Maryam 1-40 Word Analysis and Tafsir 12-15
Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 16 – L157D
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The importance of letting children understand and love new words and concepts early on in learning is emphasized, along with limiting exposure to certain toys and objects. The speakers stress the need for limits for children to achieve learning and development, and emphasize the importance of parents to hold onto their learning experiences. The speakers also touch on the negative qualities of the Prophet and his actions, including his disiberation of others and hesitancy to admit crimes. The importance of testing one's behavior and learning to value and value others is emphasized.
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Lesson number 157. So let's medium
Yeah, yeah. Oh yeah here, hotel kita. Take the book hold on to the book. Because what in with strength.
Now over here we don't see as to how the pregnancy was and how the birth was or anything like that this is what we're typically interested in, right?
But Allah subhanaw taala mentions, what was given to the child how the child was raised? What qualities did he have?
Oh, yeah, here, Allah subhanaw taala is addressing him hodl keytab hold the book Vicodin with strength, don't leave it. Don't drop it. Hold on to it. Hold on to it with firmness, with determination with sincerity. Know It, well understand it well implemented. What are they know who and we gave him and shook the judgment. While he was Serbia while he was still a boy while he was still a young child
means judgment decision, which remember that this word is also used for Prophethood. So he was given Prophethood while he was still a child,
according to others ultrachrome his wisdom and understanding
generally people become wise they begin to understand important things when when they grow old. But even when he was a little child, he was very wise. He had deep understanding.
And token has also been understood as judgment decisiveness or understanding of the book fic 15.
And remember that the word sabi is used for a child who has not yet reached the age of puberty, when he's still a young child, a little child.
So he was given a haircut when he was 30.
Some have said that your hairdresser was given Prophethood at the age of three.
So have said that he was given profited at the age of three, when he was still a child. And it is also said that when he was three, he studied the total.
When he was three, he studied the dollar. And by the age of seven, he became an expert in that
he became an expert in the dollar.
Now, how is that possible? That at the age of three, he learned $1. And by the age of seven, he became an expert. How is that possible?
How, yes, it was a special gift of Allah. But what do we learn?
Yeah, you're here, who didn't keep
hold the book, holds the book. He was given the book to hold while he was still a child.
Generally, what are children given to hold?
toys, bears, blankies, stuffed toys, this is what they're given to hold. And they hold on to these things. And they get so lost in them, that they don't see anything beyond them.
Their eyes are just fixed on their bear, their eyes are fixed on their blankie their eyes are fixed on their stuff. Boy, that's it. Nothing else they can see.
You see children, we underestimate them a lot.
A lot. Children have the ability to learn new words. They have the ability to learn new concepts from an extremely young age. We think, Oh, it's a child, what does he know? What can he understand? What can he learn? Of course, he can learn.
And many times we want miracles to happen, that miraculously my child should become half is, miraculously my child should know this. And he should know that and he should speak like this. And he should speak that. This is what we want. But we don't put in the effort. If you want your child to become a knowledgeable person, if you want your child to become a skilled person, then what do you need to do? You need to start from an extremely young age, because knowledge is gained through hard work.
Knowledge is gained through hard work through study. It's not gained through playdates. It's not gained through watching Barney. It's not gained through hugging bears and holding on to blankies What is it gained through
hard work and effort?
There's a famous website On that it has been said that children they understand language much earlier than they can speak it. Just when it comes to language they can understand much before they can speak.
By age one, a child can typically understand about 70 words.
By age one, a child can typically understand how many words 70 but he can only speak a handful of them. And at about 18 months, a toddler spoken vocabulary starts to explode and a toddler begins to add
new words at the astonishing rate of one word every two waking hours,
every two hours that a child is awake, how many words can he learn one word, every two hours, he can learn one new word. This is how quickly a child learns. And by the time a child is six, he can or she can understand about 13,000 words
at the age of six, and how many words is the Quran
about six to 7000. So a child can understand about 13,000 words at the age of six. Now we save a child memorizes a quote on at the age of 10, even that's a big deal.
He can understand 13,000 words at the age of six, this is average. This is not like gifted, you know, special children, this is average. So we underestimate children a lot.
You see, whatever a child is exposed to, that is exactly what he will learn.
If you expose your child to books, that is what he'll begin to love. If you expose your child to watching cartoons and watching different things than that is exactly what he will begin to love. Anything you expose your child, that is what he will begin to do. Now, I'm not undermining I'm not trying to say that you should not expose your child to play and fun. No, that is necessary for development. It's extremely important. However, it should only be within certain limits. These things should not become an obsession, they should not become their love and their concern. Yes, they play with toys. Yes, they hold on to rattles, they have a blanket that they love. However, it's
not their obsession, it should not be their love.
And anything that you give your child to, that is what he will begin to learn. That is what he will begin to love.
And also one more very important thing. Whatever you do, your child will follow.
If you read the Quran, your child will also pick it up. If you have a phone with you, your child will want your phone
isn't it. Sometimes it's amazing how you do something, you don't even think that your child is noticing it. But one day he will say the exact same words, exact same words, and you'll be shocked. You'll be amazed that just because you're on the computer, your child will also do the exact same thing without you telling him to do it.
So anything that you do that exactly what your child is going to do.
Now you're here to sound he was born in a family where his father was the man where he was the leader, where he was a prophet. And he saw his father, as a knowledgeable person giving importance to him giving importance to everybody. And that is exactly what he learned to love as well.
So whatever you want your child to do, do it yourself. Do what you want your child to become.
If you want him to read books, you have to read books, if you want him to recite the Quran, you have to recite the Quran. If you want him to wake up early, you have to wake up early. If you want him to go to sleep early, you have to go to sleep early. If you want him to eat at the table properly, you have to do the same. You cannot expect that a child will do something else that you would never do yourself know, your child will follow you.
Recently, I was reciting sort of love and you know, the Bharatiya Avila have been with that. So I was reciting that and my son, he just got the word.
And every time he sees the Quran, he says
and he will just pick up the Quran from anywhere that he can find it and he will begin to open it and say
I never told him I never gave him a lesson that Okay, sit down. This is the Quran, you're supposed to read it and this has the word no stayed repeat after me. I didn't have to do that. He just got it himself. He learned it himself. So anything you do, that's exactly what your child is going to do.
Now, many times we say that, you know, a child is a child that's gonna have fun, let him play. These are the days when your child does not have any worries, any concerns, don't take his childhood away. Let him have fun. But who says this?
A person who does not have a mission or purpose in his life.
A person who has a mission in his life who wants to accomplish something who wants his children to become something as well, he will start from a very, very young age.
A very young age.
You will see this not just in religious people but also others. You will see people who want their children to become successful. They will teach Thunder ABCs even before they can talk, they will teach them important things from the time that they're very young. Why? Because they want their children to become something they want their children to be surprised
cessful now it doesn't mean that you deprive the child of play, you deprive the child of relaxation. No, that's not the objective. The objective is that along with these things, important things must also be focused on.
They must also be focused on.
So we see that Yeah, hairless and Oh, yes, Allah gave him special gifts. But it was also because he was raised in such a family. He was provided that environment by who, by his parents.
So if we want our children to become something, we have to provide that environment to them. And it starts from Now
many of you might think I don't have a child, not even married. This is not relevant to me at all, it is relevant to you. Because believe me, whatever the hours you will learn now, whatever plan you will memorize now, that is what you will be able to teach your child because many times it happens that you have your child you want to recite the Quran, you want to recite something to the child, but you don't know what to read except for ABCs because that's the only thing that you know by heart.
So if you want to teach your child even if it's going to be 510 years from now, you have to start learning now. You have to start practicing now. So that when you do have a child inshallah you are equipped to train him you're equipped to teach him.
And we also see that your hair Listen, I'm he was a very different child. Compared to other children. It is said that he listened and did not have any interest in play.
He didn't have any interest in play, when other children would call him, Come, let's go play, you wouldn't go with them. Now you might say well, how lucky
that he was interested in work and study from such a young age, our children matter how much we tell them, all they want is their Xbox, all they want is their toys.
Again, whatever you give to your children, that is what they will begin to love.
That is what they will be naturally inclined to.
Yes, it was a big gift from Allah subhanaw taala. But it was also effort on the part of the Curiosity center.
You see, many times we say that, we would like to do something we would like our children to learn. But right now, we're not ready. They're not ready.
For example, my child does not wake up early. So how can I bring him to school?
My child likes to play in the evening, he likes to just take it easy in the evening, how can I take him to memorize and
remember that if you don't have a plan, if you don't have a set schedule, then what's going to happen, you will not be able to accomplish anything.
Once you will have a plan, what's going to happen, everything is going to fall in place. Because what is the promise of Allah in terms of the law,
if you help a lot, Allah will help you.
This is something that is very true. There is a fact
many times we wait that once our children, they have grown up and once they have learned and once they have good schedules, then we can take some time out and do something for the dean. But the fact is that you have to take the first step, and Allah will come walking towards you, you will walk in and Allah will come running towards you, He will send help to you.
I'll just give you my example. For instance, from the day that I came back to teach it another two weeks after my son was born. And it was extremely challenging, very difficult. Especially because you can imagine a baby at the beginning. He's you don't know what's going on with the child, why he's crying why he's behaving like that. What do you do, and when you're alone, you have no idea in the night you have to look after the child. But Alhamdulillah it's amazing how a schedule just formed by itself by itself. Still today on Hamdulillah, my son most of the time, he will sleep at night. And then I have the night time to study. And on the weekends, you know what happens? Because
I don't have to go anywhere in the morning. I put him to sleep late.
And his schedule gets disturbed. But during the weekdays, because I have to come here, I have to do some work. He goes to sleep or something happens in which
everything falls in place. Because you have to take the first step. You can't wait for the children to become perfect. You can't wait for them to tell you yes ma'am. I am ready. I can cooperate with you now. Know,
you take the first step done sort of law, Allah will help you by making your children cooperate. And this is something very difficult about children. You cannot wait for them to set a schedule. You set your schedule and they will fall in place. If you have a schedule, your children will have a schedule. If you don't have a schedule. Your children will not have a schedule either.
It's basically through play through interaction that you can teach children. We think the only way of teaching children is in a classroom in a very strict environment. No you can teach children through
Play, you can teach them through interaction. And that is one of the best ways. And who can do that.
Who can do that the mother,
because the mother is with the child most of the time, while you're changing the baby, while you're dressing of the baby while you're nursing the baby, you could be just sitting there with your mouth closed doing nothing. Or you could be doing the corral cloud so that your child listens to that. And he will be interested in that.
You could be watching TV while your child is playing. Or you could be reciting the Quran listening to a lecture, reading your juice, studying, doing your homework, anything you do, that's what your child will be interested in.
So yes, this was a gift of Allah upon your hair to send an Ubuntu aka Dr. Addison. But this was also because the courier listened and provided that environment.
And you see the courier listener was very old, and his son, very young, a huge age gap.
If the courier Listen, and were to wait for his son to grow old, and then he was going to start teaching him, then so many years will be wasted, isn't it?
So this was a gift from Allah that the hairless anemones young age he was interested.
Again, why? Because their career in Islam had a mission. When you have a mission, your children will cooperate. If you wait for them to become perfect, the time will never come. Just do it.
Many times it happens that whenever a child is used to listening to soothing sound, a calming sound, whenever the child will hear you will become calm and quiet.
Typically, when a child is crying, you know we want to rock him or we want to distract him, we want to swing him in the arms, etc, etc. But it's been seen that for example, while the mother was pregnant, if a woman decides to particular music a lot, then when the child is born, if she plays the same music, the child will calm down.
So if a woman has been listening to Quran studying the Quran, this is what she's been doing, then when the child is born. And if he's upset if he's disturbed, if he needs to be comforted, you play the Quran, you recite the Quran and the child will calm down.
Many times it used to happen that when preparing for class, I would listen to some lectures to prepare for the class, my mother's doctors. And I guess my child was used to listen to them since I was expecting and so many times what would happen that I would just put him down, I would lay the lecture. And I would get like 1520 minutes to do my work. Because he was so used to hearing that sound that was so soothing and calming for him. You see, if you expose your child to your conversation, he will want you to talk.
If you expose your child to listening to Quran, you will want to listen to the Quran.
When you get busy in something, when you have a mission, your child will naturally inclined towards that.
If you wait for your child to tell you, that's not going to happen. Whenever you do, your child is going to do
children learn by watching. And if parents are reading the children will also read.
I remember somebody was once telling me that their child was only like two or three years old. And the father was a medical doctor or a medical student at that point. And one of his big medical books was open. And he found a word and he actually read it. Because he was familiar with that word. It wasn't a big scientific word. But like it was a word that he was familiar with. So he was able to read it. He wasn't unfamiliar with a book. A book is a book no matter what size, what color, what shape it is. It's a book, it's text. So he will be able to read it wherever he sees it.
And CODEL kitabi coverton. Hold on to the book with strengths. And we need to reflect on ourselves over here as well. That how do we hold on to the book? You see, when you're holding on to something with strength, you have it with you all the time, you know it inside out, you know it fully? Well.
Once my mother was telling me that she visited a church, just to see what's going on over there. And there was a man, and when he saw her coming, so he started talking to her about Christianity. And he had a Bible, which he had, like, you know how if you put so many stickers on it, so many post it notes and markers, pointers. So that's exactly what he had done. And he had highlighted in certain colors. So she asked him that, what's the deal with these colors and these different marks. So he mentioned that particular verses or similar themes. He has marked them in one color. So at any time he's talking to someone audience to just quickly go through it open the exact page and he can tell
them the verses. Now this can only happen when a person knows the book, isn't it? So we have to check ourselves over here as well that how well do we know the book
and many times we delay learning the book until we're older, but the fact is that you can only hold on to the book with Koba when you have been holding on to it for a long time since childhood.
So in everything your children are too young
During the Quran, they can learn from a very, very young age. Don't delay, because the more you delay, the more difficult it will become for them.
And for Child Development, they give certain tips such as anything that you're doing with your child, talk about it, say it out loud, like we're changing the diaper. Okay, let's go to the room. Now let's go to the washroom now, in our Dean, anything that you're doing, there's always some awkward when you go to the washroom when you're drinking something after you've eaten, when you wake up in the morning. And you will see that when you say these are as regularly, your child will wait for you to say, you wait for you to save. And when you don't save the child will remind you.
So, these are the special gifts that you hear Listen, I was given. Why. Because on the one hand, there was there are the crayons and amadora for to read and play. But on the other hand, there is also effort. And on the other hand, there is also the mercy of Allah, there's also the help of Allah. Because when a person makes their, and he puts in effort, then Allah will also help him. He will also help him. Both are necessary Dora, and effort, do something so that you can get the help of Allah. If we don't do anything, and we keep waiting for miracles to happen, for things to fall in their place themselves. It's not going to happen like that you have to do something, then the mercy
of Allah will come. If you keep waiting, you're only wasting your time then
what other gifts you're here to send, I was given more qualities were Hannah Miller donor and affection from us. Meaning he was an expression of Mercy from Us. He was a mercy for the people because he was going to be a guide a leader for them.
And Henan literally means love, kindness, soft heartedness. And honey is when someone is drawn towards something with love and care.
And generally this word is used for motherly affection, motherly affection, because very tender, very compassionate, very kind, very caring, and always concerned. And there's also this element of sacrifice. So this is what hanon is motherly affection it is that Hannah did not have a two hour nap or to leave alone.
That the woman or the NACA, the she camel, she was very affectionate, very loving, very tender towards her child.
So ohana and he was very affectionate, meaning your hairless and I was very affectionate or secondly, he was an expression of our mercy.
So two meanings cannon, first of all, describes your heroism that he was Hernan
and if we connect us with the previous ayah he was given hurco and he was also given Hannon
was a cotton and also purity, meaning he was also given the
purity from sin, purity of mind purity of character.
And because of this reason, he was mostly Yeah.
What can at the end, he was also God fearing, he also feared almost
he was obedient to Allah, He refrained from disobedience. So we see that he was given three more qualities.
Beside herckel, he was given compassion, he was given purity, and he was also given God consciousness.
And these qualities are essential for a very essential for a very, very, very important. It's not just enough that a person knows the book very well, that he is holding on to the book with Guwahati who that's not sufficient with knowledge, you also need compassion, you also need purity.
Because if a person does not have affection and mercy for other people, he will not be able to convey he will not be able to bear the hardships.
So all Sopranos are blessed him with his quality. And that is why whenever he would teach the book, whenever he would speak, the hearts of the people would melt, they would be affected.
Another quality that he was given was the caste purity, that he was not just compassionate on the outside, but he was also very pure from the inside. his inner state was also very good.
Because if a person is not pure from inside, he has grudges in his heart, and outwardly expresses a lot of niceness, a lot of goodness, then sooner or later people find out about his contradictory behavior,
isn't it?
On the outward, he's being very nice on the inside. He's holding grudges, the graduates, they showed themselves every now and then. So pretentious actions, they don't have any impact on people. So he was given a cat he was given purity
and he was also given DACA. He was also the one who has DACA
Now, the difference between a person's inner state and outer state,
this difference this contradiction can only be finished can only be reduced when a person has the fear of A minus.
Because otherwise the person will appear to be something else and on the inside it will be something else in front of people who will be something else in privacy will be completely different. So, what is it that eliminates this contradiction? It's the fear of Allah, that I might be able to fool people but I will not be able to fool Allah.
So we see that, yeah, here at Islam, he was given inner beauty. He was given outer beauty. His heart was beautiful, it was clean and on the outward his actions were also his behavior was also very good.
