Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Book Launch Islam and Politics Shaykh Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani
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AI: Transcript ©
mashallah, thank you very much very nice summary of the word
Prince Highness Prince.
I was singing on one side we have His Royal Highness Prince then on
the other side we have the monster that you know all beings in this
field of mashallah fakenham from Sri Lanka Hadees may have lost
time standing orders and
they don't want to scale so much
of this app has amazing pulling power we have so many order miles
over a year and so many guests from Denmark develop
them all are coming and participating and making this
class also may Allah reward for the idea as well
for bringing us together I think we will pass my proposal of this
so you can no longer and how
are you happy?
Well, Allah wa
when Ryan Ryan
is a candy,
have a loved
one or not, but I'm on Madeira. We're not going into that won't
work out on your mind.
My brothers and sisters, as salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa
Because indeed,
a great honor and pleasure for me to be in Ludwigs this evening.
And sitting next to his highness, Prince
Abdullah with Allah.
Let me begin
very innovative
book of his arrival, right highness, I wanted to guide to the
themes of the surah of the Quran.
In fact,
I have the honor
that His Royal Highness
first floated the idea of collecting the themes of the tour
of the Holy Quran.
With myself, here in London, last year,
we were sitting together at a cup of tea. And he floated the idea
that glucose, he asked me, whether you feel that there should be a
book that compiles the themes of the surah of the Holy Quran.
I welcome the idea.
And at the same time, I felt that it is very difficult job.
And at the same time, it is into good as well.
So, I encouraged him.
But I couldn't, could not feel that this type of work.
This type of work which has with the requires a deep knowledge of
the Holy Quran, can be done in one or two months or three months.
But not more than three months pass that His Royal Highness sent
to me the manuscript of the office in the world.
And I went through it, and was astonished that in this short
period Alhamdulillah, Allah subhanaw taala has given him Tofik
to compile these themes, not only claiming that this is the theme of
of the surah
but also explaining verse by verse,
how these verses relate to the basic theme of the surah.
So Hamdulillah, I felt that Allah subhanaw taala has given him some
inspiration to understand the these themes, although as
explained by himself and by my
brother, Mara Rahman, Mangueira that this is an interior of his
jihad. And no one can say
that what I am saying is the only right theme of the surah.
There may be that some other people have a bit but better
understanding and that is why, through his humor humility has he
has not named the his book as a guide to the themes of the persona
of the Holy Quran. But he said a tentative guide, a tentative guide
to the themes of them throughout the Quran. But I must admit, we
must admit that this is a pioneering work in this in this
order, although many books have been written by many FCDs of the
Holy Quran, like Buckeye, Rahim, Allah Tala and also in our recent
IRS, yes, some,
some books have appeared. But they appeared in a way that they dis
join them from the teachings of the Sunnah of the holy prophets.
And that in that way, instead of guiding the Army's guidance,
fear in reality, so, our Hamdulillah I found that he has
acquired the same path as our self, self Salahi Salahaddin
Alhamdulillah they have adopted and based on that on their
guidance, Alhamdulillah he has done this work, and I hope and I,
you know, pray Allah subhanaw taala that may he may give him
toffee to complete the work, because this is relating to first
pal, I think first time to rob the Holy Quran. So, Alhamdulillah and
I have the honor that Alhamdulillah
from the very beginning to the, to the, to the end, I was the I have
been associated by Him by His Royal Highness
in comprehend On compiling this book Alhamdulillah and
being a very short treatise, it is very easy to understand is very
easy to solve.
Every very easy
to read, Inshallah, it will be of much benefit to the whole of OMA,
may Allah Allah Allah Allah gave him the best award, both here and
hereafter Inshallah,
now of coming to my book, that is Islam and politics,
it is always very difficult for me to speak on my own book.
And it creates a dilemma for me, how
should I speak about what my self has written?
and this complication, or this difficulty,
is more difficult, more more
disturbing me, that this book is written by a person
who has nothing to do with politics further with
with the
active participation in politics, I have never been a politician.
