Taimiyyah Zubair – Bukhari 039 Knowledge Hadith 120 122

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The conversation covers the struggles of the people of the United States to learn new things and become successful in their field, including the importance of staying healthy and safe, finding the right level of knowledge, and not giving up on others. The speakers stress the need to be patient and not give up on their knowledge, while also acknowledging the challenges of learning and finding the right level of knowledge. The transcript is a jumbled mix of characters and symbols with no discernible conversation or exchange between speakers.
AI: Transcript ©
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Listen, I'm really cool with like America do

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a lot of Sweden Kareem rubella Humana shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim, rubbish rally Saturday where city Md melissani of koko de probenecid nerima

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tabular inshallah we will begin from number 120. Back to the chapter heading what is the chapter heading?

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haefliger in

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preserving knowledge

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and we learned about the memory of a blu ray who who I knew that how he complained once to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam about his weak memory. And then after that, when the Prophet sallallahu wasallam asked him to spread out his sheet and he wrapped it up then after that he never forgot anything. And this was a special gift of a lot of panel data to have a good I don't know.

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half dozen is Marylou potterhead attorney, I need me a bit. I'm sorry that in lochbuie an OB hooray data. Allah He said, ever would I look over and who He said He feels Do I have memorized? I have learned men from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam we are Amy I have memorized from him we are aiming to we are up What is it? We're

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a vessel a container. We are a fee saddlebag, okay it is basically something in which you put something and mainly where it is used for something in which water or milk is kept. So, a Buddha said that I have memorized from the prophets that have autism do we are up for unmask as for a head to whom and one of them do Sabbath as to who so I have spread it meaning I have narrated it, I have told people about it, what I'm after and as for the other fellow bas as to who if I would spread it, if I would tell people about it for today or so, it would be cut off had elbow room, this food pipe will room is used for the food bite esophagus, right? So in other words, my throat would be cut off.

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In other words, people would kill me, they would not tolerate that from me.

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What does it mean by we are a do containers do vessels? What are they? These are two containers full of full of knowledge that Abu hurayrah learn who he took from the Prophet sallallahu sallam. So in other words he took from the Prophet said a lot of them do types of knowledge, do types of them. So there are a no arraign two types of knowledge. One of them was that which has to do with their eating off the shittier. So for example,

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so none different things that he learned from the prophets autolysin, which have to do with the shittier, which have to do with every Muslim, he narrated that, and about that, what did he say? I had to whomever but that's true, I have spread meeting, I have narrated all of it, I've told people about it, I spread it out openly. I have taught that openly. And the other way or the other type of knowledge that he took from the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was that which had to do with the philosopher with regards to the fit and the fitna that would rise amongst the people. And we know that philosopher leadership amongst the Muslims, after the Prophet sallallahu sallam, it was very

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good until the time off, or modeling or after that we know that many people had embraced Islam recently. They came up with their own beliefs, you know, they had a lot of baggage. And they ascribed a lot of, you know, inappropriate traits to the family of the prophets are the loudest. And I'm saying that they had the right to leadership. And they're the ones who pushed a little bit lower and who and they created so much fitna amongst the Muslims. So there was a lot of intolerance amongst the Muslims at that time. So if a Buddha didn't know and who would narrate anything concerning that fitna concerning that khilafah, then because of the intolerance that people had,

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would they even have respect for a Buddha? Not at all, they would even kill him. So for kotera had that room, what does it mean that I would be killed, they would not even spare me. So this is the reason why he did not narrate such a hadith or such knowledge that he had. However, we cannot think that every little detail or new would actually conceal knowledge. No, he did not conceal it. Rather, he differed in conveying it. You understand? He differed at the moment when he said the statement, up until that time, he had not narrated that type of knowledge. However, afterwards, when things were different when he was able to, then he did so, because it would be unthinkable that a person

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such as him would conceal knowledge, conceal something that was necessary. But we learned many lessons from this from the way of a Buddha, I don't know. Why do you think he differed in conveying that knowledge? Why?

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Because it would cause fitna

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if you know about something and you know that the people

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Who are in front of you are not ready to accept it. They're not able to understand it. They're not at that level to fully comprehend it. And it would cause them to become angry it would cause them to negatively react to you, and you know, oppose you. And as a result leave you and not benefit from the rest of the knowledge that you have, then what's better?

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Start with things that are easier for people to take. Even when it comes to Dawa to al Qaeda. What do we learn in the Quran?

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What does Allah subhanaw taala say? That Kalia lol kita tolo Illa Kalimantan Sawa in Baden, Albania. Don't start with negativity. Don't start with differences. Start with common grounds. What is actually causing as we're spreading the fitna? Like, if we see something bad like that, we should just have the hikma of saying, No, I'm not going to be a continuing a person who's going to continue having this spread. And I was just thinking that much hikmah Heckman is very important. You know, many times it happens that, you know, there could be people sitting in front of you, and you're trying to teach them you're trying to tell them and you feel that, for example, their clothing is

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not that appropriate, or their hijab is not appropriate. What should you start with? What's the first lesson you should give? Fix your hijab? Fix your clothes? Yes, no, if you tell them, they're not going to come again. They will not listen to you again. Similarly, sometimes, we know the other people there are a slightly different, you know, for instance, they have a lot of love and respect for the bracelets and a lot of cinema or for the Olia of Allah. And if you start off with saying that the prophets Allah loves him as a human being, and he is dead, and these Olia are no people, you know what's going to happen, they're not going to listen to you. So gradually, people's level

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increases, gradually, they're able to take more, so give to the people what they can take

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somebody for the first time plus, if you start teaching grammar, what's going to happen? This is too difficult. There is no way people can do it. But if you give them in small doses, one thing here, one thing there, and you remind them what they learned previously and build upon that, then what's going to happen, they will be able to take it.

