Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P03 042E Tafsir Aal-e-Imran 29-30

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The heart is kept inside and the ability to see and analyze information is kept inside. The heart's ability to act and behave is important, and the importance of being aware of what people say and not giving too many information is emphasized. The heart's role in the operation of the body is also discussed, including fixing the heart, fixing physical forms, and fixing deeds. The importance of fixing the heart, memory, and forgiveness is emphasized, as well as the need to be mindful of one's actions and avoid harming their record.

AI: Summary ©

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			Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
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			the huddle room is Sunday a lot of somebody can get him on my bed for all the bIllahi min ash
shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman R Han for bushwacking is Saturday away a silly Emery wetland or
buttermilk assignee of coho Kohli open as a dinner AR Edma. Lesson number 42 Verse number 29. Okay
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			Phil Murphy useful duty come out to the to who? You're on a hula say that if you were to conceal
what is in your heart, or you reveal it, you let it be known, then who knows about it? Allah knows
about it.
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			Who has been told over here who has been addressed? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that
old prophet you tell the people you ask them that even if fu to fool is from the letters? How far?
Yeah, from the word coffee?
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			And what is it for me? To hide to conceal something?
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			So if you were to hide, if you were to conceal more that which fuse will do recon in your chest
salute is a clone of Southern and solid is the chest of a person. What is other, the chest? Now what
is inside the chest that is of significant importance? What is inside the chest? The heart, right?
So what is meant by that which is in the chest is basically that which the heart keeps within
itself? What does it refer to? That which the heart keeps inside itself that which the heart
conceals. Now what is it that the heart conceals? What is it that the heart keeps? What feelings?
Emotions? Intention? Thought? What else does your heart keep? Secrets? Okay, since knowledge,
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			information, right knowledge of something, whether it is of your actions, something you saw
something, you've realized something you felt, something you have learned, so all that is were in
the heart, and it could be good. And it could also be bad. It could be happiness, it could be
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			isn't it.
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			So the different things that the heart keeps within itself, Allah says that whether you hide what is
in your chest, meaning in your heart, out to the door, who or you reveal it, you let it be known to
produce from the letters back on well, and AB that is to expose, to reveal to make something
manifest to show. So whether you keep it
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			or you let it out? Whether you hide it, or you let it be known. Does that happen with you? Are there
some things you keep in your heart and others that you let other people know about? Do you there are
times when you're very happy. And there's a big smile on your face and everybody knows you're happy.
Right? And there are times when you are sad in your heart but still you put a smile on your face,
you don't want other people to find out that you are sad that you're upset isn't a tool. So you will
do that. Sometimes we let our emotions our feelings, our knowledge, the information that we have
whatever we know, we let it out. And other times we keep it bottled up inside. Right? But what is
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			Allah soprano theodicy? Whether you show it or you hide it, yeah, Allahu Allah, Allah knows about
it. Allah knows it. Whether you show it or you hide it, you keep it, or you tell others about it
homos. Allah knows everything that is in your heart. And he knew even before your heart was created,
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			why? Because it was apparent dynamos about what is and what will be. So even before we were created,
Allah knew about what we were going to feel what we were going to believe what we were going to
think what we were going to desire. So it's the same for Allah. We have learned earlier. In so to
Dr. Raja interview Murphy and physical auto photo your house it can be Hitler, Allah can call you to
account for it. So Allah knows
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			when your own he knows Marfa, Samira. Whatever that is in the heavens, wonderful. And wherever that
is in the earth, whether something is in the skies, or it isn't the Earth. Who knows? Allah knows.
So where are we? I remember walking on the earth or we're flying an airplane in the sky. So it
doesn't matter or we're selling
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			mothership wherever we are in this earth. When we are in this earth and who knows us inside out,
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			inside out, Where on earth is summer where it warmer filoblu Allahu Allah Konishi in cloudy. And
Allah is over everything capable bodied, the ends with the mention of the Cobra of Allah subhanaw
taala, what is called the calf dunhua ability capability competence. So Allah is fully able, fully
competent to do whatever he wants. Why do you think the verse ends with the mention of Allah
squadra? What's the connection between his knowledge and ability over here?
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			He knows, and then he can do whatever he wants.
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			When he's able to do everything, he's able to know everything as well, he's able to find out about
something as well.
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			There are some things that we know off, right, and we let everybody know about it. Like, for
example, we just put it on our wall, or wait, waited, who finds out about it, the whole world finds
out about it. And there are other things that we keep hidden and secret in our email, or in our
phone, and it is password protected. Nobody can break in, nobody can get through and get that
information. Nobody can. But for Allah, it is very easy, because he's studied. He's fully capable of
accessing all of your information, all of your knowledge, everything that you hide, or usual, he has
studied. And we'll see, when Allah knows everything, what you feel what Allah knows, then, what does
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			it mean by that, but Allah knows, what's the purpose of employing about us, that he can call us to
account for it, he can punish us for it.