Not do I, I intend to be so. So Alhamdulillah I have been always
limited to my being or to be a student of Islamic sharia and
Islamic fear Hadees. And,
and I've never been involved in any type of politics, nor was I
ever been a member of any political party.
So, it is strange that a person who has nothing to do with actual
politics, he has a he writes a book about politics and Islam.
But in looking from from another point,
sometimes a person who is not involved in a party or in a in a
political organization, he looks at politics,
unbiased in an unbiased way.
You can
give this book preference in the sense that it is it is written by
a person who has no inherent interest in politics at all. So
therefore, yes, this books, being a student of Islam, being a
student of Islamic Sharia being a student of Quran, Allah Kareem and
Hadith are hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu.
I tried to
the status of politics in Islam.
And if an Islamic state, a Muslim state, having majority of Muslims,
if it creates an Islamic State and trusens How can it be workable in
our present time? This is the basic theme of the whole book.
And I would refer to certain points.
there is a misconception found in our poor in our today's political,
Islamic political organizations, Islamic political parties.
And they have two different extremes.
There are people who have limited the Islamic Sharia, to some
rituals of worship. In Salah song, the gar had an accent.
They have the feel that Islam has no injunction or precepts about
And this This concept is for is developed by the secular, secular
secularism that have been the fashionable idea or fashionable
theory of today, secularism,
which says that religion is something quite different from
politics, or government.
The agent has nothing to do with government, government has nothing
to do with religion. So, every individual religion is an
individual matter. And one can practice religion, that that is
more like to him. And he indwell life he may adopt any religion he
likes. But so far as government is concerned, so far as the state is
concerned, is state should we run purely on secular basis and
globally on secular principles?
This idea was brought by many thinkers in the West, and finally,
it has currency had currency in the whole world.
But I feel that this secularism, secularism, or secular theory,
in fact, was the reaction of the theocracy. That was, you know,
that was ruling the world for centuries, politically,
although the word theocracy, in its literal sense,
is very,
very right and true. Cloak racy means the, the the sovereignty of
To in Greek language means
God and Cressy means sovereignty. So Cloaker se, taken x in his
literal sense, was not wrong, because it is God it is Allah
subhanaw taala, who has created this universe, and he has the
right to rule the whole world. To true currency in a literal sense
was not not wrong.
But when it was implemented,
implemented by Christianity,
or implicated by some other religions.
The problem was that their scriptures, their basic
scriptures, had very few words or guidance about politics, and how
to run a government, the precept of injunctions how to run a
government. This was not not completely
explained in the Scripture.
So now, when a person
seeks what is the instruction of our reason about a particular
political issue they use to turn to their,
their Afghan, a robot, that they are
the religious leaders, for example, they, you know, gave
guidance according to their own reasons.
And sometimes, sometimes, unfortunately, by their own
interests. So therefore, it created a great problem.
In calculus, it made a great problem, because it means that the
actual sovereignty is off the charts, for example, or
sovereignty is of the, of the pious people of Christianity. So,
so, so,
so much so that the Pope has been taken as infallible in original
Roman Catholic
dogma. He's infallible if we issued a ruling that is binding
for all times to come. And no one can say that your ruling is
against the Holy Quran or against the Bible, or against their own
scriptures. So, this created the problem. And then, when the
Western people,
particularly, were fed up with this kind of theocracy, there
there emerged a number of philosophers who above the
theories of politics, and ultimately they came to the
conclusion that
secularism is the best thing to separate between religion and
This concept of secularism was not acceptable in according to the
Holy Quran, and for now the Holy Prophet
because the Holy Quran, and Holy Quran and Sunnah of the Prophet
sallahu wa salam gave us guidance in every sphere of our life after
life. So the people
confronted secularism. But while confronting secularism, there are
some people who, who admitted that secular ism is the best solution.
