Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P01 017C Tafsir Al-Baqarah 115-120

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The speaker discusses the meaning of dissatisfaction in Islam, including its negative impact on individual culture and state, and the importance of obeying the user's message. They also touch on the history and depiction of Islam, including its physical consequence and the use of "-Aman" in the language. The importance of following Prophet's guidance and not being held accountable for actions is emphasized. The speaker also advises against being afraid of Allah and not talking like others.

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			Allah says Allah Allah Hill machico Al Maghrib And to Allah belong the east and the west, what is
machinic? What is motive? Mushnik is the place where Shahrukh is done sheen Rockoff and Maghreb is a
place where Guru is going Rob Bell, what is Shahrukh rising? Rising of what for example, the sun or
the appearance of the moon rising of the stars. So, my ship is what? The place of rising mush rip
must get to the sound the same they do. What is Masjid plays off? sujood? What is mashreq? Place
off? schroeck? So what is Maghrib? Then place off group all of these words what are they isn't love,
everybody said, Isn't love. So, what is Mushnik? What is Maghrib Mushnik is the east and Maghrib is
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			the West. Bashir is where the sunrises from Maghrib is where the sun sets. However, it's not only
the sun that rises and sets but the moon also it appears and disappears at night. Similarly, the
stars they appear and the disappear. So there is a rising point and there is a certain point, there
is a rising point and a certain point of what of all of the celestial bodies, everything that we see
in the sky. So while Illa Hill machico Well mercury, meaning every east and every West. Similarly,
if you're standing in one way your East is in one direction, your West is the other. But if you're
standing in another direction, then your east and west will be completely opposite. So to Allah
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			belongs the east and the west, meaning every east and every West. And this can also be understood as
what Allah Hill muster. Kolmogorov meaning to Allah belongs everything. Because the entire world the
entire Earth, if you think about it, there's east west, if you turn around East West is different.
It includes the entire Earth. So Allah Hill machico will Maghrib for a nama to Alou. So wherever you
turn a nama in whatever direction to aloo wha la mia, any direction that you face? any direction
that you turn to, for some muscle there. Notice the word summer this is not so much. What is it?
Some summer means then, and summer means there. Some means there. It's called, isn't ishara to point
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			out to a direction to a place. This is just like Heather this Delica that Willa Ecuador's kisser.
Thumma they're pointing to a place for summer. So over there is what you will love the face of
Allah. Watch, while Jim How would it this word yesterday as well. So in whatever direction you turn
to there is the face of Allah. What does it mean by this? This has been understood in two ways.
First of all, it has been said that it means that Allah has knowledge includes everything, any place
you face, any direction you face, any place you go to East or the West. Who knows about that? Allah
subhanaw taala, who governs over it? Allah who decides concerning Allah, when it comes to the east
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			who decides it should rain or snow? Allah when it comes to the west who decides it should rain or
snow or non Allah? So the law of Allah, the decision of Allah, the rule of Allah, it's not limited
to Makkah and Medina, but rather it encompasses every place, every single place everywhere you go,
for some virtual Allah.
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			Secondly, other scholars have said that for thermal what hula Meaning, Allah is before you. Any
place any direction that you face, Allah is in front of you, meaning when you worship Allah, then
you are facing who? Allah subhanaw taala. We also learn in a hadith which is mentioned in Sahih
Bukhari, that Allah subhanaw taala is people Woodhull was only that Allah is in front of before the
face of the person who is praying.
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			You understand that Allah is before the face of the one who is straying, meaning Allah is in front
of you. However, we cannot say that Allah is here No, we do not limit Allah to a place and we do not
go into such details. We do not go into such details because Allah subhanaw taala he is not limited
to physical limitations like we are. And it is incorrect to start describing that, okay, Allah is
here or he is that no, this is not correct. However, we learned from the Hadith that Allah is before
a person who prays to him. So what's the purpose of this? What's the objective? What are we being
told over here? That any place you're in, whether it's the east or the west, whose law is there, who
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			governs over there?
