Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P07 076C Tafsir Al-Maidah 97-100
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The segment discusses the history and potential harm of Islam, including the use of " garba" and "unsure" meaning of "the" meaning of "the" meaning of "the" meaning of "the" meaning of "the" meaning of "the" meaning of "the" meaning of "the" meaning of "the" meaning of "the" meaning of "the" meaning of "the" meaning of "the" meaning of "the" meaning of "the" meaning of "the" meaning of "the" meaning of "the" meaning of "the" meaning of "the" meaning of "the" meaning of "the" meaning of "the" meaning of "the" meaning of "the" meaning of "the" meaning of "the" meaning of "the" meaning of "the" meaning of "the" meaning of "the" meaning of "the" meaning of "the" meaning of "the" meaning of "the" meaning of "the" meaning of "the" meaning of "the" meaning of "the" meaning of "the" meaning of "the" meaning of "the" meaning of "the" meaning of "the"
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Are the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Jerrell Allah Who will get better? Allah has made the garba what is Al garba? El beit al Haram the Sacred House and bathe it is the house being the house of Allah and it is a haram sacred. What does it mean by that, that certain things which are permissible elsewhere, are forbidden over here, so it becomes a sacred place. For example, fighting war may take place outside of this area but not inside. It's not allowed, certain things are forbidden. Likewise, you make trees, but it is not allowed to do that inside the home. So Allah has made the Kaaba which is the Sacred House, what has he made it? pm Allah nurse, a standing
for the people? What does it mean by the DM over here gives the meaning of one that is a source of making something stand. So basically pm gives the meaning of support, one that makes the other stand
something by which you make something else stand so a prop, a support. So Allah has made the garba is support for the people. What does it mean by this? Meaning he has made it a means of their religious and worldly sustenance, their religious lives, and their worldly lives depend on what the Kaaba
without the Kaaba, their religious, their spiritual lives would be nothing, their worldly lives would also be damaged. So basically, it is a means of sustaining their worldly and religious benefits. How is that? So? Think about it spiritually. When people go to the Kaaba, they go for Hajj, then it's as though they have come to life spiritually, their Deen becomes alive. Many people they're not regular in their prayers regular and giving charity regular and remembering Allah but when they go for Hajj, they're change. Likewise, you feel as though you're experiencing a law in your email, you go for Umrah and you come back refreshed, isn't it so you learn so many things
people go over there and their lives change around Buhari, he went to Makkah for hajj. And then he stayed in Makkah, he didn't go back with his mother and brother. He stayed in Makkah, he learned there for several years, but 16 years he learned over there. So many people, they go there and their lives are transformed in the worldly sense. Now we see that there's trade everywhere the system is completely different. But back then, when the world was not like a global village, back then we see that people's worldly lives also depended on the Kaaba that because people would go for Hajj, they would go to visit the house of Allah. As a result, there was trade.
People from outside of Arabia, or far parts of Arabia would bring in their products to Makkah, and that people would have various exchanges. Even today, actually, many people, they don't get to travel to China, they don't get to travel to Japan, right? They don't get to travel to so many parts of the world. But they go to Makkah and they find things from all over the world. Correct. And today, you will find it in a in a very modern way. That for example, people in some countries, they don't have Starbucks, right? They don't have many stores that you have over here. But when they go for umbra, they when they go for Hajj, they find all sorts of stores over there, and that's where
they go shopping. Correct. Now we believe that Oh, it's so wrong to go there for shopping. But Allah subhanaw taala says that there is no harm if you seek the funnel of Allah meaning money when you go for Hajj. Correct, which means that your main focus should not be shopping, your main focus should be reversed. But at the same time, if you do manage to buy a few things here, there, then there is absolutely no harm.
