Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P06 074C Tafsir Al-Maidah 69-71

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The speakers discuss the importance of protecting one's identity and not regretting actions and events. They stress the need to fulfill commitments and make good choices to achieve their goals. The speakers also emphasize the importance of listening to others and avoiding wasting time. The negative consequences of actions are punished, and the speakers stress the importance of following laws and avoiding mistakes.

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			Allah says in the medina AMA, no indeed those people who believe who are they,
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			those who believe in Allah, His Messenger, all of his books. And who would you say these people are
Alladhina amanu for Muslims.
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			What Medina Hara do and those people who became Jews who are they the hood
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			was sabe goon and the sabe own for the sabe own third of sabe for many opinions about them we
learned about them in detail and total Bacala very sad that there are people who believed in your
Harris Anna, like the masala they believed in who resigned Islam yes, they believe in many other
prophets as well. But they ascribed themselves to resign this and that their his followers, the
mainly believe in him, just like that the sabe own, they were those people who believed in your
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			So wasabi, oneness aura, and the Christians.
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			Allah says man am Anna Billa he whoever believed in Allah while yo will our theory and the Last Day,
why Amina Foley hand and he did righteous deeds. He performed righteousness. Then Fela Hoefler I lay
him that no fear shall be upon them, whatever me afternoon, nor shall they grieve. What do we see
here that Eman and Armelle solid
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			faith and good action, correct belief and good action. These are the basis of what salvation when a
person has these two things only then he can be saved only then he can be successful in dunya. And
if and only then he can make it to Jana.
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			Because Jana is the place where a person will have no fear nor regrets. So who will make it there?
The person who has eminent Billahi while leoville Wamena Salah Han. So it's not just mere
association with a group of people, that takes a person to Jannah because Allah subhanaw taala
mentions all the various groups over here and aside from them, whoever believes and does good
action, he will make it agenda. Not every one of them. But who the one who possesses these two
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			Because when it comes to Muslims, what do we think? Well, we're Muslims, we believe in Muhammad
salallahu Salam, we believe in Allah, we believe in the Day of Judgment, we're definitely going to
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			even if it means we'll suffer first and hellfire because of our sins, but eventually we'll make it
to Jannah Isn't this what many Muslims believe? Yes. And because of this, what happens? Because of
this belief that I'm eventually going to make an agenda? I am going to paradise. That's what my mom
told me. That's what my dad taught me. That's what I've learned. I am definitely going to Jana. Jana
is only for Muslims. Because of this reason. What do we do? We neglect our mental salah.
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			We don't bother to perform good action. We don't pay much importance to it. Think about it, analyze
yourself. This is what we think that I'm a Muslim. So I'm going to Jana. So it's okay. If I don't
pray here, there. It's okay. If I don't get along with my mom ever. It's okay. If I have hurt
somebody, if I have wronged them, they're non Muslim anyway, they're going to hellfire. I'm going to
Jana. Correct. Because of this thinking, we allow ourselves to do many wrong things, and we neglect
Ahmed Saleh but what does Allah say who will make it to Jana? Man Armineh wa Mila, the one who
believes and he does.
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			When you look at the youth, what did they think national Abdullah Allah Wahiba we are Allah's
children. We are His beloved once we're definitely going to paradise. So because of this reason,
they also neglected our Mo salah.
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			They neglected part of Eman even they thought doesn't matter if we reject Muhammad Sallallahu
sallam. Yes, we know that He is a messenger, but we're not going to believe in Him. But you know
what, we'll still make an agenda because we are the children off the prophets. We are the People of
the Book. We are the ones you know, who are the religious folk. So because of this, we're making it
agenda. The sabe own they had similar beliefs. We believe in your heritage center doesn't matter
what we do the slaughter the Christians, what was their false belief? Are you sorry, listen, I'm
died on the cross for us for our sins. So do whatever you want. Just believe in Christ and do
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			whatever you want.
