Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P06 074D Tafsir Al-Maidah 72-77

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The segment discusses the confusion surrounding the concept of Islam and the lack of support for men in the church. They criticize the idea of sharing false beliefs and the use of "rd weren't" in the Bible. The importance of forgiveness, maintaining healthy eating habits, and following scripture is emphasized. The segment also touches on the negative consequences of not following one's beliefs and the potential for people to become the source of one's own suffering. The importance of forgiveness, support, and bravery is emphasized.

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			was a bit lame and she was on your team Bismillah Al Rahman Rahim.
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			I number 72 Lakota gefallen leadin Accardo certainly, those people have disbelieved who have said,
what have they said? In the Allahu Allah Mercy who even ammonium that indeed Allah He is the Messiah
the Son of Maria. Meaning those people who say that Allah is recited sunnah, that recited Islam is
Allah, that Allah is recited that they are the same basically, whoever says that Allah says such
people have disbelieved. Their Eman is invalid, it is rejected.
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			It doesn't carry any weight. So over here we see that the golfer of the Christians has been
mentioned their Eman has been rejected. Now remember that when it comes to Christians, there were
many different beliefs that they had about recited Sunam about Allah subhanaw taala.
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			Some said that he started selling as the son of Allah, others said that no, he is God Himself. And
even today, you will find all these differences within them. People are confused that what are we
supposed to believe in? Is Jesus God? Or is the Son of God, a manifestation of God? What is he who
is he? You will find this confusion in them and from this game, the belief of Trinity that they're
basically three but they're in reality one, how it can be alone or them how they understand this,
but they say that in Allah who will mercy have no Meriam they say that indeed Allah He is Risa the
son of Medina. So Allah says such people their Iman is not accepted. They're committing gopher
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			we'll call him Mercy who and the mercy meaning recited Assam He himself said ye Bani Israel eel or
children of Israel eel or with Allah who you should worship Allah, who is Rob Be my Lord, what a
back home and he's also your Lord.
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			That when he started his salaam called people to the worship of Allah, and when he said that Allah
is my Lord and your Lord and how can he be God?
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			A God calls people do his own worship, not to the worship of someone else. So if you're Isa, an s&m
called people to worship Allah, then that means that he was not good. He was not Allah
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			will call him Assyria, Bani Israel, or would Allah Allah be one of them? And when he said, Allah is
my God, my lord, then what does it mean that he was a human being? He was Luke, He is creation.
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			And creation is not God. Creation is not the child of God. So we'll call Mercy who you have any
extra eel or what Allahu Akbar come. And we see that the first thing that he recited is and I'm sad
when he wasn't the cradle, was what? In the era with Allah, indeed, I am the servant of Allah.
That's the first thing that recited Islam spoke first thing he ever said. So when he was a servant
of Allah, how could he be God and recited Salam he said in the home may usually biller he indeed
whoever associates partners with Allah * have them Allahu Allah he'll Jana, than Certainly
Allah has forbidden on him paradise, meaning such a person cannot enter Jannah
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			so when we saw this, and I made this so clear to the people, that whoever does Sheikh is not
entering Jana, that how is it possible that he would tell people to worship him? How is it possible
that he would be God he is not he is a human being will not let him know. And the abode of such a
person who is the one who associates partners with Allah, His abode is the Fire woman is Lonnie mean
him in onslaught and for the wrongdoers? There is absolutely no one to help them. They have no
helpers, Onslaught is applauded have now said or mislead. So we see that resign is Cena what he
taught was pure to hate. He called people to the worship of Allah alone.
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			And there are numerous verses in the Bible today as well which show to us that he called people to
the worship of who Allah and he negated Sheikh and we see here that when a person commits check that
the door to Paradise is closed for him no matter who he is. Once shook is committed entry into Jana
is not possible woman, aluminium and unsought the Prophet sallallahu sallam said in the Ginetta
layer the hollow her Ill learn of some Muslim, that Jana none can enter it except a Muslim so muslim
meaning one who was surrendered to who Allah alone, only such a person will enter jungla no one else
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			Besides them, because the thing is that one who associates partners with Allah, in reality he is
committing the greatest crime, what do we learn in the Shipka, Laval? mineralium.