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			So Allah one does at the end, that he is capable, he knows
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			he can punish you. He knows all he can question you. Now, what happens sometimes that, for example,
our parents or family, or teachers, or whoever they find out about something, for example, shouldn't
be doing. For example, you may have heard of such stories at school, but our parents always able to
punish their children. Know, for example, the father says, You better pull down at Facebook account
of yours, I don't like it. The father says, take off all your pictures, I don't like it. He says,
Okay, what do you do you give him limited access to your Facebook, so he doesn't even find out what
you do. To see what I knew people do that. Right. They will give I don't know what it is called. But
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			full access or limited access? Is that what it's called? You have different levels of friends,
right? Is it? I don't use Facebook? So I don't know. Can you tell me? How does it work?
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			Privacy settings. Right. So some people are able to see more of what you put there. And other people
are able to see less of what you put there. Right? So for example, the Father gives a warning, the
mother gives a warning. And you say yeah, yeah, of course I listen to you, and you give them limited
access, so they don't even see anything. So are they able to execute the punishment or whatever?
They're not able to? But Allah subhanaw taala when he knows us, is he able to hold us accountable?
Yes. So at the end of the day, what does this teach us? That we should not keep secret? or disclose
anything that Allah does not approve of?
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			That Allah does not like, because at the end of the day, we should be happy with us. A lot should be
happy with us.
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			who hides keep secrets, the one who is afraid, is a little and who goes on showing everything
telling everybody about everything, the one who is confident, because I don't care. I don't care
what the whole world says. I don't care what my parents are. I don't care what the teachers aren't
able to enter thinks of me. Who cares? So the person is confident
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			that we see that before Allah, it doesn't matter whether we are afraid, or we are very bold and
confident because Allah still knows and he knows all he is capable, he is fully able to execute his
punishment when no other condition in the Hadith could simulator Allah subhanaw taala says in
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			a shirt we'll call this into a Muslim. This is reported that Allah says that I am able to do
whatever I want. I am able to do whatever I want in me I'm a shell.
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			So if he wants to punish someone, it
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			Easy for him. If he wants to hold someone accountable, it's very much possible for him. So, what do
we learn in this I listen to the recitation carefully and reflect
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			and come to the door
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			along on
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			so what do we learn?
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			That Allah knows everything in the Mahamaya family he shaitan Filardi, when I first summer in Surah,
Allah wrong we have learned this already, right? But nothing is hidden from Allah, whether it is in
the sky or the Earth, we are not hitting our feeding, we're not hitting our password. Nothing is
hidden from Allah He knows. And sometimes it happens that, you know, that someone knows, but still,
you don't care. Does it happen? That would happen? You may know some people that they're doing bad
things, and their parents know, but they still don't care. Do you know about such people? Have you
heard of such stories? But can we have such an attitude with Allah? subhanaw taala? Can we have such
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			an attitude with Allah? That I know Allah knows I'm doing something wrong, but I don't care? Can we
have that attitude? Seems like we can. There's no response from you? Can we have such an attitude?
No, we can't. Why? Because
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			he is capable of punishing,
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			he is fully able to punish us and punish us most severely. You know, in our Hadees, we learn that
once the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he passed by an orchard, a garden. And he was made to hear
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			the sounds of two people who were being punished in their graves. This is not something that we
hear, ordinarily, nor could the Prophet said a lot of second, we hear this all the time. On that
occasion, the prophets of Allah Islam was made to hear the two individuals being punished in their
graves, the screaming, and so on and so forth. And the prophets, Allah wa salam said that these two
individuals are being punished. And they're not being punished for something that is very great for
something that is very difficult.
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			And then he said that, yes, they are being punished for something severe. And what was the crime,
one of them is being punished, because he did not protect himself from the splashes of urine when
using the toilet, and the other one used to walk about spreading backbiting amongst people in order
to create facade. Now, the first individual who is being punished why because he did not protect
himself from the splashes of urine. Who knows whether you're an expression on your body or not?
Sometimes we're so careless, that even we don't find out. Does your mom nor does your dad know? Does
anyone know? No, who knows? Something soul hidden, something so secret who knows about it?
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			Allah knows about it. And if we are not careful in this regard, look at the consequences, Allah is
Able to do anything.
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			The person has been punished in the grave forever, until the day of judgment, that punishment is
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			So can we have such an attitude? Yeah, I know Allah knows.
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			That doesn't matter. Who cares? We can't have such an attitude. Because in Aloha, luckily che
encoded he is capable.
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			So, this is why we should be afraid of him. We are alone or we are in front of people, whether it
has something to do with the washroom or something to do with the eating or something to the
dressing up or something to do with Salah we do we have to be careful we have to feel alone every
night or in every regard because He loves us like nobody else knows. And he will questions if he
wants, like nobody can question and he can punish. The way nobody can.