Okay, there's absolutely no harm in that. So people's worldly sustenance also depends on what on the carbon for some people a lot and for some people, little bit. Many people they won't buy gold here, but when they go to Saudi, and they'll buy gold. Hey, many people, they won't buy fragrances over here, but when they go there, then they buy lots of different types of correct Are you are you with me? Do you understand what I'm saying over here? Or do you think I'm talking about a different world that you don't recognize? We do experience this or we have seen people right experiencing this. So Allah has made garba by
How long pm alumnus. And also the thing is that in Arabia life was very difficult, because there was no security. A person would be traveling and he will be robbed. And as a result, everything he had would be lost sometimes even his own life, sometimes the lives of his closest ones, but because of how much people would travel there trade caravans were secure. Why because people had respect for at least they had respect for the Hajaj they had respect for the cargo. So as a result, the economy thrived. People would get to buy food and they will get to have business as well. So Jarl Allah Hill capital, beta harana, gamma Linas, was Chateau haram and also the sacred months, the sacred months,
the months in which fighting is prohibited. Even they are BM alumnus. What else is the M alumnus? Well, Hedy, and the sacrificial animals will color it and the garland it animals, meaning all these four things are pm alumnus what four things First of all, Karbo. Secondly, Shaolin haram. Thirdly, unhealthy and fourthly, I'll honor it. Now, karma, it's understood how that is a means of standing for the people of their worthy and religious benefits. What about the sacred months? How are they a pm alumnus, because fighting was not allowed in that time. So for those four months, people traveled securely in safety, their lives were not in danger, their properties were not in danger. I mean, we
learn about it and sort of courage. The ILA, if you're courageous enough, in particular, the shutter, it will slave fully out of the herd and bait and let the farmer manure in while I'm at home, I'm going home.
That who has fed them, saving them from hunger made them safe, saving them from fear that how they can travel back and forth in winter, and in summer.
And in particular, in the sacred month, they could travel very, very easily. So shout out Harlem.
Howdy, what is heavy, sacrificial animals, animals that are sent to the Home for the purpose of sacrifice. And this could be for various reasons, we learned that if a person has to give a follow up for having hunted during the State of harm than he has to give, howdy bad Ellen carrabba. Now the thing is, that when people would have had you with them, the animals of sacrifice with them that are to be taken to the Kaaba,
then the worst of robbers even, they would let them go. Why? Because they would say, Oh, these animals are being taken to the Hudson. These people are going to the Haram so let them be don't bother them don't harm them.
Allah in particular refers to those animals that had garlands around their necks. What's a garland? You can say it's like a big necklace. Okay. You may have seen in certain cultures on weddings, the bride and the groom, both are made to wear huge necklaces of flowers. So those are what garlands now they would put garlands around their animals, which animals that were taken by the Pilgrims for the purpose of sacrifice. He is what's the difference between heavy and put that in? Now listen carefully, because this question might come on your next test.
What is heavy, heavy is an animal that is offered a sacrifice could be for different reasons. Kafala other reasons. Ballet in particular is what that is taken by the bill grim for sacrifice. You know, when you go for HUD, you have to offer sacrifice over there, right? These days, you just go buy a ticket. Back then you would have to take your animal with you and people to mark those animals, what would they do? They would put a garland around the neck. Now that garden was not made of flowers. It will be made off anything. Sometimes they would even hang a shoe or something like that. But just anything to mark the animal that this is going to be sacrificed for the sake of Allah by someone who
is doing Hajj. So as a result, the worst of robbers would let them go. So as a result of all this, we see that people could travel easily in safety through Arabia.
Has anyone have you traveled between Medina and Makkah?
Have you taken this journey during the night?
Think about it. Even during the day if you're traveling over there. Aren't the roads empty? Despite the fact that there are so many people traveling back and forth? But still you look to your right and it's just desert you look to your left and it's all desert? Yes, there are lights on the roads but otherwise there are no lights.
Now imagine you're traveling through that desert and there are no car has no roads, no gas stations, nothing like that. It will
it'd be scary in itself. And then imagine there's the fear of robbers. There's a fear of people who would kill you just for your money. Have you watched that documentary of Ibn Battuta?
It was a long time ago, they had shown it over here at the Science Center, right. So anyway, in the documentary also, you see how he was chased by robbers. And that was what a journey of Hajj like imagine by that time, the situation was so corrupted. But in Arabia, JAYLEE, Arabia, even the people had respect for her Jetta, they're going for Hajj, so don't bother them. As a result, they could go worship Allah subhanaw taala get some spiritual sustenance, and at the same time, earn some worldly benefits as well. So Allah says all of these things, Allah has said, not just for the performance of your rituals, but also for your security and safety, for your worldly benefits for your spiritual
benefits, then he can determine who all of this has been set up. Why so that you will know and Allaha Yarlung will Memphis summer word it warmer, fill out that Allah knows everything that is in the heavens and everything that is in the earth, what an Allah because cliche in our name, and that Allah is with everything, completely aware, He is all knowing of everything.
