Ta-Ha 1-40 Word Analysis and Tafsir 9-16
Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 16 – L160C
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The transcript discusses the importance of respect and disrespect for partners and family, as well as the history of the Prophet's rule of not wearing shoes. The speakers emphasize the need for a culture of respect and a habit of mindful behavior. The importance of praying and not just remembering oneself is also emphasized. The salata is seen as the root of man-made behavior, and individuals must not remove clothing or shoes from their bodies. The importance of praying and not letting anyone stop them from doing is also emphasized.
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Lw militias en rajim Bismillah Ar Rahman Rahim lesson number 160 Sula, Taha
Wilhelm attacca de su Musa. And has the story of Musa alayhis salaam reached you? *? This is Steve have. And this is a rhetorical question that have you heard? So do you know what happened to Masada?
And why is this question being asked, in order to rouse the interest in the listener to make him more interested to make him more attentive, that the story of mozzarella salad was going to be mentioned? Do you know about it, if you don't listen attentively, and even if you know about it, you will learn new things over here. So pay attention.
Now remember, this is a murky soda. And in Makkah, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was facing a lot of opposition to the story of Masada. saddam is mentioned over here in order to console him.
If anyone faces rejection, any person, no matter what kind of rejection it is, it does make them sad, it does cause them distress. And for the Prophet sallallahu Sallam to feel distressed at this moment, when he was being rejected by people. It was only natural for him to feel this way.
Because the people were not believing. So Allah subhanaw taala comforted him until now illegal analytische
this is not the reason why we have sent down the Quran. And if somebody does not believe it's not your fault, therefore take it easy. So we see that difficulties are a part of life. And when a person faces one difficulty after the other, and whether it is in the form of rejection, or it is in the form of putting in a lot of effort and doing something, or it isn't a form of continuing to do your work, despite the difficulties that a person faces, these difficulties, what do they do, they make a person stronger, they prepare him for the future. They make him more courageous, they make him more strong, they make him more determined, more resilient, and difficulties that a person faces
in his life or not for no reason.
every difficulty that a person faces in his life, it is because of some reason or the other. Allah subhanaw taala is teaching us something he is training us for something.
So the story of Musa was mentioned over here, because musallam also underwent many challenges, many difficulties, many problems. But all of those problems were there for a reason. It was to make him strong, it was to make him courageous, it was so that he could deliver the message of a lot of the people.
And if he had not gone through those difficulties, he would not have been able to do so. So the profits or losses and it was being comforted. That Yes, you are in a very trying situation. But don't think that your Lord has abandoned you know, he has not abandoned you. He is only training you just as Masada center was also trained through difficulties. So what is the Hadees of Musa what is the story of Masada, Salim is now on when he saw a fire. When musala salaam he was traveling from Meridian, towards Egypt. He was traveling with his family, he saw a fire at a distance on a mountain for color. So he said Lee to his wife.
The word is used for wife, but it is also used for family and it's also used for followers adherence. And over here we can understand the meaning of a home to be his wife. And we can also understand it to be his family. So he said to his wife, own kazoo, wait here, stay here. Also from the reflectors, meme gafsa and MK is a comma to stay somewhere to remain somewhere. And in particular, in wait for something.
So wait here, meaning I will go and I'll come back. Stay here.
Stay right here. I'll just go and return. Now if you notice over here, he says to his wife, otaku, and otaku isn't plural. If we take the meaning of * to be his wife. What does it show that he's addressing him with the plural why in order to
give respect in order to give honor?
How do spouses generally address one another? Typically, generally,
it's a command, right? It's orders that are being given.
And there is no respect over there. But the fact is that when a person respects the other, then what will happen? He will gain respect.
And if a person disrespects the other then what will he get disrespect
So your honor, is in your hand, if you want honor, honor others, if you want to disrespect go ahead and disrespect others go ahead and disgrace others. So we see that the relationship between a husband and wife should be that of respect, that both should respect one another. Sometimes we think that the man should respect the woman if he really has some dignity, we really have some respect for other people that he should be respecting his wife first.
And generally in our cultures, what do we think that women should always be respecting their husband and the husband can treat the wife however he wants to? Whereas what do we see that respect should be on the part of both the husband and the wife? So he said otaku? In the * too narrow indeed. I have perceived I have noticed a fire and so it's from the root letters Has anyone seen an ANA sachet is to perceive something to see something to find something. And in particular, this word is different from Raia Raia just to see, but in us is when a person find something, he sees it, he notices it, and he also becomes comfortable with it.
