Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P01 019E Tafsir Al-Baqarah 134-141

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The speakers discuss the importance of remaining firm in religion and the use of "married" in the context of Islam. They also touch on the myth of Islam being enough for one against another and the need to stay firm and not give up on one's arguments. The importance of history and evidence to prove one's claim is also emphasized. The speakers stress the need to stay firm and stay confident in one's beliefs to avoid confusion and embarrassment.

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			Waqar Luke, who then own a surah that they do, and they say, be Jews are Christians and you will be
rightly guided, who says that the Jews and the Christians, that you should become good and Who then
is Florida.
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			They say to the Muslims, and they say that become Jews become Christians, and you will be rightly
guided that those from the letters had Alia that you are the ones who will be on the straight path.
Then the Jews said, Judaism is the right way. Christian said Christianity is the right way. What
does Allah say to us? Should we listen to them? Should we do what they're telling us to do? Call you
say bile rather, what does bother me? No, we're not going to do what you're saying. Instead, Mullah
Ibrahim, the way of Ibrahim, we are going to follow the Creed the way of Ibrahim and who is the
Quran humor, Listen, honey fun. One was focused one was unswerving. When Monica and Amina wished
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			again and he was not of those who are mushrik Hanif is from the river letters had known fair and
Hannover is to incline towards something and then remain firm on it. So Hanif is who someone who
inclines towards though hate the Oneness of Allah, belief in Allah worshiping Allah alone submission
to Him alone, and then he becomes firm on it. In other words, he doesn't get distracted by whatever
comes his way. Whether it is people or his desires or the dunya anything, no, he remains firm. Hanif
is often used for someone who is Muslim in one who is firm, one who has stability, steadfastness,
toughness, and what in religion that he doesn't give up. So basically, we see that underneath there
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			are two meanings. First is the inclining towards the hate, the truth, the Oneness of Allah, the
worship of Allah, and secondly, remaining firm. So Ibrahim are in a sunnah. This was his
characteristic. This was his quality. He was a Hanif. So we're not going to call ourselves by the
names of other people. No, we are going to follow the way of Ibrahim who was focused on the worship
of Allah. He never gave that up, warm up katomina chicane, and he was never ever of those people who
commit ship, which again, is a poor enough Mushrik and was mushrik. One who does shake, so he never
ever committed chirk, neither major nor minor. What do we learn in this verse? That all people even
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			though they may be followers of falsehood, what do they invite to their own ways? You may have heard
people calling you all the time, we offer the best services for duct cleaning, we offer the best
services for this and for that, do you respond to every invitation? What do you say? I don't know
who these people are. You don't know who they are. You can't trust them. They're not reliable. Just
because somebody is inviting you doesn't mean you respond to them. No. So throughout times this
happens that people who follow falsehood will invite to their falsehood. But do you respond to that?
No, you don't respond to that? Because Allah subhanaw taala has also made the truth clear, when the
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			truth is clear, that we must remain firm upon the truth. And what is the truth, the way of Ibrahim
alayhis salam. He also known in this verse that the religion of Ibrahim medicina is the best
religion. This is why Allah subhanaw taala told us to follow that and not any other religion, not
any other way. Kulu you all should say when people call you to their ways, what should you say to
them? You should say to them I'm a nebula we believe in Allah. I'm enough Hamza mean, noon Eman. We
believe in Allah. The Prophet sallallahu sallam, the believers, all of them are being addressed,
that you should make this known that we believe in who Allah Kulu Kulu how say how with your tongue
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			and also with your hearts, with your tongue, meaning announce this make this known with your heart,
meaning have this belief have this firm faith, what that we believe in Allah WeMo on Zillow, Elena
and we also believe in math, whatever on Zillow Elaina what was sent down on us on Zillow, noon
xylem everything that was sent to us by Allah we believe in that. What is it that has been sent to
us revealed to this community to this OMA the Quran and Muhammad Sallallahu sunnah and also the
hikma, the Sunnah, the explanation of the theme, how to follow the deen even that was revealed in
the Prophet sallallahu sunnah. So we believe in all of that. Well now Ondina Illa Ibrahim and we
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			also believe in what was sent down on who and Ibrahim Renison what book was given to Ibrahim
medicina. So healthy Ibrahim surfy Ibrahima were Musa Ibrahim Hassan was given sir throats. You know
a Kitab is a bigger book but so far like smoke. What is married and also it's married are the same.
