The Lineage of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), the Quraish and the Birth of the Prophet
Taimiyyah Zubair – Seerah 04
![Taimiyyah Zubair](
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The conversation discusses the history and character of the Prophet sallam's lineage, including his closest relationship to nature, the Quraysh tribe, and the importance of learning to cook healthy and efficient in the kitchen. The conversation also touches on the loss of Hashem's shaver and the importance of setting people free from danger, as well as the importance of setting people free from danger and celebrating birthdays. The importance of saving lives and setting people free from danger is also emphasized.
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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu
How are y'all doing?
Slowly arenado Sudhi we'll get him another word for our other Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Rama strategies What did you were Sidley, MD.
could be wrong. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sent as their Ian in Allah, a color to Allah. So when we study his life, gaining This knowledge is a means of getting closer to who?
Allah subhanaw taala because his entire life, his teachings his entire call was to who? Allah subhanaw taala. So, this is a step a means, in order to get closer to Allah azza wa jal. So inshallah Today we will begin from the lineage of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Who was he, he was an Arab, and we learned about the background of the Arabs, where they came from, how they inhabited the ages. And we learned about the two main categories of the Arabs that remain, and what are those categories the upon, or in other words, baton are also the probably arriba, the original Arabs, and the second category is off, that are
done And who are they an honorable Mustafa, those who became Arabs and who are the odd man? In one word, who are they? They are the descendants of is married or the cinema Ibrahim or Islam, right? So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he was in our nanny, he was an Arab, he was a poet he and today inshallah we will look at his lineage. his lineage was awesome. Mohammed bin Abdullah bin Abdul Mutallab and Abdulmutallab his name was Shiva, who was Abdulmutallab bin Hashem he was the son of Hashem, who was Hashem his actual name was on and he was the son of even our manuf and Optima Neff, his name was
Optima Nath was the son of Poseidon. Optima nerf been bullseye. You remember to say, who was
the man who brought the pradesh to power?
What is smooth? And to say his name was Zaid bin keylab bin marva been carved into a bin Khalid bin finger bin Malik bin another and another his name was ice Hua Hua Quraysh
bin kwinana and Quraysh was the son of Kiana been hoceima been Mutharika and Mutharika. His name was Ahmed Bin Ali has been mobile, Vanessa winmark been our Diane. So you see some of the names over here. Are they familiar? All right, Diane, he was one of the forefathers of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam of his children was mother. This is also an important term, mother inshallah we will look at it today. And from mother came kwinana and from kwinana came boorish from Quraysh came fish from fish came keylab boosey. And then so on and so forth, all the way to Hashem, or the Natale Abdullah and Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now, one thing to remember is that the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he came from a very noble family. First of all, he was an Arab, and the Arabs, you can say that Allah subhanaw taala chose them. He gave them special qualities that he did not give to others. And this is a luz decision, while buka Luca Masha.
Allah creates whatsoever he wills and he also chooses, he also selects each people have been given distinct qualities, like for example, the Bani Israel if they were chosen from centuries before, right? And we see that the Arabs also if you look at the geography, I mean, if you look at the map itself, look at how it is cut off from the rest of the world. Right from three sides, you have water, but it's not completely isolated either. Like for example, Australia, it's completely isolated, right? took years and years and years for people to actually get there. But if you look at Arabia, I mean, it's separate, but it's not separate. Right. So this is how the Arabs
They were preserved. They were not influenced by so many people that were around them. If you look at it Persia was on one side, Rome was on the other Africa on the other side. And all these three had some major religions, right, but none of them really had an influence on Arabia, Ibrahima Islam was sent. And in the heart of Arabia, Makkah, the center of the head was established. But yet we see that, hey, he went to Syria, he went to Sham and over there, he saw some idolatrous people and he brought idols. And this is how idolatry, it spread in Arabia. But anyway, the Arabs and last panel tada did preserve them. If you look at it, their culture, their language is so pure. All right. And
in Arabia, What is there? There is no forests, all right? No major agriculture, nothing like that. They're only art. Their only form of expression was through language. And this is something unique about the Arabs. Because if you look at other nations, how is it that they express themselves, other civilizations they express themselves through art, through construction, right architecture, different forms, but the Arabs they had nothing? I mean, you make a house what happens after a few days there's a storm or something and everything is finished. You can have an amazing house but if there's if you run out of water, you have to move away. So their entire concentration and focus you
could say was on what on their language, you can say that they were really upon the fitrah they were very close to nature, very close to the nature that allows peloton has created people upon so the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was from the Arabs. And then we see that amongst the Arabs also he was of the best and most noble line as you seen his lineage. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in the last prophet Kenan Etta, meanwhile, it is married a laterals kwinana from the children of Israel. He was tough operation in Canada and he chose pradesh from Kiana was tougher Hashem among Quraysh. And he chose Hashem from the crash was for Fannie Mae, Bernie Hashem. And Allah chose me
from the Banu Hashim. So if you look at it, this wasn't by accident. This wasn't by accident. It was literally as if from each generation, the best, the best of the people in every way. Were the forefathers of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. It wasn't random. Now, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Allah chose kwinana, you see the name kwinana in lineage that you have
kena Who was he? kena. As you know, he was one of the forefathers of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, and his children known as the Bernacchi Nana. They are the largest mobile ad or the nanny tribe. Now, I want you to pay attention to two things my buddy and I, the nanny, who are the
descendants of ismar la sala, alright, and who are the mother, his mother, mother, were those are nannies
that lived in Makkah around Makkah.
