Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P01 008B Word Analysis and Tafsir Al-Baqarah 30

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The speakers discuss the historical and cultural significance of the word "has been" in Arabic language, emphasizing the importance of remembering its actions and words to pass on messages of Islam. They also discuss the importance of sitting properly during a gathering, the concept of Easter, the use of "verbal" in relation to worship, and the potential negative impact of actions on the environment and people. The speakers stress the importance of creating human beings and focusing on the positive side of things, rather than the negative side.

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			Okay he will listen to the recitation of these verses what he bought Buka Nila mana
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			Did you notice anything? Did you notice something different? Some difference in the words lots of
words are ending with sound this add sound is olive that comes at the end that is a sign of dual if
you look at it number 35 We'll call the Muskaan enter was article janitor what Kula min held other
than hate to man while at Aqaba had he sheduled the fifth Hakuna middle huali Me and then zanla
Houma a shape on Unha for Aqua Raja Houma me McKenna fee. So the words that end with this Elif this
Elif is a sign of dual that near? What's that? It gives a meaning of two generally in the English
language and we have to refer to two or more than two. Do we just simply use plural? That's what we
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			do. We have a singular and then we have a plural. But in the Arabic language you have words
specifically referring to singular, you have words specifically referring to to and then you have
words specifically referring to more than two or
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			Okay, so one is what Wahid Alright do it is Destinia dual and more than two is Jelmer plural, and
inshallah as we go over the lesson I will tell you about those words. Now inshallah we will move on
directly to that of seer. I will not go over the word breakup and as we study I will inshallah
explain it to you wherever I find necessary because Al Hamdulillah you are familiar with the basic
word breaker Alhamdulillah you know that these are the main root letters, this is a pronoun, this is
all these letters that give a specific meaning. So, inshallah as we move along, I will tell you,
Okay, I will be let him initiate Daniela Jean Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim. The verses that
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			inshallah we will learn today they are about the story of Adam or the Sunnah. How many people know
the story already, of course, we have learned about the story from the very beginning. Now, so far
in the Quran, what have we learned? We have learned that this book, the Quran, is the Book of
guidance. And everybody cannot gain guidance from this book. It is only those people who have Taqwa
of Allah who do certain things, who are going to be in received of guidance from the Quran. There
are some other people who don't benefit from the Quran, and who are they, those people who are
double faced those people who cheat others, those people who deceive others, who are not interested
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			in guidance, as well as those people who disbelieve. Then we also learned several principles that
Allah subhanaw taala has established very clearly at the beginning of the Quran, what are they? The
first of all, Allah subhanaw taala is our Lord, He is our Creator, and therefore he is the only one
who deserves our worship, that when He is our Lord, we are supposed to worship him. Why? Because it
is his right. And it is the very reason for which we were created. Similarly, it has also been
established that where Allah subhanaw taala commands us to worship Him, we cannot worship Him in our
own ways. How do we worship Him in the way that the Prophet salatu salam taught us which is why it's
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			necessary to believe in the Prophet sallallahu Sallam as well. To believe in the Quran as well. This
is why a person was not have any doubt about the Quran, nor about the messenger Salallahu Salam.
Similarly, it has also been established that a person must realize that he has come from Allah
Kuntum I'm worth and for our here come. And then his return is also to Allah. So when you have come
from Allah, and you're going back to Allah, then in the time that you have in the middle, what
should you be doing, seeking Allah, striving to please Allah, you've come from him, you're going
back to him. So this time was to also be spent in his obedience, not in his rebellion. And then it's
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			also been made very clear that everything in this earth has been created for us, and we have been
created for Allah.