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			In the Mahara luckily show you
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			that there is a video of chef with a fee, a recite or the Quran. One of the Imams at Masjid the knob
with a masjid of the Prophet salatu salam in Medina, where he was about to lead the prayer and
imagine is going live on television. 1000s of people are praying behind him. And all of a sudden, he
just walked off. He did we do and he came back.
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			But imagine if anybody else is there they're like No, it's so embarrassing. Come on. How can I let
everybody know that I just lost my will do. Everybody will find out and it's kind of embarrassing.
So doesn't matter.
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			Who knows
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			Who knows, Allah knows? Can we run away from him?
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			Can we avoid him, nor can we hide from him never.
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			So he knows us inside out in secret and private and open. And he's able to punish Sophia him and fix
yourself in every matter of life, private, or public.
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			Now, one of the lessons that we learn in this race is the obligation of telling people, about the
fact that Allah knows what we keep in our hearts and what we reveal. Where do we learn that from
Allah says, Don't say, We will tell the people are profitable. So what is our obligation? Should we
tell children? Should we tell people who are around us? Should we remind ourselves of this fact that
Allah knows what I hide in what I show? Is it important? Yes. What do you do? Typically, we tell
people, I'm watching you. I know your password. I have access. I know this, I know that you can
write for me.
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			But does that reformer person fully know? What is it that reforms a person the fear of you, Allah?
subhanaw taala? This is why many young people they say, what's the point? If I'm wearing hijab for
my mother? What's the point? I want to do it for Allah? Isn't it? Because we do what we do out of
fear of our parents or our elders? Correct? We should be doing it out of fear of Allah subhanaw
taala. So it's very, very important to tell people that Allah knows, and make people realize this as
well. We either instill the fear of ourselves, in people who are under us, like children, or
students or whoever, or we instill the fear of other people. Look, she's watching, he's watching,
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			what will they say? Has anybody said that to you? I'm sure many times everybody's watching Sit
properly. Everybody's watching everybody's listening. Don't say that. But before people listen, who
listens? Allah, before people see who sees Allah.
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			So instill the fear of Allah. Now, not yourself, not other people.
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			Another very important lesson we learned in this era, is that we need to that once we realize, and
believe in this fact that Allah knows what we keep in our hearts and what we show, then we should
become very careful about what we keep in our hearts and what we shall.
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			We should become very careful.
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			Because Allah subhanaw taala says, where your head there come, Allahu nappsa. Allah warns you
against himself, but fear him. So fix yourself because you can't hide from him. And when a person
has faith in this reality, that Allah knows what I keep, and what I show them, two things must
happen. And what are the first of all, and who knew me mostly Attila running away from disobedience
to Allah subhanaw taala, that a person must not disobey Allah, whenever there is an opportunity to
disobey Him, what should a person do? Avoid it, get away from it as if it is fire.
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			Such a person who believes in the fact that Allah is everything should not be found, doing what
Allah does not approve off?
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			To see what I mean. If you believe in the fact that Allah knows you, Allah knows everything, then
should you be found, do something that Allah is on approval.
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			Because if a person is found doing something that I have no desire to prove often, what does it
mean? He doesn't know that Allah knows him, or he doesn't care. He doesn't believe in it. So if we
believe that we should run away from disobedience to Allah subhanaw taala.
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			The second thing that must happen is that a few priority Allah law, inclination, desire yearning, to
obedience to Allah subhanaw taala that a person should obey Allah even more.
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			Because then the person knows believes in the fact that Allah knows that I had this opportunity to
do this good. So I should not miss it. Wherever it is a chance to do good than a person should
hasten towards it. Because he believes that Allah is watching me that Allah knows me. Another very
important thing that we learn in this ayah is that the heart is not just a piece of flesh that pumps
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			But rather, the heart is a piece of flesh that contains
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			something intangible as well. And what is that? The example that you gave me earlier intention,
desire, right? Good info, feelings, emotions, information. All of this is contained were in the
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			But what do we think that it's only a piece of flesh that pumps blood normal, in the Quran in solemn
cases this has mentioned that Allah knows what is in the heart. So many times is mentioned directly
indirectly, in different ways. Allah says in the Quran for him or her marathon will absorb when I
can tell Canadian Latif
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			that it is not the eyes that become blind, but rather it is the heart which is in the chest that
becomes blind, that does not function properly because of which a person sins. There are many verses
that mentioned this reality. There is a book by a you and that book is called the blue collar job.
What does that mean? They do?
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			Not does Kia does Kia is purification.
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			That's your
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			doctor. Okay? Your clothes? Yes. Treatment medicine. Okay. So the medicine, the science, the
treatment of the hearts, the book.
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			And in this book, he mentions that the heart is the mechanic, the heart is the king.
