Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P01 004B Word Analysis and Tafsir Al-Baqarah 8-10
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The speakers discuss the concept of "people" and how humans can be seen as different from others. They stress the importance of letting people know what is in their hearts and not hiding from them, and emphasize the need to be honest and stay busy to avoid unnecessary punishment. They also discuss the potential consequences of a heart disease and the importance of gaining knowledge and taking taking taking measures to avoid unnecessary punishment. The speakers stress the need to be honest and stay busy to avoid unnecessary punishment and avoid lying.
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Did you understand while the party was reciting? Yeah, could you understand what he was saying?
Could you given that you read the word to it? Now inshallah we will study the tafsir. And it will help you further understand how the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim, as you may have realized, by just reading these verses, that these verses talk about another group of people, from the beginning of the Quran, we have been learning that there are three types of people, instead of refer to how we learned about those whom Allah is happy with, then secondly, those whom Allah is angry with. And thirdly, those people who are a stray, who are those people with whom Allah is happy, they are a lovely home, the motto clean, those who have faith, those who pray the Salah,
those who give this a cat and their end is success in this dunya and in the hereafter. Who are those people with whom Allah is angry? Those who know the truth, yet they don't accept it? Whether you warn them or you don't warn them? They do not believe and who are they Alladhina Cafaro? And what's their ultimate end? What To whom are there one, or leave for them as a great punishment? And now, we will learn about another group of people and who are they bonding, those who are lost those who are astray, they think they know, but they don't know. They think they're doing something, but they're not doing anything good for themselves. Because remember, who is a ball person, someone who is doing
wrong on the basis of ignorance, he doesn't know any better. But he chooses to remain ignorant. He chooses to stay like that he doesn't want to know, he doesn't care about what he's doing. So who are abroad lean? That's what we will study about today. And who are the hypocrites? Those people who are lost? They think they are right. But they're not right. They think they're believed. But Allah says they're not actually believers. They think they're very righteous. But Allah says, No, they're not righteous at all. So who are they, those who are lost those who are astray? And what is there and we learn that such people are not rightly guided, and for them is also a painful punishment. So let's
look at these verses, this millennial version over him Wamena Nursey. And among the people, men means some off from so there are some people who are like this, how are they that among the people are Minh, who, your Kulu he says, among the people are those who say, what do they say, and then NaVi Lehi were BillyOh mill, we believe in Allah and the Last Day, they say that they are believers. But what does Allah say? Warmer home but they are not be more meaning at all believers. They say that they are believers, but Allah says such people are not believers. Who are they the hypocrites, if you look at the word UNECE It has been said that this word is from the root letters known well
seen, known Senia Elif known. See, there are many different meanings that are given. I'll tell you one meaning and inshallah I will tell you other meanings as we study the Quran. For the route letters Hamza noon, seen, owns, owns means to love to have friendship to be sociable, and how are people? People develop love, and friendship with one another? Isn't it? So? Can people live alone?
Can they stay alone? No, even if a person says I don't need anyone's help, I can do everything on my own. I'm happy as I am. But there comes a time when they need someone
when they need someone to talk to when they need someone to help them, to just be with them, to just sit with them. So human beings by nature are like this, that they develop owns with one another, that they develop love and friendship for one another. What is that? That man is a social animal. We are social by nature. This is our last panel God has created us so UNECE are who? The people mankind. So Allah says among mankind, of the people, there are some who may your Kulu he says you're calling from the root letters cough Well,
cough Well, lamb from the word coal, and coal is a statement speech word, your Kulu he says.
He says, What does he say? What do these people say? They say that ama Nabila hillbilly omen. We believe in Allah and the Last Day What is the last day, the day of judgment? And why is the Day of Judgment called the last day? Because there is no day after that. It is the last day after the day of judgment is only eternity.
