Saba 15-30 Tafsir 15-19
Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 22 – L227B
![Taimiyyah Zubair](
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The history and culture of the region of Yemen, where Islam was once recognized, is discussed. The region is known for its large reservoirs and agricultural output, its language, and strong reputation for its large reputation for its large population. The land is also described as clean, clean, and nutritious, with a focus on the quality of its land and its characteristics. The speakers emphasize the importance of gratitude and being actively grateful to maintain blessings, and the use of words like "Granny" and "Granny" to describe blessings and gratitude. The region is also noted for its language and its reputation for its large population, its garden resilience, and the potential loss of value due to a flood.
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Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim that's number 227. So taba is number 15 to 30
la katakana Li Sava in FEMA scanning him area. There was for the people of Subbu in their dwelling place, assign
the people of server, who were they a very prosperous nation. I mentioned to you at the introduction of the surah that in this surah two civilizations are mentioned. One is that off though that Islam salamander Islam and the other is that of the people of Southern
there who they're listening today man or Islam, whatever they told me to do, and
they were obedient. Look at them look at how they prospered.
The people of several also were given many blessings. But we see that the problem was in gratitude when they were ungrateful. Look at what happened to them.
The other cannoli Sava in Sabah is the name of an Arab tribe.
It's the name of an Arab tribe. And remember that when it comes to Arabs, when it comes to the various Arab tribes are three types of Arabs.
One is Alban arriba, meaning the pure, original Arabs.
aramoana arriba, the pure original Arabs.
Secondly, there are the Arab eyes, Arabs, meaning they're not originally Arab, but they became Arab POW.
Like, for instance, the progeny of Israel is married Allison was from where
he was a son of a black female is now running for Islam was from where
We think today, any person who speaks Arabic, whether he's from Iraq, or Palestine, or anywhere he's Arab, every person who speaks Arabic is not Arab. Later on, when the Muslim Empire grew, Arabic became common everywhere. And as a result of that, the entire peninsula the entire area, it became, but initially, this was only in the area of hijas.
That was, so the second is the Arabs like, for example, the progeny of his married race. And
thirdly, you have the perishing Arabs, meaning those are tribes that have completely finished perished. Like for instance, the tribes of art and sammut. Who were they? They were Arabs, but they perished.
Now, the people of Sabah, who are the
original pure Arabs,
and they took their name from their ancestor, a man whose name was Subbu Subbu was
a man
and his name was Subbu. Even Yes, job miniato been quite fun.
And this man, he had 10 children.
How many children do the den and this was before Ibrahim racing them?
And what happened, these 10 children, they scattered over the Arabian Peninsula
and their children, their descendants formed into tribes and they were known as the various Arab tribes.
We learned from a hadith that a man asked or messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told me about Tibet. What was it a land or a woman?
Because about we think is the name of a woman, right? So he asked, What was it? Was it a land like the name of an area or a woman? What was it? So he said it was neither a land nor a woman. It was a man who had 10 children, six of whom went to Yemen.
Six of his children went were to Yemen. And four of them went to a sham.
Six went to Yemen, four went to Russia.
Those who went to a sham, they were loving, do them. Amina was son
and those who went to Yemen, they were kingda ashada Yun and as Hamid and Mount madej. So basically, they were the various Arab tribes that came into existence from the descendants of
this man Subbu
You understand? So Who was he?
Who was ever a man and his children?
His descendants, they became various Arab tribes. Okay, so who are the original Arabs
and the area that they inhabited
the area that
inhabited. That area was also called Subbu.
Because initially remember they were together, then six went somewhere for went elsewhere. Okay, so the area that they inhabited was Yemen, and it's the south of Arabia. And it's the area which is around me.
And this land, it was a desert.
The area that they lived in was a desert. And you can imagine a desert no water, and therefore no life.
However, these people, they're very intelligent. Allah subhanaw taala gave them
a lot of intelligence, great ideas. So what did they do? They built a huge reservoir, reservoir of water, a huge dam.
And this dam was so huge that its depth was 14 meters. And its breadth was 600 meters, 14 meters deep and 600 meters wide.
