Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P02 028C Tafsir Al-Baqarah 208-212

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The importance of practicing Islam to avoid harm and avoid harms is emphasized. Sh matter and sh matter are discussed, as well as the use of sh matter in praying and killing people. The importance of praying for the Day of Judgment and avoiding mistakes is also emphasized. The segment also touches on the negative impact of people's desire to change behavior and the importance of being aware of one's own behavior.

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			Now Allah subhanaw taala says yeah are you are ladina Amanu or you have believed, oh, the whole roof
is still mica enter into Islam completely.
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			Because Allah wants us to come closer to Him.
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			Allah wants to bless us even more. He gave us the blessing of Eman. He gave us the blessing of
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			And now Allah wants to show his love affair to us. He wants to be even more kind to us. He wants to
reward us.
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			So for that reason, Allah says, Oh, do you have a set mica for what are you waiting for? Strive,
come forward. Do something. Don't just sit there. waste your time, waste your life away. Do
something. And what should you do? Oh, the Hulu facil mica
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			or the Hulu dal ha lamb? The whole is to enter.
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			So you should enter all of you should enter facility in a cell what the cell means submission? It's
referring to the religion of Islam. How should you enter into Islam
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			Kapha completely.
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			Kafka is from the root letters, Kafka and Kafka as an adjective, it means when something is done, in
entirety, without exception without leaving anything out.
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			So in other words, don't pick and choose what do you want to do? What do you want to leave out?
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			Rather, do everything that you're supposed to do?
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			implement all of the commands.
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			Stay away from all of the prohibitions. I don't adopt all of the SHA if
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			don't make exceptions for yourself, or the Hello facil me Kapha. Why? Because when you enter into
Islam completely,
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			completely, then you will be safe.
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			This is just like, if a person is trying to get into the bus or into the car.
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			And he says, You know what, I love the fresh air. I love the sunlight. Let me just put one foot in
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			and let the other foot hang.
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			There, let me just sit on the seat. And let me just be outside as well. You know, let me just hang
on the other side.
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			What's going to happen one turn
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			and he's on the ground or the doors gonna slam shut on him and he's gonna either break his fingers
or break his arm or something or the something very harmful may happen to him.
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			Do you think that's a wise person?
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			Do you think that's a wise person? No, who's the wise person?
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			Either you sit in the car or you don't sit in the car.
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			So 100 Allah, Allah has given us the opportunity to sit in the car. Yeah, you Alladhina amanu. But
now what should we do? Get into the car properly, sit comfortably put the seatbelt on and shut the
door as well. Because if we don't follow the whole procedure, then we are going to put ourselves in
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			Likewise, in Islam, there are many things that we are supposed to do many things that we're supposed
to stay away from.
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			Many things we are to adopt many things we are to give up.
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			It could be habits, it could be our lifestyle. It could be the kind of clothes we wear, it could be
the kind of speech we use. It could be you know, the kinds of things that we eat. It could be the
way we deal with others. It could be the way we buy and sell
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			could be many things.
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			So the hollow facil McAfee what does it mean? Become a complete Muslim?
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			enter into Islam completely become a complete Muslim. Yeah, sometimes people say oh, they're a
practicing Muslim.
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			Not to practicing Muslim.
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			What does that mean? I mean, a person is either Muslim or is not.
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			Allah to elders or the Hello facil Mica. Don't pick and choose what did the Bani Israel do? EFA took
me no NaVi BB Leakey, tabby. What a Coruna rebel, you believe in part of the book and you reject
some of it. This is not right.
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			We learned earlier civil Hautala take on the color of Allah. Dip yourself immerse yourself in the
symbol of Allah and the color of Allah
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			so that you can enter into Islam completely.
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			But if you don't do that, then you're going to harm yourself.
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			You're going to put yourselves in danger.
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			And not just in Dunia but in the ACA as well.
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			So yeah, are you Hello Dina? armano Oh, hello facil me Kapha submit Foley. And what is mean by
fully, apparently, on the outward and on the inward? You know some people say I have fear of Allah
in my heart but I don't pray. I'm love God, I don't think wearing the hijab is that important?
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			I don't think eating Halal is all that important. I don't think fasting Ramadan is all that
important. It is important.
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			We need to submit to Allah on the outward and on the inward at home, and also when we're at school,
in Ramadan, and also outside of Ramadan, at the masjid and even outside of the Masjid.
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			Not that in one place, we look one way and another place we look completely different. People wonder
is that the same person? No, we should not be like that.
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			Because someone who has truly entered into Islam completely wholeheartedly than he will be the same
everywhere. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter whether he's at home, or she's at the mall. Or
she's at school or college. No, she will pray there.
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			She will pray everywhere.
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			She will have fear of Allah everywhere.
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			So oh the hoodoo facil mica enter into Islam completely. In order to save yourselves
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			when added to the room.
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			And do not follow Thurber arraign do not follow who to where to shape run the footsteps of shaitan.
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			Don't follow the footsteps of shaitan. Why? Because in the hula kumara do when we're being he is to
you an open a clear enemy?
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			What are the footsteps of shaytaan Jota what is the plural of Courtois? Hatha Well, and what is the
gap the distance between two steps and how to let steps and one step leads to
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			leads to the other one step leads to the other.