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			Whether it is by saying that Allah has a child or he has a spouse or not with a biller, whatever
kind of shift is done, it is not acceptable. It's the greatest crime, the greatest wrong action. And
if you think about it, should because what, associating someone with Allah, and being associated
with someone in something that you alone have right over in something that is unique to you. It's
something that human beings also don't tolerate. Like, for example, if there's a woman, and she
learns that her husband wants to marry another woman, would she ever tolerate that? I mean, yes,
there are some women who do but generally, women cannot even imagine to share their husband with
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			somebody. Why? Because my husband is mine. Mine, not anybody else's. Likewise, if you have a
particular position in a company, that's yours. And if you were told, Well, we're also hiring
another person who has the same title, who will do the same work like you, how do you feel
threatened, that I'm not good enough? I'm not doing the work properly, that they're supposed to be
the person who's going to share the work with me. No, this is not fair. I can do it myself. Thank
you very much.
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			Little children even don't tolerate this. But as soon as there's a younger sibling, they get
jealous. So imagine people because of some unique qualities that they may have, or some things that
they believe they have right over because they bought them. Or they got them first. They don't like
to share with others. And what do we own? The things of this dunya these little little things, and
we don't like to share with others. Then how can we ever imagine that the Holic and Malik of Osama
Swati? Well,
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			he would like that somebody else is frustrated to someone else, people make the art to him? No. If
we don't like it for ourselves, when we are so small, so small, so weak, then how can we think that
Allah should forgive someone who does shake?
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			If somebody has taken our things, we can never forgive them? Never. And when it comes to Allah
subhanaw taala we think that it's okay. And Allah should forgive No luck or the Quran, Medina Kalu.
Allah says, certainly, those people have disbelieved who those who say in the Lucha 32 Tell Eartha,
who said that Allah is the third of three, meaning he is one off three, one of three, as in one of
three gods. This is also a prevalent Christian belief that there are some, in fact, there are many
who believe in the concept of Trinity, who believe that Allah is one of the three entities three
gods, so God the Father, God, the Son, and the third is the Holy Ghost, or the Holy Spirit. So these
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			three thorough Trinity, they make one god how I don't understand how, but they say the word trinity
is a term used to denote the Christian doctrine that God exists as a unity of three distinct
persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each of the persons is distinct from the other, yet
identical, in essence, they say in other words, each is fully divine in nature, but each is not the
totality of the other persons of the Trinity. Each has a will loves and says, I and you when
speaking, the father is not the same person as a son, who is not the same person as the Holy Spirit,
who is not the same person as a father. Each has divine. Yet there are not three gods but one God.
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			This is what they believe, okay? I don't want you to mock it. Because we're not allowed to make fun
of the false beliefs of other people. There's something that our last panel data does not allow us
to do. The only reason why I'm mentioning this to you so that you understand why Allah says Luca de
Kapha. I mean, these are harsh words, that such people have committed kufr who say that Allah is the
third of three.
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			This is COVID. This is not Iman. This is absolutely wrong. Allah cannot be one of three gods. If you
say that he is one of three gods. Then where were those three gods before he started his son and was
sent to the earth before he was created in the womb of his mother? Then Allah was one of two gods.
Where were those three gods before?
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			There was no Holy Spirit before there was no Holy Ghost when we say that, at the beginning, it was
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			Allah and no one else but Allah, then there was only one god that means, and if there was only one
God at the beginning, then there's only one God. Now how is it possible that over time it's been
divided into three? How is it possible?
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			So, those who say that Allah is the third of three, this is covered because this is in reality ship.
This is shake, saying that someone else is also God is polytheism and this is why Allah says we're
Mammon ilaha illa illa huwa head and there is no God except one God, what a lumea into who and if
they do not stop, if they do not stop what they're saying that there are three gods or that Allah is
one of three. If they do not desist from this or Maya Kowloon from what they say, lay on the sun and
Medina Kufa, Roman humara. Durban Aleem, surely a painful punishment is going to afflict those who
disbelief amongst them, meaning those who say this philosopher who say who believe in the concept of
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			Trinity than for such people, Allah says there is our that was a painful punishment.
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			And we see that this belief, it doesn't have bases even in their own scriptures, which is why there
are many people amongst Christians who reject this, who don't accept it. I mean, there's so much
literature out there completely negating this false belief of Trinity. And their evidence is in fact
in the scripture which contradict it. For example, in Deuteronomy six, four, we learn that these are
the same he said, Here, O Israel, the LORD our God, the Lord is One, the Lord is One woman Ilagan
Illa illa huwa head there is only one God. And the fact is that if restarted Sinha if he worshipped
Allah, that he was not God.
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			And we find numerous examples of this in Matthew 1639, we learn going a little farther, he fell with
his face to the ground and prayed. Meaning he did such the he prostrated and he prayed, who are you?
