Suzy Ismail – #67 AlWahid

Suzy Ismail
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of understanding how to apply the 99 names of subhanaw taala into their daily life to improve their relationship with their spouse and children. They emphasize the need for sincerity in their daily actions to avoid embarrassment and the importance of their actions for their health and well-being. They also mention their desire to be sincere in their actions to facilitate their plans for the future.
AI: Transcript ©
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Monica, it's nice to see you again as we continue to bring the divine

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into the daily by understanding how we can apply the 99 names of

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Allah subhanaw taala and the characteristics of those names

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into our daily lives to improve the relationship with our spouse,

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and with our children. It's nice to be back outside again, where

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spring looks like it's finally making its way towards us. And

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remembering the names of Allah subhanaw taala in the bounty of

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nature is the best place that we can do it. So the name that we're

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going to discuss today is and when,

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of course, when we think of Allah subhanaw taala, we are reminded

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that he is ahead and way ahead, the one the only one, the Eternal

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One. Now, interestingly enough, when we look at the Quran, and we

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look at the chapter in the Quran, that has the most beautiful

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emphasis on the Oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala we see that it

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exists in Surah al Ikhlas Kouwenhoven Allahu Ahad and we

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understand the Oneness of Allah subhanaw taala as a way ahead,

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within the verses of that short surah. Yet, beautifully, the name

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of that chapter is not a lower head and ahead, it is not the one

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but it is a loss, which means sincerity. And that's what we want

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to address today. Sincerity in our relationships, sincerity in our

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connection with our spouse and with our children, for the sake of

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Allah subhanaw taala. And we're head when we wake up in the

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morning, and we may be rushing during our day trying to get our

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children ready for school trying to get breakfast ready. Maybe if

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we you know, we're not married, and we're just taking care of

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ourselves, trying to get to the gym trying to make it to work on

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time. In all of those situations. The most important element that

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can connect our day to day actions, whether it is being with

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our family, helping our family, taking care of our children,

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taking care of our spouse or taking care of ourselves is

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sincerity. And we declare that sincerity through our intentions.

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When we keep our intentions pure and begin every element that we do

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in our day with Bismillah R Rahman Rahim in the Name of Allah, the

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Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful. We are reminded of what

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our purpose is, and we ensure that all that we do, we do for the sake

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of Allah health, we do with a sense of sincerity, as we are

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reminded and sort of close because this is true Taqwa. This is the

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essence of the hate. The essence of telehealth lies in our

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sincerity. So I pray that Allah subhanaw taala keeps us always

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sincere in our actions and facilitates for us the ability to

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be sincere. Whether it is in making dinner for our family, in

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smiling at our spouse after a long day of work, and cleaning our

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homes in going to the gym and taking care of ourselves or in

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completing our work with SN recommitting ourselves to the

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sincerity towards a way ahead ahead is the most important goal.

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Does that come a little higher and I look forward to seeing you again

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as we continue to bring the divine into the daily astrological

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