Taimiyyah Zubair – Sahih al Bukhari – Kitab al Adab #33
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The use of poetry in various political and political events, including the US-led election and the US-led election, is discussed. The importance of control is emphasized, and caution is needed in using certain expressions and potential harm. The speakers stress the need for avoiding "verbal" in certain situations, such as cars and buses, and emphasize the importance of avoiding "verbal" in certain we'decless actions.
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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu
Are we the Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim wa Salatu was Salam O Allah O suta. Hill Karim Bish flatly sadri were silly emri
melissani yufka who Kali, Allah and the Academy was sadly sunny was ruled supreme at akorbi I mean your brand Amina
inshallah will begin keytab will other
and we will begin from baton number 91, which is Bab hija, il mushrikeen, the chapter of satirizing the idolaters. Now earlier we learned about poetry its permissibility and we also learned that poetry is similar to speech, meaning, just as meaning meaning when it comes to speech, all types of speeches are not considered good, nor is it all considered bad, meaning there are certain types of speech certain types of calam, which are considered good and rewardable. And just like that, there are certain types of calam which are considered, you know, sinful and wronged. So, the same rules of speech apply to, but to poetry, meaning all poetry is not bad, and all poetry is not good. What
matters is the content. And now here, specifically, remember how it talks about hija in machete Kane, satirizing idolaters. Now, the word hijab is used for a certain genre of poetry a certain type of poetry. And the word hadoo literally means to dispraise someone or to make fun of them or revile them or satirize them and this is specifically to dispraise an enemy in poetry. And he just is to do that in response meaning when your enemy makes fun of you or you know, demeans you or you know, or this praises you satirizes you through poetry, then you do that in response in order to take revenge. So, basically, it is a form of, you know, using the tongue in order to fight the enemy. So,
when they make fun of you, or they, you know, use propaganda against you, then you do the same in return in order to take revenge and remember that at the time of the Prophet salallahu order, he was setting them poetry was the main form of propaganda. So is it something permissible? Remember how he talks about that let's look at the Hadees. The first her these under this chapter is had this an M O'Hanlon had definitely Mohammedan had doesn't have the two burner he shall move nerd water on a be here on a Chateau de la hora. In her honesty, then a Hassan of new saboten Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a vija emotionally keen. I shall Dylan more on a report that has signed up on
Sabbath radula Horan, who asked the Prophet sallallahu earlier sent him for permission in order to do hijab of the idolaters for Kala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So the Prophet sallallahu early he was setting them said for Keifa been sob. Then what about my lineage? Meaning the Misha Keane and at that time what what was meant by mushrikeen was the Quraysh the Quraysh were related to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam so if someone were to attack the Quraysh, by extension, they were attacking the Prophet sallallahu already he was sending them. So this is why the Prophet sallallahu Urdu said I'm asked that What about my lineage for quanah? Hassan so Hassan el de la Mora
and who said, let us let us Solana coming home, that I will extract you from them. Come out to Salah Sharla to mineral our gene, just as a hair meaning a strand of hair is extracted from dual meaning very gently in a very clean way. I am going to separate you from them, meaning you you Your Honor is not going to be attacked at all. Warren hishammuddin your water on a be his color. And he Sham even runeword reported from his father meaning or the one that he said that part of the hub to a Subaru has center in the Arusha. He said that I began insulting has
Do you love Warren who in the presence of Chateau de la Mourinho for college she was so she said latter. So boohoo, Do not insult him Do not revile him for inaho Kana unifi who are Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because he used to defend the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This is a very beautiful Hadees a lot of things to learn from it. But remember how it brings us Hadees over here to show the permissibility of hijab of the enemy, meaning it is permissible to satirize the enemy to take revenge through this form of poetry, because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam allowed Hassan rhodiola Mourinho to do it. However, he did, he did express his concern, that
what about my lineage, meaning he did express his concern over the wrong that Hassan will Viola horn, who might fall into by doing hijab, and Hassan are the Longhorn, who told him that he would ensure you know, proper care, that I will gently extract you from them, meaning insulting them, I will not insult you. So, this shows us that hijab even though it is permissible, and he does not have a blanket permission, in the sense that you can say whatever you want, remember that he jet is a form of poetry and the rules of speech apply to it, right meaning what is forbidden in speech is also forbidden in poetry. And we see that in general, you know, making fun of people, insulting
them, you know, talking about their faults, etc, this is something that is not permissible. This is mentioned in so many verses, especially in pseudocode. A lot. So this is something that is not permissible, but here in a certain context, you know, when someone has verbally attacked you, then it especially because of your religion, then are you allowed to attack them in return? verbally? Yes, you are. However, in that also, you cannot just say whatever that you want, you know, at times we feel that just because we're dealing with a non Muslim, we can do whatever we can say whatever. And that is really not the case. We learn in a Hadees that, you know, none of the people of Paradise
will enter Paradise until
what a person of Paradise owes to a person of * is given. And even in our heads, we learn even if it is the revenge for a slap SubhanAllah. So even when it comes to, you know, hijack of the enemy, we see that there are, you know, certain etiquette and the Prophet sallallahu earlier said, made sure that Hassan little de la Horne who would be cognizant of that, and he would not just, you know, go on satirizing them without any limit or satirizing them, and in that he would not even pay regard to the fact that these people were related to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam or that, you know, the honor of the Prophet sallallahu Ernie who was selling them is affected by that. So we see
that a person is allowed to defend themselves a person is allowed to defend their name to take revenge as long as it is done in a just way. And this means that nothing but the truth should be said. Now, we see over here that
the there's a particular background to this incident, we see that during the Battle of hon duck, okay, around that time, the Quraysh said hijab, meaning the sad poetry in satirizing the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the Muslims, and so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he asked Hassan or the Allahu anhu to respond to them. And we see that among the machete Kenya was specifically Abu sufian. Okay, who had said, this kind of very derogatory poetry against the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And so the Prophet sallallahu Urdu sent him as a standalone Warren Hutu to respond. And so Hassan al de la Horne who he responded,
and then we see at the end of this Hadees that wrote about the Allahu anhu any He insulted his son, or the Longhorn, who before I shall deal on Mourinho and I shall have a lot more on her, told him not to do that, because he had defended the Prophet salallahu early he was setting up. Why did this happen? Remember that Hassan even Sabbath radula Horan, who he was the muda meaning the one who greatly praised the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he used his tongue to defend Islam. And he used his tongue to you could say, attack the enemy. Right? And Hassan radula Warren who was a human,
even though he has he was a companion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he, he did great things for the sake of Islam, but we
See that because of the fact that he was human. We learned that in the incident of if, remember the incident of if queer people slandered our shuttle de la Mourinho. He was among the people who actually accused our shuttle de la Mourinho and later on when Allah subhanaw taala revealed verses regarding her innocence, and also the laws related to slander. Then we learned that Hassan al de la Horne who was one of those people who was actually given the punishment of cut of the head, the head of cutter, which is the punishment that is given for falsely accusing a chaste person. So we see that Hassan aldila Mourinho he made a mistake. This was actually a major sin, He was punished. And