What is Allah saying over here, that the sacred times the sacred places, the people who should be respected, because they're going for Hajj, the animals that have been rendered sacred because they're going to be slaughtered for Allah for the sake of Allah, all of these matters, they ingrained in us this awareness that Allah knows everything. How? A person who is used to robbing others, travelers, if he sees her judge traveling with her body and color it, what does he do? He stops, he doesn't harm them. There's a group of other travelers who don't have had you collaborate with them, they're not in your home, he will go and rob them? Why is he not robbing the first group?
Because he knows that Allah has given these people some respect. So I have to accept it as well.
And at this time, what does he realize that my Lord is watching me, this is why I cannot harm them. This is not what I'm supposed to do.
This is just like you go to certain places, the police is very active. So what happens you become more conscious? And this should make us realize that Allah is ever watching of me more than the police is. Every time a person gets caught, then what does he realize? You know, I do so many wrong things. And Allah is watching me all the time.
When we are God for our wrongdoing, what do we realize what's the first lesson that we learn? That Allah is watching me even more? Allah knows about me even more?
When you read a bank statement, even every transaction is written, what does it make you realize that Allah is watching every single action of mine, this is just my bank statement on the Day of Judgment, a bigger statement will be presented.
So Allah subhanaw taala told us over here that by all of these rules that Allah has set these things these times these places which Allah has made sacred, the purpose is, so that you realize the vastness of Allah's knowledge, the vastness of his power, that you are not free anywhere, not just in Makkah, but even in other places, not just in certain times, but also at all times. So you should be aware of Allah. He says, no move No. And Allah has Shahidullah record that Allah is Severe in penalty, or Anila photo Rahim and that Allah is also forgiving and merciful. What is it record, your club is from market heal, and he lives at the back of the foot. So just like that, when a person
doesn't action, there is punishment, it follows him sort of is the follow up punishment for the wrongs that a person has done. So Allah is Severe in penalty, and at the same time He is Forgiving and Merciful. Now typically, we remember that He is Forgiving and Merciful, but we forget that he is also severe in penalty, which is why we allow ourselves to do many wrong things. Which is why we allow ourselves to do Fianna here and there he says know that he is severe in retribution. And at the same time he's also Forgiving and Merciful. Allah says Marilla was slowly inland below
Not upon the messenger is except for notification meaning the only responsibility on the messenger is what? Allah to convey and are the messengers of Allah does and and fulfill his responsibility. Yes, he did remember the incident of headed the WADA when he asked the people and the people said that yes, you have delivered. So he says, Oh Allah bear witness. So the messenger, his responsibility is to convey and he did fulfill his responsibility. Now what is our responsibility when we have heard, to accept and it'll be?
And Allah says Allah we are them will and Allah knows metal Kaduna. What you will reveal when that Dr. Moon and what you can see what you hide. He knows what you do, and what you keep in your heart. He knows what you say what you express, and what you keep as a secret. Meaning your heart beats even that are not heard outside, he knows about them. The feelings that you keep secure in your heart, you promise never to utter them. The beliefs the things that you have in your heart and you promise that you're never going to let anyone know about them. Allah knows about it. Will Allah who you are Allah momento Medina, when a doctor mon Sol, a warning is being given over here, that all of these
rules Allah has established the messenger he has conveyed them to you, now it's up to you, you obey or you disobey. And then Allah will call you to account for what what you hide, and what you reveal what you do openly, and what you do privately what you do secretly, because many matters, especially related to hedge there are very private, who can find out whether you trim your nails or not, who can find out whether you performed a certain ritual properly or not. Nobody can keep a check on you. It's a private matter. It's a very private matter. So it's between you and Allah, the messenger has informed you the way of how the messenger has informed you the things that you have to be careful
about. An Allah knows what you do, openly and secretly and he will take you to account he will give you the recompense for what you do,
or later will have to work for you. Allah says say that the impure and the pure, they are not equal. Ly yesterday
is the what is what, when something becomes equal. So two things, they are not equal. They're not at the same level. Allah says in the Quran, Letus the war Allah will go to he that you become equal meaning you become balanced on the backs of your animals, you become balanced, you become equal meaning you have settled, you are balanced, you are sitting comfortably, then you say to Dora Subhanallah, the Sahara had Quran, Allah homoclinic Sunita, still Whoo, when you have embarked on the animal and have become balanced, so layers, the We the two things are not at the same level, because when something is balanced, then what does it mean both are of equal weight there at the
same level. So hobbies and by YouTube, Allah says they're not at the same level.
