Taimiyyah Zubair – Bukhari 072 Tayammum Hadith 334 336

Taimiyyah Zubair

Lesson 72 – Chapter 1-2 Hadith 334-336

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The speakers discuss various examples of proof of the title "Okden's book of demo" and how it is linked to the title "Okden's Sh report." They stress the importance of privacy and privacy in praying and learning from mistakes, and discuss the success of their own journey. A woman describes her daughter's disrespectful behavior and her desire to leave her boyfriend, expressing sadness and desire to leave.

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			Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu
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			I really want to study Herodotus with him I'm about for the layman to share Pinilla genus malarial
for him.
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			Did he were Sidley MD. Let me list any of the Hokulea probenecid nerima
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			The Book of demo
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			demo literally means
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			to intend in the Quran Allah Subhana Allah says, Well, I am mahmudul hobbies I mean who don't feel
poonawalla Stone vlcd illa and took me a little fee that when giving when spending in the way of a
lot then do not even intend that which is impure Latin mumble hobbies. So Tmm literally means to
intend. Sharon in the Sharia. What does the word to mean to mom is to say the Thai leamas helwa ji
Walia danamon who is to intense purity by the use of clean soil by wiping some of it over the face
and the hands this is what they are mom is passed to sorry the fire limus helwa g while your Dany
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			Now in will do certain body parts are washed with the water, but entire room What is done only the
face and the hands are wiped and remember that mud is not rubbed over. Sand is not rubbed over, but
literally dusty hands are simply wiped over the face and the hands
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			and they will miss performed in order to obtain purity in order to obtain clarification for what
purpose for the purpose of Salah whether it is done to come out of minor impurity or major impurity.
So basically Tiger mom is an alternate for what we'll do as well as Bahasa and it is, is is
completely permissible it is proven in the keytab in the Quran and the Sunnah as well as it Marin
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			meaning there's a consensus of the scholars as well, when it comes to the the permissibility of
doing take home for the purpose of slaughter in order to come out of impurity, but when it comes to
coming out of major impurity meaning for a junior person to perform to mmm there is a killer All
right, when it comes to a junior person performing to moon to become pure there is if they laugh,
but the stronger opinion of the two is which one that is permissible for the job, meaning he can do
the mo in place of Rasul
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			Allah tala the statement of Allah subhanaw taala for them that you do man but I am mama sorry, don't
even from sir, who we will do he come with a de caminho This is the ayah which is found in which is
from sort of omega i in number six, that remember had his book among behind his collection is of
Messiah l Angela. And he mentions questions and he also mentions evidences, he raises questions and
problems that could occur and then he presents evidences answers to them. And this is the reason why
he mentioned the verses of the Quran. He also mentioned I thought the statements of the scholars and
then he also mentions a hadith. So it's not just a book of Hadith. It's a book of massage of various
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			issues, precepts regarding religion regarding filk which is why you will see all sorts of evidences
in his collection.
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			Now over here, he mentioned a verse of the Quran which proves them and which tells us in which case
they should be done and how it should be done. This ayah in certain ADA, Allah subhanaw taala says
yeah, you will Latina Amano in a condom illa seletti that when you stand for prayer, then what
should you do do will do how folksy would you How come What idea Camila Moravec once a Hebrew seeker
of Judah comida carving. So this is we'll do. We're in quantum Judo been. In the case of Geneva,
Allah says, For taharah, meaning take a bath. So we'll do is mentioned whistle is mentioned. And
then Tim is mentioned. We're in quantum marva. If you are sick or suffering or on a journey, Oda had
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			two men coming along, or one of you has used the toilet, Ola, mustermann nessa or you have had
relations with the women. So basically, several cases are mentioned over here, sickness, journey.
Sickness means a person may have water he's not able to use water. Journey means a person does not
have water and then two cases are mentioned toilet is used or a bath is necessary. So, a person
needs to become pure from minor impurity as well as major impurity in all of these cases. Allah says
felon that you do matter and when you do not find water, then what should you do? First I am mammals
are eaten by human then due to moments I would say that is for a year. How from Sir hubel juliaca
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			What a deca men who wipe your faces enhance from it. Now we see over here that a man cannot be
performed in any situation, all right? Meaning that whenever a person finds it convenient to perform
to him, he does it. No, they are more, there is a condition for it. Meaning only in certain
circumstances a person is allowed to perform, they are more. So what's that condition, the condition
is unavailability of water, and sickness or fear of sickness. And in the case of sickness, a person
may have water, the water may be available, but the use of water may harm him.
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			And in Hades, we learned that once a companion, he became gentlemen the night. And when he woke up,
he was afraid that if he took a bath, he would become extremely sick. So he just did a moment the
prophets Allah said and found out he asked him that did you pray without whistle? And he said that I
remember the i o will add up to two and four seconds Do not kill yourselves. So this is the reason
why I just did a moment the Prophet sallallahu said and left, right, meaning he approved of his
action. So this shows that there are two cases in which performing time is permissible, which cases
are the first of all, are the movement and availability of water, when a person does not have water,
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			whether he is at home, or he is in a journey?
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			whether a person is at home, or he's outside, when he does not have access to water, then in that
case, what will he do? He will do a demo. Secondly, the second condition, the second case is the
DARPA Mr. Maliki, that if a person uses water, he will actually suffer harm, he will actually suffer
harm, meaning that he is sick, or he has a wound, he's perfectly healthy, but he has a wound, let's
say. And if he pours water, it's such a huge wound, right? Or that he's bleeding excessively, he
fears that if he pours water over it, even around it, the skin is hurting, you know, some wounds are
such or for example, he is burnt. So in that case, the use of water is actually going to harm him,
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			he's going to suffer, his sickness is either going to get aggravated, or it is going to continue for
a long time, or it's going to get worse. So it might lead to his death, it might lead to him
suffering much more. So in this case, what will he do, he will do them. But remember that the Lv
meaning just getting slightly hurt.
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			That is not a valid case in which a person should do.
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			So for example, the water is extremely cold. And a person feels that if I wash myself with it, if I
do will do with it, I'm going to get really cold I'm going to freeze.