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			And the rest of the limbs of the body, whether it is the hands, or the eyes, or the tongue, or the
ears or the feet, any part of the body, any learn lungs, everything is you can see that army, the
servants have that heart because the heart is the king.
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			What is the king do
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			instructs commands and what do the armies do? They obey, they follow? The king says do it even if
the armies do not agree they still have to obey.
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			Once there was a person who was telling me that they have a relative who is in the army, not here,
not the US somewhere else in the world. Okay. And the government of that particular country was, you
know, it had its problems like many governments do. So she asked him that, how can you be in the
army and just obey the president and do whatever they say, how can you do that? Don't you have some
morality, some kind of decency? Like, how can you be? How can you do whatever they telling you to
do? They said that we, as people who work in the army, we don't have a choice, we don't have a
choice, we have to obey the government, we have to listen to them, whatever they say, whether we
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			agree or we disagree, we have to give them our full support. Because that's what we do. So whether
the limbs want to do something or not whatever there are commands, what will happen, the limbs will
follow. It will claim says that the heart is the machine when we shall hold meaning the one that
keeps occupied what all of the tools of the body, meaning if the body is busy doing something, the
hands are busy doing something, the ears are busy listening to something that why is the body doing
what it's doing, because the heart is telling it to do it. It is the most than the one who
subjugates, the one who puts to service the entire body, the heart puts the entire body to service,
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			while it is surrounded by all of the rooms of the body positioned in the center. And isn't. Even
physically if you think about it, the heart is surrounded. In the back there is a backbone in front
of it is the chest right on the sides up and down. It's surrounded completely, and it controls the
entire body. Is that true physically? Is that true? In the physical sense? Yes. Because the heart
pumps blood and the blood goes through the entire body, your brain, your eyes, your ears, your
everything is connected to the heart. So this is true in the physical science as well as the
spiritual sense. The heart is what controls the body. He says that the heart is the most precious
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			limb, the most normal limb of the body, or you can say the piece of flesh of the body that's of
utmost importance, because it is a source of life, isn't it? It is the source of life. If the heart
is functioning, if the heart is alive than the rest of the body, is it going to be alive? Is it
going to function? Yes. And if the heart is dead, then can you have the rest of the body work? No,
you can't. So it is a source of life as well. It is a center of Apple of Internet of aim of
knowledge, of bravery, of patients of forgiveness. You all
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			Have these emotions and feelings? Where are they from your heart. This is why when you're scared,
then what happens to your heart? What happens? It starts to pump so fast that you can feel it. When
you love something, you can feel that in your heart. When you're sad, you can feel that in your
heart. Do you feel like? Do you ever experienced that older child wants to hurt someone that you
mentioned that, you know, I feel so hurt that I ache over here, it hurts me hear a child saying
something like that, that are aches here, like I feel hurt. So this is a reality that the heart, it
controls the body. And it is also the center of all our forces, all our forces.
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			And if you think about it, but I wherever it sees it conveys it, where to the brain, the heart, the
ears, wherever they listen, that's also connected. Isn't a tongue, the tongue, it delivers what's in
the heart, your hands do what the heart orders your feet take you where the heart tells you to go.
Isn't that so? So this is why is it important to fix the house? Is it important to fix the heart?
And yes, because it's the key?
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			If the key is good, then will the whole country be good? Will the whole country be good? Yes. And if
the king is bad, then what will happen to the rest of the country? What will happen? It will be
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			This is why the Prophet sallallahu sallam said that in the field, just study mudra that there is a
piece of flesh in the body. If it is solid, if it is good, if it is right, then the entire body will
be good. And if it is corrupt, and the entire body will be corrupt. And what is that motto? It is
the it is the heart
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			of the whatever. He said bumalik the heart is the king while you are abroad. Do you know who the
names of the body are? It's armies for embolic. If the king has good power, but you know, then the
armies will be good. We're in kabisa Malik and the king is bad hubitat denodo, then the armies will
be bad. So this is why it is so important to fix what the heart, what do we focus on? We want to fix
everything from our hair, to our eyebrows, to our eye color to the shape of our nose to the color of
the glass that we're wearing on our lips to the kind of hijab and we're wearing to the kind of
clothes everything we want to fix is not saying that's not important. It is important, but what is
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			most important, the heart?
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			Why not?
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			Exactly. But the brain also depends on the heart, isn't it that whatever kind of feelings you have,
that's how you start thinking that if you have good feelings about someone, but what will you think
about them? What will you think about them? But what will you say about them? Good? What will you
remember about them? Good, what will you recall, and try to never forget about them. Good. And if
you have bad feelings about someone, then something that happened 20 years ago will come back your
brain will bring it back.
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			It will pull it out in those old dusty files, it will pull it out. So even the brain is under the
heart The heart is at the top, it's the king, it rules in every sense. So if the heart is fixed and
the person is successful, and if the heart is ignored, it is neglected. It is corrupt, it is filthy,
it is dirty, then the entire person is doomed.