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			Allah, anyplace you're in and you're facing a particular direction Who are you praying to? Allah
subhanaw taala. For example, if you are standing here and when you pray salah, you face your
northeast or northwest, Puebla is what? Northeast right? However, there are some other people in
other places of the world when they're praying salah they face south or they face east, their East
I'm not saying that east of the world but their east. So any place that a person is in and when he
prays Allah who is before him, Allah Fatima which Allah Well, Illa Hill machico Al Maghrib a NEMA to
Alou for ThermoWood hula in Allahu ser and Arlene indeed Allah is where he is vast. And he is Arlene
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			he is knowing he is was there well seen arraign What does was there I mean vastness, spaciousness.
So Allah has attributes they are vast. Allah's knowledge is not limited. Allah sight is not limited.
His hearing is not limited. His wisdom is not limited nor his Qudra his schoolwork, nothing is
limited. No, he is where Sir, he is vast. And he is Aleem, He is all knowing.
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			Anywhere you go, you are in the mold of Allah. So you are to obey Allah and remember that Allah is
Arleen he knows about you. He knows what you're doing, where you are, whatever activities that you
are engaged in. What's the lesson that we learn in this verse? Are we bound to the obedience of
Allah only Makkah and Medina, anyplace we're in that no matter where we are, whether it's school, or
home, or mall, whether it's the basement of our house, or it is outside in the public, or it is at
the mosque, or it is with our friends, or alone with our parents, or without our parents, no matter
where we are, who is watching us, Allah is watching us, we are still in the milk of Allah. We are
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			never ever alone. Allah is watching us. And this means that we are to obey Allah in every land in
every place. Some people, it happens with them that when they go to a particular place, they start
praying and when they go to another place, they don't pray over there.
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			I remember I was very young, that was perhaps nine or 11 or something. We were traveling from
Germany to Jeddah. So we're flying from Germany going to delta in Saudi. And we're sitting in the
plane and all of a sudden, there's an announcement that's made, that will be landing in half an hour
or something like that. And all of a sudden, I see these women, they're standing up and they're
getting their bags out of the cabin. And all of a sudden, they're all dressed up in our buyers and
calves and the gloves. Like hey, I didn't even know if these people were Muslim.
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			There are some people who when there are in some lands, they don't even wear the hijab. But when
they go to an end where they're Muslims, then they're shredded from head to toe. This is thinking
that Allah's law is applicable in one place and not applicable in another place. What do we learn in
the eye? Well, Illa, Hill Mushrik when Mercury, the East and the West both belong to Allah, no
matter what place you're at, you are required to obey Allah. So whether it is Canada or the states,
or the UK, or Europe, or Iceland, or Finland or whatever we are to worship Allah. We are to obey
Allah, because this land it belongs to Allah. In Allahu ser and Arlene we can never ever escape
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			Allah. Many times it happens that there are children who when they go to school, they have their
hijab on as soon as it's stepping off front of their parents at home praying Salah as soon as they
go to school, no Salah even if the time was selected over comes in flatter also comes no salah. No,
remember that we are not to worship people who are we worshipping Allah. If we worship people, then
we pray in front of them. If we worship Allah then we will pray even behind the people even when
they are not watching us. In Allah who is here and Arlene will call you and they say it the hot
Allahu Allah the Allah has taken a child. They say meaning the Jews and the Christians their claim
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			is that it the Hadith Allahu Allah that if the hada Hamza ha that Allah has a child. The word
Wellard is a generic noun, it's used for singular, plural, masculine feminine. Just as in the
English language, the word child can apply to a boy, both boy as well as girl. So similarly, in the
Arabic language, however, there's one more addition it can apply to singular as well as plural. So
they say that Allah has a child who says this, the same people who are being mentioned who are being
mentioned previously. The Jews and the Christians. What did you say? We'll call it Ilya who Rosae
you don't even Allah they said that it was a it early his salon. He is the son of Allah. This belief
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			is not within all of the Jewish people, but this one
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			is a particular sect of Jews who had this belief that it was aid or they said I'm one of the
prophets of Allah that He is the son of Allah. What about the Christians? What did they say? That
Allah Mercy who recited Islam he is even Allah, He is the son of Allah, the Mushrikeen of Makkah.