So you understand there are those people from the descendants of Ishmael and his Salaam that didn't just have the blood, the lineage, but there were also the inhabitants of the Holy Land.
So you understand what the model are? Primarily, those are nannies that lived in and around Makkah.
Because what happens over time that people scatter is more either in a cemetery said that he had 12 children.
And it is said that all of the our nannies they traced lineage back to one of the sons of his married Ernest and the rest of them alone, Ireland where they went, they perhaps scattered they went elsewhere, that their lineage didn't, their children didn't continue, their progeny didn't really survive. But the nannies there from one son off, is married earlier. And from that nannies are the mother and mother, specifically those who lived around Makkah.
Alright. And remember that one to say came to power later on? What did he do he?
He brought his closest family members of his into MCI said you come and live near the Kaaba.
Alright, so Allah chose Kiana All right, and then from Canada, he chose.
He chose Quraysh. pradesh was the name of a man as banana was the name of a man but he was also the name of a man and he was from the descendants of Kiana All right, and Quraysh remember that they broke down into several sub clans. So the Polish they broke down into several sub plans because you see how this clan tribe system works is that one man? All right. He has, for instance, five children
five sons, for example, right now, later, later on as years go by all those five children, their children, what do they say? our grandfather was so until men. All right. Now it starts with grandfather. And then it turns into great grandfather, and then it turns into a clan. So you see, there's a big tribe, and that tribe has sub clans and those sub clans even have sub clans. So you understand how it branches out, right? But they all identify themselves with the main great grandfather, whoever he was. Alright, so the Quraysh they broke down into several sub clans also, now of those sub clans, as you can see in this image.
So you see, it's my Isla de Sena, from his descendants is Adnan, from the descendants of Odin and his mobile, from the descendants of Moodle is Kiana from the descendants of kwinana is kurush. Now courage to break down into several sub clans, all right, because Pradesh, this man had many sons, all right, so one of them was abdomen, f another one was thaim. Another one was acid, there was another was a D, another was Muslim, and many more. All right, but over here I've mentioned only a few which are relevant to us. So the children of abdomen f they identified themselves as the bunu, abdomen F of the Quraysh okay. Likewise, the children of Dame they identify themselves as the new
theme of the Quraysh Alright, likewise the children of acid the Banu acid of the
banasura, of the body of the collation by numazu of the Quraysh.
So you understand, now if you look at it, college elite, he was from the new Muslim, he was a Qureshi. All right.
I knew he was from the banner ad. Amina the mother of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam she was from the busara All right, Khadija Hello, Anna. She was from Asad Abubakar Otto and who was from Bhanu team. All right, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he was from the bundle Abd manaf
Alright, so when are abdomen F,
they were the children of who Pradesh. Now the bundle of DNF. As you can see, even they're further divided into many sub clans. All right. from them Banu Hashim Bonomo Polly bhanwar chumps. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Allah chose the Banu Hashim from the Quran.
And he chose me from the Banu Hashim. And you understand why the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said Allah chose the new Hashem because it's really amazing how a lot chose them.