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			Young or visually equivalent of sin, the day every soul will find Yang winning with avatar and also
mentioned the day that day. When did you do it we'll find who will find an obscene every person that
you do is from there that was well Jean Bell watch harder to find and discover. So he will find
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			every soul what will we find? What will he or she find MMA army let's whatever it did, whatever it
performed, it will find my millet.
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			Please every soul referring to us, we human beings and the jinn, those who are obligated to obey
Allah Subhan
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			Antara in the sense that those who are vocal enough. Okay Moca left meaning the one who has been
burdened with the responsibility, what responsibility to do good to obey Allah to worship Allah. And
if they obey, if they worship, they will be rewarded. And if they don't disobey the due shake, then
they will be punished. Like, for example, something is hidden in a drawer, I take it out and put it
right here. So it will be more about presented. How is it presented, that I'm making it visible so
that all of you can see it?
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			The the deeds that we perform, where are they?
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			Something that you did a minute ago, something that you did yesterday? Where is it? It's recorded,
where is it recorded in the Book of deeds.
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			So right now, it is recorded in the Book of deeds, on the Day of Judgment, it will not remain hidden
in the book, what will happen, it will come out of the book presented,
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			he will sometimes there is a piece of document, let's say it was your results from your high school.
Let's say they weren't that great. You want to get rid of it, you want to shred that document, but
you have to keep it because if you want to go to school, whatever, you have to show that document,
right? So where do you put it in a file somewhere in a drawer, you don't want to look at it, it
depresses you, you don't want to see it reminds you of, you know, bad thoughts, whatever. You don't
want to look at it, it's hidden, but are the Day of Judgment. Even the things that we don't like
will be presented, the things we like, and the things we do not like good memories, and bad
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			memories, accomplishments, as well as failures.
00:31:56 --> 00:32:06
			Something that you're proud of, and something you regret, so much more I brought up, it will be
presented brought in front of you.
00:32:08 --> 00:32:25
			How would it be better to allow because everything that a person did to be presented before him?
How? By his own first of all, that Allah will say it, Allah who ask a person did you do such and
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			So would it become wrapped up by Allah's asking the person will it be presented? It's like somebody
reminds you, you know, 10 years later, remember, you failed in your chemistry exam.
00:32:41 --> 00:32:59
			Everybody finds out your husband, your younger brother, they had no idea they thought you were so
smart, the document is hidden, but because they mentioned it, has it become known. Yes. So on the
Day of Judgment, Allah will ask you and I,
00:33:00 --> 00:33:12
			you did such and such, you said this, you failed in this, you ignored this. You didn't do this, what
about all it will become visible then it will become more than than
00:33:14 --> 00:33:18
			or it will become McDarrah. How? Through the angels of Allah.
00:33:19 --> 00:33:22
			Through the angels, how that the angels will bring the record.
00:33:24 --> 00:33:43
			They will have the record with them. An angel will come as a Shaheed as a witness, for a person,
whether it gives a testimony of something good that a person did or something bad that a person did,
but through the angels the deeds of a person will be made manifest, how else will they become
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			That the deeds will be given physical form on the Day of Judgment,
00:33:50 --> 00:33:57
			deeds will be given physical form on the Day of Judgment. Can you think of some deeds that will be
given physical form on that day
00:33:58 --> 00:34:38
			that the person who recites again and again sudo to Bukhara, and sudo earlier and run these two
sewers will come on the day of judgment in the form of clouds shades or in the form of birds, you
know, sharing the person, they will come and argue, basically intercede for the person. So, a
physical form, that a person who holds his wealth, the obligate regard, he does not give from it,
then that gold and silver all that wealth will be melted, and it will be put on the person's back
and his forehead and his side, meaning he'll be punished with hot plates of metal. So physical form
00:34:39 --> 00:35:00
			a piece of some property that a person has stolen, that does not belong to Him, will come in a
physical form and trample a person. The wealth from which a person does not give us a god. You know,
it will be like a snake wrapped around a person's neck biting him on his face, so that a person
cannot even escape. The End.
00:35:00 --> 00:35:02
			Animals in which a person does not give us a cat, they will trample him.
00:35:04 --> 00:35:11
			We have learned about the people who deal with interest how their stomachs will be full of snakes.
00:35:13 --> 00:36:01
			a person who does wudu, who performs good will do then what will happen on the Day of Judgment, his
limbs will be bright, they will glow, his face, his arms, his feet, they will glow. The person who
memorizes the Quran, then his parents will be given a crown to wear on that day. So deeds will be
given a physical form women who don't dress appropriately, that they're dressed up yet they are
naked than on that day what will happen? They will be distanced from Jana. Right? So in their
physical location, those who refuse to pray, they will be raised with fear on her man with them.