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			One is that a person fears he's gonna get sick already, he's having chills already body's really
cold, he's feeling very weak, that is a different case. But the other is that you can quickly wipe
yourself dry after doing will do and you can quickly put something warm on yourself, you can eat
yourself up, you can have a hot chocolate or a cup of tea and you can warm yourself in that case he
has to do will do certain things slightly hurt. In that case, the home is not valid. Likewise, if
the water is extremely hot, extremely hot, for example, it's out in the open and it's very, very hot
outside. In that case, if he uses burning hot water, he's gonna burn himself. But what can he do, he
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			can take a little bit of water to time cooler down slightly and then pour a little on himself. You
know, there are natural hot water springs, and people are encouraged to actually sit in it for a
long time to bait themselves with it. So, ordinarily, a person does not want to touch that water
even but you can use bit by bit a little by little and eventually wash yourself with it. So in this
case he has to do we'll do a knot timer
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			timer will be done with what sir eaten by human sorry, what is sorry, ground soil, basically sorry,
it is called Luma dasar the meaning of it is basically Earth meaning every kind of Earth is sorry,
everything that is on the surface of the earth,
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			that is the surface of the earth, the ground, natural ground, whether it is in the form of sand or
it is in the form of mud or it is in the form of rock, pebbles, whatever it may be, the Prophet
sallallahu Sallam said dirty little herbal masjidul water hulan the entire Earth has been made for
us what? Masjid a place of prayer and also a means of purification. So that means every kind of
natural ground natural soil, whatever material it is off, then what is it? It is sorry? Then sorry
It is also described as what you will have and could Luma Allah which will it is also described as
the face of the earth meaning what you see the ground and everything that is
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			The surface of the earth,
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			but that is on the surface of the earth this has to be understood correctly that is on the surface
of the earth and is actually considered a part of it. So, for example, you have mud, that is what?
Sorry, what do you have an on mud, pebbles, or rocks, now rocks are considered part of the ground,
even though they are not huge, okay, even though you're not walking on a rocky mountain, they're
just small rock small pebbles on the ground on the mud. But even with those pebbles, you can
actually do them. So that which is sitting on top of the earth, what's the condition that is
considered part of the earth, not something that has been placed on it that has fallen on it from
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			above, such as snow or such as leaders such as a broken branch, okay, have a tree, but no, something
that is considered part of the earth. And remember that materials that the ground is not made off,
such as wood or snow, then the scholars different concerning that things that have fallen on the
earth from above, that are not considered part of the ground and scholars different concerning it.
Some scholars permitted it that if it's on the ground, even if it's a broken piece of wood, you can
do timing with it. But other scholars said that no, it is not permissible unless it is attached to
it. Unless it is attached to the ground. What does it mean? That for example, there's a tree? Okay,
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			there's a tree? Not a piece of wood but a tree. So the trunk is dusty, the trunk is there, can you
determine with that trunk? Yes, you can.
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			Likewise, you're standing on a glacier, you're standing on a glacier. Now, let's say the glacier is
huge. You know, sometimes people go to such places where there's literally ice beneath your feet for
miles and miles, you will find no mud, and you will have to dig really, really deep in order to find
mud or even rock sometimes. It's all ice, it's all day. Sure. So that glacier, that ice is what that
is the ground. That is the ground. So in that case, you can do time even with the glacier, but the
snow that has fallen,
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			even if it has been sitting, you know, throughout the winter, in front of your house, or in your
backyard, gauge them with that No, you can't. Why? Because it has fallen from above it is there
temporarily, there is still ground beneath it. Yes, you can make will do with the snow, but you will
have to melt it and you will have to fulfill the conditions of water. Right and in the sense that
you have to wash. And if you feel that it's going to harm you or if it's going to be very difficult,
or it's impossible to melt it, then in that case, you're not going to use that snow, you're going to
do something else. Now also remember that dust is not a condition meaning it is not necessary that
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			when you back the ground with your hands, your hands have to get dusty.
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			Okay, which is why doing timing with a glacier, okay, or a rock? Or let's say granite or some kind
of stone is permissible, even if it's not dusty.
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			Why, what's the evidence? Because the prophets of the Lord isn't and demonstrated to the companion
how to perform the Mo, he bat his hands and then he blew them before wiping them on his hands and
face. Why did he blow? Why? To get rid of the dust? If the dust was a condition he would not have
blown on his hands. Alright, so dust is not a condition. So for example, if you are using some rocks
or pebbles, and they're not dusty, you rub them on your hands, let's say or you bet your hands on
them. There's no dust on your hands or hardly any Is that okay? Perfectly fine, because you are
using sorry. Now, if a wall or let's say you say okay, my kitchen, you know, the counter is granted
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			that stone, right? This is what ground is made off. Or for example is a porcelain tile that even
has, you know, some materials in it which is found in the ground. So can I do them with my granite
countertop? Or can I do to him with let's say porcelain tiles? This is a question. Remember that if
the ground or that natural material is sealed with something
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			it's not the same anymore.
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			If you happen to say me he was asked about doing them from a wall. He said if a wall is built up
something that comes from the earth such as rocks or mud bricks, then it is permissible to use it
for payment. But if the wall is covered with wood or paint, then in that case it won't be but if
there is any dust on it, then it may be used for damage and there is nothing wrong with that. Why?
Because it is like doing damage on the ground because dust particles Where do they come from? From
the ground. But if there's no dust on it, then it is not from the earth and cannot be used for
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			you understand them. Or for example, you know
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			Your fireplace has natural brick on it, it's not sealed, the brick is not sealed, you understand.
And that brick is what natural material from the earth. So you can actually do timing with those
bricks or even outside your house or maybe bricks, they're not sealed with anything, you can do
timing with that, you may have a walkway made of stone tiles, okay, natural stone tile that is not
sealed, you can do time with that as well. But if it is sealed, then you cannot do time with that.
Cement is also what it's natural material. But if there's paint, okay, or like a water repellent
material that has been put, then that's not permissible.