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It happens many times that people who are not that religious, you know, it takes them so much courage, so much thinking to actually come to a Koran class or a gathering such as that. And if you start off with things that are controversial, right, if you start with controversial topics, okay? Or you start with topics, which they may have a different opinion about, then you're going to chase them away, they will never come again. You know, our focus should be on drawing people closer to Allah subhanaw taala. To the deen, right. That's the end goal, isn't it? And if we forget that end goal, then what's going to happen we're going to get lost in other things, and the people will never

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ever get there because of us. A lower them this could be knowledge concerning the philosopher concerning the fifth now what the prophets that allows them to advise people to do he did give a lot of instruction to them, concerning the future, like for example, the inshallah we will learn about these in which he said, that do not return to disbelief after me killing one another. Right. So this is something that happened. And you see at that time, the fitna was so bad that the people do not even have tolerance for the companions of the Prophet satellizer. Remember, what happened to OSHA a little did I know, when he told that person? What did you say I know better than you. I know better

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than you. And we know about other people who actually went to the extent of killing the companions of the Prophet. So the lesson so this is why he said that if I were to say that I would be killed, this teaches is a very important lesson. Another very important lesson. And that is that when you're not that strong, don't call for trouble. Don't ask for trouble. Don't invite it. When you're strong enough, when you think you can deal with it, then be brave and stand up. But until you get there, don't try to be bold, because otherwise what's going to happen? You're going to suffer, you're going to be finished. Remember that all of the knowledge that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam taught that is

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beneficial. We cannot say that then causes fitna No, it is beneficial. But the situation of people, the times they're different. The circumstances are different. In some situations, the same knowledge which a person would take very seriously to heart and it could change them completely. In another situation, that would have a completely different effect, isn't it? This is just like water.

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It's very beneficial, isn't it? So if you give it to a thirsty person, they will drink it, it will really benefit them. But if you pour water on a marble floor and somebody walks on it, what's going to happen? They can fall and injure themselves. So can you blame water? No. You have to be careful as to where you pour it, how much you pour, and how you bore that's necessary.

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You see this in the Honors with how gradually things are built up. And you know, I remember somebody was on talking to her how one of the relatives they don't wear hijab, and she doesn't know how to talk to them. And she doesn't know how to make them understand. I said don't, don't start off with her job where you are

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things, if you think about it in the Koran wears hijab mentioned in the first just a second just know, when insult a new intellectual

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isn't at all. So why do you want to make that the first lesson? Let them you know, start praying let them develop the fear of Allah let them develop the fear of the fear, the fear of, you know, not obeying the commands of Allah subhanaw taala, what the consequences are of that. So then when a person builds gradually, then he's able to take it, like we've seen in the first lesson is of Nia starting with the basics, the most important things.

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And she asked me like, just a few things about the neighborhood. And then she started saying, so like you always wear the head covering? And I said, Yes. So she said, what will happen if you don't wear it? Then I said, Nothing. I felt like the way she was saying it, because she saw me walking in my husband, you know, with a big beard. So I felt like maybe she thought that I was being oppressed or something. So I just told her nothing. I said, I don't know if you know about Islam, like you are the one who can control the conversation, basically, instead of fixing their misconceptions or saying, Oh, yes, this is an obligation, I have to do this. That's not as important as them knowing

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that you have the belief in one God, and the five pillars, for example. So I started telling her like, you know, before you understand this, let me tell you what Islam is all about. And then when I told her, she was just like, you know, like, she was kind of like quiet, and her kid had had a really bad injury or something. So she was sharing that. I said, you know, sometimes bad things happen, but they're meant to be like something good. And then she started discussing with me, but basically, what I'm trying to say is that you don't have to, can express something that's not important for somebody right now. Like, they might not be able to understand it right now, if they

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don't understand the core, you know, concept of Islam. And one more thing is that we should maintain balance. I mean, sometimes it happens that people just want to talk about things that others are ready to take, and they want to listen to, and they'll be perfectly fine, they'll be happy to hear those things. And anything that they don't want to hear, we don't mention that at all. No, gradually, over time, we should also mention that, because just as, as important, other commands are also important. Our intention, remember, is not to please people, our intention is to make them better, is to impart the knowledge that we have to them. Okay. So if our goal is to make them happy,

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then we will never ever mention those things that they don't want to hear. But if our goal is to make them better people, then we will come up with a technique come up with a way so that we can eventually give them what they don't want to take as well. I mean, it should be in a manner that is appropriate should be when they're ready to take it, but we should gradually take them to that level, you understand that we see here that, you know, I knew he knew about something, but he knew that it was better not to mention that. So he kept silent with regards to that. And many times if we know about something that's controversial, you know, people have different opinions about there's a

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heated argument about it. We love to talk about those things, we love to discuss them. I've made this, you know, a rule for myself, anytime something controversial comes up. I don't like to discuss such things. You know, it's quite possible. If you talk to somebody and you try to explain to them what you think what you have found out, they have a different viewpoint. And they're very firm on it, and you're also firm on it, then we should not become divided over it. Stop talking about it. And there are some things which, you know, there has been istilah from the very beginning. So how do you think you can solve that today?

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You can't. So you have to accept it as it is. Whatever you understand to be the best. You accept that you stick to that, but don't enforce it and other people because it's going to lead to division, it's going to lead to estelar. It's going to lead to a greater fitna study the Hadees regarding the Rabbani who have been NASA visa, Gary L. macabre, Kibera, he said, this is almost sad. When the NASS are not ready for Kibera, then he wasn't giving it.