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			That our focus our goal, our desire should become who? Allah subhanaw taala not this dunya dunya is
to serve us and we are to serve Allah. Now in these verses, Allah subhanaw taala tells us about our
history. Where did we come from, how he originated us, how he originated our creation. He's telling
us about why we are here. And he's making it very clear as to what challenges and difficulties we
will face in our lives. In other words, he is introducing us to who our enemy and who is that enemy
che plan IBLEES he is telling us about the story of the creation of Adam or his son um, so that we
get to know who our enemy is, the enemy of our father was the enemy of our children is why because
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			the goal of this enemy is to lead us astray. Allah has sent guidance, because we asked for so
rattled was the theme, and what does shaytaan want to lead us astray? So let's look at these verses
and learn what Allah subhanaw taala wants us to learn this Mala handle Rahim. What is called Abu
Khalil Mala. Ekati. And when your Lord said to the angels, in the word in means when, and this word
it comes many, many times in the Quran, especially at the beginning of a verse. And when it comes at
the beginning of a verse, it gives meaning of old guru it meaning recall, remember mentioned when
such and such happened. So when it comes, what does it mean, old guru? Remember, when such and such
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			happened, recall this incident. Why is this being said? Because all of us are already familiar with
the story of Adam or the CENTUM, aren't we? So Allah is telling us to recall that story. And he told
us about that story. So when did this happen? What if gone out of Booker and recall when your Lord
said, Rob Booker, your Lord who does you refer to the Prophet sallallahu sallam? So recall when your
Lord said to who lil Mala Ekati to the angels, what did he say to them that in Niger Ilan, fill out
the Khalifa. I am going to place upon the earth is successive authority. Al mela ICA I
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			Mala Iike is the plural of the word malloc. malloc is Angel and Mala Iike angels. The word malloc is
originally malloc. Originally the word is what? malloc. But tell me something is it difficult to
pronounce malloc? It is why not simply say malloc malloc malloc? What's easier? malloc. So this is
something that's very common in the Arabic language that if a word is difficult to pronounce, then
what would the Arabs do? They would slightly change the spelling. How Merde some letters remove a
letter, change one letter. Why, just to make the pronunciation easier. Similarly, the word color is
actually color.
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			What's easier color or color? Obviously color. So this is something that the Arabs will do a lot. So
anyway, melodica singular is mullock and the word is originally male.
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			And the smell also was originally my luck and that's fine. Okay. Well, UK meme lamb, Hamza and calf
mal UK, from the root letters, Hamza lamb cough, who Luca, Luca is the Messiah and Luca is rissalah.
What does it mean to convey messages? The angels what do they do?
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			They are required to convey the messages of Allah to to his prophets. Now, what are angels? Angels
are a world unseen meaning they are a creation that are unseen to us, we cannot see agents, we do
not hear them, we cannot sense them, we cannot smell them, but they are a creation of Allah subhanaw
taala and they are a world unseen. And Allah has created them from light. And Allah has appointed to
them various tasks and certain responsibilities which they perform how very obediently such as
Gibreel he has been appointed to deliver the messages of Allah to his prophets. Similarly, mica II,
he has been appointed to bring green, distribute the provisions, right cause the plants to grow, so
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			on and so forth. Similarly, the angel is raffia, what is his responsibility to blow the trumpet? So
the angels of Allah, what are they a creation whom he created from light, and they have certain
responsibility, certain tasks that Allah subhanaw taala has assigned to them. And there are many
different types, many different commands that are given to them many different instructions that are
given to them. And they perform those instructions *, willingly and obediently.
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			Don't think of angels as creatures with no emotions or no sense that they're just programmed to obey
Allah, so they have no ability to think they have no ability to make their own decision? You know,
they have no reason. No. The angels are very rational beings. They are creatures who have reason who
possess understanding. Don't think of them as machines or robots. No, they're very different. As we
will see in sha Allah and these verses that they question they ask, and they glorify, and they
submit, and they fear. In other verses of the Quran, we learn that the angels they glorify Allah,
they praise Allah, they make dua for the believers, they prostrate to Allah. The angels possess
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			reason they possess understanding, they love, they hate, they fear, they reason they pray, they make
perfect rules as well. You know, that will solve fatty stuff suffer? Why do they make rules for the
worship of Allah subhanaw taala? Why do you think it's necessary that we sit properly, because it's
a gathering in which we are learning about the Qalam of Allah, and it's of etiquette with Allah
subhanaw taala that when a person is learning is Qalam when a person is talking about Allah, he
should sit properly, he should be in a modulus which is organized, which looks beautiful, not that
people are sitting in the form of a big crowd that is haphazard, unorganized, not beautiful at all.
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			And this is why it's important that we all must care about our uniforms as well. It gives a
beautiful sight. Like imagine Allah subhanaw taala when he sees us, you want to present yourself in
the most beautiful way, because you want to have the Mercy of Allah. So anyway, the angels they are
obedient creation of Allah Subhana Allah. So Allah, He said to the angels, what did he say to them?