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			So don't follow the footsteps of shaitan the footsteps of a person indicate the way that he has gone
the path that he has adopted. For example, if you see on sand, that there are certain footsteps that
are going, you know, towards the right side. And there is another set of footsteps that have gone
towards the left side. And there is another set of footsteps that have gone forwards. Right? Then
you see that one person went on the right and other person went on the left, another person went
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			So what does that mean? That these are the ways that the different people took? These are the ways
that the different people adopted? You know, sometimes on snow you see early in the morning, that
how people have walked across the park and you say Oh, because the school is there. So all the kids
went this way. Right? You can see that. So the footsteps of shaitan are the ways of shaitan the ways
that he has adopted his manners, his ways of doing things.
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			What is it that Chitwan does?
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			What are the footsteps of Shere Khan? What are his ways? What are his habits? What are his actions
that can be summarized into disobedience to Allah subhanaw taala every way that Allah does not like
every way that Allah does not approve off
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			every way that Allah does not like that he does not approve all whether it is doing that which Allah
has forbidden or refusing to do that which Allah has commanded. No matter how clear the commander's,
like Allah subhanaw taala told him very clearly IBLEES prostrate to Adam, what did he do? What did
he do? He refused? Was he unaware of the command? Was he unaware? Did he not know what Allah had
asked him to do? He was fully aware.
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			Did he not see others obeying Allah? Yes, he did. But yet he did not accept this is the way of
Chopin what? That a person knows what Allah wants him to do yet he says no, he makes an exception
for himself. My situation is different dislike of least it I am better than him.
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			I am better than Adam. I am made from fire he's made from clay. Yes, you have told us to prostrate
However, I'm not going to because of this and this reason.
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			What does Allah tell us? Or the one officer mica for enter into Assam completely. Don't make
exceptions for yourself. Don't
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			Say your situation is different. And you can't do this and you can't do that. No, when Allah has
told you to do something, then do it.
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			You know, if you go for your driving test, they ask you When can you borrow somebody's license?
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			When can you drive without a license? What's the answer? Never,
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			Even if you have to take somebody to the hospital,
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			right? Even if you desperately need to go for an appointment, and your father is not home, or your
sister is not on, can you just borrow their license? Can you drive without a license, you can't do
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			It's not acceptable. There are rules of the road that you have to follow. And if you start making
exceptions for yourself, then what's going to happen?
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			They're going to be accidents on the road all the time. And eventually, your license if you have one
will be taken away. Because driving is a privilege. It's not a right.
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			Likewise, as Muslims, there are certain things that we have to do. And if we make exceptions for
ourselves that no because of this reason, because of that reason, I have that excuse that excuse.
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			We're not playing a game here. This is serious. Allah told us, the whole office of mica will let the
bureau who tried to shape on don't do a check on did.
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			And especially let at the Bureau hautbois to share plan, there are certain actions, which have been
made very clear that they are the actions of Shavon. That that is our ship on does certain things.
For example, when it comes to eating and drinking clearly, in a hadith, which isn't a Muslim, we
learned that eating with the left drinking with the left, this is who's way chiffons way.
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			So don't say, Oh, I have my spoon in my right or I have my knife in my right hand. So I have to eat
with my left hand. No, never make that exception.
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			In the meantime, that happens that if people are, you know, cutting something with the right hand,
and they have to use the fork in their left hand, they will eat with their left hand as well. No, we
can't do that. Even if we're sitting in a restaurant, even if we're sitting in front of other
people, it doesn't matter.
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			When we have been told don't eat with the left hand, don't drink with the left hand, we are not
going to do that.
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			It's not allowed. Because here's what Chilean does. And a person might think, what's the big deal, I
mean, the same thing hand hand, what's the big deal, it is a big deal. Because it starts from these
little little things.
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			You know, when you eat with your right hand, you're more conscious of Allah more fearful of Allah,
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			aren't you. And if you're like, oh, whatever doesn't matter elite with my left at the same thing.
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			Then what's going to happen, you're going to become more neglectful of Allah subhanaw taala, which
is going to affect you in another situation, if you can disobey Allah Now, you can disobey Allah at
any other time. If you can ignore his command, now you can ignore Him at any other time.
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			And it's these little little ways through which upon gains power over us. If he can make us eat with
the left hand, then he can make us do other things as well.
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			So eating with the left drinking with the left, this is the actions of shaitaan. Another Hadith,
which is an imager, it tells us giving something and taking something in the left is also of the
actions of shaylen. So when we are receiving something like somebody's passing on a piece of paper,
a pen, a pencil, how should we take it when which hand in the right hand? And when we are giving
something passing something on? Which hand should we pass it on?
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			The right hand, not the left one.
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			What should we use our left hand for? There are many things that we can do with the left hand many
things that we do together with both hands, for example, you're lifting apart, okay? You are putting
something away, you are opening a drawer or whatever, it's best to use the right hand for important
things for good things. Okay. But we know that when it comes to using the washroom, then yes, the
left hand is used over there. Okay? Because, you know, Allah subhanaw taala wants us to be extremely
disciplined, very, very organized very particular about the way we do our things as well. Many times
it happens that children when they're very young, you know, they have more strength in their left
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			hand or they're able to use their left hand more for whatever reason. They're younger that time and
we can train them to use the right hand as well.
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			So we'll edit the bureau to add the shape on one more thing one more action. That is of the habits
the actions of shaitan is LT fat looking around in Salah.
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			Chidlom told us to do that.
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			So we're standing and we're looking another person or at the carpet
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			What should we be looking at when we're praying? Where should our eyes be at the place of such
though not anywhere else in your record, okay? You may look between your feet, but otherwise no way.