later on, we see that Hassan al dila Mourinho when he was old, and he had even become blind, we see that he came to visit I shuttle de la horn her, and she instructed that it couldn't be, you know, set up for him in order to sit on. And when the news of the spread that you know, her son, Dylan Warren, who, you know, he, he went to visit our shell dilla Mourinho and she welcomed him and she honored him, etc, when use of the spread her brother of the management of ibaka, he came to her and he said, why would you allow him, you know, why would you honor him like that when he once upon a time said this, and this, this and that about you? So she said that he used to defend the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And then we see in this hadith in particular, that once Ursula ulladulla Mourinho and that was an early little de la Mora and who was her nephew, he said certain bad things about her son, little dilla. Horan, who in her presence, and she defended Hassan will de la hora note that Kana unifi, who and Rasulullah sallallahu earlier said that he used to defend the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So remember that no human being is perfect. And if we remember all of the mistakes, you know, that people have made, even though they have changed, but if we, if we, you know, keep recalling them, we would basically get along with nobody at all. And remember
that the good deeds of a person erase their bad deeds right and huddled, especially when a person is given a legal punishment. That is an expiation. Right, that is a kafala. So, remember that I shall Dylan Warren ha he it's so obvious over here that she had forgiven her son even Sabbath or de la Mourinho. Because her son and saburo de la Mourinho, yes, he made a mistake. But at the same time, he had also done great things, he had a done he job of the mushrikeen. And remember, doing a job of the machine basically meant putting one's own honor in line, one's own life at risk. And nobody had the courage to respond to Abu sufian. However, Hassan Ibn sabitha de la hora, and who did you know,
he had the courage, he used his tongue, you know, to defend the Muslims, he took that huge risk. So look at the clean heart of our shuttle de la marinha. And look at her justice, you see, everything about everyone is not going to please you, it is not going to make you happy. What we need to do is to focus on people's strengths, not just their weaknesses, and not just on their past mistakes. So we need to, you know, free our hearts of these unnecessary grudges, and learn to look past the faults of people or the weaknesses or the mistakes of people. And then also, we see that Hassan Abdullah one who in he made such a huge mistake, imagine he was given the legal punishment, alright.
And still, after some time, when he was asked by the prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, to, you know, respond to the mushrikeen by saying poetry against them. He didn't say no, I'm a very bad man, I did you know, this, you know, such and such a sin. So, I am not worthy of it. You know, it is a fact that we, you know, we could say that we are not worthy of it, but we also have to remember that we're not expected to be perfect, we will make mistakes and if we remain stuck in our past, then we will, you know, be truly unfair to ourselves. So Hassan are the Longhorn, who is example is so beautiful, that he made a huge mistake, but then look at how, you know, when he was given the
opportunity to do something good, he didn't stay back and look at the compassion of that community that even though someone had
made such a huge mistake when the punishment was given, right and the person has repented, then you move on from it. And, and you, you know, you look towards the future, you don't just stay stuck in the past. And we learned that I shall Dylan Warren has specifically said about him, that I hope that because of, you know his poetry, Allah subhanaw taala will forgive him, and she quoted certain poetry that has sent radula Horan, who had said in defense of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And he said these verses specifically to Abu sufian and these verses are at the hadoo who will Estella who bikoff in for shabu Kumar Li Haley, Komal Fida. Oh, that How dare you insult him
mean the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when you're not even equal to him? Meaning if if you're going to pick a fight, you pick a fight with someone who is equal to you. Right, who's your match? You are no match for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So how dare you insult him? And then he went on, you know, praising the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam. And then we learned that his son wrote the Longhorn who later on he even said poetry in praise of I shuttle de la junta, and in her defense, and you could say that, you know, he he he said that as almost compensation because of the wrong that he had, you know, done to her and beautiful poetry. It is Hassan Rosa Hassan
Roseanne on matters in Newberry button. Hassan on Roz rossano, meaning so chaste, so pious that you couldn't doubt her character. You couldn't find anything doubtful about her? What those be who her salmon Lou Who? mila wofully and she is such that she would rather starve than eat the flesh of those who are innocent. So it's as though he you know, he is admitting the fact that he I made this mistake that I attacked her honor. But she would never make this mistake that you would never, you know, attack the honor of people because backbiting is what it's eating the flesh of other people. So Hassan La Jolla Horne who even said poetry in the defense of eyeshadow de la noir in her in her
praise later on. Now, this Hadees and there is another there are several Hadees coming up which talk about her Sandra de la Horne who and his poetry just a little bit, you know, background about him would help you appreciate, you know, his poetry even more. And the reason why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam liked his poetry so much. Remember that Hassan Sabbath radula Horan, who he was from the has Raj, meaning he was from the unsought he was from Medina, and he was a poet even before Islam.
It has said that he actually accepted Islam at the age of 60. And he lived a very long life. It is said that he died after he was 110 years old. Subhan Allah, so a 60 years in Islam, and almost sorry, 60 years before Islam and 60, almost 60 years in Islam. And as I mentioned, he was appeared before Islam. So he was the poet of yathrib meaning Medina. And his poetry was so famous. He was actually invited by the Hassan IDs in Syria up north, basically. And he became their official poet. And then he was also invited by the kings of Yemen, and he also became their official poet. And then after Islam, he became the poet of the Prophet salallahu. Early he was setting up. So he is known as
muda of the Prophet sallallahu. Early he was setting them or shabu rasulillah he sallallahu Ernie he was setting them also he is described as say you the sha Allah in muslimeen, meaning the master of the poets of the Muslims, and Hassan even sabitha de la Mourinho what's amazing about him is that he couldn't raise a weapon, meaning he, he didn't not have the courage to fight in battle, which is why we learned that he did not participate in a single battle. However, his tongue was sharp. So he had courage, but a different kind of courage. He did not have the courage to participate in battles, but he had the courage to use his tongue in defense of Islam and in order to attack the enemy. We
learned that at the Battle of hon duck. Remember that the trenches had been dug in them all the Muslims all the men basically were guarding the trenches.
And Hassan and the women and children were actually taking shelter in in a fortress. And only those men were with them who were too old to fight Okay, and has seven sided throw the Longhorn who was among them.
We learned that when a Jewish man actually came to attack, the people who were in the fortress, a woman actually had to fight him off because her son radula Warren, who wouldn't come forward, he wouldn't even use, you know, a dagger or anything to you know, to fight the enemy. So Pamela and he did not have the courage to use, you know, a sword or a dagger, but he had the courage to use his tongue. So Allah, Allah has given different people, different abilities, different strengths, and Hassan will be the one who used his tongue to serve the religion of Allah. And we learned that he also said part of his poetry is when mama duck to Mohammedan Bhima quality, well I can Madame to
masala tea be Mohammedan sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that it is not by my words that I praise Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam rather, it is my words that have been praised, because of the mention of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, so Pinilla I want you to think about this, that it is not that I am using my words to praise the prophets of Allah who already who has said him, No, it is that because I am mentioning the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, my speech or my words my poetry is being praised so the honor is mine.
