At-Taubah 94-106 Word-Analysis and Tafseer 97-99
Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 11 – L109C
![Taimiyyah Zubair](
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The Bed conversions of the Bed obligation is reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring reassuring
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The Bedouins
who are the Arab,
who are the,
the descendants of is married or in a sudden, they speak Arabic, live in the desert as well.
So Allah, Allah, the Bedouin Arabs, they are ashamed to confront when in fact, they are stronger in their disbelief, and also in their hypocrisy.
And they're more likely a layer they're more hidden under a lower level slowly, they're more likely not to know the limits of what a loss penalty Allah has revealed to his messenger will love already when Hakeem and Allah is Knowing and wise.
Now in this ayah, another type of hypocrites I mentioned
which ones, those who lived in the outskirts of Medina,
those who lived outside of Medina, in the desert,
the Bedouins
what is the last panel tried to say about them, that they are are these Bedouins who live in the desert, they are a shed do kufan they are more intense in their disbelief, then who, then the people of the city,
then the people of Medina, then the people of NACA, then the people of pi.
Okay. The people who live in the desert, there, Cofer is much more intense. If they're disbelievers, their disbelief is much more intense. And if they have an effect, their effect is also much more stronger
compared to compared to the people of the city. Moreover, what at the end they're more likely at the root from the root letters Jean della giedre giedre is to be worthy of something. What does it mean to be worthy of something? It is when something is more suitable, more act more prone.
So they are more prone that elion a mood that they would not know who do them are under a lot the limits which Allah has sent down? What does he do to refer to the commands the prohibitions were we learned earlier tilka who do the law, these are the limits set by Allah fella takanobu, half Allah Tada. And we learned earlier that Hadoop give two meanings, commands as well as prohibitions. So they're more likely not to know the commands the prohibitions, which Allah has revealed upon His Messenger, will lower and even Hakeem and ally is fully aware of his creation, and he's also hacking in the way he deals with them.
So we see in this ayah, that hypocrisy is more common in who is more stronger in who, in the desert wires, it is more possible in them, it is more likely to develop in them. And if it develops in them, it is much more stronger. Why? because of two reasons. First of all, because they live in the desert, and secondly, because they are distant from the Koran.
So what if they live in the desert? Is there some kind of bias against them? No. The fact is, that a person who lives in the desert,
away from the city, you can say, in an uncivilized place in an uncivilized land in a lawless land.
where people are not well educated, where people don't have basic knowledge, where people don't even have worldly knowledge,
then what happens in their mannerism, they become very rough, they become very crude.
Remember that if a person is knowledgeable, even if only in the worldly sense, it refines it doesn't. And the knowledge benefits that person. It makes him honest, it makes him logical, it makes him more straightforward. Compared to someone who is away from, you can say urban life, from a civilized land, from living amongst educated and knowledgeable people.
Because in the desert, you face a lot of harshness.
When you live in a house, what does that mean? You have to maintain your house? Correct. You have to clean your house. But if you're living in a desert, you can put one tent here. And then tomorrow, you take it off and you go elsewhere and you can pit over there. You don't have any respect for things. You don't care about things at all. At the same time, there is no discipline, there is no proper order to life.
So this is why in their mannerism, they're more harsh, they're more crude
and because you're less knowledgeable in the worldly sense. This is why they are stronger in their NFL in their coffers.
This is one reason behind their hypocrisy.
The second
reason is that they are distant from the Quran, from the people of the deen from the deen. This is why hypocrisy is more possible in that
we'll add a layer that will do them and
why did they not know? Because they were living in the desert. If they were living in Medina, they would come and listen to the Quran every day from the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in Salah one day. Similarly, there were so many people living over there in the city of Medina who were believers, they were as horrible suffer so many companions. So when you're in righteous people, when you're in knowledgeable people, that also refines you, that also makes you honest.
So there are two reasons given over here. First of all, the fact that they live in the desert, and secondly, the fact that they're a distant from the Quran. The more exposed a person is to the world, the better it is for him. This is why we should expose our children to you know, different things and not keep them in a closed environment. Because it closes their minds. It makes them more rigid, more biased.
And we also learned that it is incumbent upon a person that he must stay among the knowledgeable ones, and he continues to learn. He continues to learn the deen and revise what he has learned. Because learning once is not enough.