They claim that Allah had daughters, they said that the angels, what are the daughters of Allah? So
we'll call it Taha, Allahu Allah Tada. They say that Allah has a child. Allah says Belle, rather No,
this is not right at all. He does not have any child. Instead law who for him, meaning to him, it
belongs what belongs to him. MEF is summer worth whatever that is in the skies? will all end the
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			Earth. Anything that is in the skies? Anything that is in the earth? whose property is it? Who owns
it? Allah subhana wa Tada Lahoma for summer where it was up? Why is this being said, when Allah owns
everything, when Allah owns everything in the heavens and the earth? And what does it mean? That
every single thing is the creation of Allah? It is the hulk of Allah. Everything, whether human or
angel, what are they? The creation of Allah? And your creation? Can it be your child? Something that
you have made? Can it be your child? No, you don't make your own child. For example, even within
humans, can you make your own child? You can't, you have no say in it at all. So your creation
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			cannot be your children. The Allah says Lahoma for Samoa, he will have everything in the heavens and
the earth is his property, and your property cannot be your child. Another reason why this is being
said is but Lahoma for some of you, it will all is because when Allah is the Owner of everything,
then he does not need a child. Who needs a child? Why do creation need children to produce more
generations? For support? You know, people say make sure you have children, because when you grow
old, nobody's going to be there to take care of you. Why else do people want children? Yes. Because
they're weak. They need to spend time with them. They feel lonely without children, isn't it people
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			who don't have children who want to have children, but they don't have other people say to them, You
know what, enjoy, until you have children have a good time. But they say no, I want kids, I want
children. And people will spend 1000s and 1000s of dollars in treatment to have kids. But they're
being told don't have you're fine. But I know I want this is a human weakness. We feel incomplete
without children. We feel incomplete until we have a spouse and we feel incomplete until we have
children. When a person has a spouse, they feel a little bit complete. And when they have children,
they feel absolutely complete. But Allah subhanaw taala He is perfect. He does not need children.
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			He's above this weakness. He is above any deficiency any weakness. So he does not need the support
of anyone the help of anyone the care of anyone. He doesn't need that Lahoma for Samoa, it will not.
This is a second reason. The first is that your property cannot be your children. The second is that
Allah is above the weakness of having children. Thirdly, when someone has a child that child
resembles them, their child is like them, even if the facial features don't resemble as much but a
human child is get what is it? human, human child is human. So how is it possible? That narrows of
Allah Allah would have a child with a child is angel with a child as a human being? No no law,
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			whomever somehow it will all these people, these angels they are the property of Allah and there is
no resemblance between Allah and the creation to this creation cannot be the children of Allah
kulula Who can attune and instead all of them they are obedient, devoutly obedient to Allah cola and
all of them. Meaning everything that is in the heavens and the earth is to him carnitine carnitine
is a clone of Carnot Carnot is from Kunal cough noon and connote is to be devoutly obedient to
someone, to be humble before someone, to be under them, to listen to everything they say, to follow
every command and to be constantly obedient, not once in a while, not when they feel like but
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			constantly. It gives meaning of the one of continuty so kulula, who Connie tune everything is
obedient to Allah. You might say, well, there are many people who are not obedient to Allah. Then
what does it mean by this kulula Who cannito
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			answer this question for me. So our bodies, they are still under the control of Allah, they're still
under the command of Allah. The thing is that when it comes to the Command of Allah, I told you
earlier the Hakama of Allah is chattery go knee and desert II, when it comes to the shutter II
command, yes, people have the choice, some obey, others don't. But when it comes to the Kony
command, do people have any choice? No. People can do whatever they want to to prevent their bodies
from aging. What can they do so they cannot, they can do whatever they want to prevent themselves
from dying, but can they do so? No, they will eventually die. They can do whatever they want to
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			prevent themselves from ever getting sick from ever getting tired. But it's not going to happen.
Whose command is it that governs over them? Allah subhanaw taala Yes, our knifes may not be
completely obedient to Allah. However, our bodies there are completely obedient kulula Who can
attune from the clouds to the trees to the angels, the birds everything, whether Ockel or later on
whether living or nonliving, even rocks, even mountains, everything is obedient to Allah subhanaw
taala which is why whenever Allah gives it any command, it does it. For example, whenever Allah
commands for rain to come, it will rain. Whenever Allah will command for sun to shine, it will shine
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			for a tree to die, it will die for a tree to grow, it will grow soy canola, who can attune when such
is the case, then Allah does not need any children. Then Allah says buddy, or somehow it will up he
is the Originator of the heavens and the earth but deer that dal our aim. And this is to invent
something to make something for the very first time that nothing like it has ever existed before.