And whenever it rained, all of the water would collect over there. So they had this huge dam, a huge reservoir of water. And because of that, their lands, they irrigated them. As a result, they had fields and fields of crop, they had gardens, orchards. And because of that, they had plenty of food. The land was good, the atmosphere was beautiful. Because of that, they had trade. They had a lot of money. So basically, they were very, very prosperous. And this is the same nation, the people of Sabah, who, at the time said a man or Islam became Muslim.
They became Muslim at the time of Solomon, Arizona. We learned into the number four market available even for color how to be Muslim to have to be he wanted to come in Sabah in Vienna in Yaki. It was the same people. So Allah subhanaw taala says that acorda can Elisa in certainly there was for several famous stunning him in their dwelling.
Muskaan is what the place of sukhna the place of living residents and in their Muskaan what it means by muslin is their masakan, meaning their homes, or what it means by muskan is the land that they lived in.
So for them in the land that they lived in was an idea, a great lesson, a great sign of what a great lesson What
a great sign of the power of Allah, the wisdom of Allah, the blessings of Allah, that Allah gives to whomever He wills, and he takes away from whomever He wills.
He gives whenever he wants, and he takes away whenever he wants, whatever he wants.
So what was the blessing that these people had been given? Jonathan do gardens are Neo meaning on the right was Shima. And also on the left.
What does it mean by this gardens on the right and the left?
Doesn't mean they had only two gardens. One garden on the right one garden on the left know, some of Southern What this means is that they lived in a place where there was a reservoir. And there were mountains on the right and left side of the city. So they lived in a valley.
There were mountains, the right side, and there were mountains on the left side.
And at the foot of these mountains was what orchards.
So when you would pass through the center of the city, you would find orchards on the right and you will find orchards on the left. Jonathan on you mean washerman.
Some have said that what it means by Jonathan is not literally to gardens, but the two directions of right and left.
That wherever a person would be in that city, he would look to the right what would he find? gardens he would look to the left what would he find guidance.
So their entire land? How was it fertile? Their entire land was such that it grew a lot of produce. They had orchards, they had a lot of produce that grew over there.
You know, sometimes you're you're traveling, you're driving on a highway, you look to the right all you find is fields you look the left all you find is fields, right? So this is exactly how it was generated. And you mean what she meant. And they were told Calomiris, they have become eat of the provision of your Lord, wash karula who and be grateful to him, eat and be grateful.
This shows that it wasn't just that they were given a lot of blessings. But they were also given the ability to enjoy the blessings
that you have these gardens. Don't just work hard all year long. And whatever produce you have you give it to someone else.
Because you're in debt, no kulu eat of it. Because so many times what happens people have a lot they're farming, they're manufacturing they're producing, but they cannot enjoy even a bit of it. They have to export everything. They have to sell everything they have to give everything. Why? Because they are in debt, isn't it?
Or because somebody else rules over them, and they cannot enjoy even a little of what they have produced.
So many times what happens? There are farmers who are producing a lot of let's say, cocoa. And what happens to that cocoa? Can they use it? No, they sell it so cheap. And by the time it gets to you 10 times its price, sometimes 50 times its price.
The other is our chocolate bars, so tiny. And it was about $20. Just imagine,
the less ingredients it has, the more expensive it is quality chocolate. So how many times it happens that people they're producing their manufacturing, but can they enjoy themselves? No. It's amazing how perhaps those farmers or children who work in such fields in such plantations, they never get to eat chocolate.
The chocolate that we enjoy, they never even taste it. Never.
So what do we see the people have suffered? They were told you have all these gardens pulumi this thing of bacon, eat of the provision of your Lord, wash karula who and after eating, be grateful?
Why? Because of all of these blessings that he has bestowed upon you. And what does it mean by be grateful to him? What does it mean by that?
Then with your call realizes the blessing of Allah with your lesson, but amobee our material because I had this say Alhamdulillah and when it comes to your actions, don't be disobedient to Allah rather be obedient, don't be arrogant, rather be humble wish guru Allah who and why should you be grateful? Because bell that I'm given a land that is best, what have been over four and uloric that is forgiving. This is why you should be grateful.
You have so much to be grateful for
that first of all, you have been bitten by you but what is delta, city, country land where a person is living? So your land? How is it the UVA UVA Yeah,
for you is that which is good, clean,
wholesome, nutritious remember
Columbian Morocco. Now when it comes to land, that is, what does it mean by that this can be understood in several ways. First of all such land that is free of pollution, its water is free of pollution, its air is free of pollution, the land itself is also very good.