They are not the same.
They're both at very, very different levels. Why? Because both are very different. If you put something as heavy as let's say, a ban on one side of the scale, and on the other side, you put something like a plastic spoon will they be at the same level
they will be a huge difference. So, just like that hobby and play you have a huge a huge difference between them. What is hobbies and what is the you could be this bad impure and what is the Yep, good, clean pure.
Now hobby, could be a person could be a statement. Could be an action could be certain food. The question is, when is a person hobbies when is food hobbies when is an action hobbies? When is a word a statement hobby? When
which kind of person is called hobbies? Someone who is sinful? Who does Fianna treacherous lies? Okay? Dishonest. He is insincere. Someone who has hypocrisy. Someone who has bad luck, he doesn't treat people well. Such a person is called what Hobbes is a copies person, someone who is under the influence of shape on someone who sleeps through Fajr because of the influence of shaitan and ahaadeeth, we learn that
person who sleeps through Fajr shaitan has tried knots on him and he's not able to open any of those knots, he doesn't wake up, he doesn't rub his face, he doesn't clean his nose, he doesn't do well though he doesn't praise Allah, He wakes up Hobie from naps, hobbies impure, because of the influence of shaitan. on him, this is all COVID food when his food, hobbies
when it is haram. Even if it looks really, really good. Still it is hobby. You know, sometimes you see that certain drinks which are haram, they're presented so well in such beautiful glasses with that ice in them and the way people are drinking it, and the kinds of names that are given the kind of names that are given to those drinks, but still, they are hobbies. Why? Because they are how long
back was likewise there could be a certain kind of meat haram. If it's haram then it is heavy. It is impure, you might say but it's absolutely clean. There is no bacteria on it. And once you've cooked it, it's clean anyway. So why wouldn't you eat it because it is hobbies not in the tangible sense but in the intangible sense. Likewise, certain actions, there are hobbies which ones
which kind of actions or hobbies, breaking a promise hitting someone and they don't deserve that at all. This is all COVID certain words or hobbies what kind of words are hobbies?
foul language, bad words, hurtful words, they're all hobbies. On the other hand for you, when does a person play you?
When he has Iman, if Laos when he has good o'clock good manners, good etiquette, when he is cleaning his body, when he has done will do when he is in the state of the huddle when he maintains his hygiene. Play a person and he has a man in his heart as well. That is what finding a person food when is food by you when it is Hello. And it's also beneficial for a person that is what find food. For example, the prophets of Allah Zina was presented when he went for marriage, he was presented wine and milk.
What did he take milk why because that is play you that is cleaner, that is better. It is pure. It is halal
actions, whether they apply here, whether they're good words, whether they play you when they're good, nice pleasing words, true words, beneficial words nearby you. So Allah says that hobbies employees are not at the same level, would you agree?
One person hurts you a lot because of what they say. And there is another person who made your day by what they said. Would you place them at the same level? No, never. You'd never place them at the same level.
One would be very, very down and the other would be very, very high in your eyes. Likewise, one type of food, one type of food, even though it's very expensive, very pricey, apparently very good. But it is haram
and at the same time there is another kind of food which is halal. Would you place it at the same level? Would you buy both of them? Would you eat both of them? No. Which one would you take for you you will take that which is good which is clean which is better.
So we understand also that the YouTube is better than hobbies by YouTube and hobbies are never the same. They can never be at the same level. But in some matters, we think they're the same it's no difference.
And sometimes we begin to prefer hobbies over a year. Why? Because we are confused because of how common hobbies is because how commonly practice hobbies is how much accepted it is. So because of that we think it's okay. And we wonder what's the big deal why is this how? Why is it not okay to do this?
Allah says Remember, that is not equal to Hello our Java code throttle hobbies, even if the abundance of hobbies may amaze you may impress you are a Java from your job or in Java. When you're amazed by something. You're amazed Why are you amazed because of the cathedra of hobbies? What is the mica thorough, its abundance the how common it is? That it's everywhere. But if it's hobby it is
For me, even if everyone's doing it, so we should remember that but YouTube is not what people call for you. And Habib is not what people call hobbies,
we should not do something just because people are doing it. And we should not leave something just because people are leaving it. We call it something for you, when Allah says it is slave and we do it. And we call something hobbies, when Allah says it is hobbies, and we leave it,
wallow our agenda Gotha to hobbies, even if the abundance of hobbies amazes you their variety, their abundance, how common they are, that impresses you. And when you are impressed by it, then you want to do it. Because think about it, what do you like to do? Rather, what do you do that what you like that what you are attracted to that which you are impressed by? And if you're not impressed by something? Even if you're told 100 benefits? Would you do it?
