Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P04 056D Tafsir Al-Nisa 22-24
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The church's stance on sex relations is discussed, including the use of Latin letters and the practice of hstering marriages. The church's stance on sex relations is also discussed, including the use of "slave woman" in marriage and the importance of women being their guardian. The segment also touches on the idea of marriage and the use of "slave woman" in various context, including the idea of marriage being a combination of both. The speakers emphasize the importance of avoiding sexual harm and not seeking sex for added benefits, as well as the need for men to be clear on their actions and avoid offense.
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welcome kit Houma Naka will come. Now the believers are being prohibited from certain marriages. When a man thinks of marrying someone who's being told, these are the women you are not allowed to get married to, who are there? Allah says Latin key who do not get married to mana kaha that who married about or con your father's? Meaning those women whom your father's got married to? You are not allowed to get married to them? What does it mean? Then my * will come. Those women whom the fathers of married Who are they? Either the mother or the stepmother. Right? Whether the marriage was consummated with her or not. Okay? Basically, it's a woman who has had Nikka with one's father.
And a bat doesn't just mean father, but fathers as in grandfather as well maternal or paternal through one's mother's side or through one's father's side. So marrying the mother the stepmother, the grandmother, the step grandmother, this is something that is forbidden, it is not permissible. While at Anki, Houma, Nicaragua, El Camino Nissei except map of the Salah, whatever has happened so far, what has passed before seen lanpher meeting at the time of Jamelia, this was something practiced that if a man married a woman, divorced her or the man died, then his son through another wife would marry the stepmother.
Just as he would inherit the father's property, you would also inherit the father's wife. So Allah says Illuma cazzola, meaning whatever has happened in the past has happened. It doesn't mean that marriage is still valid, no, it will be broken. It will be an old that marriage has finished now, but the sin is not there. Meaning a person is not sinful for what happened in the time of ignorance. But one should remember that in the WHO CAN affair hisher this marriage marrying the woman whom the Father got married to, this is a fashion and in decent act. We're Makaton what is marked, marked, hateful, mark this from the letters meme Kofta. And it's a shudder bolt, meaning extreme hatred,
something that's very offensive that you find very offensive. So Allah hates this. Someone who marries her step mother or grandmother is something that is hated by Allah was Sir sebelah and an evil way. It's evil as a way, meaning it's an evil way of fulfilling one's desire or making a union. It's an evil practice. And then Allah subhanaw taala mentioned some more women, some more female relatives were forbidden for marriage, Holy Mother aleykum. It has been made unlawful for you Have you met from haram, who has made unlawful for you Allah has made unlawful for you, certain female relatives, whom you are not allowed to get married to, who are the first of all Omaha to come Omaha
is a plural off
who is own mother. But just as the word Abba includes father as well as grandfather, likewise, the word ohm or Mahat includes mother as well as grandmother, paternal as well as maternal, however upwards, great grandmother, so on and so forth. webinar to come and your daughter has been at this floor luff bent, who has bent daughter. Now bent banana includes daughters, as well as granddaughters, granddaughters, whether through one son or through one's daughter, however, look.
And then daughters also include the illegitimate daughter, meaning if a man had a relationship with someone whom he was not married to, and that woman gave birth to a daughter than that daughter is also haram upon him because even though she doesn't have the same status as a daughter who was born out of wedlock, but still she is his biological daughter.
What a holiday to come and your sisters who are disciplined enough
is the sister who is a sister, the daughter of your father and mother. Okay. Or it also includes stepsister, which means either she shares the Father with you or she shares the mother with you, meaning you have the same father or you have the same mother or you have the same mother and father. You understand so three kinds of sisters. Then why mama to come and your aunt's paternal aunts are mad as a Florida for armor. And armor is oh Father, sister. So your father sisters, paternal aunts, you are also not allowed to get married to them. What I like to call out is a blurring of color. And whose color maternal aunt who is she? Your mother's sister? Okay.
webinar two
and the daughters of your brother, the daughters of your brother who are the nieces who have been out a lot and the daughters of your sister who are they again nieces, okay?
