Al-Baqarah 1-5 What is Word-Analysis
Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 01 – L002A
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The fourth quarter course on translation and word analysis covers the entire title of the Quran, covering the context and importance of "out of" and "out of" in Arabic. The course is designed to help students understand the Quran and gain a deeper understanding of the language, while emphasizing the importance of practicing and understanding the structure of the language. The course is designed to improve language skills, read English, and communicate with others. The importance of understanding and sharing the Quran is emphasized, as well as the need for fulfilling spiritual and spiritual needs for children to settle down slowly and stay healthy.
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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu
another one a Sunday or out of soda Hill karimabad for a little bit lahemaa shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim, Bob Bashara he suddenly were suddenly angry one of the time melissani of kahuku Ali Baba urban as in
yesterday we went over the word to a translation of sorbitol Fatiha did you go over that Oh, did you see it again
this is something that you will have to do every single day inshallah, the word your translation that we do in class, that is a part of your homework, okay. So, inshallah you will have to memorize it at home and the word for translation, this is the part of your course, which is called an translation and word analysis, which inshallah I will be teaching you. So, right now, I will just give you an introduction to the course that I will be teaching you, how we will be studying it, why we will be studying it, what is it about, and such other details in general?
So there are some important things, make sure you have your notebook and your pen ready. Anything that you find important, make sure you take a note of that.
So inshallah, in translation and word analysis, we will be covering three main things. The first thing that we will be covering is the word toward translation of the Quran, from Arabic to English. And this includes not just a little Bakara, not just the first five years, not just just on, but it includes the entire Quran.
So inshallah, we will be studying the Word toward translation from Arabic to English of the entire Quran of all 30 pages.
The second part of this course is going to be the word analysis. What does the word analysis when you think of the term word analysis, what comes to your mind?
What comes to your mind?
you're analyzing words, right? So we learn the word toward meaning the translation, okay? For example, Al hamdu, means all praise. Okay? That's just the translation. But what kind of praise is how and what does this mean?
Right? So we're going to analyze the words of the Quran in three ways. How, first of all, linguistically, what is the linguistic meaning of the word? What is the origin of the word? What kind of a word is it?
So first of all, the linguistic analysis of the word. Secondly, inshallah we be looking at the grammatical analysis of the word is what? For example, this word is a noun, but what kind of a noun is it? Is it an adjective? Is it a pronoun? What kind of a word is it?
Similarly, if it's a verb, what verb is it? Is it a fast tense? Is it a present tense? What kind of a verb it is? Right? So we're going to be looking at the words, linguistically, grammatically, and contextually, because you can go into the details of the words, but if you don't know what they mean, the context doesn't make any sense. No.
So for example, she went to school, Who does she refer to? When you read the sentence? She went to school? Who does she refer to? What school did she go to? When did she go? So with every ayat of the Quran, with every word of the Quran, inshallah, these three are the main focuses that we're going to analyze the words linguistically grammatically, as well as contextually
All right. The third thing that we will be covering in Charlotte in this subject is the linguistic Tafseer
which is at the feet of the ayah pertaining to the language pertaining to the words in particular
All right. So, this is what inshallah we will be covering. Now, you may wonder why go into so much detail, why not just stick to the translation? You know, so many people have worked in the past, to have the best translation of the Quran. Why do we need to analyze each word? Why do we have to know it linguistically? Why do we have to know it contextually? Why, why all this detail?
This is because this is what our last panel data wants from us.
If we read the Quran, in Surah, Todd, is number 29. Allah Subhana Allah says kita Guan, Angela who evanka This is a book being the Quran. We have revealed to you why this is mobile article.
Why? Lia W, ar t? That they might reflect upon it versus?
Now tell me something.
If you don't know what a sentence means, can you reflect on it? No.
If you don't know what a picture means, what it is off? Can you reflect upon it? No.
So you have to know in order to reflect upon something,
and part of reflection is understanding, part of reflection is analyzing.
So Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the Quran, that he has revealed a book why, so that they may reflect upon the verses? Why is it important to reflect upon the verses, Allah says, and that those of understanding would be reminded?
If we don't understand, if we don't reflect, we cannot benefit from the Quran.
So, we have to understand the verses the words, why, so that we can understand why understand, so that we can extract lessons for ourselves so that we can actually implement the Quran in our lives.