Now, Hashem, who was Hashem Hashem, as you can see, he was from the bonora, abdomen F. And he was a descendant of OCI. So to say, he was from the Quraysh, abdomen F and from them was born Hashem. Hashem is actually the name of a man. The title of a man. Have you heard about him? Okay, so Hashem was considered the best man of his time. He was the host of the pilgrims. his actual name was ama, but he was known as Hashem. Why because Hashem literally is one who meshes something. And Hashem was given this title because he used to mash pieces of bread in meat and soup, and he would serve it to the pilgrims. So the hijabs that would come, who would host them who would entertain them would give
them food, Hashem, and he would serve them very generously. I mean, so much so that he would even break the pieces of bread for them. All right, and he would make, you know, like a piece of bread in gravy or in soup or something like that. So that is what the Hajaj would eat. And Hashem was very well respected. And he is the one who arranged the trade journeys of Kurdish to Syria and Yemen. You know that right? And so today, we learn about this, that he left him riflette ashita. He was safe in the summer, and in the winter, they have their trade journeys, who's the main guy who arranged those journeys, Hashem and Hashim once on his trip to Syria, he was going to ashram and where is a sham
north of hedges. All right. He went through yesterday. Yesterday was what? Medina so he went through Medina, and he was on his way to Sham when he got to your trip, he married a woman found a woman over there, married her, alright, lived there for a few days. And then he continued on his journey to Syria. When he was in Syria, he went to Hosea. Are you familiar with Lhasa, Gaza, right. And he passed away over there. He died. He never made it back home. Now he has a wife in
yesterday and he lived with her for a few days.
That wife was pregnant.
All right, she gives birth to a boy. That boy has hair which is very strange because he had like gray hair. And she named him shaver.
Now what happens back in Makkah, the brothers the relatives of Hashem have no idea that their brother, you know, married a woman and yesterday and now he's had a boy, a son, they have no clue. Shiva grows up in Medina when he's eight years old, the brother of Hashem Mutallab so you see blue ocean blue palette, the brother of Hashem. He finds out that he has a nephew in Medina. He goes to Medina brings his nephew back with him. His name was shaver. Now, when he comes to Makkah with shaver, the people they see a boy coming with him, and then go, maybe he bought a slave. So they called him Abdulmutallab.
Alright, and from this shaybah, his name became Abdulmutallab.
Now what happened?
Remember that Hashem Who was he?
What was his role in Makkah, he was the host of the pilgrims. And when he died, what happened? on him his brother, he took that position. All right, but now as the son of Hashem came, and who was he our little motive when he came to Makkah, and he grew up that same honorable position it it was returned to the Banu Hashim. I've been looked on it took on that position. All right, Motorhead gave it back to him. Now if you think about it, Hashem Did he ever see his son shaybah?
No, he perhaps did not even know at that point that his wife was expecting that he was going to have a son. But you see Hashem he was a man of nobility and honor in his people. And Allah spawn tada chose that the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam should be from his seed. Not multilib sorry, not. Yeah, not, not up chumps. But in particular who? Hashem
now the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he said, in the law, Allah kochalka, for journey for
Allah created the creation and made me amongst the best of his creation,
the best of his creation because again, Hashem he didn't just have the blood. He also had honor amongst his people. He was respected for the kind of work that he did. He also had religious, you can say authority, he was looked up to, he was a man who received a lot of respect from his community. Now, Allah subhanaw taala chose Ubuntu Hashim por debajo Hashem, they're the descendants of Hashem, and specifically through who are the metallic. All right, he was the son of Hashem.
Now, I've done metallic, what was his actual name? shava. I don't know for about two grew up to be a very great man. He was handsome, good looking. And there was no one like him. He was of the leaders of polish. And he was also a trade minister, you could say he also arranged the trade journeys off the kadesh to Syria and Yemen. He was also very generous like his father, to the point that he was given the title of failed,
failed, because he generously fed people and specifically how it is said that any food that was leftover, any food, what would he do, he would distribute it amongst the poor. And he would go all the way up to the peaks of the mountains because you know, that Mecca is surrounded by was once upon a time surrounded by mountains and hills. So he would go up to the hilltops and leave the food over there for who for the birds and wild animals. And this is why it is said that he was known as the one who feeds people on earth, and one who feeds birds and animals on mountaintops very generous. And you see this that the Arabs generosity was a great value, you know, that they had, it was a part
of nobility.