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			So he is the Originator of the heavens and the earth you may have the word bedarra Have you heard
the word but that is from the same root what has been their innovation, something new in their
religion, something new that was not there before. Something that the Prophet saw a lot of Saddam
did not command he did not do the Sahaba did not do the early generation did not do this is
something new and innovation and this is why it's not accepted. So but the or somehow it will all he
is the Originator of the heavens and the earth of the skies and the earth were either called or
Omron and when He decrees for a matter, cabal of God Yeah, Kedah is to make a final judgment with
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			regard to something. So when He decrees for an AMA, ama Hamza membre, when he decides with regards
to a matter for intermediate gold and indeed He only says laahu to eight can be fire cone and it
happens when Allah decides for a matter that it should take place then he only has to say cone and
it happens. This is the power and the might of Allah and we people we can order others 100 times
still they will not listen. We can try to do something we can attend to do something a number of
times still it doesn't happen right? But Allah He just says gone fire Kunal and it happens. gone and
found both of these words from the root letters gaff well known. Why is this being said, well either
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			called Omron for into my Akula who can via code. If you think about it, the Christians for example,
their belief concerning this or this and I'm being the son of Allah, why did they have that belief?
Because they couldn't understand how is that Islam could have been born just from a mother, he had
to have a father. And if we don't know the Father is or there is no father, human father and it has
to be Allah's parent or with the biller. Why did they say this? Because of their not understanding
properly, the power and the ability of Allah Subhan Allah.
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			If Allah can create Adam or in Islam without a mother and father can you not create a Silas and I'm
without a father? Chris he can. He only has a con and fail corn it happens.
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			So people have come up with these wrong incorrect beliefs about the prophets of Allah about Allah
subhanaw taala why because of their lack of understanding Allah Subhana Allah, he just has gone for
your cone with regards to recite the Sunnah of Allah Subhana Allah says in surah earlier Imran is 59
that in the marthaler Isa in the law he come a thaliana indeed the example of restarted center near
Allah is like the example of Adam Holika, whom in Tirana, some makalah who can fire Khun Allah
created Adam from clay and he said Be and he came into existence, simple for Allah. It's not
difficult. He just has gone and Falcon when it happens and He only says one once he doesn't have to
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			repeat. He does not have to repeat. Not even one more time. It just happens.
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			Allah He does not need any children. He is above any weakness. And we learn in a hadith that the
Prophet salatu salam says that Allah subhanaw taala says that the son of Adam, he has cursed me he
abuses me that he belies me and chateaux, money that he abuses me verbally insults me, and the son
of Adam has no right to do so. As for his denial, he says that Allah cannot resurrect me, just as He
created me the first time. But for Allah, creating the second time was much easier than the first
time it's not difficult for him at all. And as for his insulting Allah, how does he insult Allah? He
says that Allah has a child, whereas Allah is Allah had a format. Allah says that lamb le do well
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			and Goulet, well, I'm equally Khufu and ahead, just as we learned in the class, that Allah is one he
is a summit. There is no one who's like him, he does not beget nor is he begotten. And there is none
who is like him. So ascribing partners to Allah ascribing children to Allah this is what abusing
insulting Allah,
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			this is insulting Allah. Think about it, as human beings even if we have been given a position if we
have been given a particular title, do we ever want to share it with anybody? Not at all. And if we
feel that somebody else has to come and share that with us, we feel insulted and what are we human
beings only with limited ability limited power? How is it ever possible that we could ever ascribe
partners with Allah or say that he has children? No, he's above that weakness. Let's listen to the
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			while you learn
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			along I was here when gnarly was born
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			Murphy center
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			video center
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			either for more
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			Her question is that after she prays Salah in the morning, she stretches out a little bit of yoga
stretches her body and she also does her.
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			Does that okay? Yeah. Why not? Because a there's nothing preventing you and be Allah's parents. It
says in the Quran, Allah Lena Yes, Quran Allah Qiyamah and welcome Rudan were alleged to be him.