So, this is why we will inshallah be doing the word analysis.
Some of the objectives of the subject are, first of all, to understand the text of the Quran directly in Arabic.
So many of you, you know, when you were interviewed, or when you were asked about why you want to study the Quran, so many people they say that when they hear the Quran, in Sala they wonder what it means, right?
You feel as if something is missing, why is the man crying? Why is the person next to me crying? Why? What do these verses mean?
And many times we rely on the translation. So this course has been designed to enable you to be able to understand the Koran directly in the Arabic text,
you can open up the most have, you recite the verses and you know what they mean. You don't have to look at the translation.
So this is the main objective of this course, to enable you to understand the Quran directly in Arabic.
You don't have to translate it in your mind. You don't have to read the translation. inshallah.
The second main objective of this course is to gain a deeper understanding of the plan, why in order to enhance the spiritual, mental and emotional well being of our lives of ourselves.
Because you have to be able to understand the Quran in order to extract lessons. When you do that, then it will help you.
Thirdly, to know the exact meaning and intent of the words, this is also why we will go deeper into the words what exactly does this word mean?
For example, we learned about the Al hamdu, lillahi, rabbil, alameen, all praises for a lot of the world. What kind of praise exactly is how and what kind of phrases it
So, this study, inshallah we will do, in order to know the exact meaning, and also the intent of the words. Why is this word used over here?
Another reason why we're going to study this is to appreciate the beauty of the language and the style of the client. isn't that important?
Of course, it is important. You see, every messenger was given some miracle. Right? musasa was given the miracle of the stuff he was given the miracle of his hand. Right? He saw this around, he was given several miracles. For example, He would cure the one who was blind, he would cure the one who was leopard. So every messenger was given some miracle. And the prophets or the LA video Salaam was given the miracle of the Quran. How is the Quran a miracle? How is the Quran a miracle? One of the main ways is the language, the style of the Quran.
So, we're going to do the study in order to appreciate the language, the style, the beauty of the Quran, as well. You know, sometimes you read a passage and it's so boring, the words don't make any sense. And you like, you know, can somebody fix it?
And you read a book, it's written very eloquently. You read some poetry, it's written very eloquently. You enjoy it. How can you enjoy the Quran? How can you enjoy the Quran
When you know what the words mean, when you can appreciate the style of the Quran,
when you can appreciate the language of the Quran. So this is also one of the main objectives of this course.
And other objective is to be able to understand and remember well the meanings of the Quran.
For example, if you know, if you understand a word properly, linguistically, grammatically, contextually, then you're able to remember the word later on as well.
Because there's a whole story behind it. And if you don't go into such details, the translation, you'll forget it very soon, you won't remember it.
And other objective is to recognize incorrect translations and interpretations of the Quran.
These days, so many people they come up with your modern translation and modern interpretation,
this interpretation, that interpretation, how do you know what is right and what is wrong?
You have to know the language to be able to do that, right.
Another objective is to improve our Arabic skills.
Remember that in this course, we don't teach you Arabic.
We don't teach you the Arabic language. But inshallah, at the end, you will definitely improve your Arabic skills. Just the other day somebody was mentioning that the sister was actually able to understand most of the hope of the lecture that was being given and she was able to translate it to her friends.
So improve Arabic skills, why in order to be able to understand the Arabic text of the Quran, as well as the Sunnah.
When you understand the text of the Quran, you will also be able to understand the text of the sooner
then another objective is to become familiar with the Arabic language, there'll be dictionaries as well as some other resources. And another very important objective is to be able to convey the Quran with confidence.
Remember, you cannot convey the Quran with confidence, unless and until you know the very words of the
this is very important. So these were some of the objectives of studying word analysis.
Now question, why understand the Quran in Arabic?
Because the whole purpose of doing this study is to be able to understand the Quran in the Arabic text, right? Not to rely on the translations anymore. Why is it important? Think about it Tell me, is it important to understand the Quran in Arabic? Why? Because it was revealed in the Arabic language. Why else?
Whenever something is translated from one language to another, you cannot exactly translate the meaning. Okay? Those of you who speak two languages or more,
what happens? Sometimes you're translating the words from one language to the other. And it sounds so funny, doesn't it? It doesn't make any sense. Like what does it mean? But it makes complete sense in the other language, right? So the expressions, the words that are used in the Arabic Quran, when you translate them into the English, it doesn't do justice to it. It doesn't do justice. Why else?