Don't do it.
Think about it. Sometimes, there may be the most inappropriate way of dressing up a very, very inappropriate way of dressing up. But still, people dress up like that. Don't they have this common sense that it's not appropriate to wear clothes in that manner. But still they do it? Why?
Because it's so common. Everybody's doing it. It's so acceptable to everyone. That's why people do it. Allah says hello, are Jabba Catarratto? Habib, even if the abundance of hobbies impresses, you still don't do it. Even if you're attracted to it, you should not do it. And the thing is that we should not like hobbies, we should not be attracted to Hobby, we cannot leave something until we dislike. So hobbies are something that we should dislike, anything that contradicts what Allah has said, we should dislike it, we should not have a kind of attraction in our heart for it. And you really have to accept what Allah has told you read it over and over again, remind yourself of the
author, then you can be averse to hobbies, and then you can like for you. Now tell me some things which are for you. But we don't like to do it. Because we are repelled by it something that could be good. Allah says it is good, which is why He has commanded us to do it. But we are not attracted to it. We don't want to do it. We are rather averse to it. Can you tell me some things?
Give me like practical things that everyone struggles with? Or most people struggle with?
Listening to your mother?
Is it something good?
Yes, it is. Because Allah has told us we will worry the Hindi or Santa. So listening to your mother has got to be a play of action. Right? It has to be at play, you have action. But many times we believe that it's not cool. Why? Because we want certainty programs. You want certain cartoons in which we see that parents know nothing, isn't it? That barons they have no idea. They don't know anything. We want such TV programs. That's the kind of behavior that we see off people towards their parents of my parents. They live in a different world. They have no idea. My mom knows nothing. She's so dumb. She's uneducated. I don't even think she's graduated high school. She never went to
university. She was brought up in some other country. She doesn't know how to speak English. She's got an accent. She doesn't know how to dress her property. She doesn't even know how to say certain words properly. You know what I'm talking about, right? When we say Oh, my mom, she does it. She says this word like this, right? And we make fun of our moms sometimes.
Somebody was telling me that their children, they make fun of their English the way that they pronounce certain words. And it is funny, okay, because it's different. You don't hear it that often. So you find it funny. But just because of that, it doesn't mean that we disobey some person and we look down on them, especially when they have a higher status than us. Allah subhanaw taala has given them that high status. But the common belief is it's uncool to listen to your mom. So I'm going to be very cold towards my mom. I'm going to say this to my mom. Let me see what happens. I'm going to give her those looks, and I'm going to roll my eyes and we think we look so cool. It's a
hobby, the action but what do we think? How cool I can say that to my mom not to be so confident. I rule I can do whatever I want. She can't stop me. It's a hubby's action hubbies look, hubby response.
hobbies manner of speaking to the mother, but we think, Oh, it's fine. Allah says no Hello, our agenda total hobbies, even if the abundance of this hobby action impresses you. And as a result, you want to do it still don't do it.
Any other example of something that is hobbies, but we think it's like
the television, it's full of so many programs all the time, there's something with the other coming. And everybody's watching. There is a television and every house in some houses in every room. Got throttle hobbies. It's so common. And it's so strange. If you find out somebody doesn't have a television in their house. It's a weird reading. You guys don't have a television. You don't let your children watch television.
So people find it strange. They find it weird. Your parents may have certain rules for the house, that everybody has to be at home at dinner, you can't be anywhere else. Or for example, you cannot be out after maghrib. It doesn't matter if you're going with your best friend and her parents. We don't like you to go anywhere outside after market if that's the rule of your house. Or the rule is that you don't get to go with your friends to certain places, or you don't get to go with certain friends. Why? Because your parents believe this has hobbies. Why? Because it contradicts your deen or it may be harmful towards your deen. But what do we think everybody's doing it
floats. The way that we dress up. Sometimes we don't even think how we're dressing up. We're just imitating others. It's a hobbyist way of dressing up, that a woman is dressed up in a way that her entire body is being exposed. Now not talking about it being naked. I'm talking about it being exposed because of the tightness of the clouds because of the shortness of the dress. But what do we think everybody's doing it. And sometimes we don't even realize that we're walking before who other men. And they may be your father, they may be your brother, they may be your cousin, they may be your brother in law, whoever, but they are men. And it's not appropriate to dress up like that in
front of them. We walk outside wearing such clothes, and it is inappropriate. Think about it. Would you go like that before the prophets Allah Allahu Allah?