Those people remember Allah standing and sitting and lying down meaning in every position in every
state. So I think it's a very good use of your time that as you're stretching your body and
exercising you also do this because many times it happens that you want to for example, do thicker
but you're busy doing other things. And at that time, your tongue is free. Right so use your tongue
exercise your tongue as well.
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			Let's continue or the billing and shipping regime. Number 118.
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			What color Medina layer are the Munna and those people who do not know they say what color and he
said Who? Aladdin Allah Allah Munna those people who have no knowledge. Who are these people who
have no knowledge? People who have no real have the dean, people who have nor am of the book of
Allah. They say, Lola you can live when Allah Who Why does Allah not speak to us? You can live on a
calf lamb meme Kalama you can Lemo that claim, to talk to converse, to address someone to speak
with? So they say Why does Allah not talk to us? We want Allah to talk to us directly. They say that
we want Allah to talk to us directly. Or that Tina is a sign a miracle should come to us that Athena
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			Hamza, yeah, a sign should come to us, meaning why does this not happen? The machine of Makkah, they
used to demand many things from the Prophet salallahu Salam, they would say we will only believe in
you until we see such and such until you can show such and such to us. And one of the demands I made
was, Allah should talk to us, Lola you can live when Allah think about it. As citizens of a country.
Does the President talk to everybody? If a person is told you're living in this country and the law
is that you're not allowed to drive on this street, above 100 kilometers an hour? He says no, I will
never believe until the president tells me until he tells me directly. I want him to call me. In
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			fact, I want him to call me to his place and he
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			She tells me directly. What would you say about this person? What do you think of yourself? Isn't
it? So why is it that when it comes to the law of Allah, we say, or there's some people who say,
that we will never believe until Allah tells us directly? Well, Allah told his prophet, and the
Prophet conveyed to you, and you are only a human being, and you are the servant of Allah, and Allah
has sent this command to you, so you better follow. And if a person says, Lola, you can live with
Allah, then this shows how ignorant he is. And they say, Oh, that Tina is, or how could a miracle
doesn't come to us? You see, every prophet of Allah was given miracle thigh for example, Musa at
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			this time he was given the miracle of the staff. But he started Islam he was also given many
miracles. Prophets are a lot of cinnamon, what miracle was he given what was the main miracle that
was given to him?
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			The Quran, the Quran, his message and miracle in one. And if you read the Quran, if you go into the
depths of the words of the Quran, if you look at the beauty of the words, the language, the
eloquence, this is truly a miracle. And the facts that are mentioned, it is truly empirical, the
wisdom that has mentioned it is truly a miracle. And the way it has been preserved over time, 1400
years have passed by but still it is preserved. This is definitely a miracle. It has changed so many
people, it is definitely a miracle. But anyway, at the Michigan Omaka they said no, we want to see
some physical miracle was ours and I was given a staff, how come you have profited a lot. It's and I
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			have not been given a miracle like that. But if you think about it, the Prophet saw a lot and it was
also given other physical miracles even Can you think of an example, the moon split, any other
example, that many times it would happen, like a person would be injured or he would be stung by
some insect or something, and he would put his saliva on it, and it will be completely cured. And
remember, I told you that incident when people had no water, it was very limited. A bowl of water
was brought to him and he put his hand into it and the water was pouring out of it. So other
physical miracles were also given to him. However, those who don't want to believe they don't
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			consider them to be miracles. They say no, no, we want to see something different. Allah says Kedah
Lika Likewise, in the same way, call Alina mean Coverly him, those people before them said that as
well. Mithila conium similar to their statement,
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			the ignorant people before them made the exact same demand. Like for example, the Bani Israel. Did
they make the same demand? Lola you can lemon Allah did they make a similar demand? Yesterday, they
said we will never believe until we see Allah. Allah says the Shabbat Kulu boom, their hearts
resemble the Chabahar chamber where the shadow is when two or more things resemble with each other.