The Arabic Quran are the very words of Allah.
They are the Quran of Allah, the translation is not
because all of the reasons are, Allah subhanaw taala chose the Arabic language and he chose it for a reason. He could have chosen, you know, some other language, Spanish, English or other languages that existed at that time when the Quran was real, but he chose specifically Arabic language, so there has to be a reason. And inshallah, when you will study the words of the Quran, you will know why the Arabic language was chosen, because the Arabic language conveys what no other language can use.
Another reason is to realize the miracle of the Quran.
We learnt that the Quran was a miracle that was given to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, right? And you have to realize it as a miracle when you are understanding it in the language that it was revealed in.
You cannot translate it and say, yes, this is also miraculous. Many of you may have attempted to read the translation of the Quran, but you may have said, I don't really understand everything.
Many of you in interviews, you said that you have read the translation. But you would still like to learn more. You don't get everything on your own. Isn't that so? You will only get it when you know the Arabic for
another reason that in translation some meaning content and
style is lost
the meaning the content and the style, some of it can be lost in the translation.
Another reason is to know the different interpretations of the text. For example, in the Arabic language, the ayah can be understood in one way, and it can also be understood in another way. But when you're translating it, you can only limit it to one meaning.
And other reason is, which is very important is to increase for sure incentive to increase our concentration, our focus in Salah
many times when we're standing in, in taraweeh, prayer, what happens?
The man was reading and we're falling asleep, isn't it?
And the man was reading and we're thinking about what happened. We're thinking about what we're going to do tomorrow. And we're thinking of what one person said and what the other person said, Our mind is going everywhere. Why? Because we don't know what he's reading. Right? So we inshallah, we're going to study the Quran, we're going to be able to understand in the Arabic language why, so that we can actually improve our concentration or huzhou, in Salah, but it's too hard. Is it?
Have you ever tried to learn another language? I view?
Isn't a difficult? How many of you tried to take French? And how many of you actually continued French? Very few. It's a different language. Imagine you're reading French literature? Imagine is that going to be difficult? It is. So understanding the Quran in Arabic, isn't it going to be difficult, we might think it's too hard. It's very difficult.
It's not that difficult. It may be challenging, but it is possible.
You see anything new that we do in our lives, it is difficult at the beginning. It is challenging at the beginning. But it is possible to do it eventually.
For example, many girls they find it impossible to cook.
They find it impossible to cook, they start cooking, it takes them five hours to cook a meal, it takes them so long to clean up the mess. And the food that they cook doesn't really taste that good. It got burned, it got messed up, nobody likes it. That happens sometimes, right? But then eventually, you're able to make food that is edible, that you actually enjoy. And you're able to make food in a very short time. It is possible eventually, right? All of you, especially those of you who are older, just remember the time when you began cooking when you started cooking.
Some people they literally cry and then I don't want to do it and to just walk away from it. But that's not the way
things may be difficult. They may be challenging, but it is possible to do it. And especially the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the Quran, what are the
early victory for helmy Mata Ki? Indeed we have made the Quran easy for remembrance, is there anyone who would come and take Ramadan? So we take a reminder, it is easy. It is possible. And you see the word Yes, Sedona
from this is the word use. What is use of me is when we think of ease, we think simple, isn't it? When we think of ease, we say it is very simple. But that's not what the Arabic word use means. That's not what the Arabic word ESL learner needs. What this word actually means is, this is derived from Yes sir, all Pharaohs little cuckoo that the forest the horse that has been prepared, it has been trained for what? For riding. Just imagine a horse that is in the wild. And you're told to go and ride the horse? Will you even be able to go and touch the horse? No. But imagine you go to a proper stable, where the horse has been trained, the saddle is on the horse, all you have to do is
just go sit on the horse and the trainer, he is going to train you how to ride the horse is that going to be easy? It may be challenging, you will have to spend a lot of time right? You will have to be brave, right? You cannot be scared. You have to put in the effort you have to practice you have to practice over and over and over again. And eventually you will get the hang of it. And when you get the hang of it. You enjoy it. You will love it. The exact same thing is with the Quran. Initially, it may seem very daunting. It may seem very difficult. Yesterday when you saw the sheet you're like, Oh my god, what are these letters? What are these words?
