Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P08 091D Tafsir Al-Araf 65-72
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The speakers discuss the history and similarities between people from God and their cousins, including their religious appearance and use of "ma'am" in religion. They emphasize the importance of being true to oneself and evaluating one's actions. The success of Islam is based on gratitude and positive outlook, and the importance of staying true to one's culture and not wanting to change. The segment ends with a brief advertisement for a shower of stones.
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afternoon Hello Salam. Those people who were saved with him from their descendants came the nation of God. Allah says what ILA at the end to the people of God. Odd was the name of a man from the descendants of new honey center.
And this man odd his children, their children to basically his descendants. They came to be known as the people of God. And the people of odd. They used to live in a cough, cough, and cough is a place in Yemen. And these people that remember we're talking about very early human history, very early human history. So otherwise, I'm soon after him knew how they send me they said there was a time period of about 1000 years between other Melissa I'm a new listener, and after him who came the people of odd. All right, so these people were a very strong Biltz. They were very tall and huge, very strong, mighty people. Very powerful. So, to the people of odd. Allah subhanaw taala sent a Ha,
whom their brother which brother? Who then whose earliest?
Uh huh,
who is a brother, brotherhood is of many kinds. One is brotherhood, through blood through blood, that two people are the children of the same mother are the same father are the same father and mother. So they share their blood, this is why they're brothers. Brotherhood is also because of belonging to the same or having the same lineage. So if a person belongs to a particular tribe, a particular great family than he is called their brother. So for instance, if a person belongs to a particular tribe, the Arabs would call him the brother of that tribe, because he was one of them. Now, everyone of that tribe is not literally your brother. They could be your distant cousins and
relatives, but because you belong to the same tribe, you are understood as their brother.
Like, for example, in certain families, okay, larger families, what happens is that people marry only within their families. Okay, so what happens is that everyone is related to
everyone through some way or the other.
Like, for example, one of my relatives, they are from a particular
not tribe, because in Pakistan, you don't use the word tribe, but you can understand it as tribe. Okay. So anyway, and they met someone at ohada,
who was also from that particular big family. And they're like, do you know, so and so? And, you know, so and so? Like, yeah, I know, so and so they're my great grandfather's so and so so. So they were basically related through some kind of relationship, and they figured out how they were related, but they were related. And it's amazing. Sometimes you'll find people, you know, from different parts of the world, or they meet at in a different country, and they find out that they are related.
So, if Arabs came across a person like that, they would say that he is the brother of such and such tribe, because he shared their lineage. All right. Another kind of brotherhood is the brotherhood of religion.
So if a person has the same religion, then what happens are called the brother or the sister. I like for example, we have the bond of sisterhood. Are we actually sisters? I mean, do we have the same mothers, the same grandmothers? Not necessarily. But we still call ourselves what sisters because this is a Huwa fifth Dean. All right. So what you know, I didn't call him Muda. Who there is an M Allah subhanaw. Taala calls him the brother of odd why? Because he was from their tribe, not because they shared the same religion. But because this was Hua finessin. Okay, he had the same lineage. Allah He said, Yeah, call me Oh, my people are with Allah worship Allah. Because Morocco I'm not for
you mean Allah in any god are you to other than Him? You don't have any God besides Allah. He is your only Lord. He is the One who created you. He's the one who sent you and he's the one whom you're going back to so worship only Him Falletta Takuan Do you not and fear? Don't you fear Allah, that if you worshipping others besides Him, using Allah would accept that I fear of a lot of another tycoon columella, the leaders, the elite, the chiefs, they said, which Mullah Alladhina Cafaro though
who disbelieved when Comey from his people. So the mullah the leaders who were the disbelievers from his people. They said in that indeed we learn Urraca shortly we see you or who FISA in foolishness the people of New harness and I'm What did they say? We see you in Bala? The people of who they are Lisa, what did they say? We see you in? We see you in Sofia haha what is the for her foolishness stupidity that when a person is not using their intellect or they're not smart enough? So as if they're saying, What's wrong with you? Have you gone crazy? Use your mind, what are you saying? Think about what you're saying.
And many times it happens that you're made to feel dumb.
When you say something from the Quran from the Sunnah. People look down on you, as if you have no intellect. If you go in front of someone wearing the hijab, they think you don't know English.
Right? They think you don't know English, like a friend of mine was telling me recently that they move to a particular place where you don't find any Muslims. And you know, whenever she goes to any public place, people ask if she needs a translator. And she's like, No, I was born and raised in Canada.