This is what he notices. Well, yeah, just to see plain, but in essence, that you find something, you see something, you notice something and what you see you're also comfortable with because sometimes what happens you see something that was completely unexpected, and on seeing it you become frightened, you become concerned what is that, but over here we see that I have found a fire. So wait here I will go laterally perhaps I can add the gun come to you men have from it meaning found that fire I can return to you with a person with a torch.
Others from the room cutters of the scene and others is used for a burning wick or a stick that is on fire or torch.
So I will come back to you with the fibers with a firebrand o or a G do I will find Island nary upon the fire, who then some guidance. What do we see over here, that Messiah in Islam, he was traveling with his wife from at the end to Egypt. And while he was on his way, perhaps it was a very cold night. Because of which he said let me go to the fire and get some fire from there with which we can warm ourselves. And perhaps the head also lost their way in the darkness of the night. Because of what she said, Maybe if I go there, I'll find some people over there and I can ask them about the way perhaps I will find some good some guidance from there some instruction as to which way we
should go. So we see that he came looking for Huda for light for some guidance as to where to go. But Allah subhanaw taala gave him what Prophethood
for that matter, but then when he came to it, when he approached the fire, knew the he was called out by who? By Allah subhanaw taala. Yeah, Musa Musa. interrupt Maria via 52 we learn when are they now who and we called out to him. So new there, he was called him and he was called out from where min janitorial a money from the right side of the valley from the blessed side of the van. So no dia yamasa.
And what was said in me indeed I meaning the one who is calling you, the one whom you can hear in me and Rob Booker. Indeed, I am your Lord. I am the one who created you. I am your master. The one whom you can hear
fuck Lardner alayka so remove your sandals, take off your shoes. Why? Because in Mecca will wear the mocha does. Indeed you are in the sacred valley of
you are in a blessed place. Therefore, remove your shoes. A clock is from the ruthless Harlem right and Hala is to remove something to take off something to cast off. And now our lake is actually narrow lane, which is the dual of the word narrow
and narrow his shoe or sandal.
So take off your shoes. And remember, this is understood in the literal sense that he was told to remove his shoes. Because some people they interpret this differently they say that the two shoes of a person refer to his dunya and lower than what? So when you're engaged in the worship of Allah then remove these two sides remove these two shoes is dunia. Leave it behind. No this is not what it means over here. This is an electoral tense for color and our alayka take your shoes off. Why? Out of respect
Because this is a part of the etiquettes of being in a sacred place, for a lesser reason, fackler alayka in nikka Ville where the mocha does what is mocha does, it's that which is wholly that which is sacred, which is pure and poor, to what is the name of the valley?
What is the name of the valley? It's an honor. So we see that musasa was commanded to remove his sandals. Why? Because first of all, he was going to speak to a wasp and Allah subhanaw taala was addressing him.
And he was in a place that was a very Blessed and holy spot. Therefore out of respect, and in keeping with the etiquettes, he was required to remove his shoes. Now this shows to us that when we enter the masjid, or when we go to offer the Salah, or when we are somewhere for a blessing reason to do something important, like for example, study the Quran, then what should we do remove our issues
because the masjid or the study of the Quran, or the worship of Allah subhanaw taala, it's a blessing, it's a noble act. And out of respect, a person must remove his shoes, even if they're clean, right, even if they're clean. So, it doesn't have to do necessarily with the uncleanliness of the shoes, but rather it has more to do with the etiquette with the respect that is required.
Because a person might say My shoes are perfectly clean, why can I bring them inside? No, the fact is, that out of respect, you should not be bringing your shoes inside.
But remember that this is the rule However, a person is allowed to wear his shoes. inshallah, inshallah, you will learn the details in a double sauna, the person is allowed to wear them, where there is a need to do so like for example, the floor is extremely hot, or the rocks everywhere and if you take your shoes off, it will be very difficult for you to pray. And we learned from various studies in which the profits or loss actually wore his usury allowed people wearing his shoes. However, the condition for that is that there must not be any kind of uncleanness on issues. We learn from a hadith that once the Prophet sort of Allison was leading, there's a habit inside and
all of them were wearing their sandals and during the Sunnah of the Prophet sort of all sudden removed his sandals. So those However, they did the same.