Now there's a long Hadith in Sahih Muslim, which is also important for us to look at in order to understand this particular Heidi's that we're looking at and how these that are coming up. We learned that I shall do more on her reported that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Oh, would you Croatian for in a shed Do they have mini rush Bin Bin nobly that cetera that satirize against the Quraysh meaning use poetry in order to you know, dispraise them because this is more painful to them, then the reigning of arrows, meaning it's very hard on them,
you know, to to hear any insult, so use this kind of poetry against them. So what happened is that the Prophet sallallahu, where he was sent him sent for our the live in Rwanda, Ile de la Mourinho and asked him to satirize against the machine and, and even Rwanda or the Longhorn, who he came up with something but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was not any it did not appeal to him. So then he sent someone to carbon molecule de la Mourinho and again, the carbon Malik's poetry did not appeal to the Prophet sallallahu Urdu set him so then he sent someone to Hasani and sabot radula Mourinho and when Hassan and Sabbath Ile de la Mourinho came, he said that he had also Allah you
have called for this lion, who will strike his enemies with his tail, meaning I am going to destroy them.
And he took his tongue out literally and he showed his tongue and he began to move it and it is at that literally his tongue was so long that he could touch his nose with it. So he showed his tongue he said, I'm going to use this to basically destroyed the machete King. And he said that I will tear them up with my tongue just as leather is torn up. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said that Don't be hasty. Because you know i i am related to them. And so he told him to talk to Abubakar audu Longhorn home, because Abubakar all day long, Warren who knew the lineage of the crash, and he knew the strengths and the weaknesses of the crash. So Hassan radula horn who went to buckle Dylan
Warren, who basically we see this beautiful teamwork over here, and then
has and then his son, Robbie Longhorn, who, you know, he said a poetry against the machete cane. And this is mentioned in in a Muslim, where Hassan el de la hora and who said, How jotun were hamedan for a job to and who were in the law he feedback of Jessa Oh, that you dare to satirize Muhammad Sallallahu already he was on them and I will respond on his behalf and there is reward with Allah for this. Whoa Jota Mohammed and Berlin de pIan Rasool Allah He Shima to whole warfare all that you dare to satirize Muhammad Sallallahu he was someone who is virtuous, righteous, the Messenger of Allah, whose nature is truthfulness and commitment in any he he always fulfills his commitments and
look at you guys. For in the eBay leader who were a li li li Mohammadi Minh comm we are Oh, so verily my father and his father meaning my father and his father.
And my honor will be Edo a shield to defend the honor of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam meaning I will put on the line. My honor, Your Honor, my father's honor everybody's honor to defend the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam
it's beautiful poetry it's fairly long, thick cable to buena Yeti ilimitado How to zero na Carmen can have a kadai really long and basically towards the end, he says familia ju rasulillah him income way and the whole way en su SOA Oh, then whoever satirizes the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam among you or praises him or helps him it is all the same, meaning you're making fun of him is not going to make a difference. And you're praising him also is not going to make a difference, because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is who he is, he is Muhammad meaning the one who is praised and praiseworthy. So, your words are not going to make any difference to his honor
whatsoever. So, has it been sad to throw the Longhorn who in he said
poetry at this occasion to respond to the mushrikeen and also at other occasions during the life of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam and also later on, and remember that Hassan Raji Longhorn who, like I mentioned he lived a very long life he was a poet before Islam and also the poet of Islam Subhan Allah and I wanted to show you quickly this book
from which you can, you know, just see, this is actually the the one of her setup and sabitha de la Mourinho, meaning it has the poetry of Hassan al de la Mourinho and any just look at the size of the text, it doesn't have any explanation, just some footnotes. And Ed, this is just some of his poetry, right, which was preserved and passed on. A great poet who used his skills for Islam. And because of that, I shuttle de la marinha ne forgave him, even though what he said about I shall do Mourinho was very hurtful, but I showed you a lot more in her, chose to look at his strengths and not his mistake. And this is something that we also need to you know, do in in our, you know, lives also
because there will be people who will hurt us who will, you know, say things or do things and we need to learn to look past their mistakes and and appreciate the good in them especially if it is a person who is you know, serving the religion of Allah.
The next Hadeeth is had done a spell called Bharani Abdullah Huebner what have been called Bharani Yunus or anybody she had been. And then Haytham Abner OBC Nana Bara who knows Samira hooray lotta Fie pasa he yet Guru nebia sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a cool, so abora de la Mourinho amongst the stories that he narrated about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
He said that in a halochem layer cooler refers
that your brother does not utter lewdness. And what a Buddha meant was your brother as in Eben raha, okay. And Jani Baca, ignatova hatha Allah phenol rasulillah he yet Lu kita Bahu because even raha he said that phenol rasulillah he hits leuke taba who even Shaka Maru for mineral surgery Sir, you are on alhuda bar De Lima for kulu buena behemoths pinata en un an Apollo well, Piru Joby to you Jaffe jumba who I'm feeling she he either stuck Allah to Bill caffeine and mobile geo dubare who played on his radio Kala Zubaydah urine is oviya and sorry, then will ology and ob hurayrah. So remember that even though I held on the long run, who he was also a poet, and he also said beautiful poetry
in praise of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in defense of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and also in order to satirize the enemy. And here in this Hadees we see the poetry of Ibn raha, what is this poetry he said phenol rasulillah he yet Lu kita, Who among us is the Messenger of Allah who recites his book, even Shaka Maru for mineral tragedy sadly, or as the sun appears shining at daybreak, meaning just as when the sun rises, what happens in the darkness completely goes away. And just like
That when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam recites the Quran, out in the darkness that surrounds us goes away since he has come and he has and he has began reciting the Quran to us. The Book of Allah to us. Darkness has gone on alhuda bar the llama for kulu buena behemoths cleaner tuna animal color, well Piru. He brought guidance after our blindness meaning in darkness, people are blind. So he's saying that just like that before the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came, we were also blind. But now our hearts are certain that what he says will take place, meaning we he he has transformed us. Joby to you Jaffe jumbo who are annfield she he, he spends the night his side
shunning his bed, meaning the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam spends the night in the worship of Allah either stuck Allah to Bill caffeine and mobile Giroux at the time when the idolaters beds hold them in deepest of sleep.