There is no other day after that. So these people can
In that there are believers in Allah and the Last Day. But Allah says woman whom be moved, meaning they're not at all believers. Why is it that Allah says they're not at all believers, because when these people say that they're believers, they're only saying it with their tongue. It's just a verbal claim. They say, I'm a nebula, he will believe. But they're not believers in their hearts. They say with their tongues, what they don't mean, in their hearts. There's a contradiction between what their words and the state of their heart. So what they're saying that we are believers, what is this? It's a lie on their part. They don't really mean it. They're just pretending. They're just
saying it to be acceptable. They're just saying it to be seen as someone who is righteous to be seen as someone who is good. So Allah says women who've been moved, meaning they're not at all believers. Notice how Allah subhanaw taala neither associates these people with Gopher, nor does he describe them with iman. He doesn't say they are disbelievers. And over here, also he says that they're not believers. So they are neither believers nor are they this believers, because this is their state. Allah subhanaw taala tells us in Surah Nisa, I 143. That the hypocrites what's their state muda the vena Bina Dalek, La ilaha illallah wa ala her Buddha II, that the hypocrites are wavering between
the two, they're neither with the believers nor are they with the disbelievers. So where are they in the middle? They tried to be in the middle? And why is it that they're in the middle? Inshallah we'll find out soon. Now, in the CYA, what do we learn? What do we see? Our verbal statements, enough? Verbal claims are this efficient? If a person says to the other person, I really like you, I really love you. But they're just saying it from their mouths, they don't really mean it. Is that sufficient? No, they have to show their love. If a child says to the mother, Mom, I just love you. I love you so much. You're my, you're the favorite person on this earth.
And the mother says, Can you please bring me a glass of water? Just as I don't feel like is that love? No. But when the mother says to her child, I love you that she means she does how that she says I love you. And then she wake up in the night as well and attend to her child when she's extremely sleepy and tired. So we see that verbal statements must be followed up by action.
verbal statements must be a reflection of what is in the heart. If your words and your heart contradict, if they're not on the same page,
then I'll call Bill Lisanne lie in federal insulin, then just accountability Sam the statement with the tongue does not benefit a person. It will not benefit him. Because these people say we are believers, we are believers. But Allah says no, they're not believers, because they're just saying it. They don't actually mean it. Then we also learned in this ayah that we must free ourselves from contradiction in the sense that if we say something, then we should actually mean it.
And if we say that we're going to do something, then we should actually do it. Because what is the sign of a monastic? What is the sign of a hypocrite? That there's a contradiction in him? He says one thing, and he does something else.
He says one thing, but he actually means something else. And it's quite possible that we're able to deceive other people. For example, we tell them, Yes, I will come tomorrow. Yes, I will do my homework. Yes, I will do such and such. We can deceive people by our lies by our false statements. But can we deceive Allah subhanaw? taala? Can we deceive him? No, we cannot. And on the Day of Judgment, Allah subhanaw taala will call us to account Allah tells us in Surah earlier in one ayah number 29. All in total, Matthew, so do we come out to boo yah, Allahu Allah. Say that if you can see your what is in your hearts, if you hide it, you don't show it. And if you show that's in your
heart, so whether you hide it or you reveal it, Allah knows about it. You cannot hide anything from Allah. Allahu Allah. So if we want to be successful, then what is necessary that there must be no discrepancy between what we say and what we mean?
What we say and what we do, because this is the way of who the hypocrite
women who've been meaning they're not at all believers. Who are these people? What do they do? Allah says, you hide your own Allah. When Medina and Manu they try to deceive Allah and the believers. You hold your own is from the root letters Hall then or
from the word hadir.
Kadia is deceit. What does it mean deceit, to try to deceive someone to cheat someone how that a person conceals the reality he hides the reality. And he does not let the other person know about it. Right. And as a result, the other person thinks that he knows, but he doesn't actually know. Like, for example, a person is hiding his true intention in his heart. And on the surface, he says something else. So the other person will believe his words, isn't it? So? So the other person is being deceived. So what is deceit to hide the reality from the other? And as a result, distract them from the real thing. So you have your own Allah, these people try to deceive Allah. And who else
when the Dena Amanu how is it that they're trying to deceive Allah and the believers
by saying that they are believers, whereas in reality, they're not believers? In their hearts, they're not believers. But when they say I'm a nebula, he will be Leone will ask him, Why are they doing it? To deceive the Muslims so that the other Muslims think, oh, this person is also a Muslim? This person is also a believer, and they think they're also deceiving Allah but can a person ever deceive Allah? You can never deceive Allah. So look at the foolishness that you have your own Allahu Allah Dena Alma know, Allah says woman, the owner, Illa and Fusa home, but they do not deceive except themselves. Who are the deceiving and reality themselves unfolds is a plural of naps. So
they're actually deceiving themselves. But do they realize that they're deceiving themselves? They don't realize where my shirt on, but they do not perceive they do not even realize. Yes, Arun is from the root letters she nine from Shri Narendra from the word she rude. And she is to realize something, to feel something. To understand something. It's like a level higher than knowledge.
