Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P01 019D Tafsir Al-Baqarah 132-133

Taimiyyah Zubair
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AI: Summary ©

The message of the Bible is that anyone who opposes Islam cannot fulfill the purpose of creation. The message is that anyone who complains about being in a slum or lack of respect for their, cannot fulfill their goal of creation. The message is that anyone who wants to do something is
the message is that anyone who wants to do something is
the message is that anyone who wants to do something is
the message is that anyone who wants to do something is
the message is that anyone who wants to do something is
the message is that anyone who wants to do something is
the message is that anyone who wants to do something is
the message is that anyone who wants to do something is
the message is that anyone who wants to do something is
the message is that anyone who wants to do something is
the message is that anyone who wants to do something is
the message is that anyone who wants to do something is
the message is that anyone who wants to do

AI: Summary ©

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			hamdulillah today we will be completing the first is in sha Allah
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			and in sha Allah, may Allah give all of us the strength to continue this way and make us see that
day when we will reach Surah Tumnus as well in sha Allah
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			that study, just a quick review from ayah number 130. Well, many are horrible. I'm miletti Ibrahima
11 Sufi Han AFSA. And her turn away from the religion from the way of Ibraheem Alehissalaam except
for the one who is very ignorant of himself who is behaving very ignorantly, very foolishly with
himself. How, because when he turns away from the wave, Ibrahim, in fact, he is destroying himself,
he's wasting himself. The way of Ibrahim Edison is the way of submission to Allah. And if a person
does not submit to Allah, then he does not fulfill the purpose of His creation. And even if he does
get some temporary worldly benefit by not submitting to Allah, in the long run, what is he
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			bargaining for? What is he taking? Loss failure, punishment? So anyone who opposes who goes against
who contradicts the way of Ibrahim or the Sunnah, then what is his end? His end is failure. When I
got this stuff, I now have a dunya. And certainly we had chosen him in this world. Allah emulated
the status of Ibrahim alayhis salam, even in this dunya What is it true that if a person submits to
Allah, He doesn't suffer loss, even in this life? No, Allah who will not deprive him were in the
roof will let me know Salehi. And indeed he in the hereafter he will be of those who are righteous
meaning in the hereafter Allah will reward him abundantly. Why is it that I'm not chose him? Why is
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			it that Allah loves the way of Ibrahim alayhis salam? And why is it that Allah is setting that as a
standard of either guidance or misguidance? Because if called Hola, hola, Boo Aslan, when His lord
said to him submit, what was his reaction? He didn't delay. He didn't think about it. But rather
immediately he said, Allah, He said, a slum to the island mean, I submit to the Lord of the Worlds.
Meaning why should I not submit to the Lord who created me to the Lord who owns everything to the
Lord who gave me everything I have? So because he is the rock, he is the only one who deserves that
we submit to Him. Think about it, submitting before someone surrendering yourself to someone? What
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			does it mean? That you do everything they want you to do? You strive to please them. You consider
their pleasure or their displeasure in everything that you do. You're always aware, you're always
conscious about them. You never want to say no to them. You never ever want to refuse any
instruction, any command that comes from them. Tell me who is it that deserves that we submit to
him? Is there anyone else besides Allah? Who deserves that we submit to him? No. Because what has
anything else given to us? This dunya if we dedicate all of our lives to this world, what is this
world given to us? It's only given us hardship and pain. Anything that you want to do in this world,
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			you have that realization, nothing will be perfect. You do one thing really well, and the next day,
it's ruined. So this world does not deserve that we dedicate ourselves to it completely. Anything
else as well. It doesn't deserve only Allah subhanaw taala. Why? Because he is the Lord of the
world. He's the one who created us. And this Milla of Ibrahim, right? Listen, I'm this way of
Ibrahim realist and I'm submitting to Allah. This is something that Allah like so much that look at
how Allah is praising it in the Quran. And this way of Ibrahim A listener, he didn't just keep to
