Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P01 003B Translation and Word Analysis Al-Baqarah 6-7
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The transcript describes various words and phrases used in the Bible, including "will" and "will", as well as "will" and "will" used to signal confidence or attitude. The speakers emphasize the importance of warning before happening and not just giving general general messages. The transcript also discusses the use of "head" in English to describe experiences or emotions, and the punishment of hellfire, including "has" and "has" in Arabic language.
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bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim lesson number three Surah Al Baqarah ayah number 67. We will do the word torah translation first and then I will do the word breaker in indeed and Medina those who careful they disbelieved. So when it is equal, it is same. I lay him upon them
whether and doctor whom you warned them
or lum not done deal whom you warn them lair not yet me known, they believe, hot summer he sealed Allah who Allah, Allah upon cannubi him their hearts work and Isla upon some are him. They're hearing WA and Isla upon abou Saudi him. Their sights, Leisha, we're doing a veal wah and law home for them. Are there been a punishment? Or Lehman? Great? That's it. Let's go over the words. She looked at the first style in the Latina cathedral. Indeed those people who have disbelieved so well only him, it is the same upon them, what is the same upon them, that ends up the whole, whether you want them, um lamped on their home, or you do not want them lay up known, they will not believe in?
In is one word. And it means indeed, and this word is one of the most covered words in the Quran. And levena Those who are you familiar with this word? Have you done it already? Where in both the lessons isn't it's a slow fall? levena and I'm entirely him, and then in total? Bacara What Did We Learn? Alladhina you may know nobility, be careful who they disbelieved.
Careful who they disbelieved. The root of this word is gaff Farah
and gaffer or give the meaning of to disbelieve, and the while at the end that you see that gives the meaning of plural. So kifaru they disbelieved? If the word was Kefar up, then it would mean he disbelieved but Kefar you add a while at the end, it turns into plural, they disbelieved
so on it is equal, it is same.
I lay him this is a combination of Allah and him. So Allah means upon and he means they together upon them, and to whom this is a combination of First of all,
all right, and
is also a word in itself. Okay? It's used for a question. Sometimes, and over here gives meaning of weather
and Zalta home, and they'll and from the root letters known then Ra, which means warn the meaning you and delta, you warned, who did you warn? Home? Then if you look at the word and delta, you warned, we read the word earlier. And now
both are similar, isn't it? And Zelda and
and that's the words they give the meaning of you as well. Isn't it? So? So what is the short term so that that at the end, what does that mean? You so Anantha you blessed and Delta? You warned? Who did you want home then
or lum did not
tune the home tune their home same route as and delta Nunes alpha and delta gives the meaning of warning turn their home also gives the meaning of warning but just the shape of the word is different. The form of the word is different. All right? How is this one different? That Tune zero over here you see the letter they're coming at the beginning all right, and this letter that at the end also gives meaning of you at the beginning also it gives a meaning of you so tunes if you weren't home then let me know they will not believe have you done these words before? Yes less you have done it means not and you've known they believe has done Allahu Allah has set a seal or their
Karoubi him upon their hearts. What are their summary him and also upon their hearing? Why Allah Allah sorry he militia, and over their vision is avail one of whom are there
wouldn't allow him and for them is a great punishment. Help them Allahu Katama II sealed from the root letters ha Tamim Katana he said a seal he sealed who said a seal? Allahu Allah were either upon Kullu be him can you be him as a combination of Kulu and him collude means hearts and him there so their hearts what Anna and upon summary him just as to be him. Summary him can you be him there their hearts some renew their hearing?
Well Anna and a fawn over Friday him their sights glooby him summary him upside him, their hearts, their hearing and their sights. Alicia we're doing a covering work law home and for them. This is a combination of work and left for home them. Now remember one thing earlier we learned
Al hamdu Lillahi Al hamdu lillahi what does that mean all praises for Allah over here we learn law home for them. So remember that this lamb is the same. Okay? Sometimes Islam comes with a fatwa. And other times it comes with a casserole. You know what the word for Tynecastle Amin, what is what has the sign that you see on top of the word and sometimes it comes as cassava, cassava the sign that you see under the letter E. So sometimes it comes as left other times it comes as li but both times what's the meaning for just as home and him so when a home for them or there was a punishment or Lehman one that is great.