Then the air is also very pleasant. So their land was such that it was pollution free, very clean, clean air, clean water, clean land.
And on top of that, it was very pleasant. You can imagine if they have orchards, you would also have a lot of fragrance. You'd have fragrance as well. When the flowers are blooming. When it's springtime, there would be a lot of fragrance as well. And so much beauty Balaton flavor.
Outside has been said that their land was such that it was free from flies, scorpions, snakes, anything that could be harmful to the people. Because typically when people have fields or orchards than what do they fear? What do they have? insects. If you have ever experienced growing something in your backyard,
if you have lovely flowers that smell very beautiful, lovely color, bright color, what do you see honeybees. And if you go towards the ground, you will find earwigs and you will see ants and you will find a lot of stuff. But their land was labor free of all such insects that could be harmful to people.
And finally, it was also used for that which is suitable for a person.
So this land was also very suitable for them to live in. The weather was good. Food was plenty. The land was fertile.
Because of the weather is not good. Do people want to live in that place? They don't.
Every time there's winter and it's minus 20 I wonder why do people live here?
Why it's freezing cold, but people live here because they have made ways of making this land suitable for themselves.
So that land was also very suitable for them to live in. weather was good land was fertile food was plenty. Nothing was short. So both of them tie up.
have everything. And on top of that what I've done over food alert, who is forgiving Indonesia and after that, if you do make a mistake, you turn to Him seeking forgiveness, he will forgive you, then why should you not be grateful?
You see, in this ayah reasons are being given why you should be great. You have everything you need, what I've been adding after dunia has been, and then what I've been
working on.
So if people have worldly blessings,
and on top of that they also have the blessing of hedaya. than they are very, very fortunate. Because when can a person get forgiveness from Allah?
When he's doing chick?
Is it when can you get forgiveness from Allah?
When when you base on low and he turns to Allah, isn't it so when a person has Udaya so if people have worldly blessings, and they alter the diet, they are fortunate people. The people of Sabah were like that. They had everything they needed. But what happened?
They turned away. They weren't grateful. Rather, they were ungrateful. They didn't give thanks to Allah. They didn't believe in him. They didn't obey Him, they disobeyed him. So what happened for all of a sudden early him so we sent upon them, we unleashed upon them, what did we unleash upon them, sailor led me the floodwaters of their value.
And as a result, all of their orchards finished destroyed.
How are they destroyed by a flood st SR dam is used for a flood.
We read the word assignment earlier
and alert him from the root letters. I've seen ra mean
RM is the plural of idema you write it the exact same way just add a Tamil butadiene or Arima.
And Arima is a structure
that holds water in it
like a reservoir, a dam and
over here alone, it refers to the dam at
this dam that they had built, what was this dam called Murray.
So, what happened? Allah subhanaw taala sent upon them the flood of Ra meaning the flood of
the dam that they had constructed,
that dam they had constructed, why
why the water would collect over there they would irrigate their lands, they would have a lot of produce that was the basis of their entire infrastructure, isn't it, it was a foundation. Now, that dam what happened to it? Allah subhanaw taala made it overflow. So, he sent a flood of the dam because when the dam overflow, when it was filled with water, what happened it broke the dam
and when the dam was broken, as a result, what was everywhere
you know, in certain areas where they have dense, the water can only be up till a certain point.
And whenever water goes above that point, what do they have to do open up to them
so that the water goes out. Because if it doesn't go out and the dam keeps on finishing, what's going to happen the dam will be broken and the water will be uncontrollable. It will turn into a flood the whole land will be destroyed. So this dam it broke and it turned into a flood say the Lord me
some have said that the word Adam it means that which flows with a lot of pressure
that which flows with a lot of pressure
that cannot be controlled there's cool weather she
said was such a flood that was that flew with a lot of pressure. It was impossible for the people to control that water. So for all the sudden now are laying him silent it mean well but the now home and we changed for them be gentle Athenian with their two gardens, Jen nothing to other gardens over here. But then this debate is what that we completely altered their gardens, their orchards. The orchards to the right to the left that were beautiful. Well, that and what happened to it they were as though replaced by other two gardens, and these new two gardens or how their gardens had been destroyed. What were they like now? The wetter two possessors the way they do love that. They were
possessors of what they were burying what we're calling such fruit that was * bitter. Oakland from their old letters. I'm Zach eflin. Vocal is used for fruit. It's cool that which is edible that which is supposed to be eaten.