himself, but rather he also instructed his children, his descendants to adopt the same way. The way
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			of submitting to Allah alone will also be her Ibrahim Obon. He was saw, what saw he did was a year
behind of it, who did was the year of it, Ibrahim, who did he do was Surya to have it bunny to his
sons, who else did was so you were coupe and also your Uber listener. What is we'll see you will see
us from the lecture as well. So idea and we'll see is basically an important instruction that a
person gives to the other with a lot of emphasis. The same word we'll see is also used for a will or
a testament, a wheel that a person makes before he dies before he passes away. If a person writes a
will of a person give some instruction before he dies. How is it taken as a promise as a commitment
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			by whom? by those who have heard it by those who have been given that instruction? So they take it
very, very seriously. So well wasabi has Ibrahim Ibrahim are listener instructed his sons very
clearly with a lot of emphasis so they understood and they were committed to this. What were they
committed to what does
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			have referred to what does it refer to? How old were you refers to disclaimer, the statement that
Ibraheem Alehissalaam said, what was the statement that he made a slum to Europe below the mean? I
submit to the Lord of the Worlds. So this was his way. This was his belief, but he didn't keep it to
himself rather what did he do? He also instructed his bunny bunny is a Florida even his sons, who
are the sons of Ibrahim Rai Sena is married and is helped both of them he emphasized he taught them
throughout his life that you are supposed to submit to Allah your Lord and no one else. He is the
one who deserves that you completely surrender yourself to. But Ibrahim Ernestina was not the only
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			one who advised his children to do this. Who else did that? We are global. And he our corporate
Islam also did the same thing. Meaning he also advised his sons and who are the sons of your Cobra
listener? How many sons did he have 12 sons amongst them was also use of our listener. So he
instructed his children as well. The same thing and what did they say that yeah, Benny. Oh, my sons.
Oh my dear sons. Benny, this has actually been and when is it Florida even and this address is with
a lot of love. Oh my dear children. Oh my dear sons, oh, my loving sons. So look at the way that he
is addressing them you have any yet in the Lucha indeed Allah estafa he has chosen and stuff is from
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			the letter sought farewell. He has selected lecan for you a dean the religion Allah has chosen for
you the deen Allah has given you the blessing of religion. Look at so many other people they don't
even know who Allah is. They don't even know how to worship Allah. They don't even recognize their
Creator. And Allah has chosen this Deen for you. Which the in which religion the religion of
surrendering submitting to Allah alone in Allah has of Allah codeine. So Allah has given you this
huge blessing. Why is he saying this to them that Allah has chosen for you the deen he's making them
realize what a huge blessing the religion is. What a huge blessing a dean is. People are given many
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			things. Many people from here to Africa, any country you go to every society every place, Allah
subhanaw taala has given people many blessings. But not everyone is given the blessing of Dean. He's
making his children realize that in the last of hola como de this deen is from Allah and he has
chosen it for you. And when Allah has given you this blessing filata Mutanda Allah will autonomously
moon then you must not die except that you are Muslim. Fela tomato now from the root letters.
Meanwhile, tap mode what this mode mean? That and look at led to Muthana this noon at the end with
the shutter on it, it gives a meaning of definitely certainly. So let the Moto know when law comes
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			before meaning never ever should you die. Don't you dare die, except that you are Muslim. In other
words, that should approach you when you are Muslim. When you are in a state of submission to Allah,
when you are in a state of obedience to Allah don't die at a time when you are disobeying Allah.
Does anyone have the choice that he decides when death comes to him? And when death does not come to
Him? Do we have that choice? No, we don't. So how can a person make sure that he does not die?
Unless he is doing a certain action? How can a person do that? That a person does that throughout
his life? So when he will live that way, when he will do that throughout his life? Then how will he
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			die? In that state? However you live is the way you die.