And what is it that these men are giving? What are they giving food? But unfortunately as women, what is it that we hate to do?
cooking, right, feeding. You know, feeding people giving people food is one of the best things about Islam.
The prophets of the Lawson when he came to Medina, one of the first things that he taught people was what Dr. Mo Tom gave food, feed people food.
After Salaam, spread the Salaam, and pray at night while the people are sleeping. That whole agenda to be salam, you will enter gender in peace. giving food to others is one of those actions that takes a person to gender.
So we really need to think about it.
That if we are learning how to cook, if our mother is on our case, you know, learn how to cook.
Or we are expected to cook, don't take it as a burden. Don't take it as a burden. It's a huge skill. It's a skill by which you can benefit so many people. And you see eating is part of life, or is it not?
You can't do without it, can you? You can't. And if you want to live a productive life, and if you want to work efficiently, then you better know how to be efficient in the kitchen.
Because if you're spending three hours cooking one meal, you won't have time to do your lesson. Or would you? How do you cook these days? The mother is amongst you.
It has to be quick dinners right? Quick and nutritious. You can't stand in the kitchen for hours and hours. No way.
And if you do that your family will be neglected your children will be neglected. Right and you won't have time to spend with your family. So and remember that being efficient in the kitchen, there is no way except through practice. You have to practice it's never too late to start and make your near what I want to learn how to cook so that I can feed people so that every time I feed people I get reward from Allah subhanaw taala whether people like my food or not, I want to be rewarded by Allah subhanaw taala. And, you know, many women, they have to do it anyway. To it for Allah. So at least you're rewarded. Right? This is how you make your day to day actions, rather.
So anyway, he also used to feed
used to give food to people as well as animals.
Now I'm gonna tell him something else happened in his life Also, remember the home when they were evicted from aka, what did they do?
Exactly. they bury the well of Zamzam. And in the well of Zamzam. They also threw in or they hid other things, which things like for example, they decide that there were some valuable things in the Kaaba, you know, some things made of precious materials, for instance, something made of gold and a lot of gold, and so on and so forth. They hid everything. And they went. Now 300 years have passed over 300 years. And he had these consecutive dreams that directed him to dig at a particular location near the Cabo. All right. And he dug, and the kadesh the other people, they're just watching him, but when they saw that he was determined, and they felt like he was getting closer to
his, you know, victory. They said, Let us also have a share, let us dig with you. But ultimately, they have said no, does that remind you of something
harder? Exactly. How do you set to the people journal, you may drink it, but it's mine.
Right? And look at how these people are selfish for hire. You understand, hey, I want it for myself. I mean, it's good to share also. But there are certain things which you have to be a little bit selfish about because if you if you're if you don't get it for yourself, you're going to lose that, that honor. And if you lose that honor, then then what you don't like for instance, you have a certain amount of time every day.
Right? And part of that time you dedicate to learning of the Quran. Your time is precious, it's risk. Right? Now, if somebody says give me some of your time, just come shop with me. Just want to go look for a nice jacket. I have five but I want to I want another one. So can you come with me? So you say yeah, I have three hours, I have two hours, maybe I can go and you say oh, you should you know give time to people. And you go in and you come back and you have no time to study the Quran. You shared something you had with others at the cost of studying the Quran. So over here, yeah, you should be a little a little selfish.
All right.
Biharis for hire, be greedy for height like the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, It is Allah million farrokh be greedy for that which benefits you want it for yourself. This doesn't mean that you don't care about people at all. No, there is a time for them at a time for you. You can give them half an hour. You can give them one hour you can tell them. No, my dear tomorrow, I have a test. I can't come today. Maybe on the weekend. Right? So you have to be a little concerned about what benefits you anyway.
the police were insisting that they should also have a share in digging of the lottery. He swore an oath. He made a vow at that time as he was digging he said, Oh Allah, if you allow me to uncover the well, and you give me 10 sons who all grow up to be young adults, then I will sacrifice one of my son's for you. human sacrifice. He made a vow and what happened? He was digging, digging and he actually found a well of Zamzam. And Allah subhanaw taala gave him 10 sons and
All those 10 sons grew up to be adults. So he had to fulfill his vow. He didn't know what son to sacrifice. So what happened? He drew lots. And each time whose name was whose name came his, his son, Abdullah.