Imagine being next to frown. Why? Because a person refuses to pray. He says he I believe in Allah
00:36:01 --> 00:36:05
			but I don't care. I don't want to pray. I know it's time to pray, but I'm not those people who pray.
00:36:07 --> 00:36:57
			So, what do we see here that everything that a person has done will be more above that Allah will
mention, the angels will witness the record will be presented, the deeds will be given a physical
form. Likewise, the punishment or the reward that a person will be given on the day of judgment that
will be also a manifestation of the action that a person has done. So Maqbara will not mean smooth
and whatever a person has done off evil, look at the justice of Allah, good will be presented and
evil will be presented. We may have forgotten. We may try to ignore the reality. But everything good
and evil will be presented on that day.
00:36:58 --> 00:37:19
			The believer, yes, Allah will question him, Allah will remind him of the deeds that he performed,
but Allah will still not humiliate him so that his sins will not be exposed before everybody. Allah
will say to him, after questioning him, that I conceal your sins for you in the world, and today I
forgive you for them.
00:37:20 --> 00:38:05
			So when they only let me through in every evil will also be presented. This is where Allah subhanaw
taala says when a yarmulke is honored that Latina hyaluron, Yahoo and children, Yahoo, even if it's
an atom's weight of good a person will see an atom's weight of evil, a person will see it in total
CalFire 49 Allah says, well, will they all Kitab photometry mula wish, Murphy, that the book will be
presented, the record will be laid open, and you will see the criminals afraid, frightened of what
of what is in the book, when you're Kelowna, and they will say, your way let Anna Marie heaven
cater, they will tell what was what is what this book, now you are the
00:38:06 --> 00:38:18
			winner could be rotten in the Arsa that this book does not leave anything small or big, except that
it has listed everything small, big we have done. It is written in this book.
00:38:20 --> 00:38:22
			It will be presented on the Day of Judgment.
00:38:23 --> 00:38:25
			Do you remember everything you've done?
00:38:27 --> 00:38:31
			Do you remember? No. We do wrong things and we forget we do good things.
00:38:32 --> 00:38:56
			Do we forget? Usually we don't write we forget our mistakes. But we always remember our
accomplishments. It's a good thing you should remember. But we should also remember our mistakes,
our sins, because as long as we remember, we will seek forgiveness from Allah. And the moment we
forget, we will belittle them we will ignore them and we won't seek forgiveness for them.
00:38:57 --> 00:39:33
			To everything will be presented Allah says and sort of attack we attend what he does soccer for
Lucia. And when the scrolls will be made public on the pages will be laid out open to be viewed. In
total piano 13. Allah says unit bone inside we are waiting to be more customer with a hook. On that
day a person will be informed of what he sent ahead. And what he left behind maybe the things that
he accomplished in his life, and the things that were done after him because of what he started,
even though he died, but those actions continued. Why because he started so he will be punished or
rewarded for that evil.
00:39:34 --> 00:40:00
			But there are also means what he did early in what he delayed, there are some things that we do and
other things that we keep the main key blank. So person will be informed of all his deeds, good and
evil. Just this morning, I was thinking about this verse. And I was trying to imagine visualize that
if there was a pie chart of my life of the actions that I've done three
00:40:00 --> 00:40:08
			kinds of actions, good or bad? And useless. I mean, they're neither good nor bad.
00:40:09 --> 00:40:13
			Then how big would the pieces be? What kind of a pie chart? Would it be?
00:40:15 --> 00:40:30
			Think about it, I want you to imagine yourself as well, how big is the gray area, which means
nothing, just time wasted. It's neither good that a person will be rewarded for it, nor is it that
that person will be punished for it, and the things that a person has accomplished, and the things
that a person should not have done.
00:40:32 --> 00:40:33
			What kind of a chart do we have?
00:40:34 --> 00:40:35
			Think about it.
00:40:37 --> 00:40:40
			And I felt that the gray area was too big.
00:40:41 --> 00:41:07
			That perhaps I've wasted a lot of my life a lot of my time. And a very easy way to analyze that is
that at the end of 24 hours, ask yourself how many hours were spent in doing something good,
something for which I hope Allah will reward me and how much time was spent how many hours were
spent doing something that I'm afraid Allah my question me about? Allah, me punish me for and how
much time was like, you know, nothing meaningless.
00:41:08 --> 00:41:12
			To ask yourself at the end of 24 hours, where do we stand?
00:41:14 --> 00:41:38
			Useless actually, for example, you are just sitting with people doing nothing, staring at the
television and switching channels or just swiping your phone and then turning it off. And then
again, opening it and turning it off. And then just walking to check what somebody is doing. And
then walking back, you know, to see if the cattle is okay. And then going down the stairs and going
up the stairs and just looking out the window, sitting in the car just waiting.