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			It doesn't happen by chance. It doesn't happen by accident, that a person just happened to be in
such the and then that came to him then he died. It doesn't happen by chance that a person happened
to be in a place where the wrong things were happening and then he passed away over there. No, a
person dies in the state that he lives. You die the way you live. So he instructed them filata
Muthana illa Anta Muslim own Don't you dare die except that you are Muslim. What is he telling them
that live as Muslims throughout your life? You should be Muslim throughout your life, you should be
those who submit to Allah throughout your life. Whether it is a time of marriage, or is his time of
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			sadness, whether it's a time of success or failure. You're happy, you're excited, you're sad, you're
gloomy, you're depressed, you're sick, you're healthy, you're old, you're young, no matter what
stage no matter what phase no matter what age of life you're in. You have to leave Islam because
death can come to you at any time. Don't we see children dying? Don't we see adults die? Don't we
see Healthy People dying? Sick people dying, successful failures. All types of people die because
couldn't do an Epson that you've got to remote. Every person has
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			is going to stay stuck. So that is not going to leave you it's definitely going to come to you. So
you have to remain a Muslim throughout your life no matter what state you're in. So that filata
Mutanda Illa. We're into Muslim moon. What do we learn in this verse? We learn this verse that
Ibrahim Ernest Sinha, jacobellis, listen, the prophets of Allah, not just the two of them, but the
other prophets of Allah. What legacy did they leave behind? Did they tell their people, their
children, their families or their followers to worship them to be called by the names of their
prophets? Or to stray away from the religion? No, all of the prophets their legacy was what? What
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			did they leave behind? That you must worship Allah you must submit to Allah from new holy salaam to
Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam all the messengers conveyed the same message that all you people you must
worship Allah. So the Bani Israel eel when they were offered Islam, what excuse do they present,
then we don't have to be Muslim because we were told we were instructed by our forefathers that we
have to remain Alia who this is what we have to remain as. So they're being told that Ibrahima
listen, I'm your Cobra listener. This is not what they instructed you to do things structured you to
worship Allah to submit to Him. And part of submitting to Allah is believing in the messenger that
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			he has sent. Another lesson that we learn in this verses that a person instructs his children with
what he loves, and he finds very important. Ibrahim, I listen, I'm your Cobra listener because they
loved this Deen because they found this Deen to be very important. This is why they instructed their
children to live with that Deen to live by that theme throughout their lives. If you ever want to
see whether somebody loves something or not just check, do they give it to their children do they
offer to their kids? If they offer it to their kids, that means that they truly love it. And if they
don't give it to their children, that means that they don't really like it. There's something about
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			it that they're not comfortable with, which is why they won't give it to their children. Now we must
test ourselves over here. Don't we claim that we love Islam? We love the Quran. We don't say that. I
love Allah. I love the messenger. I love the Quran. I love Islam. We all say that. What's the
evidence? What's the proof of that, that we truly love Islam we truly have Allah that we would want
the same for who? For our families, for our children, for our spouses, for our parents. And if we
don't want the same for our families, and what does it mean? Then there's a problem with that claim.
That claim is not really true.
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			So if we really love Deen, if we really love the Quran, then we must also want the same for who, for
our families. If we are studying the Quran, if we know how to recite the Quran, we should want the
same for who our families, because many times it happens that people they are very religious, but at
the same time, their family members are far from the religion very far, whether it's their spouse,
or their children, or their parents or their cousins, whoever they're very far from their religion.
Now one is that they are trying their best to make their family members come closer to the dean, and
they're not accepting, that's a different case. But the problem is when a person does not even offer
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			that to his children, does not even offer that to his family. And if any one of you feel that
religion is being forced on you, like sometimes it happens that we feel our mothers are after us
pray, come to this class, then just realize, know that your mother loves this stuff. This is the
only reason why she's telling you. Otherwise, she wouldn't tell you. She really wouldn't. She loves
it. And this is why she's telling you. And remember, we learned about your son Bidwell today, being
good towards parents. Part of being good towards our parents is doing what they want us to do,
accepting what they gave us. One of the sisters, she came up to me and she told me that her mother
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			forced her to come here. And she fought with her mother, she resisted. She's I don't want to go she
fought with her so much, but her mother forced you have to go. And she said, Now I come here, and I
love it here. So anything that your parents want for you know that they love it. That's the only
reason why they're giving it to you. Another important lesson that we learned in this verse is that
actions are determined by what the intention, however, actions are also determined by the way they
end to build our team. By the way, the end, if a person is a Muslim, here and there, he submits to
Allah obeys Allah here and there. But then he dies in a state where he is not obedient to Allah. Is
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			he dying in a state that he is Muslim? No. And how will a person be resurrected on the day of
judgment in the way that he died? A person will be resurrected on the Day of Judgment, how in the
way that he died, what he was doing while he passed away, that is exactly how we'll rise up on the
Day of Judgment. So it's important that we worry about the intention. We worry about the act
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			shouldn't but we also worry about the end, the final end the completion of what we are doing. For
instance, we started this course we had a good intention Alhamdulillah we strive every day to
perfect our intention to improve our intention. So even if we face difficulties, we keep going we
focus on the action, but we must also focus on what on the end because if a person does not reach
the end, as he completed the deed, No, he hasn't. So for Latta Mutanda Illa, Anta Muslim own we
should be concerned about the end of our actions as well. Next, I am going to show Haida or where
are you present it held on a Jacobian mode when death approached your Kubernetes? Salaam m quantum
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			Shuhada? Shuhada? Is a florala Shahid or Shahid who is Shahid a witness sheen her that a person who
witnesses a person who sees something so um, quantum shahada were you present? were you witnesses?
