you feel sorry for them? Yeah.
But we see that repeatedly in the Quran, Allah subhanaw. Taala describes as messengers or me.
And if you think about it, this is kind of embarrassing. But the prophets a lot of times described as omy. Why? Because for him, it is praise,
it would be blameworthy for other people. But for him it is actually praise. How, how is it praise for him? How does it make the Prophet salallahu Salam, a better human being compared to the rest of the people? If he is only
that he was never formally trained by any person, any human being?
And despite that, he was a source of guidance for so many, many, many people. In fact, he is the source of guidance for anyone who wants to be guided. And this is despite the fact that he was Omi Right. Like, for example, in history, we learned about many people, great philosophers. Allah did not choose them to be prophets. Allah chose Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam, to be a prophet. And you know what? This in itself is a proof of his truthfulness. Because who would you expect? A very eloquent piece of writing come from someone who is educated, someone who learned someone who traveled a lot, someone who got to experience many, many things. But an unlettered man is saying
something like the Quran so deep, so meaningful, so eloquent? This shows that this was not the speech of this man. It is the speech of who someone else, he is the deliverer. He is someone who is just conveying, right? Likewise, you would expect someone who has been formally trained to lead people in a very effective way. But we see that Mohamed Salah ism is leading people, even though he was never formally trained. So what does it show the truthfulness of his prophethood? Anytime someone asks you, how do you know that Mohamed Salah lorrison was really a profit or not? How do you know? What if this was all a lie? What if this was all? He was faking it? People say that today,
people might say the same question to you. And you say no, no, I believe that he was a prophet and don't ask me too many questions. He should know the answer. What's the answer? He was on me?
If he was on me, and despite that, he gave the Quran despite that he left the people. Despite that, he said such deep words of wisdom, then this has got to come from somewhere else meaning he was given all this from someone else. And who was that someone else? Who was that someone else? Allah subhana wa Tada.
Also, one more thing.
What do you think the wisdom is behind choosing an omy? Prophet? Weren't there certain people in Makkah, who could read and write? I just said that they were about 17 people in Mecca who could read and write? Why didn't Allah subhanaw taala? Choose one of them? Why Muhammad said a lot of them and who me?
To make it clear to us that it's not impossible to learn the religion, okay. Yes.
Yes. Because his heart, his mind is pure and unpolluted.
Someone who has been taught something from before, then what happens? Their mind their brain starts to work in that particular way. Right? Like, for example, if you went to a particular school system, or if you were taught to read in a particular way, and then all of a sudden, your parents they shifted you to a different school system completely, then you would struggle initially,
isn't it'll, you will struggle a lot. Why? Because this is all new to you. You are used to reading in a different way. You're used to counting in a different way. And now you're being taught to do things completely differently. Which is why many times it happens with children, that when they move from one country to the other, they were the brightest students back home, and now they're struggling. Why? It's a new system. It's a new system. Right? And also, the things that you study in the past, they affect your thinking, isn't it's all the books that you've read in the past the literature that you've read, whatever you have studied, it affects your mind. Correct. You try not
to think in that way, but your mind only works in that way. Like for example, somebody is really good at math.
schematics, logic and everything. They look at it as logic. And when they're dealing with family problems, they try to apply the same logic over there. And it doesn't work doesn't work, right. So because they are so used to thinking in a particular way, now it's difficult for them to learn something new. Okay, so the Prophet saw a lot of sun because he was Omi, his mind was pure his heart was unpolluted, he was upon the fifth chakra, he was upon the fifth chakra. So he received the Quran in a pure vessel pure container, and then he was able to pass it on in the best way, in the best way.
So, of Rasul and Nabhi, allomi, Olivia de Dona, WOMAC, tuban are in the home fit talathi Will injeel they find him by name by description written described in the books that are with them, the Torah and the Injeel this prophet this messenger, yet model home, he orders them, Bill Maher roof with that, which is my roof meaning right, correct, proper way and how whom and He forbids them or and in mooncup, from the wrong the Prophet sallallahu Sallam his entire message, whatever he brought, is described over here. What did he do? He told people to do what is right. And he forbade them from doing what is wrong.