Right? And people are surprised at what you know how to speak in English. So I mean, there are different reasons as to why they would assume that. But it happens many times that people who have a religious appearance, people think they're dumb. They don't know anything. They've never been to school. They don't know this world. They don't understand what we go through. They don't know what money is. They don't know what fashion is. They don't know what movies are. They don't know anything.
So they said in mellonella, aka FISA. Have you ever felt like that?
Yeah, well, yeah, many times. I, for example, it'll happen with you that you have a perfect resume. If you apply for a job, you should technically get it because, you know, your resume shows that you are perfectly capable. But as soon as I see your hijab,
no way. Yes. I came last year.
And my daughter, she was in there in grade five. And you know, when she knew I knew that teacher that she is coming from Pakistan, where she did, she just, you know, put my daughter in the ESL class. And I just went to her and I asked her why you sent her in an ESL class. She said, Because in Pakistan might be different having English medium schools. I say, you know, in Pakistan, there are like, around 80% schools are English middle school, and I was teaching I was working as a principal in the school as well. And you know, she said nobody, this is our criteria. And then she put her when now mashallah she then IBT school, she appeared in the test of mathematics and English, and
then I went back to the teacher, you know, like after like six months, you know, to put her in and she kept her for three months. You know, I really felt very bad, you know, and then I went to her and I said to her, Look, you could try it and she's the only student of her class who was selected for IVT mashallah, and Hamdulillah. So, they said in Allah Naraka FISA, we see you in foolishness. And many times it'll happen with you that you go to like a wedding or something, a gathering, and you have a hijab on are you going to pray and because of your hijab, other people won't even look at you.
Like, there are some people who won't even look at you as if you are nothing as if you don't even exist there.
And it's sad that many times you'll find this behavior even amongst Muslims, that someone who is more serious about their Deen people think that they know nothing. They're total losers. This is why my dear sisters, when you go to school with your hijab on you better study really hard.
Really hard, you better do all of your assignments on time, you better be, you know, the good smart students so that people know that girls who wear hijab are not dumb. In fact, they're much smarter.
Really, because when you go to school, when you go to work, you're not just you. You are a muslim who is representing the deen so what you do will definitely affect how people will look at the deen so they said we see you as a foolish person we're in that and indeed we learn a one Luca shorty we think of you middle Caribbean from the liars meaning we think that you are a liar. We think you've lost your mind. And we think that you're lying actually, Allah never sent you as a messenger who there isn't um, he gave a beautiful response. Caller he said Yeah, call me or my people. Lisa B suffer her. Lisa it is not be with me suffer foolishness, meaning I'm not foolish. I haven't gone
mad. I'm not crazy. And you know that. Many times it happens that people they accuse you of something or they blame you of
Something and many times how we defend ourselves is that we put the same accusation on them. Like if someone called a stupid we say no, no, you're stupid.
No, you don't need to say that. You can just say hamdulillah I'm not stupid
Hamdulillah I am perfectly sane. Alhamdulillah Allah, hola. I have a brain inside.
Like, for example, this friend of mine, you know, whenever she goes somewhere people find it very odd that she knows English one is that she could say, Oh, you don't know my language. So you're dumber than I am. And you think I'm done? You must be done because you don't know my language. But the other is that you say a nice answer with a smile on your face. I was born and raised in Canada,
and the other person will, okay, fine. So remember that whenever you are, you know, clarifying your image before people. It doesn't mean that you have to put them down. Don't put them down. Because this is not what a NASA does. A messenger was NASA sincere Well, wishing he wants the best for the people. And when he's conveying he doesn't embarrass them. He doesn't put them down. Because if you hurt someone's feelings, then they're not going to listen to you at all. He said, Well, I kidney but I Rasul on a messenger Mila, Bilal Amin from the Lord of the Worlds. I'm a messenger from the Lord of the Worlds who created everything he is Lord and King of all things. He's the one who has sent me
Oberliga come I convey to you rissalah messages Robbie of my Lord, what Anila calm and I am to you now say her own wellwisher, a mean trustworthy, NASA we studied earlier, but another quality of the prophets of Allah as mentioned here and what does that mean? Amina is from Amana Hamza mean noon. What is Amana? trustworthiness, that if you are given something to keep, then you take care of it, and you give it back. So people find you reliable. People find you reliable, they don't feel threatened when they're dealing with you, when they are around you. You are trustworthy. If they tell you something, they know they will get an honest response from you. So he said I am Amin,
meaning I am conveying the message exactly as it was given to me. I'm not changing it. I'm not mixing it up with anything. No, I am a mean I am trustworthy. And the prophets of Allah. They were known to be trustworthy people even before they receive prophethood Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam wasn't he called a Saudi called Amin. Wasn't he called Asada called Amin? Yes, people trusted him.