Sorry, listen, I'm due to Allah. So if he is worshiping Allah, how can he be God? God doesn't
worship God. God doesn't need worship. He requires the worship of others. If he worships that means
he is weak. He needs someone else. And if you need someone else, how can you fulfill the needs of
others? If Elia Toluna Illa? Allah says will do not repent to Allah will stop Fiona and seek
forgiveness from him. Will Lola photo Rahim and Allah is Forgiving and Merciful, open invitation to
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			repentance. Then when you realize that this is wrong, it's illogical. It doesn't make sense. It
contradicts the book. It contradicts arqule Then why don't you leave it? Why don't you give it up?
Why don't you do Toba from it? Why don't you seek Allah's forgiveness for it? Yeah to buena from
Toba. What does Toba mean? Repentance that to leave the wrong action and go to Allah. So why don't
they do Toba from it that they abandon the false belief of Trinity, they disassociate themselves
from it? They say I don't believe in it. They declare it and they say that I only believe in Allah.
Why don't they do the Stober? Why don't they declare because many people, they have this
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			understanding in their minds and their hearts. They understand that yeah, this is a logical, it
doesn't make sense. But they don't do though but they don't leave it.
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			They don't leave it. And if they've left it, they don't turn to Allah.
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			turning to Allah means confessing declaring that Allah is one I believe that he is the only one who
deserves worship. And until a person makes this declaration, he hasn't done Tober he hasn't
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			So a fella to buena Illa Allah, where's the phone and they seek forgiveness, seek forgiveness from
what for the schicke they committed in the past, for their calling upon your essentialism, for their
believing in multiple gods for their believing and others besides Allah, they should say sorry to
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			Even like if we have said something really wrong about someone, is it enough to just stop saying it?
No, you have to apologize to them as well. You have to say sorry to them. So until a person declares
his belief in the Oneness of Allah, and he seeks forgiveness from Allah for the shit that he
committed, it's not enough. So if Allah tabula in Allah, where's the Fiona? Wallah hula photo Rahim.
And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. So what's holding you back? What's stopping you? Why are you
delaying? If it doesn't make sense it's illogical. Leave it already. Go to Allah says sorry to him
go close to him. Man mercy hug No. Moriyama the Messiah the Son of Miriam was not in love her soon
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			except a messenger.
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			meaning he was only a messenger. And messengers are who human beings are the Holloman of legal
person. And before him, many messengers passed before, were Omaha's sadaqa. And his mother was a
supporter of truth. He was a human being a messenger. Many messengers came before him. Yes, he was a
very righteous man. And that means he was a human being. That doesn't mean you make him divine. That
doesn't mean you exalt Him to the status of God. No, you don't do that. Likewise, his mother, yes,
she was a very pious woman, very righteous woman, very truthful woman. But that doesn't mean you
exalt her to the status of God. Then you start worshipping her, you start asking her for help you
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			think that she has some divine attributes? No, she doesn't. She was a deca, definitely, and who is
significant. So theta is a woman who is very, very truthful. So much so that what she does what she
says is all true. And she doesn't just say it, she doesn't just do it, but she also supports it. She
also upholds it. So she was significant. She did not do anything. She never uttered any lie. Whether
it was about her chastity, or about the scriptures, nothing she never uttered any lie she was very,
very truthful. And she supported the truth by believing in it by confirming it.
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			Like we learned in so that the heme iron 12 was sub docket became a matter of Bihar, welcome to be.
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			Maria, she confirmed the truthfulness of the words of Allah and His scriptures, what kind of middle
carnitine and she was of the devoutly obedient, so you should follow her. Look at how she was a
supporter of truth. Because when you believe in the truth, when you uphold it, you are supporting
the truth. But when you don't believe in it, you don't follow it, then you're not supporting the
truth. Allah says, Can I Kulani Tara, both of them, mother and son, Maria, and recited both of them,
they used to eat food. So if they ate food, what does that mean? They were human beings.
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			Now, there are many other qualities that human beings possess. Why do you think Allah subhanaw taala
mentioned this quality to prove that there were human beings that they both used to eat food?
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			God is provider, he doesn't need sustenance, like creation does. So if they ate, it meant they
needed. One other reason.
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			If you eat, that means you digest your body takes the nutrition from the food, you grow, you heal,
or you suffer. And you defecate, and God is above that.
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			The one who eats means that he is weak. Think about it, when you're fasting, and you haven't eaten
for 10 hours, 12 hours, then what happens to you? What happens to you, he will become like a
different person. Irrational, sometimes very angry,
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			that the one who needs food cannot survive without food, he needs the food to move on to live on.
Because he needs the energy, he needs the nutrition without which he will get tired. Without which,
eventually he will die. Literally. If a creation doesn't eat food for a long period of time, what
will happen? You'll die starve to death.
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			And think about it.