This is why I hit the Roman king, when he asked Abu Sufian, who was still a mystic at that time. He was asking about Sofia and different things about Muhammad Sallallahu isn't about Islam. One of the questions that he asked was, What does he commend you? What does Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam tell you to do? So Abu Sufyan, he replied, He tells us to worship Allah alone, and not associate anything with Him, and to abandon what our ancestors did meaning of ship. And He commands us to pray, to speak the truth, to be chaste, and to maintain ties of kinship. What is all of this? Model?
Isn't it speak the truth? Everyone? Every person who has some good morals, they will say speaking the truth is maroof. Right? Likewise, being chaste, being honest in your relationships being taught him being pure in your relationships? That is also what maruf likewise, maintaining ties of kinship what is that? What is that my Wolf? Right? Being good to your mother, your father, your siblings, forgiving them overlooking their shortcomings all of this is what model so this is exactly what the Prophet sallallahu Sallam brought and whatever he forbade the people from doing whether it is drinking alcohol, or any other wrong action, what is that monka so yeah, moral when Bill Maher wolf
when her home anil munkar when you when Luna home, and he makes permissible for them? What uh, you bet the good things.
Because people have made many good things unlawful for themselves. Today, the situation is sort of different because majority of the people just follow their desires. So whatever they want to do, they do it. But people who do adhere to religion, we see that many of them have made good things unlawful for themselves. Or rather, it is believed that being religious means staying away from good things.
Isn't that what we also sometimes think? That if you're very religious and never wear makeup,
if you're very religious and don't dress up, if you're very religious, then you shouldn't be having good food. This is what we think religiosity is. But we see that the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he brought the most practical religion the best religion because it was sent by Allah subhanaw taala Bula aalameen through rock metal Ireland in the mercy to the worlds so good things are the people make haram on themselves, the prophets of Allah Islam came to make them lawful, like, for example, the hood. Remember that because of their sins, certain good things were made haram on them. And remember, we learned in detail about which kind of animals right animals with unclogging hooves were
made haram on them. All right. Likewise, the fact of the animals was made haram on them, and imagine how difficult it would be for them to separate that fat. Okay, and take the meat, how difficult that would be and the only fat that they could consume was the fact that you don't want to have right the one in the intestines. I will however, come on. So
It was very difficult for them. Right? So these Halal things that had been made haram on them, the prophets of Allah cinnamate them lawful. And this is not just in the matters of food, also in the matters of dress in the matters of money in the matters off relationships, okay? Likewise you see that in certain cultures in certain religions people, they don't eat meat and meat is something that is good for you. Right? It is good. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he made all of these good things lawful doesn't mean he made everything lawful good things is a condition. And while you're hurting Marlena mokaba is and the impure things, he made all of them unlawful for the people impure
things, the bad things that the people had made lawful for themselves, the profits on a lot of sudden came to forbid them. Like for instance,
alcohol. And what else like McKinsey's, right. So, and also there are many things that people do today, consumption of rubber, right, which are actually bad for people. Actually, they are bad for people, we might think. But if interest was allowed, it would be so easy for me to get an education today. Right? So why can't I just simply take a loan? And you know, just study easily? Why not? Do you know, so many people, they take these loans, they go to school, and they graduate with a $50,000 loan,
which is accumulating interest every year, or every month rather?
And then what happens? They try to pay it off. But after undergraduate who finds a job immediately,
who finds it, then they have to take another loan and get more education. And then what happens? They say, it's too difficult, I can't pay it off. And besides, there's so many things that you want to have, who wants to pay off the loan?
Why would a person give $700 to the bank to pay off their loan when instead they can get an iPhone? Why? Why would they? And they keep saying oh, it's accumulating interest? Doesn't matter, whatever. What can I do? In that Allah when I allowed you let me just enjoy myself. And then what happens? So many people, they find it difficult to find a suitable spouse, because one of the first things people ask today is what do you have a debt to pay off? Yes, I have seen many people who are so close to getting married, but it doesn't work out. Why? Because the guy says, I'm not paying off her loans.