And therefore, they,
they interpreted the verses of the Holy Quran and the
sayings of the Prophet Seraphim in a way that may be maybe matching
with the secular idea. And they say, yes, there is no harm, we
will restrict ourselves to the masjid, mosque, and our madrasahs.
And we have nothing to do with what the people are doing while
running a government.
There is a person
shared more among elected officials from Adana,
that the matters of government are known only to the rulers. So we
must be satisfied with what are they doing? We must concentrate
ourself to do some forms of worship, we go to module two,
praise Allah, etc. This was one extreme.
The second extreme was against secularism, that there came some
organization, some parties,
and they claimed that the basic goal of Islam is to form an
Islamic state.
And the basic objective from all the precepts of failure is to form
an Islamic state.
And for that purpose, they have interpreted all the precepts of
Sharia accordingly. For example, they said that five times prayer
is prescribed by the Holy Quran, or also now the Holy Prophet
salaallah Salam why by Islam, the basic purpose of five times braver
Is that people come together in a mosque, in a mosque, and think
about how to create an Islamic state. This is the basic purpose
of driving a Yamaha in muster.
And if there is a hedge, or prescribe
HUD. So this HUD is actually an international conference,
International Islamic conference where all the people should get
together and talk to many, to discuss what are the ways and
means to create an Islamic estate. So they reward all the Islamic
precepts according to the political goals or particular
political aims.
So, the ultimate result was that instead, instead of Islamization
of politics, they politicized Islam.
So this was another extreme that we have experienced in our modern
modern world, there are many people who say that if
there is no Islamic State or a person who has not succeeded to
form an Islamic state, then he is he has a no, no, no place in the,
in the in the leaders of Islam.
So much so that I remember, a very famous writer of our day, was once
asked asked that, if we go through the lives of the prophets
there was it is said that there was 100,000 1100 20,000 prophets
sent by Allah Spano Tala, how many of them found in Islamic history.
So if you find that there are some Israeli prophets, they form, San
Miguel says, and that ultimately, our federal law, federal service,
formerly state, but all other prophets could not form. So it
means that they could not succeed in the basic goal of them.
So he, somebody asked them
why all the prophets were unsuccessful, and in the basic
goal of the of the
so the answer was, yes, they did not succeed.
They did not succeed. Only those profits were successful who formed
and Assamese.
So this was another extreme.
The fact is, that Al Hamdulillah Islam has
given us instructions, about every sphere of life of our life,
including politics.
But being a part of Islamic teaching does not mean in itself,
that it is the only goal of Islam. For example,
Allah subhanaw taala has given us you know, Allah subhanaw taala in
Quran and also rasool Allah,
in his Hadith has emphasized on trade and commerce, commercial
activities, they have
mentioned that the honest trader
and truthful trader will be with the Gambia prophets and Siddiqui
in our shahada and Salah Hain on the Day of Judgment. So, there are
instructions about our trade, what is halal what is haram?
But one cannot say that the basic goal of deen is trade and
basic goal of Islamic teachings is to
is commercial activity. Likewise Alhamdulillah the Holy Quran and
Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu Salam have given us guidance about
our politics also.
But it does not mean that this is the only goal of the this is one
point that I have made clear in the very beginning. So that this
must must misconcept
these two extremes must be understood fully and perfect.
This is one point
that I wanted to make.
The other point is that
it is the beauty of the Holy Quran and Sunnah of the Prophet
sallallahu Sallam
that in our collective affair,
at gives gives us some basic principles.
So far, you are
following those Buddhist principles, that details are left
to the people of the Ummah, in different times.
And this is very true about the guidance given by Islam in
It has some, some basic principles,
but abiding by these principles, you can form the government
according to the needs of your time.
So, this is the beauty of Islam that it does not impose a detailed
program or detailed, detailed,
detailed law or detail, the Constitution of Afghanistan with
the state, it gives us some, some broad principles.