Okay, let's listen to the recitation of these if and then we will do the *
and learn to
cotton along Walla
will normally
miss my
insert Fatiha we learned about three types of people. We make dua to Allah subhanaw taala even a Serato Mr. Team and what is Serato? Mr. Team, sir oppa ladina and I'm Valley him. So the first type of people are who those upon whom Allah subhanaw taala bestowed favor. The second type of people are who laden malubay or lay him, those upon whom Allah subhanaw taala was angry, he was upset with them. And thirdly, when a bar lien those who are a stray, so three types of people, we learned about intro to Fatiha, then sort of dakara right at the beginning, who did we learn about that looked up in the monthly hound. Those people who have Taqwa those people who are successful, and those are the
ones who benefit from the Quran, because it is who then lived with the pain. They are the ones who are in receipt of the guidance that is found in the Quran, and who are these people and Medina and I'm Tara him, because when a person receives guidance from the book, then he brings change in his actions. And with those actions he strives to please Allah subhanaw taala so Allah is happy with him Alladhina Ananda Allah him. Then the second type of people are who I love Do I lay him those with whom Allah is angry, and who are those people in certain Fatiha I told you that who are Madhu those people who know who have knowledge, yet they do not bring any change in their behavior in their
actions. They know yet they don't do anything. So inshallah today in these two I act, we will learn about the second type of people, those who may know those who may be warned those who may be told that whether you want them or you don't want them, they do not bring any change in their actions. They are stubborn, they are firm on their disbelief. They do not act on the knowledge that they have. May Allah subhanaw taala save us from becoming like such people. So at the beginning, we learned about the successful ones over here we learning about those people who are losers. You may be wondering, why is it that right at the beginning of the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala tells us
about the different types of people.
Have you thought about that? Right at the beginning of the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala lays it before us very clearly, that these people who
have these characteristics are successful? These people who have these characteristics are failures? Why is it so important? Why is it mentioned right at the beginning? So that we may reflect on ourselves? If you think about it, the Quran what is the main subject of the Quran? What does the Quran talk about who?
Mankind people, this Quran has been sent to guide who? All people? This is why right at the beginning, we find out about the different different types of people so that we check ourselves Where do I stand? Who do I want to become? Where do I want to go? So as we learn about them with takim why is it that Allah subhanaw taala is telling us that we strive to become the motor clean, we strive to become the muffler Hone. And as we learn about Alladhina Cafaro This is not that we can point fingers, but this is so that we can analyze ourselves that okay, yes, these people are disbelievers, but do I have any traits that these people have? Am I similar to them in some way? If
I am, I better become careful, I better change my ways. Because remember, at the end of the day, who is the one who is successful, the one who translates information into knowledge, right? How, by acting on that knowledge.
So when a person learns about something, what should he do? Bring a change in his actions. And if a person learns, but he does not reflect on himself does not improve his behavior than that knowledge is useless. So let's look at these if Who are these people? What characteristics do they have? Let's look at them
in the medina cathedral. Indeed, those people who have disbelieved in in is used for emphasis. It is to emphasize a statement. So indeed, those people who have disbelieved This is a fact about them. Who are Alladhina Cafaro. kifaru is from the root letters cafe.
And it's from the word cafe. Have you heard of the word gopher? What does it mean? This belief, right gopher means disbelief. Does anyone know the literal meaning of the word Kafala.
To hide, to cover something it means Adelphia to cover something to veiled something to hide it. This is why from the same root the word calf it is actually used for a farmer in the Arabic language as well. Yes, it's used for a disbeliever. But it's also used for who a farmer, because what does a farmer do? He takes the seed and where does he put it? In the ground, he hides it under the soil, the seed that was out that was visible, what does the farmer do? He puts it in the soil to that seed is hidden. Now. Similarly, the word caffeine is also used for the night. Why? Because what does the night do? It covers everything with its darkness, everything trees, water, land, everything is
covered with the darkness of the night. Why is disbelief called cover? Because when a person this believes, then what is he doing? He is hiding the truth. He is covering up the truth. He says I don't believe in it. So it's as though he is hiding it. Because when a person believes in something, that belief is shown, it is manifested through one's actions through one's behavior. But when a person rejects it, a person denies it, it will not come into his actions, it will not come on his tongue. So the truth is hidden, it's covered. Similarly cover is also called disbelief. Because a person is covering up he is hiding the fitrah the nature that Allah subhanaw taala has created
people with
what is the fistula? What is the nature with which Allah subhanaw taala has created people with that they have the ability to recognize their Creator. They have the ability to recognize their Lord. So when a person commits gopher then what happens? He's covering up that innate nature that Allah subhanaw taala has created mankind with.
Now what is Cofer? Technically, it is disbelief. But what does it mean to disbelieve? It is to disbelieve in that which a person must believe in.