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			But if they are sealed, in the case where they're sealed,
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			I hope you don't have to go that far in Sharla. I'm sure you won't have to go down to the road to do
a demo. I hope so inshallah. I don't know, though. When it comes to tar, I don't know what kind of
material it is.
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			Yes, you will do that. I'm talking about a case in which even That's it, there's a burn, you've
covered part of that burn mark. But the rest of it is also hurting, the whole arm is everything.
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			Not entirely, and you have to watch at least some of it.
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			So for example, you are traveling and you know that's going to be a long flight. So instead of
taking some mud with you, because it looks like powder, you might be in trouble. So what you do is
you take some some stones with you. Now you're gonna keep them in your bag and you feel that they're
gonna rub against each other and your bag is gonna get all dirty. So what do you do you wash them?
Okay, you wash them, and then you keep them? Can you do timing with that? Yes, you can. It's not
sealed natural materials are still there. You just watch them. And that happens. Rain falls down
from the sky, washing the rocks as well. So a washed rock or stone, you can still do time with that.
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			I'm talking about like a granite countertop that is sealed. That's different, of course into you rub
your hand on it, nothing at all will come on your hand.
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			If it's painted, no, if it's not painted, yes, you can see in the plane, the reason why they would
be done is because especially if you're traveling, you know with Muslims, imagine if all those 150
people or 200 300 people start doing Voodoo and they have to perform will do multiple times for
their Salah people won't have much water left, or what will happen to the washrooms or sometimes the
washrooms are so small, you can barely move. So how can you do a moment there? How can you wash your
feet, it's sometimes very difficult. And sometimes it happens that may Allah protect everyone but
you know, let's say the flight landed but they're not able to let the passengers go and sometimes
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			they're stuck in the plane for several hours. So in that case, they're out of water or they may be
very little water left. And if people use up all the water for will do then what will be left for
using the washroom or washing the hands. So, in that case, they will determine the society then and
the condition for sorry this it should be the year what is the Yep, it is the opposite of hobbies
and hobbies means different things depending on the context. Over here since the context is of the
hora, the word cubbies would give the meaning of nudges. So they would mean that which is not nudges
that which is not impure. So in other words a person is not allowed to do mm from soil from mud from
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			stone from clay, whatever that is nudges know you can only do time one from sorry that is by
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			now, we have a different concept of clean and dirty the word dirty comes from what dirt so we think
anything has dirt in it is dirty. No this is not what the meaning of but you have is that it should
not be dirty. It means that it should not be nudges. Why, what why with the sorry to hear that would
you and the ad would you include what is between the two ears and from the tip of the forehead to
the bottom of the chin. So this is your face. So you have to wipe your face. And remember that it is
not necessary entire month to make the dust reach every part of the skin even that were discovered
beneath the hair. So for example, in the case of a man he's got a beard, when he's doing will do
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			he's doing Ceylon but in the case of the mummy doesn't have to pass his dusty fingers through his
beard here. He doesn't need to do that. You just wipe your face that's it. Ad hands as well you have
to wait. And this means only the hand and not the arm. The word yet also gives a meaning of arm but
only when a limit has been put to for example in the Quran. Allah says what ad accom lol Moravec and
your hands up to the elbow. So in that case the arm is included. But when a limit has not been
prescribed, then yet means just the hand. So the front and the back of the hand. So rubbing the
hands. And notice over here that would you is mentioned first an ad is mentioned next, so entire
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			Mom, you wipe your face first followed by wiping up the hands. Obviously you will pat your hands on
the dust to get the dust
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			But you will not rub your hands first will wipe your face first.
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			I have a question for you. You know how
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			if a person is not able to stand and he sits in praise and their award for sitting and praying is
less than standing and praying so it's like sitting and praying is it looks is an allowance for tell
me his name Omarosa.
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			It's an alternative because the opposite of rock sighs azima like when you have two options, one is
more difficult, more demanding and the other is less demanding. That which is more demanding brings
more reward and the one that is less demanding less reward, but you're going to take home is looks
at and azima it is both depending on how you look at it. It is allowance and excellence. How with
respect to absence of water, doing families and also because obviously when you're doing will do
with every drop of water that falls down sins are falling, that is the best thing to do. When that's
not an option, then you do one right. But with respect to Salah is or Thema because your your Salah
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			is 100% valid with them even though there may be an adjust on your body, but you have no means of
getting it off. You do tell your mom your Salah is 100% ended.
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			But now the evidence of table in hedis after the I remember if it mentions hedis had the center of
the life new use of color of boron, Amharic and mandible classroom and D on our Ishita zodb
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam I shall deliver on her she narrated and she said hello Gina we went
marital sola sallallahu alayhi wa sallam along with the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam he boldly aspetti in one of his journeys. In one of his trips, we went along with him had
that until either Khulna will be there until we reached alveda Oh be that
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			or that should this is the name of a place and the narrator is not sure which place I should have
mentioned. Either she mentioned VEDA or that I showed the learner she said when we reach that place
in Katara, it broke it To delete a necklace that I had. So she was wearing a necklace when they
reach that point, it broke and when it broke, obviously what happened? It fell. And once it fell,
she didn't know where it was. So what happened for a comma? So he stood meaning he stopped who
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ultimacy for the purpose of intimacy searching it.
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			It'll tell us what does it mean to search for something to look for something? So the Prophet said a
lot of them stopped meaning they stopped the trip, they stopped the journey. Why? So that he could
look for her necklace? And when the prophet SAW a lot of some stuff, he was a leader. So what
happened with a commonness tomorrow, the rest of the people also stopped. Why? So that they could
find her necklace with a suit.
