Taimiyyah Zubair – Fahm Al-Quran – 09C Al Araf 144 174

Taimiyyah Zubair

Juz’ 9: Al-A’raf 88-206 – Al-Anfal 1-40

Al-A’raf 144-174

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The importance of avoiding anger and following the messenger is emphasized in difficult situations. forgiveness and mercy are also highlighted. staying true to Islam and not letting things happen to others is emphasized. It is crucial to show one's true intentions and values to avoid hardships and achieve success.

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			Allah yamasa in this cafe to Kerala Nessie, b risala. t will be Konami. Allah said almost. I have
chosen you over the people with my messages and my words. So take what I have given you, for whom
man t Touka will come in a share Corinne. Take what I have given you and be among the grateful. Take
the scripture the book that Allah has given you, and be grateful for that scripture for that book
for that guidance. And now take these words for yourself. Allah has also given us the book. So for
hood matthay Touka welcome Mina shackling be grateful for the blessing of Quran. Don't be upset,
Don't be impatient. Don't be resentful. And we wrote for him on the tablets, something of all
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			things, instruction and explanation for all things, saying, Take them with determination. musar
Listen, I was told for hold the hair before what and take them with determination and order your
people to take the best of it, meaning follow it as it is. I will show you the home of the defiantly
disobedient, meaning those who don't adhere to the book those who leave it who don't follow it, who
are they defiantly disobedient, and you will be soon shown the result of such people, I will turn
away from my signs those who are arrogant upon the earth without right. The arrogant are not gifted
with guidance, unless as such people are turned away from my signs turned away from Allah if and if
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			they should see every sign, they will not believe in it. And if they see the way of consciousness,
they will not adopt it as a way. But if they see the way of error, they will adopt it as a way that
is because they have denied our signs and they were heedless of them. arrogance prevents a person
from accepting guidance. The truth is there it is evident, yet some people don't see it. Why?
Because of the error that is in the heart. What is that error? It is pride. And when a person sees
evil, he adopted right away. Why? Because of the error because of the fault that is in the heart.
Those people who denied our signs and the meeting of the hereafter have been taught to whom their
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			deeds have become worthless, or their recompense except for what they used to do. So what do we see?
A person is only recompense for what he has done in his life. I shall deliver on her reported, she
said, I said O Messenger of Allah, the son of a person from among the righteous of the people before
weaning of their ancestors, right, the son of deuteron. He used to establish ties of relationship he
used to feed the poor. He used to do a lot of good deeds, but he used to come and check, would that
be of any avail to him? The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, No, it will not avail him. Why? Because
he never said, Oh, my Lord, pardon my sins on the Day of Resurrection. So a person will only be
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			recompense for what he used to do. If he's punished, it's because he committed those sins, if he's
rewarded, it's because he did those deeds. And if he did not perform those deeds, if he did not
worship Allah, then will he be rewarded? No, will he go to jail? No. And the people of Moosa made
after his departure from their ornaments, a calf and image having a lowing sound this all those
idols and that love because it was not thrown away. What happened when they got a chance they made
an idol. Did they not see that it could neither speak to them nor guide them to obey? They took it
for worship, and they were wrongdoers, and when regret overcame them, and they saw that they had
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			gone astray. They said, if our Lord does not have mercy upon us, and forgive us, we will surely be
among the losers. And when Messiah returned to his people, angry and grieved, why was he angry?
Because they had worshipped the calf. He was grieved. He was said that How could my people do this?
He said, How wretched is that by which you have replaced me after my departure? Were you impatient
over the matter of your Lord? And he threw down the tablets? What was he told? musasa was told, hold
and hold. Have you ever been in anger, what happened? He threw it down. And this anger, it was good
anger, because this was anger for the sake of Allah. This was not because of his own self. This was
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			because of Allah subhanaw taala. So in anger, what happened? He forgot, he forgot what a little
human being and he put the tablets down, and he seized his brother by the hair of his head, bullying
him toward him, her own said, Oh, son of my mother. Indeed. The people oppressed me and we're about
to kill me. So let's not the enemies rejoice over me and do not place me among the wrongdoing
people. Meaning I tried my best to do Islam. I stopped them, but they did not. Listen.