What does it mean by the word to a translation
It may be challenging, but eventually you'll get the hang of it. When you get the hang of it, you really enjoy it. Okay, so don't approach the subject with a thought, oh my god, yes. Oh my God, I pray to you make this easy for me, but don't approach it with a sense that it's impossible, it's very difficult, it is possible this is a loss of handleless promise to you,
what do you have to do? Or do you have to do do it, you have to practice it, right. So, this is what you have to do you see for anything to be possible, everybody needs to put in the effort, right? So you need to put your share alasa panel data has facilitated it for you, you have to put in your share, you have to put in your effort and inshallah it will be possible. So inshallah, in the subject, the duration of this translation, the word analysis is going to be the entire course. inshallah, from the beginning, all the way to the end, we will be studying this, the total essence are 313. And inshallah we'll be doing this from Monday to Friday. And it shall I really, the class
will be for about two hours, right? And in turn one, we're going to cover just one to 10. In turn two, we're going to cover just 11 to 20. And in turn three, we're going to cover just 21 to just 30.
Right, inshallah, and your textbook for this course is going to be the blue jers
and how are we going to go about it? inshallah, I'm going to read the word to a translation, like I did yesterday, then we're going to go into the word analysis, and then inshallah, we're going to do the recitation at the end. Right. There are some other details as well. inshallah, I will do them with you, right before beginning the actual lesson because I mentioned them do right now. You might not understand. Okay, so, this is enough for now. All right, inshallah, when we do the lesson, we're going to start with the rest of the details inshallah. So, what do you understand? Tell me what you understood what is word analysis? It will allow us to reflect upon the Koran, the linguistic,
grammatical, and the contextual meaning of the Quran, anything else? We're going to be able to understand how the Arabic Quran is beautiful will be able to appreciate the beauty of the Quran. Tell me something that you learned from this presentation. Why are we going to study this? What's the purpose? What's the objective to understand the meaning of each and every word and I
A salaam aleikum? wa rahmatullah wa barakato.
Why are you also tense? Is it very difficult? I hope everybody understood what have been told. And if you asked, we will repeat the whole lesson.
So tell me what word analysis is, and why we're studying it. Anything that you learned from the presentation,
to see the origin of the word, why that particular word is in a context to gain a deeper understanding of the Quran. You can convey the Quran with confidence is that important? Why it is our responsibility to convey the Quran. And in order to convey the Quran we have to have confidence.
You see many times we hesitate in talking to anybody about the Quran. Why? Because we ourselves don't know the Quran, isn't it? We ourselves don't know the Quran. Just the other day I was reading, somebody had posted on their blog about how in their university, they had that Islam Awareness Week. And they were telling somebody about the Quran, how it is true and so on and so forth. And the person who they were talking to, they said, Have you read the forum? And he said, No, I haven't read the Quran.
You see, we tell people the Quran is the book of Allah. It is the revelation that is true. It is our guide, but do we know what it means? We don't have we studied it, we haven't really inshallah, this will improve your Arabic skills as well. This will enable us to understand the text of the Quran and the Sunnah, but inshallah it will allow us to have assure in our Salah, these are just the points that I mentioned. What do you think? Yes, tell me.
We have to understand and convey the Quran exactly how the Sahaba the Prophet sort of our listener, they understood the Quran and conveyed the Quran
to improve our Eman in the Quran, to improve our faith in the Quran, to improve our personal lives as well as improve our connection with Allah subhanaw taala. When you recite the Quran yourself and when you know what it means, when you're able to reflect upon the verses then only your Eman will improve, then only you will have more love more sincerity for a Lost Planet Allah. So this will improve our connection with the loss of data because we will understand the canavalia we will understand the speech of Allah
our time
We're met with a lot of challenges and one of them is how to do that work. For me my doorway. In essence, it starts from home with my daughter with my two sons. They're very young, but not young enough not to start with our so understanding around in essence for me is to start though, to begin that though, and basically go from the family to the neighbors. And I get asked by a lot of my friends, my neighbors, not just friends, a lot of relatives, and those are the bigger challenges nowadays. That why I'm praying, I don't understand, and I am talking to God, but I really don't know what I am saying. So if I do understand it, inshallah, at some point, I'll be able to make it easier
for other people to understand, in essence, from my action through my speech and through the way of life that we choose. So Koran is not to be taken lightly. It's such an important aspect of our life. And yet we take it for granted that I cried in the interview, because I was scared not to take the course and not to go into it. It's a lot of challenging a lot of people told me that by just three they drop out. But you know, yeah, I've heard all those testimonials. And my message to you is that if I made it, believe in me, anyone can. And if I made it to day two, even though I was late, a little my kids were up to like, put your cell up, you can do it too. And quite honestly, this is
just light in our life and the slight we needed in every household. Thank you.