You can't look around. Because when a person looks around even for, you know, a split second, then
that part of his Salah it Associaton snatched it away from him deprived him of that part of solder
so he's not rewarded for it at all. And if a person looks away, repeatedly, then ALLAH turns away
from him.
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			If a person is praying, and he looks away once, and he looks away again, that's it. Allah doesn't
care about his Selenium or ALLAH turns away from him.
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			So we'll add that to view to add to shaitan why because in the hola como como bien he is to you a
clear enemy or do Reindl Wow, morphine by unknown, meaning his enmity is very clear, and he has made
his enmity very obvious to you as well. Don't you see how we refuse to prostrate to Adam? We know
how much more do you want? What more do you want to see? Just to realize that chip on is your clear
enemy. He's made his enmity evident to you. And you know what? Every single person experiences in
their life at least once that they're in trouble for like shape on.
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			It's because of Shavon Shavon made me so angry or I listened to shaitan or he made me sleep in or he
made me press the shaytaan button in the snooze button on the alarm clock.
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			There are many times in our lives that we are in trouble and we're like, it's because of shape on
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			to Allah Stelling us in Hola, como como bien. He is your clear enemy, that don't follow him. Don't
listen to him Don't do what he did.
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			And who's an idol, someone who wants evil for you, who doesn't want good for you? Shavon doesn't
want you to just suffer in this world. He wants you to be tortured and Hellfire for eternity. He
doesn't want to just kill you. Killing it was easier. He wants you to suffer in hellfire. That's
what he wants. For every moment you are tortured. That's what he wants from you.
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			Recently, I read one of the few had written that if you hear about these people, you know attacking
children and attacking people in their houses and killing them. Imagine you are there and your
family is killed by these murderers. How would you feel? How would you feel extremely angry that
they killed my family, my brothers, my children, my cousins, my relatives, my neighbors. You hate
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			You hate such people, the murders of your friends of your families.
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			But imagine shaytaan is a greater enemy to us. He doesn't just want to kill us. Killing us would be
easy for him. What he wants is that we end up in * fire and that we suffer over there in the hola
como muy bien.
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			So when he's your clear enemy, don't listen to him.
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			Don't listen to him. Because your enemy would never tell you what is good for you. Never. It doesn't
befit a person who has some intellect who uses their mind to listen to their enemy to do what their
enemy's telling them to do. And it doesn't fit a believer at all, in the hula Komodo mobian
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			For ns, alto, then if you slipped ze lamb lamb Zella to slip.
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			So if you slip mimbar, the after magia at komolika unit after the clear proofs have come to you. But
you know, there's a lot of beginner clear evidence clear proof. And what does it refer to
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			the Quran? The clear commands. So if you slip after the clear commands, the clear instructions have
come to you meaning you know what you're supposed to do what you're not supposed to do. You know it
very clearly. But still you slip after that.
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			Whose fault is it then?
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			Whose fault is it then?
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			It's our fault. It's just as you're driving on the highway. And it says road slippery. The warning
signs are there. You listen to the radio, they're telling you drive carefully. But you don't care,
whatever. These people they just are afraid. They're just afraid. And you start speeding. And if
your car ends up in a skid and you have an accident, whose fault is it?
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			Whose fault is it? It's your fault. Can you say that? Oh, you should have put more salt on the on
the highway. Can you say that? Can you sue the government or whatever? You can't do that. They're
gonna say the warning signs were there. You're told what the speed limit is. You know about the
rules of the road. You slip
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			Your fault, your mistake, you suffer the consequences, you bear the losses yourself.
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			When does a person slip when he's not attentive when he's not careful?
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			And what it means by slipping over here in this context is that you end up doing something wrong.
You end up listening to shaytaan.
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			You end up disobeying Allah subhanaw taala.
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			And why is it called Zelo? Why is it called slipping? Because what's the result of slipping? What's
the consequence of slipping, suffering distraction, you fall, and you end up hurting yourself, you
end up harming yourself, either yourself or your property. This is just like a person who's not
attentive and he's walking in, he ends up falling in a ditch.
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			He didn't bother to wear snow boots. It's extremely icy, and he slips and he fractures his bone.
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			That's the end result. This is why it's called Zilla, disobeying Allah is not something that's
small. Disregarding the commands of Allah is not something that's small. It's a big deal. Always
remember that.
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			So if we miss a prayer, it's not something small. It's a big deal. Likewise, if we deliberately
don't fast, when there's no reason not to fast, we don't fast.
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			This is not something that's small.
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			It's a big deal for insulin. Tom mimbar, the manager at Como by Hina. The clear proofs are there you
know what you should be doing yet you disobey. Furthermore, Anila Aziz and Hakeem, it's a great
warning, then you should know that indeed, Allah is Mighty. And he is Hakeem
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			Aziz Isaiah is, what does the reserve mean?
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			What does the reserve mean? I told you earlier, honor. So Allah Aziz, meaning he's very honorable.
Another meaning of there is, is there is a ton of meaning a person has is dominant, he has the upper
hand, no one can overpower him.
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			So Allah is ours ease, meaning he's mighty, no one can defeat him.
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			Another meaning of resistor is a little empty, narrow, meaning to be able to prevent someone from
doing something empty. Now that's what it means. So is it an empty nor is it no one can prevent him
he's so mighty, so powerful, that no one at all can prevent him from doing what he wants to do.