But I'm the law. He was not just the most handsome, the most obedient, but also he was most beloved in the family. He was loved by his brothers. And it is said that, especially I will call him his brother upon Him, who was the uncle of the Prophet sallallahu. And remember, I will have intervened and he said, Father, there is no way you will sacrifice our center of the law. No way.
You cannot do that.
So, I will not tell him he went to, you can say a witch. Okay, a woman who was a soothsayer. Anyway, you went to her and said, You know, this is what I've I made a vow and I have to sacrifice a son of mine, what should I do? She said, Come tomorrow. People do these kinds of things, right to show that Oh, wow. They have to consult their whoever. So anyway. She said, Come tomorrow's Anyway, when he came, she said, just give blood money,
blood money, what is blood money, that if someone is killed, you give a compensation. All right. At that time, what was practiced amongst the Arabs was 10 camels.
So, for instance, if a man was killed by accident, all right, so the person who killed him, he would have to give or his family together, they would have to give 10 camels to the heirs of the one who was murdered.
They said you don't just get 10 camels and slaughter them for the sake of Allah. You're giving blood money.
So anyway, he agreed and from 10 camels, it reached 100 camels so he slaughtered 100 camels and from that day on, Abdullah was known as the be.
The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said that I am the son of to the verse.
This man either isn't Him, who was also meant to be slaughtered for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. But what happened?
Hmm, his sacrifice was replaced by that other rim. And then Abdullah also, his sacrifice was replaced by that off 100. camels.
Amazing, huh? If Abdullah had been killed at that time, you know, this is not by accident. Someone is born, someone dies at a particular place someone's life is spared. It doesn't happen by accident.
Allah subhanaw taala. He is a hacking. He decides. And his decisions are all based on wisdom.
Now of the mobile app, it was during his time that abraha also came who was abroad.
exactly remember, I was how I will feel right. And so it'll feel we learn about them.
When I was a Yemeni Christian King, where's Yemen?
south of hijas All right.
And remember that over here in Yemen, and across the sea, across the Red Sea, on the other side is a vicini also right. So this entire area who lived over here Christians, the Christianity was very rampant over here Christians inhabited this place.
remember that long time ago, and I'm not going to go into the dates because you might get confused. There was a man inshallah you will learn about this in the seed also. His name was loon was right. He was It is said that he was a convert to Judaism, or he was a mystic. Hello, Arlen. But when Christianity spread in this area, Luna was what he did was that he attacked those people and he forced them to renounce their religion. And those who did not renounce their religion, he had trenches dug filled them with fire. Anyone who refused to renounce his religion was thrown in that trench, who are these people? as horrible dude, the people of the trenches and inshallah you will
learn about this in a suitable Rouge. So this was a genocide basically. Right? It was a massacre of over 20,000 people. Why were they killed because of their faith? They were Christians.
Anyway, Allah spawn tada saved them. And what happened? Christianity did survive over him. Remember that Christianity? It was basically evolved from the teachings of priests are the center. So even though there had been many deviations in the religion, but still these were the keytab. They were the Muslims of their time. All right, because who was the last messenger before Hamilton alongside them? resigned Islam, so those who followed him, those who believed in Him, they were supposed to be the Muslims of their time.
Now what happened? Christians they lived over here in the area of Yemen. avicennia, right, this entire stretch, and they were Yemenis.
Now what happened abraha, who was a Christian, Yemeni king, he built a huge church or Cathedral you can sit. And he did not like the fact that the Arabs, they traveled from everywhere to Mecca to worship, you know, at at a place that was just a small simple cube, right. And remember that the Anunnaki tab, the people of the book, they consider themselves to be knowledgeable. And the Arabs, they were considered as Omi, the illiterates. So he said, You know what, I have to get all these people to come to me, and I am going to go and destroy their temple. So he took a huge army with them of 60,000. All right, and 60,000 people went with him, in order to destroy just one karma.
Think about it. One karma is really a massive structure.
60,000 people he took with him. And he didn't just take horses and camels, he took elephants with him to destroy the karma. But what happened? We learned about it in the Quran that how this entire people were destroyed. Right. And of the matale, he he played a huge role in defending
and defending its people.