What was he given? We don't know. Do we have any record of that? No. Do we have any remnant of that?
No, we don't
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			We know the name of what he was given. But what do we believe that he was given something by Allah
whatever it was, we believe in that we don't know but we believe that Allah gave it to him because
Allah tells us in the Quran what is held and also is how what was given to him again we don't know
but we believe in that way our coop and also your Kubernetes center. What was he given? I don't
know. But it whatever he was given, we believe in that why because it was given from Gu Allah
subhanaw taala and whatever was given to while asbel is belt is a plural of SIP seen Baa Baa? What
is the meaning of the word s belt descendants sipped is used for a grandson. When a person has a
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			child what do they think? They have a family they become an adult, but when they have grandchildren,
that how do they feel that their family has grown it has become vague, so sipped This gives the
meaning of first of all growth. And secondly, it gives the meaning of extensiveness. It's also you
for the branches of the tree. You know when a tree has branches, there is growth and there's also
extensiveness it also becomes vast, bigger us bow is used for the 12 tribes of Bani Israel. Remember
your COVID Islam how many sons did he have? 12 And we learned that the Bani Israel when they were in
the desert, how many springs were they given? 12 So there were 12 tribes who came from 12 Sons of
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			your Cobra listener, but you can imagine 12 sons, their children, their children, their children,
how the Bani Israel grew and how it extended as well. So there was growth as well as extensiveness.
So about our who, the 12 tribes off Bani Israel over a year what is meant by a spell is the prophets
who were from among the tribes of Bani Israel. In other words, the prophets who came after your
Cobra in Islam after use of escena from their descendants. So which prophets came from among the s
belt? Zachary, our listener said a man Ernest Ananda would or his salaam Musa Israel Haruna and he
said I've already started salaam you're here. All of these prophets came from Mangu the 12 tribes of
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			Bani Israel. So any prophet who was sent to the Bani Israel eel, whatever he was given anything we
believe in that why because it was sent from Allah warmer odia Musa where ISA and whatever Musa and
Isa were given you may say mercenaries are part of us belt. So why are they mentioned separately?
Because they were of the best prophets who were sent to the Bani Israel. Musa the Sunnah is one who
saved them. He was one was given the torah and restart us and I was asked messenger who was sent
from among the Bani Israel. In other words, anything that Allah has revealed, we believe in that
whether we know of it or we don't know of it. And notice the word oto OTO is from Hamza Yeah, to
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			give whatever Musa and Teresa were given, what were they given? Notice the word revealed is not
being used. Why? Because they were given the Scripture and they were also given miracles. So we
believe in the Scripture and also the miracles were met lutea and whatever was given to another
human the prophets may have been from their Lord and to be Eunice Florida Nebby noon bear Hamza.
Number is news. important news. And NaVi is one who gives important news to the people. So any other
prophet whether we know of him we don't know of him before but he is right here, any prophet,
whatever he was given, we believe in that land offers recall, we do not differentiate fair rock off
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			to differentiate between something we don't differentiate between the minimum between any one of
them in other words, we believe in all of the profits without any discrimination. We believe in all
of them. We don't say we don't believe in Aris artists or we don't believe in Musa listener, no,
every single one of them. But when it comes to following the messengers, then who are we to follow?
Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam his Sharia is what we are supposed to follow. So Lana Federico Binah
had a man whom in what in Eman not at bar. Remember this? We don't differentiate between them and
what with regards to fate, but when it comes to at bar when it comes to following the messengers,
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			who do we follow? Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, when I know and we are Allahu to him alone to who? To
Allah, Muslim moon when to submit. Muslim Moon is a Florida Muslim. What do we learn in this verse
10. It's important that we believe in all of the prophets, whether we know of them or we don't know
of them, and not just the prophets but also everything that they were given. Remember Eman is not
complete unless and until a person believes in Allah and everything that Allah tells us, whether it
is angels or his prophets or his books or the day of judgment. So if a person says I don't believe
in just one Messenger is His
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			Man complete. It's not complete. And this is the reason why the Man of the Year hood and masala is
also not complete, because who do they not believe in? In Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, some of them
don't believe in recyle Islam This is why their email is not complete. Allah says for in Amman also
if they believe who the people that you who then Asara if they believe, basically in a way that is
similar to metal is similar to MMA and to be in what you believe in amento, same route Hamza mean
known if they believe in the same way that you believe you refer to the Prophet saw a lot of
cinnamon his companions, if the rest of the people have the same Eman as yours. Question is what was
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			the amount of the Prophet said a lot of sentimental Sahaba what we learned in the previous ayah
belief and all of the messengers and everything that was sent down by Allah, save the people have
the same kind of Eman fucka data, though, then they are indeed rightly guided that oh had Alia
hedaya Then they rightly guided previously we learned that the you who the Nosara they would say
become Jews Christians, then you will be rightly guided Allah says no, then a person is not rightly
guided. A person is only rightly guided when he has the same Eman as that of Muhammad Sallallahu
Sallam what was his EMA of belief that all of the messengers were interval low but if the turn away
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			well lamb yeah if the turn away the refuse to believe in one messenger they refuse to believe and do
messengers only do only one if the turn away for in a month and indeed not but meaning this
ascertain that home they will be winning the Golden Assata all those who don't believe in the same
way fish Hickok inch *, they will definitely be in Chicago, Chicago some through letter sheen
cough cough shock is to split when Chicago comma and the moon has split when something splits and
what happens do things that were together become separated. And when two things are separated, you
can imagine one is here the other is there. Then two are also in a way in opposition to one another.
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			For example, there is a couple they were married happily then there were some fights and this
separated when they're separated or they just separated. They're also fighting against one another.
So for in them at home Fisher Kok in opposition. Chicago means over here opposition. So if they turn
away, then definitely they will oppose you. And this happened at the time of the Prophet sallallahu
Sallam when he invited them to believe and they did not believe they did not have the same belief as
his what happened eventually. Did the Jews oppose him? Or were they okay with him? They oppose him.
They fought against him. They committed treachery against him. They tried to kill him for in number
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			one fish Hickok than a person worries. People are gonna hate me they're gonna oppose me. Allah says
don't worry for say a fika, whom Allah, Allah will be sufficient for you against them for say a fika
what a big word it is. I remember the first time that I studied this word. Initially I was scared.
But then when I got to know this word, I really had a lot of fun. I really liked this word,
especially because of its meaning. Look at the word fat, what does fair mean? So, sir, sir, means
soon. When Sir comes before a verb, it gives two meanings first of all, the certainty of that verb,
that definitely that action will take place. And secondly, it shows that very soon that action will
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			take place. So for say a quick a woman Allah will be enough for you against them. Definitely. And
very soon Don't worry, Allah will take care of you. Yak fie Yak. Fie is one word. Yak fie the year
indicates he gaff for year root gives the meaning of being enough for something or someone. So yak
Fie, he will be enough he will be sufficient. First say yuck fee what's the next word? Cap what is
coming? You Jezza Kola, cap you. So first I check fee cap. So soon he will be enough for you home
against them. Look at the word again. First so cert soon yak Fie, he will be enough
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			for you home against them. So Allah will be sufficient for you against them. Allah will not leave
you alone. Don't worry. Allah will not abandon you forsake fika, whom Allah will who was Samira or
Lima and he is the hearing is the knowing Samir or Liam Samir, one who hears who hears what their
statements what they say against you. And Arlene he knows what does he know what they do against
you. So don't worry, Allah is on your side. Many times it happens that you go somewhere and people
they set a condition on you. We will accept you we will let you do this only if you
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			Don't do this and this of your religion. I remember recently a lady came up to me, and she said that
she is a dentist and she has been trying to get some experience somewhere, she has worked so hard to
get certified everything. But everywhere she goes, they put a condition on her that she must remove
her proper hijab. That's the condition that is set for her everywhere.
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			So it happens many times that people will oppose you just because of your religion. They don't like
you because of your faith. And it's only the part of your religion that they don't like. So at this
time, when they are opposing you when they are against you, then what should you think? Okay, leave
it, at least I'll get the job. Leave this her job, leave this religion at least I'll get the job. Is
that what a person should do? When a person does that, then you know what he is left on his own and
Allah will not help him? And how much power do you have? How much strength do you have? How long can
you survive on your own, you cannot live without the help of Allah. You cannot survive without his
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			help. But when a person trusts on Allah than Allah is enough for him, Allah is sufficient for him.