So then come from the roof that was hot meme.
And hump is that which is extremely bitter. It's also that that hump is used for every thorny plant that does not grow any fruit.
Or even if it does grow any fruit, can you use that fruit? Can you eat it? First of all, can you pick it? Because the plan is extremely thorny. And even when you do pick, it isn't going to be sweet. No way. It's going to be very, very bitter. It's almost inevitable. So there are two gardens which were beautiful. That had fruit bearing trees, they were replaced by something completely different. What did they have? No.
What did they grow? Now these two gardens, these lands, these orchards. They grew such plants whose fruit was extremely bitter. When you have bitter fruit, matter how much it is, can you enjoy it?
You cannot, you know, sometimes you get a cucumber, and you eat it. And it turns out to be bitter. Sometimes it happens right? And which is why you have to cut it, you know a piece from the side and you have to rub it right onto the side so that all the bitterness comes out if you don't do that, and you have the cucumber as it is, would it be better? Of course it would be. And if you have the cucumber in tiny, tiny pieces mixed up in a salad, can you eat that salad? No, you can't. Because it goes extremely bitter.
So I couldn't complain.
They had so much but it was inedible, useless for them. What Athlon and also those gardens What did they produce ethylene, a thorny shrub.
What does it mean by this effort
is used for a shrub that is extremely thorny. And it is said this is the tamarisk tree, t Ma Ri SK
which is also known as salt cedar.
And it's a kind of a very thorny and fruitless plant, a shrub like tree,
it has very thin branches. And it's leaves are very scaling.
And this shrub or this plant it is such that it consumes a lot of water.
It's known as a water hog. Why? Because all the water that's in the land it will take everything and because of it other plants cannot grow
to understand because it takes all the water it consumes a lot of water the rest of the fans they die.
And it is such that it can also grow in saline water, salty water, it can also go over there
are land that has become very salty soil that has become salty it can even grow over there.
And it is also said that because of this plant, the salinity of the soil it increases.
You may have noticed that in certain areas, if you go, the soil is white, you have this white stuff on the ground. And because of that you cannot grow anything. You cannot even build buildings over there.
Why? Because the salt content is a lot. So when this tree it grows in a particular place, the salt content increases. Why? Because it's consuming all of the water.
And it spreads very quickly. So what do we see what is his plan to it destroys other plants, because of which no food, no animals, no birds, no insects. And that land it becomes useless for the people. You cannot grow anything, you cannot build anything, it becomes completely useless.
And the problem with this plant is that it even survives droughts.
Just imagine, even if there is a drought, there's a famine this plant will survive.
So what happened was that this land that was full of lovely trees and plants, it became full of ethylene.
And because of this essence no other plants could grow.
And does it bear any fruit? Even if it does? Is it edible? No. Can you eat it? No. Can you enjoy it for anything you cannot
use? Sometimes you have grass in your backyard in your front yard. And if the neighbors haven't been careful about the weeds and those weeds they come into your backyard into your front yard and what happens if you don't take care of them? If you don't pull them out immediately? Will they spread
so quickly? It is so they will replace the grass isn't it they will completely replace the grass. So this is how this tree is as well. Excellent. And because of that we're shading and something meaning very little mincer didn't have load tree that is Colleen very few. Meaning very few load trees remain separate from the rotator seen that it is
tree and its fruit is edible. It's eaten. So imagine their orchards destroyed, replaced by a slim, and only a few low trees remained
only a few. And whatever fruit they produced, was that enough for the people.
It was not enough for the people. So what happened? There prosperity, it turned into utter loss, utter destruction.
What was the reason?
turning away from Allah,
turning away from Allah for arabelle boo, for Elsa Neroli him say that.
What's the lesson in this for us?
That when a loss of panel data has given us blessings, we cannot be indifferent.
You understand? We cannot have an indifferent attitude towards the blessings in the sense that we never offer gratitude to almost
we are not grateful for those blessings. Because if we're not grateful for them, you see, one is that a person is grateful. And the other is that a person is ungrateful.