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			So if you disobey Allah, you slip, you harm yourself, you suffer, then you should know that Allah is
Mighty, he can punish you, you can't avoid his punishment. And he's Hakeem from hokum judgment, that
he can make a judgment against you. And he can implement that. And no one can prevent that no one
can save you that no one can protect you then. And it happens that when we disobey Allah, then we
suffer the consequences in our personal lives. We see the effects in perhaps our finances, in the
way our relationships are with other people.
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			Just yesterday, somebody was mentioning that they attended to help with the Nikka in which the
speaker he was saying that, when you don't fear Allah, when you disobey Allah, then you see its
consequences in your children, and in your spouse,
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			that your children become disobedient and your spouse also is not on good terms with you anymore.
When you disobey Allah. This is why we see that in spite of the Pollak, taqwa as mentioned so much,
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			have fear of Allah do what you're supposed to do. And then the relationships will improve by
themselves. Allah will cause them to become better. But if we disobey Allah, then we see the
consequences in our lives because farla mu and Allah Aziz and Hakeem.
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			So we see that nobody deliberately slips. But a person slips when he's not being mindful when he's
not being attentive. And that is his fault.
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			So when we do something wrong, even if it was an accident, we are at fault. You know, there's
something I can never understand
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			that I had a lot of difficulty understanding and eventually I got it. Okay. That why is it that if
you have an accident, you end up hitting somebody from the back? It's always your fault. Why?
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			Why? I mean, it was just that split second when you weren't paying attention and the person in front
of you, they slam their brakes, you didn't realize you didn't realize you didn't intentionally hit
someone. So why do you have to suffer the loss?
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			Why is an accident an accident? Why do you have to suffer a loss because you could have avoided that
if you were more attentive? So when you weren't attentive? It is your fault.
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			Just like either Merlin Santa. He was in Ghana, he was told very clearly don't eat of the fruit of
that tree. He wasn't being attentive at that time and he ate it
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			was his fault.
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			And this is what chip on does to us, just like he made other money said I'm disobey Allah. He makes
us disobey Allah as well. And we realized afterwards. So when we realize afterwards, what should we
do? We realize that we have slipped, what should we do? Get up, make amends, say sorry, apologize,
turn to Allah seek his forgiveness, because you can slip slipping as possible. But the problem is
when you stay there, you have to get up. You have to face the reality. It was like somebody hit
somebody's car, and they just put their head on the steering wheel and they start crying.
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			Is it going to solve the problem?
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			No. Or somebody gets up, you know, they get out of their car and they start kicking their car, is it
gonna solve the problem?
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			Or they, you know, leave their car and they walk away? Is that going to solve the problem? You can't
ignore the reality you have to face it. Likewise, it happens that you know, for example, you end up
missing your Salah. Think about it. Why did you miss your budget?
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			Why did you miss your budget? Take it seriously don't say Oh,
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			nevermind. Allah is forgiving.
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			It's a serious problem. Reflect on your life. Reflect on your bedtime routine? What do you do at
night that prevents you from getting up in the morning? Are you sleeping at the wrong time?
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			Did you prepare a shower properly?
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			Did you say your nighttime car? Your bed time with car? Did you say them? Did you say I could see?
Did you follow the Sunnah Did you sleep with will do?
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			Did you have the intention to get a proper budget? Did you set an alarm? Did you do anything to get
over budget on time? If you didn't? Then it is your fault for sure.
00:26:56 --> 00:27:13
			So what do we have to do then when we slip? Get up? Do something different? avoid that mistake from
repeating again in the future. And we have to avoid because if we don't Furthermore, Anila her or
Aziz and Hakeem
00:27:15 --> 00:27:16
			Allah is Mighty.
00:27:18 --> 00:27:34
			He knows what we're doing and he can punish us. Think about it. If Allah asks us on the Day of
Judgment, why did you miss your budget? What response do we have? what answer do we have? What can
we say at that time? Many times we think, Oh, my mom didn't wake me up prefer to.
00:27:35 --> 00:27:47
			My older sister didn't my dad didn't. Well, you know what, you're an adult now. And you have to get
up yourself. It's your responsibility to wake up refreshed. Your father won't be questioned about
your budget, you will be questioned about your budget.
00:27:48 --> 00:28:03
			Recently, somebody mentioned that they have experienced it in their life, that when they recite
certain milk at night, then they don't miss their budget at all. And the day they don't recite Surah
Mulk right at night, then they end up missing their budget.
00:28:04 --> 00:28:11
			Because when you go to sleep in that mode of worshipping Allah subhanaw taala, then you're given to
feed to worship Allah even more.
00:28:12 --> 00:28:14
			But if you slept after watching a movie,
00:28:16 --> 00:28:22
			after watching television for two or three hours, then please don't even think you're gonna get up
00:28:23 --> 00:28:27
			Then you are going to sleep in, you are going to end up missing your budget.
00:28:29 --> 00:28:48
			So we should take this seriously not just a matter of solid to budget, but everything in our lives,
that if we slip after matters are very clear to us if we end up doing something wrong, then we
should remember that Allah is our Aziz he is Hakeem. We cannot run away from him.
00:28:50 --> 00:28:57
			Lamb Alger, Willa Mangia. Minca Illa. Lake. There is no refuge against you except to you.
00:28:58 --> 00:29:01
			A person cannot run away from Allah. But he can only run to Him.