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			And they were not on water. What does it mean? They were out of water in that area? There was no
water. There was no waterhole. norwell no spring nothing nearby. For them NASA Illa abhi bikinis for
DLT. So the people they came to aboubaker a city called the lower end for pallu and then they said
to him aletheia Rama son Arthur Isha. Did you not see what your daughter would I should have been on
her did a comma to build a Sunni line so the longer you send them a oneness, she stopped the
prophets Allah sent him and the people because of her, everybody has had to stop when they sue
Allah, they're not on water, meaning there's no water around here. Well, Lisa Mara, Houma and they
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			do not even have any water with them. They don't have any water bags. And in this area also there is
no water. Look at what your daughter did for Jabu Brooklyn to Abubakar Avila and who he came. What a
pseudo lysaght Allahu alayhi wa sallam and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he was well barren. He was
one who was placing
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			his head I lay it upon my lap so I should have put her on her. She's narrating that Abu Bakr came
while the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam had placed his head on my lap, or the Nana. He was
sleeping for Karla soboba. He said, Hi bestie Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a witness. You
have hubs What does it mean to restrain? So you have restrained you have stopped the messenger
velocity of autism and the people were laser alarm as well as Mr. Houma there is no water here. They
don't even have any water for call at Arusha to sorry should have an arena she said 570 Abu Bakr,
Abubakar, Allah and he attorney What does it mean to be very angry? You know, in the Quran we learn
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			without whom you start the wound, they will not be able to remove the anger they will not be able to
make a happy, sir tab is when someone is upset. So I thought when he was very upset with me, he
scolded me. He showed his anger out of any of America.
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			Well Paula and he said, Masha, Allah who anukool whatever Allah willed him to say.
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			He said whatever Allah wanted him to say, whatever Allah allowed him to say. He said, What jar Allah
and he began Yatta Rooney, what does the attorney mean? That he began poking me? Okay, apparently he
was poking me Brd with his hand feel hostility in the side. On the side, he started poking her with
his hand with his finger.
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			phillium neurone minute the * rookie. So nothing stopped me from moving inland except McCann
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allah.
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			The Prophet sallallahu Sallam his had been in my lap. This is the only reason why I didn't move
otherwise he was hurting and she wanted to move for Kama Sutra lies that allowed her to Salaam and
then the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he stood heinous for her when you woke up our lady man without
any water. So basically, the prophets Allah was and when he got up, there was no water for under
Allahu air that they are mommy. Then Allah revealed the verse of their mom, but I am mo so the
people they determine for Kala who said, so we'll say today, a companion he said at that time, Matt
here, it is not be a Willie first Baraka tickle your blessing. Yeah, abeba or family of
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			or family of aboubaker. This is not the first blessing we have received from a lot through you
because of you on it, I should have let her I know she said for Arsenal variable. Then we raised we
lifted the camel, and that he couldn't early on, which I was for a sudden and
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			so we found the necklace under.
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			So we found a necklace under. Now there are a number of lessons that we learn from this beautiful
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			The question is that if a woman's husband is lying down and his head is in her lap, and her father
will see her in that state, because in some cultures that is considered almost unlawful to touch one
another, in the presence of other people, that husband and wife don't even sit next to each other.
They don't even have an any kind of physical contact as if they're strangers, or just acquaintances.
So can they sit next to each other? Can they can one lie down in the sense that the way it has been
described over here? Yes, as long as it is, you know, maruf as long as it is decent, it's perfectly
fine. Now there are a number of things that we learned. First of all, we see that it was from the
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			habit of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that he would take along one of his wives with him on his
journeys. So we see that when a man is traveling, it is similar for him to take along his wife.
Okay, so next time your husband is traveling somewhere, you can ask him about what sort of Alison
would always take one of his wives with him? So I'd like to go with you to Yes, and I'm the only one
by the way, you don't need to draw lots, okay. I mean, this was a son of the Prophet, satellite,
etc. Obviously, not saying that every trip, it depends on what is possible for a person what nature
that trip is off, I'm just giving you idea.
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			Another important thing we learned in this Hadees is the importance that I should have little are
attached to Xena, for the profit, subtle autism even in travel, that she was wearing a necklace when
they were traveling. And the problem is that a lot of them wouldn't just travel for enjoyment. But
other his journeys were always for a purpose, majority of the time, they would be what, for the
purpose of battle.
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			So imagine I feel that RNA is going on such a journey, and she's wearing a necklace, and another
nation we find out that she actually borrowed it from a sister.
00:28:47 --> 00:29:12
			So this shows that a woman should adorn herself for her husband, wherever she is with him. So for
example, going somewhere under your hijab, you can wear your earrings, you can wear your necklace,
you can still make your hair nice, you can still do that under your belt, you can still wear nice
clothes, because the moment you take your hijab off the woman you take your eye off you should not
be revealed to someone who's you can fill in the blanks.
00:29:13 --> 00:29:33
			And others important lesson we learned here is the Prophet sallallahu Sallam had great regard for I
should warn her that she lost a necklace and the Prophet Allah lots of them stopped himself and
stopped everyone for the sake of her necklace. Look at how important she was and how important her
belongings were to the prophets a lot isn't.
00:29:35 --> 00:29:59
			Even we learned that when the prophet SAW the loss and went for hedge I should have been over I know
you know, he made sure that she went and did her oma. Everybody stopped so that she could go with
her brother to thinner him, put on her from Durham law and then return. So this is the importance
that he gave to his wives. But remember that it's always one sided. I should have let her know she
gave importance to him.
00:30:00 --> 00:30:27
			Look at how she's adorning herself. And she became important in his eyes as well. When you show to
the other, that they're important to you, then they will also show importance to you. They will also
value you, when you show to someone that you need them, they will also feel that they need you. And
this is what grows love between two individuals. Then we also see in this Hadith, the prophet Nina
the calmness of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam
00:30:29 --> 00:30:55
			that he did not become angry, he was not impatient, when she lost the necklace, when, you know, they
couldn't find the necklace for so long. And then they stayed for so long. They still didn't find it
until they got up to leave. They had no water, they had to pray without water. And in another
nation, we will find out that at that time, they had not been revealed actually prayed without them
to people.
00:30:56 --> 00:31:20
			There was no concept of them. And later on in this journey, only the verses of them were revealed.
So look at how relaxed the prophets Allison was throughout this incident, the rest of the people are
panicking. They're competing couple bocadillo aren't, aren't who is coming to I should warn her
scolding her and physically disciplining her as well. But look at how calm relaxed profits are.
00:31:22 --> 00:31:27
			I mean, who could have more important work to do than the profits.