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			If you need something, and somebody else needs something as well, that same thing, you need it, and
somebody else needs it too. And they ask you for it. Would you give it? Okay, you'll share some, but
can you give everything you can't? Because there's a conflict of interest, right? You're needed they
need it. So if they were needy of food,
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			how can they provide to others? Allah subhanaw taala is money above every need, he is rich. And this
is a reason why he is God, because He is the giver. He gives
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			that Allah is above all of these weaknesses of dependence on others of tiredness, of needing
something in order to survive. No, he is LUNNEY. He is above everything. So can I help Kalani?
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			And also if you think about it, those who need food, they are always busy with the food.
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			If you think about it, why does your dad go to work? Because he needs to bring money so that you can
buy what food? Why is your mom at home and not working or doing something else because she has to
stay home so that she can do everything and one of the most important things she does is what?
Prepare food
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			and then you're doing this all day morning.
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			during lunchtime, dinnertime and then in between snacks, and D breaks and so on and so forth. So if
somebody gets busy in eating and drinking, how can they have time for others? They can't have time
for others. Many times what happens? You are supposed to be helping other people out doing some
work, but you need a break. You need that tea break. You need to take time for your lunch because if
you don't take that you can't do your work. You can't help others. So Allah subhanaw taala He is
above this and he alone is about this.
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			Everything of our lives, it revolves around what eating
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			if we didn't have to eat, we wouldn't go to work. People wouldn't farm there would be no
agriculture. Probably no business either. I mean, people wouldn't need others so many things would
be missing from this dunya because we didn't need to eat
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			so can I get kulana Tom owns or look que fun obey You know, the humble is how We clarify to them the
signs. The evidence is the proofs. Someone's logged in look, a nail for corn, how they're deluded.
You forgot from Hamza calf, if gets to turn. So how they're turned. I mean, they see the truth. They
understand it yet. It's amazing. They're deluded. I say to them, a terrible dunamis dune inlay. Do
you worship besides Allah Millennium Licola combat one, that which does not have any power for you
to harm any he doesn't have any power to harm you will earn a fine nor benefit, they have no power
to benefit you. You are worshipping someone who cannot save you from harm, who cannot benefit you in
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			any way.
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			Because this is the reality of every being that is worshipped besides Allah, it cannot protect you
from any harm, and it cannot give you any kind of benefit, even resources. Even Muhammad Sallallahu
Sallam he was a human being. If he could save people from harm, then his uncle would not have died
in the battle himself little horn. If he could save people from harm, he wouldn't have buried most
of his children himself in his life.
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			If he could save people from harm, then he would save himself from harm first. So this is the
reality of everyone besides Allah, they cannot protect you from harm and they cannot benefit you. So
Allah says, Why do you worship them? Well, Allah Allah who was some of you are 19 and Allah, He
alone is a Sameer and alertly the one who hears and the one who knows and the one who hears and
knows he can help you he can protect you, he can save you.
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			Because no one else is a smear and alar leave, they may hear some things they may know of some
things, but not everything. And when that is the case, they cannot save you. They cannot help you.
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			Kalia al Kitab say all people have the book length of Luffy de niqab. Do not exceed limits in your
religion ladle help beyond the truth. Let them loose from Hulu. We have done this word earlier as
well laying them well, which is to cross limits. So do not cross limits of your deen later on help
beyond the truth because then you will be entering into falsehood. If you exaggerate the truth, if
you blow it out of proportion, it won't be reality anymore, it will become false for them. So for
example, in your love for a tsar in Islam and your respect for Muhammad salallahu Salam, if you
praise them, praise them, praise them, and ascribe to them certain qualities and attributes which
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			are not theirs, then you will take them to a level which they don't actually deserve, instead of how
it will become badly.
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			So lithography the Nicoma vital health while at the view and do not follow a where a coalmine, the
desires of the people, which people are the lumen Pablo, who had gone astray before, don't follow
the winds of certain people who were misguided from before. What is this referring to? Basically,
many false beliefs that entered into Christianity came from where, from the People of the Book,
exaggerating the level of the prophets and the righteous amongst them, and also imitating others
that we see that most of their false beliefs came from pagan beliefs. Because as they went out and
met with different people learn about various religions and they're like, Wow, this sounds good. So
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			let's include this somehow in our face so that if it's similar, others will accept it. They will
also become Christian they will believe so to make the deen likeable to others. What did they do?
They mixed
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			things into the dean, converting it from truth into falsehood. You see, instead of following others,
those who have been given the Scripture should be leading others.
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			But when they don't have confidence in the Scripture, when they're not proud of it, then what
happens? They watered down the truth. They change it, they alter it, just so that other people will
like it.