How many of you are mothers, anybody else who have dealt with children? You have any experience with children, even if you are not mothers? Oh, good, Mashallah. Everyone will understand my example.
When is a child restless?
When is a child restless? Yes. When they don't have what they need, and when they are tired, when they're hungry, when they are wet, when they're sleepy.
When they're sick, anything else? And not new environment, when they want your attention when they are not with their mothers, yes, when they are not connected with their mothers, when they can't express themselves. Okay. Now we have five, six reasons, give me one most important reason that if you fulfill that need, the child will settle down slowly, will sleep will cope with other things
when they're not hungry.
You see, I have raised four children. And
I have been granted
I think six along the river. So I see children mostly when they're hungry, they're restless, they don't sleep, they don't listen, and they're cranky. But when their mother gives a little attention, feed them properly. With undivided attention, undivided attention, the child is calm. Now child wants to sleep. Now a child is resting. But there are other factors, but hunger is the most severe thing.
Even if the child is without a mother, but if he has eaten properly, so he will not be that much cranky, if he is hungry and mother is also not there. Why he needs his mother to get food, get feed or food.
So, you see, we all our children, young children, our child is inside us. When our body was young, and we were young, but now we are older, but our child has disguised in a big body, the child is still there. One time child was happy with only food or chocolate or this kid or something. But now this child needs something else. And that is spiritual need.
We will not be satisfied until we are given.
When you know when you understand for an especially with the depth of the words and depth of its roots and everything then that contentment and then that peace comes and then you start enjoying life and enjoying knowledge enjoying reading Quran because now you have your own understanding.
You see there is one understanding that comes from different capacity, reading this book and listening to that shift. That's fine Alhamdulillah all these things help. But once you have your own hole or grip or you have eaten yourself,
then it gives you an other kind of satisfaction.
I could not get that kind of satisfaction and
Till I, myself read it thoroughly through each word, to the depth of the bottom of the words, and the roots and in detail about the text because these words always gave me a new light, every word gave me a new light. And you see when there is a dark night, and only flash of light is on the sky, how many things you can see,
you don't see only that light which is flashing. But through that light, you can see what else, many, many things, the whole sky, and things around you, everything brightens up, even if it is just one flesh, in the darkness of the night.
I have personally experienced this, when I came to know the word properly with it's all aspects gave me such a light, that I cannot express that how many things were solved and how many things I could see. Without that it was just translation, one word, word to word. And that's it. No, there is something else also. And what is that, if you understand that, that will give you the ultimate happiness and contentment. And that will brighten you up and enlighten you and you can see many other things. And then you can connect and relate or on with your life in a better way.
it unlocks it unlocks your heart and unlocks your mind and it gives you the bigger picture of life. And I mean you cannot have that experience in any other knowledge. Because this is the word of God, word of Allah subhanaw taala that he has created the whole universe and he knows us better than anyone else.
Another thing you must keep in mind that Quran is not only words, these words were revealed on Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, and the many things have been repeated and for and you cannot explain Koran through words only you should understand for untrue for an first and then through Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and then how Sahaba rizwana Allah Allah whom implemented it in their lives, we can see because Seraph Allah Deena and I'm Talia. And after that you can connect it with your own life because it's not only for them, it's for us also.
But we should not go into those things which have no bass and Quran and Sunnah. And that was not the method of the Prophet salallahu Salam or the Sahaba
This is why we have to look at the words linguistically grammatically and contextually we also have to see what the words mean in the context.
inshallah you can show them some time one word and show them how it is in dictionary in different different ways. But all those cannot be relevant to what is said in that I that is also very important to know.
The panicle lahoma handicare Nasha de la ilaha illa Anta Mustapha Luca wanted to relay a certain word akin to LA Hebrew