These seven women, seven female relatives, they are related to a man through NASA through blood, all right. And these seven female relatives are forbidden for marriage. Notice cousins are not in this two cousins are permissible for marriage. Okay. Now, another category of women are mentioned. And who are they? They are Mohammed through rodar through suckling, through nursing, were Omaha to come and your mother's allottee those who are gonna come who nurse to from Anadarko raw blood or in meeting those women who have breastfed you who have nursed you, whether they're your aunt's or a random woman, whoever she is, if she has nursed you, then you cannot marry her.
With a hello to come and your sisters plural have asked me not Lola through suckling, meaning the woman who nursed you there is no blood relationship between the two of you she nurse too. And she has a daughter as well. Now that daughter is like your sister, you can't marry her. Or if she has nursed another girl who is not her daughter is someone else's daughter. But she has nursed her. You understand? So again, she's your sister through Rhodora. She's also forbidden for marriage. Well, I took a minute or so these two relationships through these two female relatives through rodar. So if a woman has nursed you, and she's also nurse, another boy, then your mom, cool. You don't have to
wear hijab in front of them. Okay, they're your brothers. Welcome. Glad to come in and Hola. Now the third category, which is those female relatives who are forbidden for marriage through Musa Musa Hara meaning through Nica. Okay, well, oh Mahad Anisa econ. And the mothers of your wives. The mothers of your wives who are the mother in law. Okay, the good old mother in law. She's not allowed to be married by the son in law.
Then what I bet you will come and your stepdaughters and Latifi her jewelry come those which are in your care in your laps, meaning under your guardianship, or Oba Ibiza, Florida for Bieber and Habiba from Raba is the wives daughters with another husband. A man gets married to a woman, and she has daughters from before another husband. Now those Daughters of that woman, they are a few her jewelry co they're in your lap her daughter, Paula Paget meaning lab. What does that signify? Guardianship, meaning you're like a father figure to them. How can you even think of marrying them? If someone is in your lab who like a father figure to them, right? You're their guardian. So they're also
forbidden to you for marriage? What about you will come a lot if you heard God, come, Minister, I come from those women, meaning the daughters of those women. Those wives are Latty THOSE WHO? The Khartoum beginner, you have entered them. What does it mean that you have had sexual relations with them? What does it mean that you marry a woman Nikka took place. She already has daughters from before Nikka took place marriage was consummated. Both are living together. Now this woman has daughters. The husband cannot marry them ever. He cannot marry those daughters ever. Why? Because the Nikka with their mother was consumated. Allah says for in then if lo Taku. The Hulk don't begin
if you did not enter them, meaning you did not consummate the marriage with a woman led to the niqab to place a contract took place and something happened and the man decided or you know that this should not carry through so they never lived together. consummation did not happen.
Let's say he finds that oh, she's extremely old. She has daughters were so old. They're married. So if he says no, I was misinformed. I do not wish to continue with this. So he decides to divorce. The marriage was never consummated. They never lived together. Now after some time, he finds out about the daughter of that woman, okay? And he finds out that she is similar to him and age. There's more compatibility between the two of them and he wants to get married to her. Can he? Yes he can. Why? Because the marriage with the mother was not consummated. This is why Allah says that for a lump Taku the whole Don't be him. Fella Gina Harley come there is no sin upon you meaning then you may do
so. Then what Hello, hello. Gov econ. And the Hello ale of your son's Hello ale is a plural of kalila and hollyland
Trudy is one who has been made halal.