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			Recently, somebody else also told me the story about how there was a man who was well off, he had a
lot of property, and he had three sons, and he distributed his property amongst the three sons. And
he advised them that look, if you end up selling the property, please don't take interest don't
receive interest. This is my advice to you. So two of the sons they didn't take interest when they
sold the property, but the third son, he did take interest. And you know what happened? The two sons
who did not take interest now they're mashallah independent, they're making money and they are the
ones who are financially supporting their brother who took interest. When a person disobeyed Allah
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			when a person does not do a salam to live below Allah mean, then you know what happens? He is left
on his own, and he cannot survive for very long, and even if he enjoyed a life in this world, and
what do we learn that this mythos of dunya is Khaleel it is short lived, it is for a short time,
eventually it's going to come to an end, and Allah is for eternity. So Allah is assuring us over
here, don't worry, Allah will protect you. Even if you think that the entire world is against you.
Don't worry, stay firm, like Ibrahim Renison I'm Haneef, was stuck in firm steadfast not giving up
facade Vika whom Allah, Allah will be sufficient for you. And remember what he was severely many
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			years and he knows. Notice the attributes of a year he hears and he knows, he hears the things that
people say to one another against you, and he knows the secret things that they're doing against
you, so they cannot harm you at all. And we seen some life of the prophet saw a lot of sin and how
Allah protected him against all of his enemies. There is no other human being who was attacked as
many times as the Prophet sallallahu sallam was attacked. So many times people attempted to kill
him, were they able to, they weren't successful. Why? Because Allah protected him. Allah tells us
see what Allah take on the coloring of Allah take on the color of Allah subhanaw taala. What does
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			similar mean? Similar means a loan color. We learned the word loan earlier as well. Merlo new home
loan is the original color of something. For example, an apple is red, it's an original color. But
similar is a color that is put on to something so the wall was initially white, you painted a nice
red color on it symbolizes what a color that is put on to something, a color that is adopted.
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			This is why the word similar is also used for assuming an attribute taking influence of something or
someone. So Allah tells us that the color that you put onto yourself the influence that you take,
should not be of people, that what they do you start imitating them, the way they dress, you do the
same thing. No, you should take on the color of Allah subhanaw taala. What does the civil rights law
refer to? It refers to the deen of Allah, the religion of Allah. Why is the religion of Allah called
a color? Why? Because of two things. First of all, the color of something the color that is put onto
something Is it obvious, if a wall was white and you painted it red is red, obvious. Of course, it's
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			very obvious you cannot miss it. Similarly, when a person accepts the deen of Allah, when a person
says a slum to live below Allah mean, then definitely the color of that religion is going to come on
him. Meaning that religion is going to show up in the way he talks in the way he lives in the way
that he behaves in the way that he eats in the way he dresses and the way he sleeps and the way he
wakes up in every aspect of his life, that religion is going to show sleep about Allah, the color of
Allah, the religion of Allah, it's going to show people say Islam as in my heart, that's not good
enough. It better be on you. It better show to you. Because if something is in your heart, it
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			doesn't stay
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			it concealed there, it comes out. So if Islam is truly in the heart of a person, it will manifest
itself in the Sybilla. It will manifest itself in the way that a person is sleeping what Allah take
on the color of Allah. Secondly, the deen of Allah is called Civic with Allah. Why? Because of how
it remains on the person. When a person has truly accepted the deen, then it's not possible that he
will leave it, then he will stay firm upon it, then he will definitely be of those who fall at the
Mutanda Illa Anton Muslim Moon there are people who become very religious but in the leave
everything. Why? Because I never really took on the to Sybilla we ever done this yourself. There's a
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			piece of cloth and you color it. Has anyone done that? Coloring clothes, you don't just take a
paintbrush and you start painting over it. No, I remember, I was very young once and I went
somewhere with my aunt and she was getting some of her clothes colored. And remember how there was a
huge pot kind of thing. And there was fire under it, it was being heated up there was water in it.