That in knee indeed I envy is a combination of inner and the inner means indeed and yeah means me.
So a knee indeed, I meaning I am going to, I am going to do what that in Niger Ilan Jared and we
have done the route earlier. Jim, I love Jerry Jerrell is one who makes eye limb is one who has
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			knowledge. Remember, limb now slit jarrin One who may
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			So I am going to make Phil early in the earth meaning I'm going to create in place in the earth who
Khalifa. Khalifa is from Harlem for health. Health means behind and Khalifa is one who comes behind
the other and takes his place. Have you heard of the term Cleany? For the title Khalifa? Who was it
given to the leaders of the believers? Like for example, Abu Bakar Lila, who aren't who are modeled
Lila who aren't who are allegedly over on Horace Mann really learning who are the hula. And why
would they call hola that because each one of them succeeded the other whatever but could only learn
who passed away who came into hospice or modeled the learn who when he passed away, or responded the
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			learner so you understand why Khalifa is called Khalifa because he comes behind the other after the
other and then takes his place when the other has left already. Okay. The word Halifa is also
understood as a deputy, meaning someone who works for an under someone. Okay, this is who Khalifa
is. So I've given you two meanings of the word Khalifa.
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			Who does Khalifa refer to? What does that mean by the statement that I am going to place in the
earth a Califa. Khalifa is referring to determine escena human beings? Why does Allah subhanaw taala
use the word Califa? Why do you think so? Given the literal meaning that I just told you?
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			Yes, because human beings, they will not come in this earth altogether at once. No, some of them
will succeed, others, people will come in successive generations, one generation will come as they
die, another generation replaces them, that the human race will not be extinct in this dunya rather
they will continue until the day of judgment comes and how will they come in this world, in
generations succeeding each other? Allah Subhana Allah says in surah, an arm i A 165 Wahoo Allah the
journal come holla if Allah that He is the one who has made you successors upon the earth, that you
live in this earth, in succession, one lives, the other dies, and the other lives on, one person
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			dies, another is born. This is the reality of human beings. Why else is the word Khalifa used?
Because human beings, they are, in a way Khalifa of Allah subhanaw taala in the sense that human
beings are Allah's deputies on this earth, because they carry out the commands of Allah, what Allah
has commanded them to do, they do it where in this dunya we follow the commands of Allah, we are to
live by Allah's instructions. And we are to establish justice between people how according to the
Command of Allah, according to the law of Allah, and we are to invite people to what to the worship
of Allah subhanaw taala?
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			Can Allah subhanaw taala do that himself, establish justice between people and call them to his
worship directly? Think about it. Is it not possible for Allah subhanaw taala that he will just make
an announcement? Oh people, I am your Lord, you're supposed to worship me? Wouldn't that be easier?
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			Is Allah not able to do that? Yes, he is very much able to do that. But why is it that he has given
this responsibility to human beings, that you establish the law of Allah and Estonia, you obey
Allah, you establish justice.
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			It's a way of honoring human beings live for example, it could be a boss who is able to do all the
work himself, but he assigns it to someone. Why? Because a they're very busy, they're not able to
but Allah subhanaw taala He is above this deficiency, that he would be unable to do his work. Why
would a boss assign a certain task to one of his employees, to honor them to see if they're able to
do it and as a result, promote them, give them more money. So Allah subhanaw taala honors human
beings by calling them Khalifa. We learn instead of sod 26 Allah subhanaw taala he addressed the
wilderness and and odourless Adam was a prophet as well as a king, a ruler. So Allah said to him
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			here that will do in Niger Anagha Khalifa and fill up that order would indeed we have made you a
Khalifa upon the earth. Why, so that you establish justice between people? Very true that human
beings have the ability to learn, they have the ability to decide they have free will, and they have
the ability to choose between right and wrong, good and evil, and this ability other creatures don't
have. So in Niger, I don't feel ugly Khalifa. I've given you two meanings. The third meaning is that
human beings are called Califa. Why? Because they are to replace another creation on the earth.
Scholars have said that before human beings were sent in
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			of this dunya into this world, there was another creation that already existed here and that had
gone extinct by them or it was there. But then when human beings were sent, they were more superior.
So human beings succeeded another creation, what is that creation? Some people have said it was the
jinn. But the jinn also exist now. But as we learn 30 That who has more right to this world, us
human beings.