00:31:29 --> 00:31:45
			Because we feel that we have to do so much important work that's so time sensitive, and it's so
urgent, and it has to be done within a certain amount of time. And if it's not done, then a lower
than what will happen and we become so impatient and we show anger, we show frustration, we yell at
each other. And this is something that we
00:31:47 --> 00:32:00
			look at the attitude of the profits or losses and look at the attitude of the rest of the people. If
anyone had the right to be upset, it was him. But he was calm to the point that he's slept. And he's
sleeping were with his head in the lap of our shoulders.
00:32:01 --> 00:32:27
			As if she's not even made to feel or realize that she's done anything wrong, or that she has been
careless? Or that she should be more careful next time. What do we do? If a person makes a mistake?
And nobody makes a mistake deliberately? What do we say? Be careful next time? Right? We say
something at least, even if it's one word, one expression, one sentence to make the other person
feel that we're not happy with them.
00:32:28 --> 00:32:40
			But what should we remember that mistakes are called mistakes because they're not done deliberately?
This is why an accident is called an accident. No one does it deliberately. So just relax. Gonna
hold on.
00:32:43 --> 00:33:08
			I was just reflecting on this. And I was really ashamed that honestly, we panic and we complain and
we become impatient. like there's no tomorrow. Really, on the slightest of things. If we have to
wait for someone five minutes, if we are delayed because of traffic if we are delayed because of
someone else's mistake, we become very, very impatient.
00:33:10 --> 00:33:49
			Exactly. We start pointing fingers blaming one another start fighting and arguing. There's no
benefit in that. Look at the attitude of the prophet SAW a lot of them so calm, he's sleeping is
fine. I mean, Mach two great. So what, okay, this has happened, relax, my mother, she has this
attitude. Mashallah, I've seen this, that no matter what happens, she's like, it's another
experience. There's also learning in this. There's also learning in this. And really, there's there
is always there's learning in every situation, every problem, that when we're getting laid because
of other people still being relaxed in that situation.
00:33:51 --> 00:34:06
			I shut the door on him was very young. And for her to lose this necklace was acceptable because she
was a young girl. Then we also learned over here about the fact that it is permissible for a man to
discipline his daughter, whether she is young or old, single or married.
00:34:08 --> 00:34:15
			Because everybody gotta learn who he came. And he scolded he rebuked, I should have done because he
was not happy with what she had done.
00:34:16 --> 00:34:43
			One could have said that too, she's married, leave her alone. Now, her husband is her boss, but
still the father is coming and disciplining his daughter. So the parents can do that even if their
children are married. Then we also learn over here about the love and respect and care and concern
that I should have had for the prophets have a lot of sense that despite being hurt, she did not
move. Because otherwise the prophets Allison would get disturbed.
00:34:44 --> 00:34:56
			She knew how much he loved her, and how much her father respected him. If she wanted, she could have
screamed then he would have woken up and walk around who would not have dared to say anything to
her. But she didn't.
00:34:57 --> 00:34:59
			monkey see monkey do right? Whatever we see. That's what we do.
00:35:00 --> 00:35:01
			That's what we emitted.
00:35:02 --> 00:35:26
			Then we also learn in this hadith about the evidence that some people are a source of blessing for
others, that Allah blesses people, through others, that a person does something or comes somewhere.
And because of them, or because of their action, Allah sends his blessing upon the rest of the
00:35:28 --> 00:35:57
			Isn't this true? Have you felt it? Have you experienced it? Do you miss it these days? Anyway, so
this is true, because I should have loaded on her her necklace, it got lost. But because of that,
what happened? The verses of the AMA were revealed. Yes. And you see that her losing her necklace
was a source of blessing for the companions who were present at that time, and also for the
companions, who were not there and for the rest of the oma until the day of judgment.
00:35:58 --> 00:36:02
			And this has happened numerous times in her life. Remember the incident of
00:36:03 --> 00:36:22
			what happened to that occasion, also, something that was so difficult for her, but still, there was
so much blessing, so much goodness that came out of that incident. So this is the reason why the
companion who said when her lady, what did he say that this is not the first time that we have
received blessings through you, or family have Abubakar
00:36:23 --> 00:37:03
			ever bocadillo or no, he traveled with the Prophet sallallahu Sallam from Mecca to Medina in the
hedra. He guarded the prophets of Allah. And we just know about the story of the Hydra very briefly,
if you go into the details, you'll learn about how much of a worker of the lower and who he strove
to protect the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and to ensure that he came safely from Mecca to Medina, so
many blessings, Allah granted to the soma through the family abubaker. And Allah blesses people
through the presence of others and through the actions of others. This is why sometimes it may
happen, that we feel that the coming of an individual or the presence of an individual or their
00:37:03 --> 00:37:20
			actions may be very difficult for us, or maybe may become a burden for us. But in reality, they're a
source of blessing. So many couples say that when they had their child, that's when they start
making more money. That's when things just started working out. People look at it the other way,
00:37:21 --> 00:37:29
			that it's going to be too expensive. We can't afford to have a child. But once that baby comes,
that's when the risk comes as well.
00:37:30 --> 00:37:52
			That blessings come after suffering. They had to wait for so long, their entire trip got messed up,
or lower than how much they suffered because of this delay. And they had to search they had to wait
for so long, I should have never not had to hear everything of a bucket a little or no had to hear
so much from the people. The people were panicking because of their Salah. But eventually what
happened, a blessing came
00:37:54 --> 00:38:29
			out of the nowhere I knew he was a very kind person, very gentle person. But because of all that he
saw the pressure that came on him because of what the people were saying to him. He became upset at
that time. So we're human, that if someone has made a mistake, or someone has done something, then
we don't need to talk to other people about it over and over again. Unless we need to solve the
problem. That's a different situation. But when we're not authorized to do anything, to solve the
problem, please don't talk about it. Because then what's happening, we're spreading negative
feelings, right? We're pressurizing others to take action immediately when they cannot do anything
00:38:30 --> 00:38:47
			is the profits of a lot of them decided to stay back is decided to stay out. Nobody could do
anything about that. So what's the point in saying anything that will come along? If the prevalence
of autism accepted, then you're saying it will not make any difference? So when someone's made a
mistake, let's stop talking about it.