Meaning while the mushy kina are in, you know in deep sleep, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam spends his night in the worship of Allah. So we see that in, you know a few words of poetry, even Rwanda or the Longhorn who in he did he just have the machine he satirized the machete cane. And he also praised the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So you can see what an expert poet he was, that he did, you know two things at you know, in a few words of poetry. And ultra man, he said something beautiful, he said that in the first statement, and he's referring to the knowledge of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, which is that he recited the book of Allah to the people. And
in the third verse, he mentions, he praises the action, the armor of the Prophet sallallahu. Already he was right, that the fact that he spends the night in worshipping the last panel product. And in the second verse, he mentions the, the way in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, transformed people also. So he mentioned basically the perfection of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that how he he had him and Armand, and the fact that he also transformed the Sahaba. Right? So the way that he praises the Prophet sallallahu wasallam is very beautiful. And at the same time, he also uses this poetry to insult the enemy of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam so
remember that poetry is not just for entertainment, even though it's a perfectly fine, as long as the content of the poetry is, you know, is is good and clean. It's perfectly fine to use poetry for entertainment, but we see that the Sahaba they didn't just use poetry for entertainment. They used it to defend Islam, right to defend the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and to praise him sallallahu alayhi wasallam the next Hadeeth is had this in Abuja man of Verona schreib and is ready for her destiny is Maria kala, her destiny, Buffy, answered a man on Warhammer dibny ebrt a Korean and English she had been on a be Selamat abney Abdul Malik nurofen and the whole semirara has
saladna Sabatini Ansari here yesterday he do about who later. So Hassan even sabotaged the long run who asked about the long run who that fire kulu Yeah, about hurayrah meaning he was asking about hora de la Mourinho for his testimony that oh Abu hurayrah Nasha took a biLlahi I asked you in the name of Allah help, Samir rasulillah he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Maya Cole Did you hear the Prophet sallallahu earlier sent him say? Yeah has Sanu ajeeb Anna rasulillah that oh Hassan respond on behalf of the Messenger of Allah, Allah you will be through * kudos. And Oh Allah, assist him, aid him through gibreel Kala Abu hurayrah nam Abba whoever said yes, I did hear the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say that. Now there is a very interesting background to this narration. We learned that Hassan and Sabbath radula Horne who had one occasion he was reciting poetry in the masjid. Okay. And when remodel dylanglen who saw him or model de la hora, who expressed his disapproval that you know, why are you saying Why are you reciting poetry in the masjid of the Prophet sallallahu already? Who said no. So Hassan radula Horan, who said that I used to recite poetry in the presence of the one who is better than you. Meaning I used to recite
poetry in the presence of the Prophet sallallahu Ernie he was setting them. And then he turned towards a Buddha de la Mourinho and asked him this, that I asked you in the name of Allah, tell me that Did you hear the Prophet sallallahu? Or do you send them say this about me? That will Hassan respond on behalf of the Messenger of Allah, and Allah aide him through gibreel. And Abu righto said, Yes, so this Hadees shows us that
he remember how he brings it over here to show that Hassan radula horn who he used poetry to defend the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to respond on his behalf. And that would of course mean to respond to the mushy King, right meaning when they insulted him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then the Muslims would not just listen to that right and be quiet and patient No, now was a time to to respond to take revenge, right because in pisar, helping oneself taking revenge is something permissible. So, in this time of strength, the Muslims use their strength and when they had the best poets among them, then why not? And then this Hadees also shows us that it is permissible to recite
poetry in the masjid. Right, as long as of course the content of that poetry the manner in which it is being recited is appropriate. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Had this is a matter of know how Ben had this and unsure about to it give me saboten annual bara irati Allahu anhu, and then a BIA sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Akali his son, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to his son radula Mourinho that ujU home, Oh Allah Hajji him, would you bring to mark he said, satirize them.
And debris is with you, meaning Angel gibreel is with you, he will support you. And remember I mentioned this to you earlier, that this was in response to what the machine said about the Prophet sallallahu wasallam at the at the time of the Battle of Hunter. Now, the fact that the Prophet sallallahu Urdu Sena made the offer for Hassan al de la Mourinho that Oh Allah aid him, assist him through Angel gibreel right through through her kudos. Why was that the case? And how exactly does that happen? So even Rajab writes that the Prophet sallallahu earlier said I'm specifically mentioned Angel gibreel
and ru hurco. This is Angel gibreel. Because gibreel is the angel who brought revelation to the prophets of Allah. And gibreel is the angel who was given the responsibility to assist the messengers of Allah and to destroy the enemies of the messengers of Allah. So think about it about a Sarla his Salaam, Allah punk, Allah says in the Quran, what a year now who be rowhill kudos, right, we aided him, we helped him through ruhul kudos, meaning through Angel God. Meaning in in conveying the message, and in dealing with his opponents.
rusada his Salaam had the help of who jabril the angel gibreel the Prophet sallallahu earliest and of course, also had the help of Angel gibreel in dealing with, you know, his own opponents. And then we see that when it comes to certain nations, like for example, the nation of Luth Allah His center, how were they destroyed, the punishment was brought by Angel God. So even Roger writes that whoever aids the Messenger of Allah
and responds to the enemies of the messengers of the Messenger of Allah, then gibreel will aid that person. Why? Because Allah Subhana Allah says in the Quran that Allah is Mola who meaning the protector, the helper of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would you be new and gibreel is also his helper will solly hammoud meaning and the righteous among the believers are also his protectors and supporters will Mullah eager to Bardelli cover here in sort of the heading. So this is beautiful, that when a person uses you know, their skills, the resources that allows parents Allah has given them whether it is the art of writing, or poetry, or or whatever form they use that
to defend the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam then gibreel will aid them. Okay. Now there's a question how exactly the gibreel aid has been Sabbath or de la Mourinho. There's three ways to communicate with me explain that. Firstly, this could mean by by by making him more active and energetic, right because
You know, saying reciting poetry requires, you know, energy on behalf of the person who is reciting poetry. You know, if you if you hear someone, quote, you know, a verse of poetry in a very dull way, you're really not impressed. But if someone recites it in a very passionate way, it really has a deep impact on you. And for them to recite it in a very passionate way, you know, they have to be loud and clear, they have to use the right tone of voice, you know, they have to look very active and energetic. So by he aided Hassan and sabot how, but by by creating by making the shout, you know, energy in him. Secondly, this, that he this help could also be in the form of ill harm by
inspiring him, right by assisting him to say the best words, to be to use the best expressions to use the best analogies. Because, again, you know, there's poetry that is average, and then there's poetry that is very deep, very effective. So jabril, literally, you know, inspired him. And then thirdly, this, that youth could also be in the form of gibreel, affirming Hasani been Sabbath radula horn because he also means that when someone says something, you affirm the meaning you agree with them, right, or you, or you help them accomplish the intended goal. So what was the The goal of this poetry to weaken the spirits of the enemy? Right? And so it happened that when has Santa been
sabotaged Ile de la Mourinho recited this poetry in hijab of the mushrikeen then what happened? the hearts of the machine really became weak, because that's the you know, the weakness that has been that that jabril cast in their hearts. And this is something that we see mentioned in the Quran and other places also, for example, at the Battle of whether we learn in total and file Allah, Allah says is the Silesian Allah bacame. Faster jab Allah calm. And NEEMO middle combi alpha minalima ekati modiphius right that when the Muslims were calling upon Allah subhanaw taala Atlas punctata responded that I'm going to help you with 1000 angels. So the angels certainly come to assist the
believers when the believers are striving in the way of Allah than the help of the angels is with them. In total and fall verse number 12. Allah subhanaw taala says if you Hey, Rob Booker, Ellen mela ekati unimarc on faseb B to levina Avenue, that want to last Panther Inspire to the angels that I am with you. So you should make the believers firm.