And what what's amazing over here is that the Christians of Yemen, these were the people who were persecuted for their religion, just a couple years ago.
And now what were they doing?
They were persecuting others.
Isn't this amazing?
You see this in history that how people were treated in their past, they don't they don't learn from that. And they do the exact evil that was done to them. on others.
The Christians were killed, it was literally a genocide. And what happened they wanted to inflict the same evil on other people.
Who is a believer?
What's the definition of a woman? The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said that,
huh? law you may know how to come had,
you have bullied or he may you hibou enough, see, none of you can truly believe until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.
A believer doesn't do this, that if somebody treated him in an evil way, he also treats others in an evil way. You know, many times we come up with excuse I when I was a child, I was spoken to in a very rude way. I had very mean teacher. So I'm also the same way with my students. And I'm also the same way with my children. My parents are very strict with me. And I'm also very strict with my children. My parents used to hit me and I hit my children. No. Did you like that? Did you like to be beaten up?
Then why are you inflicting the same thing on others?
You understand? If you didn't like it for yourself? How can you like it for your children?
What does it show if we have double standards? What does that mean? There's a problem with even
if you didn't like an experience for yourself, don't like it for others either. If you like something for yourself, then like it for others also.
Now we see that after the army of abre was destroyed, it is said that around 50 or so days of this event, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was born. So this year is known as will feel the year of the elephant and this is when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was born. He was born to who Amina and Abdullah
Abdullah, who was he the son off of the polyp. And who was Amina? I mean I've been to a hub. She was also from the pradesh from the clan of bunu. Zahara. So you see from Vanessa was Amina from Blue abdomen f was Abdullah and you see from bhanwar abdomen f just a side thing, you see but no Hashem boo Taliban, chumps from the bundle of chumps was the sub clan of Balu Maya, and from this clan was Randall dillo. And who, and also who Sophia
writes all these major companions, you should know that there were all Qureshi also. And you can see the link over here how they were related to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam Amina. She was also Qureshi. Her father was the chief of his tribe, and she was a noble lady Abdullah married her and within a week
of the marriage, he went to Syria on a trade journey
within a week, all right, and what happened to him on his way back he fell ill.
Now he had family in Medina how, who's his father are the local chamber where the chamber grew up.
in Medina, right? His mother is from Medina. So Abdullah, he said, You know what, let me go to Medina and stay there because Medina was closer. He stayed in Medina and he sent the caravan forward, because the entire caravan was stopped because of him. He was ill he said, I'll rest in Medina when I feel better, I'll go. But what happened, he never recovered. He died.
He died again. He never saw his son.
He probably didn't even know that his wife was expecting Amina, the set that she was very young 18 or 19. At that time,
she gave birth to her son, and Who was he? Well, Hamad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
And when he was born, he was an orphan.
The leader of mankind is born as an orphan.
Someone who never saw his father never knew him, never met him.
The Beloved of Allah never gets to see his father.
And if something like this ever happens to us, we think Allah does not care.
Allah tests those whom he loves.
The Prophet sallallahu Sallam he was born in springtime.
It wasn't too hot, not too cold. It is said that it was a Monday, there was in fact, a Monday. And he was born in Makkah. Now which date was it? It is said that it was the month of November? Well, some say it was a second of a burel, or what others say was the eighth or the 10th, or the 11th, or the 12th.
And there are even more opinions, there are over 10 opinions with regards to the specific day of a barrel of oil on the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was born. And the fact is that we don't know.
We really don't know there's so many opinions, the Sahaba themselves different.
But why is this 12? Why are also common, because even is how the historian he wrote.
He wrote it, but he didn't really mention any evidence for it, where he got that got that information from.
So this is the reason why we don't prefer 12th over any other date that is suggested to be the birthday of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But this corresponds with the month of April, whichever date it was the month of April, that is when the prophets Allah son was born 571 ad.
Now, just a small thing over here, the Prophet sallallahu was wanting to be with a woman. And now, I mean, there is a celebration that is very common amongst the Muslims to celebrate the birth of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. If we do decide to celebrate his birth, now we have to see which date is going to be
the second or the 10th, or the eighth or the 12th, or the 11th, or which date.