And under those broad principles, we can make up our government
according to the needs of our time.
So that the one of these principles, the basic principle
is in a lalalala.
In your help, como de la la la. So our NT belongs only to Allah
subhana wa.
He is this our end of the world, he is our end of the whole
Once this principle is my is in mind, it automatically, you know,
this is nice in the principle that the government should be run
according to what Allah subhanaw taala has, has given us the
guidance about it, you know, no legislation could be against the
Holy Quran, or against the value or the Sunnah of the Prophet
sallahu wa salam. And no one can be elected or
selected as the ruler
who does not admit that the real sovereignty belongs to Allah.
But here is a very,
very big difference between the theocracy
that was practiced in the past, in our past, at between the principle
of Indian law. That difference is that when we say that the
sovereignty belongs to Allah really means Allah.
Not the scholars or preachers.
Allah subhanaw taala says that you must follow the Holy Quran
or must follow the holy the Sunnah of the Prophet
and Quran and Sunnah have given us some guidance about politics as
And it is not like
Bible for example, that have very, very little guidance also discuss
about politics. So when we say that the stage will be run
according to the Holy Quran and Sunnah, that Holy Quran and Sunnah
has given us you know, very clear guidance in some, some affair, but
the other half years have been left to the people to the Muslims
of the Ummah, in each and every time according to their needs.
This is the basic idea
in Iraq, Allah Allah Allah.
So, whenever a person is appointed at the rule as a ruler,
he is acting, acting as a Wi Fi of Allah subhanaw taala he is acting
as a as an agent of Allah subhanho wa Taala to rule the country,
according to the teachings of the Holy Quran and Sunnah of the
Prophet. That is why, in past it was called Khalifa. Khalifa means
viceroy or
A wise person why'd you know a second person representing the
original one. So, this is clever, but nomenclature is not
very important, you will name it follow him Khalifa you will name
him I mean, you even Name him as Malik as
emperor, for example, because Allah subhanaw taala says,
While discussing his blessings to the bunnies ride the dollar free
come on br Moluccas.
So, even nomenclature does not have any importance, you can no
name here, Khalifa you can name him as a maid, you can name him as
president, you can name him even as money. But there are some some
basic qualities
that are prerequisite for a person to be appointed anime.
These qualities have been fully described in the Holy Quran and
and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallahu wa salam. In our modern
system, political systems, the only requirement is that he gets
the most of the majority majority. That's it. There are no
requirements, there are no no qualifications.
In most of the countries, the only qualification is that he has been
elected by the majority of the people. That's it. But Islam has
clearly mentioned that the the head of the state must have the
some qualities.
you call it nothing,
call our mean giulietti call Allah and Allah dissolving. So here it
was Kydland Lee mentioned that a person who has a who has not a
good character, or he's not competent to run a country cannot
be appointed as imam or as enemy. So, this is one of the basic
difference between the other political system and the system of
Islam. I have explained this in this book. Thirdly, sometimes when
we refer to khalifa,
or Emile, Emile or Momineen.
The there is a misconception
in many minds, that this Iranian woman or Khalifa or Amin,
he is a dictator.
He's like a dictator,
and is authoritarian
government and the Khalifa.
Allah subhanaw taala in Holy Quran has
good Killian, you mentioned that this is not the case.
You know, when we when we study Islam, we must differentiate
between the original principle and between the acts of some people
unfortunately, in our past,
although the, the, the rulers named themselves as Khalifa or
Emil or Momineen, but they
for according to their own actions, they acted as a dictator.
And therefore, they did not follow the commands of the Holy Quran.
And for now, Bill profits are rotten with actual time.
The only example is as though those of qualify Russia and some
few rulers that came after them, Omar, Al Aziz, for example, or
some other but there are no in our past, unfortunately, an example
very few examples who really followed the instructions of the
Quran. So there is no dictatorship in Islam.