00:29:03 --> 00:29:13
			For Allah mu n number, her Aziz and Hakeem, Allah says Holly and Iran, are they waiting for meaning?
What are they waiting for? Why won't they enter into Islam or completely?
00:29:14 --> 00:29:19
			Why don't they pray? Why don't they do this? Why didn't they do that? Holly and Luna, what are they
waiting for?
00:29:20 --> 00:29:37
			I remember somebody. I asked him recently that why don't you learn how to cook when it's about time.
You're quite old now and you should be cooking. And you know, there are other people who are
dependent on us. It's about time. And they said, I'm waiting for the sky to turn green.
00:29:39 --> 00:29:39
			What does that mean?
00:29:41 --> 00:29:42
			Never. I don't want to.
00:29:44 --> 00:29:45
			But if a person does that,
00:29:47 --> 00:29:51
			then who are they harming? Then who are they harming? themselves.
00:29:52 --> 00:29:59
			Likewise, if a person does not take their Fajr seriously, if they don't take the recitation of Quran
seriously, if they don't take
00:30:00 --> 00:30:20
			o'clock seriously, they're fulfilling their promises seriously they're paying the cat seriously.
They're fulfilling their obligation seriously Allah saying what are you waiting for helium balloon
are they waiting for from NASA or Nomura? Are they waiting for in there except and that yet to whom
Allahu Allah comes to them
00:30:21 --> 00:30:34
			feel rollin in covers when Alana of clouds Laurel is deployed of Lulu wat lamb lamb and Allah is
something that is above you providing shade. Okay, so it's like a canopy, a cover.
00:30:36 --> 00:30:54
			So in covers of what Aloha ma'am clouds we have done the word command earlier. Are they waiting that
Allah should come to them in covers of clouds meaning with the clouds, while Mala ICA and the angel
should also come? When will this happen on the Day of Judgment?
00:30:55 --> 00:30:59
			So in other words, are they waiting for death? Are they waiting for the day of judgment to come?
00:31:00 --> 00:31:31
			Because we learn into it another is 19. We're 40 had a summer over Canada of whether the sky will be
opened up it will be as though doors into the budget. We then can either do cattle or Buddha conduct
Khawaja or Buka. While Malak sufen for your Lord will come the angels will come so are they waiting
for Allah to come? Are they waiting for the angels to come? Because when they're not happen work
will be an hour then the armor the matter will be decided off but yeah, it will be decreed meaning
then the final judgment will take place
00:31:33 --> 00:31:43
			well it Allah He thought Jarrell moon and all matters returned to Allah anyway torture regime or in
an Omar plural of all matters returned to Allah anyway.
00:31:45 --> 00:31:48
			In other words, why are they procrastinating?
00:31:50 --> 00:31:56
			There are many things that we know we should be doing, but we keep delaying them. We keep deferring
00:31:58 --> 00:32:10
			For example, we know that as a Muslim woman, we have to wear the hijab, but we keep delaying no no.
When I'm 16 No one I'm at no one. I'm 20 Right. We keep delaying it.
00:32:12 --> 00:32:18
			Lets us what are you waiting for? You know, it's a part of Islam. You know, you're supposed to do
it. What are you waiting for?
00:32:19 --> 00:32:36
			Likewise, we know that we have to pray sunnah. Right? We should pray sunnah after his or her after
Mercury after Isha before budget, we should pray. For what I know what these days I'm very busy.
These days, you know, I'm doing this so I'm doing that.
00:32:37 --> 00:33:09
			And then one excuse after the other? What are you waiting for? Are you waiting for death? Are you
waiting for the day of judgment to come? When you see the angels when you see Allah, then you'll be
like, Okay, I better do something. But if you want to do something at that time, can you do it? It's
not going to benefit you then because we'll call the alarm then the final judgment will be made. No
matter how many prayers you pray on the Day of Judgment, it's not going to help you. No matter how
much further sadaqa you given the Day of Judgment, it's not going to help you no matter how many
hijabs you try to wear the day of judgment on the day of your death. It's not going to help you.
00:33:11 --> 00:33:12
			You have to do it now.
00:33:13 --> 00:33:55
			You have to pray sooner now. You have to get up and pray Fudger now you have to recite Quran now you
have to say your oath God now don't delay. What eat Allah He told Gerald OMO all matters are
returning to Allah anyway. And your case will also be taken to Allah, Allah who will judge you as
well. So before that time comes do something you still have doubts. Allah says sell Bani Israel ask
the children of Israel el cell this is from seen Hamza lamb So Al is to question Sal, it's a command
ask when you say that when you're offended when you're upset you don't believe me? You're not
convinced Okay, go ahead and assign so
00:33:56 --> 00:34:33
			ask her ask him. So I was telling us ask the buddy if you ask them come attina home how many we gave
them? Maybe 10? Of if there is beginner clear how many clear signs we gave them? What does it refer
to? Clear miracles clear evidences clear commands that were given to the bunny is slightly. This
includes the Torah. This includes the miracles that they were showing at the hands of Musa Sinha at
the hands of recited sunnah, and all the prophets that were sent to them all the commands they were
00:34:34 --> 00:34:39
			So ask them how many clear signs we gave them. But what was their reaction?
00:34:40 --> 00:34:59
			Were they more obedient to Allah on receiving those blessings on receiving the blessing of Eman on
receiving the blessing of guidance? Were they more obedient? No. We know that Bani Israel did we
have learned about them in the first Jews? What did they do when the book was given to them? No
brother for your con
00:35:00 --> 00:35:06
			mean Alladhina Ozaki Deborah kitab. Allahu Allah was alluding to through the book back as if they
didn't even know the book existed.