Knowledge is to know but your own is to realize to understand to perceive to get it. You know, when you say you don't get it, you may know it but you don't get it when a person gets it. What does it mean to truly understood it? And shirt is from the workshop shot is used for hair.
Right? It's used for hair and if you look at hair how are they fine and thin isn't it so since you're rude is to understand to realize to perceive to see the fine reality of something the fine details of something. So we're making a shirt on it is said in the Arabic language. That mother will be full ALAN WALLACE. Sure we'll be that's one so I just walked by me and I didn't even realize I didn't even realize I didn't even see them. It's possible they actually saw but they didn't see. So my shirt on. Now what does it mean by this? You have your own Allahu Allah Dena Amma no one is the owner Illa and Fusa. homeowner, yes, Sharon.
In order to understand this, I have property we need to know the background of this verse. If you think about it, the prophets of Allah has said no. When he was in Makkah, there were two types of people, a group of believers and the other group of disbelievers. And being a believer in that society, was it easy? Was it easy, it wasn't easy. It meant that even if you are from the wealthiest and the most noble of families, your family will turn against you. Even if you are very respectable among the people tomorrow, they will not respect you today, they love to have you tomorrow, they will try to exile you from the city. Today. They don't harm you at all tomorrow, they will
physically harass you physically punish you. So being a believer was extremely difficult in that society, which is why we see that whoever became a Muslim, he was a sincere believer. He was a committed believer. He believed in his heart. He believed with sincerity with strong faith, strong Eman. Why? Because things were difficult, and only those who are serious about something will do something as challenging as this as difficult as this. When the prophets are about to sort of migrated to Medina. What happened very soon the Battle of battle was fought and who was victorious and that was victorious and that the Muslims, and after the Battle of buzzard very soon, a lot of
people started embracing Islam inside Medina and also from the outskirts of Medina. Why? Because it was like the in thing that Muslims were becoming popular. They were gaining strength. They were gaining fame, right. And all of a sudden the numbers of the Muslims were growing. So what happened? They were many people who embraced Islam, not because they were actually believers in heart, but they became Muslims, just to be acceptable just to do what everybody else was doing. And just to gain
worldly benefit, in other words, just to gain what worldly benefits, because they wanted to be on the safe side, that for example, if the Muslims become victorious in the coming years and we are not believers, then we are going to suffer. But if we are believers and if the Muslims are successful, we are successful with them is the Muslims are victorious and we are victorious with them. So, you understand, when they said Ahmed Abdullah he will be Leonel Asad decided how only with their mouths? And why did they say you hold your own Allah? How Alladhina amanu trying to deceive Allah and the believers that we are also like you, we are also with you. But Allah says, Are they actually
deceiving Allah in the believers? Not at all? Who are they actually deceiving themselves? Because it's such a foolish thing to do, that a person is trying to deceive Allah, the sealing of person understandable, receiving hola como is the Knower of the unseen and the witnessed the one who sees you when you're alone. And the one who sees you when you're with people, the one who sees what you say, and the one who sees the state of your heart as well. How can a person hide anything from Allah, He cannot hide anything. So if a person is trying to lie to Allah, and he thinks he's going to be successful like that, who is deceiving himself? When I asked the owner Illa and Fusa home by
just showing EMA and hiding copper, they are deceiving themselves, because what are they doing? They're trying to gain worldly benefit at the price of what the benefits success were in the Hereafter, What a foolish choice that a person is preferring to dunya over the hereafter. He's losing his IRA. So Allah says, when I have the owner, Illa and foster home, when I assure alone, they do not even realize
they do not even get it. And this is the meaning of of Berlin, who are Berlin, pose one last astray who don't get it who don't know, they don't care to know. So they don't even realize that they're deceiving themselves. What do we learn from this idea? First of all, we learned this ayah about the deceit, the mockery of the hypocrites that it is the hypocrites who are deceitful. It is the hypocrites who are untrustworthy, who are unreliable, because what are they doing over here? They're trying to deceive the believers, if someone is deceiving the other? Is he trustworthy? Can you rely on them? Can you trust them? No, you cannot.
