Al-Baqarah 275-281 Review 280-281
Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 03 – L037C
![Taimiyyah Zubair](
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The speakers discuss the importance of giving more time to a person when unable to pay back loans and avoiding giving things considered money. They stress the need for people to avoid taking favors from a debtor and avoid giving things considered money. The speakers also emphasize the importance of learning the Quran and avoiding selfish behavior. It is important for individuals to be aware of their actions and not just return them.
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shavon rajim Bismillah Ar Rahman Rahim
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We learn from this ayah that if a person has taken a loan, and he's unable to pay it back to the lender, then what should be done instead of charging him interest, or instead of increasing the loan, rather, what should be done is that more time should be given to him.
Because our Deen teaches us to be those who are compassionate and generous, especially to those who need help. So we see that many times if a person is not able to pay back within the correct time within the decided time, then what happens? Either he's charged interest, or on the other hand, the payment is increased. And if the payment is increased, what do people do? They don't call it interest, but they call it something else. So the proper teaching is a proper etiquette is that just give more time instead of increasing the amount of the loan. Alongside this, we have also been taught that if a person has given a loan to someone, that he should be very careful when it comes to
dealing with him. For example, He should not take any favors from him, or any benefit from
the person who's supposed to return the loan to him. For example, we learned from a hadith in Eben Raja, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, when someone of you gives a loan, and then the debtor sends a present to him, or carries him upon a beast meeting upon an animal, then do not write on it,
then do not ride on it.
Someone who is supposed to return a loan to you, and they send you a gift or they give you a ride, then what should you do don't take that favor, nor accepted unless it was prevalent between them previous to the loan.
For example, there were two brothers. One, the younger brother took a loan from the older brother.
Now, after the loan, if the younger brother, he hasn't yet returned the loan, the younger brother sends him presents, sends him gifts, gives him a lot of favorites, then the older brother should not accept those favors from him. It's against the teachings of Islam. Unless and until these things were already prevalent between them from before. They were brothers. Obviously these things happen from before. But if you see that somebody is being extra nice to you, since you've lent them something, a person should not take those favors at all. We learned from Mount Abu hanifa, that he wouldn't even sit in the shade of the wall of the person who was supposed to return a loan to him.
So we see that we should not take any benefit in any form from a debtor from someone who is supposed to return a loan to us why because that also comes under river that also comes under interest because what is river,
canoe carbon, Java Neff on every car that brings Nef that brings any type of benefit whether it is monetary or it is a gift or it is a favor, no matter what it is that surplus that benefit is Riba.
So therefore, a person should be very careful, he must not receive any benefits from the one whom he has given a loan to unless it was already prevalent from before.
And then the concluding is the last Ayah which summarizes this whole topic so beautifully. That what tokuyama or Gerona fetullah, fear the day when you're going to Allah, when you will be returned to Allah, where every person is going to be given in full everything that it has earned.
Notice the word cassava, what is it is to acquire something through some labor through some work. So, whatever that a person has earned himself, whether it refers to his actions that he has done physically, whatever that he has performed, for example, His Salah is walking is traveling. Similarly, it refers to what a person has acquired through his wealth, or with his wealth, what he has done with as well. So for example, if a person is giving sadaqa and earning reward, or is he giving a loan and earning Riba on it.
So everything that a person acquires through any way, he is going to be recompense for it in full on the Day of Judgment.
And we see from these verses, that we have to make the ends of the court more common in our societies in our culture,
that we should have the habit of giving. We should have the habit of spending on other people on being generous and not being selfish and only considering
about what goes in my pocket, what goes in my mouth.
So, we see that the culture that our last panel Tyler promotes, is off South Africa is off in fact,
but the amazing thing is, you know, I mentioned to you that this idea of liver, this particular idea was revealed towards the end of the profit sort of life.
And it is also set according to underpinning that this is what tokuyama to Jonah fee in Allah. This is one of the last verses to be revealed. According to some it's actually the last words to be revealed. And seven days after it was revealed the Prophet sallallahu Sallam passed away
seven days, the week after this, I was revealed the Prophet sallallahu Sallam passed away. What do we learn from this? That river? This was made her on when?