When they're similar to one another. How are they similar in their appearance in their form in their
characteristics? So the Shabbat collarbone colobus, the plural of all their hearts resemble, in what
sense that the people of the past they thought like this, and the people of today they think like
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			that as well, the people of the past, they made those demands that people have today they make the
same demands. So we see that despite the passage of time, the thinking of people has remained the
same. Human nature has remained the same, it has not changed. People say that no, this is a very
modern age, and we have become very different. But if you think about it, the claims that are made
today are very similar to those that were made in the past. The falsehood that people practice today
is very similar to the falsehood that was practiced in the past. The false things that people said
in the past, very similar to the false things that people say today. And despite that thing, that
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			they have become very modern, that they have become very advanced. Despite all those discoveries,
despite all the physical advancement, people thinking has remained the same. The Shaveh had Kulu
boom, their thinking is the same. Allah says God the yen, certainly we have made clear by Janna bear
Yeah, no intervene to make something clear. We have made clear I add the verses the signs likoma up
known for those people who have European European on your path known to have certainty. So those
people who have certainty they see the signs, they see the miracles, they are very, very obvious to
them. If you think about it, there are many people who believe in the Prophet sallallahu sallam, did
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			they see many physical miracles? No, not necessarily. But what did they see? That made them believe?
They saw the truthfulness of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. When they saw him they knew he was not a
liar. When they heard the Quran, they knew it was not falsehood. So those people who have believed
to them miracles are everywhere. And if you think about it, Allah subhanaw taala he is the one who
has created this universe. And if you reflect on it, anything in this creation, isn't it miraculous?
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			Yes, it's amazing. Just think about it, how rain falls on us? How does it fall this like that from
the sky, and entire process has happened before the water has been evaporated, the temperature has
come to a particular window, and then the clouds are formed, and then they haven't driven and then
the rain falls.
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			It's a miracle. You look at your own body. You look at your own body, your own immune system, your
digestive system, how your heart pumps, and how your blood goes through the entire body. Isn't that
a miracle? It's a miracle. Look at the creation of a child, a child who was non existent a year ago,
two years ago, and now amazing. And if you think about it, where was he made? Where was he formed?
Where was he created in the womb of the mother, hidden in the darkness. And it's amazing that when
the child comes out is perfect skin, perfect eyes, perfect nose, perfect hair, doing things you
cannot even imagine. You cannot even do it yourself. Aren't these miracles? These are miracles. So
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			the miracles are there for who? Who will notice them. People who have your pain, people who have
certainty and Allah, people who have no doubt in the power of Allah for them. Miracles are spread
everywhere. They don't need to see, for example, a stick turning into a snake No. They don't even
need to see that. Allah subhanaw taala sent these miracles before however, those people who were
flecked, they don't need to see such miracles. For them. Miracles are everywhere. So the Biennial is
utterly calming, you know? And for those people who are certain, the miracles are everywhere. What
do we learn in this verse? That those people who don't submit to the truth, but rather make demands,
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			whether it is of miracles are making such demands that Allah should talk to us? Then such people?
What do they have ignorance? What are they ignorant people? Because Allah says Gallic ACARA Latina
macabre him miracoli him the Shabbat Kaluga home and at the beginning of the ayah Allah says, we'll
call Alladhina Allah Allah Munna those people who do not know who do not have en. So a person who
does not humble himself to the truth who does not submit to the truth, then what does he have in
himself? Ignorance. And many times it happens that a person is behaving like this because he thinks
of himself to be very intelligent, and very great. But in fact, this is ignorant behavior. Let's
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			continue in now Ursula will help indeed We have sent you with the truth. But she Iran as the bearer
of good news, when the euro and also as a Warner, the prophets are a lot of cinema is being
addressed and indeed we have sent to you will help with the truth, the religion, the Quran, the
hate. Everything that was given to the Prophet sallallahu sallam was what? The truth, there is no
falsehood in it. There's no doubt in it. It is all factual. It is all authentic, it is all
beneficial. And he was sent as a BA Sheeran, one of the rubbishy bashing raw and Nabil, known that
rock. Bashir is the one who conveys Bushra who conveys good news. And the deed is the one who
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			conveys warning. Bushra good news we have read the word Bashir earlier rubbish should in Lilina Amma
Nuwara middle saleha what is Bushra good news, right? But what kind of news is it such that affects
your skin because it's from the word Bashara which is the skin of the human being. So it affects
your skin meaning you feel the happiness, the excitement on your skin. If we like jumping, if you
like moving, if you like rolling up your sleeves or whatever, you feel excited and we see people
start doing a lot of things when they're excited. They start rubbing their hands rolling up their
sleeves. It says oh they're jumping out of their skin.