00:41:39 --> 00:42:08
			Sitting in the bus, just waiting for the bus to stop. mouths shut. Your eyes are just looking
outside. You're thinking about what you saw in the store. You're thinking about what you should
write on Facebook. Sleeping. You could have slept for six, seven, maximum eight hours, but we sleep
nine hours 10 hours. We wake up and we're groggy and we're taking over time getting up brushing our
teeth. Yes, brushing teeth is important but then we're just sitting there thinking this toothpaste
or that one.
00:42:11 --> 00:42:19
			And then complaining about I don't like Aquafresh I like Colgate or whatever. Right and making a big
deal out of it. Wasting time. This is the gray area
00:42:20 --> 00:42:39
			majority of our lives majority over time most part is spent in what this gray area. When I was in
Pakistan, I attended some classes that that were based on the book meter Gina mera Medina, it's a
book in order, which is why I had to say to noodle, it means my living and my dying.
00:42:40 --> 00:43:11
			And that book talks about how to live a good life and how to die in a good way as well. In the sense
that when you're alive when you're living, what are the things that you should do? You know, your
physical health, your spiritual health, your mental health, well being how should you live so that
Allah is happy with you? It should be according to the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam and
when a person dies, then what should be done that even His death, His burial, his you know, bathing
is everything is done in the proper way.
00:43:13 --> 00:43:36
			And every time the class would begin at the beginning, the verse in the Quran, which is called inner
solidarity, we're new Sookie warmer here Yeah, a woman Matthew de la hillbilly Alameen will be
recited that say in the solitude Oh Sookie, my prayer, my sacrifice my life and my death. All of
this is for Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. I dedicate all of this to Allah.
00:43:37 --> 00:44:18
			Because our life is the most precious possession that we have, isn't it? It's the most precious
valuable possession that you have. And what should you give to the one whom you love the most? The
One who created you the one who favored on you the most? Your life you should dedicate it to him? So
when you're dedicating your life to Him, then what kind of a life should it be? Something that's
full of gray area? Something that's full of these shoes, are those shoes, complaints? Yeah, wasting
time. No. And for that, you have to look at the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, that how
did he live? How did he wake up? How did he sleep? How did he eat? How did he dress up? How did he
00:44:18 --> 00:44:59
			speak? How did he clean himself? How did he brush his teeth? How did he do what he did, so that we
can follow him so that even the things that seem to be meaningless can become meaningful? Because on
the Day of Judgment, everything will be presented. And when your life will be presented before you
then what will happen? There will do it will wish well though then it will wish and would is
harmless would not have had the Shalida extreme love and yearning and desire for something when
clinical from all your heart. So to do it will wish me in the person who wish low and obey Now if
only between it will be
00:45:00 --> 00:45:50
			no room in between it by the HA the hall refers to the person and by now who, who refers to the
actions of a person. So the person will wish, if there would be between him and his actions, Mr.
Danbury there, Mr. Dunbar either a long distance and never ending distance or not, is from their
letters Hamza mean, and Ahmed is used for an extremely lengthy distance, extremely lengthy distance,
it's basically used for a long distance between two points so that the point that you're trying to
reach it comes after a very long time. For example, if you're traveling all the way from here to
Pakistan, then what's gonna happen, it's gonna be a 14 and a half hours flight, and that's the
00:45:50 --> 00:46:05
			shortest that you can find. So you have to wait and wait and wait and wait for that distance to be
covered. So this is what I'm not very that when you're waiting for so long, that means that
destination that point is very far from you.
00:46:06 --> 00:46:15
			So a person will wish that his sees are far removed from him, but he needs far away from him.
00:46:17 --> 00:46:26
			He will wish that his deeds are not presented, he will wish that his deeds are not mentioned that
the record is not there.
00:46:28 --> 00:46:31
			That the same as he committed don't come in front of him.
00:46:32 --> 00:46:46
			Does it happen in this world, that something wrong that we have done and it is recorded, you don't
even want to see it? He was on a put it away, shred it, destroy that document, you want to do that?
Other than they're either
00:46:47 --> 00:47:18
			a person will not want to see it when you're little Kamala when epsa and Allah warns you against
himself, you have the rule from Heather law. What does that mean fear that makes you cautious. So
Allah cautions you against himself that fear him have fear of Allah where you have little common law
Han Solo himself, meaning Allah warns you against himself that fear Him, be careful, because he can
question you and punish you. He knows what you're doing, you cannot run away from him.
00:47:19 --> 00:47:26
			But at the same time, Allah will often be very bad. Allah is Most Compassionate with the servants
Reba, this upload off.
00:47:28 --> 00:48:07
			Look at the balance here. Fear Allah. And at the same time, Allah is very compassionate towards the
servants. What do we remember generally, that Allah will forgive me? Allah loves me. Yes, we hope
that but at the same time, we should remember that Allah wants us to fear him as well. The question
is that if a person has done something wrong, and he seeks forgiveness from Allah, then will those
sins be presented as well? First of all, a person seeks forgiveness, it's up to Allah to forgive,
there's no guarantee. Secondly, if a person has done Toba, right, I completely repented from a sin.