Would you?
Would you ever?
When you step out of the house, think about it. Would you walk in the streets of Medina like that? Would you walk in the streets of Mecca like that?
Would you walk into a holder like that? Forgetting what kind of Dina alua? Must would you walk into a masjid like that? If you can't, why? Because your heart tells you it's not right. But it's just that we are accepted. If we wear those clothes in certain places, this is why we wear such clothes over there. But we should remember that Allah is watching us whether we're at a welder over at the mall, or we're at school. A Muslim is someone who has one personality.
He doesn't have to faces. He doesn't have to lives that in one place. He dresses up in a particular manner. And another place he dresses up in a completely different way. This is what what do we call this being two faced is what? hypocrisy, right? So how is it that we don't call this hypocrisy though in certain places when we go, we're always dressed up in a particular way. And in other places, we have a completely different personality, we're completely different individual.
Likewise, throughout, you know your life, you are dressed in a particular way. And on the day of your wedding or on the day that you go to your sister's wedding. Her job has gone. All that concert of HYAH is gone. What is this? You're one person stay one.
Be yourself. Don't do hobbies just because people like it just because people do it. Well know our job Erica Catarratto hobbies, don't do it because it's heavy. It's bad. It's dirty. Leave it.
I was remembering that lesson last summer. He said if I order the human being to do search for another human being I will be ordering a woman to do surgery for her husband. But some woman they say I make my husband like a ring in my finger and that's not good.
So but yeah, there's one being dutiful to the husband, being obedient, being nice being respectful, but many women are attracted towards hobbies behavior towards her husband, that treat him like nothing, you know, shout with him yell at him so that you can have some control over him. But the way to win a husband's heart is how by respecting him not by disrespecting him.
Also regarding dressing in different ways for different situations, there'll be girls who will wear hijab for the entire school year, or for the entire, like middle school high school. And then when it comes to graduation, when it comes to prom for that one picture, they will take it off. And it sort of negates the purpose and the in the benefit that you had, and the perception that people had of you for the entire three years for that one that final day that you have, or that final picture that you have. And it goes to the yearbook. And recently, we had a school, a talk in our school about how like dress codes and appropriate behaviors in our schools. And what they're telling us is
that when it comes to school dress in between where the way you would dress to go to your grandma's house, and obviously we can't go to but go to a club to dress in the middle. And I was thinking, oh, like we don't go to a club, but like parties and like whatever it is, Muslims should be dressing the same way. Either way, whether you're going to allow you're going out in public, or you're going to the mall shopping with your friends, there shouldn't be a two sided because Allah is looking at you the same as he is looking at you and all that and the same as he's looking at you and them all. Exactly. So it's not like it's forgiven in one area, because it's situation is different. Yes.
Because if you're doing something for the sake of Allah, and that's the reason why you should be doing everything in the first place, then you should be like that everywhere. Not just in one place.
Once somebody said to me, I was at a wedding and the segregation was not proper. So I had my hijab, and they're like, but you still have the same kind of hijab on like, you were still like, dressed the way you go to alHuda. I said, Yeah, I go everywhere in the same way.
I wear the same kind of bias and same kind of hijabs, whatever we're here I wear to the mall, where it's a grocery store where two people tells us and if it's appropriate, I will take my hijab by off, but if it's not, then I will keep it on. It doesn't matter if it's a wedding, hijab is who doubt
if there are men, I have to keep it on. I don't mind if I'm wearing this when teaching and I don't mind them wearing this in a party. If when there is a need, I will keep that hijab on. Because sometimes we have this issue as well, that we go to certain places, and we were extremely beautiful hijabs extremely beautiful hijabs. I mean, people don't wear clothes like that, the kind of hijabs that we wear sometimes. So we have to be careful.