Were you there? Who is you? You over here is referring to the who the Masada, the Jews and the
Christians but not just them. All people? Were you present at the time when How about I our kubel
mouth when death approached jacobellis? Hello, Laura have loved to be present to approach her lose.
Her dude is what the appearance of something when something is there. So when death and mode from
the root letters mean, well, when death came to your Kubernetes center, in other words, when he was
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			at the verge of dying, and you can imagine when a person is about to die, what will he say? What is
very beloved to him? You may have heard, you may have seen that if people, they're at their
deathbed, who are they talking about? Their children, their grandchildren, or their business or
whatever they like. So whatever is very important to a person is what he will mention at the time
that he's dying. Like, for example, you will read in the news that if people were trapped somewhere
they were about to die, or they felt that they were going to die the send text messages to their
family members, or they gave messages to their friends. Please tell my mom, I love her. Please tell
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			my dad, I love him. Please tell so and so I love them. That's what their last statement and it is
something that they really really love. It is about what they really love. So were you present at
the time when dad approached your Cooper listener? So what did he say at that time? It commonly
bunny he when he said to his sons, when he singular is even when he said to his sons Mirtha bounnam
embody? What will you worship after me? There are Boonah I mean, the Rebbe is worship. So imagine
your Cobra listener is at his deathbed, and all of his sons, his 12 sons, their their present around
him. And he's asking them, What will you worship after me? What will you do after me? He didn't ask
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			them, My dear son, are you going to buy that store? Are you going to sell it? Are you going to
continue with that business? Are you not going to please continue? Are you going to buy that house?
Are you gonna live in this house? Are you gonna go back home, but you're going to do he is asking
now about the religion. Why? Because whatever people own in this world, their properties, what's
going to happen, it's going to remain in this dunya whatever things your family owns, what's going
to happen, it's going to stay here and we're going to move on. And eventually all of these things
are going to finish. And in the hereafter what is going to matter, our deeds, who we worshipped what
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			we did, that is going to matter. So he's not concerned about their dunya rather, he's concerned
about what they're so he's asking, What will you worship after me? Who Will? Will you worship after
me? So what was their response? Call? No. They said, No, I will do Illa haka. We will worship your
God, Allah Hamza, Allah,
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			we are going to worship your God, meaning the Lord that you worship, we are going to continue to
worship Him, we're going to stay on the same religion. Now Budo Isla haka, what ILAHA Iike, and also
the God of who your father's about is a plural off, up and up is father, about fathers. Now,
obviously, a person only has one Father. So why is the plural being used? Because the flooring in
the Arabic language does not just apply to the biological father, but it also applies to
grandfather, his father, his grandfather, uncles, so who does it refer to forefathers? So they said
that we're going to worship your God, the God of your fathers, Ibrahim, what is Marine? What is
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			Hulk? Who is Ibrahim are listening, the grandfather of your Cooper listener who is married or
listener, the uncle of your Cobra listener? And who was his half car listener, the father of your
Cobra, Listen, did you write this down? Ibrahim, listen, I was with the grandfather off the air cool
brother Sam is marine was the paternal uncle and is how credits and I was the father so you know why
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			said about your forefathers your father's? Because it's referring to grandfather, it's referring to
uncle and it's also referring to father. So we are going to worship the same God. Who is that God?
illa Huwa. Hey, that one God, the only one true God, when I know and we will be lowered to him alone
Muslim on one to submit florala Muslim, we are only going to submit to Him, we're going to continue
this day, we're not going to change it, we're not going to abandon it. What do we learn in this
verse that Ibrahim Lisanna left the message of the head with who with his children, and your Cobra
listener, he also left the message of the hate worshipping Allah subhanaw taala alone with his
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			children, both of them left the exact same legacy. So what does that mean? That their descendants,
their offspring, their children, were to continue the same thing. And if they claim that No, our
father told us, our grandfather told us that we should do something else, then their claim is false.