You understand. We don't know which date. And secondly, remember that celebrating birthdays is not a customer of the Arabs. This is something that the Arabs didn't do. They never celebrated birthdays. It's a Western thing. It's a Western concept. And also, we see that the first time ever, the molad was celebrated the birth of the Prophet Solomon was celebrated was when in the fatimid dynasty of Egypt, the ultimate dynasty, okay, the rulers of the Fatima dynasty. They're the ones who celebrated it for the first time ever. And this was somewhere between 901,000 ad.
When was the profit total loss newborn? 571.
So 400 years after he was born,
his birthday was celebrated for the first time ever. And this was also celebrated by Father mates and who were they shirey
they weren't so nice.
All right. And just think about it if for 400 years, there was no concept of celebrating the birthday of the prophets of the law, isn't it? Isn't that enough of a reason for us to not do something like this?
I think this evidence is sufficient. for 100 years it was never done, not heard off no concept of it. Then all of a sudden, some some people did it. And these people I mean, in their in their version of Islam, they celebrate many things. I mean, the way they worship, dance and singing and clapping and all of that it's it's understandable why they would celebrate a birthday. Because for them Dean is low and low play and amusement. Right? So another thing by which they could entertain themselves. So anyway,
the prophets Allah, Allah was born in the month of February I was the leader of mankind was born. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, and I say you do well at Adam, you will take me I shall be the leader of the children of Adam.
Under the Old Testament, he is in fact the leader of the children of Adam. And when he was born, his mother, she dreamt that a light emanated from her. And this light it reached all the way to a sham.
She had this dream, and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, this is Ronnie even Katyn. He said in your in the latifi Ahmed kitabi hautman. Number one I am in the book of Allah, from the beginning, the seal of the prophets in from the beginning it's known that I am going to be the final messenger and the Hardys continues. Another word to Abbey Ibrahim. I am the answer to the DA of my father Ibrahim. Did he make a drop? Yes. Well, the shout out to Risa calm and the good news of Risa that he gave to his people. What Oh, yeah. Oh, me.
And the vision of my mother, the dream of my mother, what was the dream that the light spread all the way to a sham? And that's exactly what happened. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam as he came the color to Allah, salado, Manila. The light that he brought, it really spread far and wide.
And the prophets analyzer was born Amina. She sent the good news of his birth to her father in law, the grandfather of the pockets of the laws and I've done it. I've looked at it came. He was extremely happy. He took the baby to the Kaaba, he thanked Allah for the blessing of this grandson, and he is the one who named the Prophet sallallahu sallam, Mohammed
and Mohammed a unique name, no one had that name. unheard of. And people would ask him why he gave the name Muhammad because Mohammed What does it mean? The one who is praised.
So you can see that he had big dreams, you know, a great vision for his grandson, he really believed that inshallah some credo would come from him.
Because look at how of the Natalia was born and look at how Abdullah was saved and look at how Abdullah died. I mean, people could see this boy was not going to be ordinary. So anyway, he named him Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said in early asmat, I have several names. And then Mohammed.
Ahmed, I am Mohammed and also Mohammed. And Mohammed means someone who's praised nearly continuously, it shows the quantity meaning abundantly praised, over and over again and again. He is praised and mad, that is also from him, and shows the quality of the praise meaning praised in excellent most beautiful terms.
And then Mohammed Wah, wah unelma he and I am Allah He, with whom Allah obliterates well Anil Hashem, and I am also Hashem, meaning, the one that whose feet meaning behind whom the people will be gathered on the Day of Judgment,
will analyze after and I am also allotted meaning the one who succeeds the other prophets and bringing about good after whom no prophet shall come and this is in Buhari,
the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, he was circumcised and Arpita was also done for him. And remember that this was something practiced amongst the Arabs because who were the children of is married or listener. And Ibrahima, you said, um, he was given certain commandments by Allah subhanaw taala. And all of those commandments was also to circumcise. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was also circumcised as a baby. In a hadith we learned the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said bories to mean hydroquinone, Benny Adam Harmon Aparna, I have been sent in the best of all generations of Adam's offspring since their creation. So literally, it was the best time when the Prophet sallallahu
Sallam was born, since the world was created and until it lasts, the time when the prophets that allows him came was the best. It was the most fitting for him to be sent at that time. Now the prophets Allah Allah was born, and Amen, the slave of Abdullah. She looked after the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and a man her actual name was Baraka. Right and she was an adverse Indian. And she lived a long life she saw the Prophet sallallahu Sallam as a prophet, she accepted Islam, she did hedge law, and she died a few months after the death of the Prophet sallallahu earlier.