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			Some scholars say that it refers to the jinn that existed before human beings. Allah subhanaw taala
says concerning the jinn that will Jen Hello Akane human Pablo minetest Somu in Surah, hedger, Ayah
27, that the jinn we created before before who, human beings so this is the evidence that the
scholars have used Allah Who are the what that creation was, we don't know. We really don't know. I
was wondering, perhaps it could be dinosaurs, Allahu Allah. No shattering evidence, no, Sherry
delene. Just, you know, I was thinking about it, Allahu oranum. You never know. But what do we learn
that a creation existed before human beings and human beings replace them succeeded them on this
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			earth? Okay, so in Niger, I don't fill up the Khalifa, Allah subhanaw taala told the angels. So the
response of the angels was the ALU. They said, attach your ALU when you make when you place fee her
in it meaning in this earth are you going to place in this earth? Man who meaning a creation? Who
will you see to see her he will create facade in it. You've seen the vaccine del facade? Are you
going to place in the earth a creation? Who's going to create disorder? Who's going to spread
corruption in it? Well, yes, we could demand and he will shed blood in it. Yes, we could seen
FastCap South Africa, South Africa is to cause something to flow to spill. But in particular, this
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			word is used for causing bloodshed, killing, because when bloodshed is caused, obviously the blood
is flowing, isn't when a person is killed them blood flows out of their body, it's flowing. And the
word demand is the plural of the word dumb. And that means blood and at the mat, plural of blood.
What does anybody has speaker Dima that he will shed the blood of many, he will kill many, he will
cause a lot of blood to flow, he will cause a lot of bloodshed. This is what you're going to create.
This is what you're going to place in the earth. Why do the angels say this? Why? Because scholars
have said that the creation that existed before human beings on this planet caused a lot of
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			bloodshed. They created a lot of facade, killing one another creating disorder. And remember, facade
is done how? by disobeying Allah subhanaw taala. So they disobeyed Allah. Because if you think about
it, Allah subhanaw taala is creation. For example, the angels are they obedient to Allah, very
obedient, the trees and the plants and the skies and the sun and the moon, all of this creation? Are
they obedient to Allah, very obedient, but a creature that is given free will that is given freedom
of choice? Are they able to disobey? Yes, they are able to disobey. So this human being who is going
to have free will, if you leave them on this earth, He is going to cause bloodshed, do injustice on
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			one another. And also when you disobey you, then why would you place a creature like that on the
earth? This is why the angels asked, and remember that the angels over here are not objecting. Okay?
They are asking to know the wisdom behind why Allah would place human beings on this planet.
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			You understand? They're not asking because they're objecting. They're asking because they want to
know, they want to know the wisdom. And they continue, that we're not new, while we know sub Bihu we
glorify Behen, DECA with your praise when aka dishonor and we also sanctify you. In other words, we
worship you. So we already worship you, you do not need the worship of other creatures.
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			Allah subhanaw taala by the way, does not need the worship of his creatures. So this is why the
angels are wondering that we're already worshipping you. If the purpose of this human being is that
he should worship you. Well, we're already doing that. So why would you place human beings on this
earth? New sub be he'll be handicapped one who called this new sub the hill, any other words that
you can think of? New sub be
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			Subhanallah this B. So this B SubhanAllah. All of these words, no sub B. They are from the root
letter seen by her and the word Sabha is to
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			float or to travel a long distance. How through water or through air, when you move through water or
through air is your speed faster.
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			If you go on a train, if you go on a plane, or if you go on a ship, what's faster, the plane or the
ship, not the train.
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			Now, obviously, they're coming up with different trains. And obviously for them also they have
certain tracks, nothing comes on them. They're not prevented by anything, they're not stopped. But
anyway, air travel and sea travel they're both faster. So suburbia is to travel through a long
distance by air or by water, it signifies speed. This is why the word the spear is used for worship,
prompt worship, prompt obedience, without any delay.
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			When is the person able to worship Allah without any delay? For example, when do you Say Subhan
Allah, when,
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			when your heart is overcome by feelings of respect and submissiveness before Allah and humanity
before Allah. So when a person is overcome by the feelings of obedience to Allah subhanaw taala then
what happens? He obeys promptly, without any delay. The word does be is used for declaring the
perfection of Allah subhanaw taala to distance from Allah, imperfection, any imperfection. So you
declare that Allah is perfect, He is above any deficiency, any weakness, any resemblance to any
creation, He is the most perfect.