It's not true. So in these if we see mainly that Allah subhanaw taala, is telling us that the only
religion the only true religion from the first day is which one, the religion of Islam, of
submitting to Allah alone, all the messengers brought this message. This is what they taught, and
this is what they left behind them. This was the way of all of the messengers. So we learned in this
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			verse that though heat worshipping Allah alone, believe in Allah Alone as the only god, this was the
way of God of the prophets, and this was also the legacy of all of the prophets. Then we also learn
in this verse, that death is certain. Death is something that is certain that every single person no
matter who he is, no matter how righteous letter how pious he is, eventually a day is going to come
when he is going to die. Even who the prophets of Allah, even the prophets of Allah suffered from
that, because what do we learn in this verse? Is how did I Coburn mouth when death came to your
Cobra listener? So delta certain even for the prophets, even from Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam we
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			learn in the Quran Allah says in surah Al Anon i 144 That woman will Hamadan, Allah rasool and
Muhammad Sallallahu sallam was not a messenger, he was only a messenger, or the colored man cobbling
his whistle, and many messengers have passed before him. So just as the previous messengers passed
away, they died, he too, will die. And the day came when he passed away as well. Then we also learn
in this verse that following the forefathers, being on the way of your ancestors is not something
that is bad in and of itself. Because some people think that the Quran tells us that we must never
ever follow our forefathers our ancestors in any way in any respect. Is it true? It's not true.
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			Following the forefathers is not something that is evil in and of itself. It's only evil when a
person follows them in ways that are wrong in ways that are incorrect. If your ancestors are
righteous, they are good people. And what are you supposed to do? Follow them as well? Because this
is what we see in this verse that Dr. Coburn has some he started his children want to follow him and
his sons, what did they say that we're going to follow you? Your god, we're going to worship Him.
And we're going to worship the god of who? your forefathers. And when it comes to worldly matters,
do we find our ancestors? Do we? What they cook? Do we cook the same thing? Yes. What they wear? Do
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			we wear the same thing? Yeah. If it's decent enough, if it's good, if it looks nice, yeah, we'll do
it. The way they live? Do we live in the same way? Many times we do. But if we find a better way, a
better option, do we go for that? Yes. For example, it's quite possible your grandparents, they
lived perhaps in a house that was very spacious, very open with an open roof with a courtyard. But
you're living in this country. And if you make a house like that, you will be in a lot of trouble
when snow comes in. So you're not going to do the same thing. Similarly, it's quite possible that in
your family, education was not given much importance before. It happens many times, right, that
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			perhaps people were completely in their business. So there was no concept of people going to get
higher education. But if you have the opportunity to get higher education, will you do it? Yes. You
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			many times we think that just because we are born in a Muslim family, we grew up as Muslims, we can
do whatever we want. It doesn't matter. We're fine. We can not bother to recite the Quran. We can
even not bother to pray Salah we were born Muslim. So we are going to be Muslim forever. Whether we
strive to be Muslim or not, and in the hereafter will be fine. But what do we learn today? It
doesn't matter how you're born. What matters more is how you die. How you live. Many people
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			are not born Muslim. But what happens they become Muslim and they die as Muslims. Their fate is
different compared to a person who was perhaps a born Muslim, but doesn't die as an active Muslim.
So we shouldn't be concerned about being from Muslim family. But we have to be concerned about
living as Muslims.
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			That we see how Ibrahim has loved his sons because of which he gave them the very best. He
emphasized to them that you must live as Muslims. And then they also passed on the same message to
their children. But what do we see that they weren't able to convey that message except with love?
Many times, it happens that we want our families to become better Muslim, whether it's our children
or our siblings, or spouses, whatever, we want them to become better Muslim. But tell me, how do we
talk to them when we want them to do something good? In what way? Do we address them? Usually, we
say get up and do this. Get up and pray. Have you prayed? Don't tell me about what you did to tell
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			me Have you prayed? Why are you reading this? Did you read the Quran? We start snapping we start
yelling, we become so rude. We become so harsh. So mean, but only when it comes to the matters of
dunya? If we want them to go and get us something from the store, then how will we talked to them?
Love? Could you do this for me? So nicely, we talked to them. But when it comes to the matters of
the it says oh, we forgotten all our manners. So we can only pass on the message of the into our
families, if we have a loving relationship with them. Even when it comes to very little children, if
you want to discipline them, what's the best way of showing them that you love them, then they will
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			listen to you then they will trust you. But if you come across them as an authority figure or
somebody who's trying to control their life, then what will they do? They will avoid you they will
run away from you. So if you want Dean for your family, you better have a very loving relationship
with them.