So after the Salah was finished, the prophet said about centering around and he has a Why did you do so? Is that because we saw you taking your shoes off is that I took my shoes off only because gibreel told me there was some kind of filter on my shoes, therefore I removed them. So what does it show to us that a person is allowed, when there is some necessity when there is some need? Otherwise the general principle is that out of respect out of other a person must remove his shoes. When he is engaged in the worship of Allah. When he is in the masjid when he is in a sacred place. We don't is what causes it number 38. Allah subhanaw taala says new dm and shirtless will wear the emani Phil
Booker T Mobile Makati, mina szegedi Moosa in the Anima. But when he came to it, he was called from the right side of the valley, from which side right side of the valley, in a blessing spot from the tree, that almost Indeed, I am Allah, Lord of the worlds. So we see that it was a blessing spot, this is why he was told to take his shoes off.
And ultimately look at it, when a person moves his shoes, then he's in a more natural state.
When you have your shoes on, you're a bit uncomfortable.
When you don't have your shoes, you're relaxed, you're in a more natural state. And in that state, you're able to absorb more, you're able to take in more.
Your feelings are different, your state is different when you have your shoes, and when you don't have your shoes on.
And also we see that this valley,
it became sacred. Why? Because of the work that was being done over there. Because musala salon was willing to receive Prophethood over there, Allah was speaking to him. What does it show to us
that a place becomes special, a place becomes sacred and bless it. When when Allah is mentioned over there, when the worship of Allah is established over there. This is why the garba the Harlem is sacred.
Because a person might say, Why do you give it so much importance? Is it a normal place? What's so special about the walls? Are the different are they made of gold? No, they are normal, just as other places are. However, what's the difference? It's the work that is being done over there that makes that place special. Therefore, respect must be given to that place. And over here, we must also reflect on ourselves. That the place where we study the place where we go
And pray, all of these places are what their special places, special places. If musasa was told to remove his shoes, remove his shoes because he was in a sacred place in a blessed place, then it's our obligation that we must also not do anything. That would be disrespectful, that would be incorrect.
Like for example, walking up and down with the shoes, or for instance, throwing garbage, throwing your own mess over there, this is not appropriate, we should maintain these places, look after them, respect them, and we should keep them clean. Why? Out of respect, out of respect, so a place becomes sacred, when Allah subhanaw taala is remembered over there, when worship is established over there. And that place must be respected. You know, sometimes it's extremely sad, that when you go sit at a desk, and you put your hand and underneath you find gum over there.
Come on.
These are desks on which the honest point on which people write their notes on the Quran on which people put their coat on and they recite the Quran.
Or, for example, people have scribbled over their desks.
Or sometimes a person will step on top of them, or will hop on top of them. These are not ordinary desks, that you think oh, it's only wood, let me just step over it. No, this is not appropriate.
This is not appropriate at all. etiquette, respect must be there because remember, when there is no respect, then you cannot receive only when you give respect, then you can become worthy of receiving something. So Musa alayhis salam is thought to be respectful over here, how? By removing his shoes, what an actor. And I have chosen you I have selected you from among your people. For what for Prophethood SoTL are off I 144. We learn in Mr. feta and nse viticella. It will be Kalani, I have chosen you above people how through my messages and also through my words through my speech to you. So I have chosen you from among your people, that you are the only one who Ally's talking to
directly. And you are the one who is being given Prophethood therefore festa mer so listen attentively, Lima, you have to that which is being revealed, so that you know what you're being chosen for so that you can convey the message to others. So we see that the first command that musallam is given is off, being respectful. Then the second command that he's been given over here is listening attentively, listening carefully. Because we see that listening is the first step in the process of learning. It's the first step if you don't listen attentively, you will not be able to learn and actually before listening comes what respect, if there is no other a person will not
listen attentively, and when he will not listen attentively, he will not be able to learn anything in total alpha 204 we learned what either are pretty awkward. No, firstly, rula who are unlikely to come to hormone intro to Zuma is number 18. We learn alladhina Estemirova, Nicola, fire Tabby, Runa Arsenal, those who listen attentively to the statement to the word that Allah has revealed and then they follow the best of it. So when can you follow? When you listen? When can you understand when you listen? And when can you listen? When you show respect, in any indeed I and Allah Who I am Allah, La ilaha illa Allah there is no deity except me, for Buddha and He therefore worship me. This
was another command that he's given that worship Allah subhanaw taala and this is a result of learning
that if a person is only gaining knowledge, but his Rebbe is not improving, then that knowledge is useless knowledge must translate into action and when it is translated into action into correct action, then that action will be rewarded for bodoni therefore worship me What up is solid and what is the sign that a person is truly worshiping Allah subhanaw taala that his knowledge is really benefiting him that he will establish this limit, okay, Miss salata lyrically, for my remembrance, what does that mean by this ugliness well, athletically. This has been understood in three ways, that first of all, in order to remember me, Lee decree, for the purpose of remembering me, so that
you can remember me what should you do?