It wasn't that the Iraq War completely ignorant. We learned of so many ways in which a Bedouin man came he asked questions and he left so many bodies, they knew they would come they would learn they would go away.
However, they would not stay, you understand, they would not stay. It's not the same. do listen to something once and not listen to it again for the next month or two as opposed to listening to something every single day. So how does hypocrisy develop? When a person stays away from the Quran? When a person stays away from the people of the Quran, when a person stays away from the deen
This is how hypocrisy develops. Because a person forgets
because the dunya becomes more attractive to him. And he begins to see people all the time and he begins to fear people more.
When a person is with those people who know the Quran, they will correct him. If he makes a mistake, they will encourage him to do good. But if he's away from them, where will he get that encouragement from?
Where will he get that motivation from? Who will correct him? Nobody will? Who will tell him more? Nobody will. This is why hypocrisy is more likely to develop in a person who becomes distant from the Quran.
who becomes distant from the Quran? So what is the cure for the fact that
what is the cure?
coming closer to the colon?
And how would you do that?
Just learning once
during the course maybe just once and that's it. Move on to something else and forget about it. No, it means that a person constantly stays connected. How they read the Quran every day.
And he does not just read but he learns more about the Quran every single day. Remember, learning once is not enough. Learning in one course in one study is not enough you need to continue learning because each time you open the book, each time you hear something, you learn another aspect, it affects you in a different way.
It affects you in another way, which is very important for our actions to improve
for ourselves to amend our mistakes. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said man second al Abadi yetta Jaffa he who lives in the desert becomes hard hearted.
And this is a reality this is not a bias against him. How does it become hard hearted because he's living in a harsh environment. He has no interest to learn. similarity the Hadees continues. One Manitoba slader laferla He who follows the game meaning the hunt a site he becomes heedless. Now whether this hunt is real hunt, or it is a hunt on the
computer screen
with some remote control in your hand in which you're chasing the hunt. So basically, whether a person is in reality hunting or he's playing a game in which he is hunting, what does it do to a person it makes him coffee? It makes him hitless in this is so true.
Because all the time what is the person thinking about? Okay, next time that I play that game, I'm gonna try that. That's what he's concerned about.
People spend hours and hours. Because once you win, then you want to win again then you want to win again and the cycle continues.
So whoever chases the site, then laferla he becomes negligent he becomes the less and whoever associates with the rulers. Whoever tries to come closer to them, he falls into fitna, he becomes a laughing of Allah as well. He falls into fitna
whoever strives for leadership or whoever tries to come closer to the leaders.
So we see over here that from the hobbies The purpose of the Heidi's mentioned the her thesis, the first part that men second and Jeff are the one who lives in the desert, he becomes hardhearted. So we see that the city dwellers, there are different to village dwellers
are Sheldon Arnaz, she said that a Bedouin man, he came to the Prophet salatu salam. And he asked, Do you kiss your children, because he saw that a child was brought in the property that allows them he kissed that child. So you say you kiss your children, we do not kiss them. Because for them kissing your children is like making yourself less making yourself weak.
You understand? So you kiss your children, we don't kiss them. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Can I put mercy in your hearts after Allah has removed it from me?
When Allah has taken mercy away from you, how can I put it?
So we see that some people, they're harsh why, because of the circumstances that they have gone through in their lives, living alone,
living without discipline,
living away from people
living away from the Quran, it makes a person harsh, it makes a person crude, it makes a person rough and there is no pride in this, because we think to be rough and tough is to be very strong, this is not strength,
not having Mercy is not being strong.
Woman in our lobby and among the above, or who may be the one who takes the one who considers may Yun fuku what he spends in the way of Allah as Muslim and as a loss from among the era, there are those who consider what they spend in the way of a lot as a Muslim. What is it that they would have to spend in the way of Allah for example, to cat they will consider it as a loss. Muslim is from the roof it was laying on me.
wine for me.
And Lauren is such financial loss that a person incurs for no fault for no mistake, for no fee and
a part of his money is taken away from him, he is fined for something he never did
you understand by for example, if a person is speeding, and he gets a speeding ticket, is that genuine? Does he deserve it? Yes. Similarly, for persons living in a particular country, he gets some benefits and then return he has to pay a tax. Is that understandable? Yes, it is.
person is attending a class or something and he has to pay the fees. Is that acceptable? It is it's not a fine.