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			Then I number 133 Um, contempt, shahada and how they are coping mode is cuddly bunny metta bounnam,
embody Thalo Naboo ilaha illa eco Ibrahim, who is married what is help ILAHA hidden when a hula hoop
was removed. We learn from this that following our forefathers is not something that is in and of
itself something evil. It is only evil when forefathers ancestors are followed in bad ways. But when
it comes to good things, then we must follow them, we must continue them. Many times it happens that
a girl will say my mother wears hijab, but I don't. My father prays that I don't my father has a
beard, but I don't. You know, people will say that kind of stuff. My father gives charity but I
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			don't my grandparents went for Hajj. But I don't think it's important for me to go. When we follow
our ancestors, our parents inwardly matters, then we must also follow them when it comes to Deen
when it comes to the truths. And likewise, if we find that our forefathers were perhaps doing
something wrong, because of their ignorance, because they did not know any better. And if we have
found the truth, if we have found something better than what should we do? We should go for that.
Because many times even when people will find in evidence from the Quran and Sunnah they will not go
for it. What will they say? We pray like this in our family, in our family, we don't do this in our
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			family, we do that. And they will not follow the truth. So it's incumbent, it's necessary that we
don't become blind followers of our ancestors, but rather we follow them. And the truth only
question is, if you find that your parents perhaps are doing something wrong, you find out that it's
not right, you shouldn't do it, and you don't want to do it, but they want you to do it. It happens
right such differences amongst families. So how do you address that? Because at the same time, we
also learn about pleasing the parents and doing what they want us to do being good towards them that
how do you deal with that situation? Like I said earlier, loving relationship is something that is
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			very important. You must show to your parents that you love them, if they trust you, if they know
that you love them. If they know that you are an obedient child, then you know what's going to
happen. They are going to respect your choices, if you are respectful with them.
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			Many times it happens that when children become more religious than they start disobeying their
parents, their parents want them to study properly in school, they say no, I don't want to study in
school. I want to become a religious scholar. Okay, how are you gonna become a scholar? I don't
know. I'm gonna go to Saudi Arabia. I want to study there. The parents say no, you can't go, how are
we going to go? And then he also says, I want to get married. How are you going to support your
family? So the parents think that becoming more religious is making their children disobedient
children, unrealistic children, and they don't support the religion anymore. This is what happens.
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			If we show to them that we love them, we will obey them. However, in this matter, we would rather do
this than they will respect your choices. And even if they don't respect your choices, then you know
what you do. You do what you're doing silently, quietly, don't make a big deal out of it, and still
continue your loving relationship with them. We learn about this for example, from Musa women remain
a little or no, he became Muslim and his mother did not want to
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			To be a Muslim, she made it very clear. But he also told her very nicely that I'm not going to leave
Islam. And then today, she had to accept. Just the other day somebody was telling me about this
person who married a girl from a very different community. So I was surprised that how could these
two ever get married? So they were telling me that he just said to his parents that I'm marrying
her, that's it. You want to come to our wedding? Go ahead. If you don't don't, he made it very clear
to his parents. So eventually, his parents are okay with it. I'm sure he did it in a nice way, which
is why his parents were okay with it. When it comes to duniya. Tell me, don't we make our parents
00:30:35 --> 00:31:14
			agree and accept? I want this phone. They say no, you can't have it. It's too expensive. No, no, I
want it, I'll come up with 50% of the money, you get 50%, I'll work and you do this, I will only
make these many calls. We make conditions, we do so many things. We talk them over and over again.
And eventually what happens, they agree. But this is my one advice to all those who have this
problem that their parents don't want them becoming more religious, obey your parents, obey your
parents and other matters. And they will eventually respect your choice. I'll tell you my own
example, my grandfather, but he was also a religious scholar. And the motherhood that he followed
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			was quite different from the one that my mother, she learned and she was following. So there was a
huge difference to the point that I remember when we were young, we would go to our grandparents
house. And once I was praying, and my grandfather was like, Whoa, she's praying like the heck, she's
doing this in her salah. And he didn't stop me. He didn't say anything to me. He appreciated the
fact that I was praying. He liked that. And I have seen my mother respect my grandfather so much and
my grandfather respect my mother so much. Never, ever have ever seen them arguing or disrespecting
one another or my mother ever even saying anything negative about him, never she respects him, she
00:31:53 --> 00:32:21
			loves him, and he loved her. Whereas there was a huge difference, a huge difference. But there was
respect. Why? Because my mother was an obedient child. She was a very respectful daughter. And
because of that, he accepted her and he listened to her. But the point is that you must have a
loving relationship with your parents. You must obey them, you must love them, show them that you
care and when you will do that they will eventually accept it will take time, but they will accept
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			Let's continue. Allah says Stelco Merton Kohala that is a nation that is in fact past Tilka OMA
Tilka This is the feminine of Delica Delica that they'll call so that Derek is referring to male and
telcos for female omoton is a feminine word in the Arabic language. This is why tilde is being used.