So this is a great warning for us.
who cheats? Who lies? who deceives? Who does this? A hypocrite. And if we lie to others, then we have the characteristic of who? Hypocrites if we are trying to deceive others, then whose characteristic do we have of the hypocrites? This is something very dangerous, because such people are ultimate losers. So who is deceitful the hypocrite? A believer is not treacherous. He is not deceitful, he is reliable, he is trustworthy. He's sincere, he's honest. We also learned in this idea that if a person tries to harm the other, he ends up harming himself. In reality. The hypocrites are trying to deceive Allah and the believers, but who do they actually end up deceiving?
themselves, and they don't realize that they're deceiving themselves. And this is true in every case, if a person tries to harm the other, who does he actually end up harming himself.
And he doesn't even get it.
It may have happened with you as children, or perhaps your siblings, that you're trying to play a trick on someone. And what happens you forget, and you actually fall into that yourself. For example, it's possible that a person, you know, leave something, you know, at the door so that as somebody walks in, they get frightened by it. And they forgot to put it on when they open the door themselves. They walk in and they get afraid by it. Right? It happens many times.
Similarly, it may happen that a person is trying to destroy the reputation of another person, but because they're the ones who are talking negatively, they're the ones who are lying all the time. whose reputation are they actually destroying their own reputation, not the other person's. So never be afraid. If somebody's trying to harm you, and you are right. Don't get frightened, because we will protect you. Allah Who will protect you, the person who digs a hole for the other. He falls in that hole himself. Well, now you're the owner Illa and fossa whom am I Yeah, Sharon, into the fact that I have 43 We learned while you're here called macro SEO in the early the evil plot does not
encompass except its own people. If a person can traverse an evil plot, then who does he end up harming himself. So we should become very careful.
We should not try to harm other people, because if we harm them, we are harming
ourselves, then we alternate in this idea that when a person does something wrong, when a person commits sin, when a person lies, he cheats, then he does not even realize the obvious things. He does not even realize are Vyas matters? For example, isn't it understood that if a person lies to Allah He cannot deceive Allah? Is it not true that a person cannot deceive Allah? Is not true? Do we not understand that? Yes, we do. If a person lies to Allah, I mean, who is he lying against? Isn't he being foolish? He is being foolish? This is so obvious that I'm a hypocrite. Does he get that? He doesn't get that he doesn't even understand this basic thing. Like for example, if a person is
praying for Allah, He tells the other Yes, I have my will do, but in reality, he doesn't have will do. He has managed to deceive his sister, his mother, but has he managed to deceive Allah? Not at all, a lot of doors, whether you have will do or not, and you are deliberately praying without will do showing to other people that you have will do. I mean, who are you playing with? Who are you trying to fall? Allah, You cannot fool him. So in reality, who is this person fooling himself who is deceiving himself, he thinks he's being very smart, very clever. But he's wasting his time. He's making a fool of himself, when that's what I will be replayed before him on the day of judgment. And
he knows he didn't do well to Allah Who knows he didn't do will do. And his lie will be made obvious in front of everyone. Well, now you're the owner, Illa and Fusa. Home, where Maria Sharon, hypocrisy leads to lack of intelligence, being two faced leads to foolishness. When I don't even get it, it blinds a person. What's the reason? Why would they do such a thing? Why are they lying to Allah? Why are they trying to deceive Allah and the believers? What's the problem? Allah says few aluminum marathon in their hearts is a disease, colobus apply enough.
In their hearts is a disease a sickness? What is metal? Metal? Is from the root letters mean robot. And model is any kind of imbalance in the body.
If you think about it, any illness, what is it? It's some kind of imbalance in the body, for example, the body temperature is too high, which results in a fever, right? Similarly, the blood sugar level is too low or too high. Is that an imbalance? Yes? Will it end up as a disease? Yes. Similarly, the blood pressure level is too high or too low. Is that a problem? Yes, it is. So if you think about it, any model of any illness, what is it? imbalance, imbalance that is what model is. So few all over him model. Now remember, that model is of two types. First of all, model is physical, for example, a physical imbalance in your body, your body temperature is too high. So you have a
fever and you're in bed. This is physical illness. Another type of illness is that which is spiritual.