So, this firmness, courage stability, right this is this is through the angels meeting last month on a sends them to assist the believers. So the same thing happened with Hassan even sabitha de la Mourinho that Allah Pousada assisted him through intelligibly. Now, this doesn't mean that we we begin calling upon Angel gibreel that oh, God helped me No, that would be incorrect, absolutely incorrect. What we can do is we ask Allah subhanaw taala for help Lydia Allah, you help us just as you helped, you know, Hassan and Sabbath through God or you help the believers at the occasion of budget right. Because woman not through eliminating the law victory help success comes from who from
Allah subhanaw taala. So, in conclusion of this babble we see that this form of poetry hijab is permissible, but remember, this is not just against any non Muslim, okay, he jack is to satirize In response, meaning when someone has used propaganda against you then you use this you know, similar weaponry against them similar ammunition against them, right. So it is only against those non Muslims with whom you are at war, not just every other non Muslim. Right and so this needs to be clear. The next Bab is Bab my ukara who Enya Kunal hollyball al insana shared Oh, Hector your suit the who and Vickery la he will earn me welcome Ernie. It is dislike for someone to be so involved
with poetry, that it keeps him from remembering Allah, from raelynn from knowledge and also from the Quran. Meaning it is dislike that what is hollub what dominates a person is sharing poetry, that on their mind on their tongue is what poetry what they're listening to what they're talking about what they're coating on.
The time is what what they're learning is what poetry and they, they're, you know, so busy with it, listening to it, reciting it, thinking about it, that this poetry now is preventing them from what from the vicar of Allah, from religion, from seeking beneficial knowledge and also from the Quran, from reciting the Quran from learning the Quran. Now, you see, sometimes people, you know, we like to learn or listen to the poetry, which is sung in, which is recited in praise of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam, or in praise of Allah, the Exalted, or in, you know, praise of Islam, for instance, and this kind of poetry is perfectly fine. As long as the content is correct, then there's
absolutely nothing wrong with it. And I'm just talking about the poetry I'm not talking about musical instruments. That's a completely different topic, which I don't want to get into right now. But the point is that even if it is poetry, which is of religious nature, okay? It may be very beautiful, it may be excellent. And it's quite possible that when you hear it when you listen to it, or when you read it, when you recite it, you know, your heart is moved your eyes, you know, get filled with tears, you become so emotional, you increase in your love for the Prophet sallallahu earlier some excellent beautiful, but even this kind of poetry should not be such that it prevents
you from reciting the Quran, or that it prevents you from remembering Allah soprano thought that there is more Nasheed and less Subhan Allah He will be handy, right? That there is more
you know, songs in praise of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and less Salawat on the Prophet sallallahu Ernie he was saying that a person is busy you know learning reciting thinking about you know different rhymes etc. And what they cannot keep in their mind is the Quran or what they cannot find the time for is beneficial knowledge. So this is when it becomes problematic. So in this mumble hottie brings the first Hadees which is had this in our Obaidullah Hebrew Moosa maharana hamdulillah to and Solomon UNEP Nirmala rhodiola and Homer are gonna be sallallahu alayhi wa sallam upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Let am tele a Joe for a haidakhan chi hun highroller
humann am tele a share on
that it is better for a person to fill his belly with pus than to fill it with poetry or stuff at Ulla any you can see the you know the analogy over here is very
repulsive. Basically imagine a person's stomach is filled with pus. All right pus imagine. So this this is so painful, so disgusting. But that would be better than a person's stomach, you know they're inside being filled with poetry. Yum. Talia, what does that mean? It means that a person is filled with it, meaning that there is only poetry that fills him there is nothing else. So this is when poetry is a problem. When when that is all that a person knows. And that is all that a person sings or reads and recite and learns. And he does not make time or space for the Quran.
had this in our model no have seen had that and IB had this and an image color similar to Abbasali hang on Abby who right authority Allahu anhu Kala Kala pseudo Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Let me tell you a joke for Roger and I haven't. Yet he hieromonk am 30 a share on it is better for a man to fill his belly with pus than to fill it with poetry, same Hadees just slightly different wording. You see, the thing is that when a person develops a taste for something, right, meaning when you start enjoying something, then what happens is that you want more and more of it. And what happens when it comes to poetry singing is that when
it comes to a lot of shared meaning a lot of poetry, then, of course, that quantity now will take the place of the wicked, because you only have one heart, right? You only have one tongue, either your tongue is going to move in the remembrance of Allah, or it's going to move in the singing of songs. Right? Either you're going to be, you know, humming or you know, thinking about a verse of the Quran, right or the vicar of Allah or you are
Thinking about humming some, some lines of poetry of song. And while poetry in and of itself is not evil, what is being condemned over here is its excessive
amount, all right, or it's excessive quantity. And this is something that really we we need to think about. Because a lot of times what happens is that the Hmong people sit in the car, immediately put a song on, put an A sheet on, right, and then it's one sheet after another one song after another. And while you know, you enjoy, and you pay attention to the wordings of maybe the first few, then what happens over time is that you don't really think about, you know, how the singer is or how the artist is, you know, praising the Prophet sallallahu, or any of them, you it's, it's just a form of entertainment. Right, it's just a form of pleasing the knifes and then what happens is that even
when you're not listening to it, that is what's replaying in your head. Right? And that is what begins to flow on your tongue. And when that is the case, I guarantee you, you will not find joy in the recitation of the Koran, or in listening to the Quran, it will not happen it will definitely prevent you why because when it comes to poetry and song, especially with, you know, so many tunes and background sounds, they're loud and they involve you and there's so much you know, movement
you find that almost more enjoyable than the recitation of the Quran or the dhikr of Allah sounds too simple, right? It's, it's not that energetic. So you you want something more, you know, moving and, and this in a way is insulting the Quran. Because if the Quran doesn't move you, then there's a big problem over there. So, you only have one heart, you only have one tongue. So, while poetry you know, yes, it is permissible. Remember that too much of it is not healthy for the heart excessive quantities are not healthy for the for the you know, for the spiritual state of your heart. And also remember that when a person
you know, begins to enjoy something and they want more and more of it, then what happens is that gradually, slowly, you you also start taking interest in what may not be permissible, what may be,
you know, almost not appropriate. Why because, when, when you're so used to listening to you know, certain tunes,
then, you know, you want something new, right? You want to try something new and then in trying new and new things, you almost, you know, fall into what is unlawful? Alright, I personally know of people who started their journey with just listening to one machine and then another machine and another machine and then now machines with music in the background. And now the next step is that, you know, if that's okay, then then other songs should also be okay. And if they're okay, then, you know, yes, you ignore that, you know, lewd expression, and then you ignore another lewd expression, but then you see how the heart is getting desensitized. And remember, when it comes to poetry, or
poetry is not okay, especially when they're sinful things that that that are being mentioned. Right? Where, for example, women are being described in an inappropriate way where there's, you know, alcohol and, and other sinful things. And really, when you when you think about the music industry, when you when you take a look at just simple lyrics, even of any average song, you'll see that there's so inappropriate. So, when, when a person is not satisfied with the site, when a person develops a taste for poetry, and then they start, you know, consuming more and more of it, then there's a risk over there. So this is why poetry is good, but you really have to control it. You
know, it's like eating, eating is fine. It's perfectly fine. But you don't go on eating excessively, right. kulula shabu wala 234, eat and drink, but do not be excessive, do not be extravagant because that extravagance is going to become harmful for you. So you have to be careful about the dangerous right for for the health of your heart in sha Allah.