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H 13. to like, I don't know, like 20 ish. And I found out that they didn't even like their parents would like force them to come to the group. And because they thought like, they could just send their kids there, and they'll magically become better Muslims. But I found out that rather than, like we will do to see and when we do a date and everything, but I would always keep this part where it wouldn't be like me teaching them and we would just sit there and discussing and like, they just wanted to know really simple things. Like is it okay? for them? Like, you know, if they're going to like trouble in high school or something, is it okay to lie to their friend because some other

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friend wanted this or, you know, simple things. And I ended up like realizing, rather than trying to teach them stuff, I sort of just became like a mentor and an older friend for them. And then they wouldn't ask their mom things like, you know, a musical, okay to do no fast like this, if I'm doing this or whatever, they would always come to me. And it was only because they had like this safe sort of relationship with me, where I would know their weakness, and I would know that, you know, they're not wanting to not follow the dean. It's just that the safe place to to figure it out. Yes.

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I can remember me my coworker one time we were just working, we're just talking. She was asking me different questions about some stuff like that. And one thing that she asked me she was like, if you didn't wear that dress, or you didn't wear that, like pajamas, stuff, like what anything go wrong, like, what would your parents say? Like, they force you and stuff? I was like, No, I do this because I want to. And she's, uh, because previously one of our old managers, he she asked him the same question like, what would happen if your kids just didn't do this? Practice your faith One day, he said I would disown them. So then she was shocked. And when I told her that's what she had like this

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look on her face, like, Oh, so you guys, it's okay. Right? It's like, yeah.

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Many times when it comes to the arrow, we should talk about simple things, basic things that are related to, you know, the person that we're talking to. The other day, somebody was telling me that there was a recent convert somewhere and they went to see them and there was another person there as well. And the other Muslim person, he kept talking about controversial things, you know, that the other person was not ready to hear or the people who were there were not ready to hear. So Islam is not just controversial issues. Okay. There's much more beauty to our religion.

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And we should focus on that as well.

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Bad in Swati lilla Allah

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and in thought, listening attentively, listening silently, do lillet Rama, do the scholars, meaning, paying attention to what they're saying, being silent in the Majlis, listening carefully to what they're saying, in thought, is to listen to something attentively how, by being silent, quietly, because if a person is talking, then what will happen, he will not be able to listen, if you talk, you cannot listen. And if you're talking, then you cannot even understand what the other saying even if you can hear their words, but you can't fully comprehend what they're saying then your focus becomes something else. And you know, there are many things that we can multitask like for example,

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cooking and doing the dishes, you can do this at the same time, but you cannot listen and talk at the same time. This is something that you can't do, you can do many things with this you can never do.

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So, this in slot is necessary is steamer is what is the motto is to listen attentively, but in SOT is slightly more than that, how? That it is not just to listen attentively, but also silently quietly. So that all of your senses are focused on gaining what the other is giving. It is also said that insight is with both eyes.

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And he said an insight minute I named What does that mean? That inside is not complete except with looking as well. That if a person is looking down looking away, then that is not insult. Remember a bullshitter had a little or no What did he say? I heard with my ears and I saw with my eyes and I remember in my heart that is insulin.

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And this is something that is very important in order to gain knowledge. It is said that the first step of gaining is esteem or the second is insight. The second is insight to the first step is to listen at least the other is insult, and then hips. And then I'm a and then

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first is is Timur listening attentively inside being silent, hips, memorizing, remembering what a person has heard, what he has seen, and then normal, not just memorizing, but also acting on it, not just keeping it to yourself but not spreading it as well. The chapter heading is an insight linear learner listening attentively to the scholars were supposed to adopt silence, and listen attentively for two reasons. First of all, to show respect, because if a person is talking and you start talking, then what does it mean? That you don't care but what they're saying what you have to say is more important. So, the first reason is to show respect to each other. And we know that when it

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comes to gaining knowledge is essential, if a person does not observe proper other than he cannot gain and he cannot give.

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Secondly, do understand, to understand correctly, to receive fully and thus benefit from what a person has learned and also benefit others. Because if a person is talking he's distracted, then his level of understanding will not be the same as the one who was listening attentively. When it comes to the Quran, when the Quran is being recited, whatever we've been commanded to do to that silence over there. Why? Because it would be disrespectful that a person talks at that time. And if he talks he will not be able to listen and pay attention and understand and take benefit from what is being read. Unless parents are the child isn't either Korean and foster merula who will honestly do so.

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Similarly, when it comes to the statements of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam in his life when he was to say something, or when he would be at imageless the companions were told to lower their voices in the Latino buena aswat home or in the lawsuit la la cadena in Tana Lago Kubo lithoco.

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So, observing silence, in the presence of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is also something that is essential, likewise, when his hobbies are being narrated, when his Hadees is being studied, then at that time also we have to pay a lot of attention and that is not possible except with silence. And we see this in the past that how, when the people would gather together to learn Hadees, they would observe silence, they would remain silent, they would not talk at that time.

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And scholars who are they are, Lama are the ones that will appear they are the heirs of the prophets. So, just as our etiquette is to be with the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu etc, it is to be with the aroma as well. So, when there are Lama when they are teaching something, when they are instructing then what should our behavior be, that we should also observe silence over there. And those people who create noise, who who don't want to hug should be heard, then this is something that is extremely disrespectful and extremely disliked. We learned the Quran that we'll call alladhina cafaro lattice Murli huddle Quran, Willow fee, he make noise. So making noise at the time

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when something important is being recited narrative dot, this is something that does not befit a believer. This was a trait of who alladhina cafaro. So when we are in a gathering of knowledge, it is necessary that we maintain silence over there, out of respect, and in general also, whenever it is expected of us that we be silent and we listened attentively, then we should observe this etiquette. You know, for example, if our mother is telling us something, if our father's telling us something, a friend is advising an elderly person is advising us, then at that time, should we start talking amongst ourselves? No. You know, first of all, is something that is not liked at all. And

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then on top of that, if somebody is advising is talking to us, and we say well, they're not on they're not the preferred sort of artisan No, in general also, this is an other that a believer should maintain, whenever he is expected to remain silent, he should be silent over there.