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			You understand the word this?
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			So when he says Subhan Allah, perfect is Allah exalted as Allah, glorified as Allah, above any
weakness above any deficiency, any similarity to the creation? So the angel said, when asked No, no
sub Bessho we glorify you, we exalt you, how do we exalt you be humbucker meaning by mentioning your
hand and we have done the word hand earlier. What does it mean? To praise someone dimension the most
praiseworthy qualities and characteristics of someone so anonymous or be Herbie humbucker. And on
top of that, one, you got this Sulak naka de su cough Dalsin. Have you heard of the word goods? l
codes? What does it mean? Palestine? Why? Because it's the Pure Land. It's the Holy Land. How is it
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			the holy land because over there is vital muchness. It was the home it was the birthplace and burial
place of who many, many prophets of Allah, many prophets of Allah were from there. So anyway, puts
is holy. And literally the word goods is when something is far or when something is very pure, far
from any impurity, absolutely pure and clean. And this is that lead to purify something, but it's
not just you know, purify something by removing the field. It is absolute purity, absolute
cleanliness, there are levels of cleanliness. One level is that you distance, the filth from
something, for example, you cleaning up your house, you have a garbage bag, what will you do? You
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			will let that garbage bag full of garbage in your house, what will you do, you will pick it up and
you will throw it outside, you will leave it by the end of your drivers into the garbage truck and
pick it up. You created a distance between the field and what you want to clean.
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			The next level is to get rid of the filth. So for example, the garbage bag, it's gone. The garbage
truck came and took it away. It's gone. But then when you remove the garbage bag from your kitchen,
for example, Did it smell very nice and beautiful? No, it didn't leave very beautiful marks in the
garbage can. And around the garbage can? No, they're probably spots of dirt. And perhaps it smells.
So what are you going to do? Leave it? No, you're going to clean it up. You're going to remove any
effect any trace of filth, you're going to wash. So there are different levels of cleanliness. The
Cadiz is absolute cleanliness, absolute purity, that there is no trace of filth, no trace of any
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			imperfection. So when you got this meaning we sanctify you, we declare you as de mu is very holy and
pure, that we don't ascribe anything that is unbefitting to you. So we're not No No sir behind deca,
one look at this. Look at the way that the angels glorify and worship and praise Allah and the
angels they definitely glorify Allah, the prophets of Allah Allah said and was asked that which
words are the best? And he replied, those which Allah chose for his angels and slaves Subhan Allah
he will be handy. So they said Noosa be held behind DECA. So the Prophet sallallahu sallam said
Subhan Allah behind the these are the best
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			words and the angels we learned about them. Allah says in surah, two soft fat I 166 that were in
Allah national Musa beehoon that the angel said that we glorify Allah interoute mbi in 1920 We learn
women are in the WHO layer stack buehner and reberty he well as Darcy rune, you said behind the
Leila when the * lay off to rune that the angels who are near Allah, what do they do? They
continuously glorify Allah, night and day, and they never ever get tired. They never get bored of
glorifying Allah.
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			So the angels say this to Allah that we worship you already. We know that you don't need the worship
of your creation. So why would you create Adam, why would you create this Khalifa? Allah subhanaw
taala responded in need are Allah, I know. I know. Malita Allah mode, what you do not know. Meaning
I know that among the human beings will be those who worship Allah as well. That yes, there will be
some fear among the human beings who create facade who caused bloodshed, but at the same time, there
will be among the human beings who profits,
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			obedient servants of Allah, those who are truthful, those who give lives in the way of Allah, those
who are very obedient to Allah. Remember, we learned earlier Sudha, Medina and amygdalae human who
are an underlay him a CDP in which you had that was slightly hidden. First of all, I'm Viet so all
human beings are not evil. And who knows that? Allah knows that.
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			In the Arlo mela tournament, I know that the case of human beings will be different from the case of
the previous creatures, the previous creation, the previous species that existed here before human
beings, what did they do? They killed one another to the point that they went extinct, or to the
point that this blessing of dwelling on the earth was taken away from them. But human beings will be
different. They will be obedient to Allah, not everyone, but among them, there will be some who are
like that. What do we learn from this idea? First of all, if you see Allah subhanaw taala is telling
the angels he's informing the angels about what about what he's going to do? Does he need to inform
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			them? Does he need to take their permission? No, Allah is the Malik he is the king he is a supreme
authority. No one can question no one can ask him, but yet he informs the angels. Why? To let them
know, because the creation of the human beings was going to affect them. Yes, we know that the
angels do so many things for us. So the angels were definitely going to get affected to Allah
subhanaw taala informed them What lesson do we learn from this? That if we decide to do something,
Should we inform the concerned people? If we make a decision? Should we inform the concerned people?