Allah subhanaw taala clearly says amerihome Shura by now
they are a whole must be settled by mutual consultation to their
mutual consultation is necessary. This is the second principle of
Islamic State but this matura
You know,
in the days of the horrify regime,
for example, there was a
term often used as a rule Hello evil act,
who appointed the Khalifa 100 held you will up.
But those are HollyWell African leaders of the community leaders
of the community, in tribal society, in tribal communities,
those under high level after what automatically accepted by all
people, the tribal heads and the influential people of the tribe
may be held might be held as a Hollywood Apple, there was no
system of electing them.
So, they were automatically called under Hollywood. So, they elected
the Emilio Momineen, they elected the Khalifa.
In other terms, in our modern terms, we can say that these laws
alcohol you will happen, what electronic callings for electing
the ruler of the country.
So, these, there was no such
such system, that the people voted
in favor of some some of the and they became Hollywood happened.
But in our modern times,
if we say that I will help you will will appoint the ruler,
ruler of the country, how can we determine who are who rallied
around everyone is standing, say, I am irrelevant, unless I am
consulted, nobody can be elected as ruler or as me or Khalifa. So,
I have given in this book, this is one problem in our modern days.
The other problem is that, as rightly pointed out by His Royal
Highness, that in our election system,
the system is such that everybody stands up, and he presents himself
contents, his opposition, his opposing party
He says, Yes, I am able to run the government.
I am so and so I have so many I have, you know, accomplished so
many works. And I'm to be I am the only person who should be elected
as such.
And then on the other way, when we go to the things of Holy Prophet
salallahu Salam, he says nobody can try to be a ruler,
nobody should present himself or tries or struggle to be appointed
as a ruler or as a worthy or,
I mean, I mean,
so how to combine these two things. One is the election, and
the other is to refrain from calling himself the only candidate
to be elected.
So I have suggested a system because I said that Islam Al
Hamdulillah has given us some guidance. But under remaining
under those principles, we can develop our own system according
to our modern needs. So I have given a suggestion or a proposal
of election, election of a whole Aldi, well,
how to do our algebra should be elected.
You're conforming to the injection of Rasulullah Surah, from that one
cannot nominate himself.
So I have given a system for that. This is the second point that I
wanted to make.
If we go to relationship of Islam with democracy, which is which is
regarded as the most modern and most favorable, and most
fashionable theory in politics, so much so that the book has been
written, the end of the History and the Last Man. So they say that
secular democracy is the only
The idea that will remain forever remain forever. So democracy in
the when we realize democracy in the light of Islam, there are many
things common between them.
And many and some basic concepts are quite contrary to Islam.
Democracy means the sovereignty of the people
sovereignty, DMO means people and
crazy means sovereignty, sovereignty of the people, it
means that people are the real sovereign of the of the country.
It will it means that when people are this sovereign, there is no no
concept of good and bad
everything that majority of the people
decides will be good,
there are no moral obligations, no religious obligations, or no other
obligations, they can choose whatever they want, whatever they,
they, they feel true, this is one of the one of the philosophies
that has been developed in the West, that good and bad are not
absolute, it is always relative to certain time,
So, according to them, there are sovereign people are.
So if people are ruler, one logical question arises, that if
the people are rulers, who are the ruler,
the people are the rulers, who are the ruler.
So, this question has never been never been answered successfully
by the Pope, by the
proponents of democracy. So, instead of democracy and
sovereignty of people, Islam says sovereignty is built belongs to
Allah subhanho wa Taala he decides what is good and what is bad. So,
this is another point that I have
explained in this book is a trial is played. Now, it is made very
rampant misconception, Miss concept among very much, people,
that minorities in Islam are treated very badly.
If at Islamic mistakes come into existence, then minor minorities
will suffer.
This is this is 100%.
and wrong conception.