00:35:07 --> 00:35:18
			Likewise, some people do the same thing with the Quran. They put the Quran away as if it doesn't
even exist. They disregard what is mentioned in the Quran as if it is not even mentioned in it.
00:35:20 --> 00:35:33
			Some people very openly, and others in a very passive way, some people very openly, like for
example, they say, Oh, you don't have to pray like that. You don't have to wear hijab, you don't
have to do this. You don't have to do that. Whereas it's clearly mentioned in the Quran.
00:35:35 --> 00:35:39
			And others they know, but their actions show that they know nothing.
00:35:41 --> 00:35:58
			Why is it that we're always trying to convince the non Muslims that we Muslims are different kinds,
there are some Muslims who are practicing and other Muslims who are not practicing. You know, this
is what Muslims do. But this is not what Islam says. Because our actions contradict Islam.
00:35:59 --> 00:36:06
			Right. Our actions contradict Islam. This is why all our efforts are in trying to separate Muslims
from Islam.
00:36:08 --> 00:36:23
			So the Bani Israel, they ignored the guidance that Allah gave them, what are we doing? Allah says,
Ask them, come it now human item beginner? Will may you bet the near met Allah and whoever changes
00:36:24 --> 00:36:30
			Whoever changes the blessing of Allah mimbar, the manager to after it has come to him.
00:36:32 --> 00:36:34
			How was the blessing changed? How was the blessing altered?
00:36:36 --> 00:36:50
			What it means over here is that the blessing when a person receives it, he should be grateful for
it. Right? But if he is ungrateful for the blessing, that Allah takes our blessing away.
00:36:51 --> 00:36:59
			So Allah gave him the blessing, he was ungrateful, because that nothing was changed for him, meaning
it was taken away or it was replaced by something else.
00:37:01 --> 00:37:40
			So whoever changes the blessing of Allah after it has come to him for in Allah should either record
that Allah is indeed severe in retribution or cough or in cough, bad retribution, punishment,
infliction of punishment. Because when a person is grateful for a blessing and Allah will increase,
multiply that blessing for him. But when a person is ungrateful than Allah takes it away. In the
Quran, we are told, and I'm Tara Isla Latina Bertha reunir Matala, Hiko from Have you not seen have
you not reflected on the state of the people who change the blessing of a lion to disbelieve,
meaning when Allah gave them blessing, it was an opportunity for them to be more obedient, but
00:37:40 --> 00:37:43
			instead of being obedient, they became disobedient.
00:37:44 --> 00:37:53
			So they themselves changed their situation. Allah made their situation so good, but they were
ungrateful for the blessings were taken away from them.
00:37:55 --> 00:38:08
			This is a continuation of what we learned earlier, when you're obedient. Hola. Hola. Woof, bombilla
rebirth. And when a person is disobedient, when he follows the footsteps of shaitan then the
blessings of Allah are taken away from him.
00:38:10 --> 00:38:20
			He sees the consequences in his life, in his personal life, in his family in his children in the way
things are going for him. Nothing seems to work he's frustrated all the time.
00:38:22 --> 00:38:29
			This is a consequence of sins for inner latia didn't recall. And this is just a punishment of this
world. What about in the hereafter?
00:38:30 --> 00:38:32
			Let's listen to the recitation.
00:38:33 --> 00:38:34
00:38:38 --> 00:38:39
			yo is in
00:38:46 --> 00:38:49
			the shade on
00:38:53 --> 00:38:55
00:39:20 --> 00:39:21
00:39:29 --> 00:39:31
			enough long Heathrow down
00:39:44 --> 00:39:44
00:39:46 --> 00:39:48
			metre long
00:39:49 --> 00:39:54
			magia Musa in Milan,
00:39:55 --> 00:39:57
00:39:59 --> 00:39:59
			vena cava
00:40:00 --> 00:40:21
			I have to do near the life of this world is beautified. It is adorned for those people who
disbelieve. Now, what happens that a person knows the truth, he knows he should follow it. He knows
about Islam, he knows about the commands of Allah. But yet he doesn't want to sometimes why? Sleep
is too good.
00:40:22 --> 00:40:39
			Right? He just wants to keep sleeping. Likewise, it's possible that a girl knows she should be
wearing hijab, but she says, No, I love to show my hair I love to wear my hairstyle like this, like
that, if I put the hijab on and how can I enjoy that?
00:40:41 --> 00:40:43
			So what stops the person from obeying Allah?
00:40:44 --> 00:40:46
			What stops the person from obeying Allah
00:40:48 --> 00:40:51
			desires, this dunya
00:40:52 --> 00:40:55
			the pleasures of this world the enjoyment of this world.
00:40:57 --> 00:41:06
			So Allah says that the enjoyment of this world is made beautiful for a Latina cafardo Not the
00:41:07 --> 00:41:22
			Xena is from Zara Yeah, known Xena is beauty. And does he mean is when something is made beautiful
for you, meaning you find something attractive. It could be a sound, it could be a scene, it could
be a taste, it could be anything that you find attractive.
00:41:23 --> 00:41:36
			And it's not necessary that it is beautiful. Because beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. This
is why someone buys a pair of shoes and they're in love with them and you're like seriously,
00:41:37 --> 00:41:41
			I would never get them for free even though everybody's choices are different, right?