00:38:48 --> 00:39:02
			Let's stop talking about it. Let's stop talking about other people and start talking about
ourselves. This is what I was saying that if I was told that I wanted to you could have woken him up
and then overcorrected. Or who would not have said anything to her at all.
00:39:03 --> 00:39:07
			But she didn't. She respected her father and she cared for her husband.
00:39:08 --> 00:39:21
			Then we also see that there may be something that we dislike, but Allah places much good in it. And
sometimes a person is looking for something all over, but in reality, it's very close to him.
00:39:22 --> 00:39:33
			They were looking for the necklace everywhere, but when the camel got up, that's where it was. So
always remember that there is something that Allah is teaching you through that incident.
00:39:34 --> 00:39:59
			But when our anger takes over, you know, and anger does, it covers everything, hides everything
dulls our senses, then you can't think you can't reflect you can't take a lesson at all. Your
rationality goes away I had this other Mohammed Luciana Kala Hadassah, who shaman her father had
done a series of new nobly color of Mona who shaman color of Varanasi yo Kala Hadassah is it who
have no sohaib in Africa.
00:40:00 --> 00:40:45
			Hello a foreigner Jebel Abdullah an abuser The longer you sell him or call the Prophet sallallahu
Sallam he said to him, son, I have been given five meaning five blessings I have been given lomira
Kahuna, Adam probably none at all has been given those before me, meaning no messenger has been
given these unique blessings that only I have been granted new slips to be Ruby. I have been helped
with all mercy Lata Sharon masirah the journey of shedding a month, meaning a month journey, the
distance that is covered in a month journey, that distance if that were between me and my enemy, my
enemy would still be afraid of me, he would still be afraid of me. So Allah has helped me in this
00:40:45 --> 00:41:34
			way. What during luckily algumas didn't water hurun Secondly, the earth the entire Earth has been
made for me Masjid, a place of prayer, and also to whom a means of purification, for a human or
duty. So any man and by extension is ultimately any woman, man Almighty from my nation, at Raka to
salatu salam overtakes and meaning the time of Salah comes upon him value suddenly, then he should
pray. Why? Because he can pray anywhere. And if he doesn't have water, he can do time on because mud
is also means of purification. What were hidden let thirdly and it has been made permissible leave
for me Alma Hanuman, war booty, while I'm the hillbilly I hadn't called Billy and it was not made
00:41:34 --> 00:42:16
			permissible for anyone before me. Fourthly, were allowed to shift out and I have been given a
shofar, meaning on the Day of Judgment, he will be honored, with the permission to intercede What
can I be you, and a profit would be u bar. So he will be sent in a call me to his nation has certain
exclusively What were his two and I have been sent in an se, to all people I'm done, generally,
meaning every prophet before me was sent only to his people, but I have been sent to all of mankind.
Now in this Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was mentioning the blessings that Allah subhanaw
taala bestowed upon him. Why?
00:42:17 --> 00:42:20
			Why am I being here material, because if I had this,
00:42:21 --> 00:42:21
00:42:22 --> 00:42:34
			over here in this Hadees, we see that he mentioned five, unique blessings. Even though there were
more than five, the scholars have listed up to 30 unique blessings that only he was granted,
00:42:35 --> 00:42:39
			meaning no other Prophet was given. But over here, you mentioned only five.
00:42:40 --> 00:43:11
			This doesn't mean that he was given only five. But over here he was mentioning only five. This is
just like in the Quran, we learn woman of lemon, right, and a certain character, as mentioned, who
is more interested in such and such a new thing that this is the height of injustice, but then at
another place, we woman of them. So it doesn't mean that this is the only person who is at the
height of injustice, but there are several, but in this context, one is being mentioned. So
likewise, over here, five lessons are being mentioned. First of all, fear and all that his enemies
had of him.
00:43:12 --> 00:43:22
			This is how terrified the average enemy was of him. And roar is the greatest and the strongest
weapon that one can have against the enemy.
00:43:23 --> 00:43:27
			Because then the enemy cannot withstand you cannot face you.
00:43:28 --> 00:43:40
			Have you ever experienced is that if you are afraid of someone, and even if your heart is full of
rage, and your heart is full of things that you want to say to them, you first of all, cannot face
them. And if you do face them,
00:43:41 --> 00:43:42
			your tongue is tied.
00:43:43 --> 00:43:59
			Does it happen? Yes. Why? Because that person has. You are in awe of him, you are afraid of him. So
when Allah bless the prophets of Allah son withdrawn, this was like the strongest defense that he
had been given the strongest weapon that he had been given.
00:44:00 --> 00:44:07
			Secondly, that the entire Earth is a place of prayer and purification. Now over here, notice the
00:44:08 --> 00:44:30
			is for a moon, and it gives the meaning of kolu up the entire. So if someone says that it is not
permissible to pray in a particular land in a particular area, then the leaders needed evidence is
needed. And there are some places where it is not permissible to pray. And for them, there's
evidence what's the evidence. So for example, first of all, a graveyard
00:44:32 --> 00:45:00
			had this integrity. It states very clearly the entire earth as much as except Mara and her mom,
except for the graveyard and the washroom the toilet. So firstly, graveyards not allowed to pray
there. Secondly, hammer bathrooms, a place that has been designated for using the toilet, even
though that place may be very clean, but still that place has been designated for this purpose.
Thirdly, the past
00:45:00 --> 00:45:18
			Have camels get the area where camels are kept, where they sleep, where they arrest where they eat,
where they drink? Why? we learned earlier that their urine and their feces are actually live because
of the shape line. Right? We learned about this earlier that evil wholecut Mini shell
00:45:19 --> 00:45:45
			only cables not cheap and Gods but candles forcely a place where we're not allowed to pray is Alma
Canon magis meaning a place that is impure. A place that has impurity doesn't have to be the
bathroom could be even your bedroom. Could be even, you know, outside somewhere. But if there is
impurity somewhere, you're not allowed to pray there. Will fajitas at the bar if you know when our
Aquafina rookery sudo.