Who is she, one who has been made halal. Now, Helene is the husband and Halina is the wife. Because both are made halal for each other. So hello and refer to the wives, the wives of who have your sons, meaning your son, he got married to a woman, and then he divorced her or your son die, you can't marry his ex wife or his widow. You can't do that. But with sons, because in the Arabs, it was very common to just, you know, if there was a man, if there was a boy, they liked him, they wanted to take him as your son, they would say you are our son, even though there was no blood relationship between the two. Allah says, Those sons that are Alladhina those who may have slabby come from your
loins. What does it mean? A slab is the floor love, soul and soul is the back. Okay, solve is the back. So it means those sons who have been born off your liquid meaning they are your biological sons, not your adopted sons, but rather your biological sons. All right. So if a man his son, his biological son gets married to a woman divorces or dies, whatever, the father cannot marry the daughter in law, ever, this marriage can never take place. But if that son wasn't adopted son, meaning there is no biological relationship between the Father and the Son, adopted son, not in the Islamic sense, but in the other sense, where, you know, the person just declares them to be the son.
Okay. So in that case, if they divorced their wife or whatever, then the father can get married to that wife. Can you think of an example when this happened?
Yes, the Prophet saw about a salon. Before prophethood he declared Zaida Lula and who as his son, adopted son Muto banana, all right. And he got him married to his cousin as well, eventually, but that marriage did not work out. So he divorced her. When he divorced her into the law hub, we will learn about this and how Allah subhanaw taala got her married to the prophets of Allah is Allah, why? To make it clear to the people there were many other benefits in this marriage as well. But one of the benefits was that people know that they can marry the ex wives of their adoptive sons, meaning the ex wife of the adopted son. You know, there is no relationship of Houma between them.
Well, hello Obernai eCola denominator slavery calm and then we're untouch Maru banal octane and that you join you gather together between two sisters Well, Thane is a doula. What does it mean? That a man marries a woman and he also marries her sister? Okay, meaning he cannot marry two sisters at a time. He cannot marry two sisters at a time. But can this happen? That if he marries a woman, she dies or he divorces her? And then later he decides to marry her sister? Can that happen? That can happen? That is permissible because they're not married to him at the same time. But can they be made to him one after the other? Yes that can happen but not at the same time well integer my
Romanian obtain and not just sisters but also aunt and niece aren't a nice in the same way cannot be joined together. At the same time. In a hadith we learned that law huge mero banal Marathi while I'm Mattia whenever banal Marathi wahala tea her this hadith in Bukhari, that a woman and her paternal aunt cannot be the CO wives of one man. Likewise, a woman and her maternal aunt cannot be the CO wives of one man at the same time. What untouch marrowbone and octane Elana Katara, except for that which has happened, meaning if such a marriage did take place in the past, you're not sinful for it. However, the marriage will be an old it will be finished in Allah who cannot afford Ibrahima. Indeed
Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. While mercy solena to next just please. Well Marcelin out too. And the married women, meaning they are also forbidden upon you for marriage. While more sun add to Mina Nyssa II from among the women, more sauna there's a plural of more sauna and more sauna is from the roulette chairs. How slot noon Have you heard of his snow Muslim? His snow Muslim? What does it mean? fortress of the believer a fortress of the believers so his son is a fortress. More sunnah is someone who has been fortified, someone who has been protected someone who has been protected. Now the word more sunnah is used.