It's intangible. It's not physical, but it's intangible. Now over here, when you read for your Karoubi model, don't don't think that they have literally sick hearts, that they have a heart problem. They have a heart disease. This heart disease is spiritual. It's not physical, but how is it spiritual? The question is which disease is this? Remember that there are two diseases of the heart, they can be summarized into two. One is Shiva had doubts. And the second is Shuttleworth desires.
If a person has doubt in his heart, about something that is true, does he have correct EMA? Will he have your teen know? Is that an imbalance? Yes, it is because it's not going to allow him to do what Allah subhanaw taala wants him to do. Right? That doubt is going to hinder him.
Secondly, Shaha desires that when a person just wants to fulfill his desires, so he doesn't care about the commands of Allah, he doesn't care about what Allah subhanaw taala has prohibited. This is what a disease. Now what is the disease that the hypocrites have in their hearts? This disease is off doubt, it is a shock as well as following SHA worth following their desires. They doubt the truthfulness of the messenger they doubt the truthfulness of the Quran. They doubt the all encompassing knowledge of Allah subhanaw taala because think about it, if a person has Yaqeen if a person is certain, that Allah knows whether it has my will do or not.
Will he just pretend he has will do will he know if a person
Has conviction about the all encompassing knowledge of Allah, He will not have hypocrisy, he will not try to deceive Allah or the believers. But if a person has even a little bit doubt,
even a little bit of doubt, then what's going to happen?
It's going to lead him to hypocrisy. So what's the reason of hypocrisy? What's the problem? What's the root cause? The disease of the heart? And what's the disease of the heart?
First of all, doubt, and secondly, desires. So for example, taking the same example of not doing voodoo while praying. What's the reason? Why would a person not do will do even if they know they're supposed to have
laziness desires? I don't feel like it. I'd rather just sit around, right? Some of the person says, Yes, I have prayed, but they didn't actually pray. Why didn't they actually pray following desires? They're watching their favorite TV show? They're sitting on the computer chatting away with their friends. They don't want to do well. They don't want to pray. So when the mother walks in, did you pray? Yeah, I prayed. What's the reason? shall wet desires? So the root cause of hypocrisy is what? shallot and she will hurt fuchal will be him muddled on.
But what happens to this disease? Allah says fuzzer de humo la humara da. Allah increases them in their disease. Zelda, Zelda is from the root letter ze Yeah, that from the word Xia. And what does he mean, to increase, to augment to grow something?
So Allah increases them in what maraga in their disease, they have a disease in their heart, and Allah causes that disease to grow.
Question, why does Allah make their disease grow? Why?
Because when a person has this disease in his heart of Shewhart, Jehovah, then what should he do? He should try to cure it, isn't it? So? Any disease? What should you do? Cure it, you shouldn't just let it be. You should try to fix it. And this disease, what is it short that they're inclined towards? They're inclined towards disbelief.
They have doubt. They don't have faith. They don't have your team. What are they inclined to disbelieve? So when they're inclined towards disbelief, which is why they have this doubt and which is why they lie, which is why they cheat, which is why they pretend they have an inclination towards Cofer. They desire Cofer. So Allah lets them go towards Schofer.
This is why Allah allows the disease to grow. Because remember, as we learned earlier, Allah only facilitates for a person what he wants, what he likes.
A person doesn't want to pray.
He knows he should be praying, but he does not pray. So what's going to happen, this disease will grow.
This disease will grow, whatever a person is inclined towards, that is what will happen. That is what Allah subhanaw taala will facilitate that for him. And if a person has the desire to pray, has the desire to know has the desire to improve, then what will happen? Allah subhanaw taala will give him a chance,
he will give him a chance. Because we see that there are people you may have experiences with yourself as well, that perhaps a few years ago, a few weeks ago, a few months ago, you knew that you were supposed to pray, you knew and you wanted to but you just couldn't get yourself to pray as regularly as consistently, properly. But you knew that you were supposed to and it was bugging you this, this feeling in your heart. So what happens and Allah subhanaw taala guides you, he facilitates that for you. He will give you the ability, He will teach you He will provide you good opportunities. But if a person doesn't want to, even if he's given a chance, will he take it with
you grab it, he won't take benefit from it. So for that the hula Maraba. Another reason as to why Allah subhanaw taala causes this disease to grow is because it's a natural consequence. If a person has the disease and they don't cure it, what's going to happen to the disease?