00:41:43 --> 00:41:46
			So the zine is when something has been made beautiful.
00:41:48 --> 00:41:51
			So Xena, it has been made attractive.
00:41:52 --> 00:42:05
			Linda Lena Cafaro for those people who disbelieve what has been made attractive, I'll hire to dunya
the life of this world. But notice what has been said Alladhina Cafaro, not Alladhina amanu
00:42:06 --> 00:42:16
			the world is beautiful, it is attractive, it is very pleasing, you can enjoy a lot there are many
things to enjoy.
00:42:17 --> 00:42:19
			But a believer knows
00:42:20 --> 00:42:27
			that this is not all enjoyment. This is not all beauty This is not real beauty.
00:42:28 --> 00:42:34
			A believer knows that this dunya is not everything he knows that there is more after this life.
00:42:35 --> 00:42:42
			This is why if he has to sacrifice his sleep, he says okay, I can do that. I can rest later.
00:42:43 --> 00:42:53
			This is why if he knows he cannot eat at a particular time, he can do that. Why? Because he knows he
can eat later, he will eat agenda in sha Allah,
00:42:54 --> 00:43:02
			a person controlled his or her desires, why with the hope that Allah will give him more and better
were in paradise.
00:43:04 --> 00:43:19
			So when a person has spared us look forward to Janna to look forward to when he seeking the mobility
Allah, then he is able to sacrifice this dunya. But if a person does not look forward to the ACA,
than this world is everything to him.
00:43:20 --> 00:43:28
			Then he is shocked to see how a person could not just buy a house, even with interest,
00:43:29 --> 00:44:03
			then he's shocked that how could a girl cover herself up? Or how could a person not have boyfriend
or girlfriend? Why do they have to get married? People are shocked. They cannot understand how can
Muslims live like that? Even? Does it ever happen to you? Have you ever experienced that people are
just like, You're weird. How can you live like that? How could you not eat this? And how can you not
drink that? And how can you not party and how can you not do what we're doing? And they feel bad for
you? Sometimes they pity you sometimes.
00:44:04 --> 00:44:17
			And you're like I'm fine the way I am? You know? Yes, it is a challenge. Sometimes when it's okay, I
can resist my temptations, I can control myself a little bit here. They're what gives you the
strength to control yourself. Hope for Paradise.
00:44:18 --> 00:44:25
			But if a person is not hoping for Paradise, then what happens? He can't control himself.
00:44:27 --> 00:44:32
			So zoo unity Latina Cafe will hire to dunya. For them. This dunya is everything.
00:44:34 --> 00:44:37
			And if anybody is not striving for dunya they think they're a loser.
00:44:38 --> 00:44:40
			They think they don't have anything.
00:44:41 --> 00:44:42
			You don't I call sometimes.
00:44:44 --> 00:44:51
			Like recently I was walking outside with my children and this man drove by and he yelled out, this
is Canada.
00:44:53 --> 00:44:59
			And for a moment I'm like, What did he say? Why did he say that? Like oh, it's my hijab.
00:45:00 --> 00:45:03
			because he's telling me I'm in Canada so I don't need to wear it.
00:45:04 --> 00:45:13
			They think that we are oppressed. They think that we are forced. But it's amazing. This is Canada
when it's winter, don't you cover yourself?
00:45:14 --> 00:45:16
			Don't you cover yourself? You do.
00:45:17 --> 00:45:20
			So why is it a problem to cover yourself in summer because Allah wants you to cover.
00:45:22 --> 00:45:24
			It's not a problem. It shouldn't be a problem.
00:45:25 --> 00:45:36
			But if a person thinks all she's covered and she cannot expose herself, she cannot reveal herself.
She doesn't have that freedom. Then either he will walk at her or he will feel pity for her. But
she's fine.
00:45:37 --> 00:45:38
			The way she is.
00:45:39 --> 00:45:48
			So zoo unit Alladhina, cafardo, Elia to dunya. Because he thinks that dunya is everything. And if
somebody is missing out on worldly pleasures,
00:45:49 --> 00:45:59
			then he is crazy. This is why, why is Haruna and the mock at Sin Cara to market someone they mark at
men and Latino men who are those people who believe.
00:46:01 --> 00:46:05
			Allah says when Latina taco and those people who have Taqwa
00:46:06 --> 00:46:22
			those people who have fear of Allah notice that hasn't been said what Latina, Amma know. But when
Latina taco those people who have Taqwa who fear Allah even when others are mocking them, even when
others are ridiculing them. They fear Allah and they keep doing what Allah has commanded them to do.
00:46:23 --> 00:46:33
			They don't give into the peer pressure. Allah says well Lavina taco, FOCA homeo will pm they will be
above them on the Day of Judgment above who,
00:46:34 --> 00:46:37
			above those who mock them above those who made fun of them.
00:46:39 --> 00:46:41
			This is just like before an exam.
00:46:42 --> 00:46:52
			before an exam students, their behaviors are different. Some students they're working, they're
studying in the library, outside of the library, and other students.
00:46:53 --> 00:46:54
			They call them nerds.
00:46:56 --> 00:47:02
			Right? They call them bookworms or they will describe them with other derogatory terms just to make
fun of them and they're busy partying, having fun.
00:47:04 --> 00:47:05
			But what happens when the results come?
00:47:06 --> 00:47:15
			Who's at the top? Those who are partying? Those who are wasting their time those were busy marking
it others? No, it was others who were more serious.