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			So now you don't be angry with me because if you're angry with me, the people will laugh at me.
Color a bill fairly well, he musalla Sam said, Oh my Lord, forgive me and my brother and admit us
into your mercy, for you are the Most Merciful of those who show mercy. Getting angry over what is
forbidden is a sign of a man. But most artists Anna eventually got over that anger. When his brother
gave him an explanation. He accepted it. What happens is when we don't get over anger, it's because
we were angry for ourselves. Our ego was hurt. Because we were truly angry for a loss of data. Then
as soon as the solution comes about, then what will happen that anger will also go away. Now we see
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			over here, how don't RSM says don't make the enemy laugh over me? Does it ever happen that you feel
like people are laughing over you? are maybe they're smirking because of your accent or because of
the way you're dressed? Or because of what you ordered the food that you order or the sample that
you're not taking whatever it may be, because of your choices which are dictated by your religion.
The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said that our weather will be let him in general Bella, he was a rocky
Shaka, he was so ill Kaba he was Shanna turtle are the take refuge with Allah from the difficulties
of severe calamities from having an evil end and a bad fate and from the malicious joy of your
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			enemies. Because you see, when people laugh at you, this can be very discouraging. It can shatter
your confidence. Kennecott very easily. You can change your mind you give up so easily. Even a child
does not like being laughed at. it shatters their confidence. So seek refuge with Allah that Allah
protect me from the situations when somebody will laugh at me because of my religion. And if they do
laugh at me, give me the confidence to be strong at that time. Indeed, those people who took the cat
for worship will obtain anger from their Lord and humiliation in the light of this world, and thus
do We recompense the inventors of falsehood, but those who committed misdeeds and then repented
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			after them and believed, indeed your Lord thereafter is Forgiving and Merciful. What do we see even
the biggest of sins is forgiven? Why, due to repentance, due to repentance. And when the anger
subsided and Moosa, he took up the tablets, there is no pride over here, he put them down, and now
he's picking them up. After anger, generally what happens arrogance comes in. So we should try to
get over that anger and not feel proud, so that we can go back to normal. He picked up the tablets,
and in their inscription was guidance and mercy for those who are fearful of their Lord. And Moosa
chose from his people, 70 men for our appointment, these 70 people were taken to seek forgiveness
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			from Allah for having worship the calf. And these 70 people were basically representing their entire
nation. So Musan Islam took them with him to the Mount, but what happened? The earthquake sees them
Why? Because they demanded that they should see Allah. These were the people who are going to
apologize to Allah subhanaw taala. And what happened over there at the mountain they said, we'll
never believe until we see Allah. So what happened and earthquake sees them, and they were falling,
they died. Massara Sam said, Oh, my Lord, if you had willed, you could have destroyed them before
and me as well. Would you destroy us for what the foolish among us have done? This is not but your
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			trial in here 11th network by which you send a stray whom you will and guide whom you will and
totally Yuna. You are our protector fulfilled, learn our Hamner, so forgive us and have mercy upon
us. We're under hiral offering and you are the best of forgivers. When a person is in some
difficulty, he's in a very sensitive situation. Remember the difficulties they can either make us or
break us. They can either make us stronger or they can ruin us, they can destroy us. And remember
that life is not smooth for anybody. It's not a smooth ride at all. There are definitely going to be
hardships. So when we are being tested, when we are in a state of hardship, we need to be extra
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			extra careful, because one trial, it can bring a person the reward of worshiping many years, or it
can waste the reward of worshiping Allah for many years. It can either elevate us or it can make us
fall down. Why? What is it that makes a person so high after a test when he has succeeded when he
relied upon Allah soprano tada and what is it that
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			makes a person fault sore down because of that test when, when he has failed that test. When he was
angry with Allah, we see that musar listeners are angry with Allah. He's still asking Allah for
guidance for forgiveness for mercy. Generally what happens when we are going through some tests, we
allow ourselves to fall back. We say, you know what, I'm in a lot of fame. I have the right to be
angry. I'm very fed up. I can't be bothered. I can't pray anymore. I don't find peace and comfort in
prayer. I'm done. I've had it. I can't keep going on like this. We say what is inappropriate. This
is something that destroys a person. That test became a fitna for him, that hardship became a source