We learned about Iman earlier, isn't an Iman is what that a person believes in everything that Allah subhanaw taala has informed him of. So whether something is mentioned in the Quran, or the Prophet sallallahu Sallam informed us, what is the man that we believe in it? Go for his work, the opposite of that a person says no, I don't believe in it. I don't accept it as true. I will not do it. I will not do what is required of me. Remember that the definition of Eman,
the leap to affirm the truthfulness and then go bool acceptance and then it aren't submission. So copper is the opposite of that. That does not that leave I don't believe I don't accept. I'm not good.
To do it, I'm not going to submit. So in the Latina Cafaro indeed those people who disbelieved? Now one thing before we move on that the word catfish is not a swear word, because many times people abused this word and they, they heard it and other people just do take revenge from them or their classes. I don't like them. This is not right. Okay. And secondly, if somebody is actually a disbeliever, and he is being described with Gopher, this is not meant to insult them. All right, because people get very, very offended. People get very, very offended when they're described as those people who do gopher. It's not an offensive word. This is just describing the reality of a
person. He just does not believe. So you're describing him how he actually is. All right. So in the medina Cafaro Indeed, those people who disbelieve Allah's primal data says concerning them, that so we're gonna lay him, it is the same upon them. What is the same upon them that
I'm lumped on the home? Let me know whether you want them or you don't want them? They're not going to believe? What does it mean by the word solo solo owners from the root letter seen? Well, yeah. And so well, is when something is equal from both sides leveled equal from both sides. So same. So what is the same or lay him upon the meaning upon the disbelievers that are under the home? Whether you warn them, um, London's in home? Or you do not warn them? They're going to remain the same? And what is it that they're going to remain as, like me? No, they're not going to believe.
Now the word that is used for warning ends of the home warning in the this is from the root letters Nunes, l.
And in there is to inform someone about an imminent danger, inform someone about some catastrophe, some danger, something harmful, that's going to happen very soon, that's definitely going to happen. All right. But it is not just to inform them plainly, it is to inform them and simultaneously instilling an element of fear within them so that they also become afraid. For example, you could tell a child, you better get off, otherwise, you're going to follow, if you tell him plainly, he might not understand the intensity of your warning. But if you say it in a way, get down, you might fall, then we just by your expression, the way you're talking, they become afraid, and they accept
what you're telling them, isn't it so? So in that is not just to inform about something dangerous, that's going to happen, but it is to also arouse fear in the person. Why arouse fear so that they can do something, they will actually bring a change in their action. And endow is also to give warning before time, what does it mean by this before time, so that a person can actually do something about it? Not that while a person is falling, you tell them, Oh, you better not go here, you're gonna fall. It's pointless. It's useless, you should have told them before. Many times, what do we do when a person has suffered? We tell them I told you. So. You know, I was going to tell you,
I was going to tell you I had this fear that this was going to happen, what was the point of that fear, you should have informed them in time, so that they could have actually done something about it. So that is also to warn before time. Similar needs is also said that Intel is warning that is given not necessarily in a threatening way, not necessarily in a threatening way. It could be given in a loving way as well. But if you think about it, why would a person warn another out of what feeling out of sincerity out of well wishing out of concern?
The prophets of Allah they're described in the Quran as Nadine as well as Bashir, who is Naveed, the one who brings warning, the one who conveys warning, the one who warns other people, the prophets of Allah when they came, they want the people about what harmful consequences in this dunya and in the Hereafter, that if a person does not believe, does not strive to please Allah subhanaw taala then what will happen, he will suffer harm in this world and also in the hereafter. Because when a person commits sin, there are actually consequences. In this world even like for example, a person is unhappy, he may have everything but the peace of his heart the contentment is gone. Similarly,
another consequence of sin is that a person does not have much Belka in his risk. He may have a lot of money, a lot of provision, but there is no baraka to the prophets of Allah they can why to warn people so that they stop disobeying Allah so that they can be saved from harmful consequences in this world and in the hereafter. So Allah says over here, that there are some people
But who are the disbelievers? That if you warn them, or you don't warn them a mountain at home, you warn them or you don't warn them? What is their reaction? layer up noon? They will not believe they will not change, they remain the same. You're warning you're not warning does not make any difference. Why? Because they are firm. They are stubborn on their cover.
The motto clean, who are they? That when they know what they have to do? What do they do? They bring it into action immediately. Isn't it? So which is why they're described as Mr. Payne, a person who is careful, alert, trying to protect himself trying to save himself. But these people Alladhina Cafaro it says though they don't know anything, even if they know everything.