And the men took some color and he put the color into that water it was hot, hot, and then he dipped
that cloth into that hot color into that hot water. And when he took it out after some time, then
that color didn't come off. You have to go through the difficulty to keep the color firm or you many
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			times it happens that a person starts praying starts putting on the hijab, then there's a bit of
heat, a bit of pressure, a bit of boiling from others, and a person gives up he doesn't stay in that
heat a bit too long. If you just dip in and come out the color is going to wear off very easily it's
going to wash up very quickly. You have to go through the heat you have to suffer the difficulty and
then the colors not going to come off Inshallah, then that is the way of staying firm on the
religion. If you look at Rahim Edison, did he not suffer difficulties, one after the other. But as
he endured as he stayed firm, what happened? That religion that faith became a part of him so much
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			so that he could not do without it? Someone saw that he could not help but tell children to live by
it. The religion of Allah take on that coloring don't go on copying other people and taking on their
color. Long Sleeve Allah Tala woman Asad Amin, Allah He is similar and who is better than Allah in
Cibola. In coloring, the best color, the best coloring that you could get is the color of Allah is
the color that Allah gives is the religion that Allah gives the best way of life. The best way of
living is that which has been specified by Allah. If you think about it, if you want to buy
something colorful, if you want to buy some clothes, you see so many options red, blue, pink,
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			yellow, orange, bright, dull, contrast, whenever you see so many colors, and you get confused
sometimes Should I get the finger should I get the purple? There are so many ways out there bikeways
in this dunya so many ways of eating, of drinking of dressing up of talking of living of whatever so
many ways. Allah saves us from that confusion. Don't get stuck in these things. No, go for civil
Atala go for the color of Allah the religion of Allah that is the best way that is the way of the
successful ones. Sleeve Allah Tala woman Asad Amin, Allah has labeled the best religion is the
religion of Allah. When Allah Who are we doing? And we are to him, ones who worship I'll be doing
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			plural of arbit that we believers are only to worship Allah, we only worship him. What do we learn
in this verse? We learned in this verse that it is necessary that if we want to be successful, we
hold on to the religion of Allah, we hold on to it. And it's necessary that if we want to be
successful, we don't give it up no matter what difficulties we endure. And it's necessary that if we
claim Islam is in our hearts, it shows on our bodies, it shows in our lifestyle, it shows in our
dealings, it shows in the way we live. It's not to be concealed in the heart, called se st to them,
or to her June enough Allah. Are you arguing with us concerning Allah to Ha Joon Anna, hi, Jean Jean
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			Mahajan. That is from the word her Tjahaja is argument. And Roger is when one person is giving his
argument to negate the other so basically, two people are arguing with one another with what with
proofs and evidences. So are you arguing with us filler concerning Allah? The Muslims are being told
to say this to to the Yehuda NESARA who call them to their ways that Why are you stopping us? Why
don't you want us to remain Muslim? We worship Allah when Allah What are we doing? So are you
arguing with us concerning Allah? Are you telling us that we shouldn't worship Allah? are you
stopping us from the worship of Allah? Well, who are a Buddha or Boca Where's He is our Lord and
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			He's also your Lord. He didn't just create me but he also created you. So if anyone stops us from
worshipping Allah from obeying Allah, what should we say? Who am I worshiping? I'm worshiping Allah.
Why are you arguing with me concerning Allah? He created me He created you. Well Under Armour, Luna
and for us our our deeds, our mind is applauded of Armen, for us are our deeds welcome Armando COMM
And for you are your deeds, I will be asked about what I am doing and you will be asked about what
you are doing, I will see the result of my actions and you will see the result of your actions. So
why are you concerned about what I am doing? Because we see that many times for no reason people to
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			start attacking your Salah, your hijab, the way you talk, the way you eat, they just start attacking
you so say to them, Why are you making such a big deal? I'm worshiping Allah, my Creator, who is
also your Creator. And at the end, why are you concerned about what I do? You will be questioned
about your deeds and I'll be questioned about my deeds. When a hula hula MCL is known and we are to
him ones who are sincere McCullough's own ha Lam sloth is lost in class is sincerity. It is
basically when something is pure when all things that could adulterated that could spoil it are
removed or taken out. Pure unmixed. So when a hula hoop walk, listen, we are sincere to him, meaning
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			we only worship him.
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			What do we learn in this verse, that a person should be very, very confident about their Islam. You
should be very confident about the good that you're doing. If anyone mocks at you if anyone says
something negative, if anyone discourages you in any way. Don't feel weak. Be confident over there.