Once minorities are in an Islamic state, if they are, they have
equal civil rights,
equals with rags with Muslims. And in the days of qualify, Russia
didn't really allow Talana was mine, or every non Muslim, treated
himself as as a citizen, as a citizen, and he said that he is
treated as a real citizen of Zambia, there's some times he
weren't behaved he was behave more nicely than he was behaved in
other countries in his own country.
So therefore, Allah subhanaw taala is Quran.
Your whole he says that
yeah, Elijah Hakuna Hola. Hola, Dina, and then I'm your party
LUCAM pre-dinner will come and dare come and tomorrow, we're
talking to Elaine.
And one of the basic concern at the time of Demise of phasor
number follow probably Allah Tala Anhu. That he, you know, asked her
people that I
I advise you or I make a fear to you, that you please treat the non
Muslims of our country
with peace, harmony and with read and keep the advice. So, they are
in fact in Islamic State fully support a fully secure, fully
supported and treated as a rightful citizen of the Afghan
Islamic State. The hue and cry but sometimes
is right
about this year
in Islamic State, there is a Jizya imposed on non Muslim citizens,
but this year is a tax a welfare tax, Muslims are subjected to
Zakah the Islamic State, you know, collect the card from and
distribute it for the welfare of the people.
But the QA is not compulsory or non Muslims in in in in some
extent that cannot be charged from inside.
another tax in the name of Jizya was was collected from non Muslims
instead of the cost.
And the rate of this year always,
always was very much less than the rate of the car, the rate of the
car is two and one 2.5% of the possible assets. But here, very,
very minor, A minor amount was collected from non Muslim as
Jizya. And it is, again, I say that nomenclature does not have
any importance, any tax. Now, there are many taxes from people.
So, it's not necessary that we call it call it just yet.
In our terminology, we can impose tax for welfare tax for the
welfare of the people.
Now, the
I have, I'm afraid that I have taken much of your time. But,
Joe, the last point I want wanted to make is about international
international relations, you know, when a an idea of an Islamic State
is floated, or there are some people who practice trying that
the country must be a truly sovereign state, for, for example,
we in Pakistan or we are some other country.
So, some people are afraid that if an Islamic state estate comes into
existence, it will be always inimical to all non Muslim
mistakes, all cyclists this is not true.
Even in the days of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam has had peace
treaties with Jews in Medina and even before being appointed as
Prophet sallallahu wasallam being even before that, he had a treaty
with all non Muslim citizens of Arabia helpful for rule which are
caught me just got helpful, helpful food and they get the
treaty was that we will be will go enhance in
good objectives like you know, feeding the poor like helping the
persecuted people. So is an even Islam Caitlyn Jenner holds a
salary for what are called Allah Allah. So, we have an agenda if an
Islamic state comes into existence, it does not mean at
that he will be always enable to non Muslim, non Muslim countries
instead of that he may abide by the international treaties,
international context. And there are examples for that in the days
of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam and even after that, in the days
of qualifier, Asha deen and also after Colfax 18 as well. So this
is the some, some basic features or some points that I have read in
this book. And may Allah subhanho wa Taala
accept it and make it beneficial for the Ummah and Allah subhanho
wa Taala makes us
understand the Islam with injections in the true context for
me were allowed to battle with Allah Allah Salam aleikum wa
This is why I didn't want to become very between you and as
much Allah was beautiful, wonderful lecture.
You know, if someone describes Brianne good to us, and then say
go from the I don't need to eat it. That's not what this book is
so beautiful, and each and every one of you must buy it from you.