The next Bab is Bab colon Nabi. sallallahu alayhi wa sallam at the statement of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam 30 Bertie Amina were Accra halka
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam use these expressions, the first expression is 30 but he
mean look, may your right hand be dusty, where are CRO helper Accra helper? inshallah, I will explain to you the meaning of this. Now, you remember how he mentions over here that these are words which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said so, if the Prophet sallallahu earlier said him said these words This means that they should be permissible for us to say as well. So, remember that these words study but the amino arklow helper these are expressions, okay? Which you can you can easily say that, you know, in every language people have different expressions, and when it comes to expressions, It is well known that expressions are not meant to be understood, or taken literally,
right? Why? Because when you use such expressions, you don't use them in the literal sense that that's not the intent. You know, sometimes it's possible that you use an expression in front of a child and you know, the children get scared or shocked that What do you mean, how does that happen? And then you tell them that No, it's just an expression right? So it's well known that expressions are not meant to be taken literally right. Now when it comes to the expression of teddy bear to mean look, what is teddy bear to mean sorry, but literally means to get covered in dirt okay. And basically, this is figurative for poverty, okay. So 30 Vitamina would mean may you become poor you
may have you may know the meaning of the idea that matoba you know, the expression that using the Quran vama throbber the matoba meaning covered in dirt meaning extremely poor, right. So why because when when a person is extremely poor, they've got nothing except dirt, meaning that nothing but dust is available to them, that's all that is in front of them okay. So May your hand be dusty
is not to be taken literally it is an expression which is used to urge someone to pay attention to urge someone to do something.
And what is meant is that if you don't do this, there will be nothing but dirt left in your hands. So you better do it. And Aqua helper What does this mean? Accra. This is from awkward, okay and awkward is you may have read in the Quran for our Karuna kata, they hamstrung the camel, meaning they cut the tendon out the of the of the camel, meaning it's a way of killing the camel. Right? So ocra
rp is a person who does not have any children. So if you were to translate it literally it would mean that may your camel or May you be struck, or may you never have a child. Now again, this is an expression not meant to be taken literally, when it comes to halka halka means shaved head, right meaning may literally it would mean May you be afflicted so much that you have nothing left on your head. Right? no hair left on your head, no intellect left in your mind. So
you could say that this is like you're praying against someone. But that is not the intention over here. Okay, the Prophet sallallahu already said i'm used these expressions. Why? Because these expressions were commonly used, and they were never taken literally. So even when it comes to taking oaths we've learned in the Quran that when a person you know takes oaths, unintentionally, this is called love. Right and lay off the the common law who below Wi Fi a man he can but Allah will not hold you accountable meaning he will not punish you for what is unintentional in your own words. Right meaning when a person just has the habit of saying well law, he will love you all the time.
And they say that every time that they say well law, he unintentionally it's not. It's not taken as an oath. Okay, meaning it's not counted as an oath. So when Allah subhanaw taala does not hold people accountable for what is unintentional. This means that as people also we should not hold others accountable for what is unintentional, meaning if they use an expression, and that expression, if you look at the literal meaning it's very, you know, shocking or very harsh, then don't take it literally, okay, because that was not intended. So now let's look at the heydays. The first her thesis had this an idea here of Nobu Kayden had this in a lace and reclining anemone she
had been on earth water and he shot a pilot in the airflow has a hot a bill called AC. So I shall Dylan Warren has said that a fella who was the brother of a bill price, and I will price. Remember he was the house
Husband of the woman who had nursed Michelle de la Mourinho.
a flush the brother of herbal quarries is that then I layyah. He asked permission from our Chateau de la Mourinho to to come inside. And this was barddhaman nazara Hey Jabu after the verses related to hijab, the veil were revealed for call to so she said that I said well law hula, hula who by Allah I will not give him permission had the vena rasulillah he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam until I take permission from the Prophet sallallahu hernias had them for in a horrible car AC because the brother of a boon quarries laser, who are larney he's not the one who nursed me Well, I can alert me in bra to Erbil quarries, but it is the wife of inquiries who had nursed me, meaning he's not 100
because he did not nurse me Of course, it was his wife for the whole aleja Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came to rasulillah I said, O Messenger of Allah, in the ledger, Lisa who urbani the man did not nurse me well I can or the attorney employer to it was his wife who had nursed me, Allah, it then he Lahu the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, allow him Let him come in for in the hammock, because he is your uncle, Teddy, but he Amina look, may your hand beat me your hand be dusty, may your right hand become dusty, Colorado to Furby Delica Canada Isha to the colo or to a setter because of this reason, I
shall deal on her on her, used to say, Henry momina rather it Maya, Roman and mesabi that
that suckling makes inviolable that which lineage makes inviolable now when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said this expression, that Teddy but umino key, and he This was in intogen, in amazement, you know, like,
let him come in, he is your uncle.
above grace, we see from this hadith that he was the father of eyeshadow, the lamorna through to Lara, right through nursing, because he was the husband of the woman who had nursed our shuttle de la, okay, and a flat who was the brother off of rice. So just as your father, his brother is your uncle, right? And you don't have to wear hijab in front of them. The same would apply in the case of Eldar in the case of nursing. And remember this as a general rule that that whatever relations, relationships you have through blood, are the relationships that you have through to Laura also, meaning through nursing, had definite Adam had doesn't assure but you had this and that heckum and
Ibrahim are in in a sweater and a Chateau de la Mourinho call it a rod and abuse Allah Who are they he was selama a infura. I shall do more on her set to the Prophet sallallahu earlier sent him intended to leave meaning to leave Makkah, after the pilgrimage, for Sophia to Allah Bobby Heba II her and then he saw Sophia de la hora at the door of her tent. How can he button has been eaten looking sad? Why Leanna? How but because she had begun her period for color, Accra. Hello. So he said, Accra helper. Here the translation is What a nuisance.