Be firm. Be confident about your Islam. Don't let other people dissuade you from doing what you
believe is right? By their jokes, by their mocking, by their negative comments. stay firm. And when
you stay firm, Allah will enable you to remain firm, wing Dawa to other people does not mean that
you start compromising on what you believe on what you do. Remember that when it comes to Dawa, we
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			are not allowed to attack the religion of other people, Allah told us Don't insult their gods, even
when you know that that idol is nothing, don't insult. When we start insulting, they start insulting
us. So if you're ever in a situation where people are making fun of your religion, then don't feel
weak, be confident, and just walk away from there. I were in a car, I cover my face. Many times it
happens and I'm going somewhere and people stare. And you know what I do? I pretend as if they don't
even exist. I don't care about them. They can say whatever they can think whatever. I live in this
country, and this country gives me the freedom of religion. I can wear whatever I can believe in
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			whatever. And the law of this country is with me inshallah. So they can't do anything to harm me. I
remember I was one standing at the airport waiting for somebody to come and they were these people
standing behind me. They were talking constantly against the cop one thing after the other, just
ignored. I just pretended as if they weren't even saying anything. I didn't hear anything, just
walked away. And if you start confronting them, if you start arguing, if you start saying bad things
to them, or if you start listening to them, then what's going to happen you're going to become
afraid you're going to feel threatened, you're going to feel weak. And you're going to think yeah,
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			maybe I should not do this. So be confident because know that you are worshipping Allah. Well who
want to buena. Well, Anna are maluna Allah will question is, this life is not for play, this life is
very bad. And if we don't worship Allah, then in the hereafter will be in trouble. So we have to do
this. There's no other way. So when you're doing this, then stay firm, be confident. Many times it
happens that a person is studying something or he's working at a particular place. Other people
start making fun of him. What does he do? Like? Yeah, whatever, I don't care. And if a person is
trying to please other people, then what happens to him? He's not able to do anything at all.
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			Because we can never make people happy. You do one thing to please them, and they will demand
another thing.
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			I'm taco Luna, or do you say Allah addresses the youth? And then Assad? Or do you claim that Ibrahim
who is married who is halfway or who well as both, that Ibrahim is Marielle? Is how they are called
and the US back mean that Prophets were sent for amongst them? Can who who didn't own a surah they
were Jews or Christians. You're telling us to become Jews, you're telling us to become Christians?
Do you claim that Ibrahim was Jewish? Who can say that they brought him religion I was a Jew or
Christian. If anybody says that, and they don't know about history, because Judaism Christianity,
they came about when much after Ibraheem Alehissalaam so we don't follow what came after we follow
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			Ibrahim our listener, we are original. So are you claiming that Ibrahim was Jewish? He was
Christian? Is how they are COVID Smart II that the US belt they were Jews or Christians? If you say
that, then you better go and take a history class. Allah says cool anthem, our Allah Mohammed Allah.
Allah says Say, do you know better? Or does Allah know better? Who is more knowing? Who knows more?
Allah? Allah knows better. If Allah is telling us that Ibrahim
00:30:00 --> 00:30:42
			was not a Jewish he was not a Christian person. Rather he was honey fun was slim and when my
condominium was stricken, then what are we to do? We're to accept that woman of lemons and who is
more unjust law. Let me who is more unfair men money than the one who made money is a combination of
men and man who is more unfair than the person who cut them a he conceals kaftan meme to conceal to
hide something who is more unfair than the person who hides Shahadat, an shahada testimony,
evidence. He has a Shahada. He has a testimony, he has a proof. Where does he have it from? In the
hall? He has it mean Allah from Allah, Allah gave it to him. Allah gave him an evidence Allah gave
00:30:42 --> 00:31:18
			him a proof. And what does he do? He hates it, he conceals it. So who is more unfair than this
person? What is this referring to? We know that Allah subhanaw taala told the houden Masada in their
scriptures through the messengers that he sent to them that a final messenger is going to come. And
he not only informed them about the coming of the final messenger, but also his characteristics, his
traits, his qualities, so that when they would see him they would be able to believe in Him. And we
learned that salamander Pharisee would become a Christian. He knew about the signs, he was told by
his teacher. And when he saw the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he tested him through many ways. And
00:31:18 --> 00:32:00
			eventually he realized that yes, indeed he is the final messenger. And then he believed in him. So
Allah gave this information to to the Jews and Christians in their scriptures. This is the shahada
referring to but what did they do when they found out that Mohammed Salatu Salam is among the Bani
is marine from among the Arabs and they didn't want to believe in Him. They conceal that evidence,
the hidden they conceal that they pretended as if it did not even exist in their scriptures. So
Allah says, Who is more unfair than a person who conceals some knowledge that Allah has given to
him? How is it the most unjust, because not only is he depriving himself from the truth, but he's
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			also depriving so many other people from the truth? Think about it, you have some information, but
you hide it. Are you not harming other people? Are you not depriving other people, of course, that
even today, there are many statements in Scripture that point to the coming of the final messenger.