00:45:46 --> 00:46:04
			Allah Subhana, Allah commanded Ibrahim are designed to purify the house. So that little rocker, the
area has to be clean. Where you're praying, that spot has to be clean. Now, some scholars, they
extended this condition of cleanliness, not just the spot where you're praying, but the area,
00:46:05 --> 00:46:17
			which is what we discussed earlier, in case I will do. And some said that no, if the spot where
you're praying it if that is clean, you can pray there. I mean, there could be an agenda next to
00:46:18 --> 00:46:25
			But still, you can pray as long as you are not touching that agenda and your clothes are not
touching that madrasa.
00:46:26 --> 00:46:53
			So for example, you could be praying on a prayer minute, for example. And let's say there is a baby
and walks in and and their diaper is leaking. And they sit on the pyramid. And as they get up, you
see a spot there. Okay, you're praying, but you notice a spot over there. Now that baby walked away.
Are you supposed to break your prayer? No. Because where you are praying where you are going to
prostrate the part you're going to test your cloud, you're going to touch that is clean.
00:46:54 --> 00:47:33
			Do you understand that some scholars say that no, the entire area has to be cleaned. But others said
that no, the very spot where you're praying that has to be clean and this is the stronger opinion
the majority opinion. So these are the four places where it is not allowed to pray. So, the entire
place the entire Earth has made a Masjid, place of prayer. And secondly the hoof. So this means that
every kind of Earth soil rock pebbles, natural ground is permissible for performing tamlyn width,
which means that when the time comes to pray, then the person has Mr. Dental so you should pay him
and pray. He does not need to wait until the end of the the time of the Salah to find water and then
00:47:33 --> 00:47:37
			pray. No, he will do tempo. And pray once the time enters.
00:47:38 --> 00:47:50
			Now, one question the time for Salah enter, okay, if you don't have water, the Prophet sallallahu
Sallam said in this Hadees What do we learn that any person from my alma
00:47:51 --> 00:48:01
			mater abraca to Salatu value Sunday, you should pray. So the time entered, and you don't have water
at that time. So you do time and you pray.
00:48:02 --> 00:48:04
			Okay, you return home and you pray.
00:48:05 --> 00:48:07
			Now after a little while you find water.
00:48:09 --> 00:48:28
			Let's say you prayed all the time for Zoho has not ended yet. And you found water. Are you supposed
to repeat your prayer? No, you're not required to? Are you supposed to wait until the very end of
the time? Have? You said that? No. Now I'm not going to do a moment pray. I'm going to wait. I'm
going to keep looking for water until the very end.
00:48:29 --> 00:48:33
			No, that's not a condition. That's not a condition because praying
00:48:34 --> 00:48:40
			at the first time, okay is preferable. Okay, so you should pray. At that time. You don't have to
wait until the end.
00:48:41 --> 00:49:12
			Over here we see that no seems to be a robot the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was helped with meaning
Allah helped him Allah gave him victory through that his enemy had fear of him. But it's not
necessarily that it's just the enemy, US fear of an individual as possible. There's no animosity,
but there's love and respect, because of which a person, you know is in awe of individual. But that
extreme fear should not make you feel uncomfortable and awkward and hesitant. So that you're not
able to do anything at all.
00:49:13 --> 00:49:15
			Because sometimes this kind of fear is not good.
00:49:16 --> 00:49:35
			There's a particular scholar, for example, and they're, they really respect them, and they really,
you know, look up to them. And they're also afraid of them. They become nervous when they're around,
but they benefit a lot from them. Now, let's say they're sitting in their class. In their lecture,
they have a question to ask, but they're too afraid to ask this kind of fear hesitation is not good,
because it's preventing you from
00:49:36 --> 00:49:37
00:49:38 --> 00:49:59
			forehead is number 334. I was also thinking generally people's responses are what their response was
when they went to Abu Bakr radiallahu. But what is so noticeable is the response of who say they've
known who died. He was so positive he wasn't intimidated or afraid of how the whole caravan was
talking against or talking down
00:50:00 --> 00:50:31
			Bella with regards to eyeshadow the Allahu anhu criticizing her negligence, so to say, but he was
the one who stood out he didn't care about what others were saying. And he, you know, recorded these
words that now I'm thinking they're recorded in Bukhari, everybody till the end of time, whenever he
was studying Bihari, we know of this person's name because he was so positive and he wasn't afraid
that everyone else had criticism. So let me just not say anything. He brought out such a good point
regarding the blessing that we have received.
00:50:32 --> 00:50:40
			I just like to add something here. It's perspective, right? difference in perspective, the glass is
half empty or half full, depends on how you look at it.
00:50:41 --> 00:51:20
			And the other thing I was thinking with regards to this is when all this has happened, and then the
Hadith says for Angela, who I am, if Allah subhanaw taala had wanted, he would have given the ruling
of the moon to the Muslim Ummah, before early on, even before the caravan had stopped and
everything. But this is off the wisdom and hikma of Allah subhanaw taala sometimes that he would,
you know, bring to light some knowledge, something at a certain situation. And this is we seen what
he all the time exactly that some verses were revealed in a certain context as a solution to the
problem that the Muslims were facing, as an answer to the question that was raised. And sometimes
00:51:20 --> 00:51:48
			without that context being there, it's like when you learn and I end up experiencing it yourself,
then you never forget it. You remembered how relaxed the Prophet sallallahu taala wasn't how he
trusted a lot that he knew there was no water and there was no concept of a moment that time but
whatever happens happens reason I mean panicking and an anger is not going to solve anything. The
profits or losses and would prey on his right. Because when you're writing an animal you are in
control of it.
00:51:49 --> 00:51:54
			But when you are not writing the animal, then the animal can come and harm you very easily.
00:51:55 --> 00:52:38
			Bab either Lamia did Manuela to Robin, when a person does not find water, nor dust, nor any Earth.