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You know, for instance, it happens that if a person is in a classroom, where religion is being taught, he will be, you know, very proper, but when it comes to a classroom where something else is being taught, you know, many times people don't pay that much attention over there.

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And he's had this in a Hajin Kala had this in a Sherpa to California or the you know, mudrick in an evening, a visitor otter engineerin and an obeah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Jerry probably never knew. He said, that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam Carla who he said to him, he had to deal with dairy at the time of her gentle weather, farewell pilgrimage. He said to him, his demonstrating ness is known slaughter same route inside his transit center. What does that mean? To seek to ask? So it sounds like meaning ask is dumb city NASS. Ask the people to become silent, ask the people to be silent. And then when the people were silent for Carla, then the Prophet said a lot of them he

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addressed the people and all the things he said to them was what letter Do you do not return bardi after me cofilin as disbelievers yet rebo he strikes bar blucon some of you recover barbin the necks of others, meaning after my death do not revert to disbelief that you start killing one another, just like the kuffar just like the co founder,

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and had to deal with that how many people were there?

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How many people were there?

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100,000 a little over 100,000.

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And all of those people, were they in the close companionship with the Prophet sallallahu sallam. No, everybody was not like that. Not everybody lived in Medina. Not every one of them spent a lot of time with the prophet SAW the Lotus and many of them were recent comrades. Right? And because of that they lacked some basic other

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of them was to maintain silence in the presence of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, especially when he's addressing the people. So this is why people were talking they were being noisy. So he asked one of the companions that tell the people to be silent, ask them to be silent. He did not make him angry over there. He did not say go away. He just had asked the people to be silent. Why? Because they didn't know they were supposed to be silent.

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And we see that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he said to them letter D robotic O'Fallon don't revert after me cofound as disbelievers was he saying that do not become disbelievers. Literally. No. What it means is do not become like the disbelievers that the disbelievers. What do they do? They kill one another. They fight one another but when

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It comes to Muslims, we know that Muslim life is very sacred. If a person kills a Muslim, it's as though he's killed all of mankind. So, Muslims life is sacred. And as Muslims, we are not allowed to kill each other. Killing is only permissible for major crimes and that even an ordinary person cannot do. It's only in the hands of the body of the judge. Other people cannot do that. So anyway, he advised them that do not become cofell, meaning do not do what the co founder do, that they kill one another. And also the kuffaar are the ones who fight the Muslims. So you don't fight the Muslims. You don't fight one another. You don't kill one another.

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What do we learn in this Hadith, that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he asked, the people should become silent?

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So for example, if we're sitting somewhere and somebody tells us to be silent, what should we do? get offended over there. say that, you know, this is something important that I'm talking about? No, this is not something that we should do, we should not get offended by it. Rather, we should accept what the other is telling us because if you think about it, it is his right that he should be listened to, in a conversation, what happens, one person speaks, the other listens, then the other speaks and the first listens. Right? So when it's the right of the other to speak, what is our duty, that we should be silent? So if we're talking and he reminds us, then what should we do get upset

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over there get offended over there? No, we should accept it.

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And also, we should give the chance to other people to talk as well. People cannot stay silent for a very long time. And if you are for example, in front of young children in front of people who like to talk a lot, especially girls, you know, then what do you have to do? You should let them talk to one another.

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That may use the humbler Alimi man, what used to have boo, it is like little island for the island, the scholar it has so either when he is asked a university, which of the people

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is most knowing? So what is liked from the scholar, meaning how should he respond to such a question that Who is the most knowledgeable people, he should fire? qilu so he should Yeah, qilu meaning you should hand over he should interest in the knowledge in a law to have what is liked further on him. When he's asked about the most knowledgeable person that he should say, Allah knows a low fare killer him in a lot, meaning he should hand over all knowledge to ally in other words, allies, the one who is most knowing. So if somebody asks, Who knows most about this issue, or who knows most about the deen? So should you say that so and so person knows so and so person is the most

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knowledgeable person know, what should you say? Allah knows.

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Allah who I do not allow Arnhem. And we see that came, I'm even humbled. If he was ever asked about who knows most about this particular issue or that issue, he will just say, it's a little earlier Matt asked the scholars he would not say so and so person and so interprets, he would never specified the name of the scholar. Why? Because it would create with no marks that people you know, at that time, especially people were very, they love their scholars, and they love their teachers, and they love their Eman, if you ever spoke against their demand, and that's it, even today. So this is why am I even humbled he would say is I didn't really ask the scholars, he would never specify so

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and so scholar. What can we learn from this chapter heading, that Dr. Lim also has to observe proper Adam, when it comes to the rhythm of the deen. It's not mere information, it comes with a lot of protocol, protocol, a dog that the seeker has to observe, and the other that the giver also has to observe. So all the etiquettes that the teacher the scholar must observe is that first of all, he must know everything that he's the one who's most knowing. And then he should not pass judgments concerning other people. Whenever he says something, he should say, Allahu Allah knows best about this. This is what I think however Allah knows most about this, this is according to the best of my

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knowledge, to the best of my ability beyond that algorithm. And this is why we see that many times when you read a fatwa. At the end, what is mentioned, Allah knows best, a lower level.