And the girl says, I don't think I can live a life in which for the first 10 years of our life, my husband is trying to pay off his loans. And then what happens? If they say Nevermind, it's okay. Then the woman she is at home with her children. And every month, Reba. Reba. Reba it's increasing initially was a loan of 10,000. Now it has become a loan of 50,000 and the husband, he doesn't know whether to buy a family car or to pay off the loan. There is no Baraka in the family. There is no Baraka in the money. They're living a life of misery of pretense. I'm talking about young couples.
I'm talking about young couples. Sometimes people have to delay having a family because they can't afford to have children. Why? Because we have to pay off our loans. My husband has his debts to pay off, I have my debts to pay off.
So what good was that loan?
What good was that loan? Isn't it hobbies? Tell me if it's not hobbyist and what is it? If it's going to make you miserable for the rest of your life, then it is hobbies?
It is hobby, it's not worth it. Is it really worth that education that degree? Not at all, because you know what? Majority of the women, especially Muslim women, and not just Muslim women, but many women what happens with them is that they get married and they have the children and once they see their children, they don't want to leave them. They don't want to put them in daycare and go to work. They want to spend their time with their children. But every day they wake up with a heavy heart with this guilt. I have a loan to pay off. So remember everything that is haram. It is hubby's, it is evil. It is dirty. It is filthy. It's going to make your life miserable. So stay away
from it. Find out some other alternate beg ALLAH ask him to open the ways for you and you will if you are determined. If you are determined. There are people I know myself personally, who have extended their four year degree to sit
Siers seven years. Yes, they're very behind compared to the rest of the people, but they refuse to take a loan. They will work. They will work make money, and with that money, they will pay off their education. Yes, they don't have fancy phones. They don't have a car still. They don't have many clothes. They hardly hardly ever go to the mall. Why? Because they want to stay away from haram. They will take personal loans from people and the first thing they do is that they'll pay it off. And now Allah subhanaw taala blesses them, with great families with children with happiness with money. Why? This is the baraka of halal. This is the blessing of the YouTube.
This is the blessing of the year. So remember, everything that the Prophet saw a lot of time for Bear. What is that? hobbies? Filthy, you don't want to go near it. You don't want to touch it. You want to stay away from it. You have the more Elaine will cover is where he'll go and he removes Arnhem from them is Salam, their burden? Well, Allah and the locks the shackles the chains, ality Canada I lay him which were upon them. Specifically these verses are talking about the who did the Nosara because they're the ones who had made good things, unlawful on themselves and unlawful things lawful for themselves, they basically change the religion. So the profits of a lot of Saddam came to
rectify the religion, as Allah subhanaw taala had revealed and establish it. And one of the things that he did was that the burdens and the chains that were on the people he came to remove them. What does it sort of mean? So this from the Veterans himself Swatara, and so is a heavy load that restricts a person from moving about easily. Have you ever traveled with a bag and carry on?
And a plastic bag in your other hand?
And maybe a child running around you? Has it ever happened to you that you've had to carry a lot of stuff. And there you are sitting somewhere finally you find a spot? And you're like, I need to go to the bathroom?
And then you look at all the stuff and like, forget it. It's okay, I'll wait. I'll hold on for like 10 hours. But I'm not going with all this stuff to the Washington because it's impossible. What does Israel do? What does a heavy burden do? It restricts you from moving about easily.
So, refers to over here. All those difficult difficult commands that were given to the Bani Israel eel, or generally, that people have imposed on themselves that have made lives difficult for them. Such difficult commands that don't let the people relax.
They can't relax, like, for instance, the Bani Israel. One of the rulings that they were given was that if something impure fell on your clothes, you could never purify it. You could never purify that piece of cloth. What this was one of the commands that they were given. So if let's say a drop of urine, fell on a person's clothes, then what would happen they would have to cut that part off. They can purify it, there is no way of purifying.