in different ways, one of the ways in which those where this word is used is that gives a meaning of a free woman as opposed to a slave woman. Why is she called more Sana? Because her freedom ensures her security and safety. You know, her safety, security is not in short, in the sense that she can be sold by the master. The master can force her to do something that's wrong. He can force her into something that she dislikes. You know, there is a difference in the status. The free woman is more secure compared to the slave woman. I'm not saying that it's okay to treat a slave woman like that. All right, but I'm just making you understand. Secondly, Marsala is also used for a chaste woman,
meaning a woman who does not commit Zina, who does not commit illegal, unlawful sexual *. She is a chaste woman because she has fortified herself. Men approach her they desire they want her, but she has, you know, fortified her that no, you cannot access me. You can't touch me. You can't sit right next to me. You can't see my hair. You can't see me. You can't see my body. She's more Sana she's chased. You understand? Because a woman who is not chaste. Then what happens men have access to her they can enjoy her. Like for example, if a woman dresses up in a particular way goes in front of men, deliberately, you know, showing herself off. Men aren't enjoying her. But on the
other hand, a woman who is covered up she is more sunnah. A woman who agrees to do Zina, she is not more sunnah. Okay? Then likewise, the word more sunnah is also used for a married woman. Why a married woman because she is also fortified. Nobody can marry her. A Single Woman, you know she can be married to but a more sunnah. Other men don't have any access to her. They can't marry her. So over here, Allah says, well, Marsan to, and the married women over here Marcelin, Allah gives a meaning of married woman. It doesn't mean free. It doesn't mean chairs, but rather it means married over here. So those women who are married are also forbidden for you to marry. Meaning A woman
cannot have multiple husbands at a time a married woman cannot be proposed to. And this prohibition is so strong, that when a woman's husband dies, and she is in her Ada, another man cannot even propose to her. Isn't that what we learned earlier? A man cannot even propose to a woman who was in harita. There's such a strong prohibition. So when my son had to mean Anissa Illa one exception, where a married woman can be married to in which case, man mela got a man that which are right hands possess, what does that refer to? The slave woman? What does this mean? This means that the only exception from married women are those women who become slaves. All right, because when a woman
becomes a slave, then she loses her marital status, even though her husband may not have divorced her, even though she may not have asked for divorce. All right, she has lost her marital status is such a woman. You can marry her. Now, what is this referring to?
in Arabia, the tradition was that if two groups battled one another, they went to war with each other. And whoever won, manage to also get some captives, prisoners of war. Okay. Now those prisoners of war, they will be treated in different ways, depending on the situation. Sometimes those prisoners will be killed. Right? Other times they will be returned for a ransom.
Okay. And other times they were made into slaves. You might say but how? Why doesn't make sense. You're taking somebody's freedom.
Now, think about it. If there is a person who has been caught at a battlefield, why have they been caught because they came fighting against you? They came with the intention to harm you. Correct.
If you leave them you say no, no, forgive, forgive, forgive what's going to happen? They're going to come and fight you. Again. If you leave them, if you set them free, let them go. Then what's going to happen? They're going to go back and come and fight you again. But if you say no, we're going to take them away from their homeland and bring them to our country and bring them to a different city and leave them over there. Okay, you leave them over there, what's going to happen? They're gonna have no family, no work, they're going to be lost. And it's going to lead to many problems. Correct. So, one of the best solutions is
that the captives are not jailed, in closed places where they're living yet not living. They're living in a graveyard of living beings, literally, where they don't have any freedom, nothing, they cannot get back into the society and in prison, you know what happens? Like, for example, in Pakistan recently a prisoner, he was beaten to death by other inmates, right? He was beaten to the point that he got into a coma, and then eventually he died. And there's been so much reaction over it, right international reaction over it. So anyway, if such people are imprisoned in jails, a you have to look after the jails, right? It's a burden on the government being you can't ensure their
responsibility and see, you're harming them. So one of the best solutions is that integrate them into the society, but when society that in which they will go and create facade again and harm the Muslims, again, no, integrate them into a society where they will learn something where they will worship Allah, where they have some freedom, but they don't have the freedom to do wrong.
Okay. And in this case, what is done is that they are given to a Muslim family, okay? They are to take care of them, they are to treat them like a family member. There are many rights of slaves in Islam, which is a completely different topic. But they are to be a part of a family. And there are many benefits in this. They have their freedom, they won't do wrong again. Okay, they can integrate back into the society. And we see that in Islam, slavery was not abolished, okay? It was not abolished completely. Why? Because it was so widespread, it was so common, but many teachings were given, which would cause slavery to reduce eventually, or which worked in favor of the slaves. Okay,
or which seemed to be the best option for the people in that situation. When we think of slavery, we cannot understand it fully, because we have never seen it, we can never imagine it the lifestyle. Now the living standards, now the understanding of freedom, everything is very different. The society back then was very different. Okay. So realize that you cannot fully comprehend this just because we cannot fully comprehend it does not mean we rejected from the very beginning to have some tolerance over here. All right. So this seemed to be one of the best options. And this is reason why captives were taken in within the Muslim society, so that they were integrated, so that they could
become a part of a society. And we see that slaves, they had many rights, and eventually, they could also buy their freedom. But they were exposed to a Muslim culture, they were exposed to an Islamic lifestyle, which they could not have been exposed to elsewhere. And we see in Islamic history, that there have been so many scholars who were actually children of slaves, you know, that scholars were children or slaves or who were ex slaves. Let me give you one example, our beloved Roma, there'll be a lot more on whom the companion of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he had a slave whom he freed, his name was Neff here.