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There's also one more important thing that we learned from this, that should we pass judgments concerning other people, positive or negative? Should we know we shouldn't? So for example, if we say that person is the best speaker, that person is the best scholar, that person is a specialist in this and he is the only one who knows about this. Should we pass judgments? No. Or should we say things like, negative even that person does not know anything? No. We are known ones to pass down

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And other people. And remember that people's state it changes. One day a person is very general you find a fault in them. And tomorrow, that fault is nowhere to be seen one day, they are very effective than the other day not at all. So the state of people who are alive, it keeps changing. We're not supposed to judge them, who judges a loss of penalty. And when is the final judgment made concerning a person when he dies? When he's gone? No, when it comes to like praising somebody, like for example, that person Mashallah she reads the Quran very beautifully, or she knows her translation really well. Or she brings very good examples where she did her research really well,

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it's good. But you don't say this person did the best. Because this is best, according to you.

00:30:48 --> 00:31:26

You know, these presentations that you had recently, I attended one of the groups and I heard you know, some people and I like some things, and I thought some things needed an improvement. And I was just listening to the discussions that people were having later on. I there was a her example was the best her introduction was the best, her introduction, not that impressive. And I have different opinions. Everybody looks at things with their own mind. So people differ. And what you might think as very best, the other might not think like that, what you might think is not the very best than the other person might think that it is the very best. So we should not make judgments concerning

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other people. Now, this doesn't mean that you don't get marked No, you do get marked, okay, because there were certain criteria on the basis of which you were supposed to be marked and given your feedback. But it would be incorrect to say that this person is the best, there's no one better than them. We are not allowed to say that. Because remember, if you make, for example, a positive statement concerning somebody, they're the best, then what do we run into these through breaking their back? Isn't it's bracing somebody on their face, you're ruining them, you're destroying them, you could corrupt their intention. And that's the greatest injustice you could do to them. That's

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the greatest harm that you can cause them.

00:32:03 --> 00:32:39

You know, we think that when we're praising somebody on their face, we're doing them a favor. We're being so good towards them. But if we praise somebody in a very exaggerated way in front of them, then we're destroying them. And negative statements, even negative judgments concerning people, we are shattering them, isn't it? Somebody has put in so much effort to do something and you're like, yeah, I mean, they're not that impressive in front of them or in front of other people, and they find out about it, you are ruining their competence. So be very careful with regards to this. Another very important lesson that we learned in this is that a person should not consider himself

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to be the most knowledgeable person because in this chapter heading the item when he's asked Who is the most knowledgeable person you should never say that I am, as we were learning the Hardys later in studies of Mozart Islam, and how that person should never think that he has the most knowledge No matter how much he has, because it's quite possible. There's somebody out there who knows more than them, isn't it? And we see this, you know, it's quite possible if you think about somebody they know the most, Mashallah, you might think about that. But then you hear lecture of another scholar, and you're like, wow, that's impressive. So people vary in their levels. And you should never think that

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you know, the most, even from small group of people, because there's always people who know more than you. And we also learn in this that we should avoid asking such questions such as who knows best, and who is best at this. We should not even put other people in fitna. Okay, in a difficulty. But there's one issue that we must understand over here. If somebody asks you, who is the most knowledgeable person, what do you say, a low earner. But if somebody asks you, who is the most knowing concerning this issue concerning this matter? And you know that there is a person who is a specialist in that field, who is an expert in that field, then should you specify their name? Yes,

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you should. Why? Because you're not saying that they are the best in all types of room. They have this kind of knowledge. And as far as you know, they are the best in that. This is just like if you know about the best doctor concerning a particular issue, then you refer, then you had the center of the law. hibben Mohammedan. Allah had the center sofian Allah had the center and maroon color. Bharani sorry, wg Baden. So he didn't debate he informed me. Carla. He said, I said live near Burson to even our bus. So sorry, the Benjamin he said to even our bus in the indeed, no fun. No. lb Kelly. Nope. lb Kelly, who is this person? He was a cavalry. He was at February and he was the step Son of

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God. Well,

00:34:51 --> 00:34:54

do you know about him? Who was he? The Jewish leader.

00:34:55 --> 00:34:59

He was a Jewish leader. So his steps on what do I mean by steps on

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The son of his wife, not from him, but from some one else. So no, I will be Kelly was the stepson of gobbler. And obviously he was a Muslim. No for Albuquerque. This is why we call him a dabbler. His father was not but he was and he used to narrate his life Elliot,

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why do you think you would need Israeli at his father was Jewish, so obviously he would know about it. So whatever he knew about, for example, musala Islam, that would really slam the Prophet about the history of Bani Israel, he would narrate that and what is it that we have been told about the slightly at marathon, there's no hydrogen there. However, do not say do not confirm or deny do not say that it is right and do not say that it is false. So he would need some extra Ilia. So one thing that he narrated one thing that he said was that musala Sam, or other Moosa, who is mentioned in the story of Hollywood in the Quran is not actually Moosa or a celebrity, some other Muslim.

00:36:02 --> 00:36:25

So sorry, the main debate when he heard about that he said to even our best that in an orphan, I'll be Kelly Yes, Romo. He thinks he asserts that under Moosa that indeed Musa laser be most urban Israelis not Musab Bani Israel, in Nima Hua moussaka indeed he some other Musa for call us even our bus it Coronavirus. The enemy of Allah has lied.

00:36:26 --> 00:36:41

In other words, what he is saying is false. It is not true in the Quran, Musa refers to Musa alayhis salam, the prophet of Allah, it doesn't refer to some other Musa it, isn't it the Prophet of Allah? The question is why do you think even a vessel in our notes is such a harsh statement?

00:36:42 --> 00:36:50

Why haven't we been told to be gentle and be very careful about the delicate hearts of other people?