And the other is that a person is indifferent.
He's neither grateful, nor is he ungrateful. He just doesn't care.
This attitude even is not right. Why? Because is it gratitude? It's not gratitude.
So when a person is non grateful, whether it turns into in gratitude, or it turns into indifference, what does it lead to loss of blessings, loss of blessings for although they turned away from sugar, and as a result, they lost all of those blessings. They refuse they denied. And as a result, they were punished.
And this is a huge lesson for us.
That if we want our blessings to remain, we need to be actively grateful.
Consciously grateful for them.
Because the moment we take things for granted, we don't appreciate them as much. We don't use them properly.
We get distracted by them. We forget our purpose of life. It leads to pride. It leads to arrogance. It leads to self conceit, it leads to selfishness. And when a person remains grateful, he remains humble.
velyka josina home that we recompense them. Why? The mocha photo because of their coffee. And remember, copper also means in gratitude.
We gave them this recompense because they were ungrateful. Or because they denied Well, hello, jazzy elanco and do it as repay anyone except the ungrateful, new jazzy gems. I mean, do we ever repay? Do we ever recompense in this way? Any person except the one who has?
Meaning? No, it's only the ungrateful person who is recompensed in this way
that his blessings are taken away his blessings. They are turned into problems. Kung Fu, the one who is very, very ungrateful.
This is a very clear statement, that who does the last panel try to punish in this way, whose blessings this Allah take away and replace them with problems? Who's
the person who is ungrateful?
reflect on yourself, think about it. Perhaps you had some blessings.
You enjoyed something,
could be anything, could be money,
could be freedom
could be a person who was very good to you
could be peace of mind.
And now you don't have that anymore.
You don't have that anymore. Do you ever experienced this, you had a particular blessing and you don't have it anymore. You enjoy something and you cannot enjoy it anymore. There could be many reasons.
One reason that we learned from here is in gratitude. When a person has not been grateful enough for it, and that blessing is taken away from him.
It's taken away from him.
And when a person is grateful, then the blessing is preserved.
In fact, it increases
and remember that you could has to be done in all respects all the sand and also with armor with joy.
Can you think of some lessons? Can you think of some example?
Exactly like for example, the blessing of rain.
Many times we're so indifferent to the weather raining, it's hot, it's snowing. So what I'm inside I don't care, isn't it we're so in
Different. And what happens? Then Allah subhanaw taala does not send green for a very long time until you see the grass turning yellow, isn't it? And you wonder when is this hot weather going to go away?
When would it be over?
That you go outside, you cannot bear the heat, you cannot bear the humidity.
And we all have experienced it in recent weeks.
So we have to say, are we really grateful for the rain?
I will really grateful for good weather, or are we just indifferent towards it, we don't really care for our auto do.
Whatever in personal lives, perhaps we have some blessing and we don't really take it. We don't really appreciate it as much.
Many times when a person is young, they have time they have the energy. They don't use it to do something good. They don't use to do something productive to learn to study.
And what happens Eventually, the time goes away.
There's too attitude when you have blessing other we can be like a doctor like Salaam and be grateful see though the last lab was very thankful. And Elaine crease them and gave him righteous side who was also very blessed, or we can be like people Subbu
that we see. One attitude is that Oh, so many people have a look after them and support them and feed them today mannerless Allah, He fed them, isn't it. That's the positive attitude towards the blessings of Allah. And the other is what a burden. This is so difficult, this is a boring, I'm sick of it. I just want to be free. And that's a completely different attitude, it leads to a completely different and so we see that when a person is grateful. It leads to preservation of blessings.
thinking it's such a blessing just to be able to come here every single day, and to be studying the Quran. And you'll see many people they're so busy in their life with work and you know, secular education that it's difficult to even find a little bit of time to sit around and we're here from nine to three, studying it. And for myself, even though I can say I am very grateful by I guess you feel more grateful at times when you think it's going to be taken away from you, whether it's because of work or you're going to have to leave for a month and miss a month of school. I think that's when it hits you more that what a blessing it is. You see, when a person gets to study the
Quran when he's in amongst certain people. This is what righteous company, isn't it? And if you look at the prophets of Allah, what did they make? There are four righteous company
use a very solemn What did he say?