Yeah, bye
has given you a discount and price is very expensive with just
today's Catholic 10 pounds or this book and the other one is only
four pounds. So take friends as well, which I learned benefit from
I did want to mention a little bit of biography has a domino
effect, for those of you who don't know as intimate as an artist, was
born on the fifth of October 19 43/5 Ocean wall 1362 in the
urban a town in the district of Sahara pool in the state of Uttar
Pradesh, India.
around three to four hours drive up north from Delhi, taking 5800
rupee South Pass his fuzzy lop with distinction, administered by
Punjab board in 1959. As of this hour, graduated from Albion course
at Darden Karachi. He specialized in under the guidance of His
Father, as Mufti Muhammad Shafi sub ratnapura. Ira, receiving his
the hustles filled with degree in 1961, earning the title of Mufti
in 1960 457 graduated with a BA from University of Karachi. And in
1970, he did his MA in Arabic literature with distinction from
University of Punjab along with this app has adjusted in Hadith
from various Assad results, including his own father. As a
multi mama Shafi sub as Maulana uses candle we stop as a column of
motif serve as a columnist, moolah hands up as it moves to the sheet
I'm going to the MV sub one has a fair amount of money such as
Russia, Apple had these smaller numbers atheria Candle visa and as
Reshef Abdul Fatah Buddha, Rahmatullah LA, raking what you
mean and he has also among his teachers, as well as move the very
essence of donkeys up into some Wolf and in the Sufi seal sera
hazard has ijazat from a chaise, Dr. argv, who was Khalifa wasn't
Maulana Shefali Tanvi regulatorily, and then has it been
rude towards us more on the civil law hands up, he has ijazat from
both in the sencillo 60 up after the end of tremendeous over here,
I'll move this up is the pioneer in the concept of Islamic banking
in Pakistan when he established Meezan bank then in UK as well.
The other day as we move to South mentioned his interaction with our
respected Gordon Brown who was the finance minister at that time when
he was having the conference as a multicell happened to be there and
he asked me if this about Islamic finance and as it moved hisab
explained it so well, that later on he said in the conference that
we want Britain to be the hub of Islamic finance, and from then you
know it Britain was the first to bring in this Islamic finance
concept and make it easy for people. So as of the subs work has
benefited everyone and as of December has many many books, you
know the one which I benefited from most and I use it every day
because as you said you muslim is the Camila footprint will him or
us but without footprint will him with the shadow of Sahih Muslim
and what husband was talking about this Islamic cRsf in there as well
as I just talked about that in the tequila in Arabic as beautifully
as explain all this there is also his enamel body three rasa heal
Buhari as a study made Quran in Urdu and in English as a sly
football. You know every mom has to have Islam to cover it in order
to and in English we benefit from them use our three from the oldest
reorders our will go to Musab Inshallah, also among his books is
the authority of Hadith easy good deeds, you know, small book with
very nice people you know, usually they give it out as gifts and
presents in mocked up you know, John says to the small kids and
they benefit from their Amazon is ahead of us we should bind that
small group also published by trough obligations then if it from
it, and also to RAF has published you know, a cabinet they want
Khyati the scholars of Diovan Islamic seminary, and also some
other books as well. Mufti Saba as many owners, we can go into all of
them may Allah subhanaw taala give evidence of this abnormal life
with Alpheus had and
what was happening before I'm still mashallah going strong
traveling around the world may Allah keep him healthy will allow
us to benefit more and more from this app. We will finally be the
questions of this app to make dua before
History Early humans heavy is worried about what Bernard Taco
Bell Mina and
urbanas alumna and puts on our laptop Foodland our
robot duniya Hatanaka
Hola Hola. Hola. Hola. Hola, somebody la la, la la
la cooperator but la
Gentlemen Hello dunya
Kavita ha ha ha
Allahumma Naka foon Karim
Allah Hemanta Anna the MaHA Lampton our aluminum ion, Allah
Hmong Farah with our limited our aluminum
Allahumma Cebu Dunlop only will fail but how many would
you say? Hola. There are hamara Hamid
senior Mr. Mr. De
COVID for REG humara kuruva
Allah Allah Allah, them fully Muslim in a Muslim, but it will
for us as long as that obey me. But there has to be human Eman. I
get to my level of here soon. But I was at home on your school name
matter called Lucky and I'm dialing up
for Salah Philippines sees it as Mullah Mohammed Bala