In the law, the NACA Furusawa en la him, the whole I'm Lampton Nero, Naomi, no, they will not change they will not bring any change in their actions. Why is it so? What's the reason behind that? Allah subhanaw taala tells us the reason is Hitomi Allahu Allah Kulu be whom Allah has set a seal upon their hearts. Katana Katana is from the roosters, ha that meme caught that meme. And cotton is to put a seal on something so that nothing can now go in or come out. So for example, there is a bottle, it has a mouse that is open. If you leave the mouth open, what's going to happen if you turned upside down whatever's inside is going to come out. And if you put that bottle with the mouth
open under a tap, and you turn on the tap, the water is going to go inside the bottle. So if the mouth is open, something can go in and something and also come out. But if the mouth is sealed, it is closed, then what's going to happen? You turn the bottle upside down, not even a drop look about you put it under an open tab. Not even a drop will go in, sealed, closed shut. So nothing comes out. And nothing goes in.
Hotham Allahu Allah Kulu be him. Allah has set a seal on their hearts. What does it mean by this, that Allah has had a seal on their hearts, that no good enters their heart, and no good comes out of them either. Nothing good enters, nothing good comes out. Now the word Kulu is a clone of culture. And culture is used for the heart. You may be wondering, nothing good goes in the heart, nothing good comes out of the heart. Well, it's the mind that thinks it's the brain that thinks why is the heart being used over here. Remember that in the Quran, the word called, is used for the faculty of reasoning, understanding. Because many decisions that we make many things that we understand, do we
have an emotional attachment with them? Are our feelings involved in decision making? Of course they are. And especially when it comes to faith. When it comes to, let's say forgiveness when it comes to mercy when it comes to seeking forgiveness. When it comes to worship, your feelings are involved, which is why sometimes when you're standing in prayer, what happens you start crying, why? Because your feelings are involved. All right. So this is why the word called the word heart is used in the Quran, for what? Your faculty of reasoning, your faculty of understanding. So Allah says over here, the katana, Allahu Allah Kenobi him, Allah has set a seal upon their hearts, so that even if the
truth is presented before them, they are warned, the warning does not enter their heart, meaning their hearts are unchanged. For example, if somebody warns you, if somebody tells you walk carefully, otherwise you will trip.
And you may hurt yourself. Because there are a lot of shoes in this pathway. For example, if you are concerned about your well being if you are concerned about your safety, will that warning enter your heart? And will that change your behavior? Yes, isn't it so it will enter your heart and it will result in action so that when you're walking, you're walking carefully. Then if a person says no, it's okay, I'm not going to fall, then what's going to happen? Has the warning gone into the heart? No. Will it bring any change in the action? No. And is a person vulnerable? Can they hurt themselves? Very easily. So how can Allahu Allah Kulu be him? The reason why the warning does not
affect them. The reason why they don't believe they don't change is because there is a seed of their hearts. A seal on their hearts caught them Allah who are in equilibrium, and not just on their hearts but also what Allah summary him and also upon their hearing. The word Samer is from the root letters seen me I mean
and the word sound
In the Arabic language is used for both ears, as well as the ability to hear the faculty of hearing. It's used for both. So Allah has said a seal upon their hearts and also a seal upon their hearing. What does it mean by this that there's a seal on their hearing? doesn't mean they're deaf literally they cannot hear anything. No, they may be able to hear but they don't hear truth. They don't hear good things. And what does it mean by this that they don't hear good things doesn't mean that they never ever hear for example the Quran
Abuja How did he ever hear the Quran? Yes, he did. What does it mean by this? They don't hear they don't listen. That they don't benefit from what they hear. They don't benefit from what they hear. So how can Allahu Allah Karoubi him were Allah summary him there's also a seal on the ears, on the faculty of hearing. So even if the best advice, even if the verses of the Quran are recited, most beautiful, most effective words are presented before them, they will hear but the words will bounce back. They will not enter, they will not go in, they will not benefit from what they have heard. It's just as though they have heard sounds. There are some people who when they hear the Quran, when
they listen to the Quran, when they listen to good words, you can see that there is a change you can sit there feeling it you can see that they're benefiting by what they're listening to. Why? Because they're concentrating you can see that their emotions are involved. But there are other people who when they're listening it's as though they haven't heard a thing. It says though they haven't heard a sound Sahaja Mala who are now Karoubi hem wa ala summary him
and then why Allah Allah Saudi him and upon their vision is what Felicia worked on a covering of Assad is deployed off bus off and just as summer is used for hearing and ears buffer is used for eyes as well as the ability to see so what I now have beside him and assault is from the letters Bell slot to see so are the eyes on Revision is Risha, what a covering avail? What is the shower? The shower is from the royal doctors Elaine sheen yet last year, which means to cover something to put a veil on something.