But whenever those are mentioned, they pretend as if it refers to something else, or it's something
that we don't know about, or whatever, they give some other explanation, but also because of how
they've changed their books, they've translated from one language to the other than eventually the
meanings, the words they got lost. So whoever conceals knowledge that Allah has given to him is the
00:32:38 --> 00:33:23
			most unfair person, the most unjust person, but Allah warns whom Allah Who beloved in our matamanoa
Allah is not at all unaware of what you do. Allah knows about all of your activities, what you hide
of the dean of the knowledge, Allah knows about it. What do we learn in this verse, we learn that
concealing knowledge is a very huge crime. If Allah has given us knowledge, and we are not to
conceal it, shahada or in shy it is on him. So if someone has seen someone has learned, it is his
obligation that he must convey. Allah tells us they will go madonn Kohala they are a nation that
have passed away. Ibrahim Al Islam, Islam, Marie learners, and they're gone. La Naka Saba, they will
00:33:23 --> 00:34:01
			get what they acquired. Welcome Monica septum and you will get what you have earned. They will be
responsible for their deeds, you will be responsible for your deeds, they will get the reward for
their efforts and you will get the reward of only your efforts. So you better do something. Their
time is over. Now you are responsible for yourself. Well let us lunar America and we are Malone. And
you will not be questioned about what they used to do. They came they did something they're gone.
Now you have come you better do something because soon your time will also be over. And before your
time comes to an end prepare do something because life is short. That's listen to the recitation
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			well God will cool no more than slaughter do.
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			Hema honey
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			girl God I mean shrinky all eau
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			de la isla
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			de la isla
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00:34:36 --> 00:34:37
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			Dr. Musa worries
00:34:47 --> 00:34:54
			Audion be human being him learn or obeying or how do you
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			learn or obeying Him or handling
00:35:00 --> 00:35:00
00:35:01 --> 00:35:02
			know learn
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			to behave up on the
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00:35:20 --> 00:35:33
			all this area Creek all was semi Clean Slate
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			one woman
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			alone he's sleeping alone
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00:35:50 --> 00:35:51
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			Man oh
00:36:00 --> 00:36:00
00:36:01 --> 00:36:02
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			in either on email is
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			is half hour number one less
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			than or
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			than 10 Nine
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			all one along we'll be off
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			the hall at
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			Kesava Walla
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00:37:01 --> 00:37:42
			so to be successful, what color do we need to take on civil Atala and when a person has saved a lot,
a lot and whether it be obvious on him, can he hide that color? He can't hide it. It will be very
obvious on him. So it's necessary that we start adopting the ways of Islam as well. When a person
has civil with Allah, then you will not behave in a way that Allah does not like he will not go on
cursing other people backbiting others talking bad about them. No, he will become careful about his
tongue about his thoughts about his ears. And when a person takes Sybil at the lonely then he's
successful woman accent I mean Allah Sybilla this is the way to success the way of Ibrahim realists
00:37:43 --> 00:38:14
			and this only comes through difficulties. So mashallah, you all have endured a lot of difficulty as
well. Sitting through so many classes on Saturday morning on Sunday morning, your weekends sitting
in the heat, sitting silently, many of you on the floor in your buyers and your jobs. May Allah
subhanaw taala reward you abundantly for all of your efforts and may Allah keep you firm give you
steadfast on this way. So that inshallah one day you studies rottenness as well and you're happy
with what you've accomplished, but what you have done
00:38:15 --> 00:38:22
			Subhanak Allah who will be handy Kenisha to Allah ilaha illa Anta the stuff we look at one or two,
we like assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh