Suzy Ismail – #76 & #77 AzZahir & AlBatin

Suzy Ismail
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses incorporating the name Islam into their daily lives to improve relationships with families. They share their belief that Islam is a natural expression of the God and that everyone should be partake in his beauty. They also discuss the importance of incorporating the characteristics of Islam into their daily lives to achieve their goals.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum it's nice to see you again as we continue to bring the

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divine into the daily by understanding how we can

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incorporate the 99 names of Allah subhanaw taala. And the meanings

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of those names or the characteristics of those names

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into our their daily lives, to improve our relationship with our

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Today is the day of alpha. And I pray that Allah subhanaw taala,

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showers us all with his blessings, and a, an opportunity to get

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closer and closer to him by knowing Him better and better. The

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term out of means to know and this is the opportunity that we all

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seek to know Allah subhanaw taala through His names and through his

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characteristics. And I pray that Allah subhanaw taala accepts the

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fasting, the good deeds and the supplications of all those who are

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partaking in the beauty of the Day of Arafah today, and accepts the

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hedge of all those who stand on Jabba LACMA today in Hartford.

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So we understand Allah subhanaw taala through His names, and the

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two names that we are going to discuss today is as though header

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Walton, which is the manifest and the unmanifest. Or the the hidden

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for El botton, and the one that is not hidden for Azhar.

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How do we incorporate these names into our daily lives? Oftentimes,

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you know, when we are scrolling through our Facebook news feeds,

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when we were looking through photo albums on Instagram, or on

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Snapchat, we begin to see a Zohar, we judge others whether they are

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families or couples or even individuals by Zaha by what we see

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exhibited to the world. But many times we don't know what Albertan

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is, what is hidden what is going on in the homes of individuals.

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And yet we are reminded of the Hadith of the Rasulullah

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sallallahu alayhi wasallam, where he told us the best of you is the

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best to your family. It is behind those closed doors. In those

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moments of El botton of the hidden, that our marriages matter

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the most, that our relationships matter the most, that our actions

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matter the most, because it is far away from the eyes of others, but

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it is in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala who is a Zaha who is a

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robot and that our actions towards our family, towards our spouse

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towards our children must be actions that are sustainable

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actions that are maintained actions that are intended to

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please Allah subhanaw taala and to please our spouses for the sake of

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Allah subhanaw taala. And so as we live in an era that keeps

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stressing a Zohar, we ourselves want to focus on Albertan what is

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in our hearts, what is in our homes, I pray that Allah subhanaw

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taala allows allotted the hidden of our lives to be more beautiful

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and more beneficial than that which is external than a Zohar.

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Because in a Zohar, we can sometimes suffer from Allah yet

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from showing off, but in a lot and it is between us and our spouses.

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It is moments that are defined by things that the world won't see.

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But Allah Subhana Allah, Allah will always see. So I pray that

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Allah subhanaw taala blesses you and your families on this day of

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Arafah allows us to continue to know him better and better and to

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incorporate the characteristics of the Divine into our daily lives.

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