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			So we see that each group of people, you ask any person who believes in religion, what does he
think? I am right? Therefore, I can do whatever I want. But what does Allah say? Who will make it
agenda when Eminem or Mila Eman and Arnold Salia bow
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			With are required.
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			When a person will bring these two things on the Day of Judgment, then he will have no fear and no
regrets. Then he will be saved. When do you have fear? And when do you regret? Think about it if you
are at the airport, okay, and as you're checking in, you see that? Yes, you have your passport and
you have your ticket. Do you have any fear?
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			Any regrets? No, you're confident, you're perfectly fine. And you tell yourself, yeah, I have my
things. I have my passport, and I have my ticket. So no fear, no regret. But if you're standing
there and all of a sudden you realize your passport is not with you, you forgot it at home, then
what happens?
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			You have fear, I'm going to miss my flight. And you have regret. What was I thinking? Why did I
bring it? Right? So the one who hasn't brought the requirements to get through, he will be full of
fear and regret on the day of judgment, but the person who has fulfilled the requirements, who has
brought these two things ie man and animal solid, no fear and no regret. Only such a person will be
saved on that day.
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			Look, a hardened me Falco Bani Israel, you. Allah says, certainly we took the covenant from the
Children of Israel, you will also center la humoral, solar and we send to them messengers. Look at
the word rustle messengers, not just one, many messengers were sent. Now which covenant is this, we
have learned about this and political Bacala we have learned about this sort of reminder earlier as
well. Many covenants were taken from the Bani Israel over various things, such as incidental Bacara
i 83, we learn that part of the mythique was letter Buddha in the law, you will not worship anybody,
Allah will violate any Aksana and with the parents, you will do your son and so on and so forth. In
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			total man, either I or 12. Also, we learned about a covenant that they had made that they were to
accountable, Salah Tatum was the cat that was meant to be Rosalie, you establish the prayer gives
the cat believe in the messengers, respect them, help them and spend in the way of Allah. So various
governance were taken from them over a long period of time. So look at the Ohana Mita colony is
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			what happens, you make a promise, you make a commitment with somebody, and you will remember it and
therefore you observe it, let's say for one month for one year, for two years for three years. But
then what happens? You begin to forget, even if it is written, you forget, and when you forget, you
don't act on it. So what do you need a reminder,
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			like, for example, a person was working at a place. When they made their contract, they learned
about certain things that they have to do, they agreed to do them, they signed over there. But what
happens, they know they're supposed to come at a certain time do certain things. But then after five
months, they start coming late to work, they start leaving early, or they're not doing their work
properly. So what happens they are sent a friendly reminder to please come on time to please do your
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			Is it because they're evil? And they're just very bad? And they're very treacherous? And they don't
like to fulfill their responsibilities? Is it because they're evil? Not necessarily. They're human
beings. And they'll forget.
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			Like, for example, all of us know that on a certain date, we have to pay our fees, or that we have
to do our lesson this number of times, for example, we know about it. When you came here to the
admission, you signed somewhere you read over all the terms and conditions and everything you know
about it. But then what happens you're a human being there's so many things going on in your life
you forget. So then what happens you are given a reminder. So just like that the bunny is so ill
when they forgot their governance, what happened? Allah sent to them, messengers, why? To remind
them to remind them of the promises that they had made with Allah. And the messenger, his
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			responsibility was also to ensure that they were observing the covenant they were observing the law.
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			You know, for example, your group in charge, right, she reminds you, and then she follows up with
you. But then sometimes what happens if somebody is reminding us we get offended? And if somebody is
following up with us, we're like, why are you like, stalking me?
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			Come on, don't call me in my house. Why are you calling me why are you sending me an email? What's
our problem? Like we may feel these things that this is my life. Please, let's keep all that to
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			Let's not bring it to my house. Let's not fill my email inbox with it. And let's not
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			Fill my phone with it. So we might feel annoyed if somebody's reminding us. But remember that if
somebody is reminding us, they're doing it for our own good.