When people had perfected their Sunnah they had perfected their more ominous their dealings.
A person if he does not fix his Deen if he does not fix the Salah, if he does not fix his a flock, his manners with other people, then obviously, he is going to continue taking liver despite knowing that it is haram.
Why is it that so many Muslims so many every other Muslim is involved in river? Why? And one is to acknowledge the fact that it is wrong and the other is to justify it? Why is it that so many Muslims today, despite knowing that it is wrong, they justify why what's the problem? Because we have not focused on perfecting everything. We have not focused on learning the deal on implementing the deen properly on reciting the Quran. on understanding the Quran, teaching the Quran we have not focused on that at all. So obviously, how can I financial matters become straight in an instant? It's not possible. It's a long journey.
So only when a person is fully involved in his Deen when he's careful about his Deen, then he will care about Riba as well. Then he will care about his financial matters as well.
You can show favorite, meaning the person who has given a loan, he can be kind, he can be generous, but he should not receive any benefit from the debtor. Because that benefit takes form of Riba because remember the definition of Riba not any benefit, whether it is monetary, or some food, or a ride, or anything like that,
we learn that learning the text of the Quran directly is so important.
Knowing It is so important because many of us knew from before that it's wrong. It's incorrect. But when you read these ayat for yourself that a person who takes river, this is his state, Indonesia, and this is a state of affairs, if someone was possessed by Jane, someone who has been beaten by the jinn so much that he has gone insane. He has gone crazy.
Just imagine a person who has been possessed by God. You know, people are so terrified of gin. Aren't they so terrified?
Would you voluntarily offer yourself that a gin harms you? No, then why is it that we offer ourselves voluntarily, that we're going to take river despite the fact that we know that it's heroin. So it's so important to know the text of the Quran to gain the knowledge of the deen firsthand, so that we can change our Iman. Because only then it makes a difference to us only then we get it. Otherwise, we don't.
So for example, if a person has taken a loan from you, and they give you a favor or something, and what's the best way of telling them, obviously depends on who it is, and how you can speak to them, and how you could return that particular thing to them as well. So for example, if it's person's parents, a child's parents have given a loan to someone, and the debtor gives a gift to the child, and the child has no idea. But when the parents find out, what should they do, they should somehow return the gift in a way that is appropriate, not throwing it back on their face, but in a way that is appropriate. And many times what happens is that the other person he offers, for example, should
I do this for you? Should I do that for you?
So you can refuse politely giving a gift at a wedding party that's understood from before. But if somebody is being extra nice and doing one thing after the other, and he feels obliged to do it, that is not appropriate, because what happens is that the one who was given the loan, then he starts to take advantage as well, of the need of the other person.
If parents remind their children of the favors that they have done on them. First of all, it is not appropriate at all for any parent to remind the child of the favor that they have done. And remember, many times what parents do is that they remind the child Why should the child listen to them? But what happens to the children? What do they eventually say?
You shouldn't have done it. Who told you? I don't need your favorites. And some children go to the extent of saying it's your fault you gave birth to me
Children do that they say that fine, you shouldn't have given birth to me.
So the more we remind them of the favors that we've done on them, they're not going to listen to you. They're not going to listen to us at all. So first of all, it is very wrong to remind the children of the favors that you've done on them.
But it is important to make the children aware.
Because many times children have no idea about what hardships the parents have gone through. They have no idea and they take everything for granted. So it's definitely important to make the children aware. But Baron cannot say that what I have done to you, it's like a loan on you. So you have to pay back the loan, no, whatever the parent does, whatever the parent gives, it's his responsibility. It's her responsibility. So it's not a loan on the child that he has to return. But the child has been told the children have been told that they must do sign towards the parents and remember your son through code through Pharaoh, through man and also through a person's through person status,
whatever the person enjoys.
Listen to the recitation.
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