00:36:51 --> 00:36:55

So why do you think he's had such a hard state? He was a companion of the Prophet solos. And he was formerly

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known as the one who narrated that so he's referring to him that

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we see that? No, he made a serious error in the interpretation of the Quran, in the interpretation of the son, he made a serious error. And this is not something that is small, it could be out of misunderstanding, it could be, you know, we give him the benefit of the doubt. It wasn't, you know, we don't think that a fairy would deliberately fabricate things know, a lower limb, he may have done it by accident, or by misunderstanding, or whatever it may be. But after all, it was something serious, isn't it?

00:37:29 --> 00:38:06

This is something serious. You're saying that the Prophet was mentioned the Quran is not actually property, somebody somebody else? I mean, this is serious, right? So this is why even Obasanjo he made such a harsh statement against that, that nobody dares to repeat such a statement. Remember that? the hearts of the scholars, right they are such that they hate falsehood. Think about it yourself, the knowledge that the little knowledge that we have gained, how much we love the truth. And if somebody ever contradicts that in any way, you know, yes, you start thinking about how to refute it. But doesn't your blood begin to boil and you begin to, you know, you become upset, you

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become emotional, isn't it? Now think about the person who specializes in that was a lot of enwave, the dean and somebody is uttering falsehood, mean, you would not like that at all, you would not tolerate it at all. So this is why we see such apparently harsh statements coming from even the Sahaba from great scholars of the past. Why? Because they did not like falsehood at all. And if they made such a harsh statement, it was to serve as a deterrent for other people never repeat such a thing. never dare to say such a thing. Yes, a blah, blah, blah, that they hate for the sake of Allah. But why would a person say something like that? that contradicts the Quran.

00:38:48 --> 00:39:21

Now, this doesn't mean that we start saying such things, we should definitely be careful. And remember that at that time, people's level of tolerance was also different. Like for example, if somebody was if even assets at a stadium concerning somebody, I mean, you wouldn't expect that they will become very upset and they would not listen to him. And, you know, when it came to the people of knowledge, we're not talking about the general people, people have knowledge, their level of tolerance was different. They were more accepting of one another. Then even our boss will deliver on who he narrated the Hadith in which we learned that most artists and I was actually the Prophet of

00:39:21 --> 00:39:42

Allah had the center he said he doesn't obey Ubuntu Carvin. He was he's another Companion of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam right and to be subtle already was Allah. Allah He said, Allah Musa Musa lisanna he stood, which Musa and bu the prophet will say. So in this hadith we learn that the Prophet that Musa was indeed the Prophet Musa.

00:39:43 --> 00:39:59

So Allah He said amamos interview, hopefully even as a hopefully, what is the word hollyburn. What is the grammatical state? How they been? What is it is monsoon good? And you have learned about the different types of muscle when a word is muscle?

00:40:00 --> 00:40:47

So why do you think this word is on so? Han, Han? So, karma, Mousavi, you hardly even Halekulani that he was. He was addressing the people, Fibonacci Israel in Israel for so so he was asked a university which of the people is are the most knowing who is the most knowledgeable person for column samosa number replied, an animal, I know more. I know most amongst the people, first of Allahu alayhi. So Allah was angry upon him, it lamb, because he did not Yoda he did not return meaning he did not refer under him at the knowledge elite to him meaning to Allah, Who said Islam should have said at that time, Allahu Harlem, but he said, I know more. I know most Musa is that I

00:40:47 --> 00:41:29

was a prophet of Allah. He is the one who received revelation, he's the one to Allah spoke to directly. So when it came to the knowledge of the deen, who knew most, who knew most from among the people? musasa however, look at the question. The question was, I even see our lamb, who is most knowing of the people meaning which person has the most knowledge of everything. It wasn't about the dean, it was in the general sense. So this is the reason why Masada Sam should not have said I, because there were people who knew more than him concerning other matters. So this is why Allah subhanaw taala became upset with him that he should have said, Allah knows who is most of the

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people, this teaches something very important. A person could be very good at one thing, but it doesn't mean that they're good at everything. We should not think like this concerning ourselves or about other people. That if we think that for example, I'm very good at my studies, I'm very good at my, on my solar, then I should never have an accident while I'm driving. You're driving. That's a different skill. And your knowledge of the Quran is a different skill. It doesn't mean that if you're good at this, you'll be good at that. Did you get it? It doesn't mean that so we should not make this generalization concerning ourselves or concerning other people. For Oh Allahu alayhi so

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Allah revealed to him and other than that, indeed, a servant military body for among my servants, be much more at Laney he will be at much mark the conjunction the meeting place of what Alba harangue of the two seas who are in america he is more annoying than you there's a servant of mine whom you who is at the junction of the two seas and he is more annoying than you are most artists and I'm sad to be oh my lord what kafer and how be doing meaning how can I get to him? How can I meet him? How can I learn from him felida Lexa it was set to him metal carry Hooton afresh where fee MIKTA in a container MIKTA is a large container in which 15 Sarah can fit Sarah is a measure of weight, volume.

00:42:58 --> 00:43:08

So if male and female carry a fish in a metal you can think about it if a fish has to be put in a container it has to be big.

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And especially if it has to be if it's a whole fish, not a fish that has been cut up into pieces but all fish fish generally long. So it has to be a big container. So carried in a container for either so when forgot the who when you lose it for her for her. So he some there notice the word for what? You see the sukoon on her. What do you have? Mama? Okay, I have discipline so far when you're saying who with another word attached before it that many times how would also get it so good. So far, so he would be thumb there.

