Suzy Ismail – #58 AlMuhsiy

Suzy Ismail
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the negative impact of financial strain on relationships, including negative emotions and negative experiences. They emphasize the importance of focusing on the account of deeds and staying true to one's values. The speaker also asks for guidance on how to be grateful and content with what has been written for them.
AI: Transcript ©
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harmonica, it's nice to see you again as we continue to bring the

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divine into the daily by understanding how we can

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incorporate the 99 names of Allah subhanaw taala into our daily

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lives to improve the relationship between us and our spouse and our

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children. The name that we're going to discuss today is NYSC, or

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the counter, the one who holds us to account. Now, when we think of

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the concept of being held accountable, or being held to take

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account, we often think of it in terms of the financial realm. And

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this is an important area, which is often neglected in our

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discussions and in our talks about the marital relationship. Yet,

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it's also a very practical area in which there can be a lot of harm

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and a lot of difficulty in the marital relationship.

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The truth of the matter is that although we would love to live our

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lives, without thinking about the mundane without having to think

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about the material realm of this world, the reality is that our

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lives do depend quite heavily on the account in terms of the

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financial well being of our families. Now, when we think of

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financial well being, we are reminded of the Hadith and

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, which reminds us that if

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one has enough to eat, and enough to drink and a place to sleep,

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then he has all of the world. Yeah, in today's world, which

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keeps pushing us to gain more and more, we tend to find ourselves

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striving consistently. And we begin to question whether we are

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living to work or we are working to live, or whether we are living

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to make money, or we're making money to live. And when we find

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ourselves slipping into the realm, where work and money and our

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financial accounts and our bank accounts are the priority in our

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lives, then we know that we are straying away from what our true

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purpose is, how does this affect the family life? How does this

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affect the spouse and the spousal relationship? When we become

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consumed with the running after the materialistic, when we become

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consumed with the focus on bank accounts, rather than the accounts

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of our deeds, then we lose sight of what good we can do even within

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our relationship. So if we are finding that all of our time is

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consumed in the pursuit of financial means, we have to stop

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and ask ourselves Is this what our dunya is meant to be? Is this what

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this place of dwelling was intended to be? We know that the

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account that matters the most is the account with LIC the the

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accounter. And that is the account of our deeds. When financial

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difficulties creep into a home, it can cause a great strain on a

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relationship. And that strain can often cause the spouses to turn

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against one another to point fingers to blame. But during those

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times, those are the tests that our last panel, Diana tests both

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the strength of our hearts and how closely they are anchored to our

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love to him and the strength of our relationships. And those are

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the times where we must recognize that our wealth is but an Amana a

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trust that is given to us. And it may come and it may go, yet what

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lasts and what remains is our deeds. So don't lose hope in those

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moments where financial strain may affect your home and your family.

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And don't lose the strength of your relationship together.

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Because again, that wealth may come and go, but our deeds and how

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we interact with one another is what remains. So I pray that Allah

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subhanaw taala NYC allows us to focus on the account of our good

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deeds, rather than on our bank accounts, and allows us to always

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be grateful during this time where we can sometimes seek more and

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more and more, but to be grateful and content with what we have been

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given and what has been written for us, rather than striving for

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that which may not help us in this dunya or may just come along here

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and I look forward to speaking to you again as we continue to bring

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the divine into the daily Saramonic

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