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			Excited. So we have sent you as a bearer of good news, the Prophet saw a lot of them came to convey
good news. Good news of what good news of reward. Good News of Jana. Good News of Allah's help good
news of his mercy in this world as well as in the hereafter. One of the Iraq known Dallara, who is a
warner someone who warned someone against some harm against danger, who has warned against danger or
harm the one who is doing something wrong. For example, if a child is holding a knife, you warn the
child if you don't put it down, you might hurt yourself. So the warning is given off danger. Why
because they're doing something wrong. So what is the warning for the Prophet saw a lot of them
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			conveyed the warning of punishment against Hellfire against harmful consequences in this world as
well as in the hereafter. So in also NECA will help you but she on one of the euro. But look at the
balance here. He came as the one who can be a good news as well as warning. Many times it happens
that when people start
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			Talking to someone advising them either they keep encouraging them or they keep scaring them. There
should be a balance and we see this in the Quran and we see this in the with the prophets of Allah
certain conveyed the deen as well. What are those? You will not be asked you will not be questioned
those Ellucian Hamza labs you will not be questioned on us having a dream about the people of
hellfire us have floral upside. And dream is hellfire. It's from the roof that was a dream had me.
And dream literally is fire that is very great. It is a very great fire. Jama is to stare at someone
with a very sharp look like for example, the stare of a lion. Stare of a lion. Have you ever seen
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			how a lion sits? And he just watches? How for example, is zebras coming? And then all of a sudden he
will bounce he will attack? But if you look at the stare Isn't it scary?
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			It's very penetrating it's very scary. Likewise, we learned about the Hellfire that in a Johanna
McCarrick mill saw that it's lying in wait. It's lying in wait against to those people who are to
enter into it. So we'll have to sell her on us horrible dream and you will not be questioned about
the people of hellfire. What does it mean by this idea? We see that the Prophet saw a lot of Saddam
is being comforted. When he was conveying the message to the people. They were not necessarily
believing right away we see the machine of Makkah they made weird demands the Jews in Medina, they
also said wrong things to him. They also made weird demands from him. So he's been comforted that
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			it's not your fault. We have sent you with the truth. Don't doubt yourself. You convey good news,
you convey warning. But if people don't believe they don't respond, it's not your fault. You will
not be held accountable for them. It happens with us as well. Sometimes we're trying to tell
somebody, we're trying to advise somebody, do this. It's good for you don't do this. It's harmful
for you, but they don't listen. What should we do at that time? Give up. Say forget about it, or cry
and feel very disappointed. No. Do your job do your best and leave the rest to Allah. And Allah
knows how much effort you're putting in and Allah knows the state of other people as well. And Allah
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			says Whelan Tada Anca and he will never be happy with you learn Dada ra God Yeah, to be happy to be
pleased. He will never be pleased with you who earlier who would? Well in Nevada and Northern
Christians, the Jews and the Christians they will never ever be happy with you, Hector until that
who you follow Thurber arraign Minda to whom their creed they will never be pleased with you until
you follow their religion. At the time of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam what happened? The Jews,
they would come and they would say we did wrong things to the Prophet salallahu Salam insulting him
abusing him betraying him conspiring against the Muslims, many wrong things happen.
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			And you wonder sometimes why are these people working against me? Why are they trying to harm me?
What crime did I ever commit? Allah tells the believers over here, but the problem is that you have
Islam, they will never be happy with you until you follow their creed heterotopia mulata home, Mala
meme lamb lamb, and Mila is a creed or Thida religion of a people. So until you follow their ways,
they will never be pleased with you. And it happens not just at the time of the Prophet sallallahu
sallam, but even today, that people will never be happy with you until you follow them. Exactly. You
can try to come up with some way that you can coexist with them. But some people, they are very
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			intolerant, they cannot accept you until you become like them. Otherwise, they will constantly have
a problem with you. For example, you're working with them, they want you to come to dinner with
them. And you tell them I'm sorry, I cannot go there because I don't eat such food and I don't drink
sad things. They will not be happy with you until you become like them had that at WR militare home.