So, Willow, our agenda Catarratto COVID. Even if the commonness the abundance of hobbies amazes you,
you want to do it, still don't do it. Rather, you should dislike hobbies from the bottom of your heart, you should dislike hobbies. And one of the ways of disliking hobbies is that don't look at it too much. The more you look at it, the more you want it, would you agree with me, the more you see and look for something, the more you're going to want to have it. So for example, if you go to the mall, and you're looking at the different kinds of short dresses, for instance, or inappropriate clothes, like for example, extremely tight pants, if you're looking in that section again, and again, you're gonna want to buy a pair of those pants. I mean, it's different if you wear that in
front of your husband, when there's nobody else there. That's a different story. But wearing that in front of your brothers and your sisters and your parents. That's inappropriate, right? It's a different thing if you were under the FBI, and it's a different thing when you were without the FBI. So don't even look at these things. Because the more you look at these things, the more you're going to want to have them
assigned. I was thinking how people want this impurity, they're kind of see the theme, like referring to a cup, like half empty, because they want that thing that everyone else has. And they think that, you know, oh, how come? I can't have this? How come everyone else gets to do this? But you know, we should think that you know, like, it is half full and Allah swung the thought it gave us so many other options and so many other alternatives. And but people are just so blinded by how everyone else gets to do so many other things. And that's why they can't see the good. Yes, that we think are the insole restrictive. And it's so difficult, I can't do it. But think about it.
Everything that Allah has forbidden for you it is what hobbies. So when you look at certain, for example, bands, which are extremely tight, then remember that it is hobbies, you might say but it looks so nice. Really somebody is bumped sticking out. Is that nice? I'm sorry for being so open about this. But tell me Is it nice? Men staring at women's bottoms? Is that nice? You know what kind of thoughts they're having in their heads at that time?
Do you have any idea?
Unfortunately, we are so naive that we don't even know what's going on in their heads. And we think oh, it's cool. Everybody's dressed like that. Really? If you have a brother if you have a husband, ask them. What kind of things go in men's heads when they see a woman's body being exposed.
In this way, certain parts of her body being highlighted because of the kind of clothes that she's wearing, you could have her hijab on. But if your shirt is so tight, your hijab is not covering your your chest, so that your * are so visible, your shirt is so short that your bottom is exposed. Every time you walk, every move of your body is so seductive.
I'm sorry, this is Hobbes.
Just a little while ago, this kind of clothing and behavior was seen on models were paid, so that people would buy those clothes or people would invest in those things. And here you are selling yourself basically, I'd say take it one step further and say that I think even friends that you haven't Facebook can facilitate or people you are following. So a lot of bloggers out there YouTube videos, especially expose girls to those kinds of behaviors, and it makes it normal. So I think you have to be careful. And if you aren't Facebook, hide those people. Don't keep them on your newsfeed because the more you see it, I'm not just talking about clothes. But even your friends after posting
pictures that you don't want to see or videos that you shouldn't be looking at. The more you see it, the more common become. So, for example, one of my friends used to watch Bollywood movies all the time, before YouTube became popular. And she would see the songs and she'll be okay with it. And she was like a practicing Muslim. And someone who doesn't watch those kinds of things they find it still could be right. So I think it's like how much you're exposed to it and more normally becomes Yes, yes. And remember that when we do hobbies, ourselves, we are making it more common.
We are making it more common just the other day, I was thinking that here are these little girls, and they're just so inappropriately, and the same girls, they will become older, but they have no concept of hijab of wearing modest clothing. What will happen when they become mothers? How will their children dress up?
In a much worse way, right? Which is why we see that every generation turns out to be more immodest compared to the previous.
So remember that when we do hobbies, ourselves, we are making hobbies more common. When you use a bad word. Don't you give somebody else the confidence to use that word as well?
You do. When you hear somebody saying a word that is inappropriate, then you're like, Yeah, I can say to, then you say, you try it once. And then you try to go and become second nature.
That * on that the first thing shut down attacks to us is he takes our HIA away from us, you know, he makes us feel comfortable when we are wearing less clothing. And that's what he did with her was an atom as well. Right? And they, you know, and they're that he made them eat the fruit of the tree so that their clothing would be taken away so that their bodies would be exposed, because higher when that's gone than first normal shape. And you know, it's so common when people are wearing less clothing or type clothing, they feel so comfortable. And when they're wearing a lot of clothes or covering themselves they feel uncomfortable. And that's from shaytan definitely. So check
your wardrobe, check yourself, ask yourself would I wear these clothes?