But we see that the prophets of Allah Islam came relieve the people of this burden. And now what do you have to do? Just take a little bit of water and wet that spot and close, clean, brings it out done. So easy. So this burden that was imposed on the people taken off from them so that people have become free. Islam set the people free.
Before what was the way that your leader whatever he tells you, you follow? Whatever he tells you, you follow? But now, in Islam, what are we taught you follow the leader? Definitely you have to some are Ouattara, but in that which is right, if something is wrong, and the leader is telling you to do it, you don't do it. This is what freedom correct. So the true freedom was brought by who the prophets of Allah who already he was
still a yeller, who are in whom Islam will Allah Allah, Allah, Flora love will. And what is one? Chains shackles, like, for example, handcuffs. Now imagine somebody is handcuffed, or just died? Can they use their hands freely? No. If there's, you know, that lock on a person's foot, can they walk around easily? No, if someone is chained to a chair, can the move around not at all. So what does the land refer to allow refers to the restrictions and the prohibitions? The prohibitions and
Not allowing the people to live easy lives. So for example, when animal fat was prohibited, just imagine how difficult it was for people. And it still is for the people to slaughter an animal.
If you research a little bit about how the Jews slaughter their animals to make it permissible to eat, it's a very long process for Muslims, what do we have to do I have a sharp knife, misprint, Allahu Akbar colors.
But there is a much detailed procedure that they have to follow to make an animal permissible for consumption. So this is all what a hollow chains, so the restrictions, the prohibitions, not allowing them to live their lives easily. Likewise, the restrictions of the Sabbath. Can you imagine one whole day, one whole day, you're not allowed to do anything of this world? Can you imagine people find two hours of Jumeirah difficult, one hour of Jumar difficult that I have to be at the masjid at this time. Imagine spending a whole day like that.
So this was what are restriction upon them that made their life very difficult. The Prophet salatu salam came to remove all of this. In a hadith the Prophet sallallahu sallam said Boris to Bill honey fee at the Samadhi I was sent with the easy way of Hanifa meaning of monotheism. So the religion of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam brought the religion of Islam if you summarize it, in one word, what is it? What is it easy? You might say no, Islam is difficult. You know why? Because we are comparing Islam with the people who just follow their desires.
This is what we're doing. If you compare Islam, with other religions, then you will find Islam to be so easy, so good, so practical.
So practical. I mean, the strange strange restrictions that people have in their religion nonsensical, almost a we can't even imagine doing things like that. But our religion is simple, it is easy, it is practical. Allah says for Lavina Manu so those people who believe be in Him meaning and Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam were Azhagu and they respect him when Assad woohoo and they help him. What? Who and they follow? What do they follow a newer lady, the light, which owns ILA Mara, who which was sent with him, hula Iike homonuclear. Those are the ones who are successful. So this ayah describes the Prophet and the followers of the Prophet. What are the characteristics of the
followers of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam the true followers? I'm an OBE, so check yourself, Do I believe in him? Secondly, are Zulu Zulu from Tyrese. Ryan Zaira. What does that lead me to help support someone out of respect with respect
with respect, you know, it's like, there's a person that you're helping because they're old, or because they need your help. And you really don't feel like helping them. It's a burden.
It's a burden that you have to hold the door open for someone and I quickly more more, more very, very, so I can leave the door.
And the other is that you willingly, happily with respect you help someone this starseed willingly happily with respect. And we see that those who truly believe in the Prophet sallallahu sallam, they showed this kind of respect to him as well. When his name is mentioned, they say sallallahu alayhi wa sallam not as a burden again, no, but they happily say it with respect they say, when they study about him, his words, his Cielo, they do so with happiness with respect with reverence.
The Companions, we see that they showed this kind of respect to him when they went and if they had to knock somewhere in order to get his attention, they wouldn't just yell at him, or profits or loss and come on, we've been waiting so long. You know once the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he delayed the Russia prayer, so much towards the people who were sitting in the masjid waiting, this fell asleep.