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			They want the best for us. This is the only reason why they're telling us. You think it's easy to
remind somebody, it's not easy to take time out to call someone to take time out to send an email to
them, to take time out and ask them did you do your lesson, make sure you do your lesson to take
time out and discuss that this is how you can do it. This is how you can do it. You think it's easy?
It's not easy?
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			Why would they do it? Why would they bother? Because they want you to get something out of what
you're doing. They want the best for you.
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			parents when they have to remind their children over and over again. They get sick of it. Sometimes
they don't want to remind their children. But why do they bother to because they want the best for
their children.
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			And we are very amazing people. What happens is that if somebody reminds us we get annoyed, and if
they don't remind us we say see, they never told me.
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			They never sent me a reminder.
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			You know if we're told we get annoyed, and if we're not told then again we get annoyed. So what
should the other person do?
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			So anyway, the Buddy is fight yield, the messengers were sent to them to ensure that the people
observed the book that the people remembered it. But what happened? Allah says cool lemma Jaya whom
Rasul on every time a messenger came to them with what B mail with that which led to whoever and
their selves did not desire letter Hua from our meaning. Every time a messenger brought something
that they did not want, that the people did not want to do. They didn't want to listen to, they
didn't have any interest in it. Every time a messenger brought something like that, then what
happened for the concat double A group of the messengers, they refuse to believe what recon yuck to
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			learn and a group of the messengers they killed. You know, it's like, if somebody is reminding us of
something, and we don't like it, we don't like what they're telling us. The one is that we just get
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			And the other is that a person gets annoyed, and he refuses to listen, you know what, I'm not going
to do it. Say whatever, I'm not gonna move, call me send me an email, do whatever, I'm not going to
do it.
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			And then some people, they go to the next step, which is that they become violent. They want to
listen, they don't want to be reminded, they get so offended that they say whoever says anything
that we don't like, finish them for the icon yuck to do. They went to the extent of killing some
prophets. So what's the lesson in this for us? That let's not repeat what the Bani Israel eel did.
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			Rather, Let's fulfill our commitments and promises that we have made with Allah and with the people.
And if Allah out of his kindness, he sends reminders to us. He sends people to us to remind us to
help us, let's not get annoyed. Let's listen to them. Let's accept them. Let's not refuse them. And
let's not get offended.
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			And also that what is it that makes people refuse to listen to others? When they don't like what
they're telling them, right? When we are being told something that we don't want to do. Like, for
example, your floor is really dirty. And your mom tells you, make sure you do the floor today, clean
it up. She leaves comes back, and nothing has been done. And then she says Please do it. Make sure
you do it tonight. And like yeah, I'll do it.
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			And then she goes somewhere again. And then she sends you a message. Make sure you clean the floor.
You're like, wow, get over it. Why are you nagging me? Right? That's it, we say Stop nagging me Stop
telling me again. And again. I don't want to listen. So whether we like it, or we don't like it,
what has to be done has to be done. So if somebody's reminding us, just do it and get it over with.
So Let's fulfill our commitments and do what we like and also what we don't like. The money is for
you. They refuse to do what they did not like and if anybody told them to do what they did not like
they refuse to believe in them. Like for example they would or listen.
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			He was a messenger but they refuse to believe in him till today. They believe that he was a king but
not a messenger. And what are you claiming to know a group of the messengers they killed? How many
did they kill many many messengers they killed? Are you sorry Listen, um, they tried to kill and
they believe that they killed him. Which is why they were very proud of it that you who the
specialty that we killed him in now. cottonelle Messiah in the Quran we learn about it that we
killed Reese, Arliss Anna, so
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			They didn't actually kill him but that's what they thought so there was so proud of it well for
UConn, you have to learn
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			what has Cebu and they thought when they rejected the messengers, they killed some of them. They
refuse to follow the law. The covenants that they made with Allah will have Cebu they thought alert
Hakuna fit not on that there will be no fitna. What is fitna test trial punishment also fattener
literally means to burn.