Well, there won't be well today he and beautiful towards his parents,
but is from the word bitch and bit is what righteousness say about it is someone who is very righteous, who performs good deeds. And Barbara Bailey de Ville bill Wiley Dame, goodness towards parents is to be dutiful towards
it is to be obedient to them.
So above on BYD, he, he was very obedient to his parents. I noticed his parents were extremely old, very old.
And it's very important that a person be obedient to his parents, especially when they have become old.
We have learned early rather than certainly as
well while Aamir Khan, and he was not Jabbar and he was not a tyrant. He was not an oppressor, nor was he a three year one who is very disobedient, who is jibber
jabber someone who forces others to listen to Him, who oppresses other people pressurizes them.
He tries to be above people, he tries to have the upper hand over them, even if he does not deserve it.
So he was not Jabba. He was not oppressive. He was not harsh, he was not rude. He was not arrogant towards his parents.
Because you see, generally what happens. If the parents are weak, the children take advantage isn't.
If the parents are very soft. If the parents are very lenient, if they don't know that much, if they're not that street smart, you can say what happens children, they take advantage of them.
If parents are very simple, or they're old, or they're weak, again, children will become oppressive towards
life. For example, if the parents are strong, if the child dares to disobey them, he fears that my father, for example, will beat me. But if the parents are old, the child can do anything, isn't it? So he was not Jabbar towards his parents,
and neither towards parents, nor was it about towards other people.
nor was he asleep, asleep is who Garfield is here, someone who is very disobedient, so he was not disobedient to his parents, nor was he disobedient to almost dependent.
So on the one hand, his beautiful characteristics are mentioned. And on the other hand, some bad qualities are negated as well that he did not possess these qualities. He was not arrogant, he was not disobedient. He was not a tyrant. Rather, he was gentle. He was polite, he was humble. He was kind. This is what his behavior was.
And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam also had similar qualities. We learned sort of earlier in one ayah 159 female rush muddiman Allah Hi, Linda LA.
Willow couldn't have felt one honey, little Colby, then subdomain it's from the mercy of Allah that you are lenient with them.
And if you were harsh, if you were rude, then what would happen people will leave you
what said I'm gonna lie and peace upon him. From who? from Allah subhanaw taala when yoma would either on the day that he was born.
Secondly, way oh my mo to end the day that he will die. And thirdly, why yo my ueber are so high here and the day that you will be raised alive.
These three days, when a child is born, when a person dies, and when a person will be resurrected in the hereafter.
These three days are extremely difficult days.
They are full of fear and anticipation. Because a person is about to enter a stage. He is about to enter a world that he has never witnessed before. He has never seen before. He has no idea what's there. He has no idea what might happen. What could happen.
So if he hadn't been arena, he said the loneliest that a man
will ever feel is in three situations the loneliest he is alone.
The first situation is on the day that he is born,
when he sees himself coming out of what he was in
the second situation is on the day that he dies, when he sees people that he will not see anymore.
And the third situation is on the day when he is resurrected, when he sees himself in the great gathering.
So these three days, Allah subhanaw taala says, salaam, peace be upon him, he will be saved from fear, he will be saved from anxiety from any harm from any fear, anything dangerous whatsoever, peace be upon him. And this was again a special gift upon him by a loss.
Why? Because of all these qualities that he possessed, think about it. If a person has been righteous,
if a person has been kind if he has been beautiful, if he has been given the hakab, the deen of Allah, the Book of Allah, and obviously when he will die, what's going to happen? Yeah, a year 200 Epson automa in the angels are going to give him good news.
So he will be saved from fear. He will be saved from anxiety.
So this is a gift of Allah. When a person is worthy of it.
We expect many miracles to happen. We want that miracle should happen. But we forget that work is necessary. We have to prove ourselves worthy as well.
Let's listen to the recitation from the beacon
URI Sony. resuming.
Yeah, okay.
So we
What's up
Did you notice some uniqueness in the recitation? What
the cap here is?
Generally it is recited as calf hair. Yeah. Because that's the recitation that we're familiar with. This is the Quran shorba.
So inshallah you will learn in order to consider different ways of recitation. I love this recitation. They're beautiful. Just like Majidi have the email.
We also learn a very important thing, only when the relationship is good, then only can a person make the law with such a longing with such yearning, with so much hope. And with such a convincing attitude
to the recitation from the beacon
Miss mill
una means
follows me
over to me
Are we