But remember that Alicia Wawa is such a veil, through which you can see, meaning you can't clearly see you cannot completely see. But you can see a little bit.
You know, sometimes you're buying some fabric or you want to buy some hijab, what do you do? You put your hand under it, right? And you put it up and then you put your hand behind it? Can I see my hand or not? If I can see it, I'm not getting it. If I cannot see it, then okay, this is good material. Right? So it's not see through Berkeley Shaohua. This is a little see through that you can still make out a little bit, you know, this is what this thing is. And this is what that thing is, you can still make out a little bit not a lot, but just a little bit you can figure out a little so on their vision is a veil. What does it mean by this doesn't mean that means that their eyes are covered?
What does it mean? The truth is covered for them. So that even if they see the truth, they will not benefit by it. Just as hearing, even if they hear the truth, they do not benefit by similarly, even if the see the truth, the most obvious signs, they do not benefit from them. What I love about Saudi Himalayas Shaohua such as the people who Allah has created with hearts, ears and eyes. However, because of their disbelief, what happens? Allah subhanaw taala has sealed all of these faculties for them, which is why they cannot benefit from any warning. So as a result, when a homer are there when early and for them is a great punishment. Notice the word are there when or I'll leave a great
punishment. What does it mean by the word or the
punishment, and it's from the root letters are in their
brain that
is to not be able to sleep out of extreme thirst.
A person is extremely thirsty, extremely thirsty. And as a result, he's not able to sleep. Is that torture? Think about it. Is that like torture? Yes, it is. It's physical pain, as well as mental pain as well as emotional.
Has it ever happened with you that you didn't have dinner for whatever reason? And you went to bed and then you couldn't sleep because you're extremely hungry? Or you realize that you had a very early dinner and
Now that you're going to bed, it's been a very, very long time. So you haven't eaten anything for a while. And now, when you're trying to sleep, you cannot sleep. And then you get up and you go grab yourself a bowl of cereal or something like that, so that you can at least sleep, you won't have a heavy meal, but at least you put something in your tummy so that you can sleep easily. Imagine if you get up, but you cannot find any food. Just imagine, you cannot find any food. You cannot even find a sip of water to drink. Like hamdulillah none of us has experienced that. But if a person does have to experience it, it's extremely painful. It's like a torture. So are the punishment torture
I've also gives the meaning of constant pain, constant pain. So I there been constant pain that will not end for them. Then the word is also used for sweetness in the Arabic language the word artificial to use for sweetness in the Quran. Allah subhanaw taala tells us about the two different types of rivers, the two different bodies of water one is sweet and the other salty has the bone Ferrara to answer your one shot Abu Wahab Milan which one is sweet and pleasant and political, easy to drink, and the other is salty and bitter, difficult to drink. So is that which is sweet sweetness? What does it mean by that, then are the others to take the sweetness away, to take the
sweetness away, that a person does not experience any sweetness, any pleasure, any satisfaction? Every moment, everything that he faces that he feels that he experiences is painful, this is what are the is are their results are used for confinement when a person is imprisoned, so what to whom are there for them as a punishment? What kind of punishment is it? I'll leave Great.
I'll leave it somewhere the letters I logged me. And our leave is used for that which is great, huge, big, but something that is huge, in what sense in the sense that it is very curvy. And secondly, very shredded, can be as strong and tidied as in severe. So this punishment that is prepared for them in the hereafter. How is it great, very strong, very severe, so that they cannot resist it, they cannot escape it, they can't avoid it, they cannot ignore it. For example, if your hand is hurting, your head is hurting. A part of your body is hurting.
Can you ignore that pain for some time? But if the pain gets worse, and worse, if it becomes stronger, and more and more intense, can you avoid that pain? Can you ignore it? You cannot ignore it. This is when the pain completely overcomes you and you leave all that you're doing and you go lay down in bed and you put some medicine in your mouth. So in the hereafter are they ever gonna Aleem a great punishment is such punishment that is strong intense, that the people of hellfire will not be able to avoid they cannot get away from it. Are they able to Aleem and what is his great punishment? This great punishment is a punishment of hellfire because there is no punishment greater
than the punishment of fire and there is no fire that is greater than the fire of *. One of whom are there but normally we will listen to the recitation and then I will go over a few points
in the lady in
the room let me know what am quantum of long wider who will be more or less and
Saudi Malaysia
will now leave