So he said, I am a mean. So when you know me as a mean, that I'm not going to lie about any person you think I'm going to lie about Allah? I wouldn't do that. So this shows that the person who is representing the religion of Allah conveying the message of the deen they better have a good reputation
with others, a good reputation, what does it mean? honest, trustworthy? not rude, but polite. Because then what you say will actually have an effect. Many times it happens that young women, young sisters, they, you know, have a lot of problems with their parents when it comes to wearing hijab, or you know, studying something, anything anything of the deen their parents don't agree with them. And what happens? The parents don't want to support them in what they're doing. Why is it so? You know why? Majority of the time it's because you've always been a rebellious child. You've always been that daughter who doesn't listen to mom and dad. Many times I'm not saying it's always the
case. But many times it happens with sisters that the disobey their parents in other matters. So their parents don't want to support them. And then look at hijab as a form of rebellion. Yes,
I was actually listening to the CETA by Yasir qadhi Last week on Friday, and he mentioned that as Muslim, the first thing we need to do is to get into the society and helpful to society so we can build that characteristic that people trust us, and that people look at us as a better human being. And then we can approach people by saying that yes, I'm not trustworthy, or you look at me as a trustworthy person, and I'm a Muslim, so that they get both like a good image of how you are and then you are Muslim. So they understand Islam as a better like religion is because it's true that when somebody is studying you something you shouldn't just look at who they are, you should focus on
the message, but you can't completely ignore that person. Right? I mean, their personality, their characteristics, their traits mean you do evaluate them based on their characteristics. You will listen to someone you will believe in them if what they say is true, right
You will support someone if you know that they will do their work by for example, you know, Muslims in a particular school, if they have a good reputation of coming to class on time of doing their work, not skipping class, then if those Muslims ask their teacher, can we please be allowed to go pray? Seven minutes, five minutes, 10 minutes we'll be back. And will the teacher allow? Yes. But if those students have a reputation of skipping class, of making excuses of going to the washroom and hanging out of the cafeteria, then will the teacher allow know the stories and show that we will learn today? Remember that these people did believe in Allah, but at the same time, they also
worshipped other gods or they had many ills in them. So Allah subhanaw taala sent prophets to reform their beliefs and their actions. All right, he said a large IP don't
do what and are chiptune you are amazed you wondered? Meaning? Do you then wonder are you amazed Why do you wonder why are you surprised and Gen Con that it came to you the Quran a message middle have become from your Lord are larger than men come on a man from you live in zero? Because at the end of the day, that man What is he doing? He's warning you
with guru and all of you remember it Jeremiah can when he made you whole affair successors. Remember when Allah made you successors, chlorella Khalifa, who is Khalifa one who succeeds the other so there were people who live before you, they're gone. And now Allah is letting you live. He made you successors mimbar the after Comey new people of No, Allah has allowed you to live made you live on the earth after the people of New who were annihilated was either come and he increased you fill Hulk in the creation, Busta employee in abundance, meaning in your physical form Hulk in your body. Allah subhanaw taala increased you in Buspar What does Buspar mean is that his best employer we have
done this word earlier into the Bacara. Fallujah loot remember their story? Basketball basically means abundance, vastness expanse, okay. So he has increased you abundantly in what in your strength, in your height, in your physical power in your mind. Compared to other people, you are exceptionally taller, stronger, more handsome, right? Allah subhanaw taala has made you like that. What is it true that a person's physical form? If it's good, if it's exceptionally different, and that is a favorite from WHO? Allah subhanaw taala it's not just your genetics, it's your genetics, obviously, but who gave you those and not others who gave you those genes and not others? Allah, He
chose those genes for you, He made you in this form. So he reminds them that look, Allah is the one who made you strong, and because of this physical strength, you have power, you have authority in the land today, and you construct great towers, great buildings, all this power came from who Allah so He says faith guru, so all of you remember, Allah Allah favors of Allah, Allah Allah come so that you to flee Hoon, you are successful. Allah is the plural of alien. And if lamb Yeah.