Lula to Quraysh. And he said this as per the dialect of Quraysh. And then he said in the killer Hubby, Setsuna, you will hold us up now. So makara, then he said, a quantity of up to Yamaha. Did you perform tawaf on the day of sacrifice yarny of tau alpha kolodner? And she said, Yes. colophon free, then he said then depart. So we see over here again, the Prophet sallallahu already said, I'm used this expression over here, Accra halka. And he did not intend to say this in the literal sense. He used it as an expression. So it is not meant to be taken. Literally. Why did he say this? Why was he you know, a little upset at this occasion because
it's Sofia radula Mourinho if she was not able to do her throw off a follow that meet that would mean that basically everybody would have to wait now for her period to end so that she would be able to make her throw off and then leave. So that would mean everybody would now have to wait 4567 how many ever days and that would of course cause difficulty for the people. And this shows us that you know, if a woman begins her period her well he should wait in Makkah until it is over so that she can complete her, you know rituals of Hajj and then leave
because the waffle faba is a broken right it's it's a pillar of hedge which cannot be left but then the Prophet sallallahu artemisinin, found out that she had actually already broken
Formed her philosophy follow on your inner hub. So she had basically fulfilled the rights of her pilgrimage. And this is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, then let's go, meaning there's no need to wait so that you can do another tawaf because your life is done. And your hedges complete.
So a very important lesson we learn from all of these are these expressions are expressions and they're not meant to be taken literally. The next is Bob maija, uffi XAML what has come regarding zombiu
zombiu is the plural of Zara and Zara Mei literally means to claim something okay. And this could be a true claim or a false claim sometimes it is used with respect to something about which there is doubt or what is not certain or what is false or where there is one meaning there is suspicion meaning a person is not 100% sure, but almost sure. And sometimes Zama is used by a person when they are doubtful, okay meaning when a person himself is not sure.
And then also Zarema is used when you know when a person relates a piece of information without being sure of whether it is true or false.
So, there is a narration in which we learned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said beat Somalia to virtually zero mu that what a terrible nopalea of a man is that he uses our mu meaning Medallia is basically a vehicle a means of transportation. Basically, the use of the word zarma has been condemned in that Hadees right. So,
remember, Holly is proving over here that the the usage of this particular word or expression is not forbidden, okay? What is meant by that Hadees is that a person should not pass on information without verification because sometimes what happens is that when people just want to, you know, sound authentic, but they're not actually authentic, they say it is said right. Now, if you say it is sad, because you cannot recall the exact person who said it, it's understandable, but if a person develops this habit of or it is said or they said right, they have claimed now, who is they right, who is this person
who who is this person who has said such and such, so, many it is it is not appropriate to use such language all the time, you see, when you when you are writing an essay, for example, you have to call it properly, right. And if you don't call it properly, you you could you could you know be in trouble. So, just like that, when you are you know, especially talking about important things, and you better quote the source right. And this also shows us that at times words can have multiple connotations, right like the word zarma can have multiple connotations, sometimes it can be used to cover up a, you know, uncertainty and sometimes it can be used by a person when when they are almost
sure, but not 100%. Sure, so they want to, you know, earn the side of caution. So they, you know, don't take a name or a source because they don't want to falsely attribute something to someone. So it is not wrong to use words that have different connotations as long as your intent and use of that word or expression is correct. So let's look at the Hadees had this amount of de la Hindu Muslim Mata and mullikin abhi gnabry Mullah Omar of near Obaidullah he and other morata Mullah Omar Hani in Binti Abu Talib in Barra hoo hoo Samia oma Hani in vinter Abu Talib in the hole. So omo Hani, Raja la hora and her she narrated. She said that the hug to Allah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
that I went to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when I'm in for three in the year of the conquest, and this was in Makkah, after the conquest for wetjet to who yo tassilo I found him taking a bath without Lima, to Ebner to who does to who and Fatima radula Miranda his daughter, she was shielding him meaning she was holding something up in order to you know, like like a piece of cloth or something something like a curtain so that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam could have privacy and he could take a shower for salon too early. He so the Prophet salallahu Arizona was behind the screen, and father model de la Mourinho is holding the screen. And O'Mahony.
As she came in she said for Salaam for Allah He I said Salaam to him for color so he said man howdy from behind the screen he said Who is it for whole to Anna Mohan in been to abuse. So she said I am omo Hani, the daughter of Abu Talib for column or haben Bumi Hani. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said welcome omo honey fella from university he then when he finished his shower karma for for less Emanuel rocker out he stood to perform eight rocker art, meaning he performed Salah eight rockhard multa hyphen v sobin wha Hayden while he was wrapped up in a single garment for a month sarafa when he ended his prayer call to Yasuda Allah I said O Messenger of Allah Zama new ami, my
the son of my mother, meaning my brother claims a no who are alone or julen that he is going to kill a man but a job to who fula nope no hubiera whom I have given protection to. And he is full Annabella who beta for Cora Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So the Prophet sallallahu earlier said I'm set a job now majority are O'Mahony, we have given protection to the person whom you have given protection to well, Mohini parlato Mohini in what are called to her Mohini said and that was the to her prayer.
A lot of things to learn from this Hadees Mm hmm. It brings us over here to show that how will Mohini use the word Zama in front of the Prophet sallallahu earning sentiment that my brother claims that he is going to kill a person whom I have given protection to and the Prophet sallallahu earlier said them did not correct her that no this is a wrong word you should not say it this is this is not appropriate. No, he accepted it. So this is a form of the Prophet salallahu earning asylums approval if he approved its usage, then this means that it is correct for people to use it as long as their intention and the manner in which they using the word is also correct. Now we see that the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
he he spoke when he was taking a shower right when he was unclothed. So this shows that when there is a reason there's nothing wrong to you know speak in such a state and then we see that the Prophet sallallahu already said and prayed salata loja right and remember, slotted loja in this Hadees we see that this is a tarot card right? And it can be performed at any time from after sunrise until before
Okay, and it can be to recur, it can be for it can be six, it can be eight It can even be more than eight there is no fixed number for this for this prayer. But it has its virtues it has its benefits and the Prophet sallallahu already said and performed this prayer
The next is bad magic if you call it allegedly way luck. What has come about someone saying where you look way luck is also an expression that is used not to be taken literally every single time. It whale is also used in the Quran way limit of 15
so what does way mean? Well literally means water you meaning May you be struck by disaster it's it's a Kadima worried meaning it's a word that is used to threaten someone.
And in common language when people would use it. It is basically set to a person in order to stop him from doing something that is forbidden. Okay, or to express amazement.
So it is permissible to use this expression. Again, not to be taken literally had nothing mo sub Louis meriel had nothing to her mom on patata anacin rhodiola Mourinho anhu an obeah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam radula near Tsukuba then attend.