Yes, we should. Sometimes we think oh, I'm the mother, and the mother in law. I don't need to take
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			anybody's permission. It's my knife, my home, my decision. My choice. I'm the boss, you have to
inform, even if you're not consulting them, inform them so that they're ready to accept. If Allah
does that, why wouldn't you?
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			Another important thing that we see in this versus that Allah subhanaw taala. He is an Hakeem as it
describes himself very wise. How that look at the way that he is created human beings, that he sends
them into this world, in generations, not all of them together at once. If all the human beings were
together on this planet at once, what would happen for sad how lack of space, very true, all the
resources of the Earth would be consumed, and the human beings how much longer they're going to
live. So imagine everybody came at once everybody died at once, it would happen all too quickly.
Life would not be fun. And then we also see that when some people are older, other people are
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			younger than we have a chance to respect the elderly show our love to the younger ones. Imagine if
you never saw a baby. Imagine? Wouldn't you be missing out on something? Something so precious, so
beautiful, so cute. You would never witness it.
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			Imagine if you never saw an elderly person, would you know how to respect other people? Would you
know how to appreciate your life? Would you know how to appreciate the abilities that you have? No.
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			It's a huge blessing. Then we also learned from the cya that if in some cases, the evil is there,
like for example, if anything, there's a good side of it, there's a bad side of it. If apparently,
using the evil is very, very bad, the bad side is very, very bad. Still the good can outweigh the
bad side, the good side can outweigh the bad side. How where do we learn this from? The angel says
this human being is going to kill he's going to create facade. But what does Allah say I know what
you do not know that yes, there will be people who will disobey Allah, who will oppose his
messengers who will kill innocents who will create facade in this earth, but they're evil is good.
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			Need to be outweighed by the good of who? The righteous. Sometimes we only look at one side of
something. And we think this person has his bad quality, therefore, eliminate them completely. But
if a person has a bad side, do they have a good side as well? Yes, they do. And what should we focus
on the positive side, the good side, because creation is not perfect. If there's a human being who
is not the way you want them to be, it's quite possible that there are some things that they do,
which you really, really like, which are very beneficial, which are very good for you. But
unfortunately, we become very narrow minded and we only focus on the bad side, the evil side, and we
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			ignore the good side, what do we learn from here, that were human beings are going to disobey,
they're also going to obey. So it's creating them worth it. It's worth it. So sometimes you have to
bear the bed in order to get the good.
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			Sometimes people get very overwhelmed. I cannot tolerate my in laws, I cannot tolerate my children.
I cannot tolerate this boss. I cannot tolerate my sister. And they cut off. They cut off like we
learned yesterday. We Octoroon Allah, Allah, Allah be a useful. Remember, everything in this world
where it has a bad side, it also has a good side. If the glass is half empty, it's also half full.
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			When it's summer, if there's heat, and you cannot bear the heat, there's also so much beauty.
Similarly, in winter, if it's so cold, you have longer nights, shorter days, isn't it?
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			You have such beautiful snow to watch.
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			There's always some good side to something and we should focus on the good, the positive, not the
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			If you look at the history of human beings, because some people say that city angels were right.
Human beings have created so much for sad they have killed so many people. What was the benefit of
creating human beings? If you look back, have human beings only created bloodshed and disorder in
this planet? Know where they have done many bad things have not done many good things as well. Yes,
they have. They've done many good things. Like for example, if people have had many wars in the
past, and as a result of those wars, many people have been killed. Okay? Wars have happened but at
the same time have people grown in their knowledge, in their skills, in their expertise in their
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			agriculture in their architecture. So the human being is not all evil. In the demo, Murata, Allah,
Allah Subhana Allah says in surah Hina is seven in Alladhina amanu Armello, Salah hottie Allah eco
home, Hyrule, Berea the those people who believe or do righteous deeds, those are the best of
creation, best of creation, and it's worth it to create them