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			Like for example, you expose gold to extreme heat why in order to mold it or in order to clean it.
In the Quran, we learn yellow Humala, nerdy youth afternoon when they will be burned in the fire
they will be punished in the fire. So fatahna literally has to burn. And from this word is used for
punishment also over here it means punishment. So they thought that there will be no resulting
punishment. Punishment for what? For they're killing the messengers. For they're refusing to believe
in them, they thought nothing will happen. Why did they think like this, we are not going to ever
know Allah what hippo dislike many times we think I'm a Muslim, or we think I'm a Canadian, I
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			haven't Canada, I mean, who can say anything to me. I can say whatever. I can do many things. And
this is why we crossed many limits. Likewise, we believe I am the oldest in my family, Big Sisters.
So who can say anything to me? You know, whatever. If my younger brother is whining and crying, who
cares? I'll just take whatever I want. And who cares about him. So many times when we're doing
wrong, we think nothing will happen. It's okay. No big deal. But then what happens? Something
affects, like, for example, there's a red light, and a person knows that they should stop. But
they're like, Oh, it doesn't matter. Nothing will happen. And they cross and then all of a sudden
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			they Here we
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			go. I never thought that would happen. I never thought that a police officer will be standing over
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			Likewise, people are speeding, and they think nothing will happen. And then the next thing they know
they're in a crash. So when we are doing wrong, whatever it is, whatever it is, what do we think
nothing will happen? So what how Cebu alert Hakuna fitna done, and sometimes people commit the
greatest of crimes, and they think they will be fine. Nothing will happen.
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			He said a woman she was saying to her husband divorce me. She thinks so much about herself. You know
how so some woman's they said divorce means there has been so much. So she was keep saying nagging
him. He said Leave me I want to eat. She kept going to the kitchen. She kept going. She bothered him
Allah. And then he said, Okay, it's worse. And then she said that way easily. You let me go. I'm
that cheap. So it's like they try to control others. Go ahead, divorce me Go ahead. And then what
happens is they think you're divorced. And then they're like, Oh, my God, this actually happened. So
anything wrong that a person is doing big or small, they think nothing will happen. You know, when a
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			person is shooting another killing another? What do they think they wouldn't be caught? They'll hide
somehow. They'll get away. But then they're caught? Well, has he been alert Hakuna fit Nutan for
ammo was someone so they became blind, and they became deaf.
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			Meaning that when a person thinks that nothing will happen, then he becomes blind and deaf to all
the warning signs, all the warning signs that for example, he thinks nothing will happen. Police is
not going to catch him. So even though he sees his speed going to 140 He says it's okay. He sees it
140 And he sees the big sign on the highway that says a big warning that reminds people to stay
within the speed limit. But they become blind to the warning.
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			And what happens there mom is yelling at them. Slow down, slow down. But they're like normal. It's
okay. They become deaf to the warning blind to the warning deaf to the warning and they go and do
it. And there is fitna there.
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			So what happened so metab Allah Who early him, then Allah turned to them in forgiveness. Allah had
mercy upon them that sometimes it happens that a person is almost in a crash or the police, they
pull them over. And then what happens? They say okay, it's your first offense doesn't matter. They
get a ticket, they fight it and they are forgiven for it. So so much love Allahu Allahu Allah has
mercy upon them. And they come out of this country.
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			sequence of their wrong action completely fine. But then what happens some are more some move then
they go back into that same cycle they become blind and deaf cathedral minhang Many among them wala
who proceed on the mayor malewane And Allah is watching whatever that they are doing.
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			So, this is a very serious if the lesson over here we learn is that we should always remember that
our sins will have consequences everything either in the dunya or in the aka
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			either in the dunya or in the Accra there will be consequences
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			may or may also on user be whoever does evil will be punished for it.