Praise Allah. So, this shows to us that the sole purpose of Salah is to remember Allah, that is the main objective. And this remembrance is not just with the tongue, that a person is reciting some Earth God. No, it is also with the heart. It is also with the mind it is also with the limbs. Therefore a person must be fully engaged, fully involved in the
Allah, that his mind his heart has done, everything is involved.
And if it's only the tongue, not the heart, then it's not fulfilling the objective of Salah. What's the purpose of Salah? Do you remember Allah and if a person is not remembering Allah through the Sunnah, then that Salah is useless because the purpose is not being fulfilled. Secondly, eponymous Philately decree. What this means is that praise Allah at the time when you remember me.
Praise Allah Li decree, meaning at the time when you remember me when you remember me. So for example, if a person forgets to pray, if a person forgets to pray, which happens sometimes, that person is so busy one thing after the other, and all of a sudden he realizes I haven't prayed to solve that and they're only five minutes left. They're only 10 minutes left, or a person thinks that he has prayed already, or person was sleeping. And as soon as he woke up, he realized the time of Salah had gone. So at that time, what should you do? What's the first thing that you should do? upon remembering? Pray the Salah. So optimise well, athletically, immediately upon remembering what
should a person do perform this Allah, we learned from a hadith the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, whenever one of you sleeps, past the prayer, or he forgets to pray, then let him pray when he remembers it, because Allah says will occur in his salata Lee decree.
So for example, if you were sleeping, you were taking a nap, and you wake up to find out that you had not prayed. And now it's relative time. So what should you do? Forget about it. Let me just sleep for half an hour more.
Is that how a person should be? No. Similarly, if a person was unable to wake up on time, and he managed to slip through the time of agile, when you accept to find out that I have missed my slot, what should you do? Sleep for another hour or two. I missed it anyway, might as well sleep for another hour to know. Immediately. As soon as a person remembers as soon as a person wakes up, he should immediately get up and pray. Stop everything else and pray right away.
And thirdly, arcanist volatility has also been understood as pray whenever you remember me that whenever you want to remember me, what should you do? Pray the Sunnah. Think about it. When you remember your friend. If you think about a friend of yours, what will you do? Pick up your phone, send a text message. Even if it's nothing important, you will just say What's up? What's going on? Assalamualaikum why because you remember them. You will pick up the phone you will call them Why? Because you remember them. It's only natural that when you remember someone you love you want to talk to them. Right? So what's the best way of talking to Allah? The Salah.
That do what Allah likes best. Perform the Sunnah, because Salah, what does it do? It removes heedlessness from the heart. So we see that this command was given to Masada Sena. And this command is given to every one of us as well.
In Masada indeed the our attitude is coming
at you from the root letters Hamza, it is coming. What does it mean by that? That it is going to happen?
It is coming, it will definitely happen. There is no doubt about its arrival. Its effect. And secondly, at the atone, meaning it's on its way, it's going to happen very soon. It's about to happen. I can't see her. I almost concealed a
accardo gaff, well, then what does it mean? To be at the verge of doing something to be about to do something? But it doesn't give the meaning of that a person has actually done it. It's just to be at the verge of doing something. And oh, free from the roof. veterus hoffa, yeah, coffee, that which is hidden. So I can see her, I almost conceal it. What does that mean by that?
This is understood in two ways. That first of all, a caribou is understood as odd
that I intend to hide it. Meaning the Day of Judgment, the PSA is definitely coming. However, I have decided to conceal it's time from the people.
I have informed them that it's coming, but I have not informed them as to when exactly it's going to come. But they will know that it is dear How, by its science.
And secondly, accardo fee here means that I almost concealed it completely from the people so that people would have no idea that there is a day of judgment that is going to come that when we die, we're going to be answerable for our actions that we're going to be questioned.