I told you before that every noun is either masculine or feminine in Arabic. So teleca OMA don't dad
has a nation called the holiday in fact, it has passed called at Harlem. Well, we have done the word
collo earlier what either Hello International to him. So they have passed, they have gone there over
who who does this Omar refer to almost basically a group of people, a community, a nation. It's
00:33:04 --> 00:33:50
			referring to Ibrahim Ernest Anam is how could you send him Ismar ealert Islam your Cobra is Salam,
his 12 sons. These are people who are now gone, they have passed away. They have died. They're gone
in the past Lahoma cassava. For it is what it earned cassava calf Simba and for you welcome back a
septum and for you is what you earn. They will get the reward the recompense of the deeds they
perform and you will get the recompense of the deeds that you perform. They will not be questioned
about your deeds and you will not be questioned about their deeds. Each person is responsible for
themselves individual responsibility, while others Aluna americano Yama Loon, and you will not be
00:33:50 --> 00:34:29
			asked about what they used to do this Aluna seen Hamza lamb so URL question, you will not be asked
about what they used to do. Why is Allah subhanaw taala telling us this, that they are a people who
are now gone, they will have what they earned, you will get what you earn, and you will not be
questioned about what they used to do. The point is that do something yourself. Don't rely on the
righteousness of your ancestors. You inherit genes, but you don't inherit religion. You don't
inherit that you have to put effort yourself. You have to strive yourself, you have to do something
yourself. Well, that is Aluna. America and we are Malone, so worried about your own actions. Many
00:34:29 --> 00:34:41
			times people are stuck in the past. My parents, my grandparents, my ancestors, my family, worried
about your actions, they're now gone. You're going to be questioned about what you have done.
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			And what do we learn in this verse? We learned that there is no benefit in just being proud of what
the people of the past did. You have to do something yourself. Muslims especially whenever we have
an interfaith dialogue whenever we come across non Muslims, we talk about how the Muslim Caliphate
was the best and how the Muslims conquered and how they went to different different places and how
00:35:00 --> 00:35:41
			Muslim empires where we talk a lot about that. But you know what, that's history. They're not going
to look at Islam. By the way, the people or the pastor, there would look at Islam by the way you are
today. You, you matter today, your deeds matter. The people of the past are gone. Then we also learn
in this verse that every person must be concerned about his own actions about what he is doing. We
learn in a hadith Edmund buckbee. Here, I'm a little lamb you stare behave, nessa boo, that if a
person's deeds have left him behind, meaning because of his deeds, a person is not able to go
forward in religion, then his NASA, his genealogy, ancestry, his family is not going to get him
00:35:41 --> 00:35:58
			ahead. Just because your family is righteous, you're not going to become better just like that. No,
you have to do something yourself. Then we also learn that we should not be concerned about bad
things that happened amongst the righteous people of the best. What do I mean by this?
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			Every person whether he's righteous or not, who is the afterall, a human being. And human beings are
not perfect. They cannot be perfect. They always have some shortcomings. Even if a person was from
amongst the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam after all, who is he? Or she? The
human being? So even though they were very righteous, it's quite possible they ended up making some
errors. But what do we learn in the Quran about them? Radi Allahu Anhu Baldwin, Allah is happy with
them, they're happy with Allah and eventually everyone's herb is with who with Allah subhanaw taala
so we should not be stuck about why or a little below or in 100 dead and why why are we to learn how
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			to do that and why shall they learn how did that we shouldn't be stuck in the past? No, we shouldn't
argue about these things. Because there are some people from amongst the Muslims who show their
anger every year every few months against Uber Coppola and who are against them. Are we a little or
no against remote against responded a little lower in Houma? Ultramarine but they don't realize that
whatever happened in the past is over. What do we learn this verse Lahoma, Tessa la comarca satin
what they did, Allah will recompense them for it, but you will be recompense for what you are doing.