The Prophet sallallahu earlier sent him saw a man who was driving a bandana, a camel for color so the Prophet sallallahu earlier said him said to him, it'll cover her right it meaning here you are traveling, walking, right and you're walking this camel, why aren't you writing it? On an inner harbor Donna, the man said it is a banana banana meaning it is for sacrifice. It is a sacrificial camel, I'm going to offer it a sacrifice. Follow the Prophet sallallahu Arneson and said it'll come ha right it. color in the Hubba Donna, the man again repeated himself that it is a sacrificial animal color the Prophet sallallahu earlier sent him said it'll cover highway luck, water you pride
it, meaning I know what you're saying but right the animal because Allah subhanaw taala has created these animals given them to you for your benefit in use. So we see that the man repeated himself, you know, multiple times out of hope that the Prophet sallallahu earlier said them would in
Let him not ride the camel
but the Prophet sallallahu already said repeated himself and because of the fact that he had to tell him again and again and he the Prophet sallallahu already said and eventually said Why look right. So that shows us the permissibility of using an expression like this even though when you look at the literal meaning of the word uni it can be very serious but again expressions are not meant to be taken literally in this Heidi's also shows the permissibility of writing the sacrificial animal
in a set that whale is used for a lot and a lot is to urge or to encourage someone to do something or leave something okay, so do it already right right the camel already
had doesn't have could able to do sir either and mannequin and a busy Nadia and an oncology and a B who right or the Allahu anhu I'm not asuna Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allah, Allah Julian he Asuka Yasuko betternet and for Kala who El Cap her. The Prophet sallallahu already sent him saw a man
driving his sacrificial camel so he told him right it Kalia rasulillah in the herba Donna the man said O Messenger of Allah. It is a sacrificial camel pala il kahawai. Look, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said write it. What are you for thaneeya to fifth Elisa? The second or the third time, meaning this conversation happened many times mean the Prophet salallahu already sent him how to repeat himself. And finally he used a strong word because the man was not getting it. So this shows that, you know, in everyday language you need all the time. We don't need to use strong expressions because when you use strong expressions all the time, then people don't understand or
realize the intensity of what you're saying. It doesn't make a difference to them. Right? Like for example, what if you yell at your kids all the time? It doesn't bother them anymore. Right? But when you use strong expression sometimes then people really get the seriousness of what you're saying. So here the Prophet salallahu or you said i'm used the strong expression to almost teach them in you know, the other that to almost discipline them in that you know what? I know exactly what you're saying. You don't have to repeat yourself again and again. I know what you're saying that the camel is for sacrifice, but still you can write it so right it had this anamosa don't have that in a
hammock on Sabatini banana here and nsmb Malik in what are you burn a bp lobata and nsmb mannequin cannot assume Allah is sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a feast fit and what kind of Mara who will am Allah who is with
us been Malik reported that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was in a journey once and there was a slave with him. And this was a black slave you'll call Allah who and Joshua you he was called under meaning his name was unjust. Yes Do and he would recite Haider and sorry, who that and remember we spoke about this earlier. This is basically a form of poetry that is used to make the camels walk fast. So Mashallah, under Shah he was such a good poet or such a good reciter of who that that the camels were really moving fast for call Allahu rasulillah he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so the Prophet sallallahu already said and said to him, way Hakka and Joshua two way the
kabil polarities mercy on you and Joshua Be gentle with the glass vessels. So you see over here the prophets of Allah Who are they sent him use the word way heck the expression way hack and Mr. McCauley brings us over here as if to show that way harkaway luck are basically the same thing right. And some say that yes really way heck and we look are exactly the same, there isn't any difference. And others say that no, there is a slight difference, the main word is actually way Okay, while we are away, and when you add a hair at the end way.
This denotes compassion and pity. Okay. And when you add a lamb at the end whale, this denotes you know, punishment or removal from good. So you could say that Wayne is, you know, said in anger almost and way is said not necessarily an anger but out of compassion. Right. And it is also said that way and wail are synonymous or way is a little softer, or more gentle compared to wait. So the Prophet sallallahu earlier sent him said way Hakka over here, not waitakere right because, and Misha was doing a really good job at driving his camels. And the Prophet sallallahu already said and wanted him to be more gentle and a little bit slower, which is why he didn't use his you know, use a
very strong expression but but a milder or more softer one more lenient one.
Now we learned that under OSHA, I'll do one more on who he was. His voice was beautiful, excellent. And the end he was actually appointed to drive the camels of the wives of the Prophet sallallahu already who was Salomon, some other women who were accompanying them. And on the other hand, Bharat bin Malik Nadella, wherein he was appointed to drive the camels of the men, okay, meaning the camels that the men were writing.
And under Sure, his voice was excellent. And we see that at this occasion, the way that he was driving the camels. And he, his voice was very, very impactful to the camels are moving really fast. And we learned that among these women, was also on zulema de la hora, who was pregnant at this time. So
if I'm not mistaken, it was either on zulema a smart or de la hora, and one of them. So
inshallah perhaps I can correct this at another time, I just have to double check. But the point is that any the women were writing, and women, you know, their bodies are
generally more delicate compared to those of men. And if the camels were walking so fast, it would be physically very difficult upon upon those women. And the women did not complain, but the Prophet sallallahu Urdu said a new, right, he knew so he said, Be gentle Ville karate, with the crystals. Okay. So basically, he compared women with crystals. And this is a very beautiful analogy, because if you think about crystals, or glass vessels, any they're strong, yet delicates, right, they're strong in the sense that,
you know, if you pour water in a glass vessel, the the water will stay inside, right, it's not going to leak through, it's not like paper. But at the same time, if you smash it, it's going to break, right? If you use it very roughly, it is going to break so it is strong, yet delicate, right? It is fragile, easy to break. And when crystal or glass breaks, it's sharp. So may God protect you if you break a glass vessel.
So the point is that when women have been compared with glass vessels, this means that people should be careful in the sense that don't treat a woman the way you treat a man. Don't speak to a woman the way you would speak with a man Don't argue with a woman the way you would argue with a man. And especially if that woman is your wife, your sister, your mother, then you better be extra careful and gentle, because when you break a crystal, a glass vessel, you cannot restore it. Once it's broken, it is broken, the damage is irreversible. So a man must be very careful in the way that he deals with, you know, the women that are around him. And we see the Prophet sallallahu rzm
specifically advised him that Be careful, right Be gentle with the glass vessels. And he wasn't harsh with an jasha either. And he he was very mild expression, a very soft expression because Alicia was doing a very good job. He was doing his work really, in a very excellent way. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was not condemning his work, he was just telling him to be more cognizant of the fact that it was women who were riding those camels and if you've ever sat on a camel really your whole body gets affected because of the way that a camel moves Subhanallah so again, it shows us the the care that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam had for his companions. So
inshallah we will conclude our class here for today and inshallah we will continue from the next Heidi's in our next class be in the heater Allah Giacomo Hayden subhanak. Allah Houma will be handing a shadow Allah Allah