A Hadith tells us that attire a woman is then become a lesbian Bella who the one who attends from a
00:48:07 --> 00:48:48
			sin is like the one who was not even committed that sin. So it says that's not there. How that Allah
was asked him Did you do such and such but Allah will ask him privately, Allah will draw that person
very close to himself. So it's a very private conversation that no third person can hear. No one can
hear. And Allah will ask the person who did this. You did this wrong thing and a person will say
yes, Allah will ask him and the person will think that's it, I'm done. And then Allah will say to
him that I conceal those sins for you in the world. And today, I forgive them for you. So they will
be wiped off removed, forgiven completely. But for that, we have to keep seeking forgiveness. We
00:48:48 --> 00:48:59
			have to do Toba. So when you had the record long enough, so who will la hora often be very bad.
Listen to the recitation and reflect yo method you don't call Luna
00:49:09 --> 00:49:10
00:49:20 --> 00:49:20
			boy, you have
00:49:24 --> 00:49:24
00:49:26 --> 00:49:27
			been live.
00:49:30 --> 00:49:30
			What are you thinking?
00:49:32 --> 00:49:44
			If there's something bad, something dirty. Would you like it to be right next to you? Right before
you know if there's something bad you want to be far away from it?
00:49:45 --> 00:49:47
			Let's say you hate bright yellow grocery bags.
00:49:48 --> 00:49:59
			Okay. Every time your mom has to take something somewhere, she has to put it in those bags. Okay.
And you don't like them? You're embarrassed. She sends your lunch in that
00:50:00 --> 00:50:08
			Back to School with you, for example, or your gym clothes, you know, they're in that bag and you
have taken to school and open that bag and you're like, come on.
00:50:09 --> 00:50:13
			If you're embarrassed of holding such a bag, what do you do? Throw it away,
00:50:14 --> 00:50:16
			isn't it? Or you tell your brother you hold it?
00:50:18 --> 00:50:19
			Or you even in the car?
00:50:20 --> 00:50:25
			Or even though your mom gave you the lunch, you don't take the lunch? Why? Because you don't like
that. But it's only a bag.
00:50:26 --> 00:50:44
			If you find out that somebody has a really, really bad viral infection, then what do you do? You
don't go to their house. You don't go near them. Somebody's coughing and sneezing, their faces red,
you want to greet them, but you try to ignore them because you're like, if I hug them, if I meet
them, they're going to hug me if I hug them, then I'm going to catch their infection.
00:50:46 --> 00:50:54
			Something that is evil, we want to be far away from it. scenes are bad, they're evil, they're dirty.
00:50:55 --> 00:51:25
			Which is why when a person lies, then what happens such a foul smell comes from the mouth of a
person, that the angels, they go away. Sales are foul, they're evil. And this is the reason why on
the Day of Judgment when a person sins will be presented for him What will he wish that they'd be
removed far away from him. But Allah has thought as a beautiful doll that we should say right now so
that the sins that we commit are distanced from us. Do you know that?
00:51:27 --> 00:51:41
			Allah Houma buried the beanie, while bein a hot boy, Kumar Dhaka banal mushy, well, mockery, that
all create a distance between me and my sins, just as you have created a distance between the East
and the West.
00:51:43 --> 00:52:02
			If you've done something wrong, or something that you're not happy about, and you leave it, you
don't do that anymore. And you move on, you move on. Let's say there was a school or there was a
house there was a place you move on from it and you don't want to go back. You move on you want to
leave it behind.
00:52:04 --> 00:52:21
			So this is why we should make to our right now that oh Allah created distance between me and my
sins. And this throughout the prophets, Allah lorrison used to recite when in the Salah at the
beginning, upon saying Allahu Akbar, but we say Oh, it's too long, memorize a shorter, Dora a
different way that shorter.
00:52:22 --> 00:52:24
			And even if we notice the R will become lazy.
00:52:25 --> 00:53:03
			To long it's okay. I said this earlier, I've said this once before neurons say it again and again.
Because if the center not distance today, then tomorrow they will be attached to us. You want to get
rid of them pray now Allahumma bury the baby well been a hopper come about a banal machine Okay,
when when you can find this door in any book of Salah Inshallah, you know, the fact that it's
mentioned in the ayah that the word do that a person will wish he will love that he will yearn that
his sins are removed far away from him. What does it show that on the Day of Judgment, we will be
fully conscious and alert.
00:53:04 --> 00:53:15
			What do we think that will be dead? You know, maybe our soul will be experiencing something but you
know, we won't be experiencing anything. But the reality is that we will be fully conscious and
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			So take that day seriously. It's not gonna be a dream. It will be a reality.