00:43:46 --> 00:44:01

When you lose the fish the point where you lose the fish that is where that servant of Allah will be from Tanaka. So he went one Tata Tata who and he went with his father, with his young boy, and his name was you sharp even knew his servant boy. His name was Lucia

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wahama and both of them carried Hooton, offish female in a container had that until Ghana. Both of them were are in the Sahara near Iraq. They were by a huge boulder a huge rock. Well, they are they both placed Russa, Houma their heads, meaning they both put their heads down, and whenever and they both slept, they took a nap. And during that time for Ansel hoot, so the fish insular insula, it slipped out, it went secretly, it slipped away it escaped. So when they were sleeping, the fish escaped from where Milan MIKTA Fatah de Sevilla, who fell back at sarova. So it took its way in the sea. Saba, slipping away, gliding away, meaning it was swimming in a very strange way very quickly

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and it went away very quickly. Well, Canada and it will be limosa wafaa tahajjud and it will be something very amazing for Moosa and his brother if they were to

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See it. And we know from the commander, his Fatah, he saw that, but musasa was sleeping at that time. So he couldn't tell him and afterwards he forget. And when musallam asked for food that is when he remembered, so it was something amazing fantana so they both proceeded they went, but theater for the remaining of Laila to Hema, Wyoming Hema for the remaining of their night and day. So they continue traveling

00:45:24 --> 00:45:45

for them. So when us Baja, it was morning time, Allah Musa masala Sonam sadly Fatah who do his servant boy at the Nevada and I bring us our meal, our food locker dilla cleaner certainly we have met men suffering ahead and also back from this journey of ours a lot of fatigue meaning we have become very tired

00:45:46 --> 00:46:35

while I'm aged and he did not find who Musa Allison mussen mean and muscle mass. What does this mean? Touch men and NASA, NASA this fatigue getting tired. So in other words, mozzarella, Sam had not even felt tiredness. He did not even feel a little bit of tiredness had that until gel was Elle McCann, he crossed the place and lovely murabbi which he was commanded to go at. So the saucer until that point where they can where they slept at by the rock he did not suffer any tiredness at all. But after that when the departed again when they started traveling again then he started getting tired. So this is why he said bring us our food. We have become very very tired for Karla hufa who

00:46:35 --> 00:47:15

so his boy said to him, or he is a winner in a society for Indian acetal hoot. Did you see when we took refuge meaning when we rested by the rock? I forgot the fish meaning I forgot to mention about to fish to you. Allah Moosa Masada Sam said relic an akuna NaVi This is exactly what we were looking for. This is exactly what we wanted. That was our goal for that day either a 30 Hema kasasa so they both went back upon their thought upon their footsteps also saw retracing them so they went back because it was by the seat so you can imagine sand so they were looking for their footsteps. Where do they come from? And they were in when died retracing them back to the rock phenom so when entire,

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they both finished at they both ended up in a sorority to the rock. So in other words, they reach the rock they got their Eva then Roger on a man who said Jen, with our job. He was massagin with sobhan with clothes was that Jeff is someone who is shrouded someone was wrapped up. So in other words, he had his clothes wrapped around him. Oh call it the sad job. He thought he had wrapped himself with his totes for Salah Moosa Susana, he greeted him for color and how the other he said what anatomy or leka sent him and where we are liquor in your land is a setup meaning Where are you from? Who says Salam because it's quite possible that that place where Mr. listener was to meet how

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that was perhaps populated by people who were non Muslim. So how they were surprised that Who are you and how can you sing Salaam Where do you come from which land are you from? Which place are you from? For color? anamosa socialism said I am Musa for color so he said Musa nice? Why are you Moosa of the Bani Israel coroner? He said yes I am. Allah masala Salim said * after berocca me I follow you Allah upon and that on the condition that to illimani you teach me mimma of that which are limb that you have been taught or Russia or Russia in right guidance. So whatever you know of Russia, can you teach me some of that? May I accompany you for that reason, Allah said in the current study or

00:48:45 --> 00:49:31

Mario Sabra, you will never be able to have patience with me. Yeah, Musa Musa, any indeed I either element upon knowledge mean a lot of knowledge, a lot of Allah, Allah money, he has taught me it, let our alemu enter, you do not know of it. I have some knowledge that Allah has given to me. And you don't have that knowledge. What under and you are there element of our knowledge. I love America who Allah has stopped you. It meaning that knowledge, let our animal I do not know of it. I have some knowledge that Allah has given me and you don't know about it. And you have some knowledge that Allah has given you and I don't know about it. So every person's level of knowledge is different.

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And a person should not seek knowledge just for the purpose of competition. They know about this, I have to know about this as well. They're studying so I have to study this as well. No, learn what benefits you

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learn what you are good at. Every person does not have to be such that they have ijazah in Quranic recitation. It's quite possible. It's not their skill, but it is somebody else's skill. They have the potential to do it. So they should do it.

00:50:00 --> 00:50:36

Yes, they should. You could be very good at grammar, or you could not be good at grammar. If you're good at grammar, then Excel. And if you think it's not your strength, after the scores, you feel that you've tried and 100 like you do understand, but you feel that if you go this way, it might be too hard on you. Everybody's level is different. This is just like when people when they go to university, does everyone study everything? No, people study what they're good at. So, don't learn for the sake of competition. Learn what you can benefit from, and what you can benefit others with.