But let's say a person goes somewhere with their bag, and the bag gets stolen.
The bag gets stolen.
Recently, somebody was mentioning what how somebody did not show up to work. And they were wondering as to where they were, for a few days that didn't show up, and they got very worried about him. And then finally that person called and they said they were in jail. They were falsely accused of something. So eventually, they had to pay bail, their family had to pay a bail amount in return for which they were released. I don't know what the story is. But I was just thinking he didn't do anything. And he had to pay that money
to be free to get out of jail. This is what a Muslim is. That when a person incurs a financial loss, not because he did something wrong, not because he needs to pay for something, not because he is being taxed? Not because he did some piano for no reason.
When you say it's not fair.
This is not fair. So he considered Sadako or the cat to be emigrant attacks a loss a fine a burden.
That they wonder What crime did we commit that we have to pay this? What did I do that I have to pay this? I didn't do anything wrong? Why do I have to pay this? Why do I have to give it away?
When I thought of this will become anyway it's for you. You trabajo fronteira boss to it.
They wait for you, meaning for the believers at the word is the turn of events. The way it is the plural of that arrow,
the arrow from the rotators da, da, da da you do is to
go around in circles.
And that era is one that goes around, it's fair in one that goes around,
one that goes around one that circles.
So what does it mean by the way,
it is understood as a turn of fortune, a change of events,
and from the citizen understood as a misfortune, a difficulty a calamity.
So they're waiting for times to change for things to change, not in your favor, but against you. In your loss. They want some difficulty to befall you some misfortune to befall you. They want you to be in such a situation in which you incur a lot of loss. They want things to change for you.
What does it mean by this?
The man ethylene, especially those in the desert, they were waiting, that somehow or the other, the Muslims would incur some kind of loss.
Like, for example, somehow, the machine, the few who have survived, they would come back and they would have another revolution and the Muslims would be overpowered, the Muslims will be defeated, or that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam dies, and when he has passed away with him, his religion will also be gone.
Whether others will be coming away. What does Allah say La him that you know to sow upon them is the evil that era. What does it mean by that? You know, again,
misfortune calamity, meaning they're the ones who will suffer from an evil calamity. Not the believers, will lo Samir, and arnim. And Allah is hearing annoying. He hears those words that you utter in your heart that you don't even verbalize, and he knows your state.
So we see in this ayah, that the hypocrite, the monastic, he does not like the laws of Allah.
He does not like the commands that Allah has given the prohibitions that he has imposed, he does not like them. And he considers them as a great burden.
He considers them to be a punishment for a crime that he never committed. Which is why he says, That's not fair. Why do I have to wear the hijab? That's not fair.
How come men can marry four wives? That's not fair.
How can we have to pray five times a day? That's not fair? How can we have to go for her? That's not fair.
How can we have to be father and son, that's not fair.
For every comment for every prohibition, they say that's not fair.
Because they consider what Allah has imposed as a Muslim, as a fine as a loss.
And because of this reason, he wishes for some disaster to strike on who, on those who enforce those laws.
He wishes that those people who are enforcing those laws upon Him, they should suffer from some disaster for some misfortune. They can't wait for them to go away. Because once they're gone, then they can go back to how they were before. Things can be normal again.
Like for example, if there is an older sibling who tells the younger siblings, we have to pray, Okay, come on, get a budget and pray. Now, the younger sibling who does not like to pray, what is he going to wish for? I can't wait until she's married and gone.
I can't wait until he moves out.
He wants that those people who are imposing the laws of Allah upon Him, they should go away.
But what does the law say? The reality is that disaster will strike such a person.
So these hypocrites are only Muslim by name. They weren't willing to act like a Muslim to live like a Muslim. They were Muslim only by name because if you're really a Muslim, you have to give zakat. You have to praise Allah, you cannot say that's not fair.
You will accept it willingly. So they were only Muslim by name. Why would they Muslim by name, just to get some worldly benefits, just to get some worldly advantages. And we see that after the death of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. The majority of these Bedouin Arabs who had become Muslim, the desert dwellers, they left Islam.