When I walk into a masjid like that, and if you want them go change, because Allah is watching you here, and Allah is watching you everywhere. And at the end of the day, we are answerable to
Allah subhanaw taala right.
So to lay yesterday we'll have easy work for you. Well our agenda Catarratto hubbies Phatak Allah So fear Allah, yeah will allow or people AppSense or people or reason or people of intellect if you have minds fear Allah. And because of the fear of Allah leave hobbyists now looking to flee home so that you can be successful.
I slowly come at my workplace like this non Muslim man he was once asking me about after seeing a woman dressed up inappropriately, Muslim woman with hijab and he was saying, How can you call this modesty when she's wearing a disco hijab and dressed up like this? And I was so ashamed. I couldn't answer him. She's wearing a disco hijab and dress so inappropriately. So you may have a hijab on your head, your hair is covered, your neck is covered. But really ask yourself, Does this clothing be fit a Muslim?
Does this clothing fit in marsinah A woman who likes to have the
Salem he tell us we are all responsible of our right ear. So as a parent is our responsibility to buy for our kids. We shouldn't just give them money and go get whatever you want until they reach maturity age in the
If they after they reach maturity age, Hollis. But before that is our responses. So if still your mom doesn't let you go shopping alone or she wants to see what you buy, don't think that your mom is interfering in your life too much because it is her responsibility.
So when they come I just wanted to say that sometimes it's not so much about what you wear, but the attitude that you have as well. We've seen people who are dressed up appropriately have to copy each other but then they say these words and you're like, okay, they just come out of her mouth. So it's about attitude as well. Yes, you definitely Toby's in every way clothing as well as your manners, your actions everywhere. So hobbies are never the same no matter how common could be this foot duckula Hiya ol Barbie, Lara la come to fleurons a fear Allah or people of intellect. When what does that mean that you should like or dislike something because of it being valuable hobbies, not
because of what people say. Now I like them to free her own so that you can be successful. And we just focus a little too much on clothes, also in actions right? That one action you are doing with sincerity of heart solely for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala to make him happy, it could be a very small deed that is much better than a deed which may be very big, done to please people make them happy impress them, or many deeds which are done to make people happy. One deed of sincerity which is play you What do we learn from Hadith that Allah is leave he accepts only that we just play when a person spends from his purest wealth for the sake of Allah. Even if it's the size of a date, then
Allah makes it grow. Allah makes it grow meeting key increases the reward for a person up to the size of Mount or hood.
Imagine one day turning into the size of Mount or hurt. Because of it being pure sincere for the sake of Allah. There is a story that is told about one of the queens of the Muslim ummah, not that she ruled, but she was the wife of the Khalifa, not sure if her official title was Queen, but whatever it was, she was the wife of the Khalifa. She was very, very charitable, when she found out that the people of Makkah, they had very little water on her name was VEDA by the way, that they had very little water, she had a river dug from so far away all the way to Makkah so that people could have access to drinking water, they wouldn't be thirsty, and they had water to use. And it was a
huge thing. Imagine how much money would have been spent on it. But she had that done for the Muslims. And people were very, very happy because of that. And still today she is remembered because of that great act of charity. And it is said that when she died, somebody saw her in their dream. And they asked her that, how did you find yourself she said that Allah has forgiven me. And they said that because of the river that you had dug out for the people the water that you made available to them? She said no, not that. It was a to luck out that I prayed in the middle of the night, once because of which Allah forgave me.
Do or occur doorknocker that I prayed in the middle of the night, just once. And because of that Allah forgive me not because of this huge deed that I did.
So the reality is that our focus should not be on the quantity but the quality.
It could be a small deed but if it's done with sincerity for Allah that is far better than Covey's. There is always that there was a there a person who used to call people to Allah do lots of Dawa. And he also when he died, somebody saw him in their dream and they asked him that, did you find Allah's forgiveness? And he said, Yes. And he said, for all the Dawa, that you did, he said no, not that. But he mentioned another small deed that he had done because of which Allah forgave him. So our focus may times is on the quantity, even if it's hobbies you like sometimes when people see a sale, they just want to buy anything, even if it's hobbies quality, because why is it $24 $22 But it
is broken, it is chipped, it is old is not good, but $2 only vi as much as you want, but it's hobbies.
We could very impressed by the quantity of something and we ignore the quality. So quality is important. Allah says Fatah colada year old Al Bab La La con to flee Hoon so that you can be successful