The Prophet sallallahu Sallam was nursed by his mother and also by Abu lahab slave woman. swaybar Abdullah was the uncle of the Prophet sallallahu. Imagine his slave woman swaybar She is the one who knows the prophets that a lot of them for a long time.
And she is the same one who brought the good news of the birth of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam to Abu lahab. And you know what Abu lahab did when he received the good news. He was so happy. He gestured with his hand.
You're free.
He was so happy.
He gestured with his hand you're free, and so Eva This is how she got her
Freedom because she conveyed the good news of the birth of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. In a decent Buhari. We learned earlier why he said that swaybar was a freed slave woman of Abu lahab, whom he had set free. And then she's the one who nursed the Prophet sallallahu sallam. When Abu lahab died,
one of his relatives saw him in a dream
and I will have was in a very bad state.
He was asked what have you seen what have you encountered? A Buddha have said I have not found any rest since I left you except that I have been given water to drink in this. And he just he indicated to towards the place between his thumb and his finger.
I have been given water to drink from where from my hand from just a small place. This is the only hire I have seen. And this is because I set the waiver free. This is in Buhari
so you see freeing a life saving a life letting someone go.
This is a very noble deed. I mean, this is something that has any it even benefited Abu lahab in the sense that because he gestured with his hand, he was given water to drink from a small hole in his hand. He sets away by free and this shows to us the importance of saving lives.
setting people free Prophet sallallahu sallam, he was nursed by swaybar and he was given in the care of Halima Saudi who was Halima Saudia.
Exactly move there. Because you see the people in maka maka was a very busy place. All right, what happens when you go for a model for Hajj? What do you return with?
And what else do you return with?
A cold
Don't you
mean someone who returns from Hajj they come back sick. Why? It's a very busy place. People come from all over the world. disease spreads very quickly. Right? And this is the reason why you need your shots before you go for Hajj or formula. Right. They're mandatory otherwise you cannot you cannot get your visa. So anyway, the people of Makkah the little children did little babies in order to keep them safe and healthy. What would they do for the first few years it would send them outside of Makkah?
Because if they lived in Makkah, they would get sick.
All right, they would get sick so they'll send them outside of Mecca for their own good. And so the prophets Allah sent him he was sent in the care of holly Masada, honey Masada was from the blue side. And
the Prophet sallallahu Sallam stayed there for two years. She nursed him. And then when she brought him back, she insisted that he should stay with her another two years, and the prophets Allah Wallison stayed with her for the first four years of his life. And every six months, she would bring him back to Makkah in order to visit his family. How often? Anybody in the hospital Are you away from their family? Okay, so the profits analyzer as a baby, how often did he go six months, and we want to go before even six weeks. Anyway, you see something over here as a baby, he's staying away from his
family. Right? Why for his own good. Sometimes mothers today also have to leave their children in the care of other people. Not for six weeks or six years, but maybe six hours or four hours. It's painful. It's very difficult. You feel like a mean and selfish mother. And you wonder if what you're doing is even right.
But what do we see here? That if the Purpose The reason is good enough, you're doing something necessary, it's for the benefit of the child. And secondly, the person who in whose care you've given the child is good, trustworthy, someone who's going to benefit the child and why not?
The child will be exposed to more people, he will learn more, and honesty. You know, for instance, my daughter, she's been in the daycare since the beginning. And I think she's, she does better here than at home. I don't think I can entertain her and teach her and read to her and sing to her as often as it is done over here. Right? I mean, how many toys can we bring in our house? And how many times can we read books? And how many times can we smile at them and laugh at them and play with them? If they're well taken care of. You're not doing anything wrong. In childhood, it's good for the child. It's good for the mother also, if it happened to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, why not
our children for Allah sick, right. inshallah we'll conclude over here. Your homework is read the next 10 pages up until patient for 31 It's a doable 31 I mean, if you look at the book, the font is so huge that I think you can write and you have almost a whole week. So inshallah we'll conclude over here so chronical lung will be handed initially to a La Ilaha. Illa. anta Mr. Furukawa to Hoylake