And blessings, this is what the word means. But what kind of blessings are these, Allah are such blessings that fulfill your needs,
that fulfill your needs. So you really need them, you can't survive without them. And there are such blessings which are bestowed upon a person time after time, time after time, so that he is not deprived of his basic needs. Like for example, those people who work every month, Allah blesses you with a paycheck. Yes, you work for it. But there are many people who don't get paid for the work that they do. Allah subhanaw taala got you paid. And with that money, you're able to fulfill your needs. And all of your money doesn't just come to you, at the beginning of the year. At the end of the year, in the middle of the year, that for example, your boss just gives you $50,000 At the
beginning of the year, this is your salary. If you were given $50,000 in one day, then what would you do? You would go buy a car for $35,000. Alright, and the little bit that you have left, you spend it on some jewelry, on some artwork on some furniture and then three months down, you don't have any food.
You're in debt. So
So, what happens, money is spread out? Correct, it is spread out. Think about it. If you were to count the amount of money that you have used still today that you have spent till today could have been a lot, right? It could be in 1000s. For some, it could be in hundreds of 1000s.
Right? But Allah subhanaw taala, spread that out for you gave it to you over time, so that all that money would fulfill your needs, every day, every year, every week, so on and so forth. So he said to them, remember the blessings of Allah that fulfill your needs without which you wouldn't be able to survive? Law Allah come to your home so that you can be successful? What do we see here? He's telling us remember, Allah's blessings, so that you can be successful, be grateful, so that you can be successful? What does it show gratitude leads to gratitude leads to success, thankfulness leads to success. And the opposite of that would be in gratitude leads to failure. So my question to you
is, how does gratitude lead to success? Tell the person sitting next to you? How do you think gratitude leads to success?
Okay, so if you got an answer, that makes sense, please share with the rest of us.
If you got an answer that makes sense.
Raise your hand.
Loudly. I know you can talk freely that.
So if you're grateful for something, then you will value what you have, when you will value what you have, even if it's little, even if it's not a lot than what will happen. You will use it. When you will use it, you will benefit from it, then, obviously, you're going to be successful. And when you're not grateful, then you don't value what you've been given. So what happens, you start making excuses. Oh, yeah, I have a car but doesn't work property. The air conditioning doesn't work. The heating doesn't work. I don't have heated seats. So I can't go out in the cold. I can't go to this class. I can't do this. I can't do that. Then what happens ingratitude leads to making excuses. When
you make excuses, then you basically signed up for failure. Yes.
Yes, that when you're grateful, what does Allah say, in Ceccato, let us see the knock on I will give you more, when Allah will give you more than what will happen. He was successful. You have more opportunities, you have more resources, you can do much more and ultimately read success. So he said, Remember, Allah's blessing so that you can be successful, right? This is, right, this part of the eye down for yourself, and posted in front of the place where you study where you work, whatever, so that it's a constant reminder. I want to be successful, and my work at school, and I have to be grateful for what I have. Gratitude means looking at, you know what you have. So, being
positive, having a positive mindset, a positive outlook, and that makes you productive, that makes you use what you have and ingratitude makes you negative, pessimistic, so you can't do much.
So he said, Remember Allah's blessings so that you can be successful? Paulo they said, Donna, have you come to us, Linda or Buddha? So we worship Allah, Allah, why the whole him alone? This is what you're telling us that we should worship only Allah. The Quran accepts that how can we leave our idols one another, and we leave from Wilder la mer that which Kana he used to Yanbu he worship about when our forefathers you want us to worship only Allah and leave all these idols that our forefathers used to worship for Tina, so come to us Bhima with that which 30 duna you threaten us to do from well I wonder where Eid where Eid means threat? Bring us what you threatened us with in
contaminate Saudi clean if you are of those who are truthful.
Now remember that no hallucinogen at this time, all the idolaters they were finished. The only people who survived were who the people of the hate the people who worship Allah alone. But the Chilean Lila No, he came after them. And soon what happened? Shank began in their descendants. And we see that it went on for many generations.
because the people of God, what are they saying over here? That you're telling us to leave what our forefathers used to worship?
To London leave them.
He went after them as well. And they were so firm on it. They said, We're not leaving this idolatry. You are Who would you threatened us with some punishment from Allah, okay, bring it to us. If you're truthful, we're not going to change our ways. The same problem the people of Makkah had, they believed in Allah, but they did not want to leave the worship of idols. They did not want to leave their culture, their lifestyle, because like we discussed earlier, religion dictates everything in your life. So they didn't want to leave that they were too comfortable and happy in those ways. And many times, it happens with us as well, that we've always done something our families, they've had
certain traditions, and we learned that they contradict the religion of Allah, that we don't want to leave it. We don't want to leave it. Because what will people say? And how can I miss out on this? Everyone does this How could I not do it? The same excuse these people presented and the set bring us a punishment, we don't care.