So what should you do? become like them to make them happy? Because this is what some people say.
That we have to assimilate. We have to become like others in order to fit in. Like for example,
dress up in their way. Speak Like them behave like them, talk like them live like them, celebrate
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			like them, do everything that they do to fit in is this what you should do? Forget your values and
fit in. Allah warns us cool say in the hood, Allahu Allahu, that indeed the guidance of Allah is
actually the real guidance. Who the head Alia meaning the guidance that Allah gives the knowledge
that Allah gives the instruction that Allah gives. That is the right way. That is the right
guidance. In other words, if you follow the way that Allah has prescribed
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			Only then you are on the truth. And if you follow any other way, then you're no longer on truth,
then you're headed towards destruction, you're headed towards failure. The only way that leads to
success in this world and the Hereafter is the way that Allah has shown. And if a person follows any
other way, then he will not be successful, neither in this world nor in the hereafter.
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			And just think about it. If a person, for example, follows the ways of the others, just to please
them just to make them happy, then what is he going to do? He's going to be left with nothing. You
know what happens? Many times it happens that when people go to, for example, a Western country to
live there, they leave their culture, they leave their religion, they leave everything. And at the
end, they're like a lost sheep. Neither here nor there.
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			They don't fit in anywhere. They go back home, they're forgotten their language. The children don't
speak their language. They don't know how to eat that food. And when they're here, they don't even
belong to those people. They're always different, because the color of their skin is different,
because their background is different. So such a person becomes like what a stray sheep not
belonging to any flock. He has nowhere to go he becomes like a lonely person. Remember, be proud of
your identity. Be confident about who you are. Don't lose your identity just to fit in with other
people. Because no matter how much you try to fit in with them, you will never ever be one of them
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			and because you will never be one of them. You will always be different. So if you leave your ways
to fit in with them, you will either be here nor will you be there. Cool in the hood Allah He who
will who the is the right guidance, so never ever leave that. Allah says wala in it Tabata and if
you followed it the Varta turbine, if you followed, why our home their desires, why is the plural of
howa if you follow their desires notice it hasn't been said if you follow their religion, what has
been said if you follow their desires, because in fact what they follow is their desires. For
example, even if it comes to their faith, their religion, what will they do whatever they feel like
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			and what will they leave whatever they don't like? Well at any Tabata Hua home if you would follow
their desires better than Lidija come in and Lorena after that knowledge has come to you which
knowledge is this the knowledge of Revelation the way the Quran malecha Then you will not have been
Allah against Allah when Willie any wali will earnestly ignore any helper who is well he the one who
brings good to you, and who is mislead the one who averts harm from you. So if you abandon your
religion and if you start following their desires then you will never ever have the protection or
the help of ALLAH then you will be left on your own and when you are left on your own you will
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			neither have the help of Allah nor will you have them let's listen to the recitation well
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			you can leave
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			early Come on
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			miss luckily him the
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			other day
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			me you
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			can be the Banshee
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			being your wallet to someone else having
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			can do one of all the Debbie on me let them all in
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			evening turbo
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			came in me man I can mean I'm longing you wanting you wanna know sleep?
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			What listened to we learned that many times it happens that at a school or at college or whatever at
workplaces, people will try to fit in with others just to become like them. But they can never
actually fit in, no matter how hard they try. And if they do try to fit in then what are they
compromising on? Their religion? And when they compromise on their religion? Then what does Allah
say? Marilla come in Allah human Willie Well honestly, then if Allah will punish you, you will have
no one to protect you to benefit you to save you. So we should be afraid of Allah. Don't start
talking like other people just to please them using such words which Allah does not like saying such
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			things doing such things that Allah does not like many times it happens that just to become good
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			Like others, just to imitate others, we forget our religious values. And in this way, we're only
humiliating ourselves. A person thinks that you know, I have to fit in I have to become like them
just to be successful in this world. But the fact is that Malcolm in Allah, human will evil and
asleep, you will neither be successful in this world nor in the hereafter, eventually you will
suffer. And we see this, that it happens that for example, a person imitates other people in the way
they live and the way they behave and the way they talk and the way they chase this world. And at
the end, he has nothing, neither his family with him nor his wealth with him, nothing with him.