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			And when they will like it, then they might accept it. So Allah says, Stop following the desires of
other people who are misguided Why are you following misguided people pagans, worship worshippers of
idols, why are you following them? You should be following the scripture that Allah gave. Well, Balu
Kathy Iran, and the people who were before you, they were misguided and the misguided many will have
been luring Silla is severe, and they strayed from the correct way. So you are looking up to
misguided people, you should be looking after what Allah has sent to you, you should be firm
adherence of that.
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			Like for example, if you look at this concept of Trinity, three gods being one, if you look at Greek
mythology, there's the concept of multiple gods over there, right? Likewise, in Rome, they were
Jupiter and Neptune, Pluto, various gods, but in many various cultures and religions of the past we
see this concept of three gods, it was very common, for instance, that he said in Indian religion,
there is a Trinitarian group of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. In Egyptian religion, there was a group of
Neff, fasts and Osiris if I'm pronouncing correctly. In Greece, there were Zeus was Satan and it
O'Neill's life. I have said it correctly. in Babylonia and Assyria, there were something something
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			and something. So, Trinity's of Gods existed in many cultures before. So when they came across these
various cultures, they try to adopt their beliefs. Why, to assimilate with them, so that maybe
people will accept it.
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			And this is not just with regard to the concept of Trinity many things for example, Christmas,
Christmas, it is said in the Catholic Encyclopedia 1911. That Christmas was not among the earliest
festivals on the church. The first evidence of the feast is from Egypt. It is said in the
Scriptures, no one is recorded to have kept a feast or held a great banquet on his birthday. It is
only sinners like Pharaoh and Herod, who made great rejoicings over the day in which they were born
into this world. So they celebrate their birthdays. And when the Christians came across these
people, they're like, You know what, we should also celebrate the birthday of recited sinner.
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			Today, many Muslims what do they think they're three aids. The results are Eid Milad un Nabi, the
Molad that celebrate the birthday of the Prophet is all about us. And which historically, we know
that that date for sure the Prophet salallahu Salam died on, but was that the day that he was born
on, there's a difference of opinion. So it's almost as if people are for sure, celebrating his death
day, but not really his birthday. But this is what imitation of others, somebody sent me a text
message recently, it's an ordeal. That's why I'm not going to share it with you. But just the gist
of it was basically comparison between a Hindu and Muslim that a Hindu is saying to the Muslim, that
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			you call me catfish. And look at you, I go to the shrine, you go to the shrine to
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			shrines of the dead, okay, where the dead are buried? Well, of course, many Muslims go. And people
think it's actually very pious to go. Let's say, I go and offer charity and stuff over there. And
you go and offer things over there, too. And the many comparisons are made. And then what's the
difference between you and I?
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			Why do you call me coffee?
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			If you yourself are doing the same thing.
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			So this is a reality that many from those who apparently believe what happens is that they get
influenced by others instead of influencing them. And when does it happen? When their knowledge of
the book is weak, when their understanding of the Scripture is weak? When they don't know the book
themselves? They don't know what is right and wrong.
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			Then every literary thing seems nice. And they're like, Yeah, let's do it as well. We should also do
it. So Allah says, Why do you follow them, don't follow them. You shouldn't be changing the need to
please people, nor can you attain guidances by using your logic or some philosophy. You have to have
the correct kind of faith you have to be confident about your deen realize that the religion of
Allah that is the best because Allah knows the best. He is the most truthful and he is the most well
wishing and sincere to us. So whatever He has commanded us, that is the best so let's accept it and
not change it.
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			We listen to them.
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00:30:02 --> 00:30:09
			lapada Kefar on Levina on Oh nulla messy
00:30:11 --> 00:30:23
			work all messy can we have any or mandala be back in
00:30:25 --> 00:30:29
			Shrek believe he felt Mother Hello Hello
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			one on one now
00:30:40 --> 00:30:42
			he mean I mean
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			off the cuff on levena on Oh in a long
00:30:54 --> 00:30:55
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00:31:03 --> 00:31:04
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00:31:08 --> 00:31:28
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Mahi Mala merci who don't know model Rihanna in
00:31:30 --> 00:31:32
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00:31:36 --> 00:31:37
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00:31:39 --> 00:31:42
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00:31:45 --> 00:31:49
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00:31:54 --> 00:31:54
00:31:59 --> 00:31:59
00:32:00 --> 00:32:04
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00:32:07 --> 00:32:12
			Walla was sunny on Raleigh
00:32:21 --> 00:32:23
00:32:31 --> 00:32:31
00:32:33 --> 00:32:34
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