The person is stuck in a snowstorm he is in a very clean airplane. He didn't expect the delay, the
delay happened. He didn't think that the time of Salah would come or he intended to bring along
something for him, but he forgot it's possible right? Or a person is extremely sick. And he's unable
to make time when somebody has asked a question that they were stuck in the snow storm and there was
snow everywhere, no mud anywhere, no dirt anywhere the car was clean, there was no dust. So how
should they do thermal in that case? Now the thing is that solder is fault it is mandatory and under
00:52:38 --> 00:52:41
			no circumstances should be left or delayed deliberately.
00:52:42 --> 00:52:58
			Deliberately. The only exception is when a person is unconscious or he's asleep. Therefore, just
because a person is not able to perform will do or is not able to perform to him. It doesn't mean
that he will leave his Salah or he will delay his salad No, he still has to pray on time. But how
can he
00:53:00 --> 00:53:05
			without them and without will do he will pray as he is
00:53:06 --> 00:53:49
			what's the evidence had done as a Courier New Year here follow the law Hebrew made him or her
definition of neuro water and Avi on our shutter and the hair that indeed she started she borrowed
me a smile from asthma her sister pillar that an atlas five rocket so it broke and it got lost
forbartha Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam Rajan and the prophets Allah Autism Center man for whatever
the * and then he eventually found it for at rocket masala too, and the time of Salah came upon
them well, a smart woman, and they had no water for saloon so they prayed as they were without
Voodoo. And there was no time at that time for Shaco Delica Illa Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam so
00:53:49 --> 00:54:02
			they complained to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam about this for ends at a low as revealed reverse of
demo for auto save the date. So saving date he said lira it shut the door I shall deliver on her
desert killer who
00:54:04 --> 00:54:35
			may Allah reward you with good for Allah He survived Allah man as Allah Viki Emraan, the Kareena who
man is Allah, it did not descend meaning it never happened Vicki with you on any matter, nothing has
happened with you that the crow he know that you dislike inla except jard Allahu they're lucky,
lucky when a Muslim in Iran except that Allah made that for you and for the Muslims. Because of
that, or in that much good.
00:54:36 --> 00:55:00
			There's never been anything that has happened with you and you dislike it but Allah placed much good
in it for you and for the rest of the Muslims. Now this is incident is the same but it's mentioned
in an abridged way. Apparently there seems to be contradiction, but there is no contradiction. It's
just mentioned in an abridged way that the prophets a lot of them stopped and he sent people to look
for the necklace and eventually the necklace was found. And what we learned here is that the
00:55:00 --> 00:55:21
			People were panicking, they had no water. And they prayed without water because the time of Salah
was going. Okay, so they prayed without water. And obviously they did not do them over here. So
that's exactly what we learned that when a person does not find water or the means to determine,
then he will pray as is.
00:55:22 --> 00:55:34
			And later on in this incident when the verses of Taemin were revealed, the people were not told to
repeat their prayer. So this means that their prayer without the amount without will do was valid.
00:55:36 --> 00:55:57
			All right. So why because for the cola, must Uttarakhand fear Allah as much as you are capable,
locally for long enough said, he loves her. And remember that one can pray for it as well as know if
you can pray your father, you can pray enough that you can pray your son as much as you want, even
without losing time when that's not a possibility for you.
00:55:58 --> 00:56:04
			So that means that it's okay, that if a person does not have the means to do time, even then he will
pray as he is.
00:56:05 --> 00:56:27
			That when the time for prayer comes in, first of all, a person will look for water, he will try his
best to find water. If he's not able to, then he will do time, if he's not able to time, he will
search for it, he will try his best if he's not able to, then he will practice. And there may be
situations where a person isn't able to tell him even
00:56:28 --> 00:56:47
			you know, for example, a person is sick, they're at a hospital, or they're in a bed, and there may
be water. They may be able to take him home even but there's nobody to help them. There's no way to
help them. They're not able to move even. So in that case, what should they do not pray. They're
conscious, they're alert.
00:56:48 --> 00:57:13
			That is mentioned that once she was extremely sick, she was not able to move and there was nobody
home. She was not able to move at all. And she could not do Voodoo she could not do the moment.
That's how she had to pray. So a person could be in such a situation. This is why it's necessary to
remember this. If you were stuck in this, may Allah protect you? But if you were then then where
would you return home? How would you design?
00:57:14 --> 00:57:14
			Tell me
00:57:15 --> 00:57:29
			there's carpet beneath your feet this carpet? Is it natural material, natural soil. It's not natural
soil. The stable that you have in front of you it's wood. It's not tree first. It's not tree so you
don't do timing with this word.
00:57:30 --> 00:57:44
			Okay, the window sill there may be dust on it. Okay, maybe if you really strike the carpet hard
there will be dust in it. So that means the carpet is dusty so the dust in the carpet you can use
that because dust comes from where? From soil.
00:57:45 --> 00:57:46
			What else can you try?
00:57:47 --> 00:57:53
			wild again they're painted but you have to check if there's dust on it then you will use that dust.
00:57:54 --> 00:58:11
			Yes if there are plants, Alhambra lights I'll clean the question is if there is a pot plants then
can you use that mud Of course you can definitely you can the mud can be wet it can be dry, it can
be sand it can have fertilizer as well every kind of natural soil
00:58:13 --> 00:58:36
			when it comes to wood, okay when it comes to wood, if it is attached to the ground in the sense that
it is connected with it, motorcycle that it is connected with it not that it is sitting on top of
it, but it is in the earth Okay, like the roots are spread all over the earth. Part of the tree is
actually under the earth. Okay, so in that case you will you can do time with that tree
00:58:37 --> 00:58:42
			the carpet itself no but if there's dust on it Yes.
00:58:43 --> 00:59:07
			Just like the wall the painted wall itself No, but if there's dust on it then yeah. So if you have
an allergy to dust then you make sure that you blow really well. See you don't find ground that is
made of gold. Not to saying that gold you don't find gold sitting there or the ground being made of
it but rock you see rocky terrain you see Rocky Mountains, okay, so it's a different thing.
00:59:08 --> 00:59:13
			Okay, so panic alone will become the kind of Chateau La ilaha illa Anta Misaki okona to be like
Assalamu alaikum