I was about to consider completely from the people to that they would have absolutely no idea and we see that even
Today, there are many people who have no idea that the Day of Judgment is going to take place. If Allah wanted, this could be our state as well. So if Allah has informed us, then it is out of his mercy out of his special mercy. Academy Sophia liturgia. Why is this day of judgment coming, so that he can be recompensed who can be recompensed Kowloon apps in every soul be matassa with what its tribes, every soul can be recompense for what it is striving does are from sorry, every person is striving towards something or the other. One is striving to get married to the most beautiful person, and other is striving to develop their career, and other is striving to make a house.
Another is striving to make other people happy, and other is striving to become the president, and other striving to become a millionaire. Each person is striving for something or the other. So Allah subhanaw taala, saying that day of judgment is coming so that every person can be recompense for what he had been striving for all his life. Now we have to see, what am I striving for? What is my goal? What do I want to achieve? Is it just a nice, lovely house that looks perfect from every angle? Is that the goal of my life? Is that what I want to achieve at the end of the day? Or is my goal just to have a nice, lovely family, with kids who are very beautiful, very good. And whatever
they do, is that the only goal that I have, whatever goal I have whatever I strive for, that's the recompense that I'm going to gain. So we have to see what are our goals? We learn instead of the tool is 16. Allah subhanaw taala says, In Nevada, Arizona mountain Dharma Loon. Indeed, you're only being recompense for what you're used to do.
Follow us so Danica, so it should not hinder you. Let him not hinder you. So Donna from the roof address, sada let him not hinder you, from what I'm have from it. What does it refer to? It can refer to the
meaning, the belief in the south, don't let anyone put you to doubt concerning the coming of the Day of Judgment, or preparing for the Day of Judgment. Don't let anyone stop you from preparing for it. And unhak can also be understood as Salah because it was mentioned Optimus lauletta lyrically, so don't let anyone stop you from sala falaya sadhana Ganga, man who, meaning the person who don't let him stop you which person, Malaya may not be the one who does not believe in it.
Because a person who does not believe in the importance of Salah he is going to stop you from performing the Salah.
If he believed in its importance, if he paid attention to it, he will perform the Salah himself and he would also encourage you. But if he does not give attention to it, then naturally he will stop you from it.
Similarly, if a person does not believe in the Day of Judgment, is not serious about it, then he will also affect you. Therefore, a loss of penalty is telling us that we should remain cautious that don't let those people who do not believe in the Day of Judgment stop you from preparing for that day.
What about Whoa, whoa, whoa. Now what is the reason behind not believing in the Day of Judgment, not paying attention to Salah the reason behind that is following the desires
following the desires because when a person wishes to fulfill his desires, then preparation for the Day of Judgment becomes a huge hindrance, Salah becomes a huge hindrance. Like for example, if a person wants to have a wedding for five hours, and it's supposed to be at a particular place, with everything set up. And here you come saying it's time for mother please let's pray. There's even a support you Not at all. Because he does not give importance to Salah he will not even let you pray. So Allah is warning us. Don't let these people stop you. They're busy fulfilling their desires. And as a result of that they themselves are hindered. Now don't let them influence you. Why? Because if
you let them influence you, if you let them stop you for delta, then consequently you would perish. They'll die from the real factors that are Dahlia for idea and what do is to perish to be destroyed. So if you listen to him, if you stop praying, if you leave your Salah, if you ignore the Day of Judgment, then who is going to suffer? You are going to suffer because many times what happens people compromise on the thinking other people will get the blame for it.
But what do we see over here if you compromise your deen then yes other people will get the blame for it but what will happen to you, you will also suffer you will also suffer fatigue that you're going to suffer therefore don't follow such people
If you follow them, you will suffer.
tier two,
before he is given his responsibility that he has to go convey the message. What is he told? He's given certain commands. So before you're able to convey, you have to do certain things yourself.
before you're able to pass the message on, you're supposed to strengthen yourself, and what is it that you have to do yourself? What do we learn from you? First of all, at the respect
secondly, listening attentively learning yourself.
Thirdly, very bad.
And from Reba, what comes first, Salah, and no one should be able to stop you from it. When you become firm upon your Salah when you become firm upon URI by the step First of all, it only then can you have the endurance to convey because if you're shaky yourself, if you're unstable yourself, then how can you convey the message to others? If you don't have a strong connection with Allah, if you don't do a better yourself, then how can you tell other people who are above you cannot. It has to come into you first, then you can convey. So we see that musasa has been given this command with so much emphasis, that Alchemist will ethylenically that the hour is coming. And don't let anyone turn
you away from your purpose. Because when you will be confirmed, then you'll be able to convey