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			of destruction for him, whereas it could have been the source of his success. So in the time of
hardship, what is necessary, we seek refuge with ALLAH, against even our sole work to blend if he
had he dunya has Sunnah and decree for us in this world, that which is good, and also in the
hereafter. Indeed, we have turned back to you in holding a la Oh Allah, we turn to you. Allah said
my punishment, I afflict with it, whomsoever I will, but my mercy encompasses all things. So I will
decree it, especially for those who fear me and gives a cat and those who believe in our verses. So
in order to receive Allah's mercy, what is necessary What do we have to do Eman is a cat sadaqa
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			fearing Allah, those who follow the messenger, the unlettered Prophet, who are those people who
receive Allah's mercy, those people who follow the messenger, the unlettered Prophet Muhammad
Sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam, whom they find written in what they have of the Torah and the Gospel,
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			who enjoins upon them what is right and forbids them what is wrong, and makes lawful for them the
good things and prohibits for them the evil and relieves them of their burden and the shackles which
were upon them. The Prophet came, this law was sent why, in order to make our lives easier, but what
do we do? We leave the deen and we make our lives difficult. How through extravagance, like for
example, in our Deen, we are taught that simplicity is from email, that we should keep things
simple. It doesn't mean we don't have fun. But even in fun, we keep things simple. But when we leave
that simplicity, and we go towards extravagance, then what happens marriage which is meant to bring
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			joy, it becomes a time of great stress for people. Stress for the mother stress for the father
stress for the bride and the groom. They're supposed to be happy and they are exhausted. mentally,
emotionally, they are exhausted. Tell me which marriages at which wedding party is it that you've
gone to? And you haven't seen the family stressed out? Hmm. They're stressed out from days before
and days after. Why? Because we have left that simplicity and we have gone into extravagance, we
have shackled ourselves. We are imprisoning ourselves. We are taught that the right way of
worshipping Allah soprano Tada. And when we leave that, and we follow innovations, then what do we
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			do? Again? We're making our lives difficult. No, we're in the Quran and Sunnah are we told that you
have to say some Vicar 100,000 times that you have to pray 111 in one go. The prophets of Allah when
he prayed to Yama lane, how many cars would he bring it? This was his usual habit eight and then
two, and then one with this was his usual habit, but we impose hardship on ourselves 100 rock art,
like knuffel marathon, or that we have to we have to have to have to finish 30 runs. And then what
happens we're not talking to anybody. In fact, we're not even reciting. And people are just passing
their finger over the lines and thinking that they are reading this is burdening ourselves. Remember
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			that the dean that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam brought it is the most perfect, it is complete all
of it. So nothing needs to be taken out and nothing needs to be added to it. When we will take
something out. When we will add to it. We are only going to make our life difficult. We are going to
put ourselves in hardship. So those who have believed in him, honored him, supported him and follow
the light which was sent down with him. It is those who will be the successful. So those who follow
the messenger sallallahu Sallam success is for them, say oh Prophet, or mankind indeed I am the
messenger of Allah, to all of you, from him to Whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the
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			earth. There is no deity except Him. He gives life and causes death. So be
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			Allah and His Messenger the unlettered prophet who believes in Allah and His words and follow Him
that you may be guided. If he does so, if he believes in Allah, then why should we not. And among
the people of masa is a community which guides by truth and by it establishes justice. So those
amongst them who were good, they are also praised, even if they are the exception, and this is the
justice of Allah subhanho wa Taala.
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			And we divided them into 12 descendant tribes as distinct nations, and we inspire to Moosa when his
people implored him for a water strike with your staff, the stone and their gushed forth from it. 12
Springs, every people knew its watering place, and we shaded them with clouds, and sent down upon
the manor and quails saying, eat from the good things with which we have provided you and they
wronged us not, but they were only wronging themselves and mentioned when it was said to them, dwell
in this city, and eat from it wherever you will, and say, relieve us of our burdens, will pulu
hectorton and enter the gate bowing humbly, we will then forgive you your sins, we will increase the
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			doors of good in goodness and reward centers evil merci Nein, we will increase those who do arson.