What's going to happen to it, it will grow, it will only increase, it will get worse, exactly to the point that it will become fatal. It's incurable. For example, if a person has cancer, will He say oh, forget about it can't be bothered?
Will they do that? No, they will freak out. They will do everything possible to get rid of that cancer from their body, even if it means getting rid of a limb
isn't it so even if it means going through extremely painful treatment, that will cause their head to go bald literally, but they will not care because they want to get rid of that disease of that illness. Because if it stays in the body, it's going to spread once it spreads once it grows, that's it the person cannot live anymore. So it's a natural cause
sequence for that the hula hoop model by this is a natural consequence. So whose fault is it? It's their own fault. So if you could be model them further the hula hula model blah. Allah says well whom are there when a Lima and and for them is a painful punishment. Aleem is from the letters Hamza Lam Meem. And I'm in pain believe is that which gives been either one or Lehman
for them is a painful punishment. What is this painful punishment? This punishment? Is that off Hellfire
Have you ever had even a part of your finger burnt
is a painful, it's extremely painful at that moment. And for hours and days later, you feel the pain the next day, you feel the pain again and again. It doesn't go away. The punishment of fire is the painful punishment.
And also it's painful. Why? Because it's extremely severe. And it's constant. So first of all, it's extremely severe. And secondly, it's constant. Think about it, if somebody hits you once, but very severely.
Does it hurt a lot? Does it hurt a lot? Yes. Why? Because they hit you with a lot of force. It was only one hit one strike. But it is extremely painful because of the strength of the strike.
Similarly, if someone strikes you very lightly, but again and again and again and again. Does that become painful? does that become painful? Yes, it does. So the punishment of hellfire is a extremely severe, extremely painful, extremely hard, tough, and secondly, it's also constant. So this is only to unravel, Aleve and also to unravel. Alene because it's not just physical, but it's also mental health and mental torture. How is it mental torture, that when the people have hellfire, they will try to get out. They will say reduce the punishment. What will happen they will be sent back it will never ever be reduced for them.
When they will say that we should be just finished. Don't keep us in this punishment. We should just be finished or they will try to get out. They will be scolded. They will be scolded. So just imagine that a person is in pain and on top of that they're being scolded. We learn in sort of a Nyssa I have 45 Allah subhanaw taala says indle Munna, Filipina fifth don't kill us Philomena now the hypocrites will be in the lowest level of hellfire either one Alene lowest level of alpha, where the condition is most severe.
And I will leave into a hedge I had 22 that couldn't allow do a Yahoo do men have in common or EDC, what do a double headache every time they want to get out of hellfire from anguish, they will be returned to it, they will be sent back to it. They will not be allowed to come out. Now the question is, why is there a painful punishment for the hypocrites? Because Allah says Bhima can we actually boo because they used to lie yak the boon calf their caddy, which is to lie, what does it mean by lying?
Do not tell the truth to say that which contradicts reality, to say that, which is not true
to do what's not true because lying is not just in words, but it's also in one's actions. So for example, if a person says yes I have prayed, whereas in reality have not prayed, what are you doing?
Is that a lie? It's a lie.
Allah says one of whom are that one Aleem on the Mercado Yakubu on
a hypocrite lies, he tries to deceive others with his lies. And these lies, lead him to punishment lead him to failure for them as a painful punishment because they used to lie.
What do we learn from this if we learned on the cya first of all, that if a person finds any disease in his heart, whether it is an extreme love for this world, that makes him compromise, what he should be doing, or it is extreme love for a person which makes him compromise what Allah subhanaw taala has commanded him to do. Or it is extreme love for sleep, extreme love for eating extreme love for just dressing up and shopping or things like that which make him compromise his religion. Or for example, doubt, then should a person let that disease stay in his heart. Should he What should he do? He should better fix it. What's the cure for doubts?
So if a person finds even the slightest of doubt in his heart, slightest of doubt,
I wonder if the Day of Judgment
They will be,
I wonder if we'll actually be questioned about everything we're doing. I wonder, I wonder if really, the hereafter is eternal? Even if a person has the slightest of doubt, what should you do? Get rid of that doubt. Because if you don't get rid of it, it's going to increase. It's going to kill you. Literally. It's going to harm you, it's going to destroy you. So the cure to doubts is knowledge.
What's the cure for desires?
Righteous action,
back to obedience.