And they woke up and they fell asleep again, and they woke up again. And the women and the children they were sleeping and remodeled. Leila Horan, who he got up and he said, I'll salah. He just said prayer. That's it. He didn't say prophets Allah Islam. Are you there? Are you sleeping? Can you please come we've been waiting for so long. If you're busy, I can lead the people in prayer, you know, nothing like that. As a rule. They waited and waited and waited with so much
fact that none of them was freaking out. None of them was creating a scene, or zero who won or who and they helped him.
And we can also help him today by helping his mission by defending him by telling the people about him. So the people who help him, they're the ones who will be successful, like, remember at the Battle of better the first battle, and the Muslims, they had to go face to Army and the prophets or Larson was worried that the Muslims might be reluctant. So when he asked them that, what do you think? What do you say? The unsolved the people of Medina, they said, Oh prophets of Allah, Sanam, if you were to tell us to go and jump in the sea, we would do that. Anything you go for we are with you. We will support you when Assad who Allah says such people are those who are successful. Allah
says, Allah say, Yeah, are you a nurse or mankind in near rasool Allah He elago I am a messenger of Allah to you Jumeirah altogether, because the prophets are a lot of sin and was sent as a messenger to who all of mankind, the previous messengers were sent to their respective nations to their respective people. But Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sent to all of mankind. This is the reason why.
If there's any person who believes in Allah believe that Musala center believes in or a scientist, but he does not believe in Mohammed salatu salam his Eman is not accepted. It is not valid. It will be rejected for a person's Eman to be accepted by Allah. It is a condition that they must must believe in Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. Otherwise, not acceptable in Surah Csaba Ayah 28 We learned woman autosol NACA Illa Caffitaly NASCI. But you don't want to do we have not sent you except comprehensively to all of mankind meaning to all people sort of Gambia i 107 woman or select Illa Ramadan for who Lilla al Amin mean for the people of the world into the hood I have 17 We learned
one maniac for becoming a zombie funnel Murray to whoever disbelieves in him from any of the groups than what is his home. What is His abode? And now he's not going to Jana. Anyone who rejects Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his Eman is not acceptable. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said breweries to Allah NASCI Kapha. And as well as what I was sent to all of mankind, whether black or white, doesn't matter what race doesn't matter what country doesn't matter what language what ethnicity, the prophets have a lot of center was sent as a messenger to all of people, all of people. So it's not just the Arabs who are supposed to be Muslim, or brown people who are supposed
to be Muslim. Everyone is required to believe in Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam why? Because He is a messenger sent by who? Allah de la who Maluku somehow it will, Allah to Whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth. La ilaha illa who there is no god but He your ye where you meet he gives life and He gives death.
The prophets of Allah Sanam is a messenger off along the one who gives life and the one who gives death. realize he's not an ordinary messenger for Ermanno Billa He, Allah tells us now that all of you believe in Allah wa su li and His Messenger, who is his messenger, a newbie the Prophet Allah omit the unlettered Allah, the Umino Biller, the one who believes in Allah. Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam believes in who? Allah he's a servant of who, Allah. He didn't say, oh, people worship me because I am God never. Never. He showed that he was a servant of Allah Himself. He believed in Allah wa Kelly Murthy and his words meaning he believed in all of the words of ALLAH kalimat por la
Calima. And what has Klamath refer to all of the words of ALLAH and this includes all the books that Allah has revealed. So Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, he believes in Allah and everything that Allah has revealed. He doesn't say all people, the Torah was a lie. The injeel was a lie. No, he has come confirming the truthfulness of the previous scriptures. Allah says what who, who and follow Him, law law conducted own so that you can be rightly guided, what does this teach us? If we want to be rightly guided, then what should we do?
Follow what?
The messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sunnah. The closer a person is to the Sunnah of the Prophet. The more guided he is the
farther a person is from the Sunnah of the Prophet. The more straight he is. Your guidance is determined by what? How much you follow Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Let's listen to the recitation. Lena. Debbie was Wallen, Abby and
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