They became most that
after the prophet SAW the loss of them passed away, and
he fought against them. He fought against them.
Because he said that if a person refuses to pay as a cat even because many of them they did not say we're not Muslim anymore. They said we're not going to give the cat but he said that whoever does not
gives a cat, he's not a Muslim, because it's an obligation. It's a fault. You cannot differentiate between solitons right and we have learned that in this war, the importance of the cat even
so we will call the learner wage war against them.
However, we see that all of the Arab, all of the desert dwellers are not the same. Allah subhanaw taala says woman in our lobby, but among the Bedouins are, who may or may not be law, he will Yeoman, those who believe in Allah and the Last Day they are true believers, they are sincere believers. So just because a person is from the desert does not mean that he will definitely be in Africa. No, we cannot generalize from among the Arab are those who truly believe in a lion the last day, what does he do and he considers my unifocal what he spends in the way of Allah, whether it is a cat or it is some charity or it is a financial contribution, or it is what a person spends in
jihad. So he considers that to be poor or bad in or in the law as a means of coming closer to Allah.
Allah that's all that is the Florida quarterback from the Ruth letters of law.
And Kobe is a means of getting closer to someone.
Marietta Kirby,
that through which a person draws closer and Kuru baton are in the law, what are the those good deeds, which are a means of coming closer to a loss of
those good deeds which are a means of coming closer to Allah, attaining the pleasure of Allah attaining higher rank and Manzella near him.
So they consider spending in the way of Allah as a means of coming closer to Allah.
When they spend, they don't spend to show off, they don't spend as if they're being penalized, but they spend in the way of Allah to attain his closeness because sadaqa it draws a person closer to Allah. This is the first reason as to why they spend, secondly, whatsoever to pursue and they also spend in order to get the prayers of the messenger.
So that is a plural of Salat. What does that mean? Prayer, it also means da it also means Rama
and depending on who the words are, that is being used for the meaning changes.
If a person is praying for that to Allah, what does it mean he's performing the salvato, hums is praying, the Salah.
Secondly, if the word Salah is used for Allah
in Allaha woman or equitable use for lunar Allah, maybe Allah sends Salah
What does it mean by that? It means
Baraka so Allah's Celeste, Allah from Allah is what? mercy, blessing, goodness from the angels, what does anybody Angel sending around someone
praying for that person seeking forgiveness for that person
and from the profit, so that is for another person do offer him.
So was selected also meaning the prayers of the messenger in his favor? Because the prophets are a lot of them was commanded by Allah, that when people bring sadaqa what should you do? Pray for them.
So when they go to give sadaqa What are they hoping, closest to Allah? And they're also wishing to get the prayers of the messenger.
You know how, for example, if you go to a particular gathering? And if you answer the questions that the teacher asks, sometimes the teachers they give the law, you may have seen that the instructor they give a draw to the person who gives an answer. So sometimes people are competing just to give the right answer so that they can get the draw.
So similarly, you can imagine the time of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, how does how they would rush to give sadaqa only to get out of the messenger. So
this is why the gifts are
not to get the praise of the messenger, but to get him to pray for them. What does Allah say? Allah unquestionably there's no doubt about this, that in combat alone, it is definitely a means of closeness for them. They will definitely come closer to Allah by giving the Sadako say the hero woman love with Iraq, mighty Allah will soon admit them in his mercy in the love of a form of Rahim Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
So we see in this ayah, that all of the Arab are not the same. All of the people are not the same.
Therefore we should not generalize. There are people amongst them who have nothing
And there are people amongst them who are sincere. And those who are sincere when they come to give sadaqa they gave in order to come closer to Allah in order to get the dough out of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, we learned that a b opha he brought sadaqa
and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam made to offer him that Allahumma suddenly or that alley or be over that Oh Allah, send your blessings upon who? On the L on the family of Biafra.
So from this, we can learn an etiquette that after the Prophet sallallahu sallam, whoever is in charge for collecting charities, for collecting donations for a religious cause, then what should he do?
He should make the owl for who, for those who are giving contributions, he should,
because the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was commanded in the same Surah hoodman I'm wearing cotton to toe here on behalf what was the key and behave was suddenly and inhuman also pray for them. So we should pray for those people who are giving further.