And he became the teacher of Imam Malik, he became the teacher of Imam Malik, can you imagine a slave ex slave being a teacher of a great scholar who eventually grew to be a great scholar?
So slaves were, don't think of them as you know, people who are abused and physically, they are not given any rights, and they're to serve all day and serve all night. And they're treated as * objects. No, don't think in that manner. Slavery in Islam is not like how it was in North America. Okay, it's not the same, it's very different. So don't think of them the same way. And we see that there was a dynasty known as the Mamluks, who became the kings of the Muslims. And you know what ma'am? Luke means one who is owned. There were actually slaves by origin. But imagine how they became slaves, graduated, gain their freedom, and excelled so much in society, that they came right
to the top. They came right to the top they became the Kings, mom looks imagine. So we see many examples like that. Now when it comes to a slave woman, because this is what the ayah is talking about, Allah says that you may get married to her. What does it mean? That when the slave women, let's say the work app is off them are women, they're blocked, and then they are given to certain families? All right. Now they're given to certain families. Let's say a woman
and ends up being a slave woman in the house of a particular family. Now, this woman, the master can do different things with her in the sense that he can sell her if he wants to. Or she can be the servant of the family. So no one has sexual relations with her at all. She's just a servant for the whole family, let's say their brothers and their father, you know, whatever. She's just a servant. And it's also possible that he freezer and marries her or freezer just like that, or he chooses her for himself, the master chooses her for himself. Now when he chooses her for himself, what does it mean? That she is his slave woman, only, meaning he can have relations with her. All right, but only
he can no one else can.
This is just like, a husband only can have relations with his wife, no other man can. Likewise the master only can have relations with a slave woman, no other man can not his brother, not his son, no one can only he can. And if she gives birth to a child, then that slave woman gets the status off all mobile wallet or mobile at the mother of the child. And what that means is that when the master dies, then she is automatically free. You understand? She is automatically free. Now there is one problem. What if the slave woman does not want it?
She doesn't want to be treated like that. Then what is to happen? She refuses she does not want at all.
Then there's a hadith that we learned, which is reported in Sahih. Muslim Hillel vinyasa reported that a person got angry and slapped his slave girl.
Sweat had been occurring. He said to him, you could find no other part to slap but the prominent part of her face mean, really, you can slightly nudge her hit her on her arm. You only found the face to slap I mean, how evil can you be? Why did you do that? He said, I was one of the seven sons of mcaren. And we had one slave girl. And that means she was treated like a servant in the house. And the youngest of us slapped her.
He got mad, and he slapped her. And Allah's Messenger. SallAllahu wasallam commanded us to set her free.
If a slap
required the master to set the slave woman free. You think it's allowed for Muslim master to * a slave woman? No, not at all. You think it's allowed for him to treat her like a * object? No, not at all. If she refuses, she resists. She cannot be forced into it. Then he has to figure something else out. Like for example, he says Fine, I'll give her away. I'll set her free. I'll let her go. This is just like at one occasion. Some female captains were brought and they were distributed amongst the people. And one of the women was Julia little de la Horne. Remember her story? Yeah. So she was given to a man who did not have a high status. But you ended up low on her. She had a very
high status in her family. She came from a Jewish tribe. She had a very high status. She came and complain, I can't be with this man. No way. So then what happened? The Prophet salallahu Salam took her instead, set her free and married her and she became Muslim too.
So you see, her choice was respected. You know, her feelings were acknowledged.