00:47:17 --> 00:47:29
			So when Levina call for a Romeoville piano, those people will live a life of taco alive of
consciousness of Allah, they will be above the rest of the people on the day of judgment
00:47:30 --> 00:47:36
			and the Day of Judgment, that is a real place. That is a place that is a time our success.
00:47:37 --> 00:47:41
			There is a place in time where we should be concerned we don't want to be behind we want to be ahead
00:47:42 --> 00:47:52
			because that is for eternity. When Medina taco FOCA home yomo piano will Allahu Yasuko Masha and
Allah provides whomsoever he will be Elena herself without any account,
00:47:53 --> 00:48:07
			without any measure, meaning he provides whomsoever he wants, with a lot, without any measure.
Sometimes Allah gives Allah to those who believe and those who are righteous.
00:48:08 --> 00:48:13
			And other times Allah gives a lot to those who disobey Allah, those who rejected
00:48:14 --> 00:48:19
			those who ridicule the believers and you wonder that why do they have more?
00:48:21 --> 00:48:25
			Why do they have more? Does that mean that Allah is happy with them? Not necessarily.
00:48:26 --> 00:48:37
			Allah is is testing them Allah we are Camilla Shelby lady herself. This is just dunya but mainly in
the era in Jana, Allah who will provide the believers without any measure.
00:48:39 --> 00:48:47
			Without any measure, you know, in this dunya you go to a resort, you go to a hotel, and everytime
you want to order something, you want to use something,
00:48:48 --> 00:48:51
			you worry that you will be charged for it.
00:48:52 --> 00:48:58
			Recently, I was at a hotel and there were water bottles and on the water bottle, there was a tag it
said four and a half dollars.
00:48:59 --> 00:49:20
			I said water bottle four and a half dollars. I was really thirsty. But I was like, I don't think
it's worth four, four and a half dollars. I'll just wait until my husband will bring the water
bottles from the car. Really, like you don't want to waste all that money. But in dunya what happens
anywhere you go for enjoyment, you're charged for every little thing for every little thing.
00:49:21 --> 00:49:29
			But in Jannah the people of dinner will enjoy one thing after the other but they will not be charged
bill at
00:49:30 --> 00:49:52
			these past holidays. We took the kids to and myself to marine land. I love animals and I really
wanted to see whales and you know dolphins and so on and so forth. There was a place where you could
actually feed the whales yourself and touch the whales. So like I want to go there. Forget the shore
Forget everything else. There's too much music in the show. Anyway, I don't want to go there. I want
to touch the whale and I want to feed the whale.
00:49:54 --> 00:49:58
			And then we found out that for every person to be able to touch the whale had to buy a ticket
00:50:00 --> 00:50:12
			Do you have to buy a ticket for each person to be able to touch the whale and feed the whale. So my
baby six months old, we wanted her to touch the whale as well. So we had to purchase a ticket for
her to
00:50:14 --> 00:50:15
			otherwise she could not go.
00:50:17 --> 00:50:21
			I think this is dunya you touch an animal once and you have to pay for it really
00:50:23 --> 00:50:24
			amazing is Jana.
00:50:25 --> 00:50:37
			You can touch, you can fly, you can swim yourself, you can do whatever you want, but you won't be
charged. We'll know who your Izakaya shirt will be lady herself.
00:50:38 --> 00:51:19
			So that is what we should be striving for. That is what we should be struggling towards more broadly
Allah because when you strive to earn the pleasure of Allah and when Allah is happy, then everything
is good. And if you lose it if you fail in this world and you give in to peer pressure this because
others are looking at you weird or they're talking about you weird and you say that I can't do this
anymore, I can pray I can't do this. Then the person will suffer in the hereafter. Allah says in the
Quran wounds or cave have been Baba whom Allah about when Allah Akbar who the Rajasthan Akbar route
of Leela. Look at how we have favored in provision some of them over others look at how people are
00:51:19 --> 00:51:35
			so different in this dunya some people have so much others have so little look at the variation in
this world. But you know what, in the hereafter it is greater. The hereafter is greater in degrees
of difference and greater in distinction
00:51:36 --> 00:51:41
			in this dunya Okay, some people can touch the whales, but other people can at least see them.
00:51:42 --> 00:51:53
			Right? It's not that big of a difference. What's the big deal you can take a picture even from the
internet, right and you can Photoshop with this cut out your picture of yourself and put it next to
a whale and there you're touching the whale.
00:51:54 --> 00:52:02
			Right? What's the difference? It's not that much. But in the hereafter is the real difference.
00:52:03 --> 00:52:08
			When people will not even be able to smell the fragrance of Jana.
00:52:10 --> 00:52:17
			Those who will be deprived of Jannah they cannot even smell Jana. They cannot even have a glimpse of
00:52:18 --> 00:52:27
			They cannot even have a drop of cold water. They cannot even touch it. They're far away from it far,
far away.
00:52:28 --> 00:52:43
			So the real striving should be for the pleasure of Allah for the hereafter that is the real home
does the need is temporary. You struggle you sacrifice. Soon it will be over. But what will be seen
00:52:44 --> 00:52:45
			as your efforts
00:52:46 --> 00:52:47
			that's listened to the recitation
00:52:50 --> 00:52:53
			of our higher dunya is
00:52:56 --> 00:52:57
00:52:58 --> 00:52:59
			of our fellow co hosts
00:53:01 --> 00:53:04
			will long we always know call me