Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 14 – L136A

Taimiyyah Zubair

An-Nahl 41-64 Translation 41-64

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The group discusses a woman named Jaden who is reluctant to drink alcohol and hesitant to. They also mention a woman named Glorified and her supposed "branding" in a movie. The group discusses a law requiring them to stay home for a certain period of time and mentions deferred fees for those staying in certain areas. The group struggles to follow the rules and appears to be a mix of advertisements and random comments from the speakers.

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00:00:02 --> 00:00:04
			Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato
00:00:05 --> 00:00:22
			meshmatic on a Sunday or lotto soudal Karim Allah Bharath for the villa Humana shape honorable Jean
Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim, Frobisher, Ashley slithery WASC, the MD, Washington of that and the
listening of Audi or bananas even Arima
00:00:23 --> 00:00:30
			lesson number 136, soda to national ID number 41 to 64. Translation
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			one Latina and those who had they migrated fi in Allah He Allah, men from bar the after ma that will
remove they were wronged Lenovo we unknown surely we will definitely settle them fee in a dunya The
world has done good work and ledger surely reward
00:01:00 --> 00:01:07
			of the hereafter. A cabal is greater low if Godot they were here on the moon they know.
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			And Medina those who suburu they were patient, where Allah and upon above or below him, they're up
yet our Kowloon Bay trust
00:01:18 --> 00:01:42
			warmer and not all of a sudden we sent men from carbonica before you in the except region and men
know she will reveal we inspire la him to them first loose. So you all ask if people are sick of the
reminder. In if quantum you were not the moon you are no
00:01:43 --> 00:01:49
			better by unity with the clear proofs was zooboo and the written ordinances
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			was the word and the written ordinances or divine scriptures. Were and then there and we have sent
down la Do you a vicar of the reminder little by unit so that you make clear lenez for the people
who watch New Zealand it was revealed it was sent down la him to them when I left home and so that
they get a Corona they reflect
00:02:19 --> 00:02:46
			did for them Amina he felt secure and Latina those who mackerel they plotted as they add the evils
and that Josefa he causes to swallow. Allahu Allah, be him with them all over the earth. Oh or yet
to whom it comes to them. And either Buddha punishment main from hate aware last not yes or when
they perceive
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			Oh or yet Hoda whom he seizes them fee in the movie him their activity
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			or they're going to and fro
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			from us or not home they remortgaging at all wants to cause failure
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			or Yehuda whom he seizes them either upon the whole within fear or the whole within gradually
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			for in then indeed have become your little over surely most kind are Haman most merciful
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			did one end? lamb not euro they see a lot to man what color khaki created Allahu Allah Vinci in from
a thing, yet a failure? It shifts it inclines, we learn who is shaped, and from earlier mean the
right was Shama ill and the left. So Jaden once prostrating the lady for Allah were home while they
barely room once humble
00:03:51 --> 00:04:10
			what Allah He and for Allah yesterday he frustrates man whatever he is in a scenario where the
heavens warmer and whatever fee is in of the earth main from that but then living creatures while
Malaika and the angels were home and they learn not yesterday the room they are arrogant.
00:04:11 --> 00:04:23
			You have food they fear or boom their main from folta him above them. We have our Luna and they do
man whatever you Maroon they are ordered. They are commanded.
00:04:24 --> 00:04:59
			What color and he said Allahu Allah let do not that definitely do you all take Ella Haney to God,
His name to innama indeed not but who are he is 11 God wash you don't want for a year so only me for
her boonie so you all fear me? What a Who? And for him, man, whatever he is in a similar work the
heavens were out and the earth what a who and for him a dino the religion the worship Wesley by
constantly, permanently
00:05:01 --> 00:05:25
			is further than other than Allah He Allah, that the who was here, warmer and whatever become with
you, men from near mutton blessing for men so from Allah Allah so my then either when my circle it
touched you have the heart for LA heat so to him that you are rude, you will cry for help.
00:05:27 --> 00:05:43
			So much then, either when kashia he removes a boomer the harm the adversity, or income from you
either then 30 akun a group men come from you will be him with Arab usually call the associate
00:05:45 --> 00:06:35
			Leah Kuru so that they will deny Bhima with what attina whom we gave them, but a matter so you all
enjoy yourselves for sofa so soon Darla moon you all will know where Dr. Luna and they appoint they
assign Lima for that land not yet the moon they know that's leaving a portion member from what was
Akane whom we provided them to LA he by a law that does aluna surely you will definitely be asked.
I'm about what continuer testerone you fabricate where Dr. Luna and they attribute lilla he for
Allah, Allah Barnett, the daughters. So for Hannah who Glorified is He? What a home and for them man
What? Yes, the home they desire. They wish.
00:06:36 --> 00:06:57
			What either and when was sure? He was informed? He was given good news. I had the home one of them
will answer with the female. One it became what you who his face was swept done, darkened,
completely black wahoo and he is Kareem one of suppressed grief.
00:06:58 --> 00:07:08
			Yet wherever he hides men from uncounted people, men from Sue in evil man that Bush era he was given
good news be of it.
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			Should you um sicko who he retained it.
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			He retained it either upon hooning disgrace, humiliation, shame
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			or the other suhu he should bury it fee in the dust
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			Allah unquestionably Sir, it is evil ma what Yakumo they decide
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			lilla Dena for those who learn not you mean una de Billy will Acura in the hereafter matheno
description example, assume the evil what Allah He and for Allah, Allah method, the description and
Allah the highest wahoo and he is an Aziz the Exalted in Might and Hakeem they always always
00:08:05 --> 00:08:39
			wallow and if you actually do he would see Allahu Allah and NASA the people below me him because of
their wrong man not darker he left earlier upon it men from there but then living creature when I
came but you assume he delays them either to agile in a time with some one fixed for either so when
it came to home their time learned not yesterday Ilona they seek to delay certain and our wider and
nor you're stuck with the moon they seek to advance
00:08:40 --> 00:09:18
			wherever you are Luna and they appoint lilla he for Allah Mao what yeah krahula they dislike what
and justly foo it describes for it asserts alsina to whom their tongue Dunn's AlkaViva the lie
unless that indeed law home for them and sure snap the good ledger honor no doubt certainly under
that indeed law home for them and now the fire well under home and that's indeed the mobile phone
once neglected. Or once sent ahead.
00:09:19 --> 00:09:25
			de la he by Allah Lockhart certainly or Santa we sent either to over went nation's
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			men from America before you fuzziness so he adorned he made attractive law home for them a shape on
the shape on Armada home their deeds for who so he is whether you home their wedding, their friend
Aloma this day what a home and for them are they given a punishment and the moon painful,
00:09:49 --> 00:09:59
			warmer and not and then we sent our Laika upon you? Al Qaeda the book in there except little by Gina
so that you make clear the home for them.
00:10:00 --> 00:10:10
			And that is that which is that a four day deferred fee in it? Well who then and a guidance or
automaton and immersi the common for people you may know they believe
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			a citizen
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			know he has
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			be vain as he was.
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			I mean a lady
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			Are you sick
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			me know