And we also learn from the side that if a person wants to please Allah, if a person wants to come closer to Him, then what should he do? He should give sadaqa This is one of the ways of coming closer to Allah because Allah says Allah insha Allah home, definitely the sadhana is going to be a means of closeness for them. So if you want to come closer to Allah, what do you need to do? Give sadaqa given in secret, nobody knows about it. With no man, no other No idea.
No idea at all.
So to summarize, all of these is that we have learned thus far, there are two attitudes that people have towards the commands of Allah.
One is of those people who take the commands of Allah as
a burden, as a chore.
Again, we have to pray on so long.
They take it as a chore, as attacks as a no fair attitude.
With each command, they learn their tension, they're worried their anxiety increases that oh, my God, I have to do this as well. And I have to do this as well.
And on the other hand, there are those who positively and readily accept hope and reward from a loss penalty.
They're grateful for the fact that they're learning
that are handled a lot another way through which I can come closer to Allah. Another way through which I can acquire some more good deeds through which I can fill my boxes with something beneficial, something substantial, something worthwhile.
They're happy, because they have been provided another opportunity.
Let's listen to the recitation.
Yeah, una de la
mina cordana. Long woman
was a long way
towards Dune, Ella.
need to reboot one
on, you
long Ronnie halki wamena
ob como
You want to sell
long semi gnarly
beamy min.
anything you'd like to say?
By just thinking like desert dwellers is one of the main reasons why the hypocrisy might be a little more intense than the average person is their lack of knowledge and not being with people who have knowledge. So I think there's so many benefits of knowledge and I never knew that that knowledge would actually reduce your chances of being like hypocritical having those traits exactly, because if you look at it constantly, but the hypocrites what is being mentioned, lie on the moon lie of Cahoon, lie or Sharon
Yama hoon. they wander blindly. They don't see they don't reflect they don't learn. So one of the main reasons behind the fact is lack of knowledge. And not practicing that knowledge because, for example, the when African who were in Medina, it's not that they didn't know, they would know. But inshallah we will learn later that they were like coachable Masada, like word that is propped against the wall, you know, who would attend the gatherings of the Prophet sort of autism, but they would sit against the walls not paying any attention, sitting at the back not paying any attention at all. They will be listening, but not comprehending, learning but not applying. So when a person
does that, despite that he knows he doesn't apply, then that increases chances of hypocrisy.
Just to add to that, I was just thinking to myself that Alice monto says that the Bedouin people are like this, because of their background, and because of what their circumstances are. And what we often do is we look at someone and we're just like, Oh, my God, look what they're doing. And we don't know, you know, what they've been through. So we should really, this for myself is the hardest thing to do control your judgment that you come to when you look at someone, or when they say something, because you don't know what they've been through. And, you know, Allah subhanho knows what is in your heart and what you're thinking. And if you look at it, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam
knew that as well. And look at the way that he dealt with them. And so many other Hadees we learn about how a Bedouin man came, he began demanding for the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and he kept giving. And he put his shot around the prophets neck, and he was almost choking, and he came in urinated in the masjid. But, you know, it's about understanding the other person's background as well. That because of this background, this is why they're behaving in this way. And only then can you work with them, only then can you deal with them.
But something very scary is that when a person stays alone away from people, that develops hard heartedness.
It doesn't mean that we should be always socializing and not spend any alone time. No, it's good to spend alone time as well. But we should also spend time amongst people because we are social by nature.
Another thing is that like, if we know there are words that Allah has for us, and if our intentions are sincerely for Allah, we will enjoy the action. And we will enjoy being alive and will enjoy doing his commands because we know that we will get a lot of mercy and we know that we're aiming for the alpha. If you're not aiming for LS mercy, you're not going to enjoy the action, just going to see it as a burden, because you're not getting anything out. Very true, then the difficulty becomes sweet. You enjoy it.
I was just thinking about how yesterday we were talking about some of the characteristics of the hypocrites, and we were talking about treating the symptoms and sometimes you can't just treat the symptoms because there's a deeper cause. And if you're far from the end, then no matter how much you try to treat the symptoms, you're gonna keep coming back to it and you're treated with the