But those who wronged among them change the words to a statement other than that which had been sent
to them. So we sent upon them a punishment from the sky for the wrongs that they were doing, and ask
them about the tone that was by the sea, when they transgressed in the matter of the Sabbath, when
their fish came to them openly under Sabbath day. And the day they had no Sabbath. They did not come
to them. Thus did we give them trial because they were defiantly disobedient. This is also a test
that went home is so easy. It's so easy to do, just right there for us. All we have to do is just go
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			and throw the net, just go and sign a contract, just go and say yes, it's so easy. It's made
available, but it's a test. And when a community among them said, Why do you advise or warn people
whom Allah is about to destroy, or to punish with a severe punishment? meaning those who stopped
them other set? Why do you bother? Don't stop them leave them. The adviser said, Why do we do that
in order to be absolved before your Lord and perhaps they may fear him. We are telling them we are
reminding them we're telling them to stop doing this. Why? So that we have an excuse before Allah,
we are not guilty. And secondly, perhaps they will feel alone. And when they forgot that by which
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			they had been reminded, we save those who had forbidden evil, and sees those who wronged with a
wretched punishment, because they were defiantly disobedient. So when they were insolent about that
which they had been forbidden, we said to them, be apes despised when the limits of Allah are
crossed, then the punishment is also extreme. When a person goes to an extreme, then the punishment
is also extreme. They change the law, they played with the law, they altered its appearance. So
Allah also altered their appearance, Allah also changed their form. Ultimately, those who succeeded
were only those who stopped this evil. Because you see this community who transgressed concerning
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			the matter of the Sabbath, they were divided into three groups. One group was of those who
transgress the matter of the Sabbath. They were told not to fish on Saturday, but they still put
their nets in on Friday, and they took them out on Sunday. They were cheating over here. Another
group was of those people who stopped them who said, this is wrong, you should not do this. And the
third group was those people who said, Why bother, just live your own life.
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			So what happened, who was saved, ultimately, those who stopped from evil, because remember, if we
don't stop the wrong that is going on around us before our eyes, then we are equally responsible. We
have to show our disapproval. We have to stop it. If we cannot stop it, at least show disapproval.
If we cannot even show this approval, then at least feel that it is wrong in the heart. We should
not be okay with it ever. Because when somebody is doing something wrong, then remember if we don't
stop it, then we are part of it. And when we are part of it, then we will also suffer the
consequences and mentioned when your Lord declared that he would surely continue to send upon them
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			until the Day of Resurrection. Those who would afflict them with the worst storm meant. Why because
of their wrongdoing, because indeed your Lord is swift and penalty, but indeed, he is Forgiving and
Merciful also, and we divided them throughout the earth intonations, all of them somewhere
righteous, and all of them somewhere otherwise, and we tested them with good times and bad that
perhaps they would return to obedience.
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			So what do we see? Each group is tested each person, each nation through good and bad, and those who
believed in the profits, and also those who rejected they were tested, because this life is not for
rest. What is it for it is for test. We were created for Allah's worship, and in order to worship
Allah, in order to show that we are truly ullas worshipers, then we have to continue to worship
Allah even in good times. And in bad times. Well Bellona home bill Hassan it was c'est la la homeo
Joon. But what happens we keep waiting for good times. We keep waiting for ease. When things are
good, then I will pray. When things are good, then I will read Quran. But what do we see that we are
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			worshipers of Allah? How when in all circumstances, in all situations of life? Sometimes we are told
you're too young. Sometimes we're told you're a young mother. And sometimes we're told you have
young children.