Today, man, listen, I'm a Libra hermetica very radical sila he Ebrahim right, so now we're in novella 30. Let me know.
So this is a huge blessing of Allah. And many times we don't take it for granted. And I have seen people who are brought, who are requested, please study, please do this, please do that. And they don't take advantage of the opportunity and eventually, the opportunity is taken away from
it is taken away from them.
So this is a huge blessing of Allah. And if we're truly grateful for it, and we must show it by our actions. When we do our work, when we come regularly. When we do our assignments when we hand in our assignments on time, this is what part of gratitude
because this is ama and if we don't do what we're required to do, that is what ingratitude and if a person develops that attitude eventually that blessing is completely taken away from him.
I was just thinking that it's such a blessing that it does sadden you. You have to leave it even for a happy occasion whether it's a wedding in the family, and you think that you know there's joyous occasion in the family and that you're happy to leave but you're not when you are having to leave whether it's making more money or some people are forced to leave because of some reasons. And other people they want to leave. There is a difference right?
What's your I love a new home and we had placed between them ouabain el cola and between the cities ulquiorra Laura love Korea city with cities and Lottie Baraka nafi her doors in which we have blessed and which land is it that our last panel donor repeatedly describes it as the one that he has blessed
the land of Palestine. So what you're loving to whom the people of Sabah who are in Yemen, and the cities of Syria of a sham of Palestine, the people of Sabah they would travel to a sham. Why, for the purpose of business for the purpose of commerce.
So between
these two places, between Sabbath and between a sham,
a loss of penalty, says that he had placed an era
when you're under binomo belcarra allottee Baraka he had placed
Hold on downs. That was la Hilton, a parent put on his authority. Again, Korea. What does that mean? Well, Carranza hero
that constantly throughout the journey you would see many, many towns.
Why? What was a blessing in that? If you could see many, many towns on the way you would feel secure?
Because imagine your passing, you're traveling and you don't see any person you don't see any house. You don't see any city you don't see any building. Don't you feel insecure? Don't you? Of course you do. But if you see buildings, if you see people, even if they are at a distance, you feel secure. Similarly, if you're traveling on a particular route, and there are a lot of stopovers, you get tired, you want to use the washroom, you can stop, you want to eat, you can stop you and arrest you can stop, you want to stay over the night stay over the night. But if the distance is a lot between two destinations, and there's no stopovers in the middle, doesn't that make your journey even more
tiring? Don't you have to take everything along with you? Just imagine if you wish to go from here to walk away. There were no gas stations on the way.
What would you do? Would you take all your hot tea with you? And I didn't know Tim Hortons existed. What would you do? When did it be so difficult? It would be very, very difficult for you. So Carranza, how these sounds are placed what he has said, and as a result we had measured in it meaning through these fora, we had determined for them to say the journey, meaning the trip was facilitated for the travelers, how there were so many stopovers so many places where they could stop. They could rest they could eat, they could sleep in the night seal fee her they were told travel in it late earlier during the nights plural of Laila Yemen, and during the days plural of
young, I mean as once peacefully, why?
How are they secure? Because of talent everywhere.
There were never alone. So they could travel during the night. They could travel during the day. It was so easy for them.
So Allah subhanaw taala facilitated their trips for them even this was another blessing that was bestowed upon them. How were they ungrateful for it for carlu? So they said robina Overlord, bury the Venus felina
make our journeys long. lengthen the distance between our journeys?
We have hardly left there's another stopover. Why did they say this? Doesn't make sense.
It doesn't make sense. Why did they say this?
we're bored.
We want some adventure.
We want some thrill. We also want to show off that we have a lot of wealth.
And we can carry a lot of stuff with us and we can travel in huge caravans and take a lot of supplies with us. But if we have to stop over, then we don't need to carry supplies with us.
You understand
that we don't need to travel in the form of huge caravans.
But if there are no stopovers in the middle, then we can travel in the form of huge caravans with a lot of supplies. And when we arrive into a city we can leave such a good impression on the people that oh look at us we're so wealthy we have so much and when we travel as two three individuals and we cannot show off as much we cannot show we have this much.