Because when a person obeys Allah subhanaw data, then he has to control his desires, when he has to control his desires, eventually, it becomes a habit, eventually, it becomes easier. The first day of fasting.
Is it difficult to prevent yourself from eating? Yes, every other minute, you're thinking about food. But by the time the last day comes, even if Ramadan is over, the food is in front of you, but you don't bother, isn't it so? So when a person obeys Allah, when he forces himself to obey Allah constantly, continuously, then what happens? He is strong enough to control his desires, then his desires don't overtake him.
So we must cure the diseases of our heart.
Also, remember that it's quite possible that a person's heart is diseased, and he doesn't even realize, for example, a person has cancer. Does he know from the very beginning, he has cancer? No, sometimes they find it extremely late, isn't it? So? Similarly, a person has, you know, their jaw is hurting, their tooth is hurting, and they keep ignoring it. They're like, No, it's not that big of a deal. But eventually the pain becomes extreme. So they go to the dentist, and they find that they have an infection. So a person does not necessarily know that he has a disease. This is why we should always be gaining knowledge and we should always be busy in righteous action, so that we can
prevent our heart from getting diseased.
You know, some people, they only fix a problem when it gets worse other people, they take preventive measures, isn't it so? So to avoid this disease, what do we need to do keep gaining knowledge and keep yourself busy and righteous action? So a lot of them are that when Aleem we met? Can we help people? What else do we learn from this if
that punishments that Allah subhanaw taala gives to his slaves? What are they a result of a person's own sins because we see over here one Omar that will eliminate the Mac and we actually won't because they used to lie. It's a result punishment is a result. Allah subhanaw taala is not unjust.
That we have seen this idea that lying is the characteristic of who
are who have a hypocrite have.
We learned that once the Prophet salallahu Salam, he said, there are three signs of a hypocrite. When he speaks he tells a lie. When he makes a promise he acts treacherously and when he is trusted, what does he do? He betrays he does not fulfill it he betrays so it's a sign of a hypocrite that he lies. Eman is about being honest, being honest with who? Allah, His Messenger, the believers, the people around and hypocrisy is about what being dishonest, being treacherous, that a person is not honest with anyone.
He's not even sincere with himself, because if he was sincere with himself, at least he would be concerned about his.
So, lying is something that cannot be in a believer. Lying is a part of who who a hypocrite.
We also learned that once a Prophet sallallahu sallam was asked, Can a believer be a coward? And he said he is a believer can be a coward. He was asked Can a believer be a miser, Stingy?
He said yes. And then he was asked, Can a believer be a liar? He said no.
A believer can be stingy, he can be a coward. But a believer cannot be a liar.
He should never be a liar. He should not be a liar, because who lies
who lies, hypocrites lie? And the end of hypocrites is what?
Hellfire are that when anyone?
So this statement is enough for us what to whom? Or that when an evil demon? Can we actually want to leave lying? Lying leads to what? Punishment and hellfire. If we want to save ourselves from punishment, then what should we do? Leave lying? Just leave it.
Think about it. When is it that people lie? When is it that generally we lie? In what situations
when we're afraid when we're about to get in trouble? So for example, if the teacher asks you, did you do your lesson seven times? Yes, I did. Whereas in reality you didn't do it. Why would a person lie?
out of shame, out of fear of getting into trouble.
So, a person should not lie because you may be able to please the teacher at that point. But who knows? Allah knows who has written that lie. The angels have written that lie.
What other situation? Is it that people line? Yes. Okay, when they're too weak to tell the truth, to boast to show off, you know, this jacket, I bought it for $500. Whereas in reality that picked it up from a garage sale, yes.
To protect others, or lying for the sake of other people, okay. When they're caught for something, they say that No, I never did this wrong thing, whereas in reality, they did it to be accepted.
Yes, to not lose out on worldly benefit. There are many different reasons that people line and sometimes people out to lie just to joke, just to have fun just to have a good laugh. But remember that lying is not acceptable. And if a person makes up his mind that that's it, I am not going to lie. No matter what happens. I'm not going to lie. Once you make up your mind, then even in a situation where you're afraid, even in a situation where you feel you're gonna get in trouble. You will not lie. It starts with one determination of the heart, you have to make a promise with yourself, I am not going to lie, no matter what happens. You have to make a promise you have to take
the initiative. Once you make a promise, only then you will not be able to lie. But if you're not Durmand in your heart, then what's going to happen, then what's going to happen. One thing happens one lie here nothing happens another lie there. And remember that her these that are personalized until he is known as a liar. And people don't trust him. People don't trust him. People don't accept what he says. People doubt him all the time. So we must leave lying. Because well whom are there when anyone we met? Can we actually won't? If you think about it, a little pain, a little heat is unbearable. Can we bear that will Aleem can we? No we cannot.