So don't think of slavery in Islam, like slavery in other cultures. It's a different system altogether. All right. So over here, Allah says that if there is a slave woman who was married, but now that she is brought into captivity, and given as a slave, then you can marry her. You can marry her and what does that mean? That you can set her free and you can get married to her. There is no blame on you on this Kitab Allah here Aleikum. This is the decree of Allah upon you. Meaning all of these instructions that Allah has given this woman had on from I just want to add on from it. This is a decree on you. This is something that you have to do well, when Allah come and permissible for
you, meaning permissible for you for marriage, Mala, that income is that which is besides that, meaning all other women besides the women that are mentioned over here, they are permissible for you to marry. All right. But what's the condition for marriage, the condition for marriages and who will be unwelcome that you seek with your wealth up the whole from if they want to seek you seek with your money, meaning that when you marry a woman, you have to give her the MaHA you have to you can't take her for granted. You can't take over
Three you have to give her the MA Not her parents, not her brother her. And when you should marry her more Sweeney Leila musafir hain. What does mursaleen mean? This is used for men, more SONET women, more slinging men more Sweeney is for look more slim, and Marcin is one who fortifies himself limits himself. Meaning you will marry her. And you will limit yourself to her meaning you will limit yourself to the women whom you are married to desiring chastity, that you marry her and you establish relations with her, not with other women, laying almost half your hand, not unlawful sexual *, meaning when you marry, you should not marry just for the purpose of lust. And
that's it. And as soon as that lust is over, you move on. Like, for example, a person says, you know, he really loves a woman, I really wants to have relations. So he goes and just does a contract with a woman, you know, Nikka contract, and then has relations with her. And that's it finished. This kind of marriage is called Motor marriage. And it's similar to prostitution. Okay, where a woman is a prostitute, she's spayed for the relationships that are established with her. And what are marriages that you make the legal contract that is just temporary, it's made with the intention of divorce. It's made with the intention of just fulfilling the desire and not really establishing a
family, you understand? So Allah says, later on, we'll say 15 Don't enter into a marriage until you're serious about it. Marriage is not just the mere fulfillment of lust of desire. It's a major contract for a good purpose for Muslim Tara to be him in Hoonah. So whatever you benefit you enjoy through it from them for add to Hoonah Oduro Hoonah, then give them their module due to the plural of agile, it means wedge, but over here, it's referring to the mouth. And why is the word Wade use for Maha because it starts a wedge a worker deserves it says right? Likewise, a woman she deserves her mouth. It's her right? And Allah says for the love and obligation, meaning when you benefit from
the woman from the wife, you have entered into a relationship with her, limit yourself to her and make sure you give her her money. This is an obligation on you. While Arjuna Harley calm and there's no blame on you Fiammetta rally to be in that which you mutually agree with the rod Layton from Raul Bhatia that both of you have mutually agreed, okay, what men bargained for Eva, after the obligation. What does it mean? That the husband and wife decided that okay, that's one who's going to give a particular amount as much to the woman but later on the mutually agree that, you know, the husband says, Okay, let me give you this much. Instead, she says, Okay. Or he says, You know, I
intended to give you this much money because I was expecting this much profit, but I haven't, is that okay with you? If it's less? She's, uh, yeah, sure, why not? So if the mutually agree with it, they come to mutual terms later on. It's okay, there's no blame on them. The husband said, I'll give you a house. And they try and he says a house is not practical. Can I just give you cash? Sure. That someone says I'll give you jewelry. Later on. He says it's not possible to give you jewelry. Can I just give you cash? She says yeah, sure. But they're all laid to both have to agree. So there is no sin, in that in Allah can our Lehmann Hakima Indeed, Allah is Knowing and wise. So, the commands
that he has given over here that are based on his knowledge, and based on his wisdom, therefore, accept and submit. Recitation
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any questions you may have about slave women, any misconception tomorrow inshallah we will discuss this as well this will come again. So make sure you write down your questions or your concerns, okay and don't forget them because it's good to clarify because there's something that is objected so much. This is something that people target so much to defame our religion. So we have to be clear on this. All right. So practical law we have the connection to Allah Illa Illa, Anta and stuff we're going to be like I said, I'm already called out the library.