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			And sometimes we're told or now you're too old. Take it easy. Well, the thing is that it's never
going to be perfect. What Bellona home bill has and it was say, it's always either good or bad. And
in both of these times, we have to remain obedient to Allah. And there followed them successors who
inherited the Scripture, while taking the commodities of this lower life, meaning the salt dunya the
salt worldly benefits through what? Through religion. Now, what do we see that when a person has
been given the knowledge of the deen, when a person has been granted awareness of their religion,
then whatever he does, he must do it with sincerity. Because people are being criticized over here
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			for seeking the commodity is of this lower life in exchange for what in exchange for adhering to the
Scripture. So our intention, first of all, must be sincere whenever we're doing anything for the
sake of Allah. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, learn the Quran, learn the Quran, and
buy it. ask Allah for Jinnah, meaning when you're learning the Quran, what should be your goal to
seek Jenna, before some others will come? Who will learn the Quran, but they will demand worldly
benefits through which
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			they will learn later on. But what will they do? They will seek the dunya through it. For indeed,
there are three types of people who learn the Quran, a man who shows off by it, meaning he learns
the Quran, so that he can have a performance. Then secondly, a man who eats through it, meaning he
uses it as a means of making money. And thirdly, a man who reads it for Allah.
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			So there are three types of people who learn the Quran, we need to think, who am I? am I learning
this book, just so that I can impress other people that yes, I have studied the Quran cover to cover
Yeah, I have read the Quran? Or is it so that we can put something on our resume? Maybe? Or maybe
the sole intention is to make money through this? Or is it really for the sake of Allah? If it's for
the sake of Allah, then yes, we are safe. If it's not for the sake of Allah for his pleasure, then
we are in danger. So these people, what did they do? They inherited the Scripture, but they made
commodities of this lower life through it. And they would say, it will be forgiven for us being
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			doesn't matter, doesn't matter, we will be forgiven, because we are the best people. And if an offer
like it comes to them, they will again take it, meaning if a better offer comes, they will take it.
They say Oh Allah will forgive us, but then they go back to their sins. And this also shows that
they will leave the book for greater benefit, because they're just using the book to make money, to
gain praise to gain fame. So if there is a better option of gaining fame of making more money, than
they will leave the book, and they will go to that was not the covenant of the Scripture taken from
them, that they would not say about Allah except the truth, and they studied what was in it. And the
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			home of the Hereafter is better for those who fear Allah, so will you not use reason. But those who
hold fast to the book, one Latina, you must see Carnival kita those who hold fast to the book,
whether things are easy or tough, whether they're busy, or they're free, they don't leave the book
of Allah. Why? Because it's a commitment with Allah, and they establish the prayer. Indeed, we will
not allow to be lost the reward of the reformers in nylon or the original Muslim hain because these
people are truly reformers, these people are rightly guided their work is Islam who's those who
adhere to the book of Allah. This is why the prophets that allows them said that I am leaving
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			amongst you two things.
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			If you hold on to them, you'll never go straight, you will be rightly guided and what are they the
Quran and the Sunnah. So the Quran, a person must hold on to it, never leave it.
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			And mentioned when we raised the mountain above them as if it was a dark cloud, and they were
certain that it would fall upon them. And Allah said, take what we have given you with determination
and remember what is in it that you might fear Allah, if a person wants the what, if a person wants
to be saved from evil from the fire, then what is that he has to do? He should hold on to the Quran
and Sunnah, and mentioned when your Lord took from the children of Adam, from their loins, their
descendants, and made them testify of themselves, saying to them, unless to be or have become, Am I
not your Lord? They said, Yes, Bella shahida. Now we have testified, this last you should say on the
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			Day of Resurrection, indeed, we were of this unaware. Here, the last is mentioned that we have all
made a covenant with Allah, that when Allah created Adam, then in Hades, we learn that all of the
children of Adam were brought out. And Allah subhanaw taala asked them, allow us to be or become, Am
I not your Lord? And all the children of Adam, they said, Bala, yes, You are our Lord. We believe in
you, we recognize you, we know you, unless as this promise was made, why, so that later, you don't
say that? We were unaware that you created us, we were unaware that you even existed? Or lest you
say it was only that our forefathers associated in worship with Allah before, and we were but
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			descendants after them, then would you destroy us for what the falsifies have done? So basically,
what this shows is that on the Day of Judgment, no person can make an excuse that Oh Allah, I never
knew you existed. I never knew I was supposed to worship, you know, Allah told us before he sent us
to this world, about himself. Allah put in us the thirst to seek him. Then he sent prophets and
guidance. So on the Day of Judgment, nobody can make an excuse that Oh Allah I did not know. And
thus do We explain in detail the verses and perhaps they will return