Look at how daring they became. The people of McCall said the same thing that Oh ALLAH if this is the truth from you, then send on us for Andhra Elena Hidaka minister met send us a shower of stones from the sky meaning destroy us.
So that we will know that it's the truth. But how will you change your ways once you've been destroyed? Allah He said who are listen, I'm sad God. In fact, what
it happened it fell. What Carl Well, cough rain. It is when something falls when something happens when something becomes necessary. Like when something is dropping, okay is falling, then definite, it is going to land somewhere. It's going to strike something so called the walker. It has become incumbent, it will definitely happen. I like him on you. Mirabai come from your Lord. Listen, filthy punishment will hold up an anger, meaning the punishment and anger from your Lord has already befallen you. You're demanding punishment, it has already befallen you how that you don't accept the truth, that is crystal clear that you are firm on your wrong ways. Even though you've been warned
that it has serious consequences. You are already suffering from the punishment.
Like for example, if a person is determined to kill themselves,
and they keep threatening others, you know what if you don't do this, I'm going to kill myself. If this doesn't happen, I'm going to kill myself, I'm going to commit suicide then the life that they're living is already What does if they're dead, they're not happy, they're not enjoying anything. They've already died before they have killed themselves because they're living with that mindset. So just like that these people they have already received the punishment of Allah even before the punishment has come because they don't see the truth that is right before them. He said a to jadie loon Annie do you all dispute with me fee concerning a smart names Some may to Musa you all
have named it unto him you were about to come and your father's? Meaning you're not willing to leave your idols. But what is the reality of these idols? These false gods just names that you invented? I mean, if you call a mountain, a particular name, or if you make an image of something, and you give it a name, you say that like for example, if there is a picture of a dog and said this is a dog,
it's only a picture, is it actually a dog?
Is it actually a dog? No. If you give it food with an eat it, no. If you throw something will address it? No. If you call it will it come to you never than what is true about that picture, that it's only a picture. It's only a name. There is nothing true about it. There's nothing certain about it. So all these idols, you've just made them up yourself. You've given them names, and you and your forefathers and you have invented this shake man not Nasrallah He sent down Allah Allah, Bihar widmann Sultan, any authority any proof? Allah has not given you any authority to do this. Who gave you the authority to make something and call it God? Who gave you the authority to make an image of
God who What proof do you have that this idol can help you? This idol can cure you this idol can save you what evidence do you have? So he's had fun totally. So fine wait. If you want the punishment then okay, wait for it. In the indeed I mark them with you may not want to lean from those who are waiting
In Tarantella to enchilada woman tell it what does it mean to wait? Wait and expect something. So okay, let's wait for the punishment. So what happened then? Allah sent the punishment for Angelina who so we saved him who who would early Salaam? Well Lavina Mara who and those who were with him meaning those who believed in Him those who responded to him only those people were saved by Martin with Mercy Mina from us special mercy from Us. This is why they were saved, walk Alterna and we cut off their bill route dabit that were wrong. What does it mean? The root the end part of something so the last of them was also finished. They were completely annihilated so that the people of God did
not live on their houses were there but the people were not there. What Katarzyna debit we got off the route of Alladhina Katha who are those people who denied be it now with our vs. Womack and Minnie and they were not believers. So at the end, who is it that survived those who believed?
In the Quran sutra, haka is six to eight we learn what Amma I don't feel overly kobori and suffering or Ardea. As for us, they were destroyed by a screaming violent wind, Which Allah imposed upon them for seven nights and eight days in succession. Imagine there were people of such strong built, and how are they punished? How are they finished with a strong wind? So what happened? It continuously blue for seven nights a days in succession. Allah says so you would see the people there and fallen as if there were hollow trunks of palm trees, hollow trunks of palm trees. It was like trees were falling on the ground when they were lying dead. Allah says Wilma can and walk meaning they were not
believers at all. So what do we see in these verses? That when the truth comes, one is that a person accepts it changes his ways, like we learned earlier, one type of land that display Yep, what does it do? It produces a lot of good. And the other reaction is well, that a person finds faults in it. He says, this is banana, this is a fire. This is cut if it doesn't make sense to me. How can we leave the waves of our forefathers How can we go against the entire society? Then what happens? Such land it doesn't produce anything? Hardly anything. No Eman so when there is no iman than such people, they don't have the right to live with the blessings of Allah than a time comes that Allah
takes away those blessings from them. May Allah Spanish Allah save us from becoming such people. Recitation
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