00:50:37 --> 00:51:12

Every person has been given knowledge by Allah, and every person's level is different, and the type will also be different. Allah Masada Salaam said Saturday dooney You shall find me in sha Allah, if Allah wills saw bill on patient, if Allah will do find me very patient, meaning I will stay with you. And I will try my best to learn this. Because many times it happens that if a person tries to learn something that they're not good at, it's not their specialty, then they become fed up very quickly, they become tired very quickly, they give up very quickly. There's some things that we have to learn, for example, basic grammar, we have to learn because if we don't learn it, we want people

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to understand that but it doesn't mean that everybody has to become excellent in academia. Because if you think that is your goal, then what will happen, you will become disappointed and you will give up and you don't want to give up you want to continue in what you are good at. So, continuing that. So, Mr. Edison said you will find me patient I will do my best. So, what happened then? And he said well, I actually like an ombre and I will not disobey you in anything at all from de la casa both of them went out EMG and both of them were walking rlsa hidden battery on the Sahil the cost of alcohol of the C lace Allahumma Safina they did not have any ship to embark on. So, they just

00:51:52 --> 00:52:32

started walking by the sea from on what became so it passed by them Safina a ship a ship passed by them for kalamoon. So, they spoke to them due to the people of the ship, the illuma that they should carry them for the FDA and how they saw that he was recognized by the people of the ship. So when they recognized how they they said of course for hemangioma, so the carrot both of them will end in Olin without any known now what does that mean? Any fee very good when you read the sentence you can figure out what words mean even if you don't have the literal meaning at least you can make sense of what is being said no one is cost freight you know something that is paid something that is given to

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someone. So be it Nolan without any charges they took him they took they took them on the ship fudger or food on so there came a bird was food is a sparrow for what Gara ALLAH hafiz Safina so Walker it fell meaning it landed. It said we're on the edge of the ship. So a bird came and it said at the edge of the ship for nakara so it made a whole nakara it made a hole into the sea so that it took some water out of it into its beak nakara nakara either nuclear have enough to blow to hit to make a hole so it dipped its beak into the water. You understand it dipped its beak into the water once or twice how much water do you think it would have taken in this week? How much hardly anything

00:53:22 --> 00:53:46

a few drops. So at this for coral how they're so Heather Surya Musa Musa manna Casa it has not reduced me my knowledge well mocha and your knowledge mean your element from the knowledge of Allah. My knowledge and your knowledge combined have not reduced from the knowledge of Allah Illa except cannot karate handlers fulfilled

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like the Necro of this bird in the sea, the bird, how much water Did you take out of the sea? A few drops? Did it cause any shortage in DC Not at all. Likewise, our knowledge No matter how much we have, no matter how much each person has all of that knowledge combined is still just a fraction. A very, very tiny fraction of the knowledge of Allah. A very deep lesson, no matter how much we know, we know very less. We know very, very little a there's always somebody who knows more than us, who's better than something else that we're not better at. And on top of everything. Allah subhanaw taala knows about everything. So person should always remain humble in his with regards to his reign. So

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then what happened furama The Hobbit So then how did he intended meaning he aim that he approached Isla towards Lohan a plank min l where has the affinity from the planks of the ship furniture Oh, so he pulled it out he entered out. He approached one of the planks that had made the ship and he pulled it out for Karla musasa Masada. He said to him that Coleman Vera people hammer Luna they have carried us building out and without any charges free of cost Amata it is

00:55:00 --> 00:55:42

In a team, you approach their subpoena for hirakata. You destroyed it later, so that you may cause its people to drown corner, he said, and I'll call Did I not say in the context of Dr. Maria Saba, you will never ever be able to have patience with me. Allah He said, let me Don't call me to account for what I forgot. I'm sorry, I forgot. fecundity. oola Mimosa michiana. for Canada, it was a Lula the first Mimosa for musasa michiana. Africa from us. This is the first time that musante Sena forgot from Tanaka. So both of them, they continued for it. So then who am on there was a boy or girl or boy, he was playing Marlin real money with two other boys. So there was a boy who was

00:55:42 --> 00:56:28

playing with other children for a little hobby. So whether he took bureaucracy with his head, min or an algo from the top fluc de la so he pulled it out. What? So his head how big he with his hands. So all of a sudden, how they took all of that boy, and he pulled out his head in his hands. He killed that boy right there. And then imagine you witnessed such a thing. How would you react for Karla Moosa aka Delta Nelson, who saw this and said, Are you kidding? A person alive zakian pure, innocent relating of sin, without any soul being that child, he did not kill any person that you have to kill him? He's an innocent child, although he said alum calaca Did I not say to you in Nikola Tesla to

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Maria sobre, that you will never ever be able to have patience with me or ignore Dana, if not Rihanna, one of the managers. He said, we'll have that and this olcott more emphatic meaning this time that COVID reproached moosari Listen, this was more severe how that he said, lm a cold laka Did I not say to you that innaka that indeed you learn testily or you will not have patience with me. So it was more severe, because he had given him a warning before but again, we saw this and um, he interfered, he wasn't patient at that point. So what happened from tala Casa both of them went had that until either at IKEA when they came to when they approach a period in the people of a city of a

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town, and it's the farmer. They both asked for food from who? its people. So when moussaka they went there to people, they asked them for food for about so the people refused, and you by the format, that they should take them as guests that they should offer any hospitality to them for whatever their fee had you down. So they both found a wall in there. You read the onion cover, it was about to fall for akarma So how did he fix the wall? color? He said, I'll have the other bat with his hand for a comma who so he fixed it. Meaning allegedly he fixed the wall * with his hands for Cardinal homosassa Messiah Sam said to him lotion that if you wanted let the Hassan II know you could have

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taken on it some wage some reward. These people didn't offer you any food, you could have charged them for the service that you gave. All I had a fear of any woman and she said this is this is my separate This is separation between me and you are an abuse and allow her to sell and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, your hammer lomasa may Allah have mercy and Moosa lower didn't surely we loved low sabara if he could be patient had that until you cancel it will be narrated arlena upon us when Emory Hema have their affair, meaning only musasa was a little more efficient so we could have learned more about what they did and what they went you know the journey could have continued and we

00:58:32 --> 00:58:46

could have learned more. There are many things that we learned in this Hadees and inshallah we will go over the lessons tomorrow inshallah. soprano Golan will be handy Ganesha to a la ilaha illa Anta Mr. Ferrell coming into really a Santa Monica with the library.

Lesson 39 – Chapter 42-44 Hadith 120-122

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