So if we cannot bear a little heat, for example, right now in this classroom, it's just getting a little hot and I see people drinking water see people moving around stretching. We cannot bear this heat. How on earth do we think we can bear the heat of the Hellfire?
Think about it. We cannot bear it. So don't put yourself at risk by just lying. Protect yourself, save yourself one of whom are there when Aleem on the back? Can we can
we listen to the recitation of these verses?
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remember that there are two types of hypocrisy.
One is hypocrisy in Arpita in one's faith,
which means that a person is a hypocrite in heart that a person is pretending to be a believer whereas in reality, he knows that he's a disbeliever in his heart. He's hiding Cofer, and he's showing Iman.
He's hiding Cofer. But what is he showing on the surface? Amen. This person is a hypocrite, how in earthly that in his fate.
The second type of hypocrisy is that which is an ominous that which is inaction that a person is a believer in his heart. When he says that I believe in Allah in the last day, I am a Muslim, I'm a believer, he actually means it. He believes in Allah in his heart. He believes in the Day of Judgment in his heart, he has all of that emotion in his heart. But when it comes to actions, he resembles how that I'm going after clients and this person also lie sometimes. I'm gonna break the promise and this person also breaks his promises.
I'm gonna fake deceives and this person also deceives so this is what hypocrisy in action,
hypocrisy in action.
But tell me something. Who would you want to resemble someone who is a loser or someone who is successful?
Someone who's successful
Who would you like to resemble? Who would you like to be associated with
Someone who is at a very high level, or someone who doesn't have any self respect doesn't have any worth in the eyes of people. Someone who's at a high level.
We discussed this earlier as well, that when it comes to dunya, we want the best of the best, everything.
Whereas the Dunya doesn't really matter much when it comes to Deen when it comes to alcohol. That's where we should strive for the highest levels. So we should be careful. You know, we might say that No, no, I'm a believer. I'm not a hypocrite, but we should look at our actions do our actions resemble those of hypocrites, from these verses? Tell me, what are the actions of hypocrites?
Okay, first of all, they're liars. Secondly, they're two faced. How are they two faced? Exactly. They say one thing, but they do the other. They say that they're believers. But in reality, they're not believers. They say, for example, yes, I've done such and such. But in reality, they haven't done such and such because the liars who Too Faced what else?
They deceive a hypocrite is deceptive. He tries to deceive other people. Yes. They're foolish, how are they foolish? exactly the thing that they can deceive Allah, but they're actually deceiving themselves. They say something, but they don't actually do it. So these are the characteristics of who I'm gonna
make a list of these characteristics. And check yourself, analyze yourself, do I do this? Do I have any of these characteristics? Because if I do,
then what if these sins they increase? What if the smuggled increases and completely overcomes me? I will be in great trouble. If we want to save ourselves, we must run away from hypocrisy. We must avoid it. Because, you know, sometimes person may think that yeah, you know, so what if I said a lie just once in a while, it's not a big deal. So what if I broke a promise once in a while, it's not a big deal. It is a big deal, why it's going to lead you to more doesn't happen that if a person lies once it's easier for him to lie again. It's much easier if a person does not do what they're supposed to. And they say that they have done it, then it's easy for them to repeat that behavior.
Again and again, eventually becomes a habit, such a strong habit that they're not able to break. So don't undermine these characteristics of wind are filthy. They're very serious.
And we should avoid them at every cost.
You see, what's the definition of a lie?
To say that which is contrary to reality? So whether it's a white lie, a small lie, a big lie, it's all the same. Okay? If you're seeing something that contradicts the reality, it's a lie. Whether it's acceptable or not. We have to see what does Allah accept and what is he rejected?
With the tongue also, we end up harming other people. Sometimes people harm others with their hands but with the donor also we can harm how by lying by deceiving by cheating and we don't have the authority to call people who
remember that