So if you stand today talking bad about them, if you stand today, slandering them, accusing them
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			insulting them, you are going to be questioned about it. We learned that Omar Abdul Aziz, he was
asked about the companions and he said that head he the man on the HUD Allahu so you phenom in her
these are in our lives that were lost, but Allah kept our swords clean from that meaning we didn't
have anything to do with their deaths. We didn't have anything to do with the harm that they
suffered for national nota hero elsina dynamin her so we will keep our tongues clean from talking
against Allah saved us from harming them. So we are going to save our tongues from harming them in
personal lives as well. Many times it happens that a mother tells the daughter you know your
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			grandmother, your father's mother. She did this to me and she said that to me and you don't know
about her mother, she was even more evil. And you don't know about my dad uncle who passed away 20
years ago he did that. And I heard that my uncle suffered from this from his father who died 50
years ago. They're over, they're gone. Their life is over Lahoma cassava, they will get what they
earn. But remember that welcome maca septum. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam told us let the sub will
unwed don't curse those people who are dead who have passed away. Don't say bad things about them.
Why? Because when you were saying bad things about them, you'll be questioned about it. What they
00:38:35 --> 00:39:11
			did is over even people who are alive not just those people who are dead, but even those people who
are living. Many times it happens that when we were very young, somebody harmed us, somebody said
something to us and we don't forget for the rest of his life, okay? It happens that you're not able
to get over that harm that they caused you. It's possible. However, it doesn't mean that you keep
talking about it again and again and again. Your children who haven't even seen your in laws, they
are filled with animosity against their relatives who have passed away. So remember that if anyone
harms if anyone does something wrong, if anyone does something good law hamaca Sabbath, they will
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			get what they have done, but you should be worried about yourself about your actions, what you are
saying what you are doing. Many times it happens that a woman has had a bad experience with their in
laws and even though she's moved out still her children, they hate their family. They hit their
grandparents, they ate their relatives from the father's side who has instilled that hatred the
mother, you don't need to talk about the stuff you don't need to tell them. Always tell your
children good things positive things about your family members always even if they've harmed you in
whatever way
00:39:47 --> 00:39:59
			I remember. I came across a family once these children they were saying negative things about their
relatives and their cousins had no idea they had no idea that okay dad uncle did this debt on did
that they had no idea
00:40:00 --> 00:40:33
			hear why because their parents never corrupted their hearts. They always got their hearts clean. So
we should be careful about the kinds of things we talk about with one another. Many times it happens
that, for example, our husband, he doesn't know about the people that we work with, do we need to
tell him negative things about what our coworker did? You don't have to Lamarca but what Microsoft
does, what they do, they'll be questioned about it, but you will be questioned about the labor that
you are doing, what the backbiting that you're doing, telling negative things about other girls to
other people. I mean, there's no point in doing that a person should be worried about what is going
00:40:33 --> 00:40:38
			in his record of deeds will have to settle now Rama can we are doing
00:40:39 --> 00:40:57
			then we also learned this verse about the justice of Allah subhanaw taala that if a person has done
something wrong, he will be questioned about it. Each person will be held accountable for his own
deeds. Let's listen to the recitation and then we'll continue well me on one one do you evil on a
00:41:00 --> 00:41:03
			one on audience offering in movies
00:41:04 --> 00:41:05
			or in
00:41:07 --> 00:41:08
			fear Auntie lamina
00:41:12 --> 00:41:16
			is bought a mobile home
00:41:17 --> 00:41:19
			on a slum told
00:41:20 --> 00:41:24
			me while slobby
00:41:28 --> 00:41:29
			Benny he lives
00:41:31 --> 00:41:34
			in a law house off
00:41:35 --> 00:41:36
			Deena fella tom
00:41:46 --> 00:41:50
			tom shahadah Hellboy
00:41:52 --> 00:41:55
			two is born and he Benny Matt down.
00:41:57 --> 00:41:59
			Baladi Paul
00:42:05 --> 00:42:08
			EBO he is now is
00:42:11 --> 00:42:11
00:42:19 --> 00:42:19
00:42:21 --> 00:42:22
00:42:25 --> 00:42:28
			Maka southern tune wala