So they said buried buried buried in the
bird is what distance varies make more distance cause separation. Venus felina between our trips, which trips through the cities odhams la Hill made these trips longer. Allah subhanaw taala says with Lola Moo and fusa home and they wronged themselves, federal law Houma Howdy. So we made them into stories, how,
how they were completely finished. And what remained of them was only stories that people just remember them by their name, or by expressions, by for example, Arabs, they have an expression that Habu ad Saba, they followed the people of Sabah in their ways, meaning they became scattered just as the people of Serbia became scattered. They turned into this stories.
Well, mazurka home and we broke them into pieces, called Lamas entirely, completely disintegrated them, where they were living in one place the people of Sabah. They had a dam and because of that their land was irrigated, they had nothing. They had gardens, orchards, all of that replaced by gardens have produced nothing good. where their trade journeys were so easy, they're printed, buried Venus fadna Allah subhanaw taala. He took the blessings away from them.
Well, masaka honkala mamas, where they were living together, they were scattered up. One went here, the other went there. They were all scattered up, they couldn't stay together anymore. As I mentioned to you, the sons of Saba, how many were there? 10 and six went somewhere, four went elsewhere. They were scattered
all over the Arabian Peninsula, they couldn't stay together anymore. Why? Because their home country didn't have anything.
They couldn't survive over there. When it came to their trips, even they became more difficult because they asked for difficulty. In the feed, Erica is equaliser Balenciaga, indeed in that ashore designs for who? For every person who is very patient, and very grateful.
What do we see over here that these people, they failed to appreciate the blessing
of easy and hassle free journeys.
Psycho person has a car. And they say, I want to go on the bus.
You understand? A person has a car, and they say, you sit in the car, it's so boring, and you get to the destination, like 10 minutes, I want to take the bus, I want to take the goal of the train and then, you know, change the buses. And I also want to travel for longer takes me only 10 minutes, I'd rather go and take a trip for half an hour, 45 minutes.
This is when a person fails to appreciate the blessing that Allah has given.
This is when a person becomes bored of the blessings.
He's bored of it. He wants adventure. He wants challenge.
Now, can you think of this in practical life? What happens? What do people do?
Say for example, a person is living in the city, their relatives are close by.
And when people are living in the same city as their relatives, and there are a lot of events,
a lot of social gatherings.
A lot of requests from relatives help me move helped me do this helped me do that.
What do young people think? Let's move on.
Let's move from here. So let's move from here. Let's go to another country, another city where nobody knows us. And when they go there, then what happens this year, the difficulties of life. When they're tired, exhausted, they're sick. They want somebody to help them, they find nobody why they chose to go away from the relatives, isn't it?
Similarly, we see that a person thinks If only I could travel all by myself. I always traveled with my family. I want to travel alone. And what happens when the travel alone.
They have to carry all the bags themselves. When they have to go to the washroom. They can't say to anybody can you please keep the staff let me go to the washroom.
cemetery. This is like a woman says if only my husband allowed me to work. He says okay, fine, go work. But you don't have to cook and clean. So the woman takes double burden on herself. Similarly, a person says, If only I could have a bigger house, okay? You're not contented with your small house, you have a bigger house clean more.
So what's the problem over here, they were not content with the blessings that Allah had given them. They were not content. Gratitude is what contentment.
Gratitude does not mean that you don't desire more, or you don't desire for better. No. Gratitude is that you're content with whatever Allah has given you. You look at what you have, and not what you don't have.
You see every single blessing, what does it come with?
difficulties, trials, where you have relatives, where you enjoy because of them, you'll also face a lot of challenges because of them.
What is gratitude? Don't focus on the problems. Look at the positive side, that you have the opportunity to do so that
isn't a two. And a person who is living far away from their relatives, do they have that same opportunity? They don't.
So gratitude is being content with the blessing, looking at the positive side, not the negative side.
Because no blessing in this dunya can be problem free. Where is the problem free world? That's only gentlemen.
every blessing you have in this dunya will bring problems for you.
So Allah subhanaw taala says over here that in this is a sign for who sub bad one who is very patient patient over what the problems that he faces. When dealing with people. The difficulties or experiences that come along with the blessings and chuchu one who is positive one who is grateful for the blessings. He will learn a lesson. Everybody will not learn a lesson only Savelle and chuckle
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