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			May earmold su N uterus OB whoever does evil will be punished for it, he will be given its
recompense. So since will always have consequences wrong actions will always have consequences in
this dunya or in the ACA. So let's not think that we will be fine it will be okay. No, let's take
responsibility and change our course of action. And we should remember that Allah is watching all of
our deeds and he knows what we're doing. So when he knows what we're doing, we should fear Him
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			because a person might get away today, but he cannot get away tomorrow on the Day of Judgment.
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			Let's listen to recitation.
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			Kita BLS to mother she had to be moved or had to be moved to water.
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			G Loma
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			Vela eco
00:21:54 --> 00:21:57
			be calm while I as Eden naka
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			de la ina EUCOM your warm Miko we are no
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			fall fell at
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			noon curfew
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			was sloppy oh no one no foreman.
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			In theory, you army law Solly.
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			hopeful Nyla.
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			Nakada 100 Me. Alderney on all
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			in a.
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			can level up everybody?
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			Well, has he moved to the corner fifth?
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			what long Bell sleeves
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			we see this in our lives that sometimes we do something wrong. And we get away with it once, twice,
thrice. And then eventually, we suffer.
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			Just a small example. And please don't mind that I'm constantly quoting lesson examples. Because
that's the only thing that's coming to my head. This is not pre planned. It's just coming into my
head right now. That's the only reason why I'm giving these examples. Like for example, you don't do
your lesson once. And the group in charge of the verse that she makes you read in the group, you get
by you survive. And the next day, same thing. And the next week, same thing. And the next week, same
thing until the test comes.
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			And then what happens? You feel like you can't do it. Because then you don't show up. Or if you show
up, you say I'm not ready. Or if you are told that you have to take the test and you take it and
then you try but
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			you can't do it. If you do it, you see the results. So remember that every wrong thing we do. We
will suffer because of it. We will see its consequences later on.
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			It's like if a person gets cancer somewhere in their body, let's say in their lungs, is it just
because on one occasion they smoked. It's perhaps because they're they've been smoking for so long.
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			So every time you do something
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			wrong. It keeps building, building building building, until eventually, the result is so bad that we
can't survive.
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			I was just thinking of the story of a man of Elon, how he caught someone stealing. And he said, I'm
gonna cut your hand now. And the person said, no, no, it's my first time. I won't do it again. I
promise, I promise. But oh my god, London, it's never that you're caught the first time. It's
because you've been probably doing it for so long. Yes. Because the person said, it's my first time.
So please spare me I'll never do it again. He said, No, it's not possible that it's your first time
and you're caught. No, a person does something wrong over and over again. And then eventually, Allah
subhanaw taala. He gets him got, he hasn't punished. So never excuse yourself that it's only the
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			first time No, it should never be the first time even. We should never be at that stage that we are
allowing ourselves to do anything wrong. Because when we do something wrong, we will see its
consequences. It's written.
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			All right, there's a question.
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			With regards to the eye number 68 that say oh people the scripture you are standing on nothing until
you uphold the law of the Torah, and the gospel and what has been revealed to you from your Lord. So
does this mean that people are required to observe the law, the Torah and the Injeel today? No,
they're not. Basically, they are being told that you claim to be religious, but you're contradicting
the book. You don't follow it, you say that you believe in the book yet you don't follow it because
if you followed it properly, then you would believe in Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, you would worship
Allah alone.
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			So it doesn't mean that they're required to follow it today. It means that they're required to
believe in the Quran as a result of believing in the Torah and the NGO.
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			Because whoever um, the Jews and the Christians believes in Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam believed in
the Quran that in fact he is following the scriptures, because that's what they have been taught in
the Scripture.
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			And if they refuse to believe in Muhammad salallahu Salam in the Quran, then that means they're not
following their scripture properly even.
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			Why do you think so? Manifest he believed in Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam because he was following the
Scripture. Now, once you believe in the Quran, and Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, then you have to
practice the law of the Quran, not a little endangered anymore. Why? Because that is abrogated,
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			abrogated by what? By the Quran and remember that every verse of the Quran should be understood in
relation to other verses. You should never take one verse and base your understanding on that